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Canadian Atheist Group: Churches Breaking COVID Rules Must Lose Tax-Exempt Status | Val Wilde | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 25, 2021:
Not just their cherished and unwarranted Tax Exemptions, CLOSE them down permanently as well.
Women Who Cook While Menstruating Will Be Reborn As Dogs, Hindu Leader Says | David Gee | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Feb 25, 2021:
Lesson here (LOL) NEVER ask for Tomato Ketchup whilst dining in any Hindu Household....LOL.
Rick Wiles: The Coronavirus Crisis Will End if China Accepts Jesus | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist...
Triphid comments on Feb 25, 2021:
Well I can suggest one way to STOP in its tracks the equal biggest PLAGUE to affect human kind next to C-19, i.e, Euthenise Rick Wiles and all his ilk immediately.
Texas Bishop Blames Atheism for Every “Ill That Plagues Our Society” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Feb 25, 2021:
Of course he would since they've been lobbing the blame on everyone else for almost everything that has gone awry since Chrustianity was first invented. After all, in the minds of Chrustians they are absolutely PERFECT and in being so they can do NO wrong, ergo, they MUST be suffering Persecution either by direct means OR by Proxy and I guess they elected as their persecuters by Proxy, we the Atheists of course.
Anyone interested in receiving a copy?
Triphid comments on Feb 25, 2021:
I my opinion that conclusion is little more than a heavy weighted biased conclusion arrived upon by those who have absolutely NO knowledge, comprehension or understanding what an Atheist or Atheism really is and means. For example, BOTH my parent died when I was an Adult HOWEVER I was an Atheist from around the age of 8-9 years old. My ' mother ' was a Christian of Convenience, i.e. a Christian WHEN and IF it suited her and her social needs, etc. My Father was always an Atheist no matter what the situation, social or not, was. IF, and imo that is a HUGE IF btw, the authors of that 100% erroneous conclusion had actually bothered to do their research properly rather than, imo, relying upon their own religiously based ideologies then they would have definitely that the FACTS are vastly different to their fictional conclusions.
Well, I haven't been on Agnostics in a good while.
Triphid comments on Feb 25, 2021:
Hang on in there friend, glad to hear you got rid of such an out and out misogynistic, self-centred, dip-shit jerk BEFORE it was too late.
The serpent in ohio.
Triphid comments on Feb 24, 2021:
" Never assume that it will NOT happen to you, ALWAYS plan for the worst, be ready for the worst and when the worst happens be glad you WERE ready for it." - William Anthony, 2018.
Iranian woman sentenced to death dies from heart attack, gets hanged anyway []
Triphid comments on Feb 24, 2021:
Seems to me that in Iran, no matter what you do you ARE NOT permitted to cheat the Hangman out of his filthy blood money.
Triphid comments on Feb 24, 2021:
When,oh WHEN will Americans LEARN that they ARE just little fish in a very, very BIG pond and not the the Whales in an Aquarium that they think they are?
The Southern Baptist Convention Expelled Two Churches for Being LGBTQ-Friendly | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 24, 2021:
Chrustian Bigotry, etc, etc, strikes again I see.
Indonesia Will “Rely on the Almighty” to Fight Coronavirus, Health Minister Says | David Gee | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 24, 2021:
Yeah like that's going to work. "Blessed be the Undertakers for Allah shall bring them great Profits."
Catholic School Expels Kids After Finding Out Their Mom Has an OnlyFans Account | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 24, 2021:
Seems to me that these 'Cat-lickers' (Catholics) have forgotten about the " Judge yee not lest thou too shalt also be Judged."
Mariachi band plays at Ted Cruz's home amid Mexico backlash
Triphid comments on Feb 24, 2021:
Nice job, MORE power to those involved.
Thought you may like to 'feast' your eyes upon a few more ancient residents of the regions in and ...
Triphid comments on Feb 24, 2021:
Can you imagine a Shark's mouth with rows of teeth that size munching down on your whole body? They have estimated that the bite radius of an Adult Megalodon was somewhere between 1.5 to 2 metres with a bite pressure almost equal to that of a T-Rex.
