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Nothing stops the US Mail…
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Good employee.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 22, 2023:
Paid in tuna? Probably has nap times written into the work agreement by the union.
Red State Republicans Propose Using Children to Fill Labor Shortages Faced with low unemployment ...
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
You know that if they let the children do the dangerous jobs, they won't survive to tax the social security system.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 18, 2023:
Yup, it's a twofer for the greedy ruling class, that only wants to work us to death and then leave us nothing after we are no longer useful to them as slaves.
TX is so wicked that god is now actively throwing shit at them. []
KKGator comments on Feb 17, 2023:
I am bitterly disappointed. It should have been a MUCH bigger meteoroid.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 17, 2023:
@K9JetLee999 Not surprising. They loves their guns in TX. Along with FL, they are states I would never live in, too much craziness combined with too many idiots with guns, not sane or safe enough for me.
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 17, 2023:
All of that is proof that we no longer have the rule of law and have also become a lawless country, where nobody who is rich and powerful is held accountable anymore, from either major party. Thus, we have become a clearly failed democracy, and I don't see it ever being reversed in my lifetime, if ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 17, 2023:
@rainmanjr I'm sure it would, but the major parties would never allow that to happen, since it would prevent them from getting votes by being the lesser evil, etc..
Kentucky bill raising abortion to homicide draws Republican pushback | PBS NewsHour
pamagain comments on Feb 16, 2023:
Of COURSE they want to subject women seeking abortions to murder charges! Is there any doubt????
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 16, 2023:
@Beowulfsfriend Welcome to the American version of Nazi Germany and Gilead of The Handmaid's Tale. Women get to be the new Jews in the concentration camps.
I apologize for the length of this post.
twill comments on Feb 15, 2023:
When it rains, it pours. There's something about not seeming desperate to women, when you have a woman " friend". 6 th sense of some kind that they have
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 15, 2023:
So true, as it seems the most important qualities in a man to single women in the dating game are, in no particular order: Not seeming desperate, having confidence in who he is and how he behaves around women, being honest and emotionally available, not being emotionally needy or clingy, and when a man has a few female friends who seem clearly to not be any kind of romantic competition for the woman, it makes the prospective woman feel he is someone safe as well as someone who is emotionally appealing to other women, and thus more appealing to her as probably being enjoyable to spend time with. In other words, the man, like a home for sale on the market, has that all important curb appeal going for him.
I wonder why that is?
racocn8 comments on Feb 13, 2023:
Utterly ridiculous and I'll bet his tax rate is below 20%
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 15, 2023:
@pamagain As Leona Helmsley said, quite candidly, " Taxes are only for the little people"....
'Last month, ICAN, through its attorneys, sent a letter to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)...
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 10, 2023:
Yet another example of how private industry has captured the govt. agency assigned to regulate them. Glad all commercial planes have two pilots, since we can no longer depend on the govt. to make sure the airlines provide us safe and healthy pilots, since that would get in the way of their max ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 10, 2023:
@BDair No shit, Sherlock. That would be openly admitting they really don't care if we die from a crash, unless, of course, our families sue them for wrongful death.
So for a while Whiskers would come and wake me up early leaving me short of sleep every day.
OldGoat43 comments on Feb 7, 2023:
We are all so happy that you paid attention to your master. He will reward you.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 8, 2023:
Or not....
Not just your children, but the children of the world.
Garban comments on Jan 31, 2023:
Teach my children well, and hopefully they will change my diaper when I’m 90.😉
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 2, 2023:
You can hope, but only time will tell what they'll do when you're 90.
Careful y'all, the dates are getting litigious! Man sues woman for $2.
itsmeagain comments on Feb 1, 2023:
Personally I think she should sue him for all the time and energy she spent trying to appease him.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 1, 2023:
He sounds rich enough to afford it.
Who can name him or what state he is from?
Garban comments on Jan 30, 2023:
Florida Republican senator and former governor Rick Scott aka Slenderman.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 1, 2023:
He has also been called Skeletor...
It still amazes me how much more the typical agnostic/atheist knows more about the Bible than a ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jan 31, 2023:
It's the same thing as how so many foreigners who are well traveled and intelligent are actually much more informed and insightful about the US than all the native citizens here, who are instead ignorant and brainwashed about American exceptionalism and superiority. It is usually those outside a ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 1, 2023:
@rainmanjr Any kind of totalitarian society does that, including a supposedly communist one, like in Orwell's 1984, because the easiest way to control a population is by controlling history and information, rather than thru brute force all the time, thus, all totalitarian societies have their version of Orwell's memory hole in 1984.
55% of adults think Jesus will return to Earth (this includes 1% of atheists. []
Moravian comments on Jan 31, 2023:
You omitted "American" from your headline. We are not nearly so gullible in the UK
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 31, 2023:
Most Americans are more gullible, and it shows in our politics.
Where’s da bubbles? I needs bubbles!
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Jan 27, 2023:
Yes, you do!
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 28, 2023:
That is one spoiled cat!
MAGA Lawyer Brags about Coordinating 2021 ‘Supply Chain Crisis’ GOP Blamed on Biden While ...
glennlab comments on Jan 24, 2023:
How fucked up do you have to be to want to crash the whole of society so that your side can gain an advantage?
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 25, 2023:
I think you already have your answer, but I realize the ? was merely rhetorical anyway, but I'll give you an answer anyway. The same kind of fucked up that makes rich folks want to make the planet uninhabitable for anyone with climate change, just so they can become richer, and then escape the apocalypse into either outer space or their underground bunkers.
I had forgotten a jar of iced tea that I had put in the fridge around the end of summer I had ...
Lauren comments on Jan 24, 2023:
Eyew. No. Lots of disclaimers. That said, have you thought about growing a tray of bacteria and using the penicillin on that?
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 25, 2023:
@azzow2 Please do not start your own type of Covid virus there...
SARCASM WARNING: It’s Not a Gun Problem—Americans Are Just Super Extra Evil, Crazy, and Stupid ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 24, 2023:
And I thought Americans did not do irony.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 25, 2023:
I do, sarcasm and irony are second, and third, languages to me.
Monday morning cuteness
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Jan 16, 2023:
That's a lotta poofy.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 16, 2023:
Very poofy, fluffy kitty..
