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I am pretty chill about most things, but if you bring the cleaner Fabuloso into my house you are ...
BitFlipper comments on Mar 24, 2022:
Tobacco smoke.
Triphid replies on Mar 27, 2022:
@BitFlipper I restarted smoking when my 15 year old daughter was diagnosed with Mature B Cell Lymphoma in February, 2000. Lost her to almost a year later, went through every gambit of the grieving processes, etc, etc, and from there the rate of consumption of tobacco increased and increased until it was, up until approx. 1 year ago, costing me between $ 250 and $ 300 + per fortnight from my pension just to smoke. For example, a pack of ready cut, ready to roll tobacco, 25 grams in weight was costing me approx. $30 each and I was buying an average of 4 packets per fortnight plus rolling papers and filters, etc, and a fortnightly " luxury" of a pack of 50 Tailor made ciggies as well
Aw, the " flying, or should say "falling", Faithfool has been released from the hospital and has ...
Jolanta comments on Mar 27, 2022:
Why did you not inform him that you are god?
Triphid replies on Mar 27, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend Hmm, you have given me a seed of an idea there. Might just borrow an invention of a good friends, a device that not only alters the voice patterns but seems to 'project' the voice from any specific point/s desired up to 40 feet away from the source. Used the earlier prototype on Evangelidiot a while back but he seemed to have forgotten his "promise" to the disembodied voice of God that he would go out in to the deserts of Australia and set up a Ministry out there to bring the words of God to all living things in the lands of Australia. A small but gentle reminder of that 'promise' could well be in order here I think.
Aw, the " flying, or should say "falling", Faithfool has been released from the hospital and has ...
SnowyOwl comments on Mar 27, 2022:
Atheist Guardian Angels, they live among us. :D
Triphid replies on Mar 27, 2022:
Nope, just a trained nurse and qualified Paramedic but now retired nurse, that is all.
There you have it - Facts about Christians in the UK Q: What are the most shocking facts about ...
Triphid comments on Mar 26, 2022:
As I have asked many a Preacher time and time again and NEVER have gotten even the merest hint or iota of an answer, " What precise and exact language did this Great, Omnipotent, etc, etc, God of the Universe and Everything in it SPEAK, was it Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Egyptian, etc, etc, ...
Triphid replies on Mar 27, 2022:
@GrooshStar May I suggest that next time you get that answer ask them where exactly can the Universal Translator be found that God uses to implant his words in his language in to minds of humans.
There you have it - Facts about Christians in the UK Q: What are the most shocking facts about ...
Triphid comments on Mar 26, 2022:
As I have asked many a Preacher time and time again and NEVER have gotten even the merest hint or iota of an answer, " What precise and exact language did this Great, Omnipotent, etc, etc, God of the Universe and Everything in it SPEAK, was it Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Egyptian, etc, etc, ...
Triphid replies on Mar 27, 2022:
@Betty I was actually EXPELLED from Sunday Schools, all of the ones in my home-town btw, before my 9th. Birthday because I asked questions, not difficult ones, just ones that required the respondent to think and then answer honestly and openly. Like the ne that I remember most of all, I DARED to ask a Presbyterian Minister, Who was the Doctor who helped deliver the babies that Adam and Eve had?
There you have it - Facts about Christians in the UK Q: What are the most shocking facts about ...
Triphid comments on Mar 26, 2022:
Oh look, the Chief God-mobster is checking the quality of the "Plonk and Biscuits" again...LOL.
Triphid replies on Mar 27, 2022:
@Betty Plonk, an Aussie term applied to any and all NASTY and cheap forms of liquor, ergo, Communion wine begin "Plonk."
There you have it - Facts about Christians in the UK Q: What are the most shocking facts about ...
xenoview comments on Mar 26, 2022:
What is the percentage of Atheist in the UK? Why are those priest in doubt still religious?
Triphid replies on Mar 27, 2022:
The answer, imo, is quite simple, " When you are on a Good thing, stick to it." And what better life-style can one get except spreading bullshit ( words of religion that is) maybe 1 or 2 days per week, living in a rent free house, paying no Utility bills, a Guaranteed Tax Free Income and an also Guaranteed Pension at the end of it, all your medical expenses, funeral costs, etc, etc, are TOTALLY covered and the Sheeple will go out t5heir way to do anything for you as well."
There you have it - Facts about Christians in the UK Q: What are the most shocking facts about ...
skado comments on Mar 26, 2022:
This is not any kind of scandal. Plenty of priests understand that the point of religion is not belief, but practice. It doesn’t make them fake priests - it makes them authentic priests. (I’m sure the fakes exist too, but they probably lied on the survey.)
Triphid replies on Mar 27, 2022:
Oh REALLY so you tell us, Oh Great and Most Insightful @skado, can you actually exhibit such supportive PROOF to corroborate your assertion please, I am awaiting you to do so BUT, given past experiences with you and your past histories regarding such assertions/comments, etc, etc, then I shall most definitely NOT be holding my breath in anticipation of ANY kind of response for you.
Aw, the " flying, or should say "falling", Faithfool has been released from the hospital and has ...
Jolanta comments on Mar 27, 2022:
Why did you not inform him that you are god?
Triphid replies on Mar 27, 2022:
Oh please, why would any sane person want to do that and have a complete Faithfoool idiot think that you are God and worshipping at your feet every second of every hour of every day?
Oh some people are truly dumb imo.
JackPedigo comments on Mar 26, 2022:
I sometimes wash my solar panels but as I too have a metal roof it doesn't take a genius to know you don't get on it while wet. Luckily the panels are fairly low so a spray from the hose and a loong brush from the deck suffices.
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
@JackPedigo Ah but even rain these day is quite polluted at best, is it not, and who knows for absolute certainty what chemicals, etc, etc, have become dissolved in the water coming from ANY Well or other sub-surface water sources in this day and age?
There you have it - Facts about Christians in the UK Q: What are the most shocking facts about ...
Triphid comments on Mar 26, 2022:
Oh look, the Chief God-mobster is checking the quality of the "Plonk and Biscuits" again...LOL.
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
@waitingforgodo More like, considering that I AM an Aussie, the "Plonk" begin an Aussie slang term for anything resembling a cheap and nasty alcoholic product.
There you have it - Facts about Christians in the UK Q: What are the most shocking facts about ...
Triphid comments on Mar 26, 2022:
As I have asked many a Preacher time and time again and NEVER have gotten even the merest hint or iota of an answer, " What precise and exact language did this Great, Omnipotent, etc, etc, God of the Universe and Everything in it SPEAK, was it Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Egyptian, etc, etc, ...
