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Sorry to inform all of Sassygirl3869 friends that she had passed away on May 1st, 2022 the ...
TomMcGiverin comments on May 8, 2022:
I am sad to hear that. I liked her and have missed her on this site.
And so it begins … the first stage of Canada opening its doors to Americans fleeing a ...
TomMcGiverin comments on May 8, 2022:
Well of course. The Handmaid's Tale was written by a Canadian author, Margaret Atwood, and in the novel Americans, esp. women of childbearing age, were fleeing to Canada for freedom, the same as runaway slaves from the South before the Civil War. It's not much different, being a slave or a woman treated as a breeding mare by the state, you cannot be free in any state or nation that controls your body.
George Carlin
TomMcGiverin comments on May 8, 2022:
Duplicate post, Vicky.
Indiana Republican Wins Primary Despite Being Jailed on Murder Charges - Rolling Stone
TomMcGiverin comments on May 8, 2022:
Only in hick states like IN can a wife-beater or wife murderer get elected to office.. Unfortunately, Iowa isn't much better.
Anyone who says the Supreme Court is not a political institution is supremely deluded.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 7, 2022:
You can probably count Roberts in there with the other five, but they won't need his vote anyway to abolish Roe.
This is funny...and I'm from the area that he represents--couldn't move away fast enough.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 7, 2022:
I've always said that with those puritanical Repubs, behind closed doors, their kink is usually way more twisted than the Dems... BTW, Larimar, is MO really that much of an improvement on IN?
My wife asked if she could have a little peace and quiet while she cooked dinner.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 7, 2022:
I used to regularly do that when my wife cooked in our old house, since the alarm would always go off if smoke built up in the kitchen.
Liberals are not looking to dominate anybody. We just want fair treatment for EVERYBODY.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 7, 2022:
No shit. But conservatives feel they should be able to dominate over everyone else and that equality or even trying to achieve it is wrong, silly, and unpatriotic. And they try to justify their viewpoint with religion and a bogus argument that Social Darwinism is the natural order of things.
Here are two more.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 7, 2022:
Because they would rather have all that than a socialist like Bernie in power. Also don't forget to credit Barry The Liar (Obama) for his role in making sure Bernie never got nominated either time.
With capitalism, all things are for sale . . . . even the TRUTH!
TomMcGiverin comments on May 7, 2022:
So, what else is new?
If Republicans have their way,...
TomMcGiverin comments on May 7, 2022:
Yup, queer and transgender people are the next targets, followed by interracial marriage. The goal is make marriage only between straight folks of the same race and to return women to before they could vote or have any other rights, like owning property, having credit, etc. Reproductive rights is the first crucial step to returning women to the property of men or maximum dependence on men.
Maybe being guilty of murder doesn't disqualify you from holding office when you are a republican?
TomMcGiverin comments on May 7, 2022:
There is no shame anymore among Repubs. You don't need to qualify as any kind of decent human being anymore to get their votes...
They never said they would never change the did they really lie?
TomMcGiverin comments on May 7, 2022:
Ever since Robert Bork got rejected for the court, the Repub nominees for the court have just gone ahead and lied in the confirmation hearings about their views. Since none of them ever suffered consequences for it, and the Dems kept confirming them, why should they stop doing it? The whole confirmation hearing process is a sick joke. The nominees lie, the senators posture and sometimes lie too. The whole thing should just be done without a hearing and just be a straight vote, since the senators already have ample opportunity to talk to and investigate the nominees before they vote on them. The hearings are a waste of time and the public would have more respect for the process if they just had the vote without them.
Has a Christian ever said any of these frustratingly dumb things to you?
TomMcGiverin comments on May 6, 2022:
The only time in recent memory was at a bar in my town during a karaoke show. I was chatting with a couple that were being friendly to me and sitting at the next table over. I disclosed that I have been widowed for five years, and the woman said that "God has a plan for you and maybe it will include another marriage" or something to that effect. It really pissed me off, first, because she arrogantly assumed I shared her beliefs, and secondly, why should I or anyone have to be content with the plan of some deity for me to either be alone the rest of my life or have another partner? I implied to her that I don't share her religious beliefs and that I have been on Match for three years now, with no luck in finding another partner, to which she said, "Maybe God doesn't intend for you to be married again", or something like that. I told her I will make my own future as much as possible within my control and that I didn't appreciate her lack of empathy, which was probably too big or intelligent a word for her to understand or know.....