Never forgive, Never forget, this slime ball is waiting in the wings to run for POTUS one more time
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 15, 2023:
When living in Pennsylvania, I used to, on occasion, go to a coffee/tea shop (it also served as a cat rescue). One of the regulars had worked IT in Texas state capital, including the governor's office. He would talk about how truly stupid Perry was and how staffers lead him around and handed him ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 16, 2023:
From W. to Perry, it seems these days, those Texans really prefer governors that are witless good ole boys, rather than smart competent leaders. I guess they like feeling superior, or at least not threatened, by having a leader who is dimmer than them.
Alabama Attorney General Wants Women Who Use Abortion Pills Prosecuted Alabama Attorney General...
Betty comments on Jan 15, 2023:
Sure why not? Women who get pregnant should send the bills to this guy. He wants to force women to have babies then he can pay for that privilege along will every other politician that agrees with him.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 15, 2023:
But they will never agree to do that, plus these Repubs have no intention of ever adopting any of the unwanted babies either, nor will they ever support legislation to make life better or easier for single moms and their kids, like nutrition programs, day care, or welfare cash assistance, etc.. Such fucking hypocrites!
Anecdotal - 'This happened in Georgia in March of 2021.
KKGator comments on Jan 10, 2023:
Disingenuous, and incomplete. I've had the first two-shot dose, and three subsequent boosters. In addition to flu shots, pneumonia shots, and the shingles vaccine (also two shots). I've yet to contract covid. Haven't had the flu, pneumonia, or shingles. The covid vaccines work. I'm sick ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 11, 2023:
@BDair No one said it will prevent transmission or infection. The point is to prevent serious illness and death if you get it. I got it twice, once before vaccines were available and once after being vaxed and boosted, and am damn glad the shots were available. The first time with Covid, I was also damned glad the Regeneron treatment was available for me, due to my age and heart condition, instead of me possibly ending up in the hospital or dead. That treatment, no doubt, shortened my illness and kept me from getting worse. The second time was last summer, and I was grateful I didn't need to worry about serious illness or death the second time around, even without any treatment whatsover.
What is the most bizarre dream that you've ever had?
Davekp comments on Jan 7, 2023:
Went through a period of lucid dreaming in my 40’s. Could do a lot of Spiderman stuff.. climb building exteriors.. that kinda thing. Fun times. Don’t know why it started or stopped. I rarely have dreams I remember in the morning these days.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 7, 2023:
I remember when I was much younger, either as an adolescent or a young adult, I used to dream that I could even fly, on my own a fairly high distance above the ground, on my own, sort of gliding, like a bird or a bat, only without flapping anything, just floating. In those dreams, I could also jump really high too.
I want to get off my chest, it seems like a disproportionate amount of time I run into arguments ...
MacStriker comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Excellent survey! adding to each one based on experience with others: ... because that will make you happier... this i find usually comes from others who have high level of anxiety and or depression, or both. ... can't explain how you got here ... oh yea, this falls into the 'god-of-the-gaps' ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 6, 2023:
@MacStriker You got it, man. No fucking shit... Along the same line as the saying, "Going to church each week, makes you a good person or a good Christian, about as much as sleeping in a garage, makes you a car"....
I want to get off my chest, it seems like a disproportionate amount of time I run into arguments ...
Larimar comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Can't say the number of times I've been asked what would stopping me from killing someone......
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 6, 2023:
@anglophone Most of them are religious, just in a very twisted way, usually.
I want to get off my chest, it seems like a disproportionate amount of time I run into arguments ...
MacStriker comments on Jan 6, 2023:
Excellent survey! adding to each one based on experience with others: ... because that will make you happier... this i find usually comes from others who have high level of anxiety and or depression, or both. ... can't explain how you got here ... oh yea, this falls into the 'god-of-the-gaps' ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 6, 2023:
That last one is really stupid and not only shows their ignorance and bigotry towards non-believers, it also shows their arrogance that their religion is the only and superior way to be moral and ethical.
The sad truth!!!
Sticks48 comments on Jan 3, 2023:
I'm a veteran. My brother is a veteran, and our almost life long best friend is a veteran; and we feel exactly the same way. We remember separate bathrooms for "cololerd" people. In the three quarters of a century l have been here we have millions of people and a justice system which has advanced ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 3, 2023:
So true, Larry, but between the corporate media and our school system, the vast majority of Americans are brainwashed into buying all the fake patriotism surrounding our military and our endless wars of choice for the things you described. The ruling class has convinced almost all of the peasants, that the only way to be patriotic or show love of country, is to support the military, and our wars of choice, blindly, while serving in the military is seen as the only way to serve our country and be patriotic, etc., rather than by paying your fair share of taxes, standing up to unjust wars, standing up for the rights of oppressed people who are different from you, standing up against erosion of real civil liberties, or helping people who are in need, instead of petty things like wearing a mask to protect others from disease or for the right to discriminate or persecute people you hate or fear. Those last two sorts of "freedoms" and liberty, are the only ones the fascists care about...
It seems to me that fascists—whether they call themselves Blackshirts, Freikorps, Brownshirts, ...
puff comments on Jan 1, 2023:
What do you call what happened during covid then? Because to me there was a party pushing for all to be vaccinated and encouraged the demonisation and discrimination against those who did not comply. Any alternative narratives were actively suppressed, even those from very credible sources. From ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jan 2, 2023:
They were not encouraging violence or committing violence against those they were opposed to. I guess you didn't notice Jan. 6, did you? Those capital cops didn't just get injured or die on their own. Fuck off, get real, and start telling the truth, instead of your bogus false equivalencies..
Just think how much better the years 2017 -- 2020 could have been.
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 31, 2022:
I think more how much better the last six years would have been if we'd had Bernie as prez, but, suit yourself.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 31, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Get bent.
Just think how much better the years 2017 -- 2020 could have been.
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 31, 2022:
I think more how much better the last six years would have been if we'd had Bernie as prez, but, suit yourself.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 31, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Not related at all and certainly not comparable. Not going to debate you on it. You try and I block you, getting sick of your shit being an apologist for corporate Dems.. Gore was a terrible candidate, and a typical corporate Dem, same as Slick Willie. Running any kind of decent candidate against W., much less Nader, by the Dems, would have beaten W. easily...
Just think how much better the years 2017 -- 2020 could have been.
kmaz comments on Dec 30, 2022:
so who exactly is this? i see it's likely pete buttigieg going by some of the info
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 31, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir I can't stand Mayor Pete and look at how now his corruption is coming out in the open, as well as his screwing the railroad workers, along with Biden, over the recent contract dispute. I hate both him and Biden, for obvious reasons, and not because I am any kind of Rethug or conservative, because I am neither, so don't anybody try to smear me with that bullshit...
