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I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 23, 2020:
But do you feel guilty when you eat a Twinkie?
What presidential canidate would be the best for ensuring freedom of and FROM religion, womens ...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 24, 2020:
All Democratic candidates would do s good job.
Ignorance often breeds paranoia.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 25, 2020:
I think he believes it in the sense he and his handlers want to dismantle the federal civil service, for that matter government in general, down to a skeletonized ghost of itself. To enact New Deal legislation, Congress set up the bureaucracy to protect clean air and water, workers' rights, public health and safety, and so on. These are the programs we spend money on (aside from the monstrous military) and which Republicans are doing their best to pressure out of existence by cutting taxes every chance they get. Trump is one of the gaudy sideshows--guns, abortion and communism being three others--the ultra-right's super rich are using to distract people from what is REALLY going on. The DARK STATE is what we should actually be focusing on. It's the "vast right-wing conspiracy" Hillary so aptly referred to: The network of "officials, private firms, media outlets (Fox, Limbaugh, etc.), think tanks, foundations (Heritage, Federalist Society, etc.), NGOs, and interest groups (NRA, etc.), which attend to the needs of capital rather than the lives of ordinary people." Yes, the Democrats have a pale shadow of the same thing, but it is so fragmented, disorganized and comparatively underfunded it hardly stands a chance against this political propaganda machine.
Let us briefly reflect on the fact that atheism is the only thing we have in common on this site.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 26, 2020:
I'm not atheist, and neither are a lot of others here. I have an open mind, and am always investigating interesting topics related to the unsolved (unsolvable?) Mysteries of life and death. My agnosticism is a liberating, not restrictive, window through which I see and enjoy all the possibilities my amazing human brain can imagine. The internet is an equally amazing tool one can use to expand one's conscious awareness of the absolutely priceless opportunity we all have to experience existence. So I'm not concerning myself with the limitations we all endure, and place on ourselves. To an extent, that's unavoidable. But we can push our own boundaries outward from time to time, whenever we can get outside ourselves and those subjective walls. That's why I've never been and never will be an atheist. I consider it as much of an obstacle as theism to at least SOME discovery of myself and the world around me. But that's my own thing.
the Nature of - Eternal Life - and humanities irrational fear of - death - the Joy of dying – ...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Very nice. As an agnostic I'm able to say you might very well be right about what you are pronouncing. It certainly cannot be disproven. Hopefully someday it can be YOU have concrete proof of any kind?
Just curious
Storm1752 comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I'm agnostic...reading up on the phony-baloney 'life and times of Jesus H. Christ,' the fake, non-existent Messiah. That 'universal consciousness' could maybe be an authentic 'thing' on some completely other level doesn't excuse perpetuating this destructive and pernicious myth.
Pence Was Responsible For The Largest Outbreak Of HIV In American History! He Murdered Hundreds! He ...
Storm1752 comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Pence is the only reason I'm glad our Genius-in-Chief was acquitted. He's the real Heritage Foundation- Federalist Society- Christian Warrior- type we should REALLY be afraid of, not the Clown Train buffoon sideshow.
A note to our community's feminists
Storm1752 comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Jeff You are a MAN. There is no way to overcome that basic fact. Give up. All the rapists, criminals, wife beaters, serial killers, Alpha male Machiavellians, narcissistic users, female-haters, patriarchal bible-thumpers, Republican science-denying righties, terrorists, lone-wolf gunmen, friend-buying capitalists, etc., etc., in general 98% of ALL OF US, have made sure you are under a cloak of suspicion from the age of puberty onward. These men have ruined it for all of us 'good guys," who just want to be friends and get along with everyone. WE are ashamed of these men, but are down deep nervous we may be one of them in denial. So we become self-loathing recluses who watch sports and Ancient Aliens compulsively, play marathon solitaire and count our days as if under a nonpardonable death sentence. And occasionally write into Or is that just me?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Can't get past the first page. Sorry.
Completely DISGUSTED last night watching reporters going maniacal with glee over Bidens wins.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Now c'mon! They would've gushed over a Bernie landslide, too Surprised Bloomberg didn't do better; same with Warren...those two are reeling.
Why do hunters mount taxidermied deer heads on their walls?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Eating meat daily is bad for your health, and bad for the planet. If YOU want to go out and shoot animal dead and eat it, by all means. The real problem is with factory farms/ mass production and consumption. You know this, right?
