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i'm 63 years of age, separated since 2005, would happily get a divorce IF I had any idea where my estranged wife was living.
I have been married twice, had a son who was stillborn and a daughter who passed away aged 16 from cancer in January 2001, I live alone except for my fish in an aquarium, I enjoy gardening, reading, 60s -80s music, art, poetry, good documentaries, English crime shows and decent movies including history based ones, cook for myself, mostly healthy foods but the occasional 'fast foods'' as a kind of 'treat' once or twice a fortnight, grow my vegies when I can.
I'm a very laid back, easy going type of person so what you see is pretty much what you get.

Full Bio


I'm still fairly new Atheist and still figuring out my way as one.
Triphid comments on Apr 20, 2021:
My suggestion is and would be to first get him/her to READ the Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy, a.k.a, the Holey Bible from cover to cover, word by word, line by line WITH a completely OPEN mind and question every single word of it bar none. Then, when that exercise is done, sit down with him or her and discuss it openly and as critically as possible. Trust me when I say it DOES work and in all my years I have actually converted many a Christfool from being a Faithfool to becoming either an Atheist or an Agnostic. It IS a somewhat slow and often laborious task BUT well worth it in the end.
Pastor: In a Financial Crisis, Give to Church.
Triphid comments on Apr 20, 2021:
Hmmm, Excuse me Oh Faithfool ones BUT what ever happened to "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars, Render unto God that which IS Gods" ?
Jesus he knows me! []
Triphid comments on Apr 20, 2021:
Where, oh where is the 'Chunder' emoticon when you really need it?
Parents Who Let Baby Die Because “God Makes No Mistakes” Win Major Court Ruling | Hemant Mehta ...
Triphid comments on Apr 20, 2021:
Well now, IMO, there are 2 HUGE and Glaring mistakes in that Sky Daddy allowed both those 2 to breed and that they were ACTUALLY born in the first place.
D.C. Pastor Charged With $3.5 Million PPP Loan Fraud | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos
Triphid comments on Apr 20, 2021:
Call me what ever you like BUT I'll say that it could NOT have happened to a more deserving piece of Scum.
Always look on the bright side.... []
Triphid comments on Apr 19, 2021:
Most definitely a VERY bright side, perhaps the ONLY Bright side to come from this C-19 Pandemic, NO God-mobsters knocking on doors, what more could an Atheist wish for....LOL.
Cindy Jacobs: My Prayers Can Bring Dead Animals Back to Life | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 19, 2021:
Shit, I too must be a Worker of Miracles as well. I just brought my Wall Clock back to life after its been dead for the last 24 hours, I just replaced the AA sized battery in it. LOL.
Hi all, It's been awhile since I've logged on, mostly due to losing the password to log on from my...
Triphid comments on Apr 19, 2021:
Nice to have you back again, here's hoping you'll stick around as well.
Cindy Jacobs: My Prayers Can Bring Dead Animals Back to Life | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 19, 2021:
Yet another sperm that should most definitely have been swallowed.
Triphid comments on Apr 19, 2021:
Better off, imo, asking HOW many died DUE entirely to HIS stupidity and theirs for believing him.
This needs to be done
Triphid comments on Apr 19, 2021:
Imo, the Ideology'Philosophy of the Medias has become similar to " Who gives a SHIT about whether or not is the Truth, so long as it sells then we will use it."
A reminder to all.......recognize these poisoned plants.
Triphid comments on Apr 19, 2021:
We don't have them here, luckily, BUT we have a few nasty ones, those being Paterson's Curse ( aka Salvation Jane), highly toxic leaves and seeds, a ground hugging plant with very attractive blue-purplish flowers, a native form of Mistletoe also very toxic, the Prickly Pear Cactus (imported not native btw) with long sharp spines that cause a nasty rash for days or weeks if touched and the African Box Thorn Bush, (locally known as the Camel Thorn Bush) 4-5 inch long spines, sharp as needles with a toxin in the needles (thorns) that burns almost like acid and often causes a prolonged infection were it penetrates the skin.
Sore arm or genocide?
Triphid comments on Apr 18, 2021:
Personally, I'll take my chances on having a sore arm for a few hours or a day over copping a week or more on a Respirator and dying from C-19 any day. I much prefer being alive, seeing the sun shining every morning than being stone cold DEAD and rotting away in a box in a hole in the ground. However, and NOT wishing to sounds uncaring, etc, etc, here @Castlepaloma, there may well be an 'alternate' solution to your quandary. I think it starts with an S and ends with an E.
47 mass shootings in the past MONTH!!?? Just....... wtf... WOW. 😞😞😞
Triphid comments on Apr 18, 2021:
WTF is WRONG with the United States of Absurdity? As IF C-19 isn't doing its darned to decimate the country, the inhabitants feel they MUST assist it as well?
Sore arm or genocide?