Continued Gains for Humanists and Atheists in the 2022 Election -
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 27, 2022:
I can tell you that the lone pol from Iowa is pissing in the wind at the state legislature, where she will serve, since Iowa is very much a one party state these days, and the Repub Party here is very controlled by the religious right. My state is very religious, and intolerant as well, of those who...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 27, 2022:
@OldMetalHead I live in one of the few urban areas of the state, where people mostly vote Dem. The other rare islands of that are uni towns and a large city on the eastern border of the state. So what happens in every statewide election, is the Dems run up the score with huge wins in those areas, but that is always wiped out by the rural voters, who make up the majority of the population here.
Wow, its great to be back. How's everyone been?
OldMetalHead comments on Dec 26, 2022:
I heard they stopped awarding t-shirts. Everything else is pretty much the same. Cheers!
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 26, 2022:
@OldMetalHead I've noticed very few members around here lately, and those that are appear to be mostly scammers, here to either sell or promote their products, or else people with fake profiles here to fleece lonely members out of money.
Wow, its great to be back. How's everyone been?
OldMetalHead comments on Dec 26, 2022:
I heard they stopped awarding t-shirts. Everything else is pretty much the same. Cheers!
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 26, 2022:
I wouldn't say that at all. Two things have changed big time. One is that the site no longer has an actively present admin., and not surprisingly, that has resulted in scammers running rampant on the site. Secondly, in the last couple years, most of the members of the community have left or become very inactive on the site. I would say it now appears that the site has maybe a couple hundred active members, at most, from the amount of activity in the groups and forums here.
Here's a chestnut that often comes up when a religious person finds out that I am an Atheist.
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 11, 2022:
I've found it to be a common theme amongst religious types that they feel that Atheists are more likely to be immoral, untrustworthy and even prone to criminal actions, this has been born out in numerous polls and studies. It's one of the reasons why so few politicians who are Atheists will ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 26, 2022:
@kmaz I think that Bernie knows that, here in America, identifying himself as an atheist would be an even greater kiss of death, to getting elected president, than even being labelled as a socialist. So he is keeping his non-belief to himself, tho he may change that sometime in the future, since he will never run again for president.
Conservatives are upset their kids don't want to spend Christmas with them
CuddyCruiser comments on Dec 25, 2022:
Like they’ll ever take responsibility for ANYTHING? In another life maybe.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 25, 2022:
They never do, along with never telling the truth or admitting hypocrisy...
As someone that spent too many years not doing this, I encourage everyone to begin as soon as ...
RusselHappy comments on Dec 24, 2022:
Many people’s lives are so empty they can only substitute work for it 😃
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 24, 2022:
I think the worst cases of that I have run into, are people at work who have such poor relationships with their spouses, that they refuse to retire, because they know it would blow up their already shaky marriage.
As someone that spent too many years not doing this, I encourage everyone to begin as soon as ...
RusselHappy comments on Dec 24, 2022:
Many people’s lives are so empty they can only substitute work for it 😃
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 24, 2022:
@RusselHappy I will be hard on the ones who reject me for not being enough of a "successful" white collar professional catch for them, because being that or not being that has absolutely nothing to do with whether I actually have as much money or more than the woman, as well as my relationship skills, relationship track record, what's in my heart, communication skills, common interests, etc. In other words, all the non-status things that actually make a relationship work. But these women seem to care way more about social status and having a catch they can brag about to friends and family. even tho that kind of thinking just ensures, most likely, that they will pick another guy that is incompatible for them, and rack up another failed relationship. In other words, these status seeking women care more about their bragging rights than about actually finding a good partner for them and having a successful relationship the next time. Status matters more to them than any other quality in a partner, and so I wish them all the unhappiness they deserve, for their fucked up choices based on that. There's a big diff between being a broke deadbeat guy, as you put it, and someone like me, who was steadily employed his whole life, worked hard, but had low status jobs the whole time, while still ending up widowed and seeking a partner again with enough money to retire early and live comfortably. In other words, I have all the qualities they are looking for, except the successful white collar career and the high social status, both of which are pretty shallow and foolish requirements, to be putting ahead of everything else in partner selection. Rich men look to marry trophy wives, these women look to marry success objects. To me, they are both sides of the same coin, and deserve equal scorn and criticism. Same mentality, opposite genders...
As someone that spent too many years not doing this, I encourage everyone to begin as soon as ...
RusselHappy comments on Dec 24, 2022:
Many people’s lives are so empty they can only substitute work for it 😃
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 24, 2022:
I know. I've met them. They fear retirement, because they have no idea what to do with it, and because they have made work their whole identity, as well. What they do for a living has always been one of the last things, rather than the first, that I ask someone when I meet them. And the same with online dating, it's about the last thing I ask them, because what I really care about is their interests and their values, which are what really matters to me, as far as compatibility, along with their personality type. Because, unlike most Americans, I don't choose a partner based on their work, but unfortunately, most well-educated, white collar professional women, at least in my local dating pool, still do...
Driving is a right a car is property , there's no reason for a license or registration nor taxes.
Druvius comments on Dec 22, 2022:
The Supreme Court settled this very issue some years back. No, driving a car isn't a right. No need to vote, you're simply wrong.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 23, 2022:
@laidback1 Fuck you asshole! I am grateful that our govt. didn't follow the delusions of assholes like you, who only care about yourself, and contribute to another couple million deaths by letting Covid run completely wild before the vaccines came out, vaccines that I'm sure you are too stupid and crazy to use.
How any woman can make herself instantly unattractive to any thinking man: wear a necklace with a ...
Betty comments on Dec 23, 2022:
Same goes for the men.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 23, 2022:
Sucks to be me, Betty, because in my local dating pool, the cross on a man is a great selling point, even if it's a phony gesture, because 80% of the single women are believers, so there are very few thinking women for me to pursue, and even then, there are three other guys, on average, for every one of me seeking them. It also seems that women like you, are also the least likely ones to ever use dating sites, at least in my area.
Driving is a right a car is property , there's no reason for a license or registration nor taxes.
Druvius comments on Dec 22, 2022:
The Supreme Court settled this very issue some years back. No, driving a car isn't a right. No need to vote, you're simply wrong.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 22, 2022:
He's not only wrong, he continually posts about his obsession with driver licenses..., which seems to border on paranoia....Read the room, give it a rest...
