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I made this shirt! And about 10 others! I wear them all the time!


how do you define success?
Stilltrying1964 comments on May 16, 2019:
Dude, you win, hands down! I'm in a similar situation with my brother. I don't remember the last time we just sat and shot the shit! He's the most busy person in the world in his own mind. He's had rectal cancer already, probably due to stress and smokes. The last time I went to his house by invitation to have dinner, he worked through the whole time I was there for about 2 hours. We never had any meaningful conversation. He's also a trumpite so that's a source of friction between us as well. I'm ok in my little house.
Temporary setback. Sympathy for people with chronic pain.
Stilltrying1964 comments on May 15, 2019:
So I'm glad to know that remaining 13.27% isn't keeping you down! You say the cutest things! Why can't you live on this side of the country? Mountains are your passion. I feel the same about beaches!
What is your opinion on Catholic schools? Are they forms of modern brainwashing?
Stilltrying1964 comments on May 13, 2019:
All religiously oriented schools engage in the indoctrination process.
I love the South Park show, humor is so irreverent, exactly my view of religion and religious ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on May 12, 2019:
Hell to the mf'n yeah! Even loved it when I was a believer. The movie is one of the funniest things I've ever seen! I have the disk (old school) The songs are brilliant, m'kay! Just have to throw in a "Respect maa authori-tai!"
The orthodox definition of the theistic god includes omnipotence, omniscience, and omnibenevolence ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on May 12, 2019:
First remember that you are dealing with undeveloped minds who still have that mind-set. Just a part of the typical indoctrination (Muslims do the same thing, but that's a discussion for another time). My father is a minister and I remember believing in that way. I just always thought of it as the god figure being number one, and the god could pass his powers to his son, and he could also just send his spirit out into the universe kind of like a drone with a camera sending a picture back to your phone. But the god figure would always be in control. (how did I ever believe that shit?)😵😲😱
Can this be part of the American Dream?
Stilltrying1964 comments on May 3, 2019:
We can only hope! Something to strive for!
What specifically happened that made you turn into an atheist/ nonbeliever?
Stilltrying1964 comments on May 1, 2019:
Well, a lot of bad stuff has happened to me. I used to pray for good things and happiness and NOT ONE prayer was ever answered. When my girlfriend committed suicide no god came down to comfort me, and neither did my asshole family full of believers. There's no god, angels, devil, demons, etc. There is this planet circling that sun and our asses are just along for the ride.
How many on here either have decided to abandon major social media platforms (FaceBook, Twitter, ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on Apr 30, 2019:
I was on Facebook until 8 yrs ago. People can't handle the kind of truth I throw at them and so I just stopped. It's too frustrating trying to talk to a bunch of dumbass believers who mostly care about keeping up with the Joneses. As for the other social sites, never tried. My ex was obsessed with Facebook; she would be on it for hours. Classic narcicist that took pix of herself all the damn time! I mean, really, don't you think the first 10,000 shots were enough? The answer is no! I'm thinking about starting back on facebook but only for selling the chairs I'm building or looking for work. But I'm afraid some asshole from my past will find me and piss me off! Someone will undoubtedly ask me to go to their church and then yada yada yada! Or I can just maintain the status quo! 😵
A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Stilltrying1964 comments on Apr 17, 2019:
It's fun to dream! If only we could get the people at the top of the pyramid to understand they should WANT to bring up the living standards of those less fortunate and that doing so will make the WORLD a better place. The rich forget about the world, and only seem to care about their world. What should I do with all this extra money? Donate to charity or buy a third summer home and a new jet to get there? Selfish creatures! And they sit in their pews and call us godless!