Catholic School Expels Kids After Finding Out Their Mom Has an OnlyFans Account | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 23, 2021:
Best of Luck to those who are seeking to find a less bigoted/discriminating/discriminatory/judgmental Catholic School imo, they may well be better off finding Rocking Horse Manure.
Appeals Court: Is It Legal to Nix a Juror Who Relies on God Over Evidence?
Triphid comments on Feb 23, 2021:
Interesting point this. Here in Australia I was called up for Jury Service in 1989 in a Murder Case. There were 23 others called up besides me, went it came to me being either selected or rejected, first the Prosecution asked if I was religious or not, to which I replied that I am an Atheist and got the Yes from the Prosecution. Then Defense asked IF I thought that being an Atheist would either hamper or enhance, etc, my deliberations of the evidence/s brought forward to which I replied, " Religion/s have NO place in Courts of Human Justice," I also got the Yes nod from the Defense as well.. And so they went through everyone else UNTIL of the 23 they came down to empaneling a Jury of 9 declared Atheists/Agnostics, 2 Nons ( No Beliefs at all btw) and 1 single Believer. It took 4 days and 17 hours for us to finally reach a verdict of Guilty BEYOND a Shadow of a Doubt and about 90% of that time was spent with the Believer trying to tell everyone that " God is the ONLY one who can dispense Justice because God is Justice personified." The Defendant was sentenced to 25 years of imprisonment with a Non-Parole period of 19 years to be served and we later learned that the Judge had a wee conversation with the Believer, in camera ( Chambers) where she received a somewhat stern talking to as to the differences between Human Justice and the irrelevancies of Biblical Justice. So, YES, a BIG Nix, No, Zilch, Nada, etc, etc, to a Juror who has predetermined/ "God supplied ideas (???) or opinions regarding a court Case imo. God/s/Religions have NO place in Courts Human of Justice.
Why does everything spoken in German sound so threatening?
Triphid comments on Feb 23, 2021:
Simply because it IS a language spoken with a gutteral type tone and inflection as well. It is also a similar thing in most Scandinavian languages as well. Though German MAY sound threatening it is NOT meant to be however.
Didn't know that cool
Triphid comments on Feb 23, 2021:
Let us not forget the old adage used in the Theatric circles about mentioning that Shakespearean play set in Scotland either.
Man Who Launched Himself in Rocket to Prove Earth is Flat Dies in Crash Landing | David Gee | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 23, 2021:
Though it all happened a year ago, at least he's proven that " What goes up MUST come down"........LOL. And he went out with a BANG as well.
Conservative Writer Admits Christians Are “Better Known for Our Hate” | Beth Stoneburner | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 22, 2021:
Now, WHY am I not surprised at this? Given my personal experiences with ALL the Sects of Chrustianity, Catholics Hate and Detest anyone who is not a Catholic, Anglicans hate Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, etc, etc, who also hate each other, i.e. Catholics, Anglicans and the like, Jehovah's Witness literally abhor anyone who is NOT one of them, Morons, sorry typo Mormons hate, despise and disparage EVERYONE who is not a Mormon and list goes on and on almost endlessly. Then comes the final 'crunch' where they hate Atheists and Agnostics, etc, etc, as well.
Paula White: I “Literally” Visited God’s Throne Room and Saw His Blurry Face | Beth ...
Triphid comments on Feb 22, 2021:
Wtf , she's ONLY the Spiritual Advisor at the White House? With such acting abilities and blatant talents for lying through her teeth she's missed her calling completely imo. She should be a Tele-Evangelist at the very least, if she were then by now she'd be a multi-multi-billionaire.
ok, this is gonna stir in some problematic commentary and divide the opinions, but i'll say it.
Triphid comments on Feb 22, 2021:
Sounds to me like a series of books called "Chariots of the Gods" and "Return of the Gods" that were around back in the 1970's and 1980's. Oh, and plus a liberal dash of the Sci-Fi movie " Prometheus" thrown in as well imo.