I'm tired of being single I needed a companion
Qwent-91 comments on Dec 21, 2022:
Yeah... Me too.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 22, 2022:
Who doesn't?
Marjorie Taylor Greene Angered Dildos Reportedly Sold by Kids' Toothbrushes
rainmanjr comments on Dec 18, 2022:
MTG plays to a specific crowd, which composes most of her District, and this is what they want from her. IDK what to do about it outside rolling my eyes.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 19, 2022:
She is just further proof of what has been that case since Slick Willie Clinton first came on the scene, with all of his bimbo eruptions, etc. That was the beginning of politics becoming entertainment for many Americans....
From our Stark Contrast Department:
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 17, 2022:
I wouldn't get too cheery about the Dem record. Food prices are still sky high, Assange is still getting shafted, DeJoy and Powell are still in their jobs, as Trump appointees, we traded Afghanistan for Ukraine, in the MIC making their profits, our manu jobs are still all overseas, corporations ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 18, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir I wouldn't hold my breath on that one, and even if he is, he will never serve time. By the time it might ever happen, he will be pardoned by the next Repub prez in two years.
I have been reading the dating profiles on Facebook.
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2022:
You don't buy a car unless you've driven it, and marriage is a hell of a bigger investment than a car.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 18, 2022:
Another old saying is a man saying that before marrying a woman he would want to, like in buying a car, "Look under the hood", except, in those days, that meant having sex before marriage, which, in those days, was considered offensive and unacceptable to so-called respectable, Christian women. So the analogy between marriage and buying a car, at least in the old days, is a stretch... Since then, times have really changed, as nowadays, the young people seem to be interested in having sex first, the so-called "sex interview", to see if they enjoy each other enough sexually to even bother getting to know each other as people, then proceed to dating, then proceed to buying a house or at least living together, then having a kid, and then finally, and only lastly, getting married, if at all. So, everything appears to be mostly in reverse order, compared to the days when my parents met as single young people, except for maybe the sex part happening after marriage, but before living together and buying the house.
From our Stark Contrast Department:
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 17, 2022:
I wouldn't get too cheery about the Dem record. Food prices are still sky high, Assange is still getting shafted, DeJoy and Powell are still in their jobs, as Trump appointees, we traded Afghanistan for Ukraine, in the MIC making their profits, our manu jobs are still all overseas, corporations ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir None of that for the higher ups and leaders, so again, since it will be limited to the dupes and foot soldiers, I say it's mainly political theater. Believe what you like about it.
From our Stark Contrast Department:
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 17, 2022:
I wouldn't get too cheery about the Dem record. Food prices are still sky high, Assange is still getting shafted, DeJoy and Powell are still in their jobs, as Trump appointees, we traded Afghanistan for Ukraine, in the MIC making their profits, our manu jobs are still all overseas, corporations ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 17, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir The Trump tax cuts are still in place. The Dems and Biden are delivering on better Covid policy than Trump, as well as less hatred against the cultural groups the Repubs and their supporters hate, which is about all I expected from them. I hate being right so often. As far as getting votes from their followers, all the Repubs need to deliver to them is lower taxes for the rich and corporations, and continued hatred of the groups they all hate, that is it. And Jan. 6, is something the Repub followers are proud of, so the Dems never punishing the leaders behind that is also a big, hollow issue for them, motivating their supporters to vote Dem, but not anybody else, like me, who sees that it was all empty political theater. You can't consistently win elections based on "We suck less than them"...
A Republican Supermajority In Florida Is Ready To Shred Abortion Rights | HuffPost Latest News
Barnie2years comments on Dec 17, 2022:
Anyone of child baring age should leave the state. Let all those old Republicans fend for themselves.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 17, 2022:
I hear you, but that really smacks of privilege. See my comment below. The only solution I see, for those stuck there, is what the movie Call Jane is about, an underground abortion service run by women, but in FL they would be much more targeted than that group was, in the Chicago area in the late 60s and 70s. They had the mob and the cops looking out for them, because both groups were connected to women who needed their services, so they left them alone. I really doubt that would be as easy in FL these days.
A Republican Supermajority In Florida Is Ready To Shred Abortion Rights | HuffPost Latest News
rainmanjr comments on Dec 17, 2022:
State's rights to decide law. Don't like their laws? Don't go to FL or buy products from FL. If enough people do that they'll rethink those laws.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 17, 2022:
Boycotts like you propose can work, but they take a long time, sometimes decades. Look at South Africa. In the meantime, what are those women without resources or the ability to move away, supposed to do?
Do you have a hard to shop for Xstian on your holiday gift list?
DenoPenno comments on Dec 16, 2022:
Oh, why not? Sarah Palin talks to him on her cell phone. :)
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 16, 2022:
Something tells me that Sarah Palin hears, and talks to, other voices, that also aren't really there, besides Jesus....
Elon Musk Calls for the Prosecution of Anthony Fauci Over the weekend, Elon Musk took to his ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 13, 2022:
If anyone had doubt that Musk is a full-throated asshole. (Hate to break it to you, Johnny, but the Deep State/MIC is alive and well).
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 14, 2022:
So true. Epstein's convenient, mysterious :suicide" is all the proof you need about that, along with the treatment of Assange.
Looking for a new profile photo which one works the best?
FvckY0u comments on Dec 13, 2022:
Go with what picture best speaks to you or what you're trying to convey.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 13, 2022:
@azzow2 Some women want a comedian, some don't. I don't know how to advise you beyond that.
Said every cat at 3 am
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Dec 13, 2022:
It's warm dammit, what's the problem?
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 13, 2022:
Warmth is always the top priority with cats, in where they plant themselves. Like heat-seeking missiles, they will always land in the warmest spot in the house that they can get to..
Said every cat at 3 am
Garban comments on Dec 13, 2022:
“That new kibble gives me gas.”
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 13, 2022:
A woman I used to date had a cat that often farted either in her face or in her direction when near her, at times. I thought it was maybe a passive aggressive cat, lol! To my knowledge, she didn't get rid of the cat, tho probably a lot of people would have...
I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will...
ASTRALMAX comments on Dec 11, 2022:
True, until you do or say something that they find disagreeable and everything that you previously said that caused them to feel good is suddenly forgotten.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
That is rather true, and I hate that, when people throw out all past credits you have with them, simply because in the moment, they are mad at you. It is very unfair, and I try to stay above that myself in how I deal with people.
