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Jebus H. Christ.
Triphid comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Christian condescension at its very best UNTIL the subject of the condescension responds/reacts then out comes the tired old Rhetoric of Persecution, Intolerance, etc, etc.
The Surprising Facts About Global Warming You Need To Know Global warming is one of the biggest ...
Triphid comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Not ONLY are humans driving themselves towards extinction at a rapidly increasing pace BUT the rest of the planet as well imo. We have caused it, WE must fix it.
U.S. Church Membership Falls Below Majority for First Time > []
Triphid comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Imo, WHEN it reaches Absolutely ZERO a shout of great joy and celebration WILL echo throughout the world for then human kind will truly become Free at last.
Heard this from a Southern California radio station.
Triphid comments on Mar 29, 2021:
The day when human kind stands up and tells the Politicians and Leaders that IF they want to have wars then THEY alone MUST do the fighting by themselves AND themselves ALONE, then and only then will humanity find true Peace imo.
Almost forty years since the passing of Karen Carpenter. []
Triphid comments on Mar 29, 2021:
So terribly sad to see such a young and talented life lost because of the shit that she copped from almost all sides right from the get go. Sleep well, Karen, you WILL always be remembered, not only for the music YOU brought into our lives but for truly wonderful and beautiful person you always were.
i'd like to see similar stuff on islam.. why is everyone mocking christianity only?
Triphid comments on Mar 28, 2021:
Well, imo, that would NEVER happen in Islam since Violence, Murder, Mayhem, etc, etc, are NOT frowned upon but encourage in the name of Allah and his Prophet, piss and pox be upon them both. in fact, imo, it would be the complete opposite with a Radical Muslim 'begging Allah and his prophet for forgiveness FOR not killing enough people, etc, etc.
Bigoted Christian Pastor Commands the “Spirit of Homosexuality” to Leave Kids | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 28, 2021:
" Get thee gone, Oh most foulest of Spirits for thou art teaching MY Altar Boys to seeketh love from those other than I, thou art robbing me of mine pleasures, for that I admonish you and expel you."
WV GOP Lawmaker Defends Anti-Trans Bill: “My God Does Not Make a Mistake” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 28, 2021:
No, Sky Daddy makes NO mistakes really, BUT when he/she/it does screw up they just get called Christians.....LOL.
Pagan Employee Sues Panera Bread Citing Religious Discrimination by Her Managers | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Here's hoping Show gets shown the door and the Company gets hit with a MASSIVE Compensation Pay-out Bill as well.
Were all used to shitting on religion and its negative effects on society, but what about its ...
Triphid comments on Mar 27, 2021:
So, given that then ANY and ALL Monetary Debts accrued by Israel or ANY other Country from the World Monetary Fund should be AUTOMATICALLY canceled/made Null and Void after 7 years have passed?
Do you like dark comedy?
Triphid comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Now that couldn't get any closer to reality where Catholic Priests are concerned even IF you tried imo.
Fighting against Racism or For Political Correctness, etc,
Triphid comments on Mar 27, 2021:
@ZantiMisfit, may one asks as to why you elected to vote for A & C? As I kind of see it, the biggest beneficiaries of these things ARE the Medias/Media Barons, followed as very Second by the Agitators with the C), the people on the ground reaping little or no TRUE benefits at all.
Education vs indoctrination. []
Triphid comments on Mar 27, 2021:
In my most honest opinion, we have gone from a time where our children once were able to listen to their Teachers at School AND their parents as well to where now our Children seemingly dismiss ANYTHING their parents TRY to explain to them by simply saying " My Teacher/s told me this is RIGHT, so you MUST be wrong." For the first 4-5 of the formative years of child's life the parents, for the most part, are the sole influences upon the shaping of the mind of the child. But now, it IS whole different story in that, imo, in many cases Teachers seem to have usurped the parental roles almost completely and seem, imo, to be bent upon 'creating' pre- programmed style robotic children, ready to be sent out in to the world to further the agendas of the Teachers.
Capitol Riot Suspect to Judge: I Don’t Need a GPS Monitor Because I’m Christian | Hemant Mehta |...
Triphid comments on Mar 27, 2021:
No, not a GPS Monitor, imo, a Full Frontal Lobe Transplant combined with a few decent slaps across the back of the head with a cast-iron skillet may well be beneficial in the long term though.
Christian Mom: Pantene Pro-V “Glamorizes the LGBTQ Lifestyle” With Its New Ad | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Monica, Shit For Brains, Cole is back on her Hobby-horse once again I see. The "Lone De-ranger" of Christian bigotry rides once again, armed with her Semi-Automatic, biblical verse firing God 45's in their hip holsters ready to deal "Christianity to the world."
Pastor: I’m Holding Services Because I Have Machines That Shoot Down Viruses | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 27, 2021:
What a joke and utter imbecile that Rodney Howard-Browne is, 13 Virus Killing Machines? What are they, Jeebus Chrust and the 12 Impossibles perhaps? Maybe, just maybe, IF he'd spent less of the tithes on his personal luxuries and MORE on keeping in good with Sky Daddy then he may well gotten 15 instead of 13, the whole gambit of Sky Daddy, the Holey Spirit, Jeebus Chrust PLUS the 12 impossibles.
Christian Defends Name of Robert E.
