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I just came here count the liberal tears.
Pedrohbds comments on Nov 4, 2020:
So at least post in the correct section of politics...
TomMcGiverin replies on Nov 4, 2020:
@BD66 Asshole... I'll bet that if you ever played sports, you're the kind of guy that could never resist trash talking and taunting..
I just came here count the liberal tears.
Deb57 comments on Nov 4, 2020:
Thanks for removing all doubt that the hate is, actually, the point.
TomMcGiverin replies on Nov 4, 2020:
Always leave it to a Repub to win or lose without showing any class...
I just came here count the liberal tears.
Charles1971 comments on Nov 4, 2020:
When there's a real chance that a pathological liar, racist, bigot, adulterer, crook who has spent the last four years dividing this country, alienating our allies, and doing nothing to help the middle class or poor might get re-elected for four more years... yea... some of us have tears of anger....
TomMcGiverin replies on Nov 4, 2020:
In my case, I would call it tears of rage, rather than tears of anger..
I already know who is going to win the election today go ahead and ask me the answer is simple.
tinkercreek comments on Nov 3, 2020:
I'll just wait here.
TomMcGiverin replies on Nov 3, 2020:
@azzow2 As Hannibal Lecter said to Clarice, " Your problem is, you need to have more fun in your life"..
Greenwald’s Intercept Resignation Exposes The Rot In All Mass Media Well Glen finally reacted ...
BitFlipper comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Are you suggesting that there was a time that mass media wasn't compromised?
TomMcGiverin replies on Nov 3, 2020:
@William_Mary Mass media in the US was way more fair and balanced before the 1980s. But after that the huge amount of monopolization in media sources, combined with the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine, meant that alternative viewpoints on the left were pretty well marginalized and eliminated. Anybody remember labor news being covered as a regular part of the business news? I do, it was a dedicated part of it back in the 60s and 70s. The media also gave plenty of coverage and detailed stories about trade deals. Nowadays there is nothing about it the vast majority of newspapers, even tho it's a huge thing impacting everyone's life. But nowadays, trade deals are a hush hush secret that the peasants are not supposed to hear about.
Greenwald’s Intercept Resignation Exposes The Rot In All Mass Media Well Glen finally reacted ...
Piece2YourPuzzle comments on Nov 1, 2020:
There are a lot of people out there that think Glenn Greenwald is the hack and someone like Rachel Maddow is the great journalist. 90+% of mainstream media is owned by 6 corporations, and they're working on the other 10% or so lol. Also, there is a portion of the 10% that are just batshit crazy ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Nov 3, 2020:
Anyone who has doubts that taking big bucks from corporations or fat cat donors corrupts a news source just has to look at what happened to NPR since they began accepting corporate "underwriting" as in advertising, for their programs. Nowadays their reporting and commentary on news and politics are no different than CNN.
Drew and Sharon Discuss Men
Deb57 comments on Oct 27, 2020:
Sharon Stone was very tactful and charitable with her wording, and I agree with her 100%. Shortly after my divorce I did a coffee date with an old classmate. I explained I was not eager to jump into a relationship and, knowing he was religious, was very frank about my atheism. He assured me he ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Nov 3, 2020:
@thinkwithme I like your wicked humor about the dating game and married men. You tell it like it is and are nobody's fool. That is admirable.
Do girls date guys that are fat
BitFlipper comments on Oct 26, 2020:
Of course! Fat girls date fat guys. It has long been an issue for women to feel objectified and valued only for their "looks". But now women are demanding perfection from men. And they spell it out clearly in their dating profiles, whereas men would be admonished for doing the same.
TomMcGiverin replies on Nov 3, 2020:
In other words, you are observing some hypocrisy on the part of women on dating sites. I am so shocked, shocked I tell you, to hear that....
I met someone on Match with promise.
TomMcGiverin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Ten years is no problem if you two click together and his health is ok. You appear to be in your mid 60s or so and at that age ten years is ok if the older person's health is reasonably ok. Then you shouldn't have to worry that much about him dying soon.
TomMcGiverin replies on Nov 3, 2020:
@UUNJ Sorry I estimated your age to be a little older than you are. Your posts and comments on here suggest an emotional maturity greater than most women your age. Maybe that influenced my estimate.
ELECTION 2020: Democracy Calls Us to Fight ‘Lesser of Two Evils’ Argument Yet the truth is ...
callmedubious comments on Nov 3, 2020:
the average American has the illusion of freedom & that their vote matters. really quite funny when you think about it.
TomMcGiverin replies on Nov 3, 2020:
As long as they keep limiting themselves to voting only for the pre-selected candidates of the two major parties, who are always corrupt and owned by the ruling class, their votes don't matter. If only most Americans would wake up to that and dump the duopoly.
Pseudo-left apologists for Biden and the bankruptcy of “lesser-evil” politics Joseph ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 31, 2020:
No surprise there. Wall Street is happy they will get the certainty of Biden over the chaos of Trump and more stability for the economy while at the same time they get promise that Joe will not change anything about the status quo of inequality and corporate rule as well as continued American ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Nov 1, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp And, it's time for the block....
Pseudo-left apologists for Biden and the bankruptcy of “lesser-evil” politics Joseph ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 31, 2020:
No surprise there. Wall Street is happy they will get the certainty of Biden over the chaos of Trump and more stability for the economy while at the same time they get promise that Joe will not change anything about the status quo of inequality and corporate rule as well as continued American ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Nov 1, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp I didn't say that and there was no reason to assume that. Biden is marginally better than Trump and if people accept Biden as being adequate after being elected this time, it will do nothing to address the problems that led to us getting Trump four years ago. In fact, if people just fall asleep and accept Biden's return to the status quo of Obama, we will get someone worse than Trump in four years as the voters continue to ping pong between the two corrupt major parties offering them nothing but an endless string of corrupt neoliberal candidates.
Pseudo-left apologists for Biden and the bankruptcy of “lesser-evil” politics Joseph ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 31, 2020:
No surprise there. Wall Street is happy they will get the certainty of Biden over the chaos of Trump and more stability for the economy while at the same time they get promise that Joe will not change anything about the status quo of inequality and corporate rule as well as continued American ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 31, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp You don't fight the system if all you ever vote for is corrupt people like Biden.
Pseudo-left apologists for Biden and the bankruptcy of “lesser-evil” politics Joseph ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 31, 2020:
No surprise there. Wall Street is happy they will get the certainty of Biden over the chaos of Trump and more stability for the economy while at the same time they get promise that Joe will not change anything about the status quo of inequality and corporate rule as well as continued American ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 31, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp Whatever... As L. Cohen used to say, the fight will stay fixed, the poor stay poor, the rich get rich...