Do you think it is possible for a professing Christian to be agnostic?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 4, 2020:
I think you can think anything you want. You already DO. I have very serious doubts whether a man called 'Jesus Christ's existed. I guess it's possible but I don't believe it. A 'Christ Consciousness' is different, and I DO believe it is very possible. But that's my particular opinion, based on what I've read and my experience. That doesn't make it positively so. Same with you.
As I respect the level 'Agnostic' sits on, I wonder, whom could challenge or logically deny that ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 5, 2020:
I'd go along with that word, except I've made up my OWN definition of god as being some sort of 'universal consciousness,' or, more precisely, 'something in the Neo-Deist vein.' I consider MY definition superior to all others so, in my own opinion, I myself am possessed of superior judgment and intellect. In any event, I'm absolutely POSITIVE the aliens will clear this all up for us, when they decide the time is right.
Someone recently argued that greater educational attainment in first nations is the driver behind a ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 6, 2020:
No, you had it right the first time. Education leads to a decline in religiosity in most cases. There is no "instinctual attribution of the unknown to supernatural forces," as you so laboriously put it. What learned, erudite nonsense! You seem to revel in using incendiary language..."indoctrination into the public educational system" which amounts to an "enforcer of acceptable norms?" So all these "enforcers" have to do is "shun" religious instruction and presto! People abandon religion! Wow! That was easy! So who exactly ARE these "enforcers," pray tell? Some sort of evil Satanic cabal of secular humanists kidnapping impressionable young minds? So to cut through the pseudo-intellectual gobblygook, we have two competing "villages," right? And it just depends on which side your on?, I think you are confusing yourself with all your vocabulary-infested mental gymnastics: Clearly, learning the world is billions of years old is not "indoctrination." Finding out facts counter to superstition is a good thing, despite your insinuation it's an atheistic conspiracy. Or did you just write yourself into a corner?
Marine Mom Claimed Son Told Her Fox News Plays On Every TV On Base, Soldiers Not Allowed To Change ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Most places I go--like the bank, Tires Plus, the hospital, hotel lobby--you have your choice of Fox News or several Christian stations ..oh, and the Cowboys and Indians channel.
PART TWO >> There has been a lot of good garnered through faith, yet religion has also caused a ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 8, 2020:
So...what is your point? Is this supposed to be some kind of an insightful rending of the shroud? We've all had these thoughts, as disorganized and meandering as they are... I DO think there is a unifying force to it all, but I fear your search for meaning must inevitably come up short, unless you want to delude yourself. With or without religion, men and women would do the same terrific and terrible things, don't you agree? You blame the faith, but it's they who do the deeds--IN THE NAME OF god. If not that, they'd have to take personal responsibility, and that they're not willing to do. They do it IN THE NAME OF country, the stars and bars, not in their own name. Sometimes those acts are justified, so god or the USA has done a good thing; sometimes not--so either god works in mysterious ways, OR a leader misleads...but it's not you PERSONALLY at risk. Isn't that how it often works? But if you disenable god, or disempower political authorities, well, you're on your own, right? No one to tell you it's okay and tuck you in at night... So you have to make a choice. As far as the afterlife, I happen to think it's entirely possible, even probable. That's just me. I also happen to think there ARE rewards and punishments, in this life and the next. Not meted out by some god, but according to natural laws. What do I mean by that? I think of it like a bank account, if you will. This bank allows you to go into the red, but you must repay, either now or in the future; sooner or later you have to settle accounts. We think and do as we will, therefore, and either own up to it or not, our choice. But the law is the law and there's no getting around it. One of my favorite Dylan lines, as nonsensical as it seems to be despite it's essential 'truthfulness,' is, "To live outside the law you must be honest...I know you always say that you agree..." I know what he means, and even though it's fractured, it makes sense: yes, you can bend the rules, even 'live outside' them sometimes if necessary, as long as you stay true to their purpose and meaning. But you better know what you're doing and do it for the right reason! But that's neither here nor there there; just a way of looking at it. I may be 'wrong,' but so what? Who in the final analysis is right?
This scene in "outbreak" has stayed with me for decades; it's the main reason I don't like going to ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 8, 2020:
I never go to movies with a lot of rock climbing or walking in ledges 10 stories up! I can't watch.