Triphid comments on Mar 26, 2021:
According to the "original" transcript of the New Testament as decided upon at the Council Of Nicaea in 325 C.E. This mythological Jesus condemned, Money-Changers, Eating of Shellfish and animals with Cloven hooves, Women for being 'unpure' whilst having their periods, Women who 'dared' to enter Synagogues and sit amongst the men, NOT being demure and Servile enough, attempting to USURP the Roles of the Men, The Priests, the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin for Blasphemy, Usury and Idolatry, and many, many more other things as well. He CONDONED Slavery, Misogyny, Racism and quite a few abhorrent things as well, INCLUDING the Taking of Child Brides.
Tennessee GOP Lawmaker’s Bill Would Ban School Textbooks with Any LGBTQ Content | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 26, 2021:
Well, kind of makes one think that they are scared someone may finally figure out that, perhaps, their beloved Jeebus Chrust may just have been either Gay or Bi-sexual after all. I mean a BLOKE wanders around the country-side with 12 other males only, sleeps everywhere with them, then along comes a woman, Jeebus finds her 'interesting' and a number of the blokes start getting quite jealous of her. To me, something in that story in the Goat-herders Guide to Everything smells quite fishy, to say the least, and it is DEFINITELY NOT coming from the baskets of loaves and fishes either.
After Exposing a Proselytizing Teacher, an Atheist and His Child Are on the Run | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 26, 2021:
WHAT the Blazes, can't speak out against religiosity in the U.S. these days WITHOUT being threatened for doing so? Come over here you deluded, deranged God-mobsters, we WILL soon sort you out and you can BANK on that for certain.
Catholic church opposed suicide hotline because it included support for LGBTQ people / LGBTQ Nation
Triphid comments on Mar 26, 2021:
Though to some this may sound to be cold, uncaring, etc, etc, it is most definitely NOT meant to be. BUT, just maybe, this is because these 'happy little cross-dressing' Priests of the Church of Universal Paedophilia are suffering from a very deep seated form of Jealousy brought on by what they perceive as being caused by those in the LGBTQI Communities who find great pleasure and enjoyment in and from Role Reversal by wearing attire from the genders of which is the complete opposite to their own. I mean, in the mind of these Catholic Priests, it would be 100% wrong to have other OUTSIDERS compete against them for the Title of being THE Best Cross-Dressers in the Universe, wouldn't it? LOL. As a semi-retired yet still practicing Psychologist and Crisis Counselor, I make NOT distinct what-so-ever when it comes to a Patient/Client needing my help, etc, be they LGBTQI or whatever, I AM there to help them as best I possibly can SO, WHY, in the name of ALL things Reasonable, Humanitarian and Decency MUST the Catholic Church be so bloody-minded, Bigoted, Self-Righteous and out-right Discriminatory?
Who knew there was a lazy way to shuck pistachio nuts?
Triphid comments on Mar 26, 2021:
Aw, shucks....LOL.
Just announced yet another 3 week layoff due to semi conductor parts shortage.
Triphid comments on Mar 26, 2021:
A 3 week lay-off with NO pay, I presume, and you're cheering?
Happy "Live long and prosper" day.
Triphid comments on Mar 26, 2021:
Nice idea, but I prefer "Live long and Apostatize" though.
Okay and just for the sheer hell of it.
Triphid comments on Mar 25, 2021:
Lol, the THEME song of the Mythological Heaven that I would suggest should be, "Slipping and a Sliding" given that overbalancing may well be the order of the day....LOL.
Atheists and believers have different moral compasses | Live Science
Triphid comments on Mar 25, 2021:
If you ask me, then I'd say that Atheists, Agnostics, Non-Believers and the like derive their 'Moral Compass' from Compassion, Sympathy, Empathy, etc, towards others PLUS from instinctually knowing right from wrong rather that, as it seems to be, quite patently imo, as with the Believers it is IMPOSED upon them solely by the Belief System/s that they elect to follow. For example, Christians follow the so-called 'teachings' of their holy book rather than, imo, listening to their conscience/s. Though having said that, ever so many so-called 'Moral' Christians seem to have a case of 'Convenient Amnesia' when it comes to obeying the Commandments written in their holy book, don't they?
Pagan Employee Sues Panera Bread Citing Religious Discrimination by Her Managers | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 25, 2021:
WTF, Religiosity, Discrimination and Bigotry are again infecting the workplaces in America. Had it been me, as I did way back in my years as a Nurse, I'd have told that nosy bitch of a Boss to " shove her religion and her job deeply and most firmly where the sun never reaches." Mind you, I got to keep my job at that Hospital BUT the Head of Nursing got the 'boot' shortly after the C.E.O. heard about it all.
Will Suing the Mormon Church for Fraud Work?
Triphid comments on Mar 25, 2021:
" !00 BILLION for the coming of Christ," what for, is He going demand his back-pay or something? Bloody Nora, 2,000 years of being AWOL and HE wants still wants his back-wages? Don't most Service personal in the Armed Forces, when caught after being AWOL, get a Prison Sentence at the very least AND NO back-pay at all?
Penises are shrinking because of pollution warns scientists []
Triphid comments on Mar 25, 2021:
Oops, well that does not count when it comes to young Henry, my 7 year old nephew so it seems. Even as a new-born it was very, very obvious that he IS well endowed, either that or he has the trunk of a Baby Elephant where his penis should have been.
Christian Mommy Blogger: In the ’70s, Moms Stayed at Home and Life Was “Simpler” | Beth ...