The beauty of being Atheist or Agnostic is that we do every act in our lives with straight ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on Apr 9, 2019:
Excellent observation! I have been helping an elderly couple from the islands work on their ford pickup. First, I installed a new alternator, and that was a challenge because the gentleman lost the bolts when he removed it (I wasn't in the picture yet)! I'm a packrat so I had some bolts that worked. Next, I installed a started. Took 5 hours to get 3 bolts out and back in. Whew! And it rained in the middle just to keep it interesting. Last night I put a new battery in it. When it started, the a.c. compressor is now making a terrible racket! I think that may be next! Anyway, the gentleman keeps trying to pay me but I'm only in it for the karma!
Damn Catholics.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Mar 27, 2019:
That's just one of the ridiculous things about Catholicism. How about confessions? Or priests that are born with balls but are unrealistically expected to ignore them? Or nuns born with a uterus but they are to remain alone and childless! Or the trans-something-or-other they believe changes the cracker and juice or wine into the actual flesh and blood of Jesus! Seriously? That's just absurd! And gross! Of course, they, along with all the other Christians in their various incarnations all believe in the immaculate conception, a common occurrence nowhere!
I want to bash religion here and in no way am I bashing a fallen country music star.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Yeah, I'm also not bashing. Why have a loaded gun in your friggin' pocket? What's that about? Shootin' roaches in the trailer? And yes, they surely do try to convince everyone of what a bible-totin', god-fearing person he was (or anyone in that position). What's all the mystery for? If a god exists, why not just come on down here and remake Eden? Because it is all just a story. You can't go back to something that never was.
Here's one issue i never could understand about god when i was a church attending christian.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Mar 22, 2019:
All of this is based on an assumption of his or her existence. Related to my question: why do people of faith give their god all of the credit for everything good but none of the blame for anything bad? Even if he created everything, including the stuff that would be bad!
We're Facing a Global Movement of White Hate
Stilltrying1964 comments on Mar 17, 2019:
When I got divorced, the judge told all the men on one side of the courtroom and the women on the other to love your kids more than you hate that person over there. We should apply the same standard to all of our fellow earth travelers. Love one another and respect each other like you do your own kids or parents. All these religious types go sit in a pew each week (or kneel on a rug facing east) and don't apply a damn thing they just heard. A hundred years from now maybe religion will be banned worldwide. And so will assault rifles (because there will be no need). I think racism is completely a result of fear and ignorance. So what were the white idiots in Charlotte (or elsewhere) afraid of? The same thing happening to them that our forefathers did to the native Americans. Of course their fears are unfounded, so what does society need to do to end so many people living in fear? Love each other. Help each other. Go high when they go low. Like Michelle!
I had a trully upsetting and shocking experience today.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Mar 7, 2019:
Nobody is born a racist.
I have a master's degree I was born to my parents, in an apartment, in Tacoma, WA.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Feb 15, 2019:
The indomitable human spirit and survival instinct! So glad you made it!
What movie can you watch over and over?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Feb 15, 2019:
The Mask! The Pink Panther (1st one w Steve Martin)! True Lies! Ghost Busters I & II ! Bartok The Magnificent!
I’ve been dating this guy for a little over a month.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Hell no its not too soon! If you start dating a woman a month before Valentine's Day, you better get her some flowers! Or you should reconsider dating her!
I saw this photo of the Goreme Fairy Chimneys in Turkey and thought that it might be useful in a ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on Feb 7, 2019:
"Honey, I don't think it will fit in the trunk!" (dbl entendre)
I saw this photo of the Goreme Fairy Chimneys in Turkey and thought that it might be useful in a ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Warning: after taking Viagra, do NOT pee outside!
I saw this photo of the Goreme Fairy Chimneys in Turkey and thought that it might be useful in a ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Viagra - makes you hard as a rock!
Stilltrying1964 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Did the dinosaurs pray? Or Neanderthals? If they did, nobody was listening! Just like now!
Here’s my faux flooring completed in the den.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Jan 28, 2019:
The floor looks nice, and the motif!
Tomorrow I defend our syringe exchange program in a public meeting.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Best of luck! Nobody here's prayin' for ya! Lol?