Greenwald’s Intercept Resignation Exposes The Rot In All Mass Media Well Glen finally reacted ...
rogerbenham comments on Oct 31, 2020:
I used to read much more Common Dreams than I do now. It has become almost entirely USA centric.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 31, 2020:
@rogerbenham I almost never read the articles, just go straight to the comments. The commenters usually seem to be more aware and insightful about what's really going on than the so-called experts that write the articles. They sure as hell are more honest and candid about what's wrong and what needs to happen.
Greenwald’s Intercept Resignation Exposes The Rot In All Mass Media Well Glen finally reacted ...
rogerbenham comments on Oct 31, 2020:
I used to read much more Common Dreams than I do now. It has become almost entirely USA centric.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 31, 2020:
Common Dreams used to be way more left and radical than now. These days it has mostly apologists for the Dems and Dem Party cheerleaders. Once in a while they will publish essays by Chris Hedges, but that's about it for radicals.
If you are an American worker, this may be of interest to you. [youtube.]
dermot235 comments on Oct 30, 2020:
The Video is accurate. Over here in Europe we can't believe how bad working conditions are in the US. Everyone here in Ireland gets 29 days of paid leave a year. It's the Law. If an employer does not give that to his workers it's a criminal offence
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 31, 2020:
@RoboGraham It's like the character said in Office Space, " My only motivation is to work just hard enough to not get fired".
The socialism debate...
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 29, 2020:
Confuse not the minds of the ignorant, they'll only hate you for it. In other words, you won't reach or be able to change their minds any more than you could a simple dog or cat. All you'll get for it is grief and possibly assault. I also agree with prometheus below, the political thinking of most ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 29, 2020:
@RoboGraham To be honest, I think the major two reasons they don't, besides those who are born poor and stay that way, is laziness and not having the courage explore changing themselves.
They've voted, have you?
Barnie2years comments on Oct 29, 2020:
I have voted by mail and my ballot has been registered. But I may take my legal firearm for a drive around on November 3rd just to show that being a Democrat, Liberal and supporter of logical gun laws does not mean I don't believe in defending the right to vote against the Right Wing Fascist armed ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 29, 2020:
I applaud you for not getting suckered like must gun owners into voting against their own economic interests and the rest of their freedoms. Too many gun owners are more about making up in guns what they lack in brains and manhood or dick size. I also like that you get the fact that you can't convert all that Repub rhetoric or gun ownership into being able to feed your family or buy them health care. It only gives them a feeling of a false sense of superiority or security that leaves them instead more vulnerable and a slave to the rich.
They've voted, have you?
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 29, 2020:
If it weren't for Covid, I would be voting in person like usual. Since Iowa is not an open carry state, I don't need to worry about armed idiots like these showing up in public trying to intimidate people. But if it were different here and there wasn't Covid, I would not be afraid of them showing up...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 29, 2020:
@Lorajay I believe I am, at least about Iowa. There was a murder by shooting many years back in my hometown, which had a rep as a rough place a lot of the time. There was a well-known local bully and bar brawler that was shot to death in a bar while unarmed by a guy he had been bullying, among other people, for years. This guy was taunted by the bully, left the bar, came back shortly with a handgun, and then shot the guy (in the back, no less) while he was unarmed and continuing to taunt him. Needless to say, the local cops didn't give a damn or shed any tears about the bully being shot to death, and most of the town wanted to give the shooter a medal, but in the end the shooter was prosecuted, convicted by a jury, and sent to prison for 20 to life for 2nd degree murder. So, at least in Iowa, you can't shoot an unarmed adult to death, even if they are taunting you (it helps that both guys were white trash). But in Texas or the South, I bet, it would be a different story. Iowans may be mostly idiots who vote for Repubs, but at least our criminal justice system is relatively sane and fair.
What's the difference between republicans and democrats? Lip Service
Bobbyzen comments on Oct 29, 2020:
Pretty much. But don’t tell it to the Vote Blue No Matter Who crowd. It super pisses them off!
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 29, 2020:
@RoboGraham Same with me, either I blocked them or they blocked me. I don't miss any of them on the boards. Not surprised that idiot asshole Varn showed up.
Nothing Will Fundamentally Change: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix ...
rogerbenham comments on Oct 26, 2020:
I wonder why she left
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 28, 2020:
@William_Mary I blocked her a while ago. As far as her political viewpoint and why she seems to have no business in a group for progressives, she is a trust fund baby, or so she told me, and that by itself should explain why she appears to be a typical liberal, rather than a true progressive. The usual conflict where the person is all for PC, the identity politics of the liberals, and multiculturalism, but no support at all for socialism and economic equality.
Corporations Doling Out Millions to Executives Before Filing Chapter 11 New data indicate that ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 26, 2020:
Figures, CEOs are the Nobility of the 21st century. Which is to say they’re fucking crooks that contribute nothing while taking all the profits while their employees struggle to feed their families. They say the poor will rise to eat the rich, they mean CEOs.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 27, 2020:
That's why gulliotines would the appropriate retro solution to eliminating them.
More good news out of Latin America.
dermot235 comments on Oct 26, 2020:
All this populist alt-right bullshit, Trump, Brexit, Balsenaro etc etc is coming to an end. And a move to the left is on the way. Not just a pipe dream. You can see the signs everywhere. And the world can get back on a path to progress and change.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 26, 2020:
I think you're overly optimistic here, but I hope I'm wrong about that.
The side that gets violent is the side that loses. What Can You Do If Trump Stages a Coup?
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 25, 2020:
We on the left have been losing every prez election since 1964, but the radicals on our side soon gave up armed struggle in the late Seventies. On the other hand, the violent radicals on the right have been active most of the time ever since the left gave up violence.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 25, 2020:
@Paul4747 You can't seriously say those presidents actually represented the left in the US or were anywhere near as left in their domestic policies as LBJ was....
Some of the best songs to sing along with everybody else in the bar... RIP Jerry Jeff Walker !
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 24, 2020:
Sorry, but I hate all country music. He was probably a good guy, in spite of being a country singer.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 24, 2020:
@FrostyJim Nope, this is an open forum for intelligent people to express their feelings. I won't censor my feelings about what I like and what I loathe for you or anyone else here. I am not attacking any other members here, so I don't and won't stifle my view for the comfort of you or anyone else. I live in a red area and I have to keep my opinions to myself enough as it is to avoid harassment, so I sure won't do it here when it's not required by the mods. As far as being a dick, I see way more of that behavior among country fans than those that like my kinds of music, not the least of which is their empty-headed, rah-rah patriotism.
This is what I picked up from the debate last night.
mischl comments on Oct 23, 2020:
Naaah, your old car will be grandfathered. So will mine.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 23, 2020:
So you are saying I am safe to buy a 2017 Ford Fusion from my friend, with only 16K miles on it, and a 4 year extended warranty? I know it's not a green car, but it's a great deal, so I want to buy it and get ten years or so out of it. As long as regular unleaded gas was around and affordable, I'd like to go with that for my next car.