Triphid comments on Mar 25, 2021:
Will someone, anyone PLEASE ring the Men in White coats, tell them to bring along a Strait jacket and a Tranquilizer gun, ANOTHER Looney-tune has escaped from the Nut-house and the squirrels have begun hibernating for the coming winter.
Physicists Think They’ve Spotted the Ghosts of Black Holes from Another Universe
Triphid comments on Mar 25, 2021:
Though I most definitely am an rank Amateur at Cosmology, etc, I hypothesized this many many moons ago and was laughed at. My Hypothesis went something like this, " Could not these 'Black Holes' merely be the manner by which the Universe/s recycle each other just as does,for example, a basic Electrical Circuit, the Water Cycle in Nature, the Cycle of Birth, Life, Death and Decay, etc, etc, since Nothing in Nature is either wasted nor Destroyed, instead it merely alters form in one way or another."
"He's dead wrong": Dr.
Triphid comments on Mar 25, 2021:
WFT is wrong with this Rand Paul idiot? Has he NEVER heard that " An ounce of Prevention is worth a pound of Cure"? Does HE wash his hands after taking a piss? Does HE wash his hands after dropping a Turd and wiping his Arse? Make you think about his Health Values in relation to others, does it not? Does Rand Paul sport/show a Medical Degree by any chance? It takes YEARS to train and become a Doctor, ALL it REALLY it takes money and VOTES to become a Politician or a Senator.
One of the more difficult aspects of being an atheist, at least from an outsider’s perspective, is...
Triphid comments on Mar 24, 2021:
Well now, the TRUTH of the matter is that we are ALL conceived, IF we are lucky we are born alive, we grow up, we age and then we die. Sadly some will succumb to Illnesses, cancers, accidents, murders, etc, etc, but STILL Death stalks and takes us all eventually. I HAVE lost ones very very dear to me, grief and grieving ARE a part of the Processes of LIfe and there IS NO escaping them at all. The living may comfort the living, but those who have/are suffered/suffering from the Loss MUST grieve in their own particular way that is as Individual to them as Day is to night. " Death is merely like it was before you were conceived, there was NOTHING, you knew NOTHING, You saw NOTHING, you heard nor Felt NOTHING, you WERE NOTHING." -William Anthony, 2020.
Pro-Israel think tank wants Progressives to adopt “Progressive Except Palestine”  
Triphid comments on Mar 24, 2021:
In my opinion, Fuck 'em, Fuck the lot of them, ISRAEL NEVER TRULY existed in ACTUAL FACT BEFORE the end of WWII. The word, "ISRAEL" in ACTUAL fact is derived from the term meaning " Those who wrestle/fight with or against their OWN God." ALL the rest IS complete and UTTER, Unmitigated BULLSHIT to the extreme.
Sex addiction fact check: Why so many young Christian men like the Atlanta shooter believe they’re...
Triphid comments on Mar 24, 2021:
Here we go, yet another, imo, piss poor excuse/alibi for Scum like him MURDERING Innocent people being put forward by his Lawyers ( Liars), etc, etc. I suppose the Lawyers, etc, suddenly realized that things like, " God told me to cleanse the world of sin and sinners," "the Devil made me do it," " He was toilet trained too early," " His parents were too harsh on him as child," " He was never given the toys he really wanted at Xmas/Birthdays," " He was bullied at School," : No-one ever REALLY understood him," " His Mummy stopped Breast-feeding him when he 4 years old," " He wet his bed," " He wanted a Skateboard but got a bicycle instead," " He had horrible chores like taking out the Trash as a child," or, the tired old argument of "Temporary Insanity" would NOT cut the Mustard in Court so they dreamed up this excuse instead. FFS, he IS a FUCKING Murderer,his religious up-bringing was the ROOT cause of his TRULY abhorrent actions, admit to it and get it over with imo.
What I say to men who ask, "What turns you on?" on dating websites.
Triphid comments on Mar 24, 2021:
Intelligent Conversation, a kind personality, acceptance of each other and the faults of each other, a genuinely cheerful smile, a good sense of humour that allows for each other to be themselves humour-wise ( especially since mine can often be quite Risque, Bawdy, etc, etc,) NOT seeing the other person as clay awaiting to be re-modeled AND NO religion/religious affiliations in particular.
Ark Encounter Ticket Sales Continued to Plummet in February Due to COVID-19 | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 24, 2021:
Aw, Hard Cheese, Tough Titties, Stiff Shit what a crying shame, NOT.
Article on Religous trauma []
Triphid comments on Mar 23, 2021:
And they ain't just whistling 'Dixie' either. I can safely and most honestly state that amongst my numerous Case Files as a Psychologist and Child-Youth Crisis Counselor I have well over 200+ plus cases and more that fit that situation. Thankfully, out of the 200+ cases, I have only lost 5 to suicides due to the Traumas, etc, imposed/created by Religions and Religious Zealotry, etc, etc. But each loss still stings and hurts me every single day,I often sit and think, re-think as to WHAT if anything I could have either differently or better to save such young lives from dying needlessly.
They should be shitting bricks
Triphid comments on Mar 23, 2021:
" Shitting bricks," more likely "Shaking like dogs shitting Razor-blades" imo.
Let us all laugh at religion! post something you find very funny about your previous belief system.
Triphid comments on Mar 23, 2021:
How about one OFF the Chrustian ( Christian) theme here. According to Islam, Mohammed, piss and pox be upon him, "jumps upon a Flying Horse and ascends to Paradise/Heaven." FFS, what did he do, go across to Ancient Greece, ask to 'borrow/hire' Pegasus?
