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Dodo update. []
Theresa_N comments on Sep 20, 2020:
"This article is strictly for National Graphic subscribers."
Foster tosses his bowl into the ring.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 20, 2020:
He's got my vote.
September 20, 78 The election of Robert of Geneva as anti-pope by discontented cardinals creates a ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 20, 2020:
Interesting, we weren't taught about the history of popes in catholic school, for good reason.
I think this is a really well observed video, so much can be got out of a simple subject.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 20, 2020:
Fascinating. Thanks for posting this.
“A lot of is the ability to zoom out, like you’re in a city and you could look at the whole ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 20, 2020:
I'll never forgive Jobs for choosing form over function and then treating his cancer "naturally."
Pastor Rick Joyner Claims God Wants Christian Veterans to Lead Good Militias Right-wing ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 20, 2020:
Frightening, I see some hard times coming in this country.
Please raise your hand if you're an atheist AND antitheist.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 19, 2020:
I'm atheist, I don't believe in god(s) and theism is a curse upon the world.
COMEDY Comedian Larry the Cable Guy tweeted, "I read where the have a marijuana suppository.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 19, 2020:
I would guess suppositories originated with meds for people who couldn't swallow or inhale properly then moved to the recreational market.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead at 87 Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the liberal leader of...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 19, 2020:
Just read about this in the Guardian, crushing loss.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 18, 2020:
Yes and yes.
Hard to argue with that
Theresa_N comments on Sep 18, 2020:
He should talk, his police are the problem.
I always think of GOPers chanting “lock her up” every time one of their own is locked up
Theresa_N comments on Sep 18, 2020:
I think that is a very appropriate pairing.
Have you been ostracized because of your lack of belief?
Theresa_N comments on Sep 18, 2020:
Yes, all of my family except for my oldest sister are religious. I am ostracized by all of them because of this and something else.
CULTURE Musician David Crosby tweeted, "If smoking marijuana causes short-term memory loss, what...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 17, 2020:
The Anti-Doping agency is speaking double-speak.
"If you pray for rain long enough, it eventually does fall.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 17, 2020:
I've always liked Steve Allen.
What do you all think of Pascal's Wager?
Theresa_N comments on Sep 17, 2020:
Ignoring the absurd, Pascal's wager is ridiculous. I'd never accept a hell.
TODAY'S VERMONT VOTE Vermont House of Representatives Senate negotiators have finally reached a ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 17, 2020:
Yeah for them. Now if the whole US would do something. I just had my medical cannabis confiscated and not returned for a week since the aides are contracted by a big hospital chain that owns the assisted living center I live in and they receive federal funds for some residents. Whew! What a long sentence :( But I got it back today. Now to find a private apartment in order to get out of this place.
Schadenfreude (/ˈʃɑːdənfrɔɪdə/; German: (About this soundlisten); lit.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 17, 2020:
I never much cared for the word but now that you put it that way.
Herd mentality got us in this mess.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 17, 2020:
The thing is that so many of his followers won't even "get it."
100 years ago: Bomb kills 36 on Wall Street On September 16, 1920, a powerful bomb exploded at ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 17, 2020:
I don't know how I feel about this. I have sympathy for both the people killed and injured and the bombers. It was a time of unfettered capitalism, much like today. The poor were horribly oppressed. We must find a better way which is certainly not tRump or biden yet people just act like sheep accepting the lies of the political and religious elite.
Atheist religion
Theresa_N comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Jimmy Carter: My son smoked pot with Willie Nelson on White House roof
Theresa_N comments on Sep 16, 2020:
I didn't care for Carter as a president, he gave us the neutron bomb and did little to improve things but as an ex-president he's been the best. I was demonstrating against capital punishment and nuclear weapons during the Carter administration.
It hurts to remember what we lost
Theresa_N comments on Sep 16, 2020:
I also lived during that time, I also remember when black people were openly discriminated against as well as gay people and trans people were unheard of because of stigma.
100% acute! 😄😆
Theresa_N comments on Sep 16, 2020:
I loved my mother's pumpkin pie. I still like other pumpkin pie and the bigger the slice the better.
Watching Religion Die Religion is fading more quickly in the United States than in any other ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Too many still believe in god.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Half measures are not better, the democRats are good at half measures.
It's because I have a good rake ....
Theresa_N comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Yeah forest management is the problem, get those rakes out everybody.
The happy go lucky Squirrel is just seeing people passing by.☺
Theresa_N comments on Sep 16, 2020:
That's a squirrel but I'm not sure if it's Rocky.
