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A dead skunk in the middle of the road is bad enough, but nothing compared to having them find their...
Triphid comments on Apr 14, 2022:
I can just image the stench, driven past many a squashed and shredded " Scruibba" ( a variety of kangaroo called officially as a Western Grey, sorry for the typo error here btw), but they are neither true Western Red 'Roos nor are they actual 'roos per-say, they are a species of wallaby that WILL ...
Triphid replies on Apr 14, 2022:
@RhondaShotwell Just for you and anyone who may be interested, front left to right, a male Red Kangaroo in his " threat pose," one in his "look at me and how big I am" pose and the one on the right is a female Red Kangaroo better known as a " Blue Flyer."
Tucker Carlson is Now Advocating For Violence Against Teachers.
Triphid comments on Apr 10, 2022:
I disagree with the dolt on ALL point, especially his 'claim' that "Fascism is coming." sorry but he is totally incorrect, it IS already here in the United States of Absurdity and has been there for numerous decades and years as well. It has disguised itself well in that it wears the masks of ...
Triphid replies on Apr 14, 2022:
@AlbertSchepis So, given YOUR comment, in to which category would you place your last Piss poor, excuse for a human being who was the PotUS, aka Donald, Lard-arsed, Lies through his teeth and Arse tRump then? AND, if you taker off your blinders and look deeply and unbiasedly at the world involvement history of the United States of Absurdity you WILL find that it sees itself as being the NEW Emperor of the Planet, an Emperor that no-one else on the planet really wants anyway. Me, I'd label that fetid slab of vulture excrement as trying hard to be a wannabe, fascist like Dictator somewhat, in my educated opinion, akin to Benito Mussolini only Mussolini actually had a WORKING BRAIN.
It seems our Christfool Adversaries are adding a newer complaint to their ever growing list.
racocn8 comments on Apr 13, 2022:
AFAIK, Austrailia sits west from a region of ocean used for satellite re-entry. Thus, residents periodically report UFO's that are later identified as space trash burning up on it's way in. That may have something to do with this new idiocy. What happened to jewish space lasers?
Triphid replies on Apr 13, 2022:
Oh and btw, we do NOT have as many and so numerous UFO-nuts as they do over your way. See Roswell for example.
It seems our Christfool Adversaries are adding a newer complaint to their ever growing list.
racocn8 comments on Apr 13, 2022:
AFAIK, Austrailia sits west from a region of ocean used for satellite re-entry. Thus, residents periodically report UFO's that are later identified as space trash burning up on it's way in. That may have something to do with this new idiocy. What happened to jewish space lasers?
Triphid replies on Apr 13, 2022:
@Betty That is mostly dependant upon the size, etc, of each satellite as far as I know. Though even with the smaller ones some pieces do make it to the ground at times.
Hmm, I wonder why it is so?
racocn8 comments on Apr 13, 2022:
Nor as recent as 2000 years ago. These corpses are from 1700 years ago:
Triphid replies on Apr 13, 2022:
@racocn8 Better people than I have been trying to change things for centuries now and ONLY just has there been a slight change, that change being that NO LONGER is there the notations of A.D. ( Anno Domini) and B.C. ( Before Christ) being legitimately used in history and historical documentation/s slowly but surely the usages of the terms B.C.E. ( Before COMMON Era) and C.E. ( COMMON Era) becoming the norm thankfully. Ergo, the grip of religions and religious zealotry is being slowly but surely eroded away by sciences and common sense.
Tucker Carlson is Now Advocating For Violence Against Teachers.
Triphid comments on Apr 11, 2022:
I may sound kind of old fashioned BUT who the F*** names their child Tucker in the first place. What the F*** is wrong with giving your kids absolutely NORMAL names?
Triphid replies on Apr 13, 2022:
@Sorcha Yes, and as I discovered to absolute disgust yesterday afternoon, a mother in this area recently gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl which she has since named Lucifer and Jezebel. My eternal sympathies go out to those poor children because of what they will have to endure either for life or until they are old enough to change their names legally.
It seems our Christfool Adversaries are adding a newer complaint to their ever growing list.
Marionville comments on Apr 13, 2022:
About as believable as most of their crackpot beliefs and theories!
Triphid replies on Apr 13, 2022:
So do you NOT remember the hue and cry when John Glenn and his orbits of the Earth occurred then? The Christfools were screaming like stuck pigs then that Sky Daddy would send down his Angels to exact HIS revenge upon humans for invading HIS Domain.
It seems our Christfool Adversaries are adding a newer complaint to their ever growing list.
Charles1971 comments on Apr 13, 2022:
No... this is parody. It has to be.
Triphid replies on Apr 13, 2022:
@Barnie2years But can you be 100% certain that it is a joke?
It seems our Christfool Adversaries are adding a newer complaint to their ever growing list.
David1955 comments on Apr 13, 2022:
Now I've fucking heard everything, if genuine. They're so dumb, anything is possible. I guess they don't get the difference between the physical and the 'spiritual' world, though they invented it in their minds. Reminds me of that story about nuns wearing underwear while bathing, so as not to ...
Triphid replies on Apr 13, 2022:
Never stopped the Priest from getting a bit of Nun but poor old Sky Daddy and Son always missed out and have to settle for being voyeurs instead.