Democrats hate Trump because they love this country
Stilltrying1964 comments on Jan 22, 2019:
I look forward to seeing hukasanders after she departs the White House. What will her next job be? Used car salesperson! Time share sales! Star tours inside the beltway. Hopefully there won't be a book. Her credibility is zilch!
It makes me ill to see sports figures praying , crossing themselves and taking other religious ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Thank you! I mean, seriously! Back in the day when I was a .... believer, I often thought this exact thought! In a world full of serious issues - war, poverty, hunger, disease - do these people actually believe a god with all of this on his plate gives a flying fuck about the outcome of this (football - basketball - baseball - hockey - etc. ) game? Maybe that's the problem! The supreme being is addicted to watching sports and doesn't answer his prayers!
Fact checking Trump's address
Stilltrying1964 comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Personally, I believe the end draws nigh! I was about to change the channel because nothing he was saying seemed in any way attached to reality. But, I forced myself to listen to it till the end. Sort of like a "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" thing! You got to know what the other guys are doing! Go Mueller!??
Submitted my disassociation letter to Jehovah’s Witnesses a few days ago.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Jan 2, 2019:
I was not aware that "quitting" any church, temple, etc., required such a letter. I may just write a letter to the the current pastor of Aloma United Methodist Church and let them know they got it all wrong. Trump could stand some similar direction. Imagine all the extra money that would be added to the tax base if churches had to pay taxes. Why are they tax exempt in the first place? I think our forefathers were afraid to tax their god.
Oh dear.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I have both! The hospital is right there- I can see the roof! The life flights rattle my windows daily! (glad it's not me! Hope they make it!) And the Osceola County Sheriff's helicopter can be heard circling occasionally with spot light pointed down! Sometimes I'll go in and lock the doors! You don't know who they're chasin' or where he is now!
I hear a lot of people talk about forgiveness making them feel better.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Dec 11, 2018:
There are unforgivable offenses, such as an entire family utterly failing you after your girlfriend's suicide. Even making it worse with insensitive comments. I mean, damn! I'm much better off on my own. I need people around me that build me up, not try to tear me down! Forgiveness is provided at the pleasure of the offended. My own unwillingness to forgive my family for so many offenses costs me family time a lot. But my integrity and dignity and sense of self are intact. Peace in this holiday season to all peacemakers! (no religious inference whatsoever) Go Mueller!
Early Russian outreach to Trump campaign detailed by Mueller
Stilltrying1964 comments on Dec 9, 2018:
You know, I am very happy and relieved that Mueller is releasing tidbits of what's to come, and it's not good for Individual 1! This will probably make Nixon look like the kid who stole a candy bar! I have a feeling it's gonna be huge! The iceberg just hit and now Captain Trump must figure out how to save his ship! It may be hard since all of his lieutenants are in the brig!
The real origins of the peace sign.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Righteous, dude! I just made this! Going to try again and make the legs a little more obvious!✌
Why Dont We Ever Call White Extremists Terrorists? []
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
I HAVE heard of them being referred to as terrorists in the past! They ARE terrorists simply because they use terrorist tactics! Those idiots that carried the torches in Charlotte (the torch company did not advocate the use of their torches in that fashion) and shouted some nonsense about not being replaced by Jews - peaceful protests don't involve fire sticks! Fire has always been a tool of intimidation used by the Klan and other white supremacist organizations. Sure, none of that activity is supposed to intimidate you (sarcasm). Driving a car into the crowd was just a friendly way of saying hello! (more sarcasm) Yup, I definitely smell terrorism!
A Rabbi, a preacher and a monkey walked into a bar. Bartender asks, "Is this a joke???"
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
The monkey says no, these 2 asked me to get them in here!