Triphid comments on Apr 18, 2021:
It may well be worth mentioning here that, medically speaking, Vaccines do NOT produce Immunity as such, they do, however, produce a RESISTANCE to future Infections and the more and greater harmful/deadly results of such infections. Vaccines, i.e. immunizations, DO cause the Immune system of the body to produce NATURAL Anti-bodies specific to that infective agent though. To maintain that Resistance one must, when and if required to, keep up with the Booster Immunizations schedules. For example, Tetanus, MUST be given a Booster shot every 5 years. And as I have just learned via a phone cal from his wife, a very good and old friend of mine is now hospitalized AFTER simply stepping on a rusty nail poking out from a piece of wood which he chose to ignore, treated himself and NOW faces a very long and hard road and battle with Tetanus BECAUSE he chose NOT to have his Tetanus Booster when it was due. Sadly, my Friend, there is almost NOWHERE in this world that can truly claim to have the 'Best C-19 Prevention" since infections like viruses and the like KNOW no Boundaries, State, National or otherwise.
Little Green Bag - George baker []
Triphid comments on Apr 18, 2021:
Somewhere in the dusty recesses of my memory I seem to think it was originally the " George Baker Selection," I could well be wrong and perhaps someone clear that up for me.
This needs to be done
Triphid comments on Apr 18, 2021:
Imo, Truth in Journalism died out long before 'Gut-shot' Reagan hit the scene. Imo, MOST Journalists would NOT know the Truth even if it got up and bit them on their arse.
Ken Ham Responds to Pat Robertson Trashing Creationism: “You Need to Retire” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 18, 2021:
Now what we have is a case of the Pot calling the Kettle black I think,
A Christian Bigot Is Furious That His Old High School Hired a Lesbian Principal | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 17, 2021:
WTF, yet another shit-dribbling Chrustian Fool making an even bigger fool, IF that is at all possible, of himself.
Always remember.... ALL RELIGION is a despicable lie! Humanism and atheism is the answer
Triphid comments on Apr 17, 2021:
Who, in their right mind can even forget that?
I was dismayed this afternoon when my wife told me my 6-year-old son wasn't actually mine.
Triphid comments on Apr 17, 2021:
Never been guilty of that one myself BUT when my daughter Lorrae was about 7 years old she, being a VERY determined young girl, came walking home from School one day ( only about 4 blocks from the School to our house btw) with a little boy about 3 years old and said quite calmly to me, " I founded him walking along the footpath Daddy, he was all by hisself, can we keep him Daddy, please, please, please?" Luckily I knew where this little bloke lived so I returned to his somewhat worried mother much to Lorrae's disappointment.
After Weeks of Silence, the Pastor Whose Sexist Sermon Went Viral Is Back | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Apr 16, 2021:
Is it just me or do others get the strong whiff of someone trying to gild a fresh turd and call it a golden nugget? imo, ANY Counselor worth his or her salt would, most probably, take ONE look at the piece of Human Excrement and think to themselves " What have I done to deserve being stuck with delude waste of time, space and oxygen," I know I would since in my somewhat wide experiences with these so-called Counselors that religions very carefully select the MAIN Criteria for the job is to " Foster and Further the beliefs of Self-righteousness as held by the person they are counseling" NOT to attempt to correct in any way, shape nor form them as they should be corrected, etc.
The Legal Oppression Of Nonbelievers Will Escalate The More Religion Declines | Above the Law
Triphid comments on Apr 15, 2021:
Imo, they CAN ONLY oppress us IF we sit back, do nothing and ALLOW it to happen. They, the Religiotards, have tried doing just that for Centuries and yet we are still here and, these days, we are growing stronger and stronger. Now, imo, the boot IS truly on the other foot and where once they saw themselves as being the waves from the Oceans eroding away the sands of the shore-line, the roles are being reversed and they are beginning to fear us where we once feared them.
Did anyone else come out of the "Beat the Hell out of your children" religious experience where you ...
Triphid comments on Apr 15, 2021:
Have fear, Friend, you are NOT alone in this, trust me. My 'mother,' if one can even call her that VERY, very loosely btw, was a cruel and inhuman Bitch who would literally flog me at every opportunity with the first thing that came to hand and whether I deserved it or NOT. USUALLY it was so she could avoid chastising her beloved daughters. I.e. I WAS the Whipping boy. Didn't do much good since ALL 3 out of her 4 daughters ended up in "Shotgun Wedding" situations and the 4th. was born sterile as was diagnosed when she reached puberty. My Dad, on the other hand, NEVER raised his hand to any of us, his method was to give a look that would scare the shit out of you, beckon with his finger and say, quietly and sternly " You know what you have done is wrong, NOW make amends for it." While " Queen Bitch", as I refer to her, was what I call a Christian of Convenience, my Dad was an out and out Atheist, I learned far, far more from him than I did from "Queen Bitch" about being a parent, a good and decent person, etc, etc.
Letters From An American 04/12/2021
Triphid comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Aw, she 'accidently' drew and fired her gun thinking it was a Taser. What a Fucking Piss-poor excuse is that, the last time I saw a Taser it looked NOTHING like a frigging gun. Yes, some DO have hand-grips of sorts, I'll agree with that, BUT a Taser weighs a whole lot less than a pistol and I was extensively trained, back in the late 1970's to carry and use a Webley .44 calibre, to be exact, back when I joined the Australian Commonwealth Police. Even back then, hand-guns had Safety levers on them, Taser do NOT have either Safety levers nor Triggers/Trigger Guards, they are Switch or Button operated ans, imo, even blind Freddy could tell the difference.