13 commonalities that happy couples are likely to have. A few surprised me: []
Triphid comments on Mar 23, 2021:
I noted that the first 'article' came from the Brigham Young University. Is that the VERY same Brigham Young, co-founder of Mormonism by any chance?
Priest and Dominatrices Charged with Vandalism After Having Threesome in Church | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 22, 2021:
A kind of a twist to the song, " Knock, Knocking on Heaven's Door" perhaps...LOL. Maybe, just maybe, El Priesto was merely spreading a bit of his 'Holy Spirit' around with the ladies....LOL.
Here Are Some Helpful Tips for Coming Out as an Atheist | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos
Triphid comments on Mar 22, 2021:
My personal tips/preferences, 1) Tell it EXACTLY as it is, 2) IF they don't like it, then it IS their problem NOT yours to deal with, 3) Do NOT back down under ANY circumstances what-so-ever, stick to your guns always, 4) YOU have THROWN off the Chains and Shackles of Religious Enslavement, YOU are now FREE, remain FREE, you ARE no longer part of the Flocks of Sheeple, stay that way, 5) and MOST important of all, Do NOT allow the Sheeple to use their pressure/s to cause you to DOUBT either yourself or YOUR decision/s.
Anonymous No More, the Man Who Documents Pastors’ Expensive Sneakers Speaks Out | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 22, 2021:
The Christian Preachers versions of Emelda Marcos perhaps? What ever happened to " Angry was I because I had NO shoes UNTIL the day I met a man who had no Feet.' They spend THOUSANDS on Sneakers and think NOTHING of it when others are bereft of even the simplest of the necessities of life, TRUE, God-fearing, Kind, Loving Caring, Benevolent Christian my Aunt Fanny's arse they are.
The Searchers. - When You Walk In The Room...1964. [] I still love this one!
Triphid comments on Mar 22, 2021:
Stone the Crows, that takes me way, way back, I was only 10 years old when that one came out, as a kid I had to wait until the old Cheese had gone out for a while so I could 'commandeer' the radio and tune it on to the local Commercial Radio Station just so I could hear REAL music rather than the boring, dreary 'garbage' that was always being played on the National Australian Broadcasting Radio Station and those pseudo-middle class English voices of its Announcers. Thank the Stars that a few years later my Uncle gave me his old valve operated, radio in its nice wooden cabinet. I was SUPPOSED to convert the cabinet to a small bookcase BUT instead I decided to pug it in first and discovered the world of radio, modern music, etc, etc.
The scariest Dr Who ever - Blink []
Triphid comments on Mar 22, 2021:
Been a Dr. Who fan, sort of, since it first hit the television screens. Not so much of late since they cast Peter Capaldi in the Lead Role though, Capaldi, imo, couldn't hold a candle to either Matt Smith, Jon Pertwee or William Hartnell, they WERE the best Doctors ever. The "Weeping Angels" episodes were kind of okay imo, but no where near frightening or scary, give me the old mobile, talking 'Pepperpots' ( Daleks) any day.
Glacier Lilies. Which photo is better?
Triphid comments on Mar 22, 2021:
The one on the left, better detail imo.
I just killed a huge spider running across the floor with my shoe.
Triphid comments on Mar 21, 2021:
BUT, did you use Bug Spray or give it the 'Last Rites' by squashing it with the Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy? Personally, I find the 'Last Rites' method the best since, 1, the Goat-herders Guide is perfectly accurate when dropped upon any bug from a height of 2 - 4 feet directly above it, AND, 2, it IMMEDIATELY converts them to Christianity as well....LOL.
Is the evangelical view of sex at the root of our sex scandals?
Triphid comments on Mar 21, 2021:
So, correct me if I'm wrong here, BUT what they are attempting to put across is that Men are hard-wired to seek, want, desire sex almost continuously and WOMEN are the root cause of it. Women MUST take control of the urges endured by men, imo, Utter, Complete and Unmitigated BULLSHIT to the nth degree. Because it, imo, is like saying that the person using the footpath in a town/city a thousand + miles away IS responsible for how the driver of a vehicle the same distance away is driving, OR, Because someone flushed THEIR toilet in England then THEY alone caused a Flood to inundated a town/city/village in Asia or another country half a world away? Imo, the Misogynists running Religions ALWAYS seek to blame the women for their OWN Mis-deeds, Short-comings and Faults WHEN , in fact, it SHOULD be the other way around.
Look who got accepted by the University of Washington!
Triphid comments on Mar 21, 2021:
Well done and sincerest of Congratulations to you both.
In Deleted Sermon, Georgia Shooter’s Pastor Said “Radical Feminism” Was Satanic | Hemant ...
Triphid comments on Mar 21, 2021:
In my honest opinion, there are NO excuses, etc, for what he has done. And, imo, the Baptist Church is merely pulling a type of a Double Blind move here in that, A) Whilst they say Publicly that they are distancing themselves from him and his heinous crimes, B) Imo, they are, in actual fact, PRIVATELY supporting his actions, raising funds for his Defense in Court and, possibly, perceiving him as being a Martyr to the Evangelist/Baptist Cause as well.