Do you believe life exists outside of our planet?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 28, 2018:
I have seen 2 completely different UFO's, and thus, I fully believe there is life outside of this one planet around one star in a universe with untold billions of stars. We have gone from no flight to flight to rovers on Mars and Voyager leaving left the solar system in about 100 years. If a similar carbon-based life form (or perhaps not carbon-based) started 1M years before us, sure they would have made it here by now. I believe I saw them when they drove by! Or maybe what I saw were means of observation only. The ancient carvings show what appears to be a guy in a little space ship. I doubt they imagined the vessel, but instead merely carved what was witnessed. It is possible extraterrestrials visited before we were even able to respond in a meaningful way. I was just discussing string theory and multiverses and wormholes with my father recently. I believe we will solve these mysteries within the next few decades, and I believe we will find that the solutions lie in their simplicity. When some person finally figures it all out, I'll bet we will all wonder "why didn't I think of that?" Some extraterrestrial has already figured it out.
Who or what was the most influential thing that brought you to who you are today?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 22, 2018:
My mothers love. My father's dedication to higher education. My algebra teacher in high school, Mr. Ramsey (ya dad'gum). The US Army. The process of getting a BSCE from UCF. My girlfriend's suicide 7 years ago. All the things that didn't kill me that made me stronger. Finally accepting there is likely not a god.
Ruin Thanksgiving in 4 words. Go.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 22, 2018:
It's time to pray! My family all sucks! Uncle Feelyhands is here! Who made the stuffing?
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says Trump is "Saudi Arabia's bitch" in tweet - CBS News
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 22, 2018:
Now we know the price of a human life is $110,000,000,000.00. What a loser we have in the White House! Completely devoid of morals, scruples, decency, backbone, ethics, humanity, compassion, ... And filled with ignorance, bias, racism, swampy cronyism, ...Please, Mr. Mueller deliver us from this orange-face-painted disgrace!
LMAO ???
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Well, I keep telling everybody if I drive past the cemetery and I see a ghost I might believe in God again, but...
Name 5 cities in the world you would visit if you had the time and resources before 2018 ends.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 20, 2018:
1. Yorkshire to meet you 2. NYC obvious 3. Seattle space needle 4. Honolulu coz its in Hawaii 5. London culture
We are what we eat. What's your motto?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Live and Let Live! Golden rule.
Do you polish your shoes?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 18, 2018:
Yes I do, but not as often as I should! I have the shoe shine kit from basic training that I acquired in 1986! It is still in perfectly serviceable condition!
What's your favourite movie soundtrack/score album?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 17, 2018:
When white folks say President Obama was "an embarrassment," here's what you say
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 16, 2018:
I say history will prove that Obama was one of the greatest presidents ever. It's my understanding he saved General Motors from going out of business and thus save thousands of jobs even to this day. He inherited the worst economy ever and turned it around, but orange face Crump tries to take credit for the economy being in such good shape. Even though anybody who's ever studied economics knows that the economy is a cyclic thing, which cannot actually be attributed to one president.
What are your plans for turkey day?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 15, 2018:
Well, I don't know! I'm estranged from my entire family, so maybe I'll do some housework, wash the car, play with the dog, who knows? Probably spend a lot of time on! Anybody who reads this, and lives nearby, and isn't going to ask me to pray, I I am available!
Deputy National Supervisor forced out today.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 15, 2018:
They don't want chain migration unless it's for her! And she said the lady they fired does not deserve the HONOR of being in the White House! What a joke! The Trump family is the ones who are creating a disgrace in the White House and don't deserve the honor of being here!
French government wishes Trump had shown 'common decency' | MSNBC
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 14, 2018:
No, Trump does not have any common decency, and everything he does and everything he says demonstrates that that is true! Anyone that is expecting Trump to demonstrate common decency needs to remember the story about the frog and the Scorpion! It is his nature to be an asshole!
I personally never met a racist atheist.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 14, 2018:
You know, there are bad apples in any bunch, but on the whole, I think we agnostics and atheists are more enlightened than people of faith. Maybe that is a function of our typically higher level of education!
