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Just remember, one of the most horrific terrorist attacks in the USA was committed by a homegrown ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Apr 19, 2022:
I don't even have to look at the link. I remember very well his infamous name: Timothy McVeigh. And also his partner in crime, Terry Nichols. Rot them both, and the wacko militia-head ideologies they followed.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 19, 2022:
McVeigh was executed, Nichols is still rotting in prison.
Well, can't argue with Republican Jesus
KKGator comments on Apr 19, 2022:
Have to say, if I get hit, I am definitely going to hit back harder.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 19, 2022:
I agree, that turn the other cheek shit is for suckers and chumps....
Report: Senators and Former Staffers Say Dianne Feinstein Cannot Fulfill Her Duties – Mother Jones
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 19, 2022:
Another reason given to promote term limits is that it would reduce corruption and the bribery of campaign money, but I doubt term limits would change that. Anybody that wants to run for congress or president and win these days needs to sell their soul in advance in order to raise the money needed ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 19, 2022:
@JonnaBononna If that happened, suddenly the pols in DC would finally be responsive to the voters, instead of to their donors, as they are now. Only suckers and rubes still think otherwise, as countless studies have shown how unresponsive our federal pols are to what average Americans want on economic, environmental, tax, and foreign policy. So in the meantime, we get endless pitched battles in DC over culture wars stuff as a distraction.
Report: Senators and Former Staffers Say Dianne Feinstein Cannot Fulfill Her Duties – Mother Jones
JonnaBononna comments on Apr 19, 2022:
It says it all that the average age of Americans is 38 but the average age of the house is 57 and of the senate if 62.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 19, 2022:
In other words, our parents are still running everything. I didn't like it in my family, once I became an adult, and I don't think most adults do either.....
Here is a website for the more liberal minded.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 18, 2022:
I got my first four matches. One of them is in NJ, over a thousand miles away. Another is a woman from my state that used to be on Agnostic, long ago, and has probably been inactive on this other site as well for a long time. The Liberal Hearts site appears to give you no indication of which ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 18, 2022:
@itsmeagain I have no doubt that is true. We are only a tiny slice of the American population, only a couple %, and then even among that, only a fraction of those people are actually looking for a partner at any given time. So in the end, we are talking about a very small group of people who are secular and actively looking to date or find partners. Most of the other seculars are already taken or coupled, or possibly too old to still be looking for someone.
Here is a website for the more liberal minded.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 18, 2022:
I got my first four matches. One of them is in NJ, over a thousand miles away. Another is a woman from my state that used to be on Agnostic, long ago, and has probably been inactive on this other site as well for a long time. The Liberal Hearts site appears to give you no indication of which ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 18, 2022:
@itsmeagain I agree that many left because of negative feelings about the admin., but I think the other big reason, esp. with members from my state, is that that many members were only interested in finding local people to date, and they quickly figured out that would never be an option for them, at least not with So they left within months after they joined. In my state, there are only a few members who are above level three, because they left really soon after they joined, and never got involved in the community forums or groups.
Here is a website for the more liberal minded.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 18, 2022:
I got my first four matches. One of them is in NJ, over a thousand miles away. Another is a woman from my state that used to be on Agnostic, long ago, and has probably been inactive on this other site as well for a long time. The Liberal Hearts site appears to give you no indication of which ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 18, 2022:
@itsmeagain No indication either way, but she hasn't been active on Agnostic for almost four years, so I doubt she is active on LH. Three of the four matches are within an hour of me, one is very far away. I e-mailed LH and we'll see if they reply about my concerns on inactive profiles and how or if a paid member would be able to tell, from looking at the profile, who is active and who isn't. At least Match gives you a fairly good idea who is active and who isn't, even tho they keep tons of profiles up on their site for up to three years after they are inactive and they still turn up in searches.
Florida man guilty of killing wife, 3 kids and dog because he thought 'apocalypse was coming'
DenoPenno comments on Apr 17, 2022:
Apocalyptic beliefs. What does this mean? The end is coming so he assisted their murder. How could a person think that murdering you would be sparing you of anything? Then there is that dog. Dogs do not fit into biblical apocalyptic beliefs. Life in prison is good for this guy but I think they ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 17, 2022:
I am categorically against the death penalty, but otherwise I totally agree with you. Call me cruel, but I think letting him rot away in prison while all the while he never gets to meet Jesus or be raptured away like he had hoped, would be the most fitting punishment.
RNC Quits Commission on Presidential Debates : NPR
Retiredsteve comments on Apr 16, 2022:
That’s fine. Democrats don’t have to debate republicans. Any other political party can be in the debates. Makes it better in fact. Republicans will lose out.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 17, 2022:
Trust me, the neoliberal, corporate Dem candidates will refuse to debate anyone from a third party. The real mission of the Dem Party is to crush opposition from anyone to the left of them, not to be a real opposition party to the Repubs. People who watch them closely have figured it out, but most Americans are still sheeple and rubes who buy the posturing, culture war stuff, and identity politics from the Dems and think the two major parties are still really different.
RNC Quits Commission on Presidential Debates : NPR
racocn8 comments on Apr 16, 2022:
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 17, 2022:
I would like to see the Dem candidate debate a socialist third party candidate, but that would never be allowed by the Dems. I hate this guy's idea of catering to the Libertarians. I hate them even more than the Repubs.. I would just as soon see the Dem Party destroyed as the Repubs. We need more socialism, not more neoliberal Dems.
All the stuff listed below is true, and it's only the tip of the iceberg.
David1955 comments on Apr 12, 2022:
All that was true in 2016, and yet Americans voted for him. It was true in 2020, as well as his corruption and incompetence in office, yet 75 million voted for him again. We know what's wrong with Trump and what a lying fascist grifter he is. But those of us in the rest of the world would like to ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 13, 2022:
@David1955 You're wasting your time arguing with yvilletom. He's an ass who likes to troll. I blocked him long ago.