Don’t Discount Evangelicalism as a Factor in Racist Murder of Asian Spa Workers in Georgia | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 21, 2021:
Grubb by name and a grub by nature imo. Personally speaking, I would NOT discount ANYTHING as being a FACTOR in his absolutely heinous crime/s, EXCEPT a Plea/s of Temporary Insanity which, btw, I fully EXPECT to be the mainstay and bases for his Defense in Court. Either that or the tired, worn out rhetoric/s of "God told me to rid the world of Sinners," or " The Devil got a hold of me and MADE me do it." Similarly, I have absolutely NO doubts that his fellow Evangelists are already 'passing around the hat' to raise funds for his Defense even though they may well be PRETENDING to be shocked/appalled by his criminal acts. He HAS committed MURDER, he IS a Murderer, he is NOT a Martyr to ANY Cause what-so-ever, there are NO excuses for what HE has committed PERIOD.
Let us all laugh at religion! post something you find very funny about your previous belief system.
Triphid comments on Mar 21, 2021:
Try this, the FIRST 3 (THREE) words printed in the Book of Genesis. " In the beginning..........." The 'beginning ' of WHAT exactly? Was it it Time? Was it the entire Universe? Or was it when this Omniscient Sky Daddy suddenly REALIZED that he/she/it had been hanging around in TOTAL Darkness and Utter Oblivion? Did this Omnipotent Sky Daddy suddenly REALIZE that he/she/it was bored shitless, etc, etc, and wanted to find out if a single spoken word could echo through the absolute nothingness surrounding him/her/it? How could something that, according to Believers, is " beyond ALL Time, Space and Matter," IS nothing solid but completely Ethereal actually expect to create a sound in a complete and utter vacuum WITHOUT vocal chords, a mouth or air to cause the vibrations that make up SOUND in the first place?
From way back in 1969....Tommy Roe. - Dizzy. []
Triphid comments on Mar 20, 2021:
Holy Moley, now that's an oldie for sure. Back when I was just 14 years old I got the chance to be "Guest Announcer" on our local A.M. Radio Station for 4 consecutive Saturday nights. That song WAS the most requested one we ever had.
Anyone else suffering catastrophe indifference?
Triphid comments on Mar 20, 2021:
Well as the poem goes, Australia IS the Land of Droughts and Flooding Rains. By why, in the name of all things logical and reasonable have they NOT figured out a way to RETAIN these flood waters rather than simply letting it ALL flow out sea?
“Prophetess”: St.
Triphid comments on Mar 20, 2021:
Makes me kind of wonder if her Anus ever gets jealous when her mouth keeps usurping its job all the time.
This “Very Catchy Song” (NOT) Is Meant to Turn You Into a Creationist | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Thanks for that mate, just when I WAS considering what have for lunch this comes along and spoils my appetite...LOL. But since Sky Daddy worked for 6 days then does that mean the Sky Daddy worked 24 hours for a whole 144 hours? If so is it any wonder he/she/it appears to be such an Anti-Unionist come Communist? Did God apply for Over-time rates....LOL. How come the SCRAWLER ( I won't use Writer as I see as being an INSULT to the REAL writers, etc, of this world btw) of this piece of unmitigated CRAPOLA forgot to mention that Mankind was 'created' on the 6th. day as well as the animals, etc, etc. How, also can light and darkness be created WITHOUT a source of Light to begin with, i.e. the Sun? I'd really enjoy hearing the explanations for this blatantly OBVIOUS Errors from the like of Ken, the Boneheaded, Ham and the Scrawler of this piece of drivel.
The Christian School That Banned Interracial Dating Also Hates the Equality Act | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Tell him and ALL his Ilk to "Go stick a Taper up his Arse and set himself alight."
Pastor: Coronavirus is God’s Punishment for Legalized Abortion and Gay Marriage | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Ah, so now such ailments, plagues, etc, are NOW off the hook and C-19 is the ONE and the ONLY then.
Let us all laugh at religion! post something you find very funny about your previous belief system.
Triphid comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Never actually had a Belief system as such BUT I can still find great humour in the Belief Systems of others though. So, where would you like me to start?
What Name Comes to Mind When You Think of Atheism?
Triphid comments on Mar 19, 2021:
May be a bit 'off topic here' but here goes anyway. According to the "original (LOL what a huge joke imo)" transcript of the Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy, Satan, a.k.a Lucifer ( from the Latin name Lucius btw meaning Bringer of Light) was cast down by God for the Sin of Giving Light, Reasoning and Self-awareness to Humans, the ONE thing God did NOT want humans to have. Keeping in mind that the ENTIRE Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy is nothing more than a plagiarized compendium of Myths and Legends then the Gift of Fire, Light and Self-awareness that caused Prometheus to condemned to being Chained to a cliff and having his liver and entrails pecked out EVERY day for Eternity and having them grow back again each and every night, then I say Hail unto Satan ( Lucifer) for YOU were and ALWAYS will be the First Atheist for you DEFIED and Stood against the Oppression of God.
Atheists Warn TN School District to Stop Promoting Christianity at Graduation | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Excellent move by the Atheist Community/Communities imo. PUBLIC Schools are places for the Learning of Facts, Truths, Reasoning and Logic NOT for purveying Superstitions, Bullshit, a.k.a Religious Twaddle.
How Will Pastors Grapple with the Georgia Spa Shooter’s Baptist Faith?