Why Can't We See God - A scientific explanation Frank Lee Easter, 2005 Physicists have ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 15, 2020:
What utterly useless garbage, the author should be ashamed of himself.
C'mon, get off the Internet. I wanna make a tel, call! 😂
Theresa_N comments on Sep 15, 2020:
I was online before netscape.
Bob Woodward: "Rage" Is An Opportunity To Enter President Trump's Mind Stephen Colbert interviews...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Nothing new here.
Hey people, if you like KPOP and KDRAMAS then please join this , [agnostic.]
Theresa_N comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Personally I have a strong dislike of kpop and kdramas, and nollywood, and bollywood.
Definitely me!
Theresa_N comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Me too.
Top HHS Official Advises Trump Supporters to Buy Ammunition Michael Caputo, a top ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Worrying. I am severely disabled and will not be able to participate in the protests and resistance that progressives and socialists will need to participate in but I encourage all who can to prepare and resist.
Wow, this is interesting life on Venus?: []
Theresa_N comments on Sep 14, 2020:
I read about this in The Guardian.
Hello, names Paul.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Welcome! Explore the groups that interest you, there are many to choose from.
The Kinks.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 14, 2020:
I think the first I heard from them was Ape Man. Loved them ever since.
My dog is not for ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 13, 2020:
My dog doesn't care if you are democRat, repuglican, or third party, just cares whether you're hostile towards me or her.
All are aware that theology attempts to comfort the reality of death, but just look at how they do ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Sort of buddhist.
When you are being sued by almost every artist whose songs you've played, you have to make do with ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 12, 2020:
How ironic and funny :)
Never thought about it that way, but seems legit.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 12, 2020:
I hate cats because they cause sneezing, wheezing, and irritated eyes. They seem attracted to me because of this so I just hiss at them.
Atheists, agnostics sleep better than Catholics, Baptists
Theresa_N comments on Sep 12, 2020:
I was raised catholic, had nightmares of being in hell when I was a child. These days I sleep pretty well, but I take sleeping meds.
Forty-Pound African Serval on the Loose in New Hampshire Police in Merrimack, New Hampshire, ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 12, 2020:
That's one big allergen.
Fb, twitter, and other social media are promoting the idea that the wildfires in the western US are ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Read the article: facebook feeds these types of rumors through their algorithms. Just belonging makes you complicit.
The thing that gets me the most about religious people who keep saying Thank you Jesus, for all they...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 12, 2020:
You've got some of your bible history back asswards. I at one time attended a Jews for jesus group. They had an interesting perspective on the new testament with their own bible and all using jewish names instead of the christianized ones and pharisees for any reference to jews in the gospel of john. Way to pro-Israel for me at the time (still would be if I had any interest in religion).
Before I present this question I would like say I have never seen an object in the sky, night or ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 12, 2020:
I've never seen (not scene) an extraterrestrial or it's craft, yet there are billions of stars out there, chances are that some other civilization more advanced than us is traveling amongst the stars. Would one want to contact us? I doubt it. As Hawkings said they could as easily be hostile as friendly, so who knows?
I am curious what kind of reaction the group has for canine all breed organizations.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 12, 2020:
While I have enjoyed watching dog shows on video, I am against such organizations. They have encouraged disfigurement in many breeds including French bulldogs and bulldogs more generally and many other breeds. There are millions of dogs suffering from inbred traits that cause disability. My current dog is a mix of Yorkshire terrier and other breeds I am not certain of and is the most loving healthy dog I've ever had.
“Boom! Boom! Just like that.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 11, 2020:
Hunter S. Thompson was a great writer. I remember reading Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas in The Rolling Stone, I was totally enthralled.
Possibly 20,000-year-old Domesticated Dog Emerges From Italian Cave Researchers in Italy have ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 11, 2020:
Doesn't surprise me, we have an extremely close relationship with dogs.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I like the song but haven't heard it in ages since I don't listen to the radio. Maybe it would rub me different if I heard it again. Not enough interest to listen to it streaming.
Cartoon showing Charles Darwin expelling unwanted guests from his house
Theresa_N comments on Sep 11, 2020:
Good for him, those two have had to do with too much suffering. Ayne Rand should be the Laissez Faire capitalist.
PLEASE...let us NEVER FORGET! Where were you when it happened?
Theresa_N comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I was at my house in a suburb of Minneapolis, I don't remember how I heard about it, I think it must have been the internet, had the tv on downstairs, went down to watch it. Frightening time. It led to a useless war that had nothing to do with the people responsible, Saudi's.
Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize?
Theresa_N comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I'm not getting emails for the tRump campaign but every day brings a few more texts.
After Woodward's book, this is where it's heading!!!
Theresa_N comments on Sep 11, 2020:
Saw this happen once, not to a tRump truck but just a regular one. tRump's campaign seems to be losing it with his only hope refusing to leave the WH with his white neo-fascist's support.
My daughter's adopted child is 12 years old.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 11, 2020:
It amazes me how much xtians can make up about the afterlife. I believe that god(s) is/are a fiction with the probability of existance so low it can be dismissed as impossible. If there is any afterlife we cannot know about it and with no evidence, other than hallucinations arising from LSD use, which I've had, is equally improbable. Despite this they feed such nonsense to their kids. It reminds me of the dead parrot joke from Monty Python.
Duarte pardons killer of transgender woman: []
Theresa_N comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I think the name is Dutarte, president of the Philipines. Sorry for the mistake and still might not have it right.
LET THE RESEARCH BEGIN The House Energy and Commerce Committee approved a marijuana research ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 10, 2020:
I guess this is good because they won't be studying that ditch weed that the federal govmt. grows.
What next? Big problem around here given its pickling season
Theresa_N comments on Sep 10, 2020:
It's a jarring problem.
It is difficult for me to understand the pressure that modern kids have to deal with! I can't ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 10, 2020:
Brands and labels weren't a thing when I was a child.
What the hell is this?? 🤣
Theresa_N comments on Sep 10, 2020:
I find this hilarious.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 10, 2020:
Another reason to vote Green.
Guild Highliners above Arrakis.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 10, 2020:
A good review:
[] My uncle had a Vic 20. My first experience coding.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 10, 2020:
I had a C64, then a C128, than a Heath 8086. Typed in some programs, including a word processor but never did any real coding.
Amiga Fast File System makes minor comeback in new Linux kernel SUSE chap wants Linux and classic...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 10, 2020:
I've wanted an Amiga since it came out. Sadly it's time is long past. I was never much of a gamer and it became primarily a gaming system.
Finally got an email from my "emergency caregiver" (yes that's what they call them), the lady who ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 10, 2020:
It's a sad state of affairs in MN. An authorization from a doctor must be sent to the state. Then if your condition qualifies, and this is limited, they authorize you to use one of the half dozen or so dispensaries in the state to buy concentrate, pills, and solutions (lotions, oral solutions, etc.). No green/raw cannabis. This has been dictated by repuglicans and democRats in the legislature along with dictatorial health authorities. This has helped to sour me on democRats. I will vote Green this election. I have lived in this state and both repuglicans and democRats have been largely authoritarian. From the time of Hubert Humphrey and Mondale, establishment democRats have been mostly conservative like biden. I have little in common with them, being progressive since childhood except for a brief period while married. I reclaim my progressive identity and reject democRats and repuglicans.
A while back, a post was submitted asking about a Conservative group on Agnositic.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 9, 2020:
You see there sort in other groups on here too. I wouldn't be surprised if tRump were an agnostic or atheist. I don't think racism and hate is all that rare among us.
75 years ago: Chinese Communist Party wins victories in renewed civil war This week in September...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 9, 2020:
It's sad, but all communist regimes become authoritarian.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 9, 2020:
I've known people that do this. It's annoying and funny at the same time.
Do you think these people have the slightest clue what they're singing about in this "modern ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Not a bad song but I'm not going to watch the Lawrence Welk version. Goes to show how people in my generation ended up. The generation of hippies has fallen so far.
Sadly True
Theresa_N comments on Sep 8, 2020:
What a traitor we have for a president.
What is the source of non-religious prudishness or disgust at nudity or sexuality?
Theresa_N comments on Sep 8, 2020:
Personally, I'm pretty much asexual these days so it's just an annoyance. Most bodies I don't find attractive at all especially the anorexic ones that come from Hollywood or clones of Hollywood.
Religious leader who blamed gay marriage for coronavirus now has Covid | Metro News
Theresa_N comments on Sep 8, 2020:
Maybe he'll win the Darwin award by dying. I have little sympathy for religious "leaders."
I took Meredith to the vet again today and she finally broke her fever! Poor girl had a low temp for...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 8, 2020:
Poor puppy. I know how traumatic vet visits can be. Hope she gets well soon.