Time of the year for mean comparisons
BDair comments on Dec 12, 2022:
That is not applicable to this particular 60 year old man.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
@Betty Maybe that is the excuse tacky men use for sending dick pics to women on dating sites, to prove what they still have?
Has anyone seen the new friends feature on the Facebook dating?
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 12, 2022:
I am on FB, but know nothing about it. Does it cost you any $ if you are already on FB? I am wary of using it, as I could see the potential of scammers using it even more than normal dating sites. Scratch that. I looked it up on Google, there is no web version of it yet, probably never will be. You ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
@azzow2 Not getting or learning how to use a smartphone just for that.
US leaders gather to discuss rights of nonreligious people across the world 'Discrimination against...
racocn8 comments on Dec 11, 2022:
Most people have an inkling of the cruelty and damage done by religious people. However, if people grasped more than this inkling... Even though people hear about the many atrocities, mass murders, and genocides, the sheer breadth and scope of evil-doing done in the name of Jesus is mind-boggling ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
@CuddyCruiser In all honesty, the last US president I actually liked and respected, was Jimmy Carter, which figures, because he was a one-termer, that most people turned on as soon as the Iran hostage crisis happened, which was never his fault, just bad luck for him, that it happened on his watch, when he was not the one who set up the Shah there as a dictator.
US leaders gather to discuss rights of nonreligious people across the world 'Discrimination against...
racocn8 comments on Dec 11, 2022:
Most people have an inkling of the cruelty and damage done by religious people. However, if people grasped more than this inkling... Even though people hear about the many atrocities, mass murders, and genocides, the sheer breadth and scope of evil-doing done in the name of Jesus is mind-boggling ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
@CuddyCruiser Totally with you, man. That is why I refuse to cave into the pressure to be bright-sided and optimistic about the future of America or the world, because the evidence for optimism, just isn't there, and hope really is another name, these days, for wishful or magical thinking..... And I am still disgusted at how Obama, used, and so many rubes bought into, and still do, his phony, manipulative advertising, for "Hope And Change", which I always knew was phony and bullshit, but most people still believe that shit about him and how wonderful things supposedly were during the Obama years and how great he was, etc.. It makes me want to puke when I hear the Dem loyalists spout that shit and treat me as if I am the delusional, crazy one, instead of them...
Here's a chestnut that often comes up when a religious person finds out that I am an Atheist.
BufftonBeotch comments on Dec 11, 2022:
That bit about if "If you don't fear hell what keeps you from breaking into your neighbor's house and beheading them and raping infants?" Close to the Duck Dynasty quote. These thoughts don't enter my mind.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch Good line and quite true! You can bank on that one... And another related line I have always believed in, that I got from a Poli Sci professor, is " You never know who you really are, as far as morals or ethics, until you have been given power, and then been tested or tempted, by someone who asks you to use it or abuse that power, in doing favors for them or for hurting someone you don't like". Because until then, you don't really know who you are, in that area, and nobody else does, either... Lots of people say and think they are very highly moral and ethical, but they have never had to prove it, by being tested or tempted in that sort of situation..
Has anybody else noticed any changes in the trends as far as online dating?
MichelleGar1 comments on Nov 9, 2022:
I could only take 5 minutes or less from the dating option on Facebook, it was too scary for me and overwhelming!
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
And the other thing that sucks, about online dating, esp. if you are a guy, who always has to make the first move, in my dating pool, is that if some other guy wins the competition for a woman who is on the dating site, and then things go sour between them and the woman, in my experience, the woman is never interested in giving any of the also rans, as far as men, another chance with them, by messaging them back later, saying things didn't work out with the man they chose to lock down with and date a while, etc., probably because they never want to admit they made a mistake in choosing the guy they picked, or because by then they have lost track of who else they had begun messaging with before locking down on their top choice, etc. But many times, more often than I can count, I have seen the same woman's profile come up again as active on Match, after being inactive for a while, and then messaged them, telling them I am still interested in meeting them, etc., but they have never given me that second look or chance with them, probably because, as they see it, if I wasn't their first choice in the past, on Match, why should they bother giving me a second look, and also because any woman who is average looking or better, gets plenty of attention from men on dating sites, so their attitude, when they are starting over, is to just only look at the new set of men that have joined Match since the time they dropped off of Match. Same as buying a house, they are only interested in buying from the newer homes on the market, not going back and seeing the homes from before that they passed on. So damned impersonal and callous, the process is. I am always willing to consider, connect again with, and meet women who have passed me up before for someone else, not due to incompatibiility that they sensed on their part, but due to me not being their top choice. But it makes no difference, like anything else, if it's always a one-way street, and that is what I'm so fucking sick of. Women saying they value men who are open-minded, flexible, tolerant of differences between them and a woman, but in the reality, those things count for little or nothing in who they actually choose to date.. It feels to me like lots of women say they value those things in a man, but instead of actually having or choosing to practice those things themselves, they just put those qualities out there as some hollow things they say they want in a man, but have no intention of being themselves, sort of like virtue signaling among pols..
Who’s giving Americans spiritual care?
KKGator comments on Dec 11, 2022:
"Spiritual care"? That's a crock of shit. Mental health care is all people need. I don't want anyone "counseling" me if they believe in ANY god.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
@KKGator I believe you and respect your perspective, but I have met such critters, tho I don't claim that they are common in their professions..
Here's a chestnut that often comes up when a religious person finds out that I am an Atheist.
BufftonBeotch comments on Dec 11, 2022:
That bit about if "If you don't fear hell what keeps you from breaking into your neighbor's house and beheading them and raping infants?" Close to the Duck Dynasty quote. These thoughts don't enter my mind.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
@SnowyOwl The sad reality is that most people operate like that, at what the psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, who pioneered the study of moral reasoning, calls the conformity level of moral reasoning. These people operate, morally, at the basic level of doing what is needed to conform to the norms of their society, thru obedience to authority and to avoid punishment. Those two factors are all that motivate them in making their moral choices. In Kohlberg's model of moral reasoning, people with higher intelligence, and a more advanced level of moral reasoning, make their moral choices on much more universal and personally held convictions of right and wrong, which involve much more complicated reasons for the actions they choose.
Who’s giving Americans spiritual care?