I don’t see what’s crazy about her…
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
Only six cats, I hope there is an expansion set to get her into some real numbers.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 12, 2022:
Six cats is just a starter set...
Is it weird not to believe in marriage?
richiegtt comments on Apr 8, 2022:
Definitely not. Just look at the statistics of divorces .Of the ones that are married a long time many will admit it was not always a pleasant journey along the way.I have been married 39 years and learned a long time ago you must ( as another member mentioned In his comment) be willing to ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 11, 2022:
The core principles, values, morals, and even most of your goals, need to be aligned for a marriage to succeed. After that is aligned, it comes down to regular compromise in order to succeed.
Julian Lennon sings ‘Imagine’ for first time in support of Ukraine - The Washington Post
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 11, 2022:
I always thought his voice was so much like his father's, that it was downright eerie...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch I would think he probably finds it sort of strange and surreal... Like most of us, he probably expected his father to be around into old age.
Ok, I just blocked a bunch of Assholes together, can't waste my time with these sick people and ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2022:
At least two have gone full Rusky.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 10, 2022:
You would be referring to members #2 and #4 on the list, no doubt...
Yep, they’ll do anything to screw you.
silverotter11 comments on Apr 10, 2022:
The only job I was ever fired from thought "atta boys" would improve morale. HAHAHAHAHAHA Things at that place actually got worse after I was gone and the office manager finally admitted firing me was a mistake. HAHAHAHAHA One of the reasons I think she fired me was because I tried to explain ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 10, 2022:
Your story, and the movie Office Space, pretty well sum up my whole experiences with most workplaces and how the world really works in most businesses. You can never be too cynical, and even then, you never catch up with how fucked up things are. I also would usually be proven right, after the fact, tho the bosses would never hear about how my predictions proved right, since they never sought my opinion on anything in the first place and I was smart enough to never offer it to them. I only shared my thoughts with fellow co-workers, who were sometimes amazed at my prophetic powers. And as far as employee morale, more times than not, the attitude of management was more like the notorious WWII Japanese commander, who reportedly said, " The daily beatings will continue until moral improves"...
We've got to do something to stop the insanity
p-nullifidian comments on Apr 10, 2022:
To me, the larger point is this: A "class" of Citizens who weren't born with a uterus have NO standing, NO voice, and above all, NO right to sit at any table, court bench or jury tribunal to insert themselves into the argument on the disposition of this unique organ, at any time, and without ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 10, 2022:
Amen, to both you and the original post. Men sitting in judgement of women on reproduction is the ultimate example of oppressive patriarchy.
What can i say, I am a hopeless romantic
Sierra4 comments on Apr 10, 2022:
I don’t like bourbon. I have no one to tongue kiss with. I could dance under the moon by myself, but someone would probably call the police.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 10, 2022:
Same thing. I try to keep a low profile in my town.
Is it weird not to believe in marriage?
twill comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Looking at the 3 marriages that have gone the distance in my family: 2 sisters and my parents. All three over or around 50 years now NONE of the 3 win any awards for happiness or joy. Only one of us 4 boys is married. I guess they are a happy couple, 25 -30 years married? . IDK. We don't talk...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 10, 2022:
Your brother sounds like a real and typical conservative ass, so I would, like you have, drop contact with him. Just because people share blood with you, that's no reason to let them disrespect you and be in your life. Sounds like we grew up in similar families.
The woman who kept aborted fetuses in her home works for an atheist
Dyl1983 comments on Apr 8, 2022:
That. Is. Hilarious. I wonder if she named the fetuses, and gave them all backstories... "This is my little boy Fred. He goes to school. Since he's a fetus, he has to be careful not to be stepped on..."
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 8, 2022:
She probably did, and also talked to them frequently....
Finally blocked Tejas.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Apr 7, 2022:
I didn't think site support did anything
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend Thanks. People like Tejas are infuriating to me because they believe they are special and deserve to be treated as better or more important than other people, no matter how anti-social they chose to be. Such as deserving medical treatment, over the welfare and health of others, no matter how anti-social they chose to be by being anti-vaxers. The philosophy of his type is totally opposite of socialists like me, who believe we are all equal, or should be, when it comes to rights and the inherent value, worth, and dignity, of our lives.
Finally blocked Tejas.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Apr 7, 2022:
I didn't think site support did anything
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend Are you saying you believe me? The only notification I received was that whenever I logged onto the site, during the three day suspension, there was a message at the top of the screen saying that my account was suspended from posting or commenting until the end of the three day period. No further information was given nor was any reason given. It's possible that the message at the top said something about violating community guidelines, but I don't remember if that was there as well.
Finally blocked Tejas.
Garban comments on Apr 7, 2022:
He’ll probably block me. Tejas not Tom.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@Garban I know, it suddenly disappeared. He was only level 4, and his comment could be approved or disapproved by someone of a higher level. Maybe somebody disapproved it. But it wasn't me.
Finally blocked Tejas.
Garban comments on Apr 7, 2022:
He’ll probably block me. Tejas not Tom.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 7, 2022:
Probably will. This guy above you, Smurfing, is he quoting Tejas or me? Is he trying to speak up for Tejas that I am guilty of trash talking on the other thread before Tejas trashed me? I am not going to report anybody anyway, just speculating on whether it would make any difference in the first place. And suddenly, Smurfing disappeared from this thread......
Finally blocked Tejas.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Apr 7, 2022:
I didn't think site support did anything
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 7, 2022:
Well somebody did something to my account, after one of the guys I insulted on the Community Senate forum said he was going to report me. You can take my word for it or not, but by the time I insulted him, he had earned it thru an extended argument on the thread. I was then suspended for three days from being able to post or comment. I never received any sort of notification e-mail or message from the site, so I can only speculate on who suspended me.