It seems our Christfool Adversaries are adding a newer complaint to their ever growing list.
racocn8 comments on Apr 13, 2022:
AFAIK, Austrailia sits west from a region of ocean used for satellite re-entry. Thus, residents periodically report UFO's that are later identified as space trash burning up on it's way in. That may have something to do with this new idiocy. What happened to jewish space lasers?
Triphid replies on Apr 13, 2022:
Geez Louise, when was the LAST time you ever LOOKED at a MAP of the World AND ACTUALLY managed to understand what you were looking at? N.A.S.A. Space craft NORMALLY land in the Northern Pacific or North-Central Atlantic oceans and as close as possible to the U.S. mainland. Don't get me wrong here BUT I get the distinct impression that you may well have been partaking of a few too many " racoon" farts and sniffing them as well.
Hmm, I wonder why it is so?
DenoPenno comments on Apr 13, 2022:
It is hard to find remains of mythical people or events. They could not even find King David's palace.
Triphid replies on Apr 13, 2022:
Nor the bones of Goliath either though countless have so claimed to have done and then fallen flat on their faces once the Scientific Tests and evidences come rolling in. As my Dad used to instil in to me from as far back as I can remember, " There has never been a Kentucky won by a blind, deaf and 3 legged mule and the same goes for religious fables."
Hmm, I wonder why it is so?
Garban comments on Apr 13, 2022:
Unless they fabricate it.
Triphid replies on Apr 13, 2022:
Remember that one and as with countless others it too was proven to be a 100% fake with the uses of methods scientific, etc, etc. Plus at the SUPPOSED time it was supposed have been made Aramaic had been replaced by the actual Hebrew language, a language derived from Aramaic as is Arabic as well.
Hmm, I wonder why it is so?
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 13, 2022:
Hmmmmmm.....odd that.
Triphid replies on Apr 13, 2022:
Possible and most probable Christfool response, " God and Jesus tok them up to Heaven to be amongst the Heavenly Host.
Hmm, I wonder why it is so?
racocn8 comments on Apr 13, 2022:
Nor as recent as 2000 years ago. These corpses are from 1700 years ago:
Triphid replies on Apr 13, 2022:
I beg to differ there since they can and have uncovered innumerable mummies in Egypt that date back to more than your mere 2,000 years ago. Don't believe me then start reading and try getting a hold of a copy of a set of dvds, made by an AMERICAN film crew btw, called " Ancient Egypt," it MAY just open up your eyes and mind.
A 26-year-old woman, Lizelle Herrera, was arrested last Thursday in Starr County, Texas, and charged...
starwatcher-al comments on Apr 12, 2022:
yeah, well just wait until they start charging women who have miscarrages under the same law. The lady must have done something to cause the miscarrage so guilty she is.
Triphid replies on Apr 13, 2022:
@starwatcher-al SATIRE being used in such dire and serious subject/situation, what is next, you posting something satirical about a member suffering through a miscarriage or perhaps you'd like to raise a few a laughs for yourself by disrespecting the child of a member who has just died from either an incurable disease or maybe suicide, imo, I'd lay odds on bets that such a thing may well have you in fits of laughter, at least until, may it never happen, someone near and dear to you dies in such a manner of course.
I have recently lost my beloved daughter to suicide.
Jolanta comments on Apr 12, 2022:
I cannot imagine what it would be like to loose a child. See someone professional, sometimes they do help.
Triphid replies on Apr 13, 2022:
Nice idea but Professional, imo as one as well, tend to " roll out" the same old responses as though they are be all, end all, cure for Grief, and guess what, they are as useless as a set of teats on a bull BECAUSE everyone is different and everyone handles grief and other situations differently, that IS the one thing they ALL forgot to add when they wrote the Textbooks for Psychologist and Psychiatrist.
What was the point?
bobwjr comments on Apr 12, 2022:
Extreme tithing
Triphid replies on Apr 12, 2022:
Give it its CORRECT name and meaning, Tithe = TAX, the word is derived from the OLD English and its roots of origin are embedded in both Latin and Ancient Greek with its true origins to be found in ancient Aramaic and the more modern version being Hebrew. Religion use the word TITHE as a sugar coating for their self-appointed RIGHT to levy a tax on those who partake of and in it.
What was the point?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Apr 12, 2022:
Wow, they really showed their true colors, huh?
Triphid replies on Apr 12, 2022:
Even the merest whiff or hint of money will have, like vultures to a fresh corpse, the God-Mobsters flocking around ready to strip the new sucker down to the bare bones.
What was the point?
snytiger6 comments on Apr 12, 2022:
Religion is really about money and control.
Triphid replies on Apr 12, 2022:
Yes, they WANT your money and to control YOU and everyone else both around you, in society and everywhere else.
The old adage of "A Fool and his being soon parted: most definitely rings true now.
anglophone comments on Apr 11, 2022:
That is fucking HILARIOUS! The price of stupidity is "bloody expensive".
Triphid replies on Apr 12, 2022:
@Betty I doubt if there is ANYTHING that a shark could eat that would actually cause it to get sick.
The old adage of "A Fool and his being soon parted: most definitely rings true now.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Totally empty in the head.
Triphid replies on Apr 12, 2022:
@Lilac-JadeCanada As my Dad used to say about a certain "workmate" he was always checking up on because he was both useless as well as danger to everyone else around him, " this bloke was born with a howling Cyclone blowing through his head because there was NOTHING in the middle to stop it and there never has been ever since."
The old adage of "A Fool and his being soon parted: most definitely rings true now.