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 11, 2022:
As far as providing spiritual care, ministers are being, and have been replaced, for some time now, by mental health workers, like social workers, therapists, and counselors. It used to be that most religious people went to their ministers for counseling, because it was less embarrassing to them and...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch But nowadays, esp. with the gig economy, many jobs have no benefits whatsover, which is a trend which began decades ago, on the part of employers, to increase their profits and cut their costs. It is also a big reason why most employers, esp. ones in low wage, no benefit industries can't hire and keep staff, because many workers decided, after Covid hit, to no longer put up with taking low wage, no benefit jobs anymore and being exploited by employers, to work high risk jobs for Covid, with no benefits and shitty pay. I still have no sympathy whatsoever for employers these days who can't hire or keep staff. They are reaping what they have sowed, because employers who have continued to pay well and provide good benefits, have always been able to hire and retain staff. It is the exploitive ones who are suffering now, and they fucking deserve every bit of it!
Who’s giving Americans spiritual care?
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 11, 2022:
As far as providing spiritual care, ministers are being, and have been replaced, for some time now, by mental health workers, like social workers, therapists, and counselors. It used to be that most religious people went to their ministers for counseling, because it was less embarrassing to them and...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 12, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch All of those suppositions, are very likely true, in a rural area, but I don't live in one of those, and never will again, by choice, because of the terrible mismatch they are for someone like me. In a decent sized city, like I live in, you don't have to worry about such a widespread gossip network, lucky for me. I pity people who, due to either ignorance about such things, or not having any choice about where they live, due to local family ties, or needing the job they have in that town so badly, that they have to stay living in Podunk, no matter how bad it might be for them socially or mentally.
Who’s giving Americans spiritual care?
KKGator comments on Dec 11, 2022:
"Spiritual care"? That's a crock of shit. Mental health care is all people need. I don't want anyone "counseling" me if they believe in ANY god.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 11, 2022:
I think that the two are hard to separate, in the treatment and healing of most people, for their emotional problems, and past traumas. I personally have no issue with a therapist or mental health professional who is a believer in religion, as long as they respect the patient's non-belief, attempt to meet them where the patient is already at, so to speak, and not try to change them on that aspect of not believing. The point is to make the person more functional, less plagued by their mental illness, promote healing of their psyche from trauma, increase their capacity or resiliance to be able to cope with life, to increase their social connections and improve the quality of those connections, and to aid them in finding a life that is more fulfilling to them, not to the helper..
Who’s giving Americans spiritual care?
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 11, 2022:
As far as providing spiritual care, ministers are being, and have been replaced, for some time now, by mental health workers, like social workers, therapists, and counselors. It used to be that most religious people went to their ministers for counseling, because it was less embarrassing to them and...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 11, 2022:
@skado Yes and no. The ministers are still free of charge, and so are the mental health workers working at community mental health centers, where they still exist, because those are govt. funded, and either charge nothing for the poor, or a sliding fee scale for those who do have income.
Who’s giving Americans spiritual care?
BufftonBeotch comments on Dec 11, 2022:
As in Catholic church? The last person I would want counseling me would be a damn virgin with no clue to the real world.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 11, 2022:
Sound like a line from the Clint Eastwood movie, Gran Torino...
Here's a chestnut that often comes up when a religious person finds out that I am an Atheist.
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 11, 2022:
I've found it to be a common theme amongst religious types that they feel that Atheists are more likely to be immoral, untrustworthy and even prone to criminal actions, this has been born out in numerous polls and studies. It's one of the reasons why so few politicians who are Atheists will ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 11, 2022:
No doubt. Biggest example is Bernie Sanders, who I have no doubt is an atheist, but because he wanted to be president, he always claimed that he was still Jewish, but non-observant, what a cop-out! But he knew he couldn't get away with adding Atheist to the Socialist label he already had...
Interesting that adults can accept that Santa is a lie but still believe that God is the truth. :D
Dave375 comments on Dec 10, 2022:
When I was a child I pretended Santa was real, even after I knew otherwise. I realized playing along would net me gifts. Perhaps some religious adults have a similar thought process.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 10, 2022:
Agreed. Playing along at least gets you social acceptance, conformity, and maybe some conditional friendship. And there's always the magical hope that you will be rewarded for your faith by some sky fairy..
This exquisite amicus brief was submitted to the US Supreme Court, by the Onion.
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 10, 2022:
Maybe I'm too ignorant, or thick, as the British say, but is there any particular case that this brief is supposed to be in reference to?
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 10, 2022:
@itsmeagain Ok, thanks for adding that link, it all makes sense now. I had already heard about the case of the guy writing a satire piece about his local cops and then them going to war against him. To me, The Onion publishes more truth, between the lines of the satire, about how things really are, than all of the corporate media combined...
Cheato's diabolically clever hiding place for classified documents.
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 10, 2022:
That's my parody title for that retarded country song, "Digging Up Bones", which I call Picking My
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 10, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir See, I've been telling you all for years, that country music sucks! Imagine living somewhere like Iowa, where it's so damned popular and you are constantly bombarded with it on TV and at karaoke, which I go to a few times a week? It's like being the only sane person in the asylum..
For those of us that are the black sheep of the family, how true does this ring for you?
Lauren comments on Nov 30, 2022:
Indeed. And we're usually the only one brave enough to face reality.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 10, 2022:
@ChrisAine You and I finally agree on something...
Sometimes the truth hurts
Julie808 comments on Dec 2, 2022:
I find it refreshing that men are more real and genuine now that dating is no longer the objective at our ages.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 10, 2022:
I was always real and genuine, but look where it got me before I met my late wife, and where it gets me now in online dating. Maybe there's a reason most men are not that genuine, like maybe they get penalized for it by too many single women? Seems to me that many women are a bit disengenuous when they say the want real and genuine, but in reality are more interested in smooth and very confident, even if it's phony charm.... I blame a lot of it on them watching too many Hollywood movies, where the leading men are always 10s in looks, very confident and charming, rather than real and genuine in any realistic way, like average men. Seems to lead to a lot of ridiculous expectations...
Eric Trump says his dad saved religious freedom from Obama |
David1955 comments on Dec 9, 2022:
Even on the spectrum of Trump family stupidity this guy is in a class of dumb-fuck all his own. The only family member exception is Mary Trump, who is a terrific lady, the white sheep of the family.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 10, 2022:
Every family has it's despised truth-teller about it. Mary Trump is theirs, and I can totally relate to her... She knows that someone like Donald could have her whacked or at least seriously hurt, and get away with it, as well as frivilously sued, and cost her tons of money to fight it, but yet she still spills the beans on him, knowing it could really personally cost her..