Women in Islam are a commodity in the hands of men, created to be a housewife and pleasure only, as ...
Triphid comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Islam imo, the backward, bastard child of the Abrahamic Belief systems probably born out the warped mind of a nobody named Mohamed, shunned by the rest of his people and desirous of gaining revenge upon them for his wrongly perceived slights. What more could one expect, imo, from a peoples whose ONLY thoughts are making endless wars upon each other and everyone else around them?
How about we all just try to agree on something...?
Triphid comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Well this planet orbits the Sun once every approx. 365 and 1 quarter days, it rotates on its axis once every approximately 24 hours thus giving the impression that the Sun rises and sets which is 100% a false impression btw. Religions are approx. 1% fiction and 99% Bullshit, humans breed by sexual means, they eat, breath, breed and die. So how is that for something we can ALL agree upon for starters?
Greetings, i am a user of humanist.
Triphid comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Question not your Good Fortune, instead, embrace it and hold it dear. Welcome to our world, the world of True Reality, Logic, Reasoning and the wonders of the Universe at large.
Ken Ham: The Perseverance Rover’s Budget Should Have Been Spent on Creationism | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Aw, Tough Titties there Ken Ham, are you missing out on MORE Tax-Payer Fundings because people want to know about the Origins of Mars, the Solar System, etc, etc, and not putting THEIR money into your pockets?
A Sunday School teacher was trying to explain about saying grace before meals.
Triphid comments on Feb 21, 2021:
My Dad always said, " Over the lips, around the tongue watch out stomach here it comes." Quite the Atheist was my Dad.
I have asked the same question many times
Triphid comments on Feb 21, 2021:
i've been pondering upon that self-same question myself....LOL.
Why Are Christian Leaders Empathizing with Sexual Predator Ravi Zacharias?
Triphid comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Only logical, imo, since where you find SHIT you will undoubtedly find flies and Maggots, they ALWAYS stick together.
I have lost access to sound on any Agnostic.
Triphid comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Hmm, audio is working 100% at my end, just checked.
This week has been a little harder but persevere! 😊
Triphid comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Good idea but ALWAYS remember Murphy's Law which states, " Everything is going great so just wait because some arse-hole WILL come along and stuff it up anyway."
Biden visits Bob Dole at home
Triphid comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Don't mean to sound uncaring, cold-hearted, etc, etc, here BUT FFS, 97 years old, Stage 4 cancer and still trying to ' suck the Treatment Titties dry ' ? Just exactly HOW many YOUNG lives who are also battling cancers does he think his tired worn-out old carcass is worth?
With Supreme Court Nudge, Giant Christian Cross in Pensacola (FL) Declared Legal | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Well, IF that is LEGAL then WHY shouldn't erecting a Pentagram next to it be legal as well then?
This Priest Has Proof That Guardian Angels Exist, and It’s Childish and Awful | Terry Firma | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Oh WOW, Priestie misses the call, wakes up needing a piss and drink of water to find out he has missed the call to give a dying person the Last Rites BECAUSE a "Guardian Angel" has pranked him by putting his phone on ' Silent Mode.' The 'soul' of the dying person reaches the ' Pearly Gates ' expects entry but gets instead, "Sorry but your Visa has been rejected because you weren't given the Last Rites, but that's fine because Priestie got a good sleep and did NOT piss the bed instead." Monty Python WHERE are you when you are really needed....LOL.
The USA does not have a monopoly on raving idiots.
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Idiotic Anti-Vaxers, imo, the PRIME vectors for yet another round of the C-19 Pandemic. THEY scream and yell slogans such as "I don't want my child to have Autism," BUT still they WILL go on Drinking Alcohol and taking Illicit Drugs that result in F.A.D.S. ( Foetal,Alcohol and Drugs Syndrome) instead. Darwin Awards for the Entire Lot of them imo.