Triphid comments on Mar 19, 2021:
I'd say that FIRST on the list will be the most expensive Lawyer ( Liar) that money can buy, Second will be a Plea of Momentary Insanity POSSIBLY caused by misplaced religious fervour and then Third will be an earnest plea for clemency based on as much bullshit as they can dream up.
“Prophetess”: St.
Triphid comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Kat Kerr, sounds to me like her name should Kat Fur-ball because she really coughs a load....LOL.
The Secular Communities Survey
Triphid comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Done and dusted, unfortunately it was centred on the U.S. only.
The church of Facebook...
Triphid comments on Mar 18, 2021:
In my personal opinion, Zuckerberg sees himself as the God of Gods in relation to the Internet and his 'creation', a.k.a Suckerbook as his Personal Legions of Minions, Poor, Self-Deluded, Ego-centric, Megalomaniac that he is imo. Just like EVERY other Emperor there ever was, He too shall come a cropper sooner or later and the Bigger they are the HARDER they fall.
Quick comment on the WA election.
Triphid comments on Mar 18, 2021:
I wouldn't be so quick to 'write' off the ALP just yet. Yes, they have 'lost' their way of late, especially when they had Dills like Bill 'Shortonballs' Shorten, etc, running the show. But of late we've had the like of Tony, the Rabbit, Abbott, Malcolm, 'Malcontemptuous Turdball' Turnbull and Scott, 'Happy-Clappy, Jesus Chappy, tRump Rump Kissing,' Morrison all, imo, screwing the country up BIG time. As the saying goes, " You CAN only kick a dog when it is down for so long, then it WILL get up again and start biting back at you," so, imo, the REAL people of Australia are just about ready to bite back and bite bloody hard as well.
Got my first Moderna vaccination today, so I’m taking it easy.
Triphid comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Well done.
TX Paper Erases Son’s Husband from Mom’s Obituary: It’s “Contrary to God’s Word” | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Christian Bigotry and Discrimination are Alive and Thriving still in Texarse I see. Shame, Shame, Shame and Shame again upon the Olton Enterprise, its Publisher, Owner/s and its entire Staff imo.
These Religious Leaders Are Encouraging Their Congregations to Get Vaccinated | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Hmmm, is IT because these so-called Leaders are really interested in the lives of their Followers OR, is it, perhance, a method to ensure that the Followers will continue to live, attend services and continue to drop money into the Collection Plates, etc, etc? Call me suspicious if you will, but I have never seen Altruism and Religion going hand in hand imo.
Christian Nurses Who Won’t Perform Abortions Lose Lawsuit in European Court | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Sack them, de-license them and kick them out on their God-Bothering Arses.
Christian Nurses Who Won’t Perform Abortions Lose Lawsuit in European Court | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 17, 2021:
As was INSTILLED into us when I started my Training as a Nurse back in 1972. "Ladies and Gentleman, ( 22 women and 1 Male, Me btw,) from the moment you don your Uniform as a Nurse you WILL leave your Religious Beliefs and ALL of its trappings behind you for the ENTIRE length of EVERY Working Shift you do. You are HERE to Care for, Attend to the needs and Treatments, etc, as required and needed by the Patients and as those prescribed by the Doctors and the Rules and Regulations of both this Hospital, the Laws of the Land and the Florence Nightingale Oath which will you now take and adhere to."
Christian Tourist Attractions Are Struggling (Even Outside the Pandemic) | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Aw, so sad, too bad, I'm ever so GLAD.
A friend posted, thought some of you guys might appreciate:
Triphid comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Satan, " That gives me the perfect 300 you pathetic little Nobody so where's your Daddy Now?"
Early Christian Era buildings uncovered in Egypt.
Triphid comments on Mar 16, 2021:
You mean that THEY actually built something rather than tearing everything down as they did before?
Israeli experts announce discovery of more Dead Sea scrolls
Triphid comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Hmmm, it may be just me BUT religions are copping flak from all sides these days, people everywhere are up in arms over the Israeli treatments of the Palestinians and suddenly, Lo and Behold, up pops a new and miraculous find of MORE supposed Dead Sea Scrolls. It's an even money bet that these scraps WILL be placed in the same SEALED and Highly Secured Display Case as the others, no-one outside of Israel will be permitted to examine or test them for Authenticity, etc, etc, just as were the supposed other ' originals ' and the Shroud of Turin, etc, etc. Something smells kind of Fishy and it is NOT coming from Finland either imo.
Biden looks at hiking taxes on rich
Triphid comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Yeah tax the Rich and Wealthy more and lower the Taxes on those which the Workers, etc, are expected to pay. Imo, THAT is how any Economy SHOULD work.
Why is Earth so special that it is the only flat planet?
Triphid comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Has no-one bothered to inform the members of the Flat Earth Society that Dunlop in conjunction with Global Machinery Company between them fixed the problem. Dunlop made huge rubber patches and glued them over the leaks, Global Machinery Company built a truly massive Air Compressor and between them both THEY re-inflated the planet in December 2018. LOL.
Evangelist: Prophets Like Me Can “Call” Donald Trump Back Into the White House | Beth ...
Triphid comments on Mar 15, 2021:
So, WHY is he merely talking about it instead of getting out there and doing it to SHOW just much Divine Power he has been granted by Sky Daddy? Oh, sorry, I forgot, he's just like a Barber's cat, full of wind and piss and NOTHING else.