[] Janis Joplin singing Bobby Mcgee-written by Kris Kristofferson?
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Even tho I have always been big on Joplin, I have always loathed that song and Mercedes Benz, her two worst songs. The latter because it's merely a trite a capella ditty that she composed herself, little that there was to it. The former song because it was not at all like the rest of her songs, ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 20, 2020:
@sassygirl3869 My late wife attended Woodstock and saw Joplin there singing the other, much better songs she usually sang. Like me, she really liked Joplin, but hated that song for the same reasons as me. My wife had mostly the same music tastes as me and disliked most mainstream, popular music, esp. country. Altho Bobby McGee was her biggest chart hit, released after her death, she actually had already become famous after her appearance at the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967.
Makes a lot of sense to me...? []
RonWilliam53 comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Dating an older person is like buying a used car or older house. You HAVE to be cautious and expect a few surprises. Some are beat up on the outside but great on the inside (mentally). Some are primo on the outside but junk on the inside. And lots of us have some "bondo", duct tape other patchwork ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 18, 2020:
@RonWilliam53 I think that I have encountered some of both types in online dating and I agree with you that most of them are probably women who aim too high rather than ones who are just playing around with the dating sites. No doubt most of us, men and women, are often guilty of aiming too high for what we have to offer compared to our competitors in the dating field. And make no mistake, even tho compatibility is always important, in the end the number and quality of competitors a man or woman faces in their local dating market greatly affects who someone of the opposite sex will decide is worth meeting in the first place, as well as who they might be willing to settle for. It seems like everyone on Agnostic says they would never "settle" in their relationship choices, but I'm sure from looking around at couples in my personal experience that the vast majority of people DO settle in who they end up with, whether they know and/or admit it or not....
Makes a lot of sense to me...? []
RonWilliam53 comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Dating an older person is like buying a used car or older house. You HAVE to be cautious and expect a few surprises. Some are beat up on the outside but great on the inside (mentally). Some are primo on the outside but junk on the inside. And lots of us have some "bondo", duct tape other patchwork ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 18, 2020:
@RonWilliam53 Sir, I think you have it exactly right. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of women out there on the dating sites sort of treat it like a form of entertainment, same as reading romance novels or watching reality shows like The Bachelorette. They join the sites for entertainment and fantasy of seeing all the profiles of guys that are hot and interesting, so it isn't really that important to them that they actually meet and end up dating anyone. I'm not saying that's true of most women on dating sites, but my experience makes me wonder if some of them really are that way, more interested in the fantasy and entertainment than in being serious about meeting someone that's actually in their league to meet, date, and have a relationship with.
Makes a lot of sense to me...? []
RonWilliam53 comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Dating an older person is like buying a used car or older house. You HAVE to be cautious and expect a few surprises. Some are beat up on the outside but great on the inside (mentally). Some are primo on the outside but junk on the inside. And lots of us have some "bondo", duct tape other patchwork ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 18, 2020:
@RonWilliam53 I'm financially comfortable and average-looking, but still I'm far from being considered a hot prospect among the single women in my area that are my age on dating sites. Most of them are still appearing to be holding out for men who are above average-looking and worth more than a million, as well as having kids in their background and being a believer.
Chance encounter with a troubled lady more engaging than two months of online dating.
twill comments on Oct 15, 2020:
I hear ya about the "normal" dates the high, very high, expectations that the American ladies have. It's odd to see the low acceptance they have, mish mash with their high expectations. What a screwed up mess many of them are.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 18, 2020:
@DaisyMaeNot I wish you were the norm, rather than the exception.
Makes a lot of sense to me...? []
RonWilliam53 comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Dating an older person is like buying a used car or older house. You HAVE to be cautious and expect a few surprises. Some are beat up on the outside but great on the inside (mentally). Some are primo on the outside but junk on the inside. And lots of us have some "bondo", duct tape other patchwork ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 17, 2020:
I also like his blunt statement about profile photos, namely that the only photo anyone really wants to see of you is one of you naked, standing on a scale and holding a copy of your financial statement. Granted, that is exaggerated somewhat for comic effect, but there is a lot of truth in it. I know that sounds sexist or misogynist, but I've met too many women thru online dating that really do seem to only care about looks and money in what men they will date. No doubt it also applies to many or most men, at least the parts about a naked photo of the woman on a bathroom scale. Another thought on the thrift store analogy... I know a good-looking woman in her 40s, a karaoke friend of mine, that is married and absolutely loves shopping at thrift stores for clothes and accessories. She probably needs to buy most things at discount price, so she buys about all her clothes there. But she's been married for a long time and I've got a feeling if she became single again she would not see dating at her age with the same enthusiasm and enjoyment as she does her thrift store shopping. I hope she doesn't have to find out.
Trump Is 'Helping To Crowdsource Domestic Terrorism,' Warns Former DHS Official | HuffPost
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 17, 2020:
It’s almost as if the safeguards we put up to defend ourselves as a free people enjoying democracy have been weaponized against us. However we always knew this was possible because we refused to see how it has been this way from the start when we consider the poor, and minorities, and women ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 17, 2020:
Nice to see someone as disillusioned as myself.
Sadly, a coordinated effort by third parties could topple the duopoly in a single election cycle.
RoboGraham comments on Oct 16, 2020:
The divine right of kings wasn't overcome by voting and I doubt the duoploy will either.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 16, 2020:
@Green_Soldier71 She's settling in alright, in all the wrong ways.. So, were you talking about Pete B.? If so, why are you so hung up on identity politics in candidates for prez? Who cares about their race, gender, or sexual orientation? What does that really have to do with political policy, esp. on economics, war, climate change, healthcare, etc.? Doesn't it matter more if they are on the right side of policies, can't be bought, and have a record that matches their policy positions, so you have some confidence they aren't just lying to get elected? I don't know about you, but I'm sick of people voting for someone just because they identify with them or admire who they seem to be superficially or because they are part of the same identity tribe as them or they are the same demo profile as the voter's circle of friends. Too much trivial reasoning for who to vote for. Almost as bad as the people who voted for W. because he seemed like a fun guy to have a beer with, etc. It's this obsession with identity politics and image in voting that makes for bullshit like the 2008 Obama campaign, where he was sold like a new car model, all about charisma and image, hope and change, which all turned out to be a lie. But it actually won an advertising award from the ad industry. That kind of voting makes it too easy for the parties to sell us phony candidates, same as selling car insurance with cute, funny ads...
Sadly, a coordinated effort by third parties could topple the duopoly in a single election cycle.