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
@Betty Hmm. IF that be so then how is then that Ministers of Religion have such glib and lying tongues then? You'd think, would you not, that their conscience (aka the voice of god)would be loudest, the strongest and most undeniable of all, would you not?
There you have it - Facts about Christians in the UK Q: What are the most shocking facts about ...
Triphid comments on Mar 26, 2022:
As I have asked many a Preacher time and time again and NEVER have gotten even the merest hint or iota of an answer, " What precise and exact language did this Great, Omnipotent, etc, etc, God of the Universe and Everything in it SPEAK, was it Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Egyptian, etc, etc, ...
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
@Betty, @GrooshStar, IF, and that is a very big IF btw, you ask a Preacher you will be told that God speaks to you through YOUR mind and not by the sound of a voice because we humans are unable to actually hear God because we are too flawed and simple. Now, taking that from point of view of a Psychologist I'd say that " Hearing voices in your head are a possible and probable sign/symptom of a mental or psychological imbalance or even, unfortunately a brain tumour."
Oh some people are truly dumb imo.
Betty comments on Mar 26, 2022:
This is funny and sad at the same time. Although it is difficult not to laugh at someones stupidity, it's not funny that he was hurt enough to go to the hospital. The one bright spot barring any broken bones will be that he will be too sore to bother anyone for a while thus giving you a respite ...
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
@Betty Well consider he cleaned them using wire wool scrubbers and who now what type/kind of cleaning solution I'd hazard a guess to say that their efficiency has now dropped by at least 10-15 or more percent of what they would have without his unwanted "cleaning attentions."
Oh some people are truly dumb imo.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 26, 2022:
This reminds me of a particularly inept ASM attached to one of the theater companies I worked with as a young man, I can't recall his actual name but we all called him Wolfie (because he was howling mad). During one show the dry ice machine began leaking warm water from a cracked basin and so the ...
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
@LenHazell53 No, in fact he survived until well after he reached retirement age.
Oh some people are truly dumb imo.
LenHazell53 comments on Mar 26, 2022:
This reminds me of a particularly inept ASM attached to one of the theater companies I worked with as a young man, I can't recall his actual name but we all called him Wolfie (because he was howling mad). During one show the dry ice machine began leaking warm water from a cracked basin and so the ...
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
Sounds a wee bit like a Fitters' Assistant we once had on the Railways here. His " method" for ensuring his car started first time every winters morning or freezing cold night at finishing time of midnight was to do the following, a) Lift the bonnet, b) reach in to the boot ( luggage compartment of the car), REMOVE an L.P. Gas operated blow-torch like device, c) ignite said device, then hold it over the fuel lines and carbie until warm then sit in the car and turn the ignition key. And he WONDERED why EVERYONE would make absolutely certain that they were a minimum of at least 200 yards away from him and his vehicle.
Oh some people are truly dumb imo.
JackPedigo comments on Mar 26, 2022:
I sometimes wash my solar panels but as I too have a metal roof it doesn't take a genius to know you don't get on it while wet. Luckily the panels are fairly low so a spray from the hose and a loong brush from the deck suffices.
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
Well, as I have very little idea as to what these solar panels manufactured over your way are coated with then even the contamination from residual amounts of chlorine, etc,, in your water supply may well be building up on them over time but, on the other hand, a good shower of rain will usually wash that layer loose any way. However, after the last 10 years of having "Mr. I know Everything because I read the Bible, I am a qualified Stone Mason but have no certification, I know how to use an Electric Arc Welder because I watched my father use one, etc, etc, etc," IF I had solar panels installed upon my roof then I would most CERTAINLY leave the regular cleansing of them to those trained in doing so. After all, that would be the logical thing to do would it not?
Oh some people are truly dumb imo.
Betty comments on Mar 26, 2022:
This is funny and sad at the same time. Although it is difficult not to laugh at someones stupidity, it's not funny that he was hurt enough to go to the hospital. The one bright spot barring any broken bones will be that he will be too sore to bother anyone for a while thus giving you a respite ...
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
I live in hopes even if I should die in despairs.
Hillsong Atlanta Pastor Resigns in Wake of Scandals with Mega Church
KKGator comments on Mar 25, 2022:
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
And unto that I shall add " Too bad, so sad, Geez Louise I'm ever so glad."
Oh some people are truly dumb imo.
CuddyCruiser comments on Mar 25, 2022:
Good for him. As long as he didn’t hurt anyone else but himself he could die for all I care.
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
@anglophone Can I pass that request/suggestion on to her then...LOL.
Oh some people are truly dumb imo.
anglophone comments on Mar 25, 2022:
That man is definitely a menace to himself.
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
@anglophone Speaking of which, late yesterday he AGREED 100% to my quotation for me to build him a proper antenna mast for his TV antenna AND I will be PAID at my rates for my time and efforts, not his cheap-arsed ones. Just 1 quick question keeps lingering in my mind and that being, should I be honest and telling that I can solve his reception problems by just fitting an ordinary out-door antenna or should I go ahead and let him waste his mothers money when he does not need to to?
Oh some people are truly dumb imo.
Jolanta comments on Mar 25, 2022:
I am surprised that he has been able to survive to adulthood.
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
You are NOT the only one who has pondered deeply upon that very question btw.
Oh some people are truly dumb imo.
CuddyCruiser comments on Mar 25, 2022:
Good for him. As long as he didn’t hurt anyone else but himself he could die for all I care.
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
@anglophone Would like me to see if I can convince him to become your permanent neighbour perhaps....LOL.
Oh some people are truly dumb imo.
Budgie comments on Mar 25, 2022:
And he will get home to find out that he has destroyed his solar panels.
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
Precisely, and because he knows better than the manufactures, which, btw, he frequently tells everyone and anyone whether they have asked him or not, of course.
Oh some people are truly dumb imo.
OldMetalHead comments on Mar 26, 2022:
Evangeloon strikes again!
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
Yes and with both a thump and his head as well.
Oh some people are truly dumb imo.
Betty comments on Mar 26, 2022:
This is funny and sad at the same time. Although it is difficult not to laugh at someones stupidity, it's not funny that he was hurt enough to go to the hospital. The one bright spot barring any broken bones will be that he will be too sore to bother anyone for a while thus giving you a respite ...
Triphid replies on Mar 26, 2022:
Sadly, LOL, for him, No, I have had my fair share of hospital rooms for this year already and my next Physiotherapy Appointment is not for a fortnight any way. Though I sincerely doubt that his 'stay' will be nothing more than overnight just may sure he does not have a concussion.