Funny how that works
TomMcGiverin comments on May 6, 2022:
That would be pretty embarrassing to them...
Mrs. Betty Bowers the best Christian. []
TomMcGiverin comments on May 5, 2022:
Best portrayal of a smug, self-righteous, prissy, religious bitch since Dana Carvey's Church Lady on SNL.
"I want a world where the democrats will put somebody up there worth voting for!" Lt.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 5, 2022:
Actually doing something, would be too displeasing to their donor class...
"I want a world where the democrats will put somebody up there worth voting for!" Lt.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 4, 2022:
Bless ole Frank Drebin, Leslie Nielson's dim-witted detective! I miss him, but as usual, he may be a nitwit, but he stumbles upon the truth sometimes, just the same.... Bernie is about the only person in congress who regularly speaks the truth about what's wrong, too bad he isn't really serious about radically changing anything. I lost my faith in Bernie after he gave up so easily this last time when he had Biden practically beaten and then sucked up to the Dem leadership, all for the mostly symbolic chairmanship of the Senate Budget Committee, but no real power like Schumer or Pelosi in DC. We needed a third party from him a long time ago and now it's too late for that to happen and save us. As usual, the Dems are too little, too late, because who really thought they ever cared in the first place about poor or colored women and girls? I know I never thought they actually did, beyond the posturing and grandstanding of The Squad.....
Relationships are very difficult for me.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 4, 2022:
I'm a fairly empathetic person, but I honestly have nothing for you, as I just can't relate to that much difference between us regarding the BDSM and being so introverted on top of that. I wish you the best, tho I suppose living in TN doesn't help you find connection easily with compatible women.
Wish I lived that fairy tale.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 4, 2022:
It's an amusing take on the whole conflicts of the sexes thing, but fortunately reality is not so black and white as this scenario. Reality is more like, the guy went on after being rejected by the princess and he dated some other women here and there, some happily and blissfully, some not so much.... later on he got older and started feeling somewhat lonely, sad or empty that his dating relationships never worked out to any LTRs of more than a few years, and he began to worry that he might end up old and alone for the final decade or two of his life, while at the same time age had begun taking a toll on his health. He then ends up in his mid sixties, bald, and merely average looking, and realizes that he is no longer that attractive to most women and now gets almost no replies to his first messages to women on online dating sites. And then he spends the last decade or two of his life alone and wishing he had more friends or had ended up with a life partner that would still be with him at this stage. The end.... and unfortunately, I share way more of that story regarding my later life than I wish was true. I did end up with a life partner for about two decades, but then she developed dementia and died... The parts of the tale about male freedom and having more money and stuff from not being married has some truth to it, but, like the commenter below me said, there is a tradeoff and to me, that tale is not worth the end result of being alone in old age...., so, even when I was young, I tried to find a life partner thru my dating, rather than just indulging in hedonism and the Don Juan lifestyle promoted in the tale.....
The Supreme Court's Roe ruling could backfire on conservative Christians - YouTube
TomMcGiverin comments on May 4, 2022:
Of course there will be, but if the Repubs are able to restrict voting enough among colored people, it won't be enough to matter in who controls the fed government. That's been the whole plan for some time now.
Head-snapping hypocrisy 😵‍💫
TomMcGiverin comments on May 4, 2022:
When you're a Repub, you're exempt from hypocrisy...
They lied. []
TomMcGiverin comments on May 4, 2022:
The Republican nominees have always lied during confirmation hearings ever since Bork, so what else is new? That's why the hearings, for decades, have been nothing but a show for both parties to posture with.
Problem: the GOP/Trump Cult has hijacked our country. Solution: vote Democratic!