Some people on this site could learn from this.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 7, 2022:
Not if they willingly want to endanger the lives of others who are either care providers or other patients in a health care setting who are simply trying to preserve their own health. They get no sympathy from me, and their selfishness deserves a price. Also, I can see why lots of people have you ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@Tejas Time to block, asshole. If I were a pussy like some of your conservative allies, I would report you to site support and get your ass suspended. But since I don't use others to fight my battles, I'll simply block you.
Some people on this site could learn from this.
Retiredsteve comments on Apr 7, 2022:
An anti vaxxer chooses against science. So when they get sick, why go to a hospital? It’s all science!
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@Tejas Because their overeating doesn't endanger others, you ass.
Some people on this site could learn from this.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 7, 2022:
Not if they willingly want to endanger the lives of others who are either care providers or other patients in a health care setting who are simply trying to preserve their own health. They get no sympathy from me, and their selfishness deserves a price. Also, I can see why lots of people have you ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@Tejas He refuses to actually answer the ?.
Some people on this site could learn from this.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 7, 2022:
Not if they willingly want to endanger the lives of others who are either care providers or other patients in a health care setting who are simply trying to preserve their own health. They get no sympathy from me, and their selfishness deserves a price. Also, I can see why lots of people have you ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@Tejas My statement falls on deaf ears because you are a retarded asshole. Every non-Libertarian or non-conservative gets exactly what I'm saying.
Some people on this site could learn from this.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 7, 2022:
Not if they willingly want to endanger the lives of others who are either care providers or other patients in a health care setting who are simply trying to preserve their own health. They get no sympathy from me, and their selfishness deserves a price. Also, I can see why lots of people have you ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@Tejas Do you think we should have universal healthcare, instead of the profit-driven private health insurance system we have? If you don't, then you have no moral high ground. I doubt you support socialized medicine or any kind of single payer system. So don't give me crap about health care being deserved by all.
Some people on this site could learn from this.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 7, 2022:
Not if they willingly want to endanger the lives of others who are either care providers or other patients in a health care setting who are simply trying to preserve their own health. They get no sympathy from me, and their selfishness deserves a price. Also, I can see why lots of people have you ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@Tejas Within limits. I don't think it's right to expect them to risk their own health to treat idiots who reject science, endanger their own health, and that also expect others to then risk their own health for them on top of that. There are, or should be, limits on how much of someone else's selfishness should be indulged in order to provide treatment.
Some people on this site could learn from this.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 7, 2022:
Not if they willingly want to endanger the lives of others who are either care providers or other patients in a health care setting who are simply trying to preserve their own health. They get no sympathy from me, and their selfishness deserves a price. Also, I can see why lots of people have you ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@Tejas My statement speaks for itself, about growing up, learning to share, and joining adult society. Feel free to stay your immature, selfish person that you are, Tejas. Everybody else here understands what I am talking about, except for your fellow Libertarians.
Some people on this site could learn from this.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 7, 2022:
Not if they willingly want to endanger the lives of others who are either care providers or other patients in a health care setting who are simply trying to preserve their own health. They get no sympathy from me, and their selfishness deserves a price. Also, I can see why lots of people have you ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@Garban Apparently he thinks it does and he's full of shit. If people reject science, then they should have no right to seek medical care and endanger others thru that. Maybe they can just stay home and practice wishful thinking.
Doggo got a new bed.
itsmeagain comments on Apr 6, 2022:
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 6, 2022:
@itsmeagain I wouldn't be either.
Doggo got a new bed.
itsmeagain comments on Apr 6, 2022:
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 6, 2022:
The cats unite and rule? First come, first served..
Bipartisan Gottheimer Amendment Passes, Will Study Ways to Determine if a Driver is Impaired by ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 6, 2022:
That kind of study has already been done in Colorado. The drug-warriors don't like the results so they'll keep trying until they do. If police can't brutalize non-whites, how will they relieve their insecurity?
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 6, 2022:
Everybody needs someone below them on the totem pole to kick. Kicking non-whites saves them from having to kick the dog. But the cops will always have protesters on the left they can beat up.
Morning all Grab the umbrella and jacket We going whoring this Sunday.
Shaggy2018 comments on Apr 3, 2022:
Whoring? What does that mean exactly?
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 3, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend Sounds sane to me..
Finally a prayer I can get behind, not for me or mine, but for all those that suffer
Mooolah comments on Apr 3, 2022: Tax reform NOW!
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 3, 2022:
@glennlab Of course, that will never happen. The corporations have better lobbyists and way more of them. That's all that matters in DC.
Figured I'd join this since I'm getting a divorce. I'll be one of you all soon. :)
racocn8 comments on Apr 1, 2022:
Sorry to hear it. Being with someone who has turned hostile and asshole is wretched. Your sanity is worth a lot. You will recover, someday.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 1, 2022:
@darren316 Glad she is being cooperative.
Figured I'd join this since I'm getting a divorce. I'll be one of you all soon. :)
racocn8 comments on Apr 1, 2022:
Sorry to hear it. Being with someone who has turned hostile and asshole is wretched. Your sanity is worth a lot. You will recover, someday.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 1, 2022:
@darren316 Jeez, IL law does seem to suck compared to other states. I don't blame you for trying to avoid using lawyers and shelling out money for hers.
As more and more stores infringe on family time and open on Thanksgiving, Publix Supermarket is ...
KKGator comments on Apr 1, 2022:
While the whole religious aspect of these "holidays" rankles me to no end, I really like the vibe at Publix. Customer service is at the forefront, and from what I know, they treat their employees well.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 1, 2022:
@KKGator Where I live, all the grocery stores now have them. I still make my stand in vain against them and wait in line with the other stubborn souls at Target, Wal-Mart, or the grocery stores to try keeping their remaining cashiers employed. But most people are sheeple and never think for a second that using the self scanners is a political decision that costs people jobs. Selfish and brainless....