Biden announces to the world that "We cannot win this re-election, excuse me, we can only re-elect ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 8, 2020:
You might actually be right. It's like fans who insist Tom Brady is still a great--or at least above-average--quarterback! I've always really liked Joe Biden and I hate to see it, but he does seem to be suffering from early-stage dementia. Still plenty of primaries, still plenty of choices...
The bible god/Yahweh/Jesus is the greatest abortionist.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 8, 2020:
I just wonder why you and so many more like you keeping preaching to the choir here. I get it; you must be new and you're making what must seem like a bold statement. But many others say, 'duh' and move on. How about making your case more succinctly, you know, to establish your bona fides, then transition to a constructive idea or two? Just a thought. Not ragging on you.
I'm tired of the assumption that I just want to sin and not be accountable to a god.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 12, 2020:
You ARE accountable, but not to 'god,' in my opinion, but to 'natural law.'
I am watching a very interesting and thought provoking program, "Alien Gods", available free on ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Ancient Aliens on the History Channel makes the same basic arguments. Sometimes it gets loopy, but in general it is very convincing. It certainly seems like we have been visited in the past and probably are right now, as we speak.
A few rambling observations on feel-good faith… I gave up my religious beliefs years ago, and ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Yes there's some good prose in the bible. There's also good prose outside the bible. This proves nothing. I think the Desiderata tops anything else ever written, for example. It's normal to not have the answers to the Great Mysteries of life. Once one accepts the fact at present there's no way of knowing certain things, you're most of the way there to being a true agnostic.
The first "Spider Man" movie I saw when I was 11 sparked my interest in Ethics; the ending scene ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 21, 2020:
The RIGHT, MORAL, choice is the school bus full of children, of course, but that doesn't mean I'd make that choice. I'd have to see when the time came.
Anyone else find pantheism (sexed up atheism) interesting?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 21, 2020:
In a way, as an 'agnostic Neo-Deist, I AM a pantheist, which is a far cry from being an atheist, "sexed up" or not. Are you serious with such an ignorant remark? Pantheism, or neo-deism, allows for 'natural law,' an afterlife, and many other things atheists scoff at. 'Everything,' "anyways," is the 'collective unconsciousness,' or universal consciousness, and postulates 'everything' is connected and interrelated. It's not a deity, a divine entity, but rather all of the material world, both matter and energy (which are the same thing in different form).
How many sincere atheists are on this site? Click on 'like' fer yes & 'wha' for wha!
Storm1752 comments on Mar 23, 2020:
Agnostic. Take a poll.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
Dan Patrick should volunteer first Then I'll think about it.
athiest and agnostic?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 26, 2020:
I don't understand the question. Could you flesh it out a bit? Anyway I'm atheist about a personal Abrahamic god, but agnostic about the potential (probable?) Explanation for existence itself. After all, there MUST be an explanation, right? But what is it? Do YOU know? Does ANYBODY know? I didn't think so. So when somebody asks me if 'god' exists, what am I SUPPOSED to say?!?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 27, 2020:
I'm agnostic, but I'm progressive because I'm for the clear-eyed working people not blinded by propaganda. Religionists are forced to be Republicans because they're anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-science, anti-21st Century in general.
This could be happening.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Why would any Trump-hater want him to be removed from office? It's the REPUBLICAN PARTY which should be removed from THE office. And every other office they now occupy.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 30, 2020:
We need a woman president. And another one after that.
A Zombie Plague
Storm1752 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
I LIKE zombies, personally. They're charmingly pathetic; ugly, drag themselves around, are incredibly stupid, very slow. You can outrun them easily, feel sorry for them, hope you can figure out a cure. Poor, hopeless victims. I never bought they're THAT dangerous, just overly ravenous of human blood, yes, but not really HOSTILE to anybody, can't help themselves. Not to mention the very idea of such creatures is completely ridiculous, of course.
spread agnosticism
Storm1752 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Agnosticism is just being honest with oneself and, unlike atheism, it allows one to freely speculate because although one cannot claim knowledge, one cannot rule OUT a lot of things, either.
The Complicated New World of Voyeurism Interesting article about something to do while quarantined ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Porn is a form of voyeurism
I can't lie this lockdown isolation is tough.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 4, 2020:
If you both got tested first.