TomMcGiverin comments on May 3, 2022:
It's not going to happen soon enough to help those who need abortions, but my prediction, as it has been for years, is that if abortion is outlawed with this court decision, it will result in tons of women suddenly becoming one-issue voters, on the side of the Dems because of abortion. The same thing happened to the Dems with the South after civil rights laws were passed in congress. The bigger problem is that, with all the voter restriction laws being passed by Repub-controlled states that will suppress the voting of colored people, the increased votes of women for Dems may not make any difference in who controls congress or the WH... The Repubs have been preparing for this for quite some time, and the timing of the SC finally overturning Roe v. Wade is probably because they now feel they have the voting laws rigged enough that a female backlash against them will not matter enough to change who controls the federal government.
She shot a TEEN in the FACE.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 3, 2022:
I admit I have quite a temper about assholes on the road, but these days, when so many people are carrying guns and you have no idea who is and isn't among your fellow motorists, I am now very reluctant to express my anger towards other drivers. First, because I have no gun of my own in the car, and second, because even if I did, I am not willing to shoot it out with someone over their asshole driving behavior. Life is just too damned short and not worth the risk of a lethal duel.
Debate: porn does more good than harm Pre-debate poll.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 3, 2022:
My concerns with porn are two-fold. One is that it may lead to the exploitation of vulnerable people for the production of it. The other is that may sometimes lead to the user becoming so conditioned and dependent on it, that they are no longer able to function sexually with real partners in normal sexual relations. In other words, they become so conditioned to perfect, air-brushed fantasy photos and videos of their desired choice of sexual stimulants that real people and bodies no longer arouse them. While this may not end up affecting me, over time it causes real pain and suffering in the society in general as more and more people can no longer function with real people in sexual relationships. I guess that provides more job security for therapists......
"Decades of data suggest parenthood makes people unhappy"
TomMcGiverin comments on May 2, 2022:
No surprise. Having kids not only adds more stress to your life, esp. during the younger years, along with being financially costly, hence adding more stress and less freedom to your life. I made the right choice to be childless, but in my very family-oriented local dating pool, esp. among the women in my local area, it makes me practically undateable (along with being non-religious and a non-drinker), even in my early 60s, when it (having had kids or not) really shouldn't matter. Until the last few years, I have also always been too poor as an adult to afford to support kids, so there's that too.
How about we go after the exploiters instead of each other?
TomMcGiverin comments on May 2, 2022:
Because the exploiters are too rich and powerful to go after them with just small groups of us against them? To actually hold these pricks and bitches accountable and punish them, we would need a movement of tens of millions going after them. I don't see that happening in my lifetime.. But short of that, in the meantime, I would love to see some targeted assassinations of them.
She shot a TEEN in the FACE.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 2, 2022:
She should also be charged with attempted murder.
I can't keep track of everything/ everyone around here @ Agnostic.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 30, 2022:
I blocked that asshole a long time ago, but I see evidence fairly often that he is still posting comments on here. Join the club, he attacks everyone eventually...
Price fixing, monopolistic practices made them rich…
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 30, 2022:
Well duh.. We have inflation because there is no enforcement of anti-trust laws and hasn't been any for decades. So we have monopolization of most industries, therefore situations like Covid and the Ukraine war are used as excuses for price gouging by these monopolies. And our government won't do anything because they knowingly allowed this situation to happen by design with the bipartisan support for monopolies.
I do too but I work for a company that builds high speed trains, commuter trains and trams so ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 30, 2022:
That's just so anti-American (sarcasm)! Will never happen, as most Americans love their individualism and being able to drive their own cars like assholes. I never drive without running across assholes who insist on speeding, so those people will never give up their cars for public transit-too slow and boring for them- they love being in control of their vehicle and getting one over on the law by speeding and driving like the streets and highways are NASCAR, all about beating the other guy and getting there first.
GOP=Gullible Oblivious People.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 30, 2022:
They are useful idiots being used by the rich, but they are too stupid to realize it. Still, I enjoy confronting them and pointing it out to them every chance I get.. Most of the followers and voters who support them are, but not the leaders and pols in the party.
So I just got a penis enlargement.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 29, 2022:
Youth pastor who was "betrothed" to 14-year-old girl charged with sexual abuse
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 29, 2022:
From the look of his photo, I could see why he would have had trouble attracting a woman his own age.
My queen, my love
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 28, 2022:
Very elegant.