As more and more stores infringe on family time and open on Thanksgiving, Publix Supermarket is ...
KKGator comments on Apr 1, 2022:
While the whole religious aspect of these "holidays" rankles me to no end, I really like the vibe at Publix. Customer service is at the forefront, and from what I know, they treat their employees well.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 1, 2022:
I like to be able to shop at a store that treats their employees well. Fareway, the discount grocery store I shop at, is closed on Sun., but I doubt it treats its employees that well overall. They installed scanners for self-checkout over a year ago, and that let them get rid of some cashiers for extra profit...
So who uses a computer at home, and only makes calls on their phone.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 1, 2022:
I do all my internet on my laptop. I do almost all my phone calls on my landline. Away from home, I have my tracphone, which costs only a $100 a year, for emergencies or if my car breaks down. My landline and internet at home cost me about $85 a month. I am content with my arrangements, and have no ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 1, 2022:
@Fernapple I hope that trend continues. As it is, even with women my own age or several years younger, I have been rejected for dating by women for not having a smartphone, shallow as that reason seems to be.
Figured I'd join this since I'm getting a divorce. I'll be one of you all soon. :)
racocn8 comments on Apr 1, 2022:
Sorry to hear it. Being with someone who has turned hostile and asshole is wretched. Your sanity is worth a lot. You will recover, someday.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 1, 2022:
@racocn8 That is so fucking unfair. Shows how our legal system is often just that, not anything having to do with justice. In many ways, our legal system is only better than the old days of disputes being settled violently thru blood feuds. I suppose adjudicating things non-violently thru courts is better than that, but it doesn't always mean it will be done justly.
Figured I'd join this since I'm getting a divorce. I'll be one of you all soon. :)
racocn8 comments on Apr 1, 2022:
Sorry to hear it. Being with someone who has turned hostile and asshole is wretched. Your sanity is worth a lot. You will recover, someday.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 1, 2022:
@darren316 I thought alimony was a thing of the past and that these days it's just child support or nothing. Shows how out of touch I am...
Figured I'd join this since I'm getting a divorce. I'll be one of you all soon. :)
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 1, 2022:
It's a tough group to be a part of if, like you and me, you live in an area where most of the other singles are believers. It makes finding another partner a very uphill battle. Even tougher if you don't have any support from family, as I don't.
TomMcGiverin replies on Apr 1, 2022:
@darren316 No doubt. I've never been in one of those, but have heard plenty of war stories from others. I'll take your word for it. The only thing worse than being involuntarily single is being in a bad relationship.
I've opened a restaurant called: "Peace And Quiet..." Kids meals: Only $150.
SnowyOwl comments on Mar 31, 2022:
Is there a surcharge if the preschooler is the one who has to count out the money to pay at the cash? That's just so darling when everyone gets to line up with their bill while little bobby or susy gets to practice their counting skills while the adoring parents look on and encourage them to ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 31, 2022:
@SnowyOwl No shit..
I've opened a restaurant called: "Peace And Quiet..." Kids meals: Only $150.
SnowyOwl comments on Mar 31, 2022:
Is there a surcharge if the preschooler is the one who has to count out the money to pay at the cash? That's just so darling when everyone gets to line up with their bill while little bobby or susy gets to practice their counting skills while the adoring parents look on and encourage them to ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 31, 2022:
I hate the way they hold up the line at the cash register.
I've opened a restaurant called: "Peace And Quiet..." Kids meals: Only $150.
mischl comments on Mar 31, 2022:
Children shouldn't be allowed out of the house until they are 18yo. Except for boarding school.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 31, 2022:
Bite your tongue! If you said that publicly here in Iowa, where kids and family are so damned all-important, they'd lynch you! No wonder I can't find a compatible woman to date on Match, because practically all of them, even at my age, are still extremely family and kid-oriented. While I am child-free by choice and have no interest in visiting their grandkids with them or seeing their family more than a couple times a month. Even the women without kids seem to be only seeking family men with kids. Almost everybody seems to have drank the Kool-Aid on this issue.
I am jumping back in.
Stephanie99 comments on Mar 27, 2022:
Thanks for your replies. One problem that I had last time was taking scammers personally. I felt like they were judging me desperate and stupid enough to fall for them. I took it as a personal insult when actually they probably target everyone. It really is sad and disturbing that they take ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 28, 2022:
It's not just scammers, but anyone on dating sites that practices bad behavior. You can't take it personally, as they are all strangers who don't truly know you. Their behavior boils down to being a projection of their own shit and also their taking out the past behavior of others toward them on YOU, instead of getting some therapy and moving on from it to give others on the site a clean slate when they connect with them. As I have said before, online dating requires that one keep a thick skin, an open heart, and the ability to give each new person a clean slate to start out with. This does not mean that you don't learn from past hurts and how to avoid getting scammed or hurt again, and it certainly doesn't stop one, including me, from getting angry at times about the BS other people practice on dating sites, but it means you withhold judgement about each new person until the have proven themselves one way or another, positive or negative, in how they treat you from the dating site. If one can do those things, then you have a fighting chance to hold on and keep plugging away long enough to possibly meet someone compatible and find love. If you don't do these things, you will become discouraged, frustrated, or callous, and will thus get burned out and quit online dating long before the chance comes to meet your match. It also goes without saying, that if you allow yourself to become very emotionally callous from online dating, that will probably sabotage you from being emotionally available and involved in a healthy way with your partner later on, should you find someone right for you thru online dating. So we all need to find a way to keep our hearts open and stay emotionally healthy during all the trials of online dating. For me, that involves seeing a therapist and staying connected regularly with my supportive friends.
But God Didn’t Say That: Religious Community Members Talk God and Abortion - YouTube
KKGator comments on Mar 25, 2022:
When I was doing clinic duty, one of my favorite things to say to the anti-abortion protesters was that I didn't give a shit about what their god wants, and I didn't have to. No one did. I'd get them so riled up, the patients would get right past them, because I was keeping their hate-filled focus...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 26, 2022:
You have a wicked sense of humor!