Barnie2years comments on Apr 11, 2022:
😂😂😂😂😂😂 Your neighbor and you would make a great sitcom series! Instead of My Favorite Martian it could be called My Favorite Evangeloon! 😂😂😂
Triphid replies on Apr 12, 2022:
@Barnie2years Geez what a boring and dull life it must be over in the United States of Absurdity.
The old adage of "A Fool and his being soon parted: most definitely rings true now.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Totally empty in the head.
Triphid replies on Apr 12, 2022:
@Lilac-JadeCanada " A few sandwiches short of a Picnic, " "the Coop is there but the chickens never arrived," " He was born in the dark and is still waiting for his brain to arrive," " If brains were gunpowder he could NOT manage a small spark," " the lights are on but there is No-one at home."
A 26-year-old woman, Lizelle Herrera, was arrested last Thursday in Starr County, Texas, and charged...
starwatcher-al comments on Apr 12, 2022:
yeah, well just wait until they start charging women who have miscarrages under the same law. The lady must have done something to cause the miscarrage so guilty she is.
Triphid replies on Apr 12, 2022:
An EXPERT on such matters as Abortions and Miscarriages are you? May one enquire as where and how you gained you qualifications, etc, etc, to ALLOW yourself to make a comment? As a retired and well qualified, MALE, yes MALE, Mid-wife I would DEARLY love to hear aboutv your sources of such information and, if it would be NO trouble then PLEASE add in the number of births you have attended and assisted with as well, then we can compare notes perhaps.
A 26-year-old woman, Lizelle Herrera, was arrested last Thursday in Starr County, Texas, and charged...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 10, 2022:
They will dismiss because the charges are too bizarre to be proven. Abbott should be ashamed of himself.
Triphid replies on Apr 12, 2022:
@anglophone Yes, you are right, sad but true you are right, since after all we've Abbott the Rabbit, Turdball and now ScumMo.
A 26-year-old woman, Lizelle Herrera, was arrested last Thursday in Starr County, Texas, and charged...
ADKSparky comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Charges have been dropped.
Triphid replies on Apr 12, 2022:
@ADKSparky Precisely.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
Buttercup comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Afternoon Delight makes my skin crawl, perky goodie two shoes fucking is so heinous.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch IMO, a BOOM with Pat as the triggering source would have been a TRUE boon to music. If you get the drift that is.
The old adage of "A Fool and his being soon parted: most definitely rings true now.
anglophone comments on Apr 11, 2022:
That is fucking HILARIOUS! The price of stupidity is "bloody expensive".
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@anglophone NOTHING but they do need feeding don't they?
It is going to be a somewhat of a distinct joy to be able to hang laundry out to dry in the sun and ...
Jolanta comments on Apr 2, 2022:
Wow, that’s is a bargain. I am sorry you live so far away. I love them to come over to my house and do some work.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@Jolanta WHAT, you mean MORE LNP Parasites could be heading out this way? As IF we don't have enough with the likes of the GARBAGE that we already have like that simpering sickly smiling Mark Coulton jerk who keeps fouling my letterbox with his inane drivels, etc, etc. And I thought things were bloody tough when he had the Commo Turncoat, ALP wannabe, Peter Black in State Parliament.
The old adage of "A Fool and his being soon parted: most definitely rings true now.
anglophone comments on Apr 11, 2022:
That is fucking HILARIOUS! The price of stupidity is "bloody expensive".
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
Any REALLY good Surfing beaches over your way, one that are INFESTED with sharks all year round, and I mean Bull sharks in particular because he was discussing with a visitor yesterday arvo about going surfing on the W.A. coast rather than heading down to S.A. later this year. I'd truly love to recommend a few W.A. beaches to him because even if the sharks reject him, the drive is long and tedious so he MAY decide to remain there permanently with luck, even a few months without him would be great as well.
The old adage of "A Fool and his being soon parted: most definitely rings true now.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Totally empty in the head.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@Lilac-JadeCanada We also have one that goes, " No flies on him/her but you can see where they been though," and, " If brains were wool he wouldn't have enough to knit a pair of socks for a canary."
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
Buttercup comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Afternoon Delight makes my skin crawl, perky goodie two shoes fucking is so heinous.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch Oh shit no, as a nurse I was REQUIRED to stay in the Nurses Home accommodation block every day that I was rostered for duty in the O.R. Use your imagination IF you can, 1 lone 19 year old male amongst some 40+ plus single and young and very bored females. Back in the 70's Male Nurses were a New and very Rare thing, a most unusual occurrence at our hospital in particular since the ONLY other Male Nurse was 100% Gay btw, and I was and still am 100% straight. So do the maths please.
Tucker Carlson is Now Advocating For Violence Against Teachers.
Triphid comments on Apr 11, 2022:
I may sound kind of old fashioned BUT who the F*** names their child Tucker in the first place. What the F*** is wrong with giving your kids absolutely NORMAL names?
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch Okay, so Mommy and Daddy were sucking up to the Rellies and hoping the kids would get some kudos from the name then.
The old adage of "A Fool and his being soon parted: most definitely rings true now.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Totally empty in the head.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
As the saying we have out here goes, " The lights are on, BUT no-one is home."
The old adage of "A Fool and his being soon parted: most definitely rings true now.