The Catholic Church Wants to Remind You That God Thinks Gay Marriages Are Gross | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 15, 2021:
So, having the Exalted Founder of their System of Belief, Jesus, wandering around the country-side ACCOMPANIED by 12 other MALES, sleeping together in the ditches and by road-sides, hold a Men only Feast night, etc, etc, is quite moral and fits well with the ' natural law of things? ' Then along comes some woman, Jesus discovers that he is REALLY Bi-sexual and his best 'Buddy, ' Peter gets all uppity over this woman moving in on his territory. But, according to Catholicism, that's quite within the ' Natural Law of Things,' makes a whole of sense to me NOT.
In Lawsuit, Teen Claims Catholic Priest “Drugged and Raped” Him When He Was 8 | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Imo, something very drastic needs to be done, desperately, to bring a complete and UTTER stop to these vile, disgusting violations of children by members, etc, of the the Religious Clergy ONCE and for ALL time.
Good morning to all of you.
Triphid comments on Mar 15, 2021:
And a very Good Morning to one and all from me as well.
Here’s a Brainwashed Child Speaking in Tongues at a Recent Christian Conference | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 15, 2021:
LOL, beware, be VERY aware, your babies, your little Ankle-biters once their brain learns to control their vocal cords WILL begin to speak in tongues, the Holy Spirit has then entered them, exorcise these ' possessed ' babies and Ankle-biters immediately by educating them to be Atheists, otherwise WE WILL be over-run with incoherent, babbling little Chrustians....LOL.
This Christian Preacher Insists That Dinosaurs in the Bible Are Actually Satan | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Has anyone alerted the Staff at the Looney Bin that one of their resident nut-jobs is on the loose again?
Religious people tend to begin with their conclusions, then work backwards looking for arguments ...
Triphid comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Oh yeah, Ken Ham and his idea that humans lived with Dinosaurs, what a frigging joke. Imagine Ogg the Neanderthal man armed with primitive stone ax taking on something with the armour like plates of a Steg or the speed and sharp claws of Raptor or a very hungry T-Rex ? Poor old Ogg would've shit himself so much that just single step and he'd be a canape for the T-Rex, an appetiser for the Raptor or a ' tail ornamen t' for the Steg at the very least. Such a pity for Ken Ham (NOT) that roughly 65 MILLION Years separate Modern Humans from the Dinosaurs. A darn shame that "Jurassic Park" was just fiction, otherwise we could get Ken Ham to demonstrate LIVE on World-wide Television how Noah managed to live, build the Ark and carry dinosaurs on something smaller than the RMS Titanic or even how humans could hunt dinosaurs and survive to eat them rather than end up Dino-turds or human toe-jam on the foot of a Brachiosaur. I, for one, would pay money to see him do that.
This works for both politics and religion
Triphid comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Ask ANY Believer you like and they will usually tell the same thing, " We have that Right BECAUSE OUR God, the One, the Only and the True God gave us that Right." In EVER so many ways, but with a slightly ' different ' ideology/ concept attached the same/similar applies to and with Politics and politicians imo.
"Follow your ancestors!" That's a tricky statement. Which ancestors?
Triphid comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Speaking here for myself, as ONLY anyone of us Truly can, I tend to think that the adage of " Following your Ancestors" means/relates to " taking note and listening to the Instinctive Moral and Ethical codes that have passed down from Generation to Generation" when it comes down to Humans in particular. Since, imo, the MAIN Driving Force/Impetus behind Human kind has ALWAYS been to ENSURE the survival of EACH generation by nurturing and protecting each other as either a Family Group, Clan, Tribe, Community or what ever else it may be.
Is science undermining religion ?
Triphid comments on Mar 14, 2021:
SCIENCE - asks the Question first, then sets about FINDING the Answers BUT is ALWAYS open to revision, questioning, etc, etc but never ever simply closes the book on either the Questions nor the Answers. Whereas, imo, on the OTHER hand, RELIGION - STATES it has the Answers but flatly REFUSES to be Questioned or ITS Answers Examined. Science is NOT, imo, 'undermining' Religion, it merely seeks out the Truth , the Facts and the Evidences that are at hand and present UNTIL further questions, etc, CAUSE it to seek further Information, Facts and Evidences that may or not not correlate or disagree with the first proposed Hypotheses. For example, Christianity and ALL Abrahamic based beliefs STATE that Man was ' created ' by God from a handful of dust and dirt, then Eve was ' created ' from ' a bone ( rib) taken from Adam by God WHO could ONLY ' create man from dust and dirt.' To my mind, this begs the questions, Why could his God ONLY ' create ' a Male of the species from common dirt, etc, and NOT do exactly the same when ' creating ' the FEmale of the exact same species? Was it ONLY a Human being that this God could manage to ' create ' from dust and dirt, How did the myriad of Fauna and Flora come into being then? Genetically, Human Males carry within EVERY cell of their bodies the X and the Y Chromosomes, conversely, Human Females carry within EVERY cell of their bodies ONLY 2 (TWO) X Chromosomes, at conception either an X Chromosome combines with a Y Chromosome and produces a MALE Offspring or X combines with another X Chromosome and produces a Female Offspring. Therefore, Adam ONLY carrying the X, Y Chromosome Combination COULD ONLY ever had lead, logically, to EVE becoming a Cloned Male of Adam thus making it ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE for the pair to breed and produce Off-spring. UNLESS of course, and that is a Cosmos sized UNLESS btw, this Abrahamic God was the VERY FIRST GENETIC Scientist and Gene Manipulator.