Didn’t realize Ginni was white?
creative51 comments on Mar 25, 2022:
Guess Clarence has a hidden liberal streak, eh? LOL.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 25, 2022:
More like Clarence has no shame or sense of hypocrisy. He is all about getting what he wants and damn anybody else that is black or oppressed getting their share....
Lindsey Graham’s grilling of Ketanji Brown Jackson’s faith backfired
Apunzelle comments on Mar 24, 2022:
Think this gesture was accidental?
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 24, 2022:
@KKGator I am too much of a gentlelman to ever use the C-word, but in his case, it couldn't happen to a more deserving carbon-based life form......, since I hesitate to call this twat human....
Happy Atheist Day My Fellow Heathens!
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 23, 2022:
That photo looks like David Bowie. Is it of him?
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 23, 2022:
@Garban To my mind, Joe Biden has never known or been hip, and wouldn't know hip if it bit him in the ass!
I'm feeling beyond frustrated and feel a strong need to vent.
Fernapple comments on Mar 19, 2022:
The bottom line is, happy people are content, so they don't buy anything. The whole point of sales is make them believe they are unhappy, so that then you can sell them the solution. Which is why religion, which is pure sales, without even a product, at least not one you get to collect until ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 20, 2022:
Sounds like very Buddhist principles there... Nothing wrong with that....
Having been raised in politics and retail, friendly is my default position.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 17, 2022:
Probably describes me more than I want to admit. I know how to be friendly with women in a platonic, non-sexual way, but whenever I try to flirt or talk to a woman I feel is very attractive-looking, I get tongue-tied and feel awkward, and it's probably very obvious to them. I just have little sexual...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 17, 2022:
@GreenAtheist All I can say is, people who make bad decisions usually get what they deserve, including me. The ones that don't get what they deserve usually end up getting a pass on their consequences because of their good looks, money, or connections. I am lacking too much in all three these days to get that kind of treatment from others.
Having been raised in politics and retail, friendly is my default position.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 17, 2022:
Probably describes me more than I want to admit. I know how to be friendly with women in a platonic, non-sexual way, but whenever I try to flirt or talk to a woman I feel is very attractive-looking, I get tongue-tied and feel awkward, and it's probably very obvious to them. I just have little sexual...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 17, 2022:
@Garban Some do, but in my experience, most don't. But the only way I know how to play those kinds of situations with women is to be honest, so, yes, I do just make a joke about myself with it and hope for the best. It's all I can do.
They are Putin network
bookofmorons comments on Mar 16, 2022:
How do you know when a Fox News reporter is lying to you? His lips are moving
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 16, 2022:
Funny, that's what LBJ used to say about Nixon, aka Tricky Dick......
You're welcome
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 8, 2022:
Less money and trouble, for more rewards and benefits. The main diff is lifespan and the fact that the cat will never provide care for you in your old age, or any age, for that matter. But then again, neither will the kids, in many cases...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 15, 2022:
@UrsiMajor Tell me about it. Between that and how afraid I was of turning out like my father as a parent, I have never regretted being childless. It was the best for everyone concerned, even tho in my local dating pool there aren't many women, even in my age group, that are willing to date a man without kids. Women and people in general here in Iowa, are way more family and kid-oriented compared to the coasts. So I pay the price for it big time in the dating game..... It's all part of that family farm tradition shit that is so outdated........
Well, they did it again! Before Covid, about two or three years ago, Match.
Wangobango3 comments on Mar 15, 2022:
I had to cancel my visa card to get Match to stop billing me. They eventually issued a partial refund. Later they had the gall to start emailing me again. I met two wonderful women on POF. I am still with the second one.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 15, 2022:
Glad it worked for you. What is the profile format like on POF? Does it give you very much info on the member?
Well, they did it again! Before Covid, about two or three years ago, Match.
JGal comments on Mar 15, 2022:
I don't use Match. From your assessment, it dosen't sound any better than the other sites. I am no longer on OKCupid. When I was, one guy used his entire introduction space (which was about as long as your post) and nothing else. We "matched" at 80%. Utterly meaningless. I am curious to know if ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 15, 2022:
I have never used Hinge or Bumble, but I agree you're right. This format change will do nothing positive except force people to write really long profile essays, using that to state their dealbreakers and preferences, instead of the old way of getting those across thru the Background and What They're Looking For checklists of traits. It really is a bone-headed way of changing the format and people writing and using longer profile essays will be way less user-friendly and add lots of time for people on the site wading thru the profile essays to see who is compatible or not for them. As for the algorithyms used for "matching" members, like you say, this new format will make those utterly meaningless and useless. I talked this morning with a customer service rep from Match by phone, someone obviously in a third world country for whom English was probably her third language, and she noted all of my complaints and said she would pass them on. Fat chance of that changing anything.
Govt should make it as hard to get married as it is to get divorced.
skado comments on Mar 13, 2022:
I have always thought so too. Not even tongue in cheek. There should also be a two year waiting period.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 13, 2022:
Sort of like buying a gun, lol?
Govt should make it as hard to get married as it is to get divorced.
Julie808 comments on Mar 13, 2022:
I don't think the government should have anything to do with making it harder to get married, but it should become a social custom to really think about about marriage, maybe by popularizing pre-marital counseling, not forcing, but making it somewhat customary, utilizing the decision of how they ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 13, 2022:
And thus the hard soul searching that should precede people reproducing.....
Govt should make it as hard to get married as it is to get divorced.
Pralina1 comments on Mar 13, 2022:
Nah . I don’t care , and makes the wedding / playing house industry moving . No problem . I don’t care how many x someone gets married either . However , should be licences and tests and mandatory education and health exams and psych Evals b4 people reproduce . Poor or rich , doesn’t matter...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 13, 2022:
Still glad I reproduced and so probably is the rest of the world, lol...