Pat Robertson: God May Have Created the Earth in Six “Universal” Days | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Apr 14, 2021:
The Geriatric Old Fart is dribbling torrents of shit again I see. Big Sky Daddy 'created the Earth in 6 Universal days, did he/she/it? Well, according to Astronomers, who I trust more than the Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy btw, 1) The Sun rotates ONCE every 27 days upon its axis ( Observable and Observed), SO, how could Sky Daddy have realized or known this when, according to the Holey Babble, Sky Daddy DID NOT create the Sun UNTIL the FOURTH day? 2) A "Universal Day" implies logically that it MUST contain both a Sun-rise and a Sun-set, i.e. the entire Universe MUST then, rotate upon a central axis, WHICH according to Astronomers and their numerous observation it DOES NOT, ergo, there goes the "Universal Day" claim down the tubes completely. 3) Our Galaxy, the Milky-way, rotates on its CENTRAL axis once in every approx. 200 MILLION Years and, since Sky Daddy did NOT ' create ' the Stars in the sky until the 3rd. day, according to Genesis, so that piss-poor hypothesis kind of goes down like a lead balloon as well. I wonder does Pat the Prattlers Anus ever suffer from fits of Rage and Jealousy EVERY time his mouth usurps its job or did it just 'roll up its swag, clench its cheeks' and head off, decades ago, to enroll for Unemployment Benefits?
Prince Philip: The Vanuatu tribes mourning the death of their 'god'
Triphid comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Sorry BUT I'm by no means a Royalist. But Prince Philip a GOD, you've got to joking.
Christian Minister Gives God Credit for Vibrating Poster Caused by A/C Unit | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Have a wee bit of sympathy for the poor Preacher please....LOL. Those 'Lazy-Boy' seats, Armani suits, custom-made shoes, fancy cars, etc, don't come cheap you know. Neither are those pesky Airport fees, Hanger Fees, re-fueling costs, regular maintenance, air-worth certifications, etc, etc, on those Private Jets as well. He'd be very hard pressed to afford getting something as average as an Air-conditioner serviced now wouldn't he....LOL.
I thought for a while that yesterday was going to be real Bummer when the Bus went on its normal ...
Triphid comments on Apr 13, 2021:
A thought just crossed (pun intended here) my mind, perhaps those 'working ladies' in the house next door may 'grasp' the opportunity, purchase the piece of land and ' spread' their enterprise a bit more so to speak. At least then, If they do, the land WILL be getting put a better use than harbouring Christfools.
How Christians Think They Can Convert Atheists… According to WikiHow | Bo Gardiner | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Honestly, I've lost count of the myriad of times strategies such as those, or similar, have been used on me and YET here I stand, (sitting actually atm but who's counting) STILL an Atheist. I STILL get a great laugh EVERY time one the Christfools does the 'sprinkle with Holy Water' bit to me and I immediately and almost instinctively respond with "it Burns, it burns, take it away, it burns."
A Pastor’s Son Becomes a Critic of Religion on TikTok
Triphid comments on Apr 12, 2021:
Hurray, yet another one has finally woken up to the Biggest Scam ever run in the history of Human kind.
This Televangelist is Celebrating His Humiliating Interview with Inside Edition | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 12, 2021:
" Money, Money, Money it's what the Preachers crave....." apologies to ABBA btw.
Defrocked Priest in East Timor Faces Disturbing Allegations of Child Sex Abuse | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 12, 2021:
String the Scumbag up by his balls ALIVE and leave him dangling in the wind until the carrion eaters have done with him.
Kidnapped Catholic clergy, including French citizens, held for $1 million ransom in Haiti ...
Triphid comments on Apr 12, 2021:
Keep the Priest, return the Citizens. Then organise a Voodoo party and practice on the Priest.
I'm certain this is not the first time a human has noticed this, especially during the era before TV...
Triphid comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Numerical patterns or resonances occur almost everywhere in Mathematics and Science, etc. E.G. EVERY Leap MUST have the last 2 numbers depicting it divisible by 4 and the resultant number MUST a Whole number.. Prime Numbers can ONLY divided equally by themselves and the number 1, 2 Hydrogen atoms can combine with 1 Oxygen atom to make the chemical compound of Water, but add a third Hydrogen Atom and you get Deuterium, Heavy Water. There are 3 feet to one yard, 12 inches to 1 foot, 36 inches to 1 yard, etc, etc.
The Christian Right Is Very Angry That Pornhub is Offering Free Premium Content | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Oh NO, Pornhub is EATING into the Profits of the Christfool Prophets is it? This terrible TRAVESTY MUST be bought to an IMMEDIATE CLIMAX. ( Puns and severe Sarcasms intended btw.)
Pleased to report no side effects from my second Pfizer Covid vaccine dose.
Triphid comments on Apr 11, 2021:
What is that, a photo of Darth Mumma taking Darth Vader Jnr. for a walk....LOL.
This post came through my social feed by a friend who is deeply religious.
Triphid comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Stuff that for a joke, the 'Tooth Fairy' still owes me a few dollars for some of my teeth....LOL.