Barnie2years comments on Apr 11, 2022:
😂😂😂😂😂😂 Your neighbor and you would make a great sitcom series! Instead of My Favorite Martian it could be called My Favorite Evangeloon! 😂😂😂
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
Know anyone in Hollywood that might be interested, I'd hazard to say that I at least enough 'material' to keep the series going for a minimum of 4 or 5 seasons at least. I was also thinking, to keep it 100% Aussie flavoured that it could and should be called " Leave it to Dickhead."
A 26-year-old woman, Lizelle Herrera, was arrested last Thursday in Starr County, Texas, and charged...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 10, 2022:
They will dismiss because the charges are too bizarre to be proven. Abbott should be ashamed of himself.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@anglophone Is it just me or does this Texarse Abbott sound ever so much like an Abbott we Australian know and detest as well? Nature could NOT have such a wry sense of humour as to burden the Universe with 2 of the same, could it?
Tucker Carlson is Now Advocating For Violence Against Teachers.
anglophone comments on Apr 10, 2022:
If Fucker Carlson is advocating violence against teachers, can I advocate for violence against him?
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@anglophone Alternative method, attach dick-wad behind a fully loaded freight-train as it it departs the marshalling yards, let it get up to maximum travelling speed, then sit back and watch as he is shredded piece by piece.
Tucker Carlson is Now Advocating For Violence Against Teachers.
anglophone comments on Apr 10, 2022:
If Fucker Carlson is advocating violence against teachers, can I advocate for violence against him?
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
I may sound kind of old fashioned BUT who the F*** names their child Tucker in the first place. What the F*** is wrong with giving your kids absolutely NORMAL names?
It has to be a Monday.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Oh by all means, don't ''interfere''.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@Lilac-JadeCanada More than amply covered.
It has to be a Monday.
Budgie comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Even when he gets in there is a good chance the battery is flat.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
Crossing my finger as we type of course. Little does he know and NEVER shall he find out that I keep a fully charged Car Battery on standby here just in case someone has a battery failure around the neighbourhood and they ask for my help. Sadly, IF it ever comes to the Jesus Jockey next door, then my answer will be a DEFINITE " NO such Luck."
A 26-year-old woman, Lizelle Herrera, was arrested last Thursday in Starr County, Texas, and charged...
Betty comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Outrageous. What right does anyone have to force an unwanted pregnancy on a woman or to dictate what a woman can or can't do with her body. If they want to play that game then they should arrest men for masturbating. Think of all the potential babies they murder each time they do it. Millions.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@racocn8 Are planning upon utilising an electron microscope or a telescopic sight to actully locate, aim and fire the necessary bullet ? Give the average I.Q. of most Religious Politicians, I would most definitely RECOMMEND using the Electron Microscope since I sincerely doubt that you would get enough magnification and definition by using a standard Telescopic sight system.
It has to be a Monday.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Oh by all means, don't ''interfere''.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@AnonySchmoose Yes, but like the rest of us YOU are intelligent, I even have spare sets of house keys secreted in special places outside the house in case of emergencies and most INTELLIGENT people I know ALWAYS have a spare set of keys for both theie house and their vehicle on them and with them at all times. Maybe it is because We, the brainy ones know better than to place our trust in the magical, miraculous, totally invisible and imaginary Sky Daddy perhaps.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
Buttercup comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Afternoon Delight makes my skin crawl, perky goodie two shoes fucking is so heinous.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch In my much younger days I had my share of the REAL afternoon delights and that poor excuse for a song and tune is as close to what I experienced as the Earth is to the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
azzow2 comments on Apr 9, 2022:
How about an artist? So far the few songs that I have heard from Justin Bieber have made me cancel the song on my Alexa.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@MaryChristmas Yes, I've heard quite a few singers that, imo, if were NOT for Social Security Payments and Child Raising Payments from Governments they would never had been born or have died from hunger well before EVER selling even 1 copy of one of their songs. And I'll be first to list 1 of them, the group calling itself " Oasis," with their 'talent' far better off a desert than that kind of an oasis imo.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Anything by Taylor Swift!
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@MaryChristmas Would rather have another vasectomy and this time sans Anaesthetic than endure listening to Taylor Swift.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
BufftonBeotch comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Seasons in the Sun - Terry Jacks
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@mcgeo52 Mayhap they did but that, as the saying goes is a matter of personal opinion is it not.
It has to be a Monday.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Oh by all means, don't ''interfere''.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Actually his mother could have prevented the entire dilemma by simply keep her knees crossed and held tightly together the night he was most unfortunately conceived, imo.
It has to be a Monday.
ToakReon comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Oh dear. Poor, distressed Evangaloon.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
Yes, I am shedding copious amounts of tears at the very moment, don't tell anyone please, but they are tears of laughter, silent laughter but laughter none-the-less.
It has to be a Monday.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Oh by all means, don't ''interfere''.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Exactly what I've been thinking and TRYING to get the F***wit, excuse the French, to do for the last 9 years.
It has to be a Monday.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Your stories about him make me laugh.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Oh most definitely and chances are very high that the entire neighbourhood would be lining up to help him pack as well.
It has to be a Monday.
anglophone comments on Apr 10, 2022:
I guess it's way beyond his wit to keep a second car key in his house.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
You should realize by now that such a thing is ONLY done by the truly intelligent people in this world and, imo, when they were handing out the brains in his family he may well have thought they said "trains" and responded with a resounding " None for me thanks."
It has to be a Monday.
Betty comments on Apr 10, 2022:
I guess the devil made him do it. lol If his head wasn't attached he would probably lose that too.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@anglophone Precisely my own opinion regarding him as well.