Maryland Will Become Second State to Prohibit Cat Declawing |
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 12, 2022:
I wonder what is the other state that bans this?
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 12, 2022:
@Killtheskyfairy Interesting, thanks for the info. I was going to guess either that or CA.
Let's demand a windfall profits tax on excess profits.
davknight comments on Mar 10, 2022:
We need rent controls, price controls, and a landlord tax. In addition, we need to confiscate the yachts and mansions of American oligarchs. No mercy. Those who resist go to the guillotine!
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 10, 2022:
We are long overdue in having oligarch heads roll.....
Let's demand a windfall profits tax on excess profits.
Theresa_N comments on Mar 10, 2022:
I say nationalize the oil companies. In this age of rapid climate change we need to get rid of oil barons running the energy companies.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 10, 2022:
But, but, but..... that's socialism (sarcasm) and we can't have that in America......
Sometimes maybe it’s our card to be meet a few wrong people before meeting the right once ! 🤔 ...
Tejas comments on Mar 10, 2022:
If you're not a scammer, I'd be very surprised.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 10, 2022:
Maybe, I would rate the odds as a toss up. The OP's point is correct tho, as I can totally support their viewpoint on the uphill battle of the dating game.
Brittney Griner in Russia: WNBA star's wife and congresswoman react
RobertMartin comments on Mar 8, 2022:
That's why I stay my ass in the United States. Not taking any chances traveling overseas these days.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 9, 2022:
I'm not afraid of traveling overseas, but I sure as hell am not visiting a country that is either authoritarian or having a civil war at the time.
Not having someone to talk to on a romantic level has made me delve into how to find a quality ...
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2022:
I think it was particularly telling, after telling women how to change everything, that the advice in 11 and 12 was to just be yourself. When I look for a partner, I look for someone that I would want as a friend first. Everything else is just window dressing. My ex and I are still friends, ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 7, 2022:
Typical self help BS, the way they give contradictory advice and most people not only don't notice it, they still accept all of it at face value. And on your last point, unfortunately lots of both genders end up getting sexually involved with the wrong people or hooking up too soon, simply out of lust or loneliness when there is already no basis for even a friendship between them, much less a friendship already developed..
Monday morning cuteness
SkagwayKim comments on Mar 7, 2022:
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 7, 2022:
An unsolicited message I received on Match.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 6, 2022:
First off, good thing you didn't send the reply, as the spelling and mentally-challenged twat would be able to report you to Match for inappropriate language and possibly get you booted from there. Secondly, who the fuck asked her to send you all of her political opinions? If you feel like it, you ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 6, 2022:
@Sierra4 Interesting that she appeared to be attractive-looking, as I have rarely gotten an unsolicited message from a woman on a dating site like Match, unless they were a scammer. And when I have, the woman was almost always below average looking, a 4 or a 5 at best. On Match, in my experience, you can't find out if a woman is a conservative without clicking into their profile, because almost none of them state their political affiliation at the beginning of their profile essay, which is the only part of the profile you can see without clicking on it and viewing the rest of it. Without clicking on their profile, you are only allowed to read the first couple sentences of their profile essay, nothing else.... Like you, I move on as soon as I read that the woman is a conservative,...
Is it just me, or is anyone else sick of all the anger and hatred in this world.?
K9Kohle789 comments on Mar 4, 2022:
Most people isolate themselves, the internet, so many cheap movies, not having common goals, the economy. Your best friends are from grammar school or high school, maybe college. The older one gets the more people they've lost in their life. A lot of this causes stress and anger. I lost my ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 4, 2022:
@Canndue It sure does, and it's not that I am anti-social. I learned long ago to substitute friendships for family relationships, with my toxic family.
Is it just me, or is anyone else sick of all the anger and hatred in this world.?
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Mar 4, 2022:
Yes. Makes me want to move to Tibet and start a pagan nunnery in the Himalayas.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 4, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 We really don't get extreme heat anymore in Iowa. I can't remember the last summer that had even a couple 100 degree days.
Is it just me, or is anyone else sick of all the anger and hatred in this world.?
K9Kohle789 comments on Mar 4, 2022:
Most people isolate themselves, the internet, so many cheap movies, not having common goals, the economy. Your best friends are from grammar school or high school, maybe college. The older one gets the more people they've lost in their life. A lot of this causes stress and anger. I lost my ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 4, 2022:
I hear you. In the last ten years I have lost my parents and my only wife. My friends are next. I am sick of losing more people these days than ones I gain or add to my life. It is lonely and frightening as a process, as it will only get worse. But I have a lot of company in that among people my age and my smugly married friends will get their share of it in due time. Maybe it will help change their attitude and perspective towards my struggles with being involuntarily single and widowed, as most of my married friends abandoned me after my wife died.
Is it just me, or is anyone else sick of all the anger and hatred in this world.?
Buttercup comments on Mar 4, 2022:
Watching the news does feel like walking on broken glass
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 4, 2022:
John Henry, a modern fictional saint and martyr. It does make one emotionally and spiritually weary.
Is it just me, or is anyone else sick of all the anger and hatred in this world.?
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Mar 4, 2022:
Yes. Makes me want to move to Tibet and start a pagan nunnery in the Himalayas.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 4, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 You live a couple hundred miles south of me, which makes a huge difference in how extreme the cold and heat are.
Is it just me, or is anyone else sick of all the anger and hatred in this world.?
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Mar 4, 2022:
Yes. Makes me want to move to Tibet and start a pagan nunnery in the Himalayas.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 4, 2022:
@Sticks48 I guess I must be cold-blooded or the summers aren't as hot here as they used to be, but the summers here don't bother me anymore. It's the winters that seem to last for seven months, that bother me. Iowa really has only two seasons, winter and summer, as fall and spring seem to each only last a few weeks at most.