Trump's mood takes a foul turn: 'He's pissed -- at damn near everyone' - CNNPolitics
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 14, 2018:
I agree with Amanda Marcotte, that journalists need to bite the bullet and boycott White House Press briefings until Trump and Huckabee either 1) learn some respect and treat others with dignity or 2) leave the White House forever. All Huckabee does is bait them and lie, so those briefings actually have little informational value to them anymore! Thanks hippie chick for turning me on to Amanda Marcotte!
I would seriously shit.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 11, 2018:
She owns your paycheck for 18 years!
Currently at JC Penney. How to stand out in a crowd.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 11, 2018:
This is why those stores are going out of business!
Oh yes, the good old days, rockin on a Saturday night.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 11, 2018:
That was our S.O.P. in 1980! ✔?Mem'ries!?
Notorious RBG in the hizzouse!
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Someone wrap her in bubble wrap, and never leave her by herself!
This Place is Packed
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Maybe he's talking about the bathroom! That's where everybody is right now!(also sarcasm)
This Place is Packed
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Yeah, and so was the Square during the inauguration! (sarcasm!)
Kellyanne Conway End of Trump's Term
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Kellyanne Conway as seen in Shallow Hal!
I attended an exclusive all-boys Catholic high school back in the Philippines.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 7, 2018:
The reason the bible doesn't mention dinosaurs is that at the time it was written, science had not grown to the point of having an understanding of the actual age of the earth. They thought the world was only thousands of years old, whereas we now know thru carbon dating that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old. I have stated previously that the reason people of past eras believed in dragons is probably because they found a t rex skull and had no idea it was millions of years old.
How annoying is this?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 5, 2018:
That sounds creepy! Stalk much? Both of them should be kicked off!
God’s Intelligent Design?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 4, 2018:
All very valid points! And why does the sun give us skin cancer?
Steve Bannon warns that women are going to 'take charge of society'
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Wouldn't bother me! They couldn't screw it up any worse than we men have! If Hillary had won, the United States would still have the respect of the world! We have an racist misogynistic orange idiot occupying the Oval Office who has turned his back on NATO and befriended thugs like North Korea and Putin! Seriously?
What's your "Atheist Public Persona"?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Every person I know knows I am agnostic. I don't make a secret of it. I challenge Christians to show me one iota of evidence that anything religious is true. So far, nothing! Just today, I went to visit a 75 year old Jamaican lady who is a friend of mine. She is a Jehovah's Witness. I reminded her I am an engineer and I design roadways. According to the Bible, the roads in heaven are paved with gold. Believe me, I really would like to see roads paved with gold ( I also wonder what the base and sub base is made of - silver and platinum?) However, I don't see any evidence that any of the religious crap is true. The search goes on!
Happy Halloween you godless heathens!
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 31, 2018:
Hey, wait a minute, you're not my brother! Lol hilariously funny! LMFAO
When did you start drinking coffee and why?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 31, 2018:
After high school I worked in room service at the Palace Hotel at Lake Buenavista. I worked there for 2 years and served a lot of coffee. However, I didn't drink coffee yet. At 21, I moved to Atlanta, where I worked at the Ritz-Carlton. The Palace was 4 stars, but the Ritz was 5. They served Royal Kona Cup coffee, which I believe was Hawaiian. This coffee smelled AMAZING when it brewed. It made the entire Room Service prep area smell wonderful. So I tried it and I've been hooked ever since. To top that off, the kitchen would prepare fresh pain au chocolat every morning. Quite the culinary delight! Now I'm hungry!
I want to remind everyone that Republicans voted 70 times to kill the ACA.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 30, 2018:
I know, right? That is the biggest bunch of b******* I've ever seen in my life! I mean, how can these Republicans advertise now, like Rick Scott, that they're going to protect pre-existing conditions when they have historically voted against that type of thing? It's insulting to your intelligence! Hopefully the general population is not stupid enough to buy into that crap!