As a former patron and patient (as well as all of the women I dated) of Planned Parenthood, I am ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 28, 2022:
It seems that adoptive parents only want white babies, except for those that go to China for adoptions. As for which type of babies the church wants to be adopted, I suppose that makes sense that they only want kids to be raised Catholic, as far as serving their own agenda.
Once again, I've seen worse on dating sites.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 28, 2022:
From an Indiana man, I'm not surprised. Mike Pence country... And of course, his occupation is Trucker.... and he attended a private Christian school, instead of public school. And yet so many people say there is no truth in stereotypes, to which I say, bullshit, as every stereotype has tons of walking examples of them around. Which is why I hate it when PC runs amok...
Marjorie Taylor Greene says Trump should have declared Marshall Tucker.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 27, 2022:
Always hated that band, as well as lots of other Southern Rock bands, almost as much as I hate country music. It's all about how those both of those genres glorify the whole redneck lifestyle and culture. I just don't want to hear about their shit...
These 10 "non-commandments" seem reasonable to me. How about you?
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 27, 2022:
Sounds like a great set of principles to me..
I think she is on to something.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 26, 2022:
It's because they want to do it again, but they don't want to be criticized for it or opposed...
It's just a personal theory but if we had more Xstian petting zoos with Lions, this whole religion ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 26, 2022:
A pre-Covid Darwin Award winner.....
I'd go closer to summer. I like it hot.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Is that William Shatner?
You’re supposed to pray before you get on the plane!!🙃 []
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 26, 2022:
Looks like once again, karma is a bitch!
Can you believe my son is laughing at me because I am getting dinner ready and dancing because of ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 25, 2022:
Sorry, but I have always hated Jimmy Buffet's music. Just seems too mindless for me, and the last thing we need in America is more mindless, braindead people that refuse to take anything seriously. But I realize he is very rich and popular, and maybe that's an indicator of the problem... Buffet's music and his whole parrothead crowd is all about being drunk, mindless, and self-centered. I guess I am more of an old hippie and would instead prefer being stoned on weed and dropping out that way, rather than at some drunken party of parrothead yuppies or smug, well-heeled Boomers.....
Firearms were the leading cause of death in children in 2020, researchers say : NPR
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 25, 2022:
The answer is NO. Too many people believe guns should not be restricted- one of many cases in which Americans are stupid- and also the gun makers have too much money and power in our political system of legalized bribery. So nothing will fundamentally change on gun laws...
After losing his job for praying on the field, ex-high school football coach brings case to Supreme ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 24, 2022:
I see nothing wrong with what the coach was doing until it appears to have become a de facto requirement for his players to join the bandwagon in order to feel accepted by the coach and the rest of the team. At that point, it became a religious requirement for the players on the team, even if it was an informal requirement. That made it an improper blend of church and state in a public school sports program.
One-Eyed Stowaway Cat Rescued and Reunited with Owner After 5 Years |
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 24, 2022:
I love stories about celebrity cats, much more interesting and enjoyable than the latest news on the Kardashians, for example.
Saturday morning cuteness
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 23, 2022:
That's why they aren't snuggling, but at least they're sharing the couch, like a feline married couple...
Alone with depression
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 22, 2022:
I hear and feel your pain. I am living a similar situation. All I can suggest is what I try my best to do, which is, keep as busy as possible and hang on as tight as possible with my local friends. I try to call them and talk to them as frequently as I can reach them. On top of that, I try to get together with them as well as often as they have time for. Our lives are not easy when we have no partner and live in an alienating environment. It's enough to depress anybody.
Got my vaccines all caught up.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 22, 2022:
I had my second Covid booster about a week ago, and for some reason this time, unlike the other Covid shots, I felt bad for about two days, not just the arm pain and swelling, but also nausea and fatigue.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 21, 2022:
This cartoon reminds me of my old favorite, Tom Tomorrow....
Satanists will sue PA school district for rejecting After School Satan Club
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 21, 2022:
Remember back when Dana Carvey's Church Lady on SNL was more of a fictional character than someone from our real life culture wars? "Could it be......., SATAN???"....
Hot guy on dating site: "Hey let's meetup." Me: "Ok. How about Odenton?