I am pretty chill about most things, but if you bring the cleaner Fabuloso into my house you are ...
BitFlipper comments on Mar 24, 2022:
Tobacco smoke.
Triphid replies on Mar 25, 2022:
Been cigarettes, etc, TOTALLY free now for almost a year, cannot even tolerate the stench from cigarette smoke these days.
Ah, that feels SO much better, have permanently BLOCKED @Twill now, peace and quiet shall once again...
Fernapple comments on Mar 22, 2022:
Interesting, it is funny how this site distributes the postings, I hardly know or have ever seen him, yet he is level seven.
Triphid replies on Mar 25, 2022:
Maybe, just maybe and IMO, it is because he depicts himself wearing a lycra cycling body suit perhaps.
Ah, that feels SO much better, have permanently BLOCKED @Twill now, peace and quiet shall once again...
Diaco comments on Mar 22, 2022:
I don't know about your experience, it's your absolute right, but frankly, I found him a humble and friendly guy, we had a few little chats. Personally, I Block an account when I see it's a poison for society, not due to personal differences.
Triphid replies on Mar 25, 2022:
Ah but I got from him the distinct impression that since I am an Australia, ergo, in his mind is assume, "nothing more than Colonial Scum," that I know NOTHING and he knows EVERYTHING and ANYTHING ergo I should bow down and kiss his feet. 2 chances of that EVER happening, Sweet F*** All, followed closely by Go F*** Yourself for expecting it Charles.
Supreme Court says death-row inmate entitled to pastor’s touch at execution - The Washington Post
MsDemeanour comments on Mar 25, 2022:
the religious are overly eager with their touching
Triphid replies on Mar 25, 2022:
Yes, especially in areas on the personages of others where they should NEVER touch and ESPECIALLY when it comes to their Holy-joes and Altar Boys, etc, etc.
Supreme Court says death-row inmate entitled to pastor’s touch at execution - The Washington Post
Budgie comments on Mar 25, 2022:
Is the inmate going to be electrocuted because then it is sort of two birds one stone.
Triphid replies on Mar 25, 2022:
Now I would pay REAL money to watch that event, a Murdering Scum-bucket and a Scam-artist Religious Preacher getting the socks of their lives at EXACTLY the same time.
But God Didn’t Say That: Religious Community Members Talk God and Abortion - YouTube
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 25, 2022:
I might have more respect for them if they had actually read their "manifesto".....oh,wait......naaaaah!
Triphid replies on Mar 25, 2022:
Though ask ANY Faithfool and immediately they will, as I have so tediously and regularly found btw, quite adamantly and loudly proclaim that THEY have read it many times over BUT the crunchers comes when they come out with their usual, " We only read the passages that have any real meaning for us and those as prescribed as 'proper' readings by our Priest. Try this if you will, pick any Faithfool, then ask them to recite, verbatim, the last 2 verses of the book of revelations WHILST they are standing/sitting in front of you. The umms, the aaahs, the ohhhs, the stutters and stammers will, at least 99.99% of the time be swiftly followed with comments such as, " We have never read that far," We were never told to read those verses," OR, " I need to make a quick phone call, can I use your bathroom for privacy because I need to check with my Priest, etc, etc. Take my advice, DENY them that boon immediately and MAKE him/her/ them answer your question alone and unaided BUT always make certain YOU know the answer to your question BEFORE you ask it of them, because the sheer pleasure of watching them and their self-righteousness collapse and crumble when a Godless Heathen cites their holy book back to them when they cannot is well worth it all.
I am pretty chill about most things, but if you bring the cleaner Fabuloso into my house you are ...
Triphid comments on Mar 24, 2022:
Mormons and Politicians.
Triphid replies on Mar 24, 2022:
@glennlab I forgot to mention Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics, Door to Door Salesperson, Evangelists and that's just for starters.
I'd say that's a pretty good assessment.
Triphid comments on Mar 24, 2022:
Coffee FIRST, questions later please.
Triphid replies on Mar 24, 2022:
@MaryChristmas As a nurse, we'd manage to stay awake by drinking black coffee liberally laced with Glucose, either in powder form or as a syrup. 8 hours of having to creep around every hour and do bed-checks, straighten up the utility room, tidy the Drugs Cabinets, be a silent as mice for 90% of the time. Then I started in to Mid-wifery and things were 100 % different.
Deshaun Watson spoke with Leonard Fournette and Jarvis Landry about their interest in joining the ...
KKGator comments on Mar 23, 2022:
Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay. I'm unclear as to why you chose to post this in the "Health & Happiness" group. Also unclear is the significance of a sports story on this particular site.
Triphid replies on Mar 24, 2022:
@KKGator Are you suggesting the " Benefit of the Doubt Scenario be applied here then?
South Carolina Brings Back Death By Firing Squad
anglophone comments on Mar 23, 2022:
Live in South Carolina? Die in South Carolina!
Triphid replies on Mar 24, 2022:
@snytiger6 Been there ONCE, could not get out the state fast enough.
I'd say that's a pretty good assessment.
Triphid comments on Mar 24, 2022:
Coffee FIRST, questions later please.
Triphid replies on Mar 24, 2022:
@MaryChristmas I was br=ought in house full of Tea drinkers but when I started doing Nightshifts as a nurse I soon changed over to drinking coffee. Still drink tea as well though.
Deshaun Watson spoke with Leonard Fournette and Jarvis Landry about their interest in joining the ...
KKGator comments on Mar 23, 2022:
Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay. I'm unclear as to why you chose to post this in the "Health & Happiness" group. Also unclear is the significance of a sports story on this particular site.
Triphid replies on Mar 24, 2022:
Imo, Points chasing, considering the poster is at Level one.
Evil is not something supernatural.
Triphid comments on Mar 23, 2022:
Sadly there will always be those who will differ with what ever definition/s one decides to use on ANY subject/subject matter. for example, the old adages comes mind here, a) What is one mans evil ids another's good, b) What one describes as being Terrorism is another's version of being a ...
Triphid replies on Mar 23, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Friend I have been doing exactly that since the cows first went out to pasture, you see, even though I was born and raised in Australia, have Native Aussie Heritage, some Welsh, Irish, English, etc, etc, I also have both Cherokee and Navajo Heritage as well in my blood. Or, as my Dad would often refer to us, his children, the ORIGINAL and the Best Heinz 57 kids.