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona: Why I’m registering as an independent
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 9, 2022:
You're right, she will not even run for re-election. She already has her cushy corporate or lobbyist job lined up, secretly. In the meantime, she loves the spotlight, and will suck up all she can of it until she leaves office. The Dems should have wrote her off long ago, same with Manchin, but ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 9, 2022:
@CuddyCruiser Ding, ding, you are correct sir! And even Bernie, who is not just in it for the money, like the rest of them in DC, is still pretty corrupt, choosing to suck up to the Dems just to keep his own power and perks in congress, instead of leaving them behind and starting the third party he could have given us back in 2016. He sells out too, just not for money, like the rest of them. And all he gets for it, is a powerless platform to complain about the Dems, but then cave to them every time. So in that way, he serves as a sheepdog to keep progressive voters inside the duopoly, instead of voting outside of it, and making the Dem Party appear to be more different than the Repubs than they actually are. He is the showdog for them to keep the progressives in line, when he has no power in the party and none of its leaders listen to him. He is the lipstick on the Dem Party pig... And I am waiting for the Dem Party apologists and loyalists to show up and bash me in, 3, 2, 1......
Well, after another really long dry spell, I recently got rejected this weekend by two women that I ...
ChrisAine comments on Dec 9, 2022:
It hurts when you can't find a partner in your local community I'm on the same page when it comes to finding love, all the ladies around here are religious or evangelicals which means once you date them, you must accept their beliefs. About finding love online It's my first time to try it here ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 9, 2022:
@ChrisAine Read it however you want to. I was saying that likely no women would date a man who lived overseas, whether he was white, black, green or whatever. Knock off your stupid PC assumption of racism. Man, I hate it when people treat PC as their own fucking religion. If anybody on here thinks I am racist because I don't worship at the alter of PC, like they do, they can fuck themselves. You're an idiot, as far as I'm concerned, and I don't want to engage with you anymore. Fail to respect that, and I will block you.
Well, after another really long dry spell, I recently got rejected this weekend by two women that I ...
ChrisAine comments on Dec 9, 2022:
It hurts when you can't find a partner in your local community I'm on the same page when it comes to finding love, all the ladies around here are religious or evangelicals which means once you date them, you must accept their beliefs. About finding love online It's my first time to try it here ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 9, 2022:
I'm not sure I agree that most profiles are tagged with interest in meeting people for dating. I would bet most of those profiles you're referring to are old and inactive. Most of the members profiles I see these days, who are still actively involved with the site, and posting comments and posts, are tagged with "here for community only". Also, very few members here will find any local dating options, because those who are still active on here are very scattered across the US. So, go ahead and feel this is a dating site, if you like, but unless you are interested in dating other members long distance, and by that I mean at least a few hundred mile away from you, you're probably out of luck for dating members from here. And you don't even live in the US, where most of the members are. Who do you think from here that lives in the US, is going to date a man from Africa?
Hello I'm new here from Uganda.
skado comments on Dec 8, 2022:
Welcome to AgnosticDotCom! To answer your question... you might find love here, just as a person might find love at a grocery store or at a football game, but, like those venues, this is not *primarily* a dating site. It's mostly a site where non-believing religious literalists gather to ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 8, 2022:
It was originally intended to be a dating site and a social discussion site, but the former never really panned out, and in the last several years, it has been a joke for dating. No local dating options except for a very few Americans, plenty of long distance dating options, for people in America, unlike you. But I would say that even men in America are out of luck on here, as no women on here appear to be interested in trying LD dating, and I sure am not.
Do you give money to the red kettle bell ringers outside every store?
Secretguy comments on Dec 8, 2022:
Mostly what I see here is a bunch of cheap dickwads using bullshit arguments to justify their selfishness.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 8, 2022:
I'm not cheap or selfish at all, asshole. I'm a proud socialist, who wants to see everybody get a fair shake and piece of the pie. I gave all of my first Covid relief check from Trump, around 1500$, to my local food bank, how about you? What did you do with yours? I didn't need it and considered it blood money, actually, so I gave it away. Don't be so quick to judge and label all of us as selfish assholes, unless you are without sin or fault yourself, on that score of altruism and generosity, etc..
Do you give money to the red kettle bell ringers outside every store?
TheDoubter comments on Dec 8, 2022:
Remember the Clintons (Bill and Hil)? Donations for campaigns or for other goals ended up in the Clinton Foundation. They probably bought more land in Arkansas
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 8, 2022:
@Secretguy I came to that conclusion about the Clintons long ago, without his help, by watching what they did, not their words. And no, I am very left wing, that's why I hate them. Bill was the first neoliberal, DLC corporate Dem president we had, selling out the working class and pushing them into the arms of the Repubs, He and Hillary did a lot to making Trump our 45th prez. They were part of the disease, he was merely the symptom...
Do you give money to the red kettle bell ringers outside every store?
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 8, 2022:
Thanks Julie, very informative. I never give to anyone who is ringing bells, or otherwise panhandling, because I only give to charities I already have researched and then either give online or by mailing them a check, not spontaneously giving in person. I also find it annoying that they and other ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 8, 2022:
@jlynn37 Agreed. Both parties have plenty of money already from their big corporate donors. They don't need money from us peasants, and they don't really care what we want, they just want our votes at election time, and I refuse to give them that as well, as often as possible, esp. in fed elections. The exception is when the greater evil is so extreme, that I hold my nose and vote Dem, not for, but against, the Repub..
Do you give money to the red kettle bell ringers outside every store?
TheDoubter comments on Dec 8, 2022:
Remember the Clintons (Bill and Hil)? Donations for campaigns or for other goals ended up in the Clinton Foundation. They probably bought more land in Arkansas
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 8, 2022:
I have always hated both of the Clintons, for being phony corporate sellouts. Nice to see your comment proves me right about that.
Do you give money to the red kettle bell ringers outside every store?
KKGator comments on Dec 8, 2022:
Nope. I do very little charitable giving.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 8, 2022:
I don't blame you. Few of them are legitimately serving causes I care about.
It’s official.