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 21, 2022:
Where did you get this? Obviously such a guy is only interested in sex and a quick score, not any kind of dating relationship.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 21, 2022:
So true! The Repubs automatically label any Dem as having a "left wing socialist agenda", whether it's Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden, the latter being a center right centrist who is completely beholden to the corporate agenda and the status quo. And the corporate media repeats these labels without any comment or criticism. In Europe, to be clear, Biden would be labeled center right at best, but our media is totally complicit with the Rebup agenda, same as with the DNC's neoliberal corporate agenda.
Happy 420 everyone! I made a twitter poll! Check out the progress and participate on twitter! Also ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 20, 2022:
The issue is so minor in the face of all the other things that Biden will not change, that I fail to really care much what he does on weed. It would have no effect on whether I would vote for him. If he or Harris runs in two years, I promise the Repub candidate, whether it's Trump or someone else, will win. We are doomed.
Could be on to something.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 20, 2022:
They are also likely too broke to afford going on any kind of real date, unless of course, you agree to pay their way. The whole gig economy of jobs like that is one big scam, exploiting people who will never be able to afford a decent life. But then again, the dating sites, for the most part, are just another big scam.....
About time.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 20, 2022:
I'm not surprised by this. Years ago I saw a powerful Brit film called "I, Daniel Blake", which was a fictional story based on research about the Department Of Work And Pensions, about a middle-aged man who suffers a heart attack, is unable to work, but is denied disability pension and forced to go thru the hamster wheel of pretending to seek work so he can at least collect unemployment benefits. The movie shows how cruel the system became after the Thatcher regime and also parallels what happened in America during the same time under Reagan as the safety net was destroyed, first thru de-institutionalization of the mentally ill and disabled, then with the shredding of support programs in the community, which were supposed to help those sent away from institutions. At the end of "I, Daniel Blake", the Blake character finally gets his appeal hearing on his disability pension case, month after being denied, but he dies of a heart attack the day of the hearing. The film also features a friend of his on unemployment, a younger woman, who is reduced to seeking work from an escort service in order to provide for her two children. Needless to say, when the system makes life so hopeless for the unemployed, mentally ill, and disabled in America and the UK, I'm surprised there aren't way more suicides than we already have.....
This might be a much more effective and less destructive way.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 20, 2022:
I have always respected people that are open and assertive enough to ask directly for what they need and want without playing games or beating around the bush. I especially value that trait in a potential partner for relationships.
It is hard being hungry when you're a kitty. Raven was impatient for his lunch today.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 20, 2022:
Kitty is showing their claws...
Report: Senators and Former Staffers Say Dianne Feinstein Cannot Fulfill Her Duties – Mother Jones
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 19, 2022:
Another reason given to promote term limits is that it would reduce corruption and the bribery of campaign money, but I doubt term limits would change that. Anybody that wants to run for congress or president and win these days needs to sell their soul in advance in order to raise the money needed to win in the first place. Same with staying in office and winning re-election. So limiting terms does nothing as long as the system requires and supports legalized bribery in order to win federal office. And both major parties support this status quo, so only third party candidates winning federal office is ever going to change that.
Report: Senators and Former Staffers Say Dianne Feinstein Cannot Fulfill Her Duties – Mother Jones
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 18, 2022:
We also need to quit electing geriatric presidents as well. Biden also has obvious dementia issues, as does Trump.
He tells the truth []
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 18, 2022:
Took too long to get to the punchline...
Here is a website for the more liberal minded.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 18, 2022:
I got my first four matches. One of them is in NJ, over a thousand miles away. Another is a woman from my state that used to be on Agnostic, long ago, and has probably been inactive on this other site as well for a long time. The Liberal Hearts site appears to give you no indication of which profiles are still active or not, so if you sign up for the paid membership, you could end up wasting your time and money on a lot of inactive members who will never reply to you.
Here is a website for the more liberal minded.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 17, 2022:
Have all your matches lived far away, like it seems to be on here?
Here is a website for the more liberal minded.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 17, 2022:
I will browse it, but my guess it that it's like, too small a membership to offer local dating options, except for a very few large metro areas. The copyright at the bottom of their page says only thru 2020, so how do you know the site is still active and fully functioning? A couple months ago, someone on Agnostic posted info about a site called Atheist Social Network. That site appears to be dead and the link to it no longer works. Does anybody know anything about what happened with that site?