Did popularity ever matter to you throughout High School Years?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Short answer: Yes. It's important to every kid! In high school, I was not a member of the popular crowd. For example, the Key Club or the football team. However, I was in the chorus department, and I was very popular there. There were a couple of my friends in the chorus department who were also in the "in crowd". If I had played football, I would have also been in the in crowd. But now I would probably have CTE! I was bullied by the football players so I'm glad that society has now developed the anti-bullying campaign
What Would You Tell Your 18-Year-Old Self?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Go to college right now so you're not 10 years older than everybody else. Have more self-esteem and self-confidence. You are better looking than you think you are. You're a talented musician and singer and you should pursue music.
A thought crossed my mind and I'd like the input/opinions of others on it.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 28, 2018:
No, I don't think so. I don't think people of faith have the ability to think outside the box enough to be jealous. I think they are mad at us because they think we are being disrespectful to their god. Ironically, a lot of Christians and Muslims don't follow the teachings of their masters. If they did, the world would be a much more peaceful place (you know, except for the stoning and throwing homosexuals off of high places).I think people who believe in a god take the stance that atheists are godless heathen animals. I think they take a stance of superiority to us, as if they are the chosen people. I think they actually enjoy the thought that, according to their belief system, we will all burn in hell, while they enjoy eternity with their god in a fictional place called heaven.
When you're the only atheist at work
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Everybody at my office knows I'm agnostic. I love challenging them to provide me some evidence that there is a god. No takers yet!
The Best Sex Doesn't come From Hot-Blooded Passion
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 21, 2018:
If you are in a relationship where you have to plan to have sex, then you may need to be looking for a new relationship. Or one of you needs to lighten up!
How do you handle negativity regarding your agnostic ideas?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 21, 2018:
My way-to-the-right brother gives me the most crap about being agnostic. He's actually very derogatory about it. I tell him my lack of faith should not have any impact on his faith. I tell him and all people of faith prove what you're saying is true.
UP for a ride???
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Yeah! I'm up, alright! That's a seriously nice ass!
Penelope Cruz
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Hair doesn't bother me! I just spit them out!
A very moving obituary for a young woman with an addiction. []
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Very sad. Big Pharma needs to be held accountable for lying about how addictive that stuff is. I had a girlfriend who was addicted to it and she stole all my gold to buy more oxy. Another ex girlfriend's daughter is in jail right now because she had an accident got addicted to oxy and then moved on to heroin. 420
Vote Against America, Vote Democrat by Michael Reagan [townhall.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Boy that kind of attitude at this site is just surprising. Most of the people at this site don't have their head buried in their ass!
Who is still feeling that is was wrong to confirm a man to the supreme court that fibbed outright in...
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
I saw that a former Justice said he wasn't fit to be a Justice. Jimmy Carter just said he's not fit to be a Justice. And the way he attacked Klobuchar who was questioning him and tried to turn the question back on her about having a blackout was reprehensible Behavior. That behavior in my opinion disqualified him from being a Justice. Not to mention the ridiculous comment about that being pay back from the clintons. That comment demonstrated that he is not unbiased. Hopefully we will at least take back the house and then they could start proceedings to impeach him.
Jehovah's Witness was canvassing the neighborhood yesterday.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
I talk their dick into the dirt (metaphorically speaking, it might be a woman!) I let them know I'm agnostic and tell them to prove that there's a God! Interestingly enough, they haven't been back to my house in 5 years!
I’ve been married 15 years to a religious Latina woman.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 17, 2018:
I just had my heart broken for the fourth time by a Honduran woman. She's also religious. But she had sex before she got married she has two children from two different guys then she took them away from me even though I love them like they were my own. I actually used to drive her and the kids to church and then come back later and pick them up. So I probably won't hook up with another person who has young children. It's not fair to the kids or me.