I spend 12 hours in (the) surgery room.. The patient thanks Jesus!
Triphid comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Funny that, the Christfools say that " The Lord doth work in most mysterious of ways...." BUT NEVER once have I seen Jeebus either deliver a much needed bed-pan or empty one, let alone pick up a scalpel and do a Caesarian section, remove an Appendix or suture up a gaping wound, etc, etc.
if god knows the beginning and the end then why are we here?
Triphid comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Which God/s are you talking about here? Historically speaking there are well over 3 million + Gods/Goddesses, Demi-Gods/Demi-Goddesses to select from throughout the history of Human Kind. So, how about being a bit more specific if you please.
The CEO of IKEA was just elected president in Sweden.
Triphid comments on Apr 10, 2021:
IF he can both read the Instructions AND find all the parts and pieces that is....LOL.
Triphid comments on Apr 10, 2021:
Speaking as coldly and logically as possible here, the ONLY so-called "After-life" that will come about AFTER we've 'dropped off the perch' will be that which absorbs the elements. etc, that once composed our decaying bodies, i.e. the worms, bacteria, fungi,etc, etc. Since, " From the dust and gases of long dead Stars and Planets we came and to them we must eventually return." -William Anthony, 2018
I sat in my hair stylist's chair and said, “Make me look sexy!” She then got drunk.
Triphid comments on Apr 10, 2021:
Well, I'd reckon that would far better than being told by the Stylist that " You should try the Panel-Beaters just down the road, they're experts with 'body-filler." LOL.
This song is as old as the hills, I was really surprised to find the video for it .
Triphid comments on Apr 10, 2021:
Jeez Louise, haven't heard that one since Moses was a Checkout Chick at the k-Mart Store in Kadesh.
Is not telling the whole truth, morally the same as lying ?
Triphid comments on Apr 9, 2021:
In my most honest opinion, just like Politicians, Lawyers and the like, Priests could NOT tell the TRUTH even IF their lives depended upon it.
1st BBQ of the season! 😁 Tried and true.
Triphid comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Call THAT a Barbie? LOL. Stone the Crows Mate, where are the Snags, the Lamb Chops, the Onions, the sliced Spuds, the slices of bread AND the Eskie full of Icy cold Beers? I reckon you blokes haven't had a REAL Barbie until you've tried one Aussie style. Cooked on a steel flat sheet over a camp-fire made from red gum wood in or beside a dry creek bed, miles from the nearest town, the 'billy-lids' (kids) running bare-foot through the sandy creek-bed, the ladies ducking behind a distant and secrete bush to 'water the horse.' NOW, this IS an Aussie Barbie in ALL of its Glory.
The Ventures. - Wipe Out ....still love listening that drum duet! []
Triphid comments on Apr 9, 2021:
What can one say but COOL, very ,very COOL indeed.
Long term effects of covid
Triphid comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Unfortunately and most sadly as well, it IS not just C-19 that has after-effects, though many of them are somewhat horrendous, other infections such Flu, Pneumonia, Pancreatic Infections, Liver Infections, etc, etc, can also wreak horrendous after-effects upon the patient/s as well. But, at least with the C-19 vaccinations those vaccinated have a far, far better chance of avoiding/mitigating those after-effects. Hence, when it comes to my turn to get the C-19 vaccinations I will be FIRST in line, sleeve rolled and ready, willing and waiting eagerly.
Questions to religious people
Triphid comments on Apr 8, 2021:
Q. 1 - God being a Non-Corporeal Entity beyond ALL Time, Space and Matter writes a book, a book made up of Matter, i.e. either pulped papyrus or treated skin, So, WHERE, HOW, WHEN and WHY did this ENTITY come to realize that such things as books, papyrus scrolls/parchments actually existed and writing upon them would also convey to others ( that did NOT exist at the time btw) the thoughts and words of this Entity? Q.2 - "In the Beginning there was the word and the word was with God, " -Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 1, Line 1, SO , a) what was this word, how exactly was this word produced/spoken by an Entity with no physical form, vocal cords, etc, etc, No atmosphere for the vibrations of the vocal to create and reproduce the sounds (vibrations) made by these vocal cords, Q.3 - This Entity, living alone in absolute nothingness beyond ALL time, Space and Matter DECIDES to create EVERYTHING from this absolute NOTHINGNESS, How is that done, Q.4 - This self-same Entity suddenly realizes that EVERYTHING around it is just Darkness, So, IT decides to create LIGHT BUT does NOT create a source of that LIGHT until much later, WHY and HOW, Q.5 - SINCE humans and Human languages have NOT yet been created/invented in WHAT language/script was this BOOK written?
Arkansas State House Republicans Pass Bill Allowing Creationism in Science Class | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 8, 2021:
Is it just me or has Arkanas now alsoearned the title of ArkanARSE along with Texarse?
This Short Film About the Harm of Evangelical “Purity Culture” is Worth Watching | Hemant Mehta ...
Triphid comments on Apr 8, 2021:
Being ashamed of being a sexual animal as an Evangelist, great idea. Let them ALL be so ashamed of sexual intercourse that they STOP breeding IMMEDIATELY and PERMANENTLY. That way, within a few short generations they WILL become Extinct.