3 House Republicans Vote Against Resolution Supporting Ukrainian People
davknight comments on Mar 3, 2022:
Take their yachts and mansions!
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 3, 2022:
That only applies to oligarchs. These guys merely work for our oligarchs.
Man kills 3 children, 1 other and himself at California church : NPR
CuddyCruiser comments on Mar 1, 2022:
These fucks are sick and should be locked up for life.
TomMcGiverin replies on Mar 1, 2022:
Apparently he wasn't willing to suffer that.
I'd like to add California, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico.
RussRAB comments on Feb 28, 2022:
Mexico nothing! The Cherokee, Navajo, Hopi, and LOTS of Native Americans would have the first claim.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 28, 2022:
@NostraDumbass Don't bother debating him. He's an ass. I blocked him long ago.
Someone needs to send this to companies that want people to go back to the office even if they are ...
Pralina1 comments on Feb 28, 2022:
It makes the manager figure useless No intimidation and fear if working from home , and they want their workers to have both
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 28, 2022:
It's also the control. Same reason some businesses would rather spend more money keeping unions out rather than just paying more money to their workers, because they would rather pay more to have more control and power over them, rather than less with a union around.
‘Pray for Ukraine’: Religious leaders call for peace and God’s protection In response to ...
Aaron70 comments on Feb 27, 2022:
Wouldn’t it just be wonderful if we could pray away war!!!! We would have been done with that nasty business millennia ago!!!🙃
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 28, 2022:
I remember when the TM movement used to do publicity stunts where they would claim to meditate for peace like it was going to end war, lol...
A recent post from our little community @Unity has spurred a question in my tiny but hungry mind.
dalefvictor comments on Feb 27, 2022:
It seems the different political parties have forgotten what they are to have as a base of thought. Politicians are supposed to be elected by the people who they are to represent, instead, those elected support those with the most money. We should stop paying them since they no longer do our ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 27, 2022:
@Reignmond Good luck on eliminating campaign bribery and gifts to pols. Lots of legal precedents would have to be overturned and it would take a constitutional amendment.
A recent post from our little community @Unity has spurred a question in my tiny but hungry mind.
dalefvictor comments on Feb 27, 2022:
It seems the different political parties have forgotten what they are to have as a base of thought. Politicians are supposed to be elected by the people who they are to represent, instead, those elected support those with the most money. We should stop paying them since they no longer do our ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 27, 2022:
@dalefvictor Yup, a shit sandwich in which we only get a choice over the flavor of shit and how much is in the sandwich. Of course, the more bread you have, the less shit you have to eat, at least in our American system of capitalism.
A recent post from our little community @Unity has spurred a question in my tiny but hungry mind.
dalefvictor comments on Feb 27, 2022:
It seems the different political parties have forgotten what they are to have as a base of thought. Politicians are supposed to be elected by the people who they are to represent, instead, those elected support those with the most money. We should stop paying them since they no longer do our ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 27, 2022:
@Reignmond If we had ranked choice voting, where third party candidates would not be taking away votes from major party candidates, and thus being labelled a spoiler, then people would freely vote third party and we could get rid of the duopoly. But the major parties would never allow this, even tho it would greatly increase participation in voting, since voters would no longer have to choose the lesser evil. They could vote their first choice, second choice, etc... As it stand, the only way we dump the duopoly is a majority of eligible voters getting over their demoralization, ignoring the corporate media and the propaganda of the major parties, and voting in a third party government in DC.
A recent post from our little community @Unity has spurred a question in my tiny but hungry mind.
dalefvictor comments on Feb 27, 2022:
It seems the different political parties have forgotten what they are to have as a base of thought. Politicians are supposed to be elected by the people who they are to represent, instead, those elected support those with the most money. We should stop paying them since they no longer do our ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 27, 2022:
@Reignmond The sad thing is that most Americans never catch on to the bait and switch you describe above. And of the ones that do, most of them simply quit voting, once they realize it makes no difference with the two major parties. If only a majority of the voters would figure out the scam AND start voting for third party candidates who aren't already bought and can't be bought, then we could actually get our democracy back from the plutocrats. But even then, I fear, they would institute a military crackdown and a coup before they would allow the voters to regain control of the federal government instead of the plutocrats.
I Went To A Brothel With My Boyfriend.
Organist1 comments on Feb 21, 2022:
Their body language says some not so great things about their relationship (heads really far apart). As a psych major, I was trained to pay attention to that sort of thing. Of course, they could have been posed that way too. I had a threesome once too in my 20s, but we continued it all summer, and ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 21, 2022:
@mischl I've had an even more sheltered life. Never even had a one night stand, probably could have had a few and in retrospect probably shouldn't have passed them up. Obviously never had any kind of threesome.
I Went To A Brothel With My Boyfriend.
BitFlipper comments on Feb 21, 2022:
Astounding! I still can't manage to find a twosome.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 21, 2022:
@mischl Sometimes I almost wonder if I should too, besides Dave, lol. Better than joining a monastery... $1000 bucks an encounter? Hopefully one on one is cheaper, otherwise for me this would have to be a once or twice in a lifetime trip to Mecca, lol....
Stirring the pot LoL
Retiredsteve comments on Feb 19, 2022:
We listen some of the time. 😁
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 20, 2022:
See my comment above...
Looks like I just got blocked by HippieChick after she posted a rather catty, defensive comment ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 19, 2022:
You might consider asking HippieChick to be unblocked. She is understanding.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 19, 2022:
Can't ask directly if you are blocked, as you can't message them either. I don't care enough either to bother with third party back channel communications. This isn't the Cuban Missile Crisis, lol.
Thought we could use a laugh.
Mooolah comments on Feb 19, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin So you can write but not read this thread?
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 19, 2022:
I can write on it, but I can't read any of the comments by Hippie Chick, nor can I read my replies to her, since she blocked me. I am also blocked by tinkercreek, so any comments she made on this thread are also unreadable to me.