It has to be a Monday.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Your stories about him make me laugh.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
Would you like, PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE like to , as the old Coke A Cola ads used to say, " Try the Real Thing, I could TRY to arrange for him to come and stay with you for a while, 6 or 12 months perhaps, no offense meant by the way, but this neighbourhood does need a Evangelidiot Free Holiday.
It has to be a Monday.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Oh by all means, don't ''interfere''.
Triphid replies on Apr 11, 2022:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Most definitely NOT me so as you can guess, I have done NOTHING and I told him to call in locksmith or just buy a big heavy hammer because he is NOT borrowing ANYTHING from my tool kits, not ever and not even over HIS dead body.
An Arkansas official bragged about injecting Christian prayers at meetings
anglophone comments on Apr 9, 2022:
She is a Christian supremacist. Enough said.
Triphid replies on Apr 10, 2022:
And, most sadly and regrettably, I am slowly coming to the opinion that the NEXT Civil War in the U.S. will be NOT between the States as per that which was fought over and to abolish slavery BUT will BE the Fanatics of Christianity ( for the majority of the Forces deployed that is) and the remainder of the sensible, imo, a rare commodity given the tidings, etc, that come out the U.S., and sane peoples of the country. Mock as you wish, but the U.S., imo, has been heading down this road now for many a year, it is, to a complete outsider, patently obvious btw.
Does the Cognitive Science of Religion legitimize the validity of religious behavior as a positive ...
Fernapple comments on Mar 29, 2022:
That seems like a very shambolic poll. Firstly. If you wish to ask questions about religion, you should start by defining "religion". since the answer will depend very much on the definition. As the answers below show, people have used several definitions. Secondly. Science does not deal in ...
Triphid replies on Apr 10, 2022:
Yes, well and succinctly put but may I also add that, Historical evidence has shown repeatedly that Religion is also a method to control those who are the easiest to succumb and submit as well. For example, Promise a young child a toy or sweet that they desire greatly and they can, more of than not, be easily manipulated and controlled, the same applies, imo, with religion and those we would class as being "weak of the mind, " imo. I.e. ALL one needs do to gain control over them is to offer them something that they WILL think and Believe they WILL attain, not today nor tomorrow, but at some unspecified future time and you will be assured to have them, literally hang on your every word.
Employer: "We need someone responsible for this job.
Triphid comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Hmm, the applicant sounds to me very much like Management Material.
Triphid replies on Apr 10, 2022:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Imo, a DEFINITE candidate for Governor of Texarse, C.E.O. of Facebook or even Leader of the Democrats.
A 26-year-old woman, Lizelle Herrera, was arrested last Thursday in Starr County, Texas, and charged...
ADKSparky comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Charges have been dropped.
Triphid replies on Apr 10, 2022:
If that be so then if I were in her boots my next step would be to file a suit for Wrongful Arrest and Imprisonment and be naming the Legislature of the State of Texas as co-defendants.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
KKGator comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Everything by Meatloaf, Celine Dion, Coldplay, and ABBA.
Triphid replies on Apr 10, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch IN 1,000, 000, 000, 000 % agreement with you re-Yoko Omo, sorry Ono, which IMO, suits her perfectly since IF she were to enter a room with me in it I'd gladly and joyfully leave ut asap.
It is going to be a somewhat of a distinct joy to be able to hang laundry out to dry in the sun and ...
Jolanta comments on Apr 2, 2022:
Wow, that’s is a bargain. I am sorry you live so far away. I love them to come over to my house and do some work.
Triphid replies on Apr 10, 2022:
@Jolanta Yeah well shit happen to everyone SOME times, but we, who live way out west the Politician hardly ever go seem to shat upon by governments with very tedious regularity imo.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
BufftonBeotch comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Seasons in the Sun - Terry Jacks
Triphid replies on Apr 10, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch It is entitled " Lucille," I think from memory.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Anything by Taylor Swift!
Triphid replies on Apr 9, 2022:
@MaryChristmas Not really and her especially.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
Sticks48 comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Anything by Taylor Swift!
Triphid replies on Apr 9, 2022:
The swifter we see her taila leaving the better imo. Excuse the attempted pun please.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
BufftonBeotch comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Seasons in the Sun - Terry Jacks
Triphid replies on Apr 9, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch "The Gambler," by Kenny Rogers. Not oe of his best but not one of his worst either imo. Now, imo, IF want to listen to truly good music then I suggest getting the album of " Help Yourself" by Julian Lennon.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
BufftonBeotch comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Seasons in the Sun - Terry Jacks
Triphid replies on Apr 9, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch Plus a whole of the garbage by Sonny and Cher as well.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
BufftonBeotch comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Seasons in the Sun - Terry Jacks
Triphid replies on Apr 9, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch Oh, imo, some were well worth the listening to but others should have bottled and sold as remedies for Chronic Constipation.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
azzow2 comments on Apr 9, 2022:
How about an artist? So far the few songs that I have heard from Justin Bieber have made me cancel the song on my Alexa.
Triphid replies on Apr 9, 2022:
@MaryChristmas You have my most sincerest of sympathies with your affliction known as " Bieberism," I hope they can find either a cure or a remedy asap.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
BufftonBeotch comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Seasons in the Sun - Terry Jacks
Triphid replies on Apr 9, 2022:
On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being great and 1 being crap I'd be very generous and give that a minus 4 or perhaps a minus 5.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
Buttercup comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Afternoon Delight makes my skin crawl, perky goodie two shoes fucking is so heinous.