COVID-Denying Pastor: Wearing Face Masks Means Promoting a Secular Religion | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 8, 2021:
Long may he suffer most painfully for his OWN idiocy and stupidity when he contracts C-19, may his lying tongue shrivel and rot, may those whom his flock have infected sue the arse off of him and his church, may he become impotent and destitute beyond imagination,
The Pope and an Atheist []
Triphid comments on Apr 8, 2021:
As an Aussie born and bred I've always liked and laughed at Dave Allen and his jokes, especially when he's sticking it to religion. Just watched him talking about Aussies and it cracked me up as well, YES we like our beer icy cold, sharks around here do "take" you but they TAKE chunks of you mostly on some occasions, we are, at least the older generations very friendly and often very generous people BOTH the white and the black BUT, as a once Roustabout in a Shearing Team, Shearers get paid by the TALLY ( the number of Sheep they shear) NOT by the size of the flock or by the hour, etc, and our sense of humour can often be seen by others, i.e. Non Aussies, as being strange, weird, odd, risque, bawdy, etc, etc.
White Evangelicals Are Still Major Obstacles in COVID Vaccination Efforts | Beth Stoneburner | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2021:
Please, please, please let all the Faithfools NOT be vaccinated, with of course, the EXCEPTION their innocent children that is, then when they've all fallen off the perch we shall be free of them at long last.
A Prosperity Gospel Preacher Found Guilty of Tax Fraud is Finally Behind Bars | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2021:
Couldn't have happened toa more deserving person if you asked me.
Christians Aren’t Helping Hospital Workers With Prayer Events in Parking Lots | Beth Stoneburner |...
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2021:
Imo, in ANY given crisis type situation Chrustian Faithfools are about as useful as a pair of pantyhose with either NO legs or just 1 single leg.
Just sayin.......
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2021:
Ah, but first and foremost MUST come the Farts and Grunts....LOL.
It Just Does Not Stop Coming: []
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2021:
"Oh NO, the Yogas are coming, the Yogas are coming, run and hide everyone or those evil, nasty Yogas will get get you and make you squat, chant and learn to relax."
Jim Bakker Invited a Conspiracy Theorist to Talk About Demon-Possessed Zombies | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2021:
" Zombies," roaming around the world seeking out blood? FFS, haven't they heard of Blood Banks....LOL. IF they REALLY wanted to 'rid' this planet of the "Zombie Curse," then ALL they need do is to start with the first ever Zombie, Jeebus Chrust, you know the one I'm talking about, the Dead Jew on a Stick OR as my 7 y.o. nephew calls him, the Scarecrow.
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2021:
Here's hoping they get it beaten and soon. Yesterday here, we had the local Fire Brigade out about 25k ms from town putting a grass fire out for 3 and a half hours because some idiotic fire-bugs decided to start it. They estimated that approx. 48 hectares of good feed for the sheep, etc, on the property was lost completely, thankfully No-one was hurt and no buildings, etc, were in danger.
Caption this photo. What are these sibling owls saying?
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2021:
"Don't worry, I'll tell Mum it was me who shit in the nest this time."
I have a chicken proof lawn... It's impeckable!
Triphid comments on Apr 6, 2021:
Now that IS a crack up....LOL.
Ignorant Wisconsin Republicans Want the Governor to Open Churches for Easter | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 6, 2021:
Have they forgotten that their Mythological Saviour was 'reported' to have said, " Where one or more are GATHERED together in my NAME, so shall that be MY Church and NO other edifice shall be needed."
My dad died last year.
Triphid comments on Apr 6, 2021:
My most sincerest of Condolences to you, your family and friends upon your sad loss. Try to remember and cherish the Good times and discard the bad ones, keep him in your memory always.
Mormon Church President: People Who Have Religious Doubts Are “Lazy Learners” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Ah yes, do it the Moron (sorry Mormon) way of course. I.e. Whilst increasing your Faith you MUST also INCREASE your Tithes, the more YOU give, the more the LDS wants, the less YOU have left to live on, the more the LDS will loan you and the more interest they can charge you on the loans.
More of This, Please: Insurance Company Cancels Policy of Corona-Defiant Church | Terry Firma | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Kudos to the Insurance Company imo. Now with this genetic tracing of the virus that is available they can start tracking EVERY person that HIS church has caused to become infected THEN those who were infected and those related, sadly, to those who have perished CAN start suing HIM and Him alone for compensations. Genetic Tracing of C-19 in a nut shell, Since the C-19, like most other viruses, can ONLY reproduce by invading and 'taking' over a living host cell by absorbing the genes, etc, contained in the Cell Nucleus, it also carries with it when it reproduces itself the genetic material of the Host cells as well. By breaking down a sampled virus cell from a patient, Scientists can now determine by back-tracking WHO was the first infected person in the chain of resultant infections, etc, etc.
Bloody hell!
Triphid comments on Apr 4, 2021:
Those rabbits will get you every time....LOL.