I’ve been married 15 years to a religious Latina woman.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 17, 2018:
I just had my heart broken for the fourth time by a Honduran woman. She's also religious. But she had sex before she got married she has two children from two different guys then she took them away from me even though I love them like they were my own. I actually used to drive her and the kids to church and then come back later and pick them up. So I probably won't hook up with another person who has young children.
Have you ever loved someone struggling with addiction?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 15, 2018:
I was in love with someone who ended up being an oxycontin addict. She stole all my jewelry. My class ring from UCF, the first piece of gold I ever had that my mother gave me that had a Blue Star Sapphire in it, a gold two tone necklace that my daughter used to chew on when she was teething, bracelets necklaces. All for some oxycontin. I hope karma really kicks her in the ass.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 15, 2018:
I'm very happy to hear that you have found someone! My girlfriend died 7 years ago and I still miss her. I have to be careful not to accept someone who is less than what I need. I have a couple of times to my own detriment. Hope it works out for you friend!
How often do you swear?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 14, 2018:
Very interesting question! I curse a lot! I was in the army, I was a paint contractor, and I went through engineering school! The girls who were in engineering school with me dropped f-bombs like nobody's business! I have heard that now studies show people who curse a lot are of a higher intellect, whereas the old method of thinking was that if you cursed a lot it's because you were of limited intellect because you couldn't think of anything better to say. But now they have reversed that train of thought.
Was the Apollo 11 Moonlanding Faked?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 14, 2018:
No. Of course not. That is one of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories that has ever been thought up. If I were a NASA engineer, I would take great offense to that line of thinking.
Has anyone noticed that in recent weeks the emphasis on this forum has been more confrontation than ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 13, 2018:
Maybe it's the fact that there is a moron in the Oval Office and that's causing a lot of angst in this country!
You Know God Exists (Nudge-Nudge, Wink-Wink) Within the scope of people who claim that God ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 11, 2018:
Well put!
So this hurricane brings this question to mind.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 10, 2018:
Cash. Or go help. Interesting post. I was just watching TV the other morning and they were talking about the limousine that crashed and killed 20 people. The news anchor said we send them our thoughts and prayers. I just thought to myself how useless that is. It's not going to help those people at all. The people who have lost loved ones are right now in the state of shock and don't even know which way is up.
Is anyone else scared to death to start over?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 9, 2018:
Not scared. Just wish the right person would come along so I can stop this dance. It was fun in the twenties thirties and forties it's not fun now.
I have never understood Christianity in the Black community.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 9, 2018:
It is my understanding the old song Kumbaya was actually supposed to be saying "come by here", which obviously did not happen. I have always found it interesting that the African American community took so strongly to the Christianity that was thrust upon them. Then after scores of decades have passed people just don't know anything else.
How annoyed do you get when a religious person give all credit to god, despite it was you that may ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 9, 2018:
I often tell people, esp. Christians, that it makes no sense to give a god all of the credit for everything good, but none of the blame for any of the bad. If "god" created everything, then everything includes the bad. So why didn't he or she just destroy anything bad as soon as it appeared? And as god, why let it exist in the first place? Why doesn't he or she come down here now and fix this place? Uh, an entity that doesn't exist can't fix anything. Its soooooo convenient to have a devil to blame. So, they want us to believe the same god that created the sun (which is just an amazing thing most people know little about) had the ability to do such a magnificent thing but lacks the ability to stomp out evil? C'mon! Think, monkey, think!
Why do you think the religious right are so intent on forcing their agendas on others???
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 8, 2018:
They are compelled to do so. The indoctrination includes making you believe "go make disciples of all men!" I used to do that. Almost lost my best friend coz he didn't want to hear it. Now, neither do I. Christians are afraid of their god, which is stupid, and they believe if they don't try to get you to think, act and live like them, their god will be mad at them. Lake of fire and brimstone! Sounds hot, and fictional. I mean, there are lava lakes on earth, so when they were coming up with the tenets of their religion, somebody probably saw one and then imagined "hell" would be similar. Dragons probably resulted from someone finding a t-rex skull and didn't know what they found was millions of years old.