Triphid replies on Apr 9, 2022:
Afternoon Delight, even to make vomit vomit imo.
Gotta be In the Year 2525 by Zager & Evans. I've hated it since the first time I heard it.
KKGator comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Everything by Meatloaf, Celine Dion, Coldplay, and ABBA.
Triphid replies on Apr 9, 2022:
@KKGator Gotta agree with you when it comes to C.D. and as for the likes of Paul McCartney and Yoko Omo ( yes I know it is actually Ono) well, those two, imo, are turds of a different consistency, but still as rank as each other.
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
BufftonBeotch comments on Apr 7, 2022:
I could not imagine anything I'd less rather do than go to church, especially with him.
Triphid replies on Apr 9, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch I shall see what can be arranged but it will, I assume need the consent of the Ladies and the rest of the crowd.
Hey Everyone, I am now fewer than 1,000 points away from Level 8! Please forgive my shameless ...
ASTRALMAX comments on Apr 9, 2022:
I heard that once you reach level 8 you will shortly find yourself driven in an open top limousine led by a big band through a ticker tape parade in NY. That evening you will be whisked off to the Lincoln Center to enjoy a string quartet following which you will be taken to one of the finest ...
Triphid replies on Apr 9, 2022:
I was told that once I reached the magical Level 9 I would get videos of 144 scantily clad Muslim Dancing Girls. All I got were 2 dvd's of @skado drinking Moonshine and strumming a well used banjo that badly needed new strings and tuning. LOL.
It is going to be a somewhat of a distinct joy to be able to hang laundry out to dry in the sun and ...
Jolanta comments on Apr 2, 2022:
Wow, that’s is a bargain. I am sorry you live so far away. I love them to come over to my house and do some work.
Triphid replies on Apr 9, 2022:
@Jolanta You are in exactly the same boat as we have been for countless decades every time the LNP comes to power. But be thankful please at LEAST you have a REGULAR Passenger Train service going to FROM Canberra itself, good and well surfaced and maintained roads, your G.P. Services ACTUALLY have G.Ps PHYSICALLY working in them and not merely consulting with you via the telephone, you do NOT need to rely on Victoria and its power grid for your electricity also I assume and I'll lay even money bets that your fuel prices are way way below what ours are out here and elsewhere in the HEART of Australia.
It is going to be a somewhat of a distinct joy to be able to hang laundry out to dry in the sun and ...
Jolanta comments on Apr 2, 2022:
Wow, that’s is a bargain. I am sorry you live so far away. I love them to come over to my house and do some work.
Triphid replies on Apr 9, 2022:
@Jolanta May I say then, that imo, it is one of the first decent things Canberra has done for the country at large.
The woman who kept aborted fetuses in her home works for an atheist
Jolanta comments on Apr 8, 2022:
What kind of a person does this? It is beyond me.
Triphid replies on Apr 9, 2022:
@Jolanta No bullshit what-so-ever I was a nurse in Adelaide when the story went through the hospitals like a bush fire through a gully filled with dry and dead bush.
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
BufftonBeotch comments on Apr 7, 2022:
I could not imagine anything I'd less rather do than go to church, especially with him.
Triphid replies on Apr 9, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch I'll will ask the ladies to do that since digi-camera is at present kaput.
It is going to be a somewhat of a distinct joy to be able to hang laundry out to dry in the sun and ...
creative51 comments on Apr 6, 2022:
Perhaps you should open a lunch dinner. Sounds like you do a good job of creating yummy meals! I am certain you are pleased to get your garden back. Now educate me a bit. I live in a four season area, real winter, real spring, real summer and real fall. Spring is just starting here now. So can you ...
Triphid replies on Apr 8, 2022:
@creative51 Would you like to swap Summer Temperatures perhaps, fancy spending 3 months with the temps ranging between 35 and 44 degrees Celsius for days and weeks on end? Oh and not forget that our NORMAL AVERAGE Annual RAINFAL here where I live is approx. 10, yes TEN, Inches per Annum.
It is going to be a somewhat of a distinct joy to be able to hang laundry out to dry in the sun and ...
creative51 comments on Apr 6, 2022:
Perhaps you should open a lunch dinner. Sounds like you do a good job of creating yummy meals! I am certain you are pleased to get your garden back. Now educate me a bit. I live in a four season area, real winter, real spring, real summer and real fall. Spring is just starting here now. So can you ...
Triphid replies on Apr 8, 2022:
In answer to your question of, " Can you grow in your garden year round," the answer is YES but we need to plant Winter Vegetables and Fruits for the Colder Seasons and Spring/Summer Fruits and Vegetables for those seasons. Does that answer your question clearly enough?
It is going to be a somewhat of a distinct joy to be able to hang laundry out to dry in the sun and ...
Jolanta comments on Apr 2, 2022:
Wow, that’s is a bargain. I am sorry you live so far away. I love them to come over to my house and do some work.
Triphid replies on Apr 8, 2022:
@Jolanta Of course I do NOt, but I do get het up when those who, most probably have never set foot any further WEST than Parkes or those townships around it decide to spit their venom at a town and peoples who support this country, economically, etc, etc, for over 100 years and ONLY gets a bit of Political Recognition when Election time comes around.