The Satanic Temple Sues Texas Over Abortion Regulations It Argues Infringe On Members' Religious ...
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2021:
May this Case finally, permanently and irrevocably SHATTER the blindfolds placed upon the eyes of the Lady of Justice, may she see for very first time ever the Inequalities, Iniquities, etc, that her imposed blindness has wrought upon others.
Southern Baptist Church Faces Expulsion After Pastor Decides to Be Less Bigoted | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Imo, Religio-Slug style Discrimination, Arrogance, Self-righteousness, Bigotry, Homophobia, etc, etc, are still, regrettably, alive, well and thriving I see.
This is a world wide pandemic.
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2021:
What precisely would YOU deem as being "a holistic approach" when handling a Global Pandemic such as C-19 has proven to be thus far? Medical Treatments have advanced a very, very long way since the Old and Brutal days of, for example, "That limbs is broken = amputate it," or "that person has been gut-shot = there is nothing to be done so let them die." These days, Medicine works on a system of basics, 1) locate, diagnose the causative factors, 2) TREAT the Cause/s first and foremost, 3) See to the comfort, well-being, Emotional Stability of the Patient both during and post medical care, 4) Give any all reassurances necessary to both the Patient and Relatives/Families both during Treatments and Post-Treatments, 5) Follow up on the Recovery of the Patient when and where ever possible and practicable.
I was just trying to log in to agnostic.
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Perhaps it was a type of ' pay-back ' raid by the Electro-Religio-slugs.....LOL.
I've never understood the propensity of sportsball players to give thanks to god for victory on the ...
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Naughty, naughty #87, you should KNOW that Sky Daddy EXPECTS and DEMANDS that FIRST you MUST Praise Him/Her/It, then pay Tithes to ensure that his/her/its self-appointed P.R. and P.A. are well paid and ONLY then will he/her/it try to schedule in a few moments ( btw, a mere nanosecond to us is akin to an Eternity to Gawd) to consider your worthiness....LOL.
Priest from COVID-Spreading Church in San Francisco Dies of COVID | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist ...
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Aw, so sad, too bad, I'm glad, one less ' Tithe Collector ' in the world, a great source for celebration imo.
A Kentucky City Plans to Use $1.
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Imo, one can ALWAYS trust on the fact that the ' Tithe Collectors ' ( aka Churches/Priest and the like) WILL ALWAYS find a way to WEASEL their way into ANYTHING and EVERYTHING where FREE money is concerned and that, imo, INCLUDES the Safety of EVERYONE in times of pending/looming Disasters as well. In other words, imo, "Yes, you can build it and have BUT it MUST be a part of the Church and WE shall control it."
This is a world wide pandemic.
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2021:
I was in the kitchen having toast and coffee in my slippers and pajamas reading agnostic.
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Absolutely ZERO, Zilch, Nada, Nil, Nothing, Nought........etc. etc, in my 60+ years of life.
Confirm or deny.
Triphid comments on Feb 19, 2021:
" And unto him and him alone shall she always belong as shall ALL his worldly goods, she shall be demure, silent unless permitted by him to speak, shall give herself and body unto at his will and desires, she SHALL be not permitted to be in his presence, nor sleep within his house during the times of her unclean bleedings..........." From the ORIGINAL version of Deuteronomy in the transcript of the Bible, circa 327 C.E.
Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino is rubble. Hillary Clinton waves goodbye.
Triphid comments on Feb 18, 2021:
Great news, just a pity tRump was NOT inside the building at the time though.
Christian “Prophetess”: A Talking Scroll in Heaven Says Trump is Still President | Hemant Mehta ...
Triphid comments on Feb 18, 2021:
WTF, has Joseph Smith been re-incarnated as WOMAN? First there are the Golden Plates that NO-ONE else could see or read, now there's the Talking Scroll. I bet the Holy Talking Snake and its counterpart the Talking Donkey are quite peeved at this one, I know I would be IF I were them....LOL.