For all those going a bit stir crazy self isolating, I have two words for you. Julian Assange
Storm1752 comments on Apr 5, 2020:
This is Recluse Paradise. The whole WORLD are recluses now!
Very interesting article from a conservative news outlet.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Who are you kidding? "Real" Republicans are MUCH worse than Trump! He's just a circus Barker, a clown, a buffoon; REAL Republicans mean business! They want ALL their money, plus YOUR 'soul' as well. They want to rule the world, force you to worship Jesus, make women slaves again, and keep all of us on the wrong side of the tracks. Among many other unpleasant things. Trump is just a distracting sideshow compared to them!
Taking a wider view, it's clear that different cultures at different times invent whatever gods they...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 7, 2020:
We need a science-based 'religion' to supplant them all. Because of modern media, it'd have to be science-based or it'd be exposed instantly.
Florida's coronavirus stay-at-home order doesn't bar churches from holding services - AOL News
Storm1752 comments on Apr 7, 2020:
If this doesn't prove large swaths of the 'New Testament' are full of sh*t, nothing does.
This is old news, but it's just too funny.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 7, 2020:
It's been so long since I've listened to AM Radio, and this is why .. Truly scary they get away with it. If those people knew how truly repulsive they are, they'd stop. But they live in an 'evil' echo chamber of horrors. Disgusting.
Today was Reap the Rewards of Eight years' Worth of Drinking.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
You sound gloriously drunk!
What did you think about Abraham's response to God's little test reported in Genesis 22?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
I'm sure you're employing satiric sarcasm to mock the Jews of that time period, not actually asking a serious question. But okay, the rabbis and political leaders wanted unquestioned obedience from their people. And this obedience would be rewarded. After all, 'god' stopped him, right, and then presumably showered him with prosperity and a long life? Let's hope so!
States Introduce Bills to Ban Marriage Equality to Get It Back in Front of SCOTUS
Storm1752 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
THESE are the things we should be focused on, not the clown-in-chief.
“The wise man regulates his conduct by the theories both of religion and science.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 10, 2020:
How do religious "theories" apply? Why do we need theories if we have Natural Law as the sole arbiter, ideally, of moral conduct? Religious doctrines may be seen as distorted codifications of this innate sense of right and wrong, in my opinion. They are apparently describing right moral conduct for those who need it spelled out. Art form? Maybe, in the sense music, or poetry, etc., can elicit or reinforce certain feelings,convictions and profound thoughts, so too can religious or scientific prose.
Neccesity is the mother
Storm1752 comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Can the virus be spread through the nipples or vagina? I didn't know that...
There is a reason you have that sinking feeling.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 12, 2020:
I wish I could laugh.
Well if this isn't a fine case of karmic retribution, I do not know what is.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 15, 2020:
Karma could be 'natural law' in action.
I have a tendency to delete any post I make that hasn't gotten any replies within a few hours.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 15, 2020:
Say something about Atheists versus Agnostics. Always works.
Coronavirus & Single Scaries: I Just Want A Husband Right Now .
Storm1752 comments on Apr 15, 2020:
I've wanted and needed a partner since my last one died about four years ago. Doesn't matter. No one in sight. The song says, you can't always get what you want, but it then lies because sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you find you don't get what you need, either. You just exist. Which is better than NOT existing, most days.
It seems like with so many different beliefs and religions in the world it would be impractical if ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 17, 2020:
I personally doubt sincerely any possible REAL god DOES anything at all. IT just is.
This is what anarchy looks like. Should we be concerned?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 18, 2020:
What's the catch?
Oh dear, I thought I had seen it all, but then I found "6 Ways Is A Science-Stopper" at ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 18, 2020:
"If the universe produced mathematics, it would have no reason to adhere to the laws of mathematics." What? I stopped right there. First, who says mathematics was "produced" at all? From an Agnostic perspective, this seems questionable. What if the universe itself is god? The Big Bounce (not the Big Bang) theory has it the universe has ALWAYS existed and goes through eternal cycles of life, death and rebirth... If that's true, the universe, including mathematics, logic, physics, etc., was never "produced" (created), but instead has ALWAYS been here, along with all it's aspects and constituent parts. IF so, the validity of his entire six-parter is built on a faulty foundational premise. Suppose for a second, god is 'universal consciousness,' flowing through matter and energy. Since matter and energy are actually two forms of the same thing, and are the basic essence of, well, everything, all the "laws" the author speaks of could've 'just been there.' In other words, 'God' wouldn't have had to 'create' energy and matter because god IS energy and matter, according to this logic. They say god has always existed, right? And they also say energy can neither be created or destroyed? There you go.