Florida man guilty of killing wife, 3 kids and dog because he thought 'apocalypse was coming'
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 17, 2022:
So I suppose he just goes to court and say "Oops, my mistake.." as a defense? Why do I feel the most sympathy for the poor, innocent dog? Another case to be filed under "People With Issues".......
RNC Quits Commission on Presidential Debates : NPR
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 16, 2022:
I always thought the real purpose of the CPD, after taking the debates away from the League Of Women Voters, was to keep third party candidates out of the debates, which is what they successfully did to Nader, twice. It would be hilarious if the debates now began to have the Dem candidate and a third party candidate, but I won't hold my breath.
Look at these beauties!
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 15, 2022:
So cute! What breed?
> every woman needs a loud lipstick.....speaks confidence.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 15, 2022:
Rock on, Katherine...
Religious bullshit doesn't work very well in modern warfare.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 15, 2022:
Sounds like the military ship version of a cab driver keeping a St. Christopher medal in the cab to protect it and him from harm. Silly superstition...
Since it’s Easter, I wanted to take a moment to remind y’all that Jesus loves you!!!! 🙏
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 15, 2022:
As punk rock goddess Patti Smith sang, back in the 70s, "Jesus died, for somebody's sins, but not mine...." I can't wait to sing that song at karaoke soon, now that it's available as a new release. Will get to watch the local hicks scratch their heads and mutter disgust at the lyrics of her cover version of Van Morrison's Gloria....
Very true....
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 15, 2022:
Very believeable.
Filed for divorce today in IL.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 13, 2022:
I wish you the best too. The part about having to take parenting classes sounds weird, seems a little late for that, lol. Shouldn't those be before the babies are made????
I may be an agnostic, but I believe that there are many angels . . .
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 11, 2022:
The answer is NO! While there is still war as something possible in a socialist world, it is likely to be less frequent. With capitalism, there will always be war as a constant thing, because the system profits from the industry, which depends on governments to buy its products. Socialist countries would be less likely to buy the industry's products, and would instead spend their money on providing for the basic needs of its people.
Julian Lennon sings ‘Imagine’ for first time in support of Ukraine - The Washington Post
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 11, 2022:
I always thought his voice was so much like his father's, that it was downright eerie...
Yep, they’ll do anything to screw you.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 10, 2022:
That was exactly the situation with a government job I once had at a university. Even tho we had a union, a public employees one, to represent us, it could do nothing about favoritism between the bosses and co-workers who were lazy kiss-asses. It quickly became clear that hard work would only be rewarded, if you weren't one of the favored kiss-asses, with giving you a bigger workload, and no accompanying increase in pay or benefits, since those were collectively bargained. Since I always refused to kiss ass in my jobs, I had no motivation to work hard or go extra on anything except my own pride in a job well done. But as soon as I realized the job was very physically demanding and would wear out my body, as it did, within a few years, I wised up and did only enough to get by and perform satisfactorily. It always amazes me how many workers either play the kiss ass game or work themselves into the grave like suckers, because, either way, hard work by itself never gets rewarded in most workplaces.
What can i say, I am a hopeless romantic
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 10, 2022:
I'm with you on everything but the bourbon, but I'm a tolerant non-drinker. If it got my partner in the mood, no problem...
Cat meme progression 😻
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Sometimes after my deep naps, I am like that cat in the second photo, totally disoriented...
Sunday morning cuteness
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 10, 2022:
My what big claws you have!
This is timeless . . . . []
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 10, 2022:
As Leonard Cohen used to sing, " Everybody Knows"...
This used to be my couch...they do share it once in awhile.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 8, 2022:
The couch's covering suggests that it is now completely theirs...
The cats like the view from the window in my room.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 8, 2022:
They're watching Cat TV, as in birds and squirrels..
The woman who kept aborted fetuses in her home works for an atheist
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 8, 2022:
Handy is another profile in "people with issues", and like many in the pro-life movement, is a little too obsessed with fetuses and wombs.....
This used to be my couch...they do share it once in awhile.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 8, 2022:
Cats understand the concept of First Dibs...