RoboGraham comments on Oct 16, 2020:
The divine right of kings wasn't overcome by voting and I doubt the duoploy will either.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 16, 2020:
@Green_Soldier71 I used to think AOC could be the one to replace Bernie as a progressive prez candidate because she checked all the boxes for those who care about identity politics in their candidates, besides being young. But after seeing the way she's been cozying up to Pelosi and the other establishment Dem leaders, I no longer have any hopes for her being the one to lead any progressive movement into the White House.
Sadly, a coordinated effort by third parties could topple the duopoly in a single election cycle.
RoboGraham comments on Oct 16, 2020:
The divine right of kings wasn't overcome by voting and I doubt the duoploy will either.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 16, 2020:
@Green_Soldier71 By Pete do you mean Mayor Pete? WFT is progressive about him? To me, he appears to be a moderate Repub on everything but identity politics. So what if he's gay, who the fuck cares? Identity politics are not going to save us from the duopoly's war against the 99% and identity politics is the biggest part of what's wrong with the Dems. They sell and offer us only identity politics instead of any real reform or class war against the ruling class. The Repubs offer the same thing to the evangelicals and poor whites, but they don't really give them anything substantial in return that improves the lives of those two demographic groups. We need to provide a real alternative to both parties that actually impacts people's lives in concrete ways that matter. As I once said to a Repub at a public flu shot clinic that offered free flu shots to all ( after I heard him spouting off about Obamacare), I told him " I hear you saying how bad socialism is for America and yet here you are getting a free flu shot from a government program. I hope you can pay your bills and feed your family with all your fat conservative rhetoric". Because the reality is, you can't...
Makes a lot of sense to me...? []
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 16, 2020:
With the exception of widowed people, those on the market are either the discarded, the survivors of failed relationships, and finally, those who are either so terminally neurotic or commitment phobic that they are still never-married after 40. So, you would think that the most attractive items in ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 16, 2020:
@HippieChick58 You do what you want. I'm going to just state what my general experiences have been with the other gender and let the chips fall where they may. If others disagree or can't deal with it, that's their problem. I have the right to speak my truth, whether others have experienced the same or not, agree or not. People are too damn defensive about their gender. I don't give a fuck how negative some women may feel about men based on their experiences. They can say so honestly in this forum as far as I'm concerned. What I don't appreciate is them trying to invalidate my experience or call me a liar.
Get rid of lockdown?
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 16, 2020:
I fully agree with that last line and that's what I've been doing since March, self-imposed lockdown. I'm 62 with a heart condition and have no intention of resuming social risks of being around crowds until most people, including me, have been vaccinated safely and effectively.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 16, 2020:
@FrayedBear I admit that I often seek comfort about the present by trying to remember when I lived in better times, at least better ones for me....
Makes a lot of sense to me...? []
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 16, 2020:
With the exception of widowed people, those on the market are either the discarded, the survivors of failed relationships, and finally, those who are either so terminally neurotic or commitment phobic that they are still never-married after 40. So, you would think that the most attractive items in ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 16, 2020:
@HippieChick58 You may not start out with negative assumptions, but in my experience of the two years before Covid, the majority of the women I encountered in my area DID, so I have to go by that. I have never felt a need to defend the rest of my gender for their dysfunction or behavior and hopefully you are beyond that for yourself. And, as should go without saying, it goes both ways, as Sticks used to say ad nauseum. I get sick of people on this forum feeling the need to defend their gender whenever a criticism is made based on experience. Why should one be offended on behalf of their gender to the point of needing to defend the rest of their gender simply because someone spoke their truth based on their honest experience?
Get rid of lockdown?
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 16, 2020:
I fully agree with that last line and that's what I've been doing since March, self-imposed lockdown. I'm 62 with a heart condition and have no intention of resuming social risks of being around crowds until most people, including me, have been vaccinated safely and effectively.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 16, 2020:
@FrayedBear If America continues to get worse at the present rate, I'm not sure a long life will be that great a thing.. Jus' sayin'.. All of my friends are very intelligent and educated as well as my age. They are following the same precautions as much as possible, even tho a couple of them are still working.
Sadly, a coordinated effort by third parties could topple the duopoly in a single election cycle.
RoboGraham comments on Oct 16, 2020:
The divine right of kings wasn't overcome by voting and I doubt the duoploy will either.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 16, 2020:
@Green_Soldier71 Many Americans may not think we need socialism to overcome our country's problems, because they either don't know what it really is or they are too brainwashed by our media to know better, but you can take it to the bank that the continued neoliberal economics pushed by both major parties along with the plutocracy of our political system sure ain't going to ever improve things.
Makes a lot of sense to me...? []
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 16, 2020:
With the exception of widowed people, those on the market are either the discarded, the survivors of failed relationships, and finally, those who are either so terminally neurotic or commitment phobic that they are still never-married after 40. So, you would think that the most attractive items in ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 16, 2020:
@HippieChick58 I get it, you met some bad prospects. Not all of us widowed guys are like them, so can you concede or agree with my point about the negative assumptions? Maybe you shouldn't assume all widowed men their age are seeking a nurse or a purse. Maybe not everybody is a head case to avoid. One woman I met a little over a year ago seemed to have some issues about her diet-foods she had to avoid and digestive problems I think- and we only met twice before she dumped me. About a year later I saw her obit in the newspaper. She probably had some kind of cancer with some gastro organ, I dunno. I chalked it up to having dodged a bullet as she also seemed to likely be a Trumper. But I am not going to carry my experience with her onto the women I meet after Covid.
Sadly, a coordinated effort by third parties could topple the duopoly in a single election cycle.
RoboGraham comments on Oct 16, 2020:
The divine right of kings wasn't overcome by voting and I doubt the duoploy will either.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 16, 2020:
@Green_Soldier71 I think the general election voters have the balls to vote for someone like Bernie. The problem is that the DNC will never allow someone like Bernie to get their nomination and too many Dem party primary voters buy the bullshit of the corporate media and Dem party leaders, so they won't vote for a Bernie in primaries. But in a general election, I still think most voters would vote for Bernie or someone like him that is a socialist or progressive. How can someone say they wouldn't? We haven't had the chance to do so since McGovern in 1972, the last time a progressive was on the ballot with a real chance to win. The DNC and the corporate media have made sure since then that we never had the chance or knew about having that kind of chance.
Sadly, a coordinated effort by third parties could topple the duopoly in a single election cycle.
RoboGraham comments on Oct 16, 2020:
The divine right of kings wasn't overcome by voting and I doubt the duoploy will either.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 16, 2020:
@RoboGraham I've already blocked both of those assholes a while ago.