I see how many people die for no rational reason.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 19, 2020:
Animals die, plants die, everything that lives dies. So what? We are more like a cancer than a virus, in that like cancer cells, our growth is out of control, and like them we will kill the host body (Earth) if we do not bring this unchecked multiplication back UNDER control. That's why human beings will perish if the root problems causing this growth are not taken seriously, diagnosed, and confronted head on: competing religions, ideologies, the accompanying distractions preventing cooperation, and perhaps even the resulting war, pestilence, disease,scarcity of resources and economic strains. It is inevitable. If we don't deal adequately with this, it will eventually, slowly but surely, overwhelm the human race and destroy us. This is why a world government, I think, will happen sooner rather than later. It will be the only path to survival. All the technology is now in place to not only make it possible, but inevitable.
In the absence of theism what are the big questions in life you contemplate?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 19, 2020:
I'm very interested in Panpsychism and the nature of consciousness, favoring the idea it is possessed by every particle of matter, from barely-conscious quarks to partially-conscious humans, to nearly fully-conscious beings on possible higher planes or dimensions. A nearly superstition-free agnostic, I'm open to all new information of which I become aware. On free will, right now I think I have it, given my limitations. If you mean, VERSUS ' 'predeterminalism,' that's an old Catholic fiction and presupposes an all-knowing 'god' who can tell the future. Sorry. Short of string theory ideas about non-linear time (bizarre), free will is my default position. I've a million interests...another is the emerging world government nobody will see coming until it's here. That'll be a great leap forward.
A piece from the Obama era but also helps explain what led up to Trump.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 19, 2020:
I couldn't agree with you more about everything you said, EXCEPT there is a dramatic difference between the two political parties, in my opinion. The path out of this is still (for how long?) there, IF people would VOTE. Eventually even that way out will be blocked. The door is still open, but it's closing. The motivation of the super-rich are the usual ones, with I think some modern wrinkles: *Unlimited wealth and power of course. *World domination through absolute control of the emergent world government, *Depopulation through sterilization, designer diseases, and other means, *Quasi-immortal life by (long-term) development of androids into which they can download their consciousnesses and/or (medium-term) transplant their brains, and/or (short-term) extreme life extension, *Creation of a 'super race' through eugenics and genetic engineering. *Etc. These are not necessarily unworthy goals, but the danger is these super-elite trillionaires may become insane with the egomania absolute power confers, with unforeseen consequences. They should be slowed down as much as possible. Stopping them? Assuming that'd be a good thing, too late. This is why the Republicans should be stopped. They are the fast track, so to speak, to the super-elites' goals. The Democrats, ironically, are the countervailing force, because they represent ordinary, workaday people with no transcendent, god-like capabilities, no world-scale ambitions, no overreaching historically game-changing agendas, and no runaway meglamania--a pandemic disease of people with absolute power. There MUST be a brake on what may be a GOOD thing if democratically determined.
Once upon a time, "life" was defined as the ability to replicate, but no longer.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 19, 2020:
Your point?
Should I stay calm (which I’m not doing very well) when my supervisor tells me to have a blessed ...
Storm1752 comments on Apr 19, 2020:
I wouldn't worry about it.
Does this change your opinion about voting for Joe Biden? []
Storm1752 comments on Apr 20, 2020:
No, I've always liked him, despite his less-than-perfect record.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Agree because they're programmed robots doing the bidding of the "vast right-wing conspiracy," of which right-wing media propaganda is an activist arm. It's fake protest by a tiny majority, intended to rile up similarly programmed follower-level fellow travelers. I don't mind, frankly, personally, because I'm retired and it's easy for me to isolate myself,. Since they stand a better chance of contracting the disease, moreover, perhaps it'll show these robots that acting ignorantly is not a game, and have real-world consequences, like sickness and death.