Thought we could use a laugh.
Mooolah comments on Feb 19, 2022:
Youth is wasted on the young. A watched pot never boils. My land line requires a court order to trace & access. A "smart phone" is merely a radio that is "smart" & can be traced or accessed as law enforcement chooses. I am uncomfortable with Big Brother in my pocket. Yes it has profound & ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 19, 2022:
Like I said earlier in this thread, tho I can no longer read it due to being blocked by Hippie Chick, I am too childfree by choice and have no one who is going to be in crisis needing to reach me anytime. Unlike you I am not that introverted, but at the same time, I like having my thoughts and some quiet most of the time I am alone. When I am alone and prefer connection otherwise, I can always use my landline to call someone, tho most of the time, they are not available to talk. Probably talking to someone more interesting and enjoyable by phone, or more likely engaged with someone in person. And if it's the latter, more power to them, why should they interrupt that for me? Like you, I do not prefer most of the common uses practiced by most of the human herd with their smartphones. I am not that selfish, nor do I need to have the phone as a constant aid for entertainment or inquiry in to what others are doing on social media. If I get bored at home and want some stimulation, there is always my laptop, the TV, my music collection, books, or attempting to call someone. Why anyone would want to have their smartphone as an entertainment backup when they leave home and go to a social gathering or a public event, is beyond me, as in those situations, if I had or have no one to converse with, I would simply bring a book and read that to fill the time I ended up with needing to fill without a conversation partner.
Looks like I just got blocked by HippieChick after she posted a rather catty, defensive comment ...
Mooolah comments on Feb 19, 2022:
I would answer you but you wouldn't like my response as in the past. So I defer to decorum, & will spare you the tirade I am prone to. Plus, I am ignorant as to the incident.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 19, 2022:
Do as you like, but I have no grudges with you, Moolah. The incident is pretty easy to find. The most recent post, by UrsiMajor in the Online Dating group. Her post is titled, " Thought we could all use a laugh".... As long as it's not a personal attack leveled at me, I am fine with tirades, Moolah, as I've done plenty myself, lol...
Thought we could use a laugh.
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 18, 2022:
I doubt if anyone that age has a rotary phone, or even a land line.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 19, 2022:
@HippieChick58 I am different than you. I have no kids and am estranged from my family. And until or unless I find another life partner, nobody really needs me like your family does you. And I am just fine with not being greatly needed by anyone for the time being. Even when I may find another partner, they don't need 24/7 access to me by phone, because if they did, I would probably be living with them by then. I am not eager to live with anyone again anytime soon either. So you may take that as defensive or not, but it's honest. I care about my friends, but neither they or I feel the need to have constant total access with each other by text. Different strokes for different folks. "You sound a bit defensive and hostile and I don't even want to go down that rabbit hole".... Gee, Paula, how am I exactly supposed to take that, as a compliment or something like that? You sound a bit defensive and hostile here, as well as sort of criticizing and insulting to me. Project much? Maybe try caring for yourself first and judging me less....
Thought we could use a laugh.
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 18, 2022:
I doubt if anyone that age has a rotary phone, or even a land line.
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 18, 2022:
I agree, but I am 63 and still have a landline, but no smartphone. I have a tracphone that I use as my mobile phone when I am away from home, but I refuse to use it to text. If I am away from home when someone calls my landline, they can leave an old school VM on my digital answering machine. And when I get home, if it's in time to call back appropriately, I will return the call. The old school phone manners are not that hard to respect or cooperate with. Texting appears to be all about the convenience and time saving for the caller, which seems a bit selfish to me. I give my tracphone number out to almost nobody, because when I am away from home I am usually driving or at something where I don't want to be interrupted by a call or text. If that is too selfish or inconvenient for younger folks or even my age peers, that's just too fucking bad.... Few communications are so important, despite people's personal feelings about it, that they can't keep until the next day to be shared or responded to, esp. personal ones that are not medical or business calls. Too many people like to imagine or think that they and their communications are just so important or busy that they can't wait on doing or saying something.. They need to get over their own egos...
Oklahoma bill would fine teachers $10k for teaching anything that contradicts religion More ...
Garban comments on Feb 18, 2022:
Sounds like a Taliban policy?
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 18, 2022:
The evangelical Repubs ARE America's version of the Taliban.....
🤣 In New Yorker interview, Ocasio-Cortez defends Biden and Pelosi, urges readers not to lose ...
Piece2YourPuzzle comments on Feb 18, 2022:
10 years from now when AOC is the 1st woman "socialist" president and she hasn't fulfilled any promises on her way to the presidency, people will still gush over her because she talks a good game. Then when her 8 years of platitudes and mediocrities are over while she continues the U.S war machine ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 18, 2022:
@William_Mary Precisely, the same playbook, script and path as Obama. And to this day, I still can't honestly discuss his betrayals of progressives and his corruption with liberal Dems without them threatening to drop me from friendship as well as them questioning my sanity. They are so deluded and brainwashed by the media and the Dem Party.
Humanists UK In 2014, a young man in Greece made a joke on Facebook about a Greek Orthodox elder ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 17, 2022:
Sounds like the stoning scene in Monty Python's Life Of Brian....."Blasphemy!.. He said the word Jehovah!!"........ Some people really lack a sense of humor....
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 17, 2022:
@RhondaShotwell Esp. the way the patriarchs of the day don't allow women to participate in the stoning, so there are all these women wearing fake beards so they can have the privilege of stoning a man to death, lol!....
I don't know if or who has blocked me, just who I have blocked.
TomMcGiverin comments on Feb 13, 2022:
I'm up to almost the same total. All I can say is, "Well done sir!" I need to get going and do more of them, lol.....
TomMcGiverin replies on Feb 17, 2022:
@AlbertSchepis Yup, my mistake..


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