Makes a lot of sense to me...? []
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 16, 2020:
With the exception of widowed people, those on the market are either the discarded, the survivors of failed relationships, and finally, those who are either so terminally neurotic or commitment phobic that they are still never-married after 40. So, you would think that the most attractive items in ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 16, 2020:
@HippieChick58 I get that, anyone over 40 has baggage, no matter what their relationship status and history. The point I was making is that the vast majority of women I met thru online dating seemed to presume I was not over my spouse or resolved with my baggage until proven otherwise. I think we all get tired of being on trial, so to speak, so much of the time with meeting new people and having to prove ourselves innocent, etc. One of the most frustrating things about dating in older ages is running into so many people that are in denial about their own baggage and issues, while at the same time, they are so suspicious and quick to assume the worst about the people they meet. In other words, possessing the kind of hypocrisy usually most seen in Repub pols, but in these cases running across the political spectrum.
Sadly, a coordinated effort by third parties could topple the duopoly in a single election cycle.
RoboGraham comments on Oct 16, 2020:
The divine right of kings wasn't overcome by voting and I doubt the duoploy will either.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 16, 2020:
Quite true. I still think if Bernie had had the stones and integrity to run third party last time or this time, he could have won and then at least forced the hand of the ruling class to either give up the status quo or play their clampdown hand out in the open. Last time, he folded because he said he didn't want Trump to win. This time, he really had no excuse...
PickupAlpha Helps Humans Embark on the Journey of Dating Through Coaching
FearlessFly comments on Oct 8, 2020:
. . . yahoo adds nothing, the **actual** source :
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 16, 2020:
Looks like a boot camp for incels.
PickupAlpha Helps Humans Embark on the Journey of Dating Through Coaching
BitFlipper comments on Oct 9, 2020:
If you obtain a mate by trickery, what do you have?
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 16, 2020:
A cooperative victim?
Chance encounter with a troubled lady more engaging than two months of online dating.
twill comments on Oct 15, 2020:
I hear ya about the "normal" dates the high, very high, expectations that the American ladies have. It's odd to see the low acceptance they have, mish mash with their high expectations. What a screwed up mess many of them are.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 15, 2020:
Totally agree with you there twill. Tho it's been quite lonely, in other ways Covid has been a relief for me from the online dating grind. I got so sick of the "interview" first meetings for coffee, which were often preceded by women who insisted on trading lots of messages first before they could decide if I might be worth meeting. Those e-mails thru the dating site were also too often interviews of sorts. Nobody likes being subjected to a prolonged series of interviews whether the process is job-seeking or online dating. I don't see meeting someone who might like me and has some interest already as a waste of my time, I have plenty of that as a retiree. What I won't do is waste my money, even tho I can afford it, on women who want me to buy them a dinner or two as part of the dating process before they decide if they think I'm a match. They need to have their own money, same as me, and be just as willing to invest it in their dating process by buying their own meals.
Why did covid19 spike so high in October in France, is it because the weather is cooler and more ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Not to sound callous, but the spikes in cases where I live really won't affect me unless they result in lockdowns of things like barbers, massage therapists and dentists from being open for business. I remain in my isolated state either way, rarely going out to shop, see my investment advisor or ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 15, 2020:
@azzow2 I don't ask about that kind of specifics, just how much % is in different categories: Stocks, bonds, real estate, annuities, etc.
Why did covid19 spike so high in October in France, is it because the weather is cooler and more ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Not to sound callous, but the spikes in cases where I live really won't affect me unless they result in lockdowns of things like barbers, massage therapists and dentists from being open for business. I remain in my isolated state either way, rarely going out to shop, see my investment advisor or ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 15, 2020:
@azzow2 No idea.
I guess when you're old, you don't have to over-compensate as much.
ASTRALMAX comments on Oct 11, 2020:
"When you are twenty years old you worry about what everyone thinks about you. When you are forty years old you do not give a damn what anyone thinks about you. When you are sixty years old you realize that nobody was ever thinking about in the first place." Winston Churchill Age does not ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 11, 2020:
I believe the saying goes, "There's no fool like an old fool".
My message to Joe, Nancy, and the voters who would have us believe that taxing corporations heavier ...
Petter comments on Oct 10, 2020:
The goal of corporations is to "maximise profit". Cutting their taxes increases profit. It does NOT result in reducing the price of the product. Raising the tax, will tempt a corporation to "pass on" the cost, but that is where market competition steps in. The first corporation to raise its ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 10, 2020:
Good point, but that only applies to industries where there is healthy competition. But with the duopoly we have in the US, both parties have allowed monopolies to flourish instead of enforcing antitrust laws that were created a century ago. So the costs usually do get passed on to consumers.
Rick Wiles Blames Gov.
rainmanjr comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Is Rick white? That would explain a lot.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 10, 2020:
I think it's safe to say Wiles is white.
In Philadelphia, I'm seeing a lot of Trump commercials aimed at the African American vote.
LucyLoohoo comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Malcolm would be surprised to know we can group millions of whites right into the ''field negroes''' corner! Any lower-income folks (black or white) who support the pustule are just working against their own advantage... PS Barjoe, I remember Malcolm and wish he were still with us. The man was...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@barjoe Groups with a common enemy often make strange allies.
In Philadelphia, I'm seeing a lot of Trump commercials aimed at the African American vote.
Lorajay comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Senator Tim Scott is definitely a house negro as is Clarence Thomas.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@barjoe Bite me, you're wrong and either leave it at that or I'll block you. Been thinking of it for a while now. Most blacks may not be socialists, but they also are not interested in selling out to super rich whites like Obama.
In Philadelphia, I'm seeing a lot of Trump commercials aimed at the African American vote.
LucyLoohoo comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Malcolm would be surprised to know we can group millions of whites right into the ''field negroes''' corner! Any lower-income folks (black or white) who support the pustule are just working against their own advantage... PS Barjoe, I remember Malcolm and wish he were still with us. The man was...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@barjoe The black Muslims that killed Malcom had help from the FBI. It's important to remember the conspiracy was bigger than just the Farrakhan group.
In Philadelphia, I'm seeing a lot of Trump commercials aimed at the African American vote.
Lorajay comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Senator Tim Scott is definitely a house negro as is Clarence Thomas.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 9, 2020:
As was Obama as well. Too bad most blacks and white liberals won't admit that, but if Malcom were still alive he would have said it without batting an eye.. So is Jim Clyburn. That's why I hated and still hate Obama. But instead of admitting the truth about him, me and other progressives were accused of being racist when we bashed Obama back then. A great example of how Dems hide behind identity politics instead of admitting their party is just as corrupt as the Repubs when it comes to serving the 1%.
Today Mitch McConnell seemed to back away from Trump.
prometheus comments on Oct 8, 2020:
I think he's just reverting to who he was before he kissed the ring (Trumps anal ring of course): > “I object to a whole series of things that he’s said — vehemently object to them. I think all of that needs to stop. Both the shots at people he defeated in the primary and these attacks on ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 8, 2020:
In other words, a gutless kiss-ass...