Im curious to know how many people believe that after the age of 60-65 or even older that they are ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 7, 2018:
Of course it's possible, but I just hope it doesn't happen to me! I'm 54 and looking. I sure hope I don't spend 12 years looking. Or meet somebody now break up in five years and then have to look again.
Do you attract a certain type of the opposite sex? Do you have a preferred type?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Oct 7, 2018:
Yes, apparently I do. And not the good ones! I have dated all types of people. Educated, blue collar worker, you name it. If there is some major baggage to be had, I will find the woman with that baggage. And she will ultimately break my heart or steal all my jewelry. That's the problem I find myself with right now. I just can't find somebody who won't lie to me and screw me over and break my heart.
This morning I called the offices of my two Senators, Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris, and my ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Abso-freakin'-lutely! I have boldly gone on the record for months saying Trump needs to be impeached! The end draws nigh!
Please Humor Me.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Lincoln and MLK. World needs them.
I might be stupid but if my partner who claims to love me more than she's ever loved anyone before ...
Stilltrying1964 comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Sounds like the guy who died was just a friend and not a romantic interest. So I wouldn't worry about that. The death left an indelible mark on her as opposed to just the normal day-to-day things of remembering dates. That date must really stick out because of the pain associated with her friend dying. Maybe next year remind her before your birthday and anniversary. Then if she forgets you can be concerned.
How are you using
Stilltrying1964 comments on Aug 13, 2018:
I'm just so happy to finally be in a place where so many other people feel the same way I do it's so new to me that I'm finding myself staying on this thing till 3 in the morning and I have to go to work the next morning but it's fascinating to read all of this different things people post
Good Sunday Morning! Here's a little chuckle.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Aug 13, 2018:
Very funny!
On dating sites, everyone says they like long walks on the beach.
Stilltrying1964 comments on Aug 13, 2018:
That is very funny! Believe me I've been here all my life. There are people taking long walks on the beach. I like to do it myself as often as possible.
The 7 Godly Sins
Stilltrying1964 comments on Aug 12, 2018:
That's a very interesting perspective. It reminds me of an idea that I have had for a long time which is how does God get all of the credit for everything that's good but none of the blame for anything that's bad? People of faith attribute everything that's bad to Satan but if God created everything then he also created the evil that would be associated with Satan so why doesn't he just destroy that evil so we don't have to deal with that in the world? I'm going to go with it's because he doesn't exist.
The Burka, should there be criticism of this headwear?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Aug 12, 2018:
In my opinion, in the USA, it is a Muslim woman's right, as well as a potential requirement, to wear those garments. While they have the right, they should be aware that some people who they encounter may be made uncomfortable by it. A few thoughts come to mind. Like, isn't that really hot? Why don't the men wear something that also covers their entire body? It can be said that requiring only women to wear such ridiculous garb is a form of oppression. Not cool in the USA. So welcome to the greatest country in the world but we are free here. You dig? Assimilation? Got some? Driver's licenses? If you want one, that thing's gotta come off. We have to see your face on the ID. You can put it back on right after they click. I'm all about tolerance and acceptance but you know we have a certain standard of conduct that you have to adhere to. Or at least you should be trying to adhere to.
Thoughts on why so many single men mention their porn habits on dating sites and/or this one?
Stilltrying1964 comments on Aug 12, 2018:
I'm pretty sure I didn't mention it on my site and I can understand why you find it a turn off that's something private you know between consenting adults but not to be broadcast and discussed really not in this forum.


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My new place in the country in Lakeland! I love it!
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This is the suit I wore to my interview that changed my life! I got the job and it doubles my salary!
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My new office! Love my job! Can't believe how awesome my life is now!
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Sunrise on the way to work! Nature is beautiful!
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My new bathtub! It's great to be me!
Agnostic, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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