Looking for something to celebrate today in 1930 Pluto was discovered. []
Triphid comments on Feb 18, 2021:
And I don't give a shit what the Astronomers say, to me Pluto will ALWAYS be the 9th. Planet in our Solar System. Imo, they're just discriminating against Pluto because it is a Dwarf.
Apparently there are 52 Countries where it’s difficult for missionaries to take bibles.
Triphid comments on Feb 18, 2021:
Just like the slithering pests of our gardens, etc, the SLUGS get in everywhere possible, so do these Religio-slug slither and slime their ways in to countries, Nations, Communities as well.
Does teaching "white guilt" also cultivate a "white pride" backlash?
Triphid comments on Feb 18, 2021:
A question for the poster of this Poll. IS it ALSO undue and unwarranted so-called ' Pride ' when, one like myself who has the lineal heritage of numerous Nations/races (Oh how I detest that word btw) takes this this pride in the histories of my Predecessors? Am I showing RED Pride because I honour my Red-skinned Native American Ancestors/Predecessors and the things they achieved, etc? Am I exhibiting Dark/Black Pride when I honour my Sri Lankan, Egyptian, S.E. Asian Ancestors/Predecessors and the things they achieved, etc? Am I exhibiting undue and unwarranted pride when I honour my Australian Aboriginal Ancestors/Predecessors? Hey there PEOPLE STOP thinking you ARE White and White ONLY BECAUSE way, way back in the dim dark shadows of years and years long passed ALL of our distant Ancestors were NOT pale skinned they were, more than likely, of a darker shade of skin BECAUSE they lived in a climate and environment of brilliant, Bright Sunlight and their skin colour ONLY change slowly to suit the new environments they encountered AFTER they had LEFT Africa and the Middle Eastern Regions and found their way into colder climes, etc, etc. In EVERYONE of us, be we Black, White, Yellow, Red or Brown WE carry with us the Genes of those who made the arduous TREK from Africa to the rest of this planet and there IS no shaking those Genes off btw.
This is a Texas politician We owe you nothing
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Then IF that be his attitude then may I wish SEVERE Frost-bite to his Genitals, his mouth and tongue, all of his extremities and followed by a very slow freezing into a Human Popsicle.
President Biden just publicly screwed radicals Bernie Sanders and AOC [cnn.
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Didn't ANYONE ever tell him that " to Err is to be Human, to Forgive is to be Divine" ?
Does teaching "white guilt" also cultivate a "white pride" backlash?
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Imo, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with having a LITTLE pride in the achievements of ones predecessors or, for than matter, those of oneself either. Skin colour is JUST skin colour and absolutely NOTHING else. In my opinion, one the BIGGEST problems with this Racism bullshit is those who scream about it the loudest and make money from it AT the EXPENSE of others who may not be White and of Caucasian origin. Are WE ALL not just Human Beings, cut us and we do BLEED the same coloured blood, kill us and do we NOT all die. When a person of a dark skin dies, they actually fade to a greyish white, when a person of a white skin shade dies they become a greyish black skin shade but either way they are still very very dead.
Why Texas energy grid failed
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Texarse - the State where the women are sexually frustrated and the cattle are always nervous, so why am I NOT surprised at this article?
Today is National Random Acts of Kindness Day! It's ALSO GWENSDAY at 9pm Eastern on NUDE RADIO! ...
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Since it was Wednesday here yesterday I did mine already. While waiting for the bus I saw an elderly lady using a Walking frame struggling to cross the street at the Traffic Lights-Pedestrian Crossing . She was about a quarter of the way across when the signal went to " Don't Walk" and a number of drivers were honking their horns and shouting at her, so I raced over, got beside her, guided her across at HER pace while ' politely" telling those arse-wipes WHERE exactly to shove their cars and their honking horns as well. My reward was a HUGE smile, a kiss on the cheek and a round of applause from those on the other side of street who were waiting to cross it when the signal changed again.
Newsweek: Atheists Hate Homeschooling Because Kids Spend Time with Their Parents | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2021:
What a truck load of unadulterated bullshit imo.