Towards radical skepticism: Philosophically, I am a radical skeptic.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 25, 2020:
You're very sure your name is Peter, but not certain? That's head-scratcher.
Mark Blyth is on of the best political economists in the world.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 25, 2020:
I agree with most of it, but not that there's just one party (the Money Party) in the U.S. I get the general idea; money rules Congress. But there's STILL big differences between Pubs and Dems
Were Nazis Socialists?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 26, 2020:
Abuse of the word makes for great right-wing misinformation campaigns. According to them, "socialism" equates to authoritarian dictatorial communism, ala the old USSR, North Korea, etc., or in the Nazi's case not much of anything. It's shameful but 'whatever works,' they must think.
Want to hear a good blonde joke? Kayleigh McAnany, Trump's peroxide press secretary.
Storm1752 comments on Apr 26, 2020:
No thanks.
Have we normalized hypersexuality in the USA?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 27, 2020:
It's all a myth manufactured by salespeople to hype their latest product.
Are we the baddies?
Storm1752 comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Yes we're 'baddies,' but with redeeming characteristics. We'll know we've become truly psychopathically dangerous when they put a muzzle on the press, particularly the internet. That's the point of no return: press censorship.
For the grammarians: The atheist might say, “If there WERE a God there would be no unjustified ...
Storm1752 comments on May 1, 2020:
I'M agnostic and I wouldn't say anything remotely like that. I'd say, "If there IS a god, it is impersonal and uninvolved in the minutae of individual lives. "Other than that, not much of anything about any prospective 'god' can be deduced or even induced by the details of the physical world, except perhaps SOME explanation for it's existence must be obtainable, given more research and investigation." Then I'd go back to my TV program.
Pulitzer winner Chris Hedges: These "are the good times — compared to what's coming next" | ...
Storm1752 comments on May 1, 2020:
Yawn The idea 'America' was in the golden past a "shining city on a hill," as a deluded Ronald Reagan put it, was always a pleasant fantasy, born out of the special circumstances of World War II and a good geopolitical location. The United States was never really "exceptional" in any unique, unassailable way. We rebelled against our own government and somehow got away with it. We took over the middle of the continent, from defenseless, primitive people, We economically went through many periods of boom and bust, Socially we behaved (still do) like any other human beings, The Civil War had to happen because the South was (still is) an embarassment; the North was morally superior and militarily stronger. It's ironic the South now politically has the upper hand--a source of ceaseless amazement. After a disastrous depression, we we're FORCED to get into World War II, and took way too much credit for the 'win,' after which we appointed ourselves (with a straight face) the World's Policemen. Today we're a mess, but we always have been a mess. The only things which set us apart are A gigantic military An ego the size of Gibraltar, Good movies. Two big oceans.
Politics today :The Complete Summary
Storm1752 comments on May 1, 2020:
You...HATE me? But I'm STUPID! You should feel SORRY for me!
I just saw this as I checked my feeds and email for the first time today.
Storm1752 comments on May 7, 2020:
No comment necessary. If Nino Vitale is the face of god, god is much uglier than even I imagined!
Religion its real good or bad ?
Storm1752 comments on May 9, 2020:
Because it blocks other trains of thought which might have emerged. Agnostics believe ANYTHING is possible, given a certain set of premises. People might argue about conclusions, but more often, I think, about the underlying assumptions. Faulty reasoning leads to faulty conclusions. If your underlying assumptions is there is certain kind of god (or if you're an atheist assume there ISN'T), and if this assumption is not true, then obviously everything you say past that point is untrue. Since NO assumption about the subject of god can be considered 'true,' no conclusions based on any such assumptions can be considered valid. SO, an agnostic approach permits ANY possibilities equal validity, and if and when we uncover more information about the subject of 'god,' our minds will be free to accept these newly-discovered facts without prejudice.
Why is it that the supporters of a divisive, hate filled, and conspiracy theory promoting president ...
Storm1752 comments on May 9, 2020:
United THEY stand...against US.
Interesting reporting about Tara Reade and her exploits. []
Storm1752 comments on May 10, 2020:
Sounds like a typical Republican attack job, maybe not started by Pubs, but you can believe spread by them far and wide. Tara Reade is a pathological liar in her own right. What surprises me is so many supposedly Democratic supporters so rabid to criticise Biden for ANYTHING no matter how specious the source. It's despicable. Earth to trolls: Bernie lost. Instead of bashing Biden, why not leave and start organising that Sanders' third-party campaign? I'm sure it'll be very successful--at getting Trump reelected, which is obviously your goal anyway.