Oh how I wish I had NOT seen what just walked past my house.
AtheistInNC comments on Mar 15, 2022:
Live and let live, kind sir.
Triphid replies on Mar 23, 2022:
@AtheistInNC I AM a Professional when CALLED upon to Counsel those in dire need, etc, etc, BUT that does NOT make me any less human in my personal views on what is SOCIALLY correct when out in PUBLIC and ESPECIALLY in areas where there are families with young children and school aged children dwelling, etc, etc. FYI, that is a THING known as " Social Awareness and Common Decency," you may wish to acquaint yourself with such things imo.
Evil is not something supernatural.
Triphid comments on Mar 23, 2022:
Sadly there will always be those who will differ with what ever definition/s one decides to use on ANY subject/subject matter. for example, the old adages comes mind here, a) What is one mans evil ids another's good, b) What one describes as being Terrorism is another's version of being a ...
Triphid replies on Mar 23, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir So may one ask, WHEN is the present Ethos within the vaunted halls and corridors of both the U.S. Governments and the filming Lots, etc, of Hollywood going to change and actually BEGIB to show and tell the TRUTH, the FACTS, etc, etc?
Hillsong Founder Brian Houston Resigns After Misconduct Probe | HuffPost Latest News
xenoview comments on Mar 23, 2022:
How Hillsong Church founder Brian Houston's fall from grace played out over five days
Triphid replies on Mar 23, 2022:
Could say that my heart bleeds for him, BUT that would be lying and lying through my teeth as well. Instead I shall offer up 3 HEARTY Cheers of Joy. Hip, Hip Hooray, Hip, Hip, Hooray, Hip, Hip Hooray. And add that, imo, it could NOT have happened to a more deserving Arse-wipe.
Ah, that feels SO much better, have permanently BLOCKED @Twill now, peace and quiet shall once again...
SeaGreenEyez comments on Mar 21, 2022:
🤔🤔🤔 Why? Difference of opinion? You don't have to agree with anyone here but the point in being here is to agree to disagree, for the most part. I've blocked 1 person in all the years (POS trolled me here then DOXD me on Facebook. Which was bizarre, as it was nothing ...
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
I'd offer up my own PERSONAL opinion of him BUT if he read or heard it may make his self-inflated Ego expand beyond its tolerable limit and cause itself and him to explode, thus spreading faecal waste everywhere and anywhere.
Ah, that feels SO much better, have permanently BLOCKED @Twill now, peace and quiet shall once again...
BitFlipper comments on Mar 21, 2022:
You may find that a lot of threads are unavailable to you now. Anything he comment's on will suddenly become invisible to you.
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
Do you want me to break into tears NOW or later perhaps.
"Going to church does not make you a good person, says Pope Francis" [christiantoday.
Fernapple comments on Mar 21, 2022:
The church supports and fosters narcissism, My god, My prayers, My spirituality, My church, My congregation, My demons, My faith, and even My charity, it all starts with the big MY. Because narcissists are needy and will buy any fix to keep the delusion of their specialness alive, and the more ...
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
@Fernapple Imagine, if you will, what the combined knowledge we two have accumulated regarding religions over the combined 120 + years of our lives was put together and made available to ALL future generations?
"Going to church does not make you a good person, says Pope Francis" [christiantoday.
skado comments on Mar 21, 2022:
I’m not sure it’s anything new.
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
It that because, perhaps it was NOT written and posted in the 2 syllable words that are commonly used in Alabama ?
Do you pray? Do you yearn for spirit-based community?
DarkMatter comments on Mar 21, 2022:
To those that shared genuine interest in my questions, and even those who disagree with me but are open-minded and kind enough to have a thoughtful and respectful discourse, thank you :). You are exactly the people I was looking to meet when I joined this morning! Please friend me or send me a ...
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
Is NOT any system of belief other than that which is BASED solely and completely upon and within True REALITY just "woo-woo," mumbo-jumbo, piss and piddle, etc, etc, since it has NO probable foundations, no Verifiable, Tangible, Irrefutable, Undeniable, etc, etc, to back it up? One may as well say and claim that there are fairies at the bottom of every garden, they exist but they cannot be seen, they sing and dance, perform magic, etc, etc, BUT can neither heard nor can it be PROVEN conclusively that they are the SOLE Source of Absolutely EVERRYTHING that Lives, Grows, Blooms and Dies in and around the garden/s. NOW, can you see for once how your versions of what is NOT are no different from ANY or ALL of the other versions of what is NOT TRUE Reality?
Beliefs to unlearn
Garban comments on Mar 20, 2022:
Sickening that cults actually teach these concepts to their future donators.
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
@ErichZannIII Ergo, whether " cool" or not it is still by definition a form of religious belief in that there is a HIGHER and Unseen Power governing all aspects of Life, Death and almost ALL things in between. FYI I know and have a number of friends who IDENTIFY themselves as being Wiccans, I treat them with due respect and they do the exact same for me. We even debate with each other over subjects ranging from Religions/Religious Belief right down through entire ranges of subjects and subject matters and still remain friends, that is how things have always been.
Good evening all “Man is a Religious Animal.
xenoview comments on Mar 21, 2022:
We don't know if other animals have religion. We can't as them if they worship anything.
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
@xenoview Perhaps you may well be better off stating that " I am UNSURE if animals pray since I do not have either education nor knowledge to understand their actions and thus make such a comparison. Now, answer these questions Truthfully and honestly. Have you EVER merely sat and OBSERVED animal behaviours intently? Have YOU ever bothered to observe the behaviour of your household pet/s and can honestly and categorically STATE and Affirm that their action PRIOR to eating, etc, resemble praying in any known and accepted shape or form , etc, etc. And, last but by no means least of all, Have you ever spent time merely OBSERVING and watching animals interact and behave either towards each other, constantly, or continuously in their natural surroundings?
1 in 10 Americans say the COVID vaccine conflicts with their religious beliefs : NPR
twill comments on Dec 10, 2021:
When Biden fucked up the withdrawal from Afghanistan after Trump surrendered, a lot of flags on "Christian" properties around here went to half mast over the deaths of 13 marines at the airport. I didn't see a single half mast flag during the previous 20 years of the Afghan War. What does ...
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
@twill Just as wee adjunct to my previous comment/s, IMHO, IF brains were cotton you would hard pressed to supply enough to make a pair of cotton socks for a one legged canary.
Odds on I'll be getting more complaints today regarding my feeding of the native birds around my ...
anglophone comments on Mar 20, 2022:
There is nothing wrong with being in close touch with nature. It is good for one's mental wellbeing. The interfering assholes are just that, and they should STFU.