Creationists Lash Out After Professor Demands “Higher Standards” in Science Ed | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 4, 2021:
Creationism in a nut-shell, A completely Non-corporeal Entity SUDDENLY decides to CREATE Everything and Anything from ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, First IT creates Light WITHOUT first creating a Source for the light to be emitted from, then creates darkness, which btw, is ALREADY there JUST in case the light it has created does NOT illuminate everything that it has NOT yet created. Then this Non-corporeal Entity decides to CREATE from NOTHING Planets, Stars and the like WITHOUT really knowing what they are in the first place,. Then, selects 1 tiny little chunk of rock, created from NOTHING and then creates ALL things living to reside upon it. Now we come down to Creationist Biology in a nut-shell, a) Does this Non-corporeal Entity REALISE that IT needs to create BOTH Genders of EACH species of living creatures, in numbers greater than a mere 2 or 4 so they can copulate and reproduce, b) This Entity then creates a male Human Being from dust, THEN decides to CREATE a Female counterpart for his Male Human Being by using a BONE from the Male, i.e. Cloning, c) the CREATED Male and it clones decide to get 'fruity', the Clone falls pregnant ( an IMPOSSIBILITY since it is a Clone with ONLY the X and Y Chromosome taken from a MALE in the first place), time goes by and the Male Human and the Clone Human eventually populate the entire planet, single-handedly so to speak. Yep, that makes about as much sense as holding an empty tumbler under a light bulb, throwing the switch and waiting for the tumbler to fill with a liquid fit to drink.
Famous Catholic Exorcist (Loosely) Weaves a Dangerous Tale in New Book | Val Wilde | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Apr 4, 2021:
2 things SPRING to mind here, The first being " Catholic Intellectual Tradition," which imo, MUST be a complete and Utter oxymoron IF ever there was one, The second being, imo, WTF has this Amorth been drinking, smoking, injecting?
Scamvangelist: God Told Me I Needed to Raise $300 Million This Year | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Apr 4, 2021:
When, oh WHEN is that twisted, deluded, deluding piece of Human Excrement going to die?
Just so you know, stepping on a gummy bear with bare feet that has been solidifying for a year is ...
Triphid comments on Apr 4, 2021:
Hmm, I'd rather take stepping on a year old Gummie Bear over stepping on a lost thumb tack any day.
Sweet jesus o'mine!
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2021:
"Yep", says Jesus but as Arnie in the Terminator says, "I'll be back." LOL.
Church Culture is Weird - YouTube
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Weird, I sincerely doubt that there is an ACTUAL word in any Dictionary/Lexicon/Language that even REMOTELY describes exactly or precisely just how unbelievably strange, etc, etc, etc, that Church and Religious Culture truly IS. For example, ONE of my most favourite gut busting laughs comes from when a Christ fool tells me " Let Jesus into your heart and you WILL know the Truth." Yeah,right, IF anything I was taught in years as a Nurse it IS this, "Let ANYTHING, other blood or surgical Instruments UNDER controlled Cardio-Pulmonary Operations, and YOU will be DEADER than Julius Caesar, PERIOD." OR, " God and Jesus are with you EVERY moment of your life," well that explains WHY I keep tripping over things that aren't there, the dopey bastards haven't got enough brains to know when a bloke is TRYING to walk around the place then.
asked Australians if they believe in God or the supernatural. Here's what they said
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Hey, we Aussies are widely known for our 'talent' of bullshitting when it comes to Opinion Polls and the like, are we not? It may be just me, but I seem to be a whiff of the ScumMO and Hillsong involvement here perhaps.
asked Australians if they believe in God or the supernatural. Here's what they said
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2021:
"Centre For Public Christianity" indeed, how more a totally biased an Opinion Poll can one get imo. 1,000 people surveyed, how more a pre-determined result can one expect? What did they do, hand out questionnaires at Sunday Services at a church or two OR head off to Nimbin and hand them out to the Hippie Community there at some obscure 'Weed Smoking Festival'? FFS, have they NOT heard of telephone surveys and the FACT that almost EVERY household in Australia has telephonic communication available in one form or another? Shit a brick, I've got a good and life-long friend who lives way, way beyond the 'Black Stump,' in the literal 'Middle of Nowhere' to be precise and we communicate regularly by both e-mail and telephone. Where these so-called Pollsters just too bloody lazy and bone idle to do AN ACTUAL Poll?
I'm fascinated by the question: Is reincarnation possible?
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Re-incarnation or Species memory passed down through generation after generations? How do turtles who live most of their lives from hatchlings to adults manage to find their way back after so many years at sea to the EXACT same beach where their mothers laid them as just eggs? How do migratory birds KNOW the exact flight path that their ancestors flew many, many generations before them to get from point A to point B every YEAR? Or, for example, the sense of DeJaVu, loosely translated meaning " I've seen/experienced/been here/heard this before.?" In actual fact WE know far, far less about the workings of the Human Mind and Brain than we do about the Universe that surrounds us, imo, Space is NOT the Final Frontier, the Human Mind and Brain is the Final Frontier that has to 'explored' in its entirety. Although, imo, the mind is truly wondrous thing, it can and does play tricks upon us and does them so well that we so often tend to actually believe those tricks. As to the very REMOTE possibility of Re-incarnation AFTER DEATH, well when the body dies, it decays/rots away to become just the elements from which it was made from, the 'energies' that once 'powered' that body dissipate/vanish and become spread out through other creatures, etc, as nutrients, etc, for them just as does, for example, the stored Electrical Energy in a battery over time. Genetic resemblances may well re-cur through generation after generations BUT they are caused by the combining of the various elements that make up our genetic codes, not by some inexplicable, magical, supernatural effect/happening, etc, etc. They are, imo, just random chance occurrences, nothing more, nothing less.