'I Really Like When Men': Woman's Devilishly Smart Dating Advice Will Change Your Life
MrChange comments on Oct 1, 2020:
I stopped listening to women's advice. They all contradict themselves. I just started being me and let the chips fall where they may. BTW society shouldn't "allow" men to do anything. Real men be who they are and are not pressured into being anything else but themselves. At least I think🤔🤣
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 8, 2020:
I totally agree. You have to just be you. Most women say they want one thing in men and then actually want something else. Also, the type of women who want sensitive men may also be the kind of women who will never be into you because of some other aspect of you, such as your looks or your interests, background, etc. You have to just be you, see who that attracts, and then select from there who YOU are interested in. The whole dating game these days, as I see it, is pretty much like how differential diagnosis works in medicine. You start with all the possibilities, eliminate them over time with trial and examination, and then go with the remaining possible options to find the best match.
Tell me again how waiting for the perfect candidate and wasting your vote is smart.
Killtheskyfairy comments on Oct 3, 2020:
People make no sense to me. It’s why I prefer cats.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 7, 2020:
The more I see of inhuman behavior by people, the more I like cats..
Tell me again how waiting for the perfect candidate and wasting your vote is smart.
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 7, 2020:
False choice. Maybe we should start paying attention to why we don't have a better boat in the first place so we wouldn't have to use the life raft.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 7, 2020:
@glennlab But the Dems magically keep insisting there is never an appropriate time to seek radical change in the system, so that way they can conveniently excuse their lesser evil approach cycle after cycle. I don't buy it and it's a bullshit cover for a policy they have been promoting ever since the DLC was created in the late 80s.
Ballot arrived in mail today!
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Mine arrived on Tue. I will drop it off at the auditor's office tomorrow.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 7, 2020:
@Donna_I I don't know about when they can be opened, but they can't begin counting them until election day.
The Two-Party System's Failure Opens Door for Independent Debate "At a time when voters are ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Only in America can consumers find dozens of choices for soft drinks, beer, fast food, etc., but only two political parties that are the inevitable winners of all federal elections. Consumer choices for products let people continue to feel they have plenty of choices in their lives, but only two ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 7, 2020:
@WilliamCharles More like censors than gatekeepers.
The Two-Party System's Failure Opens Door for Independent Debate "At a time when voters are ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Only in America can consumers find dozens of choices for soft drinks, beer, fast food, etc., but only two political parties that are the inevitable winners of all federal elections. Consumer choices for products let people continue to feel they have plenty of choices in their lives, but only two ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 7, 2020:
@WilliamCharles Even public television and C-Span don't give fair or balanced coverage to minor parties. They only allow them to participate in debates shortly before the election, too late to change anything after the voters have been bombarded with months of ads and only heard about the major party candidates in the corporate media. It is the ultimate token gesture of attempting to appear fair and balanced. Even then, they are only allowed to debate with other minor party candidates, never directly against the major party candidates.
Last night I saw the season premiere of an interesting new series on AMC called Soulmates.
Larry68Feminist comments on Oct 6, 2020:
So called science giving people a new reason to break vows made at weddings
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 6, 2020:
Well, that was one point made in the first episode, that The Test seemed to be giving people a scientific reason to no longer feel a moral obligation to keep their vows, but I personally saw that as a selfish cop-out.
Multiple times now I have written private messages only to have them disappear when I hit send.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 4, 2020:
I have had that happen a lot of times in the past and also sent messages that never got to the other member. And this has been verified by the other members later on.
TomMcGiverin replies on Oct 4, 2020:
@Amzungu It's still entirely possible that I'm losing my mind, can't speak for you about yours, but it's clear that neither of us were imagining the problem with messaging on Agnostic.
A truly sad reality. How can we change this? Can we change it?
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Wallace's puppetmasters know that a Jerry Springer clone is ratings gold. The orchestrated chaos is a feature, not a bug. Pure Kabuki theater. [voice-over] "Be sure to stick around and see what happens next!"
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 30, 2020:
Unless the future moderators of the final two debates are allowed to cut off or mute the mics of the candidates when it's not their turn to speak, then they may as well have Springer moderate the rest of the debates. At the end, I was expecting Springer to show up and give a Final Thought...
Seems I have an interesting, if not alarming, debate to watch when I get to the recording.
Piece2YourPuzzle comments on Sep 30, 2020:
I'd rather just watch the highlights and analysis. I'm almost 100% certain that nothing important was said including nothing much about policy.
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 30, 2020:
@Desertcactus The SNL parody of it will be more coherent and substantitive.
A truly sad reality. How can we change this? Can we change it?
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Wallace's puppetmasters know that a Jerry Springer clone is ratings gold. The orchestrated chaos is a feature, not a bug. Pure Kabuki theater. [voice-over] "Be sure to stick around and see what happens next!"
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 30, 2020:
It was no different than a reality show where the objective is max conflict. Jerry Springer without the physical violence or sexual content.
Just watched the whole of the debate.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 29, 2020:
I thought that Chris Wallace, being from Fox News, was surprisingly fair as moderator, but at the same time, he was overwhelmed by Trump and had no control over the debate and Trump. If they both go ahead with the other two debates, the upcoming moderators need to regain some control over the ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 29, 2020:
@prometheus Yup, there need to be real penalties to breaking the rules or there is no point in even attempting more debates. I figured the mic cutoff would be simpler, more fair, and allow the opponent to maintain their concentration and train of thought, since the whole point should be having a coherent discussion that informs the audience in making their decision. Trump obviously wants none of that.
When I gain 2 pounds more than I'm used to, I can't stand it.
Cyklone comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Sure. Men should try to keep looking like they're 24 and so should women. It's just not fair on us men that after bearing a few kids and breastfeeding them that women let their bodies get all unappealing and non sexy.
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 28, 2020:
I'll take that as the sarcasm that is clearly intended.
NY Times Report Claims Trump Paid No Taxes 10 of last 15 Years According to a Sunday The New ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 28, 2020:
"October" surprise for tRump?
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 28, 2020:
Sounds like this is the DNC surprise that they hope will swing the election for Biden, but I think his debate performances will have the opposite effect when they see how demented Biden is. People will be scared to vote for him if he comes off as confused and feeble as I expect him to. The other thing is that, if anything, this tax scandal will swing some voters in Trump's favor as many Americans admire tax dodging. Reminds me of how one boss I worked for who seemed like a Repub on everything else said during Clinton's impeachment that he supported Clinton then because he admired a man his age being able to cheat on his wife and get oral sex from a young woman. You can never underestimate the perverse nature of some people's political compass. Not surprisingly, I hated that boss and he bullied me at every opportunity. Felt a lot of glee years later when I heard he died of a heart attack, seeing that he was also a fat slob for many years. I also learned years before his death that his parents had turned their back on him after his mistreating them as well over the years. In this case, the wicked got what they deserved.