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
@Betty Hmm, could be something in that, thinking of making Lambs Fry with vegies for dinner Thursday night, are you interested by any chance?
Odds on I'll be getting more complaints today regarding my feeding of the native birds around my ...
Budgie comments on Mar 21, 2022:
Get some cameras set up and if you catch that bastard trying to harm the birds sik parks and wildlife on to him. Doesn't his book say something about loving all creatures great and small and didn't he say that catching the feral cats was against the word of god?
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
Already have, both daylight and Infra-red types for night since I also have a Tawny Frogmouth who resides in a tree in my front garden.
1 in 10 Americans say the COVID vaccine conflicts with their religious beliefs : NPR
JackPedigo comments on Dec 9, 2021:
This was covered this morning on NPR. An increasing number of Americans are getting increasingly angry at religious exemptions. It seems another form of religious exceptionalism and just plain wrong. I believe this will lead to more seeing religion for what it is and leaving.
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
@twill FYI, IF I wanted to hear shit speak, then I'd fart rather than wait for you to dibble out your enteric garbage.
1 in 10 Americans say the COVID vaccine conflicts with their religious beliefs : NPR
twill comments on Dec 10, 2021:
When Biden fucked up the withdrawal from Afghanistan after Trump surrendered, a lot of flags on "Christian" properties around here went to half mast over the deaths of 13 marines at the airport. I didn't see a single half mast flag during the previous 20 years of the Afghan War. What does ...
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
@twill Wow, I AM truly amazed beyond all belief, a total Dip-shit that can ACTUALLY manage to string more than two words together to create a sentence OR is that your Mommy dd it for whist she was still breastfeeding you?
Do you pray? Do you yearn for spirit-based community?
bobwjr comments on Mar 21, 2022:
Wrong site
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
Yeo, I think we need a sign on the door something that says, "Catholics to the left, all others to the right, Atheists and Agnostic straight ahead."
Do you pray? Do you yearn for spirit-based community?
skado comments on Mar 21, 2022:
Welcome to AgnosticDotCom. Yes, a sense of community based on ideals or spirituality would certainly be nice, but like so much of the internet, this site is not such a community. There is a high percentage of people here who have been injured or disappointed by religious fanaticism, and are quite ...
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
Psst, do NOT tell anyone else but it is written as and not as you would have others think AgnosticDotCom. Oh sorry as well, I HOPE that I have NOT used words of too many syllables for you here btw.
Do you pray? Do you yearn for spirit-based community?
Killtheskyfairy comments on Mar 21, 2022:
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
Excellent, mind if I borrow uit from time to time?
Good evening all “Man is a Religious Animal.
xenoview comments on Mar 21, 2022:
We don't know if other animals have religion. We can't as them if they worship anything.
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
No, BUT we can and do OBSERVE do we not and from those observations we can draw conclusions. And, after all, that is exactly what a thinking animal does, i.e. it sees, it observes, it considers and thenit draws a conclusion from those observations, etc. Name one instance where ANYONE can honestly and TRUTHFULLY state categorically and BEYOND the merest shadow of a reasonable doubt that they have actually observed, heard and listened as any animal prays. The ball is now in YOUR court, are you going to join in and offer up something to support your hypothesis or are you going to remain silent?
1 in 10 Americans say the COVID vaccine conflicts with their religious beliefs : NPR
JackPedigo comments on Dec 9, 2021:
This was covered this morning on NPR. An increasing number of Americans are getting increasingly angry at religious exemptions. It seems another form of religious exceptionalism and just plain wrong. I believe this will lead to more seeing religion for what it is and leaving.
Triphid replies on Mar 21, 2022:
@twill Dear oh dear, that is the very best you manage in the way of insults is it, how I so pity you.
1 in 10 Americans say the COVID vaccine conflicts with their religious beliefs : NPR
JackPedigo comments on Dec 9, 2021:
This was covered this morning on NPR. An increasing number of Americans are getting increasingly angry at religious exemptions. It seems another form of religious exceptionalism and just plain wrong. I believe this will lead to more seeing religion for what it is and leaving.
Triphid replies on Mar 20, 2022:
@twill LOL, at least then, unlike yours it does do something. And FYI, I never see myself as you so wrongly claim me to be PLUS I refuse to dress in lycra suits and go cycling to, imo, just be thought to be one of the in-crowd. Me, well I much prefer to, as the motto off a local Motorcycle Enthusiast Club says, "Grow Old Disgracefully."
1 in 10 Americans say the COVID vaccine conflicts with their religious beliefs : NPR
twill comments on Dec 10, 2021:
When Biden fucked up the withdrawal from Afghanistan after Trump surrendered, a lot of flags on "Christian" properties around here went to half mast over the deaths of 13 marines at the airport. I didn't see a single half mast flag during the previous 20 years of the Afghan War. What does ...
Triphid replies on Mar 20, 2022:
@twill FYI, your type of "flattery" will get you absolutely NOWHERE by the way. also, FYI, I only speak and converse with REAL Humans and not, imo, the droppings left behind by passing feral goats. So, please have a nice day and try not to attach yourself to the tread on a passer-by's shoe.
Oh how I wish I had NOT seen what just walked past my house.
AtheistInNC comments on Mar 15, 2022:
Live and let live, kind sir.
Triphid replies on Mar 20, 2022:
@AtheistInNC Oh, it seems that you may well NOT have heard that even Professionals are also HUMANS. And as for maintaining their 'professionality 24/7, well that puts the greatest emotional and psychological stresses imaginable upon them than even you could ever hope to imagine, hence even WE need to "blow off steam from time to or we WILL end up as ACTUAL and Living REAL version of that dullard idiot who placed a played the role of Frazier Crane, the Pseudo-Psychiatrist/Psychologist in that totally dull boring television show that would, imo, bore a dead man to tears. So, here I give you a little FREE Psychological advice, LEARN to lighten up both with yourself and the world around you, despite how you may see yourself YOU ARE NOT the Supreme Entity and Genius who controls the ENTIRE Universe and control EVERTHINY in and about it, you ARE just a MERE Mortal, nothing more, nothing less, so ease up on yourself, your expectations and remember that what you see when you look at yourself is ONLY you, a frail and often faulty thing called a Human Being. Sorry if the TRUTH has burst your little bubble but Truth has that habit and it does it mostly for the good of the situation and not the detriment of it, etc.
