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Ever read The Te of Piglet? It's awesome. Piglet is awesome. May 2019
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Dec 2018
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With the gang after an improv show. Aug 2019
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Let’s talk creativity, sustainability, being present. Walk in the woods and make out. Put on music while we cook.

I take your piano karaoke requests. And other requests. Occasional board games, movies, random adventures.

We practice being good for each other — despite, as comfort from and/or to help avert cultural collapse.

Growth mindset & compassionate acceptance. Rewilding tameness. Leveling hierarchies, inner⇢outer.

We hold it all loosely, a moment at a time, which is all we have anyway.

36 Questions? Maybe sometime ☺️

Trying to find the spot of positive contribution to the world, taking care of myself, and being authentic all the while.
Working on myself. As unflinchingly as I can. And being as kind to myself as I can when I do flinch.

Full Bio


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Dec 2018
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With the gang after an improv show. Aug 2019
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Browsing colleges with my daughter. Aug 2019
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Playing w/Whose Line Is It Anyway?'s music director Laura Hall @ musical improv retreat. July 2018
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Pre-show chillin' in the not-green room. Aug 2014
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Pro headshot. Fancy me, right? ;) May 2017
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The wall piano doesn't play, but sometimes I demo stuff to my students with it. Sep 2016
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Obligatory selfie wide shot. I like my CDs and the Beauty and the Beast animation cel :) Mar 2016
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I made this. I like it. I think it says quite a lot. Playfully :)
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Cartoon of me from a music education program I co-developed
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker, Spiritual
Open to meeting women
  • Level4 (775 points)
  • Comments 2
  • Followers 3
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  • Joined Nov 17th, 2017
  • Last Visit 6+ months ago
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