It’s Not Burnout, It’s Moral Injury
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Imo, it IS not just an 'injury' as such, it IS an Insult, Abuse, etc, etc, BECAUSE they have put their lives on the line, as Nurses ALWAY do, for the health, etc, of others, have driven themselves to the very verge of total exhaustion and more, put THEIR personal lives on hold, worked almost like slaves and now, it IS HIGHLY probable that many, if not ALL, will looking down the barrel of long-term PTSD as well. Contrary to 'popular belief', Health care Workers ARE NOT Robots, they ARE Human Beings, for the most part, they DRAW Upon EVER ounce of their Strength, Willpower, etc, etc, at EVERY single turn/roll of the dies, the toll it takes on them is truly unbelievable and unmeasurable. Trust me, I know from years and years in the Nursing Profession exactly what toll it takes to be in the Health Care Workers Role.
Star Ship Job
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2021:
I'd opt for Stellar Cartography.
Christ! We're eating here!
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2021:
" Please do NOT ask about the mayonaisse," - the Virgin(???) Mary.
Hawaii Pastor: If Hospitals Can Be Open, Then So Can My COVID-Spreading Church! | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2021:
FFS, what demented Anal Sphincter squeezed this rank and fetid Turd out into this world? Let him hold his religious services BUT once the Church/Chapel is FULL, seal the doors and window shut tight and leave them that way. At least then the infected can go on and infect each other WITHOUT roaming around the countryside and infecting the innocents that they come across. It'll be like killing many 'pigeons' with just one stone imo.
When we were kids, there where no phones or tablets we read cereal 🥣 boxes at breakfast
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2021:
WHAT, you were ALLOWED to read at the Meal table? IF I even dared to do so I'd cop a wallop across the back my head from my 'mother' that would be almost enough to knock the fillings out of my teeth. Jeez Louise, I got stuck with Porridge that looked like plaster fit only for using on walls, tasted something like plaster as well and was barely edible to say the least.
How the decline of religion is radicalizing the evangelical right Levitz argues that as Americans...
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2021:
Hmm, perhaps and imo, Levitz may well be suffering from a form of Schitzlipz disease. I.e. Schitzlipz disease = a severe impaction of faecal matter in the Rectum causing the highly pressurized faecal matter to reverse flow and exude from the mouth and over the lips continuously. HOW, in the name of All things Reasonable and Logical can the Religious EVER hope to AGREE Rule the World when they still cannot AGREE whose God is the ONE True God?
When you start believing your own bullshit about yourself, then you are Warren Beatty deep in the ...
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2021:
As an Outsider looking in, so to speak, I am of the opinion here that this song could quite easily relate to the ideology/ideologies that ever so many Americans perceive about the United States of Absurdity ( the U.S. of A.) as well.
“He Would Be Better Off in Heaven”: Grandmother Confesses to Drowning Child | Val Wilde | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2021:
Imo, NO matter what reasons/alibis, etc, she elects to put forward SHE is a MURDERER, GUILTY of ALL Charges of Infanticide and, therefore should be SHOWN NO mercy what-so-ever. FFS, according to the diagnoses of 3 Psychiatrists in 2001, I have been battling Chronic, Recurrent Depression, Anxiety Attacks, and Agoraphobia since my early teens and yet I have NEVER sought to harm ANYONE except myself on the few occasions where I attempted suicide. Trust me when I say that I AM NOT looking for sympathies, etc, here when I state that I HAVE suffered from the Abuses inflicted upon me by my 'mother' since as far back as I care to remember and was Sodomized by 3 men, no relation to me at all btw, at the age of 10. But, this filthy, child killing BITCH has NO excuses what-so-ever, imo, for her heinous crime.
Preacher: God Will Save Us from COVID-19 by Turning Off Our Virus Receptors | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2021:
LOL, like that IS going to work, didn't Sky Daddy leave the tap running in the bathroom and flood the entire world once.....LOL. I mean surely since Sky Daddy has been around for ever, as the Christfools would have us believe, then Dementia and Alzhiemers MUST have set in long, long ago.
Catholics Responded to a Joke Account Asking When They Felt Unwelcome in Church | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2021:
Ah yes, the Church of Universal Paedophilia and its great Leader, the Protector Of Paedophile Employees (POPE) is getting its silk knickers and cassocks in to knots again I see. SO full of themselves with Misogyny, Racism, Self-righteousness, etc, etc, etc, that THEY cannot see/refuse to see that Empire of the Holy Roman Catholic Church is slowly but surely crumbling around their pious knees just as have EVERY other Empire ever created by man throughout history. They ARE hanging on by the foreskin of a Gnat, imo, desperately.
AL Senate Delays Yoga-in-School Bill After Complaints from Right-Wing Christians | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2021:
Instead of Chicken Little screaming that "the Sky is Falling," now we have the Chrustians screaming " Watch out, the Yogas are coming to get everyone squatting and chanting."