Americans are unwelcome in most countries.
Triphid comments on Feb 17, 2021:
I'd hazard to say that it is not actually the Americans themselves as persons that are given the impression of being unwelcome in most countries, both during this pandemic and prior to it, BUT in many cases IT IS their attitudes towards peoples who are NOT americanized. PLUS, it never ceases to confound me that America/Americans seem to have concept that THEY can go into Mexico at ANY time they like BUT do NOT want Mexicans to enter the United States of Absurdity.
Pete Buttigieg Is “Deserving of Death” For Being Gay, Preacher Says | David Gee | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Oh where, Oh where is the DDT and the 1080 poison when you REALLY need them? Yet another Religio-slug has slithered out from the Sewers of Religion I seem to perceive.
Florida County Will Consider Allowing Alcohol Sales on Sunday Mornings | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2021:
So WHY do the Bible-Bashers want booze banned anyway on Sundays? Does NOT the Holy and Great Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy state clearly that Jeebus Chrust turned water into wine so there could one hellova Piss up party at a Wedding?
Widow of Slain Atheist Avijit Roy Says Executing His Killers Won’t “Bring Peace” | Hemant ...
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2021:
I agree with her totally, we NEED less Martyrs and executing those deranged Scum WILL only make them Martyrs and Role Models for their Islamic ilk imo. Instead condemn them to Life Imprisonment, For Terms of Their Natural Lives, Total Isolation from ALL others and ALL religious Practices, etc, NO visitors what so ever, NO further publicity other than Naming and Shaming and when they die NO Burial Rites, No Grave Markers and erase ALL evidence that EVER existed.
Karen, my favorite hiking partner, had a huge shock.
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2021:
My condolences to your friend, her families and yourself as well.
Here comes the night Van Morrison and Them []
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Another Oldie, Goody and a Goldie to boot, thanks for posting it.
Why does the number seven appear in the Bible 735 times.
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Er, just out of curiosity here, are you getting so bored and desperate with this self-isolation stuff that all you can find to do is read through the Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy and find ALL the repetitions of numerals, etc, etc?
If You Had To Choose?
Triphid comments on Feb 16, 2021:
I'd still elect to be myself and believe in nothing but Truth and Proven Facts since, imo, ONLY Sheep, Cattle, etc, have the deep need to live in flocks, I, on the other hand much prefer to the ' Lone Wolf ' type to live as I please, come and go as I wish, etc, etc. However, since ACTUALLY Atheism, i.e. a NON Supreme Deity understanding, has been around far, far longer than religious belief systems have then your ' pretend ' scenario is somewhat null and void imo.
I'm just curious as to how many on here were devout christians and really believed it and then later...
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2021:
Can't say that your query/question applies to me since I was an Atheist from about 8-9 years of age. My Dad was a Full on Atheist and did his best to get his kids to think for themselves, my mother, on the other hand, was, what I like to call, A Christian of Convenience who strove to force us to attend Sunday School and School Scripture Lessons at every turn. A project, I may say quite thankfully, that she failed at miserably when it came to me.
Our power was off until about 2:00 A.
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2021:
Ever thought about getting Solar Panels installed as back-up Power Supply?
the number 40 apparently appears in scripture 146 times why is God so obsessed with that specific...
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2021:
LOL, possibly by the time Imaginary, Invisible Sky Daddy got around to getting some weak minded human to write the Buybull for him he had already developed Dementia hence when counting using the ONLY things available to him/her/it, the fingers and toes, Sky Daddy just repeated counting them twice until an Imaginary Sky Angel stopped him. LOL
A Bible Thumper told me that “Covid has been around for thousands of years - the is using it as an...
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2021:
It is more than possible that viruses like C-19 and others have been on this planet far far long than humans have. However they have NO ideology to take the Faithfools anywhere "away" from Church or God, the only thing any virus does is to simply find a host cell, inject itself into that cell, hijack it and reproduce more of its kind since they CANNOT reproduce by themselves alone.
