Born and raised in Chicago, lived in the San Francisco area for 20 years, and now living in Las Vegas. I lean left and eat right. I swing, I Tango, I laugh at inappropriate times. I have always been an atheist. I enjoy friendly debates with my religious friends on various topics of science vs religion.
I love animals, laughter, good music, good food, sci-fi, and learning new things.
I like to keep active by working out often, playing sports (mostly volleyball), and riding my bike. I used to do a lot of bike racing, but now I focus more on long rides like centuries, fondos, and indoor racing. I alsol want to explore doing some triathlons.
I have been a nudist since college when I learned there is no shame in the natural human form. I enjoy traveling to and exploring new places to be nude such as nude beaches and nudist parks and resorts.