Some interesting facts about bacteria and microbes, especially now it’s becoming more known that ...
Triphid comments on Mar 14, 2021:
You'd be surprised at how many different species/types, etc, of microbes, bacteria, etc, etc, inhabit the Human body, both internally and externally. Some are good, some are just so-so, some are bloody nasty little buggers.
I’ve had a great birthday, thanks for all the good wishes, it is now bedtime and I’m going to ...
Triphid comments on Mar 14, 2021:
May be a wee tad late here, my best wishes, etc, for your Birthday and may you have many, many more to come as well.
Too Late For Goodbyes, performed live in 1985 by Julian Lennon.
Triphid comments on Mar 13, 2021:
Ah, Julian Lennon, what a voice, what a person. Lorrae and I had the Great Pleasure and Honour of meeting him in person and attending his concert in Adelaide in 2000. He autographed and gave us a copy of his c.d. Album " Help Yourself" at the After Concert Party. The very next day, he turned up totally unexpectedly and unannounced at Ronald McDonald House where we had been staying for the last 6 months, met everyone there, including a whole of Mums who almost 'fainted' and the kids staying there, he sang a few songs, gave all the kids, Mums and the Staff a hug and a kiss on the cheek before he left with a few tears running down his cheeks as well.
If the human population held hands around the equator.
Triphid comments on Mar 13, 2021:
Hey, that sounds like a great idea. We could have all the Agnostics, Atheist, Sceptics, etc, stay on dry land and have all the religious Faithfools stand on the water to PROVE that their Super Idol could actually do what he was claimed to able to do. LOL.
Well none of the ladies on this site who I've messaged have replied back.
Triphid comments on Mar 13, 2021:
"CAN you hear what I hear,,,,,?" Yes , it IS the sound of the world's SMALLEST violin playing just for you.
Oklahoma House Passes Bill To Give Immunity To Drivers Who Hit Protesters | HuffPost
Triphid comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Q. What do you get when ALL Politicians in Oklahoma stand shoulder to shoulder, side by side in a straight line? A. A Wind-tunnel.
Oklahoma House Passes Bill To Give Immunity To Drivers Who Hit Protesters | HuffPost
Triphid comments on Mar 12, 2021:
"Oklahoma, where in the Legislature, the winds blow freely 'twit their ears, the Crap lies thick upon the floors.........." Apologies to the Writers of the ORIGINAL tune btw.
Christian Death-Cult Leader: Everyone Should Avoid “So-Called ‘Vaccines'” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 12, 2021:
So sorry to burst your tiny little 'bubble' here Mat Staver BUT PAEDOPHILIA starts with the letter 'P,' EXACTLY the same letter as does "Paedo-Priest," a concept and BEHAVIOUR that is both FOUL, Disgusting, Abhorrent, Criminal, Revolting, Immoral, Unethical, Inhumane, etc, etc, and is found to be very RAMPANT amongst those of your ilk btw.
Christian Death-Cult Leader: Everyone Should Avoid “So-Called ‘Vaccines'” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Oh, goody, goody, may they ALL listen to him and obey his words of wisdom (LOL), then, perhaps, the Great Rapture will TRULY happen and the planet will be CLEANSED of the Biggest Pestilence it has EVER experienced at last.
A good read.... []
Triphid comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Yes, I agree and as History has shown very clearly " ALL Great Nations/Empires will eventually collapse under their weight, arrogance, stupidity, etc, etc." One, imo, ONLY needs to take a good look with an OPEN mind at the Roman Empire, the once British Empire, the once Spanish Empire or any other of those 'Empires.' Each and every one of them sowed the seeds of their OWN destruction almost from the word go and the U.S. has done nothing different, whether Americans choose to believe it or not, their Nation is crumbling from the inside outwards just as did the Soviet Union ( read Empire), the British Empire, etc, etc. Piece by piece they all collapsed and the U.S. is, and will be, no different.
Oklahoma House Passes Bill To Give Immunity To Drivers Who Hit Protesters | HuffPost
Triphid comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Sorry to sounds so cynical, blunt, uncaring, etc, etc, BUT it makes me wonder WHY Corona Virus EVEN bothered to go into the U.S. in the first place. After all is truly said and done, the Americans were doing really fine at wiping themselves OFF the map long before Corona virus went there imo.
My religion is Potterism.
Triphid comments on Mar 12, 2021:
LOL, I'd have to say that IF I needed any kind of a God then mine would have to be the GREAT White Ceramic God who sits quietly and sedately in my Bathroom, accepts my daily 'offerings' without complaint and is ALWAYS there when ever I need him to be there, be it urgently or otherwise. All HAIL GEORGE, the Great, Wonderful, Patient and Readily Accepting Ceramic God of EVERY household and Public Restroom.
I saw a post circulating on WhatsApp groups.
Triphid comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Yeah right, thank the Invisible, Imaginary Sky Daddy that has never existed WHEN you should showing YOUR appreciation to those who really have done their damnedest to TRY to keep EVERYONE alive, the Health Workers, Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, etc, etc, AND your own sensibility for wearing masks, social distancing yourself, limiting your outside of home travels, etc, etc and, imo, PISS on tRump and his GOP at every possible opportunity. As for me, I'm appreciative to the maximum of those "Front-line Workers" who have been there for over a year now, I'm glad that where I live is a pretty much isolated town, separated by hundreds of miles from the Big Cities where C.19 has wrought its havoc.


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