Beliefs to unlearn
Garban comments on Mar 20, 2022:
Sickening that cults actually teach these concepts to their future donators.
Triphid replies on Mar 20, 2022:
Hence the MAIN reason why I equate almost ALL religions as being Cults in one shape/form or another.
Odds on I'll be getting more complaints today regarding my feeding of the native birds around my ...
anglophone comments on Mar 20, 2022:
There is nothing wrong with being in close touch with nature. It is good for one's mental wellbeing. The interfering assholes are just that, and they should STFU.
Triphid replies on Mar 20, 2022:
Have a to agree with you 1,000% there. The birds that I feed are still as wild and free as the day they hatched but are beginning to trust me more and more, there are even 6-7 Wood pigeons now who actually follow me from where I keep the seed to the feeding dish, at a discreet distance so far but don't seem to see me, a human, as a threat so much these days.
Odds on I'll be getting more complaints today regarding my feeding of the native birds around my ...
Betty comments on Mar 20, 2022:
Maybe some well placed security cameras would be a good idea. Some people you just can't satisfy. :)
Triphid replies on Mar 20, 2022:
Snoopy, aka Mrs Himmler and his wife, Mr. Himmler are 6 house blocks west of my house and as far as I am aware the ONLY birds that land and perch REGULARLY on anything within the boundaries of their precious little property are common pigeons and sparrows, since when they decided to buy the block of land and build their pseudo-Italian style mini-villa they went through and cut down and removed completely every tree, shrub, bush and blade of grass from the property, BUT on the plus side the neighbourhood cats dearly love their garden beds with all of its wonderful soft and friable soil with the tons of mulch and bark chips spread across the top of them, ideal and perfect free litter boxes just begging to used,
1 in 10 Americans say the COVID vaccine conflicts with their religious beliefs : NPR
Toonman comments on Dec 9, 2021:
I wonder if there's a Venn diagram showing the overlap of these people with those living with a catastrophic brain injury.
Triphid replies on Mar 20, 2022:
Brain injuries and these utter non-brained living zombies are by no MEANS related since brain injuries are the results of mishaps, REAL accidents, etc, etc, BUT these deluded mis-begotten rejects of human genetics are the sad and end result odf both internal or external factors such as In-breeding ( whether deliberate or not), self-harm such as over-indulgence in Alcohol, Drugs, etc, etc, BUT either they ARE by NO means resultant from natural/birth causative factors. And imo, you are merely casting aspersions upon those of us out here who have the misfortune to be suffering from and enduring such things as Depressions, Anxieties, Brain Injuries, etc, etc, that were and are COMPLETELY BEYOND our or any one else control. Perhaps, before you next decided to cast such aspersions you may wish to remeber the following, so let it sink in ti your memory IF at all possible, " Angry was I for a I had no shoes, until one day I met a man who had no FEET." In other words and simpler terms, How fucking LUCKY am I that I do NOT endure things such as Depressions, etc, etc. THINK about that a while before you post next time please.
1 in 10 Americans say the COVID vaccine conflicts with their religious beliefs : NPR
KKGator comments on Dec 9, 2021:
Well, they're fucking idiots, so...
Triphid replies on Mar 20, 2022:
Hey, is that NOT the reason WHY they are so numerous, i.e. 1 idiot beds and impregnates another and then so on and so forth until we end up with a whole new populace of these brain-dead Hill-billy Anti-vaxxers roaming around the planet interbreeding with each other.
1 in 10 Americans say the COVID vaccine conflicts with their religious beliefs : NPR
anglophone comments on Dec 9, 2021:
Each one of those 1 in 10 Americans is certifiably insane.
Triphid replies on Mar 20, 2022:
Nutty as a Fruitcake if you were to ask me.
1 in 10 Americans say the COVID vaccine conflicts with their religious beliefs : NPR
Beachslim7 comments on Dec 9, 2021:
One more? Infinite boosters!
Triphid replies on Mar 20, 2022:
Well, you do have the choice and it IS yours, i.e. keep on having the Booster shots or pre-book and pre-pay for you funeral and burial.
1 in 10 Americans say the COVID vaccine conflicts with their religious beliefs : NPR
xenoview comments on Dec 9, 2021:
Let the idiots not get vaccinated and go join the over 760,000 dead.
Triphid replies on Mar 20, 2022:
@xenoview Oh FFS, NO vaccine/vaccination HAS EVER been 100% EFFECTIVE and where or whom ever gave that errant notion, imo, needs a swift boot up his/her shiny arse with a steel-toes boot affixed firmly to a Jack-hammer.
1 in 10 Americans say the COVID vaccine conflicts with their religious beliefs : NPR
JackPedigo comments on Dec 9, 2021:
This was covered this morning on NPR. An increasing number of Americans are getting increasingly angry at religious exemptions. It seems another form of religious exceptionalism and just plain wrong. I believe this will lead to more seeing religion for what it is and leaving.
Triphid replies on Mar 20, 2022:
@JackPedigo Imo, @twill may deem it a far better idea to change his pseudonym from Twill to Dill.
1 in 10 Americans say the COVID vaccine conflicts with their religious beliefs : NPR
Jolanta comments on Dec 10, 2021:
Triphid replies on Mar 20, 2022:
Or, as we out here in the Far West say, S.F. Bs., " Shit for Brains."
1 in 10 Americans say the COVID vaccine conflicts with their religious beliefs : NPR
twill comments on Dec 10, 2021:
When Biden fucked up the withdrawal from Afghanistan after Trump surrendered, a lot of flags on "Christian" properties around here went to half mast over the deaths of 13 marines at the airport. I didn't see a single half mast flag during the previous 20 years of the Afghan War. What does ...
Triphid replies on Mar 20, 2022:
If you do NOT mind me asking, Why are you on this site when there are COUNTLESS Conspiracy Sites elsewhere on the Net and available to any, imo, Nut-job that the squirrels reject completely?
It seems the war in Ukraine is being seen by many Xian leaders as the sign we are in the last ...
RussRAB comments on Mar 19, 2022:
Pat Robertson obviously doesn't have much time left for Jesus to return to be on this side of life. Robertson might not have the same degree of influence on the other side. Just sayin'. He must be Very anxious for the end to come. Jesus predicted his return while some listening to him speak in ...
Triphid replies on Mar 20, 2022:
When, joyfully for those whom he has riled, annoyed, alienated FINALLY and PERMANENTLY drops off the twig the Medical Profession will have a rough time in determining if Pat Robertson is still alive and breathing or just dong one his usual 'pretences' to keep the gullible enthralled in his scam artisan ploys and trying to fleece them of even more cash.