Hey Everyone, I am now fewer than 1,000 points away from Level 8! Please forgive my shameless ...
ChurchLess comments on Apr 8, 2022:
Triphid replies on Apr 8, 2022:
@ChurchLess Ps. You may want to consider changing your screen name to either Brainless or just simply Deadshit, either, imo, would be 100% suitable given your original foul and disgusting comment/response to @Organist1.
Hey Everyone, I am now fewer than 1,000 points away from Level 8! Please forgive my shameless ...
ChurchLess comments on Apr 8, 2022:
Triphid replies on Apr 8, 2022:
@ChurchLess Nice try at being insulting BUT you do realise, at least you may well now, that there IS no Prize given for Second Place. Better luck next time, IF you can actually manage to TRY for a NEXT time that is. Btw, how are things down there in the State of Geriatric Old Farts, aka Florida, is your walking frame getting enough attention at the weekly Old Farts Get-Togethers?
The woman who kept aborted fetuses in her home works for an atheist
Jolanta comments on Apr 8, 2022:
What kind of a person does this? It is beyond me.
Triphid replies on Apr 8, 2022:
Sadly and unfortunately there are quite a few cases such as this that either have happened or, possibly, are still happening undetected. There was, as I remember, a case in Adelaide, S.A. back in 1976 where the ambulance, police and Fire Brigade was called to a house in Salisbury, a suburb of Adelaide because of some very strange reports being received continuously over quite a number of weeks. Upon breaking down the doors, the police discovered during a full on search of the house, 30+ glass containers, stoppered tight and sealed filled with Methylated spirits and each jar containing a human foetus at various stage of gestation. Upon questioning the woman living in the house, the police learned that each foetus was hers, that she has self-aborted or miscarried each one and rather than admit to friends and family that "she, a devout and very Christian single by choice had fallen pregnant to every Priest and Minister of Religion whom she known or met over the ensuing 16 + years since her parents had passed away and left her house when she was just 18 years of age and that God had told her that her duty was to satisfy the sexual needs of all of his Ministers that should ever call at her door and she must never ask questions of them. The woman, then aged approx. 38-39 years old was admitted to a Psychiatric Institution with the Judge's recommendation of, " being Institutionalized for Life."
Hey Everyone, I am now fewer than 1,000 points away from Level 8! Please forgive my shameless ...
ChurchLess comments on Apr 8, 2022:
Triphid replies on Apr 8, 2022:
Sarcasm or just plain nastiness as per from, imo, a complete and unmitigated arse-wipe, which is it Sir, the choice be yours. And, also imo, for your so wonderfully kind encouraging words to @Organist1m, may I wish and sincerely hope that any points you may score from here on in go in REVERSE endlessly and permanently and as an ADDED bonus just for you and your kindness, May 1,000 Mormons and 1,000 Jehovah's Witnesses set up s PERMANENT Campsite in and around your home. Have a nice and lovely day please.
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 7, 2022:
All three! But even bare skin needs to be clean.
Triphid replies on Apr 8, 2022:
@BufftonBeotch The point is, imo, and from knowing of his numerous previous attempts at attracting and secure a female in to his life, that he "declared" such a statement because, as he once informed a couple, de-facto couple btw, who rented the house 3 doors up the road from his, " Jesus who is the Son of God and God who was in Human Form declared it a great sin for any couple who are NOT married to engage in sexual activities before they are made as one." In other he is, imo, covering his and her arse with a pack of lies so as to make himself look as pious and devout as possible. If he still clings to idea that the entire neighbourhood has no recollection of things he has done, etc, any further back than a few short years ago, like he drug addled memory always is, then he does not know shit from clay.
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
BufftonBeotch comments on Apr 7, 2022:
I could not imagine anything I'd less rather do than go to church, especially with him.
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@anglophone Hah, hah, hah, already sorted, Katrina just dropped by to show me my attire for Church on Sunday. It consists of 1 rainbow patterned Kaftan, a pair of rainbow coloured sandals and a life sized, plastic cross, also a plastic replica of the crown of thorns as per the Jeebus myth, also made from rainbow coloured plastic. That outfit should 'brighten' up the Sunday Service at the Church no end. LOL.
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 7, 2022:
All three! But even bare skin needs to be clean.
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Yes, so pure that it resembles a bituminized airstrip.
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
Zoohome comments on Apr 7, 2022:
I truly don't think he heard you. Which proves your point. He is probably used to get declined and doesn't even hears the rest of the reason.
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
I'd say that you'd be 100% correct with that assessment, imo, he is as THICK as 2 short, fat Tasmanians and has the attention span of any member of the Australian liberal Party, which, btw, is extremely short imo.
It is going to be a somewhat of a distinct joy to be able to hang laundry out to dry in the sun and ...
Jolanta comments on Apr 2, 2022:
Wow, that’s is a bargain. I am sorry you live so far away. I love them to come over to my house and do some work.
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@Jolanta Hey we were classified as a City many years ago and had a steady population of 30+ THOUSAND people living and working here fyi. Also, fyi, this little bush CITY housed the Australian Gold Reserves in both W.W.I and W.W.W.II, has propped the Australian Economy for more decades than you have been alive, invented Mining Rescue Techniques, etc, that are NOW taught ALL OVER this planet and a whole darned lot more as well. May one enquire as what in the way of assisting to keep the economy and productive outputs of Australia that wasted sheep paddock called Canberra has ACTUALLY and Honestly contributed?