Wheres Bill Clinton?
Storm1752 comments on May 10, 2020:
YOU'RE the one who sounds creepy, my friend. Get help.
Do you think Biden and Trump will ever have a public debate?
Storm1752 comments on May 10, 2020:
Nah...Trump would never agree...unless he thinks Biden's dementia has progressed far enough to give him an edge. Even so, Biden would take him apart.
Is a democracy the best form of government?
Storm1752 comments on May 10, 2020:
How about an A.I. supercomputer? We could dump all the info in there and see what comes out.
Lying Christian Pastor: It’s “Scientifically Impossible to Be an Atheist” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Storm1752 comments on May 11, 2020:
Having chosen to not read the entire text, is it indisputably "scientifically impossible" to ESTABLISH and PROVE the non-existence of ANY god? No. It IS, in my opinion, possible to "prove" certain KINDS of gods cannot exist, simply because the definitions themselves are self-contradictory. (For instance, a 'good' god cannot create a 'hell.') However, one is free to make up ANY definition of 'god' one desires, then argue for and against it. Because this is hypothetically true, and 'god' is a word with elastic properties, I postulate, it WOULD be "scientifically impossible" to deny the existence of ANY legitimately defined god.
If I started an anti-Republican, non-Democratic group on here, would you join? ;)
Storm1752 comments on Aug 31, 2018:
Why non-Democratic? Why anti-Republican? Why not pro-reform, anti-corruption? Why not pro-Fairness Doctrine, anti-propagandistic brainwashing? There is a place in political discourse for the collective (Democrats) and the individual (Republicans), without our corporate overlords butting in and choosing sides, and everybody else lining up and learning and shouting simplistic slogans at the top of their lungs.
Higher Power and AA
Storm1752 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
To me, there is NO QUESTION AA is a Christian cult. It is absolutely infused and soaking, marinating in Christian beliefs, tells people they have character flaws that lead them to drink, are told to do a "moral inventory" of everything they did wrong and everyone they hurt drinking and make amends to them, etc. It is the same guilt trip religion ITSELF puts on people. The fact is, alcoholism has NOTHING to do with morality or whether you're a good person, or not. People do strange, self-destructive things when they drink.Duh.You can be an atheist or a born-again Muslim, and the effect is the same. Praying about it does ZERO good. AA itself is no more effective than cold turkey. It is not scientific. The one constant which determines whether one quits or not is "ROCK BOTTOM." No one quits who has not experienced it in one form or another, has an epiphany, and simply decides he ot she cannot allow alcohol ruin their lives any more. Like AA says, it's baffling, cunning, and powerful, and so one day a person wakes up and the scales fall from his eyes, and at the crossroads makes a conscious decision and says, 'No more, ' and means it, and the addiction lifts. AA has nothing to do with it in the vast preponderance of the cases. A person either quits, or dies. End of story.
Why is it that the fraudulent Church of Scientology still exists?
Storm1752 comments on Oct 8, 2018:
Why does any religion exist? Christianity has been proven fraudulent (there wasn't a Nazareth in first century Palestine), Mormonism is an absolute joke, there was no Buddha, Muhammed was a bloodthirsty psycopath, etc. But instead of condemning old, obsolete religions, we SHOULD be inventing a new one more relevant to the modern world, based on reality. We could call it---Science.
Rick Scott
Storm1752 comments on Nov 13, 2018:
If it wasn't abortion and guns it'd be something else. The corporate 1% won't stop until they have it ALL. Too bad the brainwashed yokels don't understand they are only pawns in their far more sinister game.
Question 2: Would you like to be famous? In what way?
Storm1752 comments on Nov 25, 2018:
No. I'd just like to be a bit more popular and well-liked by the people with whom I come into contact, day by day. Fame is so shallow and short-lived.
Question 3: Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
Storm1752 comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Absolutely I rehearse. Everybody does, don't they. Texting has been a gift, because I am insecure about my voice and overall personality, so it's easier to communicate.
Question 4: What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?