Hundreds Turn Out in Portland for Proud Boys Rally Hundreds of extremist, right-wing, white ...
CommonHuman comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Is there some way to cross reference the faces of these guys with dating sites? Or perhaps just some kind of identification app? I'd hate to accidentally date one and then find out this little nugget of yikes.
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 27, 2020:
No doubt, babe magnets all of them.... That is if they like trashy, gun-loving women with lots of tats....
Amy Coney Barrett: GOP sells 'Notorious ACB' T-shirts after nomination
oldFloyd comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Just a slight reality check here, did anybody expect something different? 🤔 In my opinion the bar went in the negative numbers about three and a half years ago. 😣 If not longer. 🤮
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 27, 2020:
Exactly, where is the surprise coming from? Outrage, sure, surprise, seems sort of naive..
"Liberals hate leftists for the same reason a wife who is informed that her husband is cheating on ...
WilliamCharles comments on Sep 27, 2020:
"Liberals and leftists identify many of the same problems. Only leftists understand that real solutions require serious pressure on the ruling elites. The credible threat of force -- for example, a peaceful protest that could turn violent -- may be enough to force reforms. But reforms always get ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 27, 2020:
All of that is so true. When it really comes down to walking the walk instead of talking the talk, and actually putting themselves on the line, liberals are too selfish and gutless to effect change to the system.
Biden 🤮 Trump worse by a factor of ten or more.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Keep up the good work, and I mean that sincerely. It's not people like you and me that are responsible for the disease that gave us Trump as the symptom, it's the selfish, comfortable, sheeple that started and kept voting for corporate Dems beginning in the 90s when the DLC began taking over the Dem...
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 26, 2020:
@Freedompath Preparing to block you, but I might not. Your outrage is pathetically amusing..
Biden 🤮 Trump worse by a factor of ten or more.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Keep up the good work, and I mean that sincerely. It's not people like you and me that are responsible for the disease that gave us Trump as the symptom, it's the selfish, comfortable, sheeple that started and kept voting for corporate Dems beginning in the 90s when the DLC began taking over the Dem...
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 26, 2020:
@believeinlove I can respect that, what I won't respect is the denial of Biden's dementia by his supporters. I'm also fed up with centrists and corporate Dems saying we don't deserve better than Biden or Trump.
Biden 🤮 Trump worse by a factor of ten or more.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Keep up the good work, and I mean that sincerely. It's not people like you and me that are responsible for the disease that gave us Trump as the symptom, it's the selfish, comfortable, sheeple that started and kept voting for corporate Dems beginning in the 90s when the DLC began taking over the Dem...
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 26, 2020:
@Freedompath Suit yourself, I stand by my statements without apology. Regardless which of us knows more about dementia, I damn well know enough to know when I see it and Biden has it, at least late early stage or early middle stage and I don't care how much other people choose to deny or minimize that. We may not get all we want, but we deserve better than a prez who already has dementia. We could have had better, like Bernie, for one example. But we won't get better until a majority of us DEMAND better. Good luck with your attitude of passively settling every time...
Biden 🤮 Trump worse by a factor of ten or more.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Keep up the good work, and I mean that sincerely. It's not people like you and me that are responsible for the disease that gave us Trump as the symptom, it's the selfish, comfortable, sheeple that started and kept voting for corporate Dems beginning in the 90s when the DLC began taking over the Dem...
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 26, 2020:
@Freedompath I probably know as much about dementia as you do, if not more. My late wife had dementia for several years before her death. There are about 72 forms of dementia, including a few different forms of Alzheimer's. My wife's was a very rare form. I met at least a dozen or more patients with dementia from support groups I attended. I know dementia when I see it. We need a prez that has healthy cognitive ability AND integrity combined with policies that address the disease that brought us Trump. And believe me or not, Ruth, it is not Biden or Harris. Should Biden win, expect very little, because that's what you're going to get, even if Harris replaces him soon after the election. Maybe better management of the pandemic, but beyond that, I don't see it...
Anybody else ready to cringe when they watch next week's debate with Joe's dementia finally being ...
altschmerz comments on Sep 26, 2020:
I'm not sure I want to subject myself to the spectacle of the debates. I hate the Dems SO MUCH. They're letting the GOP shit all over us.
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 26, 2020:
I will, I love being proven right, even when it's bad news..
We don't have this situation right now.... No visitors permitted. But when we do:
OldGoat43 comments on Sep 24, 2020:
No visitors without a mask please.
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 26, 2020:
@bigpawbullets Sounds like you know your place in the household.
We don't have this situation right now.... No visitors permitted. But when we do:
OldGoat43 comments on Sep 24, 2020:
No visitors without a mask please.
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 26, 2020:
@bigpawbullets Do the cats need to wear masks when people visit?
Biden 🤮 Trump worse by a factor of ten or more.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Keep up the good work, and I mean that sincerely. It's not people like you and me that are responsible for the disease that gave us Trump as the symptom, it's the selfish, comfortable, sheeple that started and kept voting for corporate Dems beginning in the 90s when the DLC began taking over the Dem...
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 26, 2020:
@Healthydoc70 Then you should be comfortable with Biden, if he wins. Like Reagan, Biden has dementia, but in Joe's case, it has clearly begun even before him becoming prez. Can't wait to see next week's debate prove this for all to see....And don't give me any of that bullshit about it all being just his stuttering problem... Yes, I did block Healthydoc...
Talking Kitty Cat 19 - Sylvester Goes To Jail - YouTube
Ladydiana comments on Sep 26, 2020:
I love Sylvester
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 26, 2020:
I like the talking GrumpyCat even more, when he sings Happy Birthday, for example.
For those who believe that voting blue will save you. [youtube.]
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 25, 2020:
Time to vote for a third party, at least after this election, if not sooner. After this election, what do we really have to lose by giving a third party a chance, collectively, as voters? At the very least it could actually push the Dems to the left. At the best, it could eventually replace the Dem ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 25, 2020:
@RoboGraham I watched the video of their convention. If they have a candidate for prez in four years, they will get my vote. If they have a congressional candidate for my area or a senate candidate for my state in two years, they might also get my vote for those offices. I would like to see them have a candidate for governor in my state two years from now as well. My state's governor is going to be very vulnerable two years from now for how she's blown the handling of Covid.
Sweet and simple makeup tutorial.
dalefvictor comments on Sep 21, 2020:
I do not see why the picture of the cat is on this post, it is obvious something else has put that lipstick on that cat. Get the real culprit.
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 25, 2020:
@dalefvictor She is serious and stop calling her Shirley, with apologies to Airplane and Leslie Nielson...
I don’t ever copy and paste other people’s statuses.