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
OldMetalHead comments on Apr 7, 2022:
I so enjoy reading the adventures of Evangelidiot. Quite a tribute to your daughter. Sorry for your loss.
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
LOL, would you like (???) me to suggest to him that he move over to become a neighbour of yours for a while and then we can both share his company, etc?
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 7, 2022:
All three! But even bare skin needs to be clean.
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@OldMetalHead Well, they make a BIG show, as I have most unfortunately found because I have been invited in ti his house to have a coffee with them both a number of times, of making certain that everyone gets to see the 3 bedrooms with beds already made and all neat and tidy and the unspoken innuendo seems to be something akin to " Liz sleeps in this bed when she stays here over night and I do the same when I stay at her house overnight." They must think that I came down in the last shower of rain for them to think that, shit, I've been around for 60+ years, I do know the facts of life and I am NO sheep so there is NO wool that can be pulled over my eyes.
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
BufftonBeotch comments on Apr 7, 2022:
I could not imagine anything I'd less rather do than go to church, especially with him.
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@Marionville I most certainly will and hopefully our Bail will not be all that expensive IF we even get arrested that is because we know that amongst our little "Congregation" that will be "enhancing" their Church Service will be a couple of Gay Fire Officers, a couple ( my friends btw,) of Lesbian Paramedics, 3 Transsexual Shop Assistants and 1 Bi-sexual Solicitor as well as the not so well known about pair of Gay Police Officers. I guess I'll be the only "straight" but supportive person in the whole danged mob come Sunday Evening then...LOL, but Who cares, most definitely NOT me.
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
Marionville comments on Apr 7, 2022:
Are you sure it’s not just him trying (and succeeding) in winding you up?
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@anglophone Yes he was and somehow they all died because, I think some naughty malevolent "spirit" sprayed them with a Herbicide. Can't blame the little 'spirit' can you, after they were "weed" and they were sprayed with a weed-killer.
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
anglophone comments on Apr 7, 2022:
You are an exceedingly cruel man. You know that forcing him to use his brain causes him immense agony. Stop it at once, I tell you!
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
May I take that as a well deserved and earned compliment then?
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
BufftonBeotch comments on Apr 7, 2022:
I could not imagine anything I'd less rather do than go to church, especially with him.
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@anglophone, @Marionville Okay, I'll 'fess up here and now, you've got me dead to rights. Last evening I was invited and went around to the home of another very good and extremely outspoken and daring, more DARING than me btw, of Atheist. We were discussing the up and coming Christfool Celebration of their Great Myth when I mentioned about Evangelidiot and his ridiculous attempt to tempt ME into attending Church with him. The smile that crossed her face IMMEDIATELY told both me and her partner, they are Lesbians btw, and I that she had just thought of something that would truly " stir the pot" so to speak. She started to tell us of her brainwave and the idea took hold immediately. Instead of joining Evangelidiot & his few rare "friends' for this Church thing, we are going to rouse up ALL the Gays and Lesbians in and around town, I am included even though I'm straight but considered to be a NOT Gay but good friend and companion, and WE, en-mass, are going to ATTEND this Church meeting on Easter Sunday, COMPLETE with the Rainbow Flags as well.
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
BufftonBeotch comments on Apr 7, 2022:
I could not imagine anything I'd less rather do than go to church, especially with him.
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
@anglophone I was thinking more like having Meatloaf singing " Bat Out Of Hell" at MAXIMUM volume and on continuous replay during the sermons.
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
Marionville comments on Apr 7, 2022:
Are you sure it’s not just him trying (and succeeding) in winding you up?
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
" Wind me up, " he'd be hard pressed in trying to wind up clock, trust me on that one PLEASE.
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
SnowyOwl comments on Apr 7, 2022:
The guy is as thick as two short planks, now you know how he came to be a believer.
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
Tell me something I did not already know. He has lived in the house next door for 10 years now, managed to either alienate or make complete enemies of at least 30-40% of the townspeople, has been ORDERED to LEAVE every Church, etc, excluding the " backyard" one that he now has re-joined because his friend (????) whom I have nicknamed Pope Paul, aka Paul Skelley, has invited him back to it. I seriously think and believe Skelley has discovered the monetary potential of Evangelidiot since Evangelidiot is now working, on the side and still claiming unemployment benefits btw, as a very poor example of a Wannabe Gardener and Tree Pruner.
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
Betty comments on Apr 7, 2022:
The tribute to your daughter is a very honorable one. The love you show is beautiful. :)
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
He tried the same invite bit about 6 years ago and was absolutely shocked when I told that I could NEVER attend those Pagan Rites as it would go against my Druidic Heritage.
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
NHjulie comments on Apr 7, 2022:
I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter but great reply.
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
Thank you.
Is he either Blind, Dumb as Rock, plain stupid or all 3 combined.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Apr 7, 2022:
All three! But even bare skin needs to be clean.
Triphid replies on Apr 7, 2022:
I usually shower twice per day, sometimes 3 IF I've been working in the gardens, etc, and I go through bars of soap at a rate that would astound most people because of, a) my number of daily showers and b) as a nurse we were trained to wash our hands at every chance we got AND after attending to EACH patient. Pity these God botherers don't heed the advice they so love to dish out to everyone, i.e. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, because he, if his Catholic Lady friend (???) is not around for a week or so, develops that unmistakable body odour of his and boy, oh boy is strong.


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