Assuming life exists throughout the universe, may we reasonably assume that Survival of the Fittest ...
Triphid comments on Feb 15, 2021:
More than likely imo they are. Pretty much like the " Law of the Jungle" which says, " Eat or be eaten." Or, as my Dad would often tell us kids at Meal-times, " IF you don't eat, you don't Poop, IF you don't Poop you die."
Christian Website Blames Ravi Zacharias’ Abuse on the “Ubiquity of Smartphones” | Hemant Mehta...
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Gawd damn it Satan has entered the 21st, Century and is now using Cellphones to make Preachers into his Minions....LOL.
Catholic Bishop Issues Trans Pastoral Guide That’s As Awful As You’d Expect | Val Wilde | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Shades of the 'Bel' episode here where I live. Oh HOW I so wish that arse-holes like him would simply drop off the perch and become extinct instantly.
Tonight I’m posting this beautiful song by The Carpenters as my last post before bed.
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Such a beautiful voice and a beautiful person as well, so sad she lost her battle with an Eating Disorder if I remember correctly.
Genesis. - Abacab []
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2021:
"Abacab." a Taxi Service ONLY for members of the Swedish Group, ABBA, perhaps....LOL.
Here’s How a Christian “Prophet” Made Some Hyper-Specific, Accurate Predictions | Hemant Mehta...
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2021:
One of the Oldest tricks in the Scam-Artists book made even easier to use these days with Social Media like Zuckerbook ( Facebook). Watching that brought back a memory from August, 1998. We had one these 'Super-Seers/Psychics/Prophets' come to town and set up shop to hold 4 READINGS, tickets cost $15.00 per person and you needed to Book in person and fill out a question sheet as well. So, considering that I thought I smelled something quite 'fishy' with all this, I booked my seat, paid my money, filled out the question sheet BUT used a completely FICTIONAL name and personal history, quite a bit of tear-jerking history btw. The evening of the 'Readings' I had booked in for came around and they began at 7.30 pm. I watched the 'antics' of this Performer, listened to his Scammings of others who I knew or was acquainted with and then he did the 'Star Performance' and said, " In this room there is a man named either Thor or Tor Halversun ( my alias btw) he has suffered greatly in his life, his child, a son named Eric or Erik is gravely ill, in a coma in hospital at this very moment, Doctors do not hold out much hope for his recovery." " I see in my minds eye that this man sits amongst us, is feeling very despondent, worried, fearful and all alone in his life but he need not worry since I predict that God and Jesus will step in very, very soon and his son will waken from the coma and begin his life anew, this is the Miracle of Miracles that God has sent me here to perform." By then I'd heard far more than enough, so I stood up and shouted to him and the audience, " I am Thor Halversun and the Miracle you say that will happen cannot happen simply because Thor Halversun and Erik Halversun are as FICTIOUS and Fake as ALL of your Predictions and Prophecies, many of the people here know who I really am, know that I am NOT Thor Halversun, I do NOT have a son but a daughter who is both alive and well, so, in my opinion, you have conned these good people here out of their hard-earned money but using the Question Forms information as the ONLY source of your 100% False so-called Psychic Knowledge and Predictions." That was when I saw for the very first time ever, a Hall with 100+ people in it empty faster than a bucket with a gaping hole in its base.
FOX 13 Investigates: How LDS Church investment fund made $6 billion in pandemic []
Triphid comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Knowing the L.D.S. Church, aka imo the Liars, Deceivers and Scammers Church, only they (and Scientology of course) could figure out a way to get blood, aka money for religion, out of a stone so I'm in no way surprised at this snippet of news.
just claims on jesus' resurrection 👍
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2021:
Hey, laugh ye not, I saw and spoke to Sasquatch (Bigfoot) every day for 16 and a bit years, that WAS he nickname I gave my daughter, Lorrae, because she truly had big feet even when she was born. Though she was NOT hairy as such, she had long Corn silk coloured Blond hair that hung down her back as far as her waist, at 15 she stood 6' 1 and half inches tall and wore Mens sized 9 and a half shoes. When she was just a baby and a child, a kind of larger than average baby btw, I used to sing to her the theme from the movie, "Harry and the Hendersons, " she literally loved the song, the movie and her nickname.