Metahuman comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Serious question from the uninformed and ignorant. Why, then, were we unconcerned and not mask wearing, when it was just the flu? Just the flu? Do you know how many grandpas and grandmas the flu kills? How many things can kill us? Why did it take so long to realize that we have to separate ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 24, 2020:
The difference is this. I'm 62 and have a heart condition. I had the flu twice last winter, even after getting a flu shot. It only lasted a few to several days each time. I did not have to go to a hospital. If I get Covid, not only would I get seriously ill, I might die. I have never had to worry about that with seasonal flu, which I've had several times since I reached middle age. I deserve the chance to live another 15-20 years so I can enjoy a retirement. That may not happen if I get Covid. I should not have to order my groceries online or pick them up in the parking lot because young people won't wear masks in grocery stores because they think only of themselves. For anybody over 50, this is way worse and more dangerous than the flu, so that's why it deserves more precautions for the good of older adults. Don't be surprised if there is some payback for this against young adults by older adults who are in state legislatures. I know there will be in Iowa, as a former legislator once told me that her colleagues would often say things like how they would not hold down college tuition rates because " the students always seem to have money for beer". How forgiving do you think they will be towards the college kids and young adults having Covid parties, packing the bars and restaurants and not wearing masks in stores unless the store requires it?
Democrats are so lame if they allow the GOP’s nominee for the Supreme Court to be confirmed.
Charlene comments on Sep 22, 2020:
They've already lost the W.H.. we need to concentrate on flipping the Senate..
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@Rudy1962 You nailed it. The Dems don't care about winning, just about keeping all that corporate and Wall Street money as well as defeating progressives. They're always willing to fight hard for those things, but not for anything else.
Would it be consistent for an atheist, BLM football player to "take a knee" at the football game?
Bobbyzen comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Taking a knee in this context has nothing to do with prayer or with god. You can google “why did Colin Kaepernick take a knee” and you’ll find his reason, and also an NPR interview with the veteran and NFL player who advised Kaepernick.
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 23, 2020:
The OP obviously is not familiar with the Colin K. story about why he took a knee.
“There is really only one question you ever need to direct at someone to work out whether or not ...
ToakReon comments on Sep 22, 2020:
It's one of those ideas that sounds 'intellectually pretty' and 'nice' - but, in reality, like so many such ideas, it's not really worth the breath it's spoken with. Let me just make this point by way of a counter argument. The video's 'conclusion' is that a 'good person' is someone who does ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 22, 2020:
Wells said. It's one of those arguments that sound good on the surface, but not grounded in reality.
You have to unite behind another party to finally end this obedience of complicity.
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2020:
So true, and many people think I am the crazy one, for saying so.
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 22, 2020:
You speak for me as well.
How Abortion May Change in the Supreme Court - The Atlantic
barjoe comments on Sep 22, 2020:
It's gotten so bad that Roe v Wade is the least of my worries. I'm pro choice but I fear all our liberties are endangered.
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 22, 2020:
That is exactly the point. If open fascism like Trump is not rejected this time around, nobody will have any rights in the US besides right wingers and fundy Christians.
Why Conservatives Hate Democracy: []
Killtheskyfairy comments on Sep 20, 2020:
Because the only thing conservatives conserve is power.
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 21, 2020:
That and winning elections at all cost, including lying, cheating, and preventing people from voting. They sure don't care about the rule of law, precedent, the environment, or even the appearance of legitimacy for the system. And to them even the idea of fairness is a joke and something only weak ineffectual lefties care about. It's a concept they ignore or ridicule except for when the Dems exercise power and do something they don't like and then they cry that it's unfair.
Patriotism and the american left: []
Charlene comments on Sep 20, 2020:
I have no desire to wrap myself in the flag nor yell empty "patriotic" bullshit..guess I don't fit this article's description.
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 21, 2020:
The vast majority of Americans are too ignorant or dense to understand the difference between nationalism and patriotism, so they are easily suckered and manipulated by slogans and symbols of nationalism posing as patriotism. Real patriotism is being willing to sacrifice for the common good, which means paying your fair share of taxes, sacrificing when there are real hardships for the country to overcome, such as a Depression or actual war where the US is attacked and in real danger of invasion, etc. It's not just about worshiping the flag and being willing to kill for your country or serve in the military. If the latter were the case, the Repubs and most Dems would be conspicuously absent for showing any true patriotism since neither party's pols these days have usually ever served. It also means things like wearing a damn mask during a pandemic because it has science backing it as effective in saving lives instead of being a selfish asshole that cares more about your individual rights and freedom. Real patriotism is also standing up to fascism and calling it by its real name. Neither major party is willing to do that and the corporate media won't do it either. In other words, true patriotism would have more in common with socialist values than just empty platitudes about freedom and liberty, with both masquarading as covers for selfishness and individualism run amok.
Pastor Rick Joyner Claims God Wants Christian Veterans to Lead Good Militias Right-wing ...
Theresa_N comments on Sep 20, 2020:
Frightening, I see some hard times coming in this country.
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 20, 2020:
I agree. If Trump gets re-elected, I can easily see him encouraging a civil war in which right wing militias openly attack lefty protesters in the streets and the police and military either stand idly by and let it happen or even join in with the militias in attacking the protesters without any provocation. Wait, isn't that mostly what's already happening?? If Covid becomes enough of a manageable risk for me to get out there with the protests, I sure as hell plan to bring some kind of defensive protection in the way of a gas mask and a shield. This is not like the 60s when non-violent protesters could usually expect to not get gassed or beaten or shot at with rubber bullets or pepperballs even if they stayed peaceful and esp. if they were white. Nowadays those customs are not observed anymore by cops and national guard. We now have open fascism and authoritarian leadership. Something like Chile is not unthinkable happening here.
Never met him, would love to.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Sep 20, 2020:
But I'm in MO! :(
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 20, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 Would you end up moving to a blue state if the split happened, or would you stay in MO and stand your ground? I would probably move, because I can only stand to live with so much disgust year after year..
Never met him, would love to.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 20, 2020:
I wish they would secede again and this time the North let them. It would improve the politics for the remaining states immensely.
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 20, 2020:
@JeffMurray Right now that would be the South and most of the Midwest, where the Repubs have been winning the vast majority of fed elections in the last couple decades.
Never met him, would love to.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 20, 2020:
I wish they would secede again and this time the North let them. It would improve the politics for the remaining states immensely.
TomMcGiverin replies on Sep 20, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 True, but my point stands. If it came to pass, I assume you would see lots of people actually immigrate from their state to somewhere in the other country after the split. You know, like all the lefty Americans that say they will move to Canada or somewhere in Europe if a Repub becomes prez? I assume if the US did split, that both sides would allow flexible immigration between the two, maybe even flexible borders.


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