BBJong comments on Dec 7, 2022:
Congrats♤♡◇♧_-_-_ go for happiness 🔭 🧭-guess u won't set an a alarm clock for a couple of months☺💗
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 7, 2022:
I still have my alarm clock, but very rarely use it. I usually get up around 8 or 9 am. About the only thing I get up earlier for is the rare medical appt. that can't be scheduled later in the day.
Time spent together
Garban comments on Dec 5, 2022:
I use Zoom a lot for work, so I have a general negative opinion of it. If you and the person you are meeting with get satisfaction by all means enjoy whether it’s a date or just a friendly chat.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 7, 2022:
I always feel negatively about online communication compared to in person, face to face, which is much more emotionally satisfying and clearer communication, esp. compared to text messages, whether phone style or e-mails. Even phone voice calls are much clearer, more rewarding, satisfying communication. But if what you care most about these days, like most people is convenience and efficiency, which I don't but most do, then the phone texting is the best. Why I won't get a smartphone or learn to text, besides being too clumsy...
I can't speak to all religions and religious beliefs but in my experience I think what keeps many in...
snytiger6 comments on Dec 6, 2022:
I think that is a part of it. I also think that as humans evolved as "herd" animals, whose ancestors instinctually gathered in groups for safety, that those insticts to belong to group are still at play, and by belonging to a group they feel safe. If that group doesn't change, then they may even ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 6, 2022:
I and many other non believers join Unitarian or Unity churches, so we can have some community, without the religion. Some are willing to make that compromise and go outside mainstream churches to be authentic about their non-belief, some will just do without any church, and some will stay within mainstream religion, no matter how little they believe in it, just to fit and remain in the mainstream herd, like you say. Pity that choose to do that last one, remain inauthentic in their short time on this rock, but I guess some of us have more courage and integrity than others.
Vandalism is getting to be a lot less in my area.
Garban comments on Dec 6, 2022:
Home video monitoring has become more affordable. Vandalism has become a high risk low reward crime maybe.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 6, 2022:
It has also cut way down on people stealing packages off of porches, etc.
Hi, I was curious if anyone else felt as i do about birthdays.
Lauren comments on Dec 5, 2022:
I agree with @Willow_Wisp's thoughts on birthdays providing an opportunity to stay in touch. I have friends whose lives don't intersect with mine much anymore, but birthdays give us a fixed date that we can use as a pretext to get together at least a couple times a year. It was thoughtless of ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 5, 2022:
@K9Kohle789 I agree with your attitude about people needing to be real and loyal with you, or else they don't need to be in your life. As far as being one of the hot chicks in high school, etc., I can't relate to that at all, as I was never confident about my looks, esp. back then. So I guess that is one big diff in us. I suppose youthful beauty has both its pluses and minuses, but I can only imagine them, since I was never part of the cool or beautiful crowd in high school...
It’s official.
glennlab comments on Dec 5, 2022:
I always told clients that anytime you are offered early retirement, take it, otherwise the company will find a way to eliminate you without the benefits.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 5, 2022:
Yup, most employers will find a way to screw you out of retirement benefits, so don't let them, beat them at their own game, when you can.
Judge blocks Indiana abortion ban on religious freedom grounds | Reuters
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 3, 2022:
This will never hold up once it gets to the top court..
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 4, 2022:
@p-nullifidian A great example of why to get rid of the fillibuster, esp. since the Dems are never willing to play hardball and use it, unlike the Repubs...
Judge blocks Indiana abortion ban on religious freedom grounds | Reuters
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 3, 2022:
This will never hold up once it gets to the top court..
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 3, 2022:
@OldMetalHead Well, that's what happens when one president, like Trump, cheats and gets to put three right wing Catholics on the court, in one term...
Hey, How's everyone been?
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 2, 2022:
Well, you live in the US, like me, where we have had uniparty rule, at least since the late 80s, ever since. The only real differences these days, at the fed level, for the major parties, is the identity politics and culture wars, otherwise, the policies and agendas are pretty much the same, serving...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 3, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir I will probably never give up my pessimism about our country and our system, until and unless it is somehow disproven, which in my lifetime, has only continued to get worse each decade, as far as my points in my first paragraph. What I do share with you, is to go down fighting, both literally and figuratively, against the assholes in both parties, as well as the ruling class both of them serve. I will keep fighting the case and cause for socialism until I die. I know that if it comes to civil war here, which I still think it will, I will have my gun and be ready to fight those pricks when the time comes, whether it is just defending myself when they come for me, or out in the streets if our side needs to actually go out there and fight them in the streets, the left against the right, with the cops and military, either on their side or, at best, standing back and standing by, in case the right is not able to beat us on its own.
Re Kanye (Ye),
davknight comments on Dec 3, 2022:
Ignorance can be cured. But Stupid is forever a bag of hammers!
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 3, 2022:
Can only be cured if the person is willing to learn. Unfortunately, most conservatives do not want to be informed, they just want to win the argument.
I need a wife to bear me a son and daughter
DenoPenno comments on Nov 30, 2022:
Me too. I also prefer them younger. One on here is trying to troll me right now. You can have her.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 3, 2022:
I'm guessing that would be Avva?
I need a wife to bear me a son and daughter
BitFlipper comments on Dec 2, 2022:
Who the fuck is this guy?
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 3, 2022:
Who know? But he sounds like a real goofball...
Is real women really hard to find these days
Mooolah comments on Nov 30, 2022:
Failure of our grammar classes.
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 3, 2022:
@Mooolah As Bill Clinton said, " That depends on the meaning of "is"....
Hey, How's everyone been?
TomMcGiverin comments on Dec 2, 2022:
Well, you live in the US, like me, where we have had uniparty rule, at least since the late 80s, ever since. The only real differences these days, at the fed level, for the major parties, is the identity politics and culture wars, otherwise, the policies and agendas are pretty much the same, serving...
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 3, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir The 2nd paragraph, and your reply, are about whether we get the full on fascism of the Repubs or keep the charade of democracy the Dems prefer. Either way, we are going to remain really screwed, so I would not be rejoicing about the developments you are feeling optimistic about regarding Trump and the insurrectionists. Because in two years or so, even the charade of democracy could be gone for good with a Repub victory in two years, or civil war begun instead around that time.
Fucking Kabuki theater.
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 2, 2022:
TomMcGiverin replies on Dec 2, 2022:
That's why they are justifiably called The Fraud Squad, but most liberals have not caught on to them, because they listen only to their words, but don't follow their actions and votes, while the corporate media never scrutinizes their gap between words and actions.


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