From a talk on Forgiveness []
Theresa_N comments on Sep 8, 2020:
There are people who don't deserve forgiveness, generally it's best just not to think about them when that's possible.
"I'm proud of my enemies.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 8, 2020:
Good for him, he get's an awful lot of grief from fascists.
Dear Santa...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 8, 2020:
He's not going to move left, people like biden always move right, he's chummy with repuglicans.
Want to "meat" god? Have a burger []
Theresa_N comments on Sep 8, 2020:
I am neither vegan nor vegetarian. Couldn't be if I wanted to. But I've never liked the vegan burgers I've had and prefer real meat. Perhaps laboratory meat will convince me but I'm not giving up milk, cheese, and eggs.
Trump's campaign for a second term started when he won the election in 2016.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 8, 2020:
It's only since the convention that I've been getting repuglican text messages asking for support. Have yet to get a democrat one, thank goodness, the repuglican ones are bad enough.
I would like to see a Conservative Atheist Pinata group. Anyone else?
Theresa_N comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Depends on what you mean by that. Would it be ridiculing conservative atheists? Maybe. Would it be conservative atheists ridiculing progressive and liberal atheists? No way, you can get that on
And then Michael Cohen Said: []
Theresa_N comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Read all about this in The Guardian. None of it surprised me.
[] Russia's death valley
Theresa_N comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Sad to read of all the dead wild life.
[] I hope this works
Theresa_N comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Fascinating but all of that methane being released worries me.
Two men found with a completely drug-resistant form of HIV. Doctors are worried. / LGBTQ Nation
Theresa_N comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Bound to happen eventually, virus' mutate. Sad news though.
I was listening on the radio to a bit of a philosophy last evening where the person being ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 6, 2020:
There are no god(s) so praying to them has no effect except on the mind of the person praying.
Trump ended his trip to France in 2018 after uploading the art to Air Force One | FR24 News English
Theresa_N comments on Sep 6, 2020:
He's such a sociopath.
Hi everyone.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Bought this album when it first came out. An anthem to sociopathy. Good music.
Does anyone else believe there is no actual group called Antifa,or QAnon for that matter.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 6, 2020:
There is no antifa "group," as in an organization. There's simply anti-fascist individuals. As for QAnon, it is far more organized.
The trump boat parade in Texas
Theresa_N comments on Sep 6, 2020:
I posted an article about this yesterday in a different group. It made me smile.
This interview with Dr.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Good exploration of the signs of tRumps symptoms of unfitness for office. I'd like to see a full exam of both tRump and biden before the election, it should have gone on before the nominating conventions. There is very little evidence in this interview regarding biden but tRump comes off as clearly pathological. This does nothing to convince me that bidens positions on policy are not neo-liberal in nature while just reinforcing that tRump is unfit for office.
CULTURE Miley Cyrus talked to Joe Rogan about her use of marijuana and other drugs.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 5, 2020:
I got a warning about the site, went ahead and visited it and was told the page did not exist.
Report: 70 Percent Of New COVID-19 Cases Are Coming From Red States.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 5, 2020:
I think the death of the repuglican party happened four years ago.
"Socialism is a word they have hurled at every advance that people have made in the last 20 years...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Trouble is both candidates are against advancing socialism.
Sharing a few sites that may be of interest from facebook.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Too bad it's not Pot Smoking Atheists Who Love Dogs, I hate cats, besides I don't do FB.
A rather conservative Democratic friend of mine, one who is more prone to worrying about potential ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Well, your friend, biden, and the dnc have lost this prospective voter because of their denigration of progressive policy.
"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Marx was a great and insightful person. Too bad Lenin and Mao misused his philosophy to accumulate power as egotistical men always do.
“What is good?
Theresa_N comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Ok, you've convinced me, the philosophy of Nietzsche is the most stupid and self-serving.
This is almost as dumb as when they were aiming them at their privates to own the libs on Facebook..
Theresa_N comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Gun owners are so stupid. Hope he blows his ear off.
Though he successfully shot a 5x5 elk, he was unable to find the animal before dark, and decided to ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Glad the meat was made good use of. And those who would condemn the hunter, do you eat meat? Farms these days are far more cruel than hunting.
Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Theresa_N comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Nothing as inspiring as a preacher fleecing his flock.
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ []
Theresa_N comments on Sep 4, 2020:
He should talk, pot calling the kettle black. I think anybody who joins the military these days should give careful thought to what they're doing since the primary mission of the military is to protect oil interests and kill helpless villagers with drones. But tRump is a real hypocrite.
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