The GOP (Rightly) Fears America’s Churchless Majority
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2021:
Can YOU hear what I hear...... methinks it IS the sound of the world's SMALLEST violin and it IS playing just for them.
Christian Boss-from-Hell Dave Ramsey Will Fire You for Having Pre-Marital Sex | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 1, 2021:
Hmm, it seems that Jeebus Chrust and Sky Daddy are in need of more assistance when it comes to being the Great Peeping Toms of the Religious world. So, Chrustian Dave Ramsey has volunteered himself to fill the role. What's next I wonder? Will it be "up the skirt/dress inspections" for ALL Unwed Female Employees to ENSURE that the hymen is still intact combined with trained semen sniffer dogs for both Male and Female Employees posted at EVERY entrance? Will it be a pre-requisite of Employment that EVERY employee MUST allow their PRIVATE Abodes to be bugged and monitored 24/7, including bathrooms, etc, etc? Imo, KGB and Gestapo surveillance have now arrived in the guise of Good Christianity when it comes to being an employee of Dave Ramsey.
Lesbian Moms Sue P.
Triphid comments on Apr 1, 2021:
LOL, going through life with a name like 'Chuck Corner' makes me wonder what his parent were thinking, if they really were thinking that is, when they dubbed him with that name? OR, was it a kind of nickname/saying that arose regularly when Mummy and Daddy asked the question, " What do I do with baby?" And the answer was " Oh, just chuck him the corner so we can have a bit of us time."
Franklin Graham: God Sent a Super Moon to Free the Boat from the Suez Canal | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 1, 2021:
Of course Sky Daddy would have 'intervened' since that nasty little Devil was the cause of it, I mean Sky Daddy has to get some credit even though he/she/it has been 100% AWOL for the last 2,000+ years and more....LOL.
Messianic Rabbi Urges Christians to Celebrate Passover to Honor Jesus | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Apr 1, 2021:
I 'celebrated' Passover at a family barbie last evening.....LOL. I passed over the salads, the sauces, the bread, etc, etc, whenever I was asked to do so....LOL.
Here's a random thought: If demonic possession is a thing, why isn't angelic possession?
Triphid comments on Apr 1, 2021:
Imo, this so-called 'possession' by demons is kind of Chrustian ( Christian) Alibi card in that it allows the holder to use it to escape the responsibility/responsibilities for their own actions and so as they can gain greater sympathy, etc, from their fellow sheeple as well. Plus, in their tiny, little, often unused brains they actually DO see themselves as being possessed (???) by not Angels BUT by Jeebus and God simply, imo, because those 2 have ALL the magical, imaginary power and Angels are mere minions at best. And yet, conversely, we NEVER hear about an Atheist/Agnostic becoming possessed by either demons or Jeebus/Gawd do we UNLESS it is when a Chrustian decides to accuse one of us that is or thinks ( a misnomer when it comes to the Sheeple) that they have converted one of us that is?
Trump angrily lashes out at Biden for 'cruel and heartless' plan to create jobs by taxing the ...
Triphid comments on Apr 1, 2021:
When it comes tRump I hope they tax him retrospectively for the last 20+ years at least.
Study: Religious children are less able to distinguish fantasy from reality
Triphid comments on Mar 31, 2021:
As a Psychologist I see religion and children born into religious families as being akin to the old saying re-Mushrooms, i.e. "keep them in the dark and feed them on bullshit." Therefore, it IS only logical, imo, that secular children are far more apt to distinguish between fiction and reality than are those from religious up-bringing.
Appeals Court: Prof.
Triphid comments on Mar 31, 2021:
Imo, turn that arrogant, self-righteous PRICK into a Eunuch asap and see how he likes it.
Amazing Jesus []
Triphid comments on Mar 30, 2021:
"And, verily, I do tell thee that from the pots came forth Plonk, Piss poor Plonk that tasteth much like as it was whence it was first passedeth into those very same pots."
Can Anyone Explain This Pandemic-Fueled Christian Propaganda Film to Me?
Triphid comments on Mar 30, 2021:
Well, that IS ONE movie I will NOT be adding to my collection, you bank on that.
Church Tells Woman She Can’t Win Fishing Trip Raffle Prize Because of Her Gender | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 30, 2021:
I'd loved to have seen that Jerk tell that to my daughter when she was still alive. She was mad about going fishing from when she was around 6 years old, wanted her own fishing rod and tackle box for Xmas by the time she was 8, ALWAYS managed to 'embarass' me EVERY fishing trip by catching more fish than me. Her biggest ever catch was in her words at the age of 6, " A whale," it turned out be a European Carp that measured out at a nice 'little' 24.5 inches in length and 11 pounds in weight. Caught on a line that had a 4 pound breaking strain and a piece of sausage for bait. I reckon IF he'd said that to Lorrae, she'd have kicked his arse so hard that he'd be very lucky IF it came rest around his ears.
On this date in 1973, they got on the cover of Rolling Stone. []
Triphid comments on Mar 30, 2021:
Got their c.d with that song on it, yet another of my favourites.


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