Some people on this site could learn from this.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 7, 2022:
Not if they willingly want to endanger the lives of others who are either care providers or other patients in a health care setting who are simply trying to preserve their own health. They get no sympathy from me, and their selfishness deserves a price. Also, I can see why lots of people have you blocked, as I have been tempted to do so myself, with your political beliefs being rather right wing compared to mine, at least on most things. I hate Libertarian bullshit. It's such a selfish and immature poltical philosophy. Time to grow up, learn to share, and join the rest of adult society, Tejas....
Tennessee's filled with a bunch of racist, homophobic, bible-bangers who cook bacon off the barrel ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 7, 2022:
Every state in the country has redneck idiots like this, with maybe the exception of Hawaii. I know Iowa has plenty of these types too. The only variation across the continental US is the % of them vs. the rest of the population in a given state.
Where do you fit in this? In Ag? In society? where ever? and why if you would care to elaborate.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 7, 2022:
I support belonging. Nowadays most people seem to be preaching tolerance and willing to either settle for that or to tell oppressed groups tolerance is the best they deserve or can get. But mere tolerance will never lead to long term peaceful coexistence. I don't fit in at all with the majority culture where I live. The majority are into country music, family life, conservative Christianity, Republican politics, and lots of social drinking. But being an intellectual, a socialist, a cultural snob, and a non-drinker for most of my adult life now, I have grown quite used to feeling alienated from about everybody but my friends..
I am jumping back in.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 6, 2022:
Stephanie- How about an update? How have the first two weeks gone? On my end, Match has been really dead. Haven't connected with anybody new in over two weeks. I can't believe that Covid is a factor anymore, plus winter is now over, so where is everybody that's dating online?
They're so pro-life, that they want to kill you.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 6, 2022:
Another member of the American Taliban.
As more and more stores infringe on family time and open on Thanksgiving, Publix Supermarket is ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 1, 2022:
I am all for stores and restaurants, including grocery stores, not being open on holidays that are traditionally big times for families. Americans have little balance between work, family, and leisure compared to most of the developed world, and all of that is for the enrichment of the tiny ownership class at the top. So even tho I don't support religion, I do support the closure of businesses on those holidays, as well as not having 24 hour stores. There really is no good reason for them, other than excess profits.
Saw this at the Atlanta airport. Cat seemed purrfectly happy to me.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 1, 2022:
The backpack probably has lots of ventilation.
You have to be some sort of sick cunt to want to change anybody else's gender identity or sexual ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 1, 2022:
The ultimate example of people that need to mind their own business and stay out of other's lives.
So who uses a computer at home, and only makes calls on their phone.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 1, 2022:
I do all my internet on my laptop. I do almost all my phone calls on my landline. Away from home, I have my tracphone, which costs only a $100 a year, for emergencies or if my car breaks down. My landline and internet at home cost me about $85 a month. I am content with my arrangements, and have no interest in getting dependent or seduced with having a smartphone with me at all times for entertainment or some self-important need to be constantly available to others or connected to the world every waking minute of the day.
Figured I'd join this since I'm getting a divorce. I'll be one of you all soon. :)
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 1, 2022:
It's a tough group to be a part of if, like you and me, you live in an area where most of the other singles are believers. It makes finding another partner a very uphill battle. Even tougher if you don't have any support from family, as I don't.
Very looooong blessings at Easter dinner
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 31, 2022:
I would consider leaving the room in advance and boycotting the blessing. I usually am ok with, " Their house, their rules", but not if I feel someone is abusing their indulgence on my part. Give and take is a two-way street....
Way too much attention and hype over the slap last night, it's not like a 6' 4 " was trying to hit a...
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 28, 2022:
Was she the woman who accepted the Oscar won by Marlon Brando? I think I remember that incident.
Today the FL governor signed the "don't say gay" bill into law.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 28, 2022:
We can always wish and dream for such things, but I personally believe it would be a waste of emotion.
So, Whiskers got behind my monitor, which I elevated to be at eye level, and managed to push it ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 26, 2022:
His work was done...
Lindsey Graham’s grilling of Ketanji Brown Jackson’s faith backfired
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 24, 2022:
I can't wait to see Kate McKinnon on SNL doing her impersonation of this closet case....


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Freethinker, Spiritual
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