Breaking out tonight, have decided to really let my hair down, LOL, and am having Quiche Lorraine ...
Betty comments on Mar 18, 2022:
You're living the life. :)
Triphid replies on Mar 19, 2022:
@Betty Yes exactly and even the meals presented whilst I was in hospital have come a long way from those that were "presented" to Lorrae and I when she was in the local hospital awaiting transfer to the Women's and Children's Hospital in Adelaide back in 2000-2001.
Breaking out tonight, have decided to really let my hair down, LOL, and am having Quiche Lorraine ...
Betty comments on Mar 18, 2022:
You're living the life. :)
Triphid replies on Mar 19, 2022:
@Betty Actually I have dined at the Hotel/Restaurant that will be catering these meals quite a few times before and have found them extremely tasty, well prepared, presented and extremely filling as well.
ONE of those Grand Designs entries that Kevin McCloud did NOT show us on his t.v. series....LOL
MaryChristmas comments on Feb 14, 2022:
Snoop Doggy Style.
Triphid replies on Mar 19, 2022:
20/10 points for that one imo.
ONE of those Grand Designs entries that Kevin McCloud did NOT show us on his t.v. series....LOL
Reignmond comments on Mar 19, 2022:
Aye, I don't know who lives there, but I bet their Scottish.
Triphid replies on Mar 19, 2022:
OR, as we Aussies often say, New Zealanders....LOL.
It seems the war in Ukraine is being seen by many Xian leaders as the sign we are in the last ...
snytiger6 comments on Mar 19, 2022:
I think they said something similar about the 9-11 attacks.
Triphid replies on Mar 19, 2022:
Hardly even a week goes by without Christfool Doomsayer stating that " The End of Days is Coming," or "Jesus is returning on such and such a day." But guess what, it HAS never happened yet and probably never will as per these 'predictions' made by the Faithfools, BUT somewhere in the 4.5 to 5 BILLION years the END of ANYTHING living on this planet and probably this planet as well WILL vanish from the Solar System as the dying Sun expands ever outward an engulfs the 3 or 4 planets closest to it.
Breaking out tonight, have decided to really let my hair down, LOL, and am having Quiche Lorraine ...
Betty comments on Mar 18, 2022:
You're living the life. :)
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
@Betty No not really since tonight's Diner will be consisting of thinly sliced and fried sheep's liver, ( aka Lamb's Fry) with sliced onions fried alongside it served with Mashed Potatoes, peas, corn and Brown Onion gravy poured over it to cap it all off, all prepared and cooked by my own two hands. This is the menu for the meals I won't be preparing for myself as next week, but will only be getting them on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at approx. Midday all prepared at a local Restaurant btw. Monday, week 1, Curried Sausages and vegetables, Wednesday, Beef pie in pastry with vegies, Friday, Battered fish and veggies. ( all meals served with 3 vegetables btw,) Week 2, Monday, Egg and Bacon Quiche, Wednesday, Silverside with Parsley sauce, Friday, Crumbed fish, Week 3, Monday, Chicken Schnitzel & gravy, Wednesday, Lasagne, Friday, Battered fish, Week 4, Monday , Zucchini slice, Wednesday, Roast Chicken, Friday, Crumbed fish. So for 3 days every week I'll be having a good, solid hot lunch followed by a light and easy evening meal, the rest of the weeks, except Sundays ( on which I normally shout myself something from the Fish and Chip shop about 2 blocks away from my home) and something quick and easy for the evening meal. Each meal will be delivered to me and will cost me just $9.50 each.
Darn near crapped my y-fronts about an hour ago.
miklthetaz comments on Mar 18, 2022:
just put the bird in a large old microwave. turn on until it explodes. now you see why old microwave.
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
Oh REALLY, may I assume that was your attempt at humour?
Still waiting for some hard evidence and by that I mean not having some religious believer trot out ...
Killtheskyfairy comments on Mar 13, 2022:
This is my deal…
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
And in the 2,000 plus years since the Hebrews " borrowed" the One God concept from the Ancient Egyptians and the following 1,700 + years since the Councils of Nicaea all sat down together and INVENT Christianity and the Christian Bible NEVER, and I do mean NEVER, ONCE has either Sky Daddy or mythological Sky Daddy who is Sky Daddy's son who is himself anyway exhibited even one iota of tangible evidence to prove its existence.
Still waiting for some hard evidence and by that I mean not having some religious believer trot out ...
KKGator comments on Mar 13, 2022:
The thing is that they have absolutely NO proof at all. None. And as has been said by others, even if their god were real, I still wouldn't worship it. Their god is a miserable piece of shit, with spectacular anger issues.
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
@MikeInBatonRouge Agree whole-heartedly there, all you need do is to take a look at some this " Merciful and Loving God's" Earthy Representatives from the past, ones such a Torqumarda, Mother Teresa, the Borgia Popes, etc, etc, etc.
How do I help my dog with separation anxiety?
Triphid comments on Mar 16, 2022:
Charlie went through the whole gambit of grieving for Lorrae as did I, in fact he REFUSE to eat for almost a week solid until I decided to use a bowl that Lorrae ALWAYS used for her breakfast cereal and gave Charlie his food in it but instead of having him eating separate from me and outside the ...
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
@Betty WHEN she decides to show herself and let me check up on health, etc, she is quite cute and cuddly, except for the odd rare spiky reminder that is. Otherwise she is a very solitary being, who so I found about a year ago now is an "Honoured Guest" in the yards and gardens of every house in the block EXCEPT that of you know who, who claims that she is a devil creature and should be locked away in a zoo.
Breaking out tonight, have decided to really let my hair down, LOL, and am having Quiche Lorraine ...
Barnie2years comments on Mar 18, 2022:
We call it Meals On Wheels over here. That is the actual name!
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
We have 3 actual Home Delivery Services that bring around meals to those who require them thru illness or either disability, etc, there is Meals on Wheels, Southern Cross Care and the third which is Home and Community Care Services. As of Monday next I will be receiving 3 meals per week delivered to my door at lunch-time, each costing me a mere $9.50 per meal and are Restaurant quality meals btw.
Breaking out tonight, have decided to really let my hair down, LOL, and am having Quiche Lorraine ...
Betty comments on Mar 18, 2022:
You're living the life. :)
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
Not really, Quiche was from Coles Supermarket, the veg ( frozen) from there also as were the ice cream and sliced peaches, BUT after 1 serving of the Quiche and veg the stomach was full so the ice cream and peaches are still on hold for some time later.
Darn near crapped my y-fronts about an hour ago.
Barnie2years comments on Mar 18, 2022:
Every day is an adventure for you! 😁
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
Not actually, unless of course you'd call 3 days from Feb, 14 thru to 17th. in hospital " an adventure?"
Either I have been doing something right or by feeding the differing bird species is creating a new ...
Budgie comments on Mar 18, 2022:
Now we need photos of birds.
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
I shall try my utmost to do get some asap.
Well I might be a wee on the tired and weary side atm, but today was a good day and went well.
Betty comments on Mar 18, 2022:
You had a full day and ended up tired and happy. Can't complain about that. :)
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
@Betty LOL, even against a snail, a slug and a geriatric garden worm I'd still come in last place. Ever since my right femur was broken in December, 1973, I have told that when I TRY to run I closely resemble either a very lame duck or a badly constipated Emu.
Blimey, the sparrows haven't even finished with their "morning farts" and already I have 4 Magpies, ...
JackPedigo comments on Mar 16, 2022:
A simple fact of life the more you feed animals (including human) the more will come along to be feed.
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
@JackPedigo What have you run out of those Arrogance and False courage pills again then?
How do I help my dog with separation anxiety?
Triphid comments on Mar 16, 2022:
Charlie went through the whole gambit of grieving for Lorrae as did I, in fact he REFUSE to eat for almost a week solid until I decided to use a bowl that Lorrae ALWAYS used for her breakfast cereal and gave Charlie his food in it but instead of having him eating separate from me and outside the ...
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
@Betty Henry and I also love it when this "free to come and go" guest is around as well. She arrived here with her Mum a few years back, the local arse-wipe Evangeloon decided to report me to the R.S.P.C.A. for having her in a cage, but found no cage, etc, and then took her Mum away. A few days later out from nowhere come this " puggle" the name for a baby Echidna btw, looking lost and hungry so I made up some milk suitable for it, fed it, found it a nice safe and warm place to sleep and decided to keep on feeding it until I thought that is was big enough to release into the wild. Before that had a chance to happen, my property became declared by Federal Law to be a Private Haven for Native Birds and Animals so, the days of relocating my spikey guest were over and it could settle back and relax. It turned out be a She but so far no male/s have discovered her whereabouts OR, as I have learned Echidna females are quite aggressive towards suiting males and are very choosey as well, but IF she ever has young of her own then they are as welcome here as she and, as he did when he first met Little Miss Piggy, Henry can also get know another Aussie Icon first hand and close up as well Photos of Little Miss Piggy, in the middle a few months old, left, " I smell ants and worms let me at them," and on the right Little Miss Piggy as an adult and quite corpulent as well.
How do I help my dog with separation anxiety?
Triphid comments on Mar 16, 2022:
Charlie went through the whole gambit of grieving for Lorrae as did I, in fact he REFUSE to eat for almost a week solid until I decided to use a bowl that Lorrae ALWAYS used for her breakfast cereal and gave Charlie his food in it but instead of having him eating separate from me and outside the ...
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
@Betty My nephew, Henry, loved coming to visit Miss Porkchop almost as much as he does with Lady E. Except he loves it when she perches ever so gently on his arm and snuggles in to his neck, something that she learned to do with me before Henry was born.
How do I help my dog with separation anxiety?
Triphid comments on Mar 16, 2022:
Charlie went through the whole gambit of grieving for Lorrae as did I, in fact he REFUSE to eat for almost a week solid until I decided to use a bowl that Lorrae ALWAYS used for her breakfast cereal and gave Charlie his food in it but instead of having him eating separate from me and outside the ...
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
@Betty Until she was about 4 years old, then she became a weed and bug eating machine out on a friends small orchard garden approx. 30 miles out of town. Sadly she died of old age in 2017 whilst trying to pre-sample the new crop of grapes.
How do I help my dog with separation anxiety?
Retiredsteve comments on Mar 16, 2022:
My wife and I had a small Papillon dog and when she passed the dog hated to be left alone. I had to eventually get back to work. So I found a doggie day care on my way to work and at first took him for visits to get used to the other animals and people. And after a while I could drop him off and ...
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
@Betty The more friendship I feeling and have for and with a person the greater is my protectiveness towards them. I hope that does not offend or scare you off in any way, shape nor form.
Well I might be a wee on the tired and weary side atm, but today was a good day and went well.
Betty comments on Mar 18, 2022:
You had a full day and ended up tired and happy. Can't complain about that. :)
Triphid replies on Mar 18, 2022:
And, now that my right side has recovered enough, also had the 4 prong walking stick adjusted for usage on the right instead not the left vas before.. Waking is much easier and safer now.
Oh how I wish I had NOT seen what just walked past my house.
AtheistInNC comments on Mar 15, 2022:
Live and let live, kind sir.
Triphid replies on Mar 17, 2022:
@AtheistInNC And I suppose you are, so please display for me and everyone else your very awesome qualifications in that field, IF you truly have them that is. OH and FYI, on forums like this, well then unless I truly sense that someone is or may well be GENUINELY in need of my assistance, psychologically then I am just as is everyone else who is actually human and not, as is my OWN opinion of those such as yourself, a self-righteous arrogant self-centred TURD. Now please, with my truest and most honest Best Wishes, Have a Nice Day.
Scientists claim hairy black holes explain Hawking paradox []
Dyl1983 comments on Mar 17, 2022:
Heh... hairy black holes.
Triphid replies on Mar 17, 2022:
Now, now, you do NOT want to go DOWN there now do you....LOL?
Having been raised in politics and retail, friendly is my default position.
HippieChick58 comments on Mar 17, 2022:
I'm not sure I remember how to flirt.
Triphid replies on Mar 17, 2022:
It seems we are in the same boat then.
Having been raised in politics and retail, friendly is my default position.
Sierra4 comments on Mar 17, 2022:
You're making me uncomfortable.
Triphid replies on Mar 17, 2022:
@glennlab Prove it, LOL.
Either I have been doing something right or by feeding the differing bird species is creating a new ...
anglophone comments on Mar 17, 2022:
The abundance of food may be a factor in what you are seeing.
Triphid replies on Mar 17, 2022:
Depends upon what is meant by abundance, they only get a set amount at each feeding because IF they get too well catered for then they may well cease to seek of food for themselves. Though, for the honey/nectar eaters their feeding container is kept full or replenished at all times because the availability of nectar etc from flowering plants out this is erratic to say the least.


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