Storm1752 comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Just being with a girlfriend, planning and following through on one or more fun activities.
I almost forgot today's question.
Storm1752 comments on Nov 25, 2018:
The body. The mind stays quite young anyway, being mostly protected from the ravages suffered by the rest if the body. Besides, it's hell getting old; the body wrinkles and sags, especially the face, and all kinds if degenerative diseases take their toll...
What's the one line that made red flags pop up and your brain say... "deal breaker"?
Storm1752 comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Um...I was KINDA trying to be humorous, (while being deadly serious at the same time, of course). It goes both ways, naturally. Since I hate EVERYBODY, I can swing both ways... it's sort of like being bi!
I have made mistakes.
Storm1752 comments on Feb 10, 2019:
I would.
Good morning! I have some pretty big insecurities, which are getting a little better over time .
Storm1752 comments on Feb 10, 2019:
My recorded voice. That CAN'T be me.
Hate progressives?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Why do you think anybody hates progressives? Some people think they're naive, but that's only because they also think they're weak and cowardly, when the opposite is true. Whoops, gotta go. Liberals are for Liberty!
Good morning! I can't believe daylight savings time is upon us this weekend.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Yes. It"s artificial, disruptive to sleep patterns, just plain wrong.
Why should WE care what happens to the planet, either as a whole or to human beings in particular?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
It follows it would be just as easy to take out the garbage as it would be to leave it in the kitchen, and tidier, and aesthetically more pleasing, so why NOT take it out?
Why should WE care what happens to the planet, either as a whole or to human beings in particular?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Wait a minute. It's not whether we "should" do things or not. It not MATTERING doesn't mean we shouldn't DO it! We might as well! Anything to keep from getting bored! Steven Spielberg makes cool movies, other people go to them and are vastly entertained. Great! If he's going to make movies (and why shouldn't he?) they might as well be good ones. My POINT is, worrying about all the bad things (or good) things that are happening is a waste of time. Yes, by all means, try to make the world a better place, if that's what floats your boat, or be a mass murderer, if you enjoy being hunted down yourself and being killed or incarcerated for the rest of your miserable life, but don't make the mistake of thinking it has any lasting value or not, whether you should feel ashamed or proud, just do it because YOU gotta do SOMETHING, after all, even if it's just sit in a chair and breathe. Whatever you want. We MIGHT go to the stars and colonize other planets. Neat! We could discover how to extend our life spans to a thousand years or more. No telling. Invent time travel. There's a good one! I will say this: the person who discovers WHY we do these things will in all probability never be born. Why? Because THAT is impossible.
why are there so many... songs about rainbows?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
I like the muppet one...
Pelosi has lost control of the New Democrats and I hope it bites the democrat party on the ass.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
What is meant by the New Democrats? To me, Democrats think people need rules, that individuals left completely their own devices will do only what's best them irregardless of what's best for society. Republicans believe government is by it's very nature oppressive, at most a necessary evil, and the less of it the better. Democrats fear too much disorder, Republicans too much order. Democrats the unruly mob, Republicans the absolute tyrant.
I may be too much of a contentious asshole for this group. What do you think?
Storm1752 comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Hey, let us be the judge a**hole!
I am honest to peaches freaked out a little!
Storm1752 comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Oh, must be your cat.
Hi everyone still fighting the flu.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 10, 2019:
What changes?
I had often thought this song had a deeper meaning I cut and pasted the text from ...
Storm1752 comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Not Bad! How about that song, "Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah Someone's in the kitchen, I know Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah Strummin' on the ol' banjo." Now, why would he be strumming his banjo in the kitchen?!? Obviously, he's playing with her clitoris! Duh.
Here's another couple of definitions that may be helpful to the group.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 11, 2019:
It can be a gray area.
Here's another couple of definitions that may be helpful to the group.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 11, 2019:
It's never been a gray area for ME, but I can see where sometimes a no turns INTO a yes at some point I'm just speculating.
Here's another couple of definitions that may be helpful to the group.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Say two people are into a heavy petting session. And at first she says no when he tries to go farther, but then after a few more minutes she changes her mind. Thst definitely happens.
Here's another couple of definitions that may be helpful to the group.
Storm1752 comments on Mar 11, 2019:
You're talking about rape, which is really 'coercion' in it's TRUE form.


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