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2021:
Though they may be a wee bit 'batty' they are nice animals to have around. I've had a few for yeas now, they set up residence in the rafters of my shed and have stayed around ever since. Btw, I'd love to add a photo of Mr. and Mrs. Batty but I don't try to photograph them during the day as I try hard NOT to disturb them when they are sleeping. I think they are what is called Big-eared Bats since they do have very large ears in relation to their overall size though. This photo is pretty close to what Mr. and Mrs. Batty look like.
Carlin never pulled punches. He tells it as he sees it. []
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2021:
IF there was a Gold Medal in Olympics for "Bullshitting" then Religion would be the Undefeated Champions for ALL time imo.
Yooz thuh bawx......
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2021:
And Oh great and wise Cat, would you then empty our litter box as we must empty yours?
What do you know about accountability, Pooh?
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2021:
I have hopes that tRump will not escape punishment this time around, BUT, I also have doubts that tRump will cop what he truly deserves though. Imo, these days Justice although being blinded, does appear to a penchant for receiving a bit of stray cash from time to time unfortunately.
Damning Report Shows How Ravi Zacharias Committed Spiritual and Sexual Abuse | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 13, 2021:
Now given that he was a Preacher then WHY am I not shocked, surprised?
Dave Ramsey: If Stimulus Checks Help You, You Were “Pretty Much Screwed Already” | Beth ...
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2021:
They were probably ALREADY screwed over by either him or other Preachers for every cent they had well before that imo.
North Dakota Republicans Want the Ten Commandments to Go Up in Public Schools | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2021:
Personally here, I'd rather see them go completely and irretrievably up the Arse-holes of the Repuslivans.
Secular Dating
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2021:
Best of luck with that Friend. Given my experiences though, imo, finding Mr Right or Miss Right these days is much like trying to traverse a Mine Field whilst being blind-folded.
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2021:
Off to hit the "Fart Sack (LOL)" again I see, have a good night and sleep like a log.
I'm posting this partly so I can find it again in case shidmark renigs.
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2021:
WHY should, in this C-19 Pandemic, VACCINATIONS NOT be mandated as being both Important and Legal for EVERYONE to have? I see you are complain, imo, that you HAD TO have a Flu shot so you MAY visit someone in a Nursing home. WTF is so wrong with that, does it NOT both protect YOU and the other Residents as well from becoming infected with the Flu? Or, imo, are you so SELFISH that YOU will PUT your beliefs or what ever ABOVE those of EVERYONE ELSE? How MANY lives are YOU WILLING to put at RISK for your OWN Personal Rights/Beliefs, etc? Is it ONE, TEN, a DOZEN, A Hundred or perhaps a FEW THOUSAND or more?
Time to say goodnight to you again.
Triphid comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Oh, and a very Good night, sleep tight to you as well Maz.
Time to say goodnight to you again.
Triphid comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Nice cover of the song there Tina, but Corr Blimey Luv, I've got t-shirts that cover more than that outfit you're wearing there...LOL.
I talk to myself a lot more than I want to admit.
Triphid comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Friend, let me tell you both a Psychologist and a Human Being as well that, 1) Everyone, at one time or another either talks mentally to themselves or, on some occasions out aloud to themselves, those who choose to deny doing so are either lying to themselves or to others,therefore you ARE NOT 'going around the twist (insane/crazy or whatever)," you ARE pretty much as normal,as anyone else, 2) the beauty of talking/debating/arguing with oneself is that you CAN both win and lose at the same time and STILL remain friends PLUS it helps you to sort things for yourself, 3) In my somewhat well educated opinion as a Psychologist and as a SURVIVOR of Abuse from Childhood, those 'demons,' as you call them, are actually ALL in your mind, YES the