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Leftists who pretend that they are allies with the minority and shuts up people from the minority ...
RoboGraham comments on Aug 10, 2020:
This is what Malcolm X believed. At least known enemies are predictable. Enemies that seem to be friends are dangerous.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 11, 2020:
"Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes..They don't tell the truth. Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes... And I've got proof"-The Undisputed Truth
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
dermot235 comments on Aug 10, 2020:
The US is not a functioning Democracy and it's getting worse every year. Voter Suppression Gerrymandering The Electoral College, And then Alaska with it's 600,000 people gets 2 Senators and California with 39 Millions People gets 2 Senators also. WTF Please don't export your democracy ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@dermot235 I thought all of America's so-called low skill factory jobs went to China....
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
dermot235 comments on Aug 10, 2020:
The US is not a functioning Democracy and it's getting worse every year. Voter Suppression Gerrymandering The Electoral College, And then Alaska with it's 600,000 people gets 2 Senators and California with 39 Millions People gets 2 Senators also. WTF Please don't export your democracy ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@dermot235 I mean that the multinational corporations, thru trade treaties that their bought politicians negotiate with other countries, as well as decisions made directly by the corporations to move their jobs, factories, and services from the US to low or lower wage countries, end up outsourcing the jobs away from the US. The result is that US workers end up with fewer jobs to compete for, the jobs that are left are less often unionized, and the pay and benefits, as well as the job security of those remaining jobs in America, are worse. It's the globalization version of musical chairs, a desperate scramble among the workers to compete for worse and worse jobs in a shrinking pool. The latest result is the gig economy. No job security or benefits, low pay, but oh so much "freedom" for the worker in having a flexible schedule and independent contracting....
Hello all! Today has been interesting with the massive storm that blasted through Iowa.
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 10, 2020:
I lost my satellite TV until at least sometime tomorrow, but I still have Iowa Public Radio and my dvd's from the library of a season of Better Call Saul and a movie on my dvr that I recorded a few days ago and haven't watched yet.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@Donna_I What do you mean by od?
How liberal flakes led us to Trump: []
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Nothing new here. In a nutshell, the majority of the college-educated Boomers, including some former hippies, started selling out in the 80s, becoming self-centered, socially-callous yuppies. As such, they became members of the Coordinator Class, who make up most of the top 10% group of Americans in...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@Krish55 I try, thanks...
Now that this group has added the BLM movement to its identity, it will be interesting to see if it ...
Allamanda comments on Aug 10, 2020:
I think you are right, but I am also curious to know - has the group lost members since adding BLM to name and aims? I ask because for the first time yesterday I was 'accused' in a strange way by a member who is seemingly anti-feminist, of 'being a BLM' [supporter, I guess]. I would have thought ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
Interesting ?. I would assume that, if anything, the group might gain some new members who are libertarian, rather than socialist or progressive, because they support minority civil rights, but on the other hand they will probably stay away from this group because they don't want to argue their libertarian economic views against the economic lefties on here.
Now that this group has added the BLM movement to its identity, it will be interesting to see if it ...
Shaghaf comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Just last night i was listening to an interesting interview with ,Thomas Frank, the author of " listen liberal " and few other books. He mentioned the same idea about what MLK figured out before his murder . I don't think it's possible to achieve any kind of justice or equality under capitalism....
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
Maybe under the more European models of capitalism mixed with social democracy, but certainly not under America's form of unregulated capitalism and plutocracy that we have had for decades. Under our type of current capitalism, the best we will get is greater tolerance or freedom to be queer or non-white or an immigrant, but most Americans will never have justice or equality in the areas of economic equality or opportunity, as well as equal justice or power, individually or as a group, unless they are wealthy. All we have gotten since the 1960s in America, as far as social progress or equality, are things like gay rights, abortion rights, tolerance or civil rights for non-white people and more equality for women, all of which have cost corporate America and the rich nothing, which is why these reforms were allowed. Meanwhile, the rich and corporations, along with their bought pols in DC, proceeded to trade away our jobs, our middle class standard of living, and our democracy thru international trade deals and treaties that trump our federal and state laws. We no longer are able to make our own laws if they violate these treaties unless we drop out of those treaties and pay the financial penalties for doing so. None of the pols in DC, not even Bernie, is telling the people about these sinister facts and neither is the corporate media, which never covers trade deals in depth anyway.
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
PondartIncbendog comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Please define intended usage, "democracy"?
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@RoboGraham By that definition, the US clearly has plutocracy rather than democracy. The ruling class is not afraid of the masses at all these days and even most of the pols in DC don't bother to pretend that they care about the commoners or what the commoners think or want. They insult our intelligence regularly. I have no doubt that privately most pols in DC think that we are idiots that haven't caught on to their con or even if we have, they callously dismiss us as having nowhere else to go outside the two major parties. And as long as those that do vote stay confined to the two major parties, those pols are right and they will continue to behave accordingly.
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
Aurora62 comments on Aug 10, 2020:
The USA has real democracy?!?! Don't make me laugh Rob! 😂 We can't even verify our votes. We click on a machine and pray to the flying spaghetti monster that our vote isn't flipped to the other candidate. 😂
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@Aurora62 Unfortunately, because of the influence of American corporations, I have heard from Canadians that their country is rapidly becoming much like the US in their politics and the rule of their country by multinational corporations.
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
Aurora62 comments on Aug 10, 2020:
The USA has real democracy?!?! Don't make me laugh Rob! 😂 We can't even verify our votes. We click on a machine and pray to the flying spaghetti monster that our vote isn't flipped to the other candidate. 😂
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
True. The only honest elections are those with only paper ballots that give the voter a paper receipt for their ballot votes. The ruling class in our plutocracy will never allow that...As far as votes being flipped to a different candidate on an electronic voting machine, that is exactly what happened in Ohio back in 2004 when votes for Kerry were being flipped to Bush and the corrupt Dems in congress were not even willing to protest and fight this obvious election stealing after the election when congress met to certify the election results. It was all in Michael Moore's movie about the 2004 election and the Iraq War.
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
dermot235 comments on Aug 10, 2020:
The US is not a functioning Democracy and it's getting worse every year. Voter Suppression Gerrymandering The Electoral College, And then Alaska with it's 600,000 people gets 2 Senators and California with 39 Millions People gets 2 Senators also. WTF Please don't export your democracy ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@dermot235 I have been alive since 1958 and from my observation, politics in America has only continued to get worse since the early 1970s, which is when the federal government began to become much less responsive to the common people, the outsourcing of jobs began to get much worse, union membership began to fall drastically, and corporate campaign donations began to dwarf union campaign donations, and the US began making trade deals that sold out workers. Automation of jobs also began to really accelerate in that time. Corporate campaign donations are now 16 times greater than that of unions. All of these trends began to intersect in the US beginning in the early 1970s and that's why the average wages of American workers, adjusted for inflation, have not risen since 1973. We stopped making progress because the pols sold us out after that and the economy and tax policy since then have been all for the benefit of the top 1%, which is who gives most of the campaign money, either directly or thru corporations. Life expectancy in the US, for those in the lower classes, has actually gone down in the last decade or so, back to where it was before the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in the mid 1960s. So, for the lower classes in America below the top 10% of the wealthiest, it's like living in a third world country. You're right, dermot, most Americans will probably not wake up and be willing to fight the ruling class until there is another Depression like the 1930s. Racial injustice like what we saw this summer with the BLM protests will not be enough to get most white Americans motivated to revolt against the system, violently or peacefully. I think it would take tens of millions out in the street and I am not confident that police and military would not just mow us down no matter how peaceful we were, whether the president was a Dem or a Repub. It would be Tianneman Square in America, with no media coverage as well. Since America's initial revolution, the history shows that Americans will only revolt when they feel they have nothing left to lose. Right now we still have way too many people who still have jobs, food, housing, healthcare and a feeling of security.
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
dermot235 comments on Aug 10, 2020:
The US is not a functioning Democracy and it's getting worse every year. Voter Suppression Gerrymandering The Electoral College, And then Alaska with it's 600,000 people gets 2 Senators and California with 39 Millions People gets 2 Senators also. WTF Please don't export your democracy ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@dermot235 It's too hard in America because most people are brainwashed by the two major parties and the mass media. They don't know how to think critically and so they are easily manipulated by those groups. Collectively, we Americans, even those without wealth, have the power under the law to change things, but too many of us have either given up, are brainwashed and don't get what is wrong and needs to be done, or are unwilling to get out in the streets to fight for it, violently or non-violently. The BLM protests, which used to get constant TV coverage from national networks, now get completely ignored for the last few weeks, for example...
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
dermot235 comments on Aug 10, 2020:
The US is not a functioning Democracy and it's getting worse every year. Voter Suppression Gerrymandering The Electoral College, And then Alaska with it's 600,000 people gets 2 Senators and California with 39 Millions People gets 2 Senators also. WTF Please don't export your democracy ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@dermot235 I think you were able to do it in Europe because your citizens are better educated, more engaged with politics and, most importantly, much more conscious of economic class. It seems like most Europeans, unlike Americans, see themselves as part of a large citizenry that is united for the common good, instead of the American worship of individualism that pervades America's media, entertainment and educational system. Most Americans identify with and worship the rich, wanting and planning/hoping to also be rich someday, while most Euros seem to be more realistic and identify with the middle class or lower classes and instead desire peace and security and fairness over individual ambition and advancement.
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
dermot235 comments on Aug 10, 2020:
The US is not a functioning Democracy and it's getting worse every year. Voter Suppression Gerrymandering The Electoral College, And then Alaska with it's 600,000 people gets 2 Senators and California with 39 Millions People gets 2 Senators also. WTF Please don't export your democracy ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@dermot235 I agree with the methods you mention, but in the US it's impossible because of the past court decisions, the collusion of the two major parties to maintain the status quo on campaign funding, the wealth and power of the rich and corporations to control the mass media, etc. These things make it impossible to remove big money out of politics here because the whole system here supports the status quo: The courts, the media, both major parties. Unlike Europe, the mass media does not have to provide free air time for qualified candidates, the campaign seasons are not time limited either, like in Europe. The media corporations would never allow the government to restore the Fairness Doctrine, which was abolished in the 1980s and required that TV stations give free air time for opposing viewpoints to respond to editorial comments or political ads. The only way American politics could get rid of the big money in it would be to have third parties get control of the federal government first, but instead most Americans would rather just tune out and drop out of the system first. We would have to have tens of millions rioting in the streets before the rich and corporations would give up their power and control of the fed govt. I don't see many Americans willing to get out there and fight for it like we would need for it to happen.
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
dermot235 comments on Aug 10, 2020:
The US is not a functioning Democracy and it's getting worse every year. Voter Suppression Gerrymandering The Electoral College, And then Alaska with it's 600,000 people gets 2 Senators and California with 39 Millions People gets 2 Senators also. WTF Please don't export your democracy ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
I do envy you Europeans as most of your governments have not been completely captured by the rich and corporations like the US, at least not yet. And also envy your parlimentary systems in which someone like me can actually be represented in government by a party that shares my values and policy positions. In America, almost half of us are not represented that way by either major party, so we stop voting in fed elections.
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
barjoe comments on Aug 10, 2020:
We are not the freest but still a democracy. We'll find out for sure this November.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@barjoe Oh, that one really hurts, bj....
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
barjoe comments on Aug 10, 2020:
We are not the freest but still a democracy. We'll find out for sure this November.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@barjoe, @RoboGraham Notice how no matter which party controls which parts of the fed govt., you can always count on our fed govt. having the money to fund tax cuts for the rich and corporations, bailouts for Wall Street and the banks, and plenty of money for the military and endless wars. Money for the common people for their health, education and welfare, not so much. "Sorry, we need to balance the budget and practice fiscal responsibility, etc." Nothing makes it more clearer than this that the fed. govt. is owned by and only responsive to the rich and corporate America. I know in my bones that the main reason we have such low voter turnout is because most non-voters have woke up and figured this out, so they reason elections are not worth bothering with...
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
barjoe comments on Aug 10, 2020:
We are not the freest but still a democracy. We'll find out for sure this November.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@barjoe Don't take it so personal. Lots of smart, famous people agree with me about the two parties being the same on the things that matter most, so I'm by no means the only one saying these things. I just happen to be the only one you are engaging with...
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
barjoe comments on Aug 10, 2020:
We are not the freest but still a democracy. We'll find out for sure this November.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@barjoe Wrong...For at least a few decades, the presidents from both major parties have only been nominating SC justices that are safely pro-corporate and in favor of the status quo on big money in politics. Tweedle dee and tweedle dum.. You are either ignorant or naive on this issue. Same as how both parties will only nominate prez candidates who will play ball with Wall Street and corporate America. Any candidate, like Bernie, who is against those players and the rich will never get a chance. Biden and anyone he would nominate to the SC would be safe choices to support corporate power and maintain big money's control of the fed govt.. I'm amazed at how intelligent people, of which I have no doubt you are one, are often so blind to how much the two major parties are the same on all the most important issues and policies, namely the ones that actually involve power and money. The ones the rich and corporate America really care about. Identity politics and culture war issues, those are just noise and distractions that really don't matter to the donor class, but are effective at getting the masses to ignore the collusion between the major parties.
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
barjoe comments on Aug 10, 2020:
We are not the freest but still a democracy. We'll find out for sure this November.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@barjoe Unfortunately, campaign funding will never be cleaned up because both major parties love the status quo on that, the Supreme Court has also ruled that limits on campaign funding are unconstitutional in Citizens United as well as Buckley v. Aleo from the 1970s. The only way to clean up campaign funding from big money would be to pass a constitutional amendment and that will never happen with the two major parties being opposed to it. Plus, all the SC justices that are appointed support the idea that free speech and campaign donations are the same thing and so the SC will always protect unlimited campaign donations as free speech.
Should The USA Be Considered a Democracy?
barjoe comments on Aug 10, 2020:
We are not the freest but still a democracy. We'll find out for sure this November.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@RoboGraham The reason for that is that we do not have a responsive democracy, instead we have a plutocracy. In the latter, it doesn't matter what the majority of people want for policies, the pols will only give us what policies their rich donors want. That's why Americans are so lefty in what opinion polls say they support, but the policies from both parties are to the right of center at least by the standards of European countries. Our pols are only responsive to how much money they get from donors, who are their only real constituency.
Christian Activist: Country Music Contains Magic ‘Spells’ That Change Human DNA | Michael Stone
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I've always hated country music reasons for cultural reasons, so I don't really care what it does or doesn't do to its fans and listeners. I just want to be left out of it and not have to be exposed to it. The only time I hear it is in grocery stores. I suspect if I lived in New England or the ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@Marionville Yeah, country music seems to have the most strict dress code for performers of any genre, except maybe classical, where everyone is supposed to dress formally in black.
Christian Activist: Country Music Contains Magic ‘Spells’ That Change Human DNA | Michael Stone
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I've always hated country music reasons for cultural reasons, so I don't really care what it does or doesn't do to its fans and listeners. I just want to be left out of it and not have to be exposed to it. The only time I hear it is in grocery stores. I suspect if I lived in New England or the ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@Marionville I bet they also dress up like fake drugstore cowboys with their huge belt buckles and cowboy hats..
Had a 5.1 earthquake this afternoon.
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Somewhere in the area of the earthquake, there is probably at least one narcissistic man who thought he moved the earth while banging a woman......Bah-dum..
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@WonderWartHog99 Indeed...
Trump Pledges to Permanently Cut Taxes That Fund Social Security and Medicare In one of his ...
dalefvictor comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Yes, he will make it so we have more money but allowing us to not pay federal taxes and Social Security. Then to balance the budget he will do away with Social Security, Medicare, all programs to help people and raise taxes, or allow the country to get further into debt. He does not care about the ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@Theresa_N Not only should the payroll tax be raised more progressively for those at the higher levels, we should also remove the earnings cap for the top earners, since right now they are not taxed for SS for income over the cap level. Simply doing that would solve all the current funding problems with SS. But of course, the rich and their puppets in Congress would not stand for that...
Had a 5.1 earthquake this afternoon.
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Somewhere in the area of the earthquake, there is probably at least one narcissistic man who thought he moved the earth while banging a woman......Bah-dum..
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 10, 2020:
@WonderWartHog99 For all we know, something along that line may have been how HIV got started...
To all the anti- vote blue no matter who, critical thinkers out there.
barjoe comments on Aug 9, 2020:
I'm not sure he's going to win this election but I'm hopeful. Trump just threatened my upcoming Social Security, so I have a question for you. What did Joe Biden ever do to you?
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@barjoe I beg to differ. The protest marches all over the country this summer suggest to me that the lefties may be more sizeable than you think. Remember also that only about half of the eligible voters in the country vote in most prez elections and the most likely reason appears to be that they see little difference between the parties these days in prez elections. Since both parties have been nominating neoliberal corporate candidates for the last four decades that have been center right to far right, while Bernie Sanders has brought out way bigger crowds and excitement than any other candidate the last two cycles, that tells me that most of the non-voters are probably people who lean to the left. But as long as the Dem party does not allow a progressive to be nominated, we will never get to see if a progressive can win a prez election until a progressive runs outside the Dem party as an independent or third party candidate. If Bernie had run as an independent or third party candidate either time, he would have polled high enough that they would have had to let him into the prez debates, just like Perot in 1992, and I think he could have won last time or this time. But he didn't have the guts or integrity, unfortunately.
To all the anti- vote blue no matter who, critical thinkers out there.
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 9, 2020:
No blocking, where's the fun in that, hee, hee? All kidding aside, I welcome the addition of the group and can't wait to see if any of the Biden supporters have the guts to comment there and defend their candidate.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@RoboGraham They are either naive or willfully ignorant.
To all the anti- vote blue no matter who, critical thinkers out there.
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 9, 2020:
No blocking, where's the fun in that, hee, hee? All kidding aside, I welcome the addition of the group and can't wait to see if any of the Biden supporters have the guts to comment there and defend their candidate.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@RoboGraham I have no beef with people who settle for Biden, as long as they are willing to be honest and admit that the only reason to vote for him is that he is somewhat better than Trump. What I can't abide is them saying that he is a good candidate or even one of the better ones of the 24 who started out in the primary race. The fact that after a two year primary race the nominee turns out to be one of the worst ones in the field tells me that the Dem party is corrupt beyond repair, the Dem primary voters (at least in SC and the Super Tuesday states) are dumber than a box of rocks, or both....
To all the anti- vote blue no matter who, critical thinkers out there.
Bobbyzen comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Joined. If he is elected, I am hoping for a massive uprising to demand Biden and Democratic legislators rise to a far better place. Propaganda to the contrary, Biden has been no friend to the poor, the working classes, immigrants, African Americans........
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 9, 2020:
No shit. His record is terrible and if the Dem party wasn't so corrupt, he would have been done for good with running for prez after he had to drop out in 1988 over his plagarism scandal.
Here’s a question for those of you who love and listen to music.
Paddypereira comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Well, it's very relative. Although I'm more into heavier music, I do like A-Ha. There are guys that are unique like David Bowie, Prince, Nick Cave, Black Sabbath and others. There are brilliant bands that don't get much recognition. The late Michael Jackson was a brilliant performer but not great ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@dermot235 From having lived in Iowa my whole life and been assaulted by more country music than I care to remember around fans of it, I would venture to say that in many cases the fans of country music never had a great amount of brain in their heads to begin with, much less any great amount of deterioration...
Here’s a question for those of you who love and listen to music.
dermot235 comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Country Music. Yeeeeeee haaaa
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 9, 2020:
He is so on the mark about how fake and inauthentic modern country artists are as well as how their rube fans eat it up. He eloquently spells out all the standard cliches that make up the lyrics of country songs, which are so offensive and insulting to anyone with some intellect and education. He also nails the affected nasal, twangy singing style along with all the instrumental twang. It's music for rubes, hicks, and rednecks, of which I am proudly not a member of any of these groups. The only thing he left out was the common " Rah, Rah" patriotism that is such a staple of country songs. If country fans want to proudly proclaim that they are uneducated rednecks, fine, it's a free country. I just don't want to hear any of it or listen to it or be around them if it's at all avoidable. Separation and peaceful co-existence is what I seek.. It's also no coincidence that when I used to go sing karaoke at bars, most of the worst singers there would be the ones who sang only country songs, the reason being that country is the easiest genre to sing and doesn't take much singing talent to perform, so that's probably a large reason they stuck to that. Another reason I loathe country music.
"In Sweden, “two-thirds of deaths have been among those over 80, and 97% never received ...
barjoe comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Sweden basically treated those patients with morphine. Think death panels. They never closed their economy, but their citizen practice social distancing and universal mask wearing. Swedish economy has suffered because people are not going out, tourists are staying away in drives. Death rates are ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@barjoe At least in Sweden, their leaders are honest and open about the rationing. Here in the US, we aren't. Don't want to get the peasants too riled up by openly saying they are expendable and have no value.
"In Sweden, “two-thirds of deaths have been among those over 80, and 97% never received ...
barjoe comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Sweden basically treated those patients with morphine. Think death panels. They never closed their economy, but their citizen practice social distancing and universal mask wearing. Swedish economy has suffered because people are not going out, tourists are staying away in drives. Death rates are ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@barjoe We do have rationing of health care here in the US. It's administered thru managed care insurance programs and the ability to pay for patients without insurance.
"In Sweden, “two-thirds of deaths have been among those over 80, and 97% never received ...
barjoe comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Sweden basically treated those patients with morphine. Think death panels. They never closed their economy, but their citizen practice social distancing and universal mask wearing. Swedish economy has suffered because people are not going out, tourists are staying away in drives. Death rates are ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 9, 2020:
We have death panels here, it's just that they sit in the boardrooms of insurance companies instead of the government buildings.
Christian Activist: Country Music Contains Magic ‘Spells’ That Change Human DNA | Michael Stone
piphirho comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I thought it was rock and roll that contained satanic spells and secret messages. I thought they like country music because it was so, well, white.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 8, 2020:
It's not coincidental that here in Iowa whenever there is a political gathering of Repubs, they always have country music as the background or entertainment. With the Dems, at least they avoid country and usually play or have rock or folk rock that is hip, sometimes even reggae...The only music genre more white than country is classical, which I don't hate, I simply dislike it and am not interested. It doesn't bother or offend me like country. Country music and NASCAR are the two most white and Southern institutions in the US.
Christian Activist: Country Music Contains Magic ‘Spells’ That Change Human DNA | Michael Stone
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I've always hated country music reasons for cultural reasons, so I don't really care what it does or doesn't do to its fans and listeners. I just want to be left out of it and not have to be exposed to it. The only time I hear it is in grocery stores. I suspect if I lived in New England or the ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 8, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog I concede that MO is somewhat worse than Iowa culturally, but not much...We progressives in Iowa half jokingly refer to Iowa as North Mississippi....Speaking of MO, I visited a friend in KC last weekend and stopped in Cameron on the way back for gas and coffee. Not a single person besides me in the convenience store was wearing a mask, not even the employees, as well as a sheriff's deputy in uniform. What a bunch of yahoo idiots!
Christian Activist: Country Music Contains Magic ‘Spells’ That Change Human DNA | Michael Stone
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I've always hated country music reasons for cultural reasons, so I don't really care what it does or doesn't do to its fans and listeners. I just want to be left out of it and not have to be exposed to it. The only time I hear it is in grocery stores. I suspect if I lived in New England or the ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 8, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog It could be worse for you. I live in Iowa, you can't escape it in about any grocery store and also in most restaurants.
The Anti-Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s in pictures []
JazznBlues comments on Aug 4, 2020:
So things really haven't changed...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 8, 2020:
@SeaGreenEyez It's sad and, also completely predictable to me, that the corporate media now ignore the BLM protests that are still going on. They don't cover them because they have become routine and also don't pose the newsworthy threat of violence like they did early on, which is what the media were hoping to capture live in their coverage.
I noticed that Agnostic now has a Biden 2020 group.
RoboGraham comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Maybe a Biden pinata group? Such a group will become even more necessary if he manages to win.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 8, 2020:
@RoboGraham I don't think the site was around yet back then. Thanks for creating the group, Robo. You the man..
I noticed that Agnostic now has a Biden 2020 group.
LovinLarge comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Do you really think "angering" other members is a productive use of this website?
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@LovinLarge I'm afraid that ship sailed a long time ago. You should read Chris Hedges. Even Jimmy Carter said years ago we no longer have a functional democracy.. In my opinion, we already had fascism before Trump. It's called rule by corporations merged with the security state.
This is Professor Morris Plumpkin.
HippieChick58 comments on Aug 7, 2020:
I am in love with this guy!! He is adorable!! I have a ginger, she weighs about 10 pounds, so Morris must be a load of love!
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 7, 2020:
I have heard gingers are the most friendly cats.
I noticed that Agnostic now has a Biden 2020 group.
LovinLarge comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Do you really think "angering" other members is a productive use of this website?
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@LovinLarge Suit yourself...
This is Professor Morris Plumpkin.
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Morris is cute and looks like a friendly cat. it's not his fault that he thought he needed to be fed four times a day.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@Sonja44 Oh, oh... That does not sound like a responsible cat guardian..
I noticed that Agnostic now has a Biden 2020 group.
LovinLarge comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Do you really think "angering" other members is a productive use of this website?
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@LovinLarge He may be somewhat more progressive or to the left of Trump on abortion and climate change, but on the usual stuff that the Dems and Repubs make a big deal out of showing differences on, like identity politics and culture war stuff, like crime, The War On Drugs, and foreign policy like wars in the Middle East, he and Trump are pretty much the same. Same thing with tax policy and civil liberties. Biden voted for the Patriot Act, remember? Biden is not as openly hostile to minorities and women as Trump, but he supported Clarence Thomas over Anita Hill in the SC confirmation hearing, as well as the crime bill in the 1990s and Obama's NDAA, which paved the way for Trump's use of fed troops domestically. His immigration policies don't differ that much from Trump as far as deportation. Black people give him way more credit and support than he deserves with his record. He refuses to support M 4All or legalizing weed. Biden also voted for the Iraq War and supported Obama's policies of staying in Iraq and Afghanistan instead of getting out. Finally, there's his longtime loyalty to corporate America and his private comment to rich donors that "nothing will fundamentally change", meaning economic and tax policy. Biden also supported NAFTA and the TPP, as well as other neoliberal trade policies that Trump supports, leading to outsourcing of American jobs. As Nina Turner, Bernie's campaign co-chair and likely VP pick if he had been nominated, said about Biden, "Biden is just half a bowl of shit, while Trump is a whole bowl". I love her bluntness. Either way, you are voting for shit and that's what you will get for policy after the election. The main difference you might see if Biden got elected is that he would not be hostile to science or experts, and therefore, we might get better policy and leadership on dealing with Covid. Outside of that, I wouldn't expect much difference in policy if I were you.
I noticed that Agnostic now has a Biden 2020 group.
LovinLarge comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Do you really think "angering" other members is a productive use of this website?
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@LovinLarge I don't try to tell people not to vote for Biden. They can do whatever they want to, as will I. All I ask is that they don't tell me who to vote for or tell me that Biden is really that better than Trump. In other words, just be honest about their reasoning, like the Settle For Biden campaign is.
I noticed that Agnostic now has a Biden 2020 group.
RoboGraham comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Maybe a Biden pinata group? Such a group will become even more necessary if he manages to win.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@RoboGraham I could have used an Obama pinata group back when he was prez. I got so sick of his supporters accusing me of being racist or unfairly blaming him for how the big, bad Repubs wouldn't allow him to do anything, even when he was elected with a supermajority until he disappointed enough voters early on that he lost that, justifiably, in 2010. It seemed to me and many others that he was relieved that he could now blame everything on the Repubs instead of his own habit of negotiating with himself and doing the preemptive cave on every issue he agreed with the Repubs on. I also got tired of his supporters always playing the race card and/or blaming the Repubs when it was clear that he only really cared about Wall Street and corporate America when it came to anything involving money and power, vs. the usual distractions of identity politics, where he was, of course, all in for playing to his base.
I noticed that Agnostic now has a Biden 2020 group.
RoboGraham comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Maybe a Biden pinata group? Such a group will become even more necessary if he manages to win.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 7, 2020:
I totally agree and would be glad to join if he ended up winning.
I noticed that Agnostic now has a Biden 2020 group.
LovinLarge comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Do you really think "angering" other members is a productive use of this website?
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 7, 2020:
I don't know, seems as appropriate as a Trump Pinata group.. Also is just as appropriate as all the vote-shaming I have regularly experienced here from Biden supporters.
Hey! Feeling exhausted this morning 😔 but here you go, wanna know if I am not the only one ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 7, 2020:
This reminds me of the scene in Office Space, where Peter Gruber stays in bed the whole day after being hypnotized the night before by the therapist who died of a heart attack before he could wake Peter up from the hypnosis. Meanwhile, while he sleeps, Peter is supposed to be at work that Saturday ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 7, 2020:
@Boomtarat03 Like the movie says, we all have the ability to live our dream of doing nothing..
Voters are driven and herded to the candidates of their choice--that is the media's ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 31, 2020:
The corporate media sure as hell were against Bernie once he seemed to have a good chance of getting the nomination. Interesting that Yang would not call out the Bernie Blackout or the bias against him in what coverage Bernie did get from the corporate media. He also didn't mention the obvious bias ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 3, 2020:
@linxminx Yup, that's all true. The whole process this time around has shown that while the internet has evened the playing field somewhat between establishment candidates and radical candidates, the corporate media is still the dominant force in choosing who most American voters are exposed to and who they will vote for. And I doubt that will change much in the next two prez cycles.
Yet another reason why on line dating rarely seems to work. []
BitFlipper comments on Jul 30, 2020:
There's one important difference between online dating sites and the real world: people on dating sites are all "looking" and can't call the cops on you for merely talking to them.
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 3, 2020:
And even with online dating, you can't always be sure they are actually looking to date someone. In my experience as well as what's been shared on this site, some women use dating sites just as entertainment and food for their egos to see who is interested in them.
Some assistance please.
Unpretentious comments on Aug 3, 2020:
I think those of us who are single should all have questions for online dating sites, like: How many active paid-up males are there on your site? How many active paid-up females are there on your site? How many of your active paying members have actually gone on a date with someone they met on ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Aug 3, 2020:
Too bad that even a Freedom Of Information Act filing would ever get you an answer to those ?s.
Yet another reason why on line dating rarely seems to work. []
mischl comments on Jul 30, 2020:
After multiple tries, I came to the same conclusion. What works is carefully cultivating a relationship with the best candidate I'd known over the decades, which included patiently waiting until her marriage played out. (Well, not all that patiently. But patient enough to be at the right place at ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 30, 2020:
A therapist once told me that successful dating, as far as finding compatible partners to date, often comes down to mostly timing, like waiting for the next round of divorces, etc. that effectively increase the pool of available singles in one's age group. Then of course, there's that other main factor, widowhood, that also grows the available pool once one is over 65.
From the Elephant Journal: dating tips for men in their 40s and 50s []
BitFlipper comments on Jul 28, 2020:
I wish women would take some of the same hints. Why are all your pictures of you with other people? Is this a game for us to guess which one you are? And pictures with your daughter, you know that makes you look even older, right? Why show us your grandchildren? You don't want to see pictures of ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 28, 2020:
So true! Here in Iowa I was beyond able to keep count of all the women's profiles that had pics of their kids in there, as if to say that either they were running for mother or grandma of the year or else that they were making a declaration that their kids and grandkids were their first priority by far and any guy that wanted to date them would be merely auditioning for a position as their escort to family visits. As someone who is childless by choice, I found this to be offensive and a bit arrogant. I also lost count of the women's profiles showing them out at the bar with their girlfriends. As Sticks48 says, it goes both ways...
I just watched Soylent Green on TV last night.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
On the other hand, I will have no problem in eating another human if he/she is in the form of a cracker. Just sayin'.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 24, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 Same way, I suppose, with many cat owners. The dead owner won't know about the cat eating their face out of hunger...
Trump Returns to Do White House Coronavirus Briefings Solo Three months after he abandoned the ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jul 21, 2020:
If those militia guys were true their beliefs, they would be in Portland against the US secret police.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 24, 2020:
But they aren't against fascism or fascists, they are just against government by those they perceive as lefties, whether they actually are or not. They have no problem with government by conservatives or fascists.
I just watched Soylent Green on TV last night.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
On the other hand, I will have no problem in eating another human if he/she is in the form of a cracker. Just sayin'.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 24, 2020:
Today's young children may get the chance to try the cracker...
I just watched Soylent Green on TV last night.
Druvius comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Overpopulation is a symptom of global poverty and war (refugee camps have the world's highest birth rates.) Complicated by the Church's decades long highly successful global war against women's reproductive rights.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 24, 2020:
@Druvius Agreed.
I just watched Soylent Green on TV last night.
Druvius comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Overpopulation is a symptom of global poverty and war (refugee camps have the world's highest birth rates.) Complicated by the Church's decades long highly successful global war against women's reproductive rights.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 24, 2020:
I think the article's author is overly optimistic about technology's likelihood of saving us.
Let's get real about online dating.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 23, 2020:
If the US had appropriate enforcement of antitrust laws, then dating sites would have to actually compete with each other and thus provide decent service to their customers. Instead, as the above post states, the industry has followed the same pattern as most American industries and ended up with ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 23, 2020:
@Unpretentious I don't know about regulation other than standard FTC rules, but I have read articles and news online saying that some of them have been sued by customers, including class action lawsuits. Not that it seems to have done much good.
If you don't like Democratic Socialism what are you willing to give up?
BitFlipper comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Corporate subsidies.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 22, 2020:
And big bank bailouts. Time to act like Iceland and let the banksters go broke or to jail if they gamble with their bank's money.
"Dating for real people".
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 20, 2020:
Until Covid is over, my view is that the dating scene of singles meeting new people to date will be taking a pause among my age group and older. The only dating scene that will continue to go on will be at bars among young adults, because they are at relatively less risk from Covid and are the age ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 21, 2020:
@SKH78 How much is herd immunity going to change things for older adults?
The Trump campaign's strategy to win in November and why it's a problem. []
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 20, 2020:
The good news is that his poll numbers so far are way worse than four years ago. Trump campaigning and acting as a fascist? Well, duh..
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 20, 2020:
@RoboGraham With that, I totally agree. Dementia Joe is going to get creamed if he debates Trump. Still waiting to see if the DNC replaces Biden next month. That fact that Biden has still not named a running mate makes you wonder if he will drop out next month.
Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories by Michael Shermer What is a conspiracy, and how does it...
Donotbelieve comments on Jul 20, 2020:
Here's my theory...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 20, 2020:
@LenHazell53 "Just because you're paranoid..." You've stolen the words I live by....
Sums it up.
RoboGraham comments on Jul 19, 2020:
And the jobs didn't come back
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 19, 2020:
But because the corporate Dems had been lying to the working class for decades about being on their side, losing all credibility with those voters, they took a chance on Trump and voted for him because he was a new face and he lied to them about bringing the jobs back. This time, the working class will believe neither Trump or Biden about being on their side with the economy. They will simply vote for whoever they believe is the lesser evil, which is exactly what the DNC wanted from the beginning of this cycle. And many of them will not vote at all.
A really good book that most of you would enjoy reading.
Fernapple comments on Jul 19, 2020:
So very true it is almost painfully so. And they often put in far more effort and talent into making their undervalued contributions, than the rich do into their overvalued ones.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 19, 2020:
Especially since so many members of the rich simply inherited their wealth and did nothing to earn it.
The best argument I've heard, so far, against my Anti-BNMW stance. Feedback, please. []
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Movements have been here for decades to reduce economic equality and get single payer healthcare, but Obama ignored them and Biden has already said he won't back them either. This guy is either dishonest or naive to believe that Biden won't just ignore or do lip service to the left if elected. We ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 17, 2020:
@skado I don't see how a fight in the streets is avoidable with the attitude of the rich and as it stands now the cops and military would easily mow down any rebellion from the masses, unless they somehow decided to side with the people, like what happened in Russia at the end of the Soviet system. I think the endless maintenance effort is all I have to look forward to witnessing before I die. How depressing...
Is anyone else concerned about fully reopening schools next month?
DaneintheUS comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Here in Nevada we are seeing a strong resurgence of the virus. I'm in Reno, which is overseen by the Washoe County School District. The plan for the 20-21 school year. Middle and high school, will have a half and half policy. Half the week at the school. Half via distance learning. But for the ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 17, 2020:
You live in the home of one of my cult favorite TV shows, Reno-911.This pandemic is almost as ridiculous as that show, only not that funny.
The best argument I've heard, so far, against my Anti-BNMW stance. Feedback, please. []
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Movements have been here for decades to reduce economic equality and get single payer healthcare, but Obama ignored them and Biden has already said he won't back them either. This guy is either dishonest or naive to believe that Biden won't just ignore or do lip service to the left if elected. We ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 17, 2020:
@skado Movements are able to affect change if it doesn't cost the rich or corporate America anything, look at all the corporate support and news ads backing BLM. But it's a whole other thing to get the government to change policy on war, taxes, climate change, healthcare, or economic inequality because both parties are bought and funded by the same people and corporations, who do not want change on these issues. You can protest all you want in the streets, but until you can elect enough people in DC who are not bought by these donors, or have enough of a threat to get them elected, nothing will fundamentally change on the issues that actually cost something or affect the rich and corporations. And I don't see much hope as long as the vast majority of Americans who are eligible to vote either don't vote or else throw away their vote by continuing to vote only for the two major parties in the duopoly. If tens of millions began voting for third party candidates in federal elections, things would begin to change very quickly, not incrementally...
Good Morning Everyone!!!! I just got a call from my boss and I have to return to work August 3rd.
NoMagicCookie comments on Jul 16, 2020:
Going back? Yep. Although I love my job, I wish I could retire but with house paid for (expensive to keep) and only a couple hundred grand stashed away, I am not (to young) in a fiscal position to retire. If we (United States) had universal health care, I would have sufficient funds to ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 16, 2020:
Isn't the American system wonderful? NOT... The only people with plenty of good options are those in the top 10%. Even most of the elderly retired are one serious illness away from being broke.
If this isn't the time for a Universal Basic income, I don't know when it would ever be.
SCal comments on Jul 15, 2020:
It really is weird that people here hate the rich, but also want the rich to pay them not to work. One day people might actually wake up and realize that taxes, politicians and regulations do not make their lives better, they make everyones lives far worse. Politicians and govt actors get rich...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 16, 2020:
@SCal You're a twit. Time to block.
If this isn't the time for a Universal Basic income, I don't know when it would ever be.
SCal comments on Jul 15, 2020:
It really is weird that people here hate the rich, but also want the rich to pay them not to work. One day people might actually wake up and realize that taxes, politicians and regulations do not make their lives better, they make everyones lives far worse. Politicians and govt actors get rich...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 15, 2020:
Libertarian Technocrat garbage.
(Trump) It’s not a campaign, it’s a criminal enterprise. []
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 13, 2020:
I wistfully remember the days before Obama was elected, before insanity became the norm in US politics. With the Obama election the Republicans went crazy. Then Trump was elected and the Democrats went even more insane. I would like to see some rational opposition to the Trump presidency, instead...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 13, 2020:
@PBuck0145 You'll never have socially responsible capitalism as long as government is run and owned by corporations and the rich, as we have in the US, rather than a government that is responsive to the working class. As long as unlimited money is allowed in US politics instead of having full public financing of campaigns, we won't ever have socially responsible capitalism. And if, by some miracle, we did elect a government in DC that was not bought off by corporations and the rich, I am very sure that the PTB would stage a military coup, ala Chile 1973, to declare martial law and install a friendly dictatorship. I have studied economics, way more than most Americans, and I resent your snide insult to socialists as being ignorant or foolish. Not all of us are selfish and greedy, hence we are socialists AND understand economics. We just have different values than you, something I doubt you want to discuss...Time to block you, asshole..
(Trump) It’s not a campaign, it’s a criminal enterprise. []
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 13, 2020:
I wistfully remember the days before Obama was elected, before insanity became the norm in US politics. With the Obama election the Republicans went crazy. Then Trump was elected and the Democrats went even more insane. I would like to see some rational opposition to the Trump presidency, instead...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 13, 2020:
SeaGrrenEyez is right. Fuck centrism, we need more socialism. It's the lack of that which gave us Trump after Obama. Working class people realized that Obama sold them out to his rich and corporate friends, so they decided to take a chance on Trump when he lied, just like Obama, about making things better economically for them. Both of them support the same trade policies, endless war in the Middle East, etc. The only differences between the Dems and Repubs in DC is that the Dems don't reject science, aren't as racist, and have some mild support for reversing climate change. Otherwise, they are two sides of the same coin if you ignore the BS differences they promote thru the culture wars-abortion, guns, religion, etc.-all as a distraction from being the same party on the most important issues, war, taxes and economics as well as civil liberties.
Mama, ooh, didn't mean to make you scream...
Spinliesel comments on Jul 11, 2020:
Oh. kitty, how kind of you to warn her. Mine are not so thoughtful. They just bring me body parts and deposit them on the sofa.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 11, 2020:
Have to remember that it's the thought that counts. The kitties bring you these gifts with love...
Curious on views of others on how our country has handled our Covid pandemic?
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 11, 2020:
While there's no doubt that the United States government did a terrible job from the get go and still are unable to form a decent plan, the reason the US is in such a horrible position is due to the absolute childish and self-involved response by a huge portion of the common everyday American ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 11, 2020:
That's because in the US it's become all about individualism, not any concern about public safety or the common good. That's why we don't have single payer healthcare or reasonable gun control like the rest of the civilized world. As long as individualism rules here, with tons of help from the corporate media, we are doomed. In any reasonable country with a functioning democracy instead of our plutocracy, the pandemic would make it clear and undeniably time for universal single payer health care. But even that will not be demanded by the people now or conceded by the ruling class.
Studying behavior on an autodidact skill level is something I have been doing most of my life and ...
WonderWartHog99 comments on Jul 10, 2020:
> ## My thought is that the personality trials are being done to help them avoid a potential relapse of emotional trauma that the women have received in the past. Want to explain how that fits into my observation that women tend to find a DIFFERENT abusive spouse the next time around? While ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 10, 2020:
@EyesThatSmile In my opinion, men and women who are seeking more spontaneous and fun rather than good people are more likely not that interested in long term relationships, whether they are aware of it or not.
Bill Nye on why we should all wear a face mask - CNN
beenthere comments on Jul 10, 2020:
When will it be acceptable to not wear a mask anymore? What is the criteria?
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 10, 2020:
When there is either a vaccine or an effective treatment. Not likely to see either for at least another year.
GreatNani comments on Jul 7, 2020:
Makes total sense. It is a choice and it is not the fault of the other party. Everyone has choices and what you do with them is what's important.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 7, 2020:
@GreatNani Unless it's a mutually-agreed open relationship or marriage, if things are dead or no longer working out, the mature and healthy thing to do is leave or end the relationship before you start something with someone else. Anything less is deceitful, selfish and immature. Sheesh, I thought or wish we were past the days of " My wife doesn't understand me", or " I needed to know I was still desireable, etc.".
What kind of standing do we guys have any more?
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Beats me. I am taking a break from the dating game until Covid is over. Maybe by then I'll have figured it out, but more likely I won't. I also fear that by then the dating sites will have made the process even more frustrating and useless by removing more of the allowed profile info than they have ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 6, 2020:
@BitFlipper I agree. I cop to being somewhat damaged, probably no more than most. I really do think Covid is currently making dating sites a total waste of time and money and my fear is that the sites are greedy enough that they will ruin any usefullness the sites may have had in the past for customers in order for the sites to try making up for their current losses with Covid by trying to become something different that won't be needed or appropriate after Covid. But by then they will stay with their new features instead of going back to something better from before Covid.
What kind of standing do we guys have any more?
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Beats me. I am taking a break from the dating game until Covid is over. Maybe by then I'll have figured it out, but more likely I won't. I also fear that by then the dating sites will have made the process even more frustrating and useless by removing more of the allowed profile info than they have ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 6, 2020:
@UUNJ Glad to hear it still exists, otherwise it wouldn't even be worth trying Match again after Covid. Before I quit using Match, I would only use the Mutual Match to look up new members every few days and then message the ones that seemed interesting. Without that, and otherwise only having my profile essay to let women know what I'm looking for, the whole thing would be a waste of time.
What kind of standing do we guys have any more?
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Beats me. I am taking a break from the dating game until Covid is over. Maybe by then I'll have figured it out, but more likely I won't. I also fear that by then the dating sites will have made the process even more frustrating and useless by removing more of the allowed profile info than they have ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 6, 2020:
@UUNJ I'm not surprised they did that, but I really hate that stuff. It shows that they really don't care at all about the customers, their wishes, the usefullness or effectiveness of the site in finding someone compatible. And my experience has been that the other sites are even worse as far as what information members are allowed to share with other members. I have not been on Match for quite a while. Do they even allow members to post a decent length profile essay anymore? OT sure as hell doesn't anymore. I remember that Match at least used to have a search tool called Mutual Match, which seemed to be based on only showing members who wanted the same age group, local area, and maybe a couple other preferences in common. Have they gotten rid of that too?
Tulsi Gabbard promotes peace, and opposes American imperialism.
UnknownError comments on Jul 4, 2020:
When it comes to vaguely justified wars we see bipartism like in nothing else.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 6, 2020:
We also see the same amount of bipartisanism in trade policy and taxation, mainly because war and globalism is profitable for the same people and corporations who fund both parties.
Since the first week in APR my usual work place has been shuttered.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 30, 2020:
You got a taste of what most or all blue collar workers experience during their working careers and I'm glad you seem to have gained empathy for them from it. There is a reason that in more civilized and fair parts of the world, like Europe, that workers with physically demanding jobs are allowed a...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jul 1, 2020:
@BufftonBeotch Most of the physically demanding jobs that I worked had either none or shitty benefits, mainly because they didn't have a union. It's ironic that way that the jobs most likely to ruin your health not only don't pay well, but they also have the worst benefits, if any. The whole reason is that those jobs are usually taken only by the most desperate workers in the economy, like meatpackers or migrant farm workers, who are undocumented and/or immigrants. All workers at the jobs with low pay, little or no benefits, and physically demanding work are treated like machines or disposable trash because they are doing work most white Americans would refuse to do and doing jobs that still can't be done by robots for the same or less money, at least not yet.
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 30, 2020:
It's a good article and nothing I hadn't already figured out. Dating may still be an option during Covid for people younger than my age group because their risk is way less than mine, unless they have an underlying medical condition. For my age group, however, I think dating will be out of the ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 30, 2020:
@sassygirl3869 My health and safety are my top priority, so being on my own for another year or even two is how it has to be. When Covid is over I will try Match again, but my guess is that the online dating scene will be even worse than before the virus, so I won't expect much or hold my breath. It took me two years to find someone there last time.
What do you think makes a country socially progressive []
Charlene comments on Jun 24, 2020:
Free Healthcare, Free Education, Investment in Infrastructure, Progressive Taxes, Support for Unions, Longer Mandatory Paid Vactions...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 30, 2020:
@OwlInASack I agree. Voting for Biden is choosing to hope he is a little less dangerous even tho he will make nothing better in any important way. Electing either of them results in things continuing to get worse in each election cycle. The same way that Obama's fake hope and change resulted in people getting angry and frustrated by the lack of change and thus believing Trump's lies that he would change things for the better.
What’s your geographic range for dating?
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 28, 2020:
55 miles at most. I am not a young pup anymore and don't want to put in the time and energy to drive all the time while building the relationship for months. Even then, someone would have to move after a year or so or else the relationship would probably end. Just being realistic. Since I don't have...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 29, 2020:
@FrayedBear Good for you..
The “peace” our enemies want is mounted on brutal war and in its continuation in modern/colonial...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 27, 2020:
BLM is becoming popular lately with the same kind of comfortable white suburban liberals that were against the Vietnam War and for racial equality back in the 60s, but now, just as then, those same whites will quickly betray the BLM movement and vote Republican if BLM becomes part of an alliance ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2020:
@altschmerz Bernie advocates the right policies, but, as Chris Hedges says, he is more interested in being part of the club in DC and having his status in congress than in being a revolutionary...
What do you think makes a country socially progressive []
Charlene comments on Jun 24, 2020:
Free Healthcare, Free Education, Investment in Infrastructure, Progressive Taxes, Support for Unions, Longer Mandatory Paid Vactions...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2020:
@OwlInASack The two big reasons why the US has so little progressive government is all the money in politics, esp. at the federal level, and the corruption that comes with all that legalized bribery. The other reason is all the concentrated ownership of the mass media, almost all of which is corporate-owned and naturally supports only corporate-backed politicians and the agenda that corporate America wants. We technically have the right to vote, but as long as Americans who do vote keep voting within the duopoly, we will only get the policies the corporatists want.
Next time someone says ALM to you, remind then of Orwell: "All animals are equal, but some animals ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 27, 2020:
The people who say ALM instead of BLM won't come out and say it, but they are very comfortable with there being a system of inequality based on race and class. Orwell was talking about that in Animal Farm.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2020:
@Jacar I would be fine with doing without most or even all of the modern technology of social media and cellphone technology, thank you.. I didn't ask them to make it and they don't deserve to be ungodly rich for making it either...
"The story I’m about to share with you about Joe Biden is special — in fact, I’m fairly ...
M4Amama comments on Jun 28, 2020:
I'm hoping he uses that humanity to help push Medicare for All (NOT a public option) legislation, criminal justice reform, humane immigration issues, The Green New Deal, and many other progressive justice-for-all issues. I'm not holding my breath.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2020:
@M4Amama He may be decent in his personal life, but as a politician he is a corporate sellout and that's what actually matters in how he would govern. That is why we progressives hate him and see him as a hypocrite, not matter how he is in his personal life. It all comes down to who you side with when it comes to issues of money and power.
The “peace” our enemies want is mounted on brutal war and in its continuation in modern/colonial...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 27, 2020:
BLM is becoming popular lately with the same kind of comfortable white suburban liberals that were against the Vietnam War and for racial equality back in the 60s, but now, just as then, those same whites will quickly betray the BLM movement and vote Republican if BLM becomes part of an alliance ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 28, 2020:
@William_Mary I don't think socialism is a bad word, at least to me, but it still is to too many Americans and esp. to the corporate media here. I don't know what the answer or solution is for changing those things, but I do know that the answer for our current problems is not to be found in more permanent war, empire, neoliberal economics, and further authoritarianism in our government. The answer is more socialism. I agree with you that Bernie really betrayed his supporters and I am glad I did not give him money or volunteer for him this time as I feared he would cave again and I would not be able to handle the heartbreak under those circumstances..
The “peace” our enemies want is mounted on brutal war and in its continuation in modern/colonial...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 27, 2020:
BLM is becoming popular lately with the same kind of comfortable white suburban liberals that were against the Vietnam War and for racial equality back in the 60s, but now, just as then, those same whites will quickly betray the BLM movement and vote Republican if BLM becomes part of an alliance ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 27, 2020:
McGovern was also very anti-war, which was another reason the establishment was out to get him, as they were Bernie this time.
TomMcGiverin comments on May 23, 2020:
Everyone should be wearing masks when around other people indoors, even if they are healthy, because they may well be infected without symptoms or knowing they are infected.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 26, 2020:
@RavenCT bbyrd is a selfish asshole, that's why I recently blocked him.
Race: Leftists vs Conservatives (one conservative's viewpoint) []
Bobbyzen comments on Jun 22, 2020:
I like this. As a White Liberal who believes in racial justice, I’m well aware of Liberals’ hypocrisy on race. Lyrics from the 1960s Phil Ochs song, *Love Me, I’m a Liberal* are dated, but the hypocrisy in display has not changed: I cried when they shot Medgar Evers Tears ran down my spine...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 22, 2020:
That song spoke volumes and is timeless. Says everything that I and Chris Hedges hate about the morally and historically bankrupt history of liberalism vs. socialism.. The liberal class just wants to feel good about themselves and push multiculturalism and environmentalism, but most of all they want to keep the peace on class warfare and hold onto their privilege and affluence.
Race: Leftists vs Conservatives (one conservative's viewpoint) []
Bobbyzen comments on Jun 22, 2020:
Put another way: Conservatives are overt racists who deny White privilege exists. Liberals are covert racists who feel insulted when they’re called out on their White privilege.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 22, 2020:
That's why I proud to be a socialist or progressive, rather than the hated liberal that most progressives loathe. We are well aware of our white privilege and have been for a long time. We also know that racism goes hand in hand with American capitalism and that without radical change on the latter, we will only get temporary and minor reform of the former.
RETIRED SURGEON Sam Laucks, has this to say about wearing a mask: "I have spent the past 39 years ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 19, 2020:
The problem is many people are just too damn selfish. They don't care about the health of others and don't believe in there being a society as a whole, yet they are eager to have the police or firefighters come to their aid when needed. And they gladly collect Social Security and use Medicare when ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 20, 2020:
@bbyrd009 Time to block you, asshole..
Why I Stopped Talking About Racial Reconciliation and Started Talking About White Supremacy | ...
t1nick comments on Jun 20, 2020:
IMO White supremacy suggests a small extremist population that is outside the main stream of society. Unfortunately, systemic racism is not limited to a small splinter group. We would more appropriately talk about white privilege as opposed to white supremacy. White privilege suggests a greater ...
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 20, 2020:
@ZenMasterD Bullshit..
Trump supporter on Tulsa rally, not worried about covid
hankster comments on Jun 18, 2020:
he's going to obliterate his own base.
TomMcGiverin replies on Jun 19, 2020:
@davknight That is the real problem. People need to realize that as long as they have public interactions with innocent other people, their choices to not wear masks or social distance, they will affect other people's health. That is why mask wearing should be required at stores, public buildings, and other businesses that people have to visit. If you want to be a selfish dick, then, fine, be that way. But your right to be one should end once you leave your little hole and you enter the public sphere. If you don't like it, then stay home and avoid other people who don't agree with you. Mask wearing should be like wearing a shirt and shoes in businesses, which are also requirements based on hygiene. If you don't like it, too bad, the business owner has the right to make you leave and if you don't like it, shop somewhere else, if you can find an alternative. You should be the one who stays home, instead of me having to avoid a business because other people are being selfish dicks and not wanting to do the right thing to protect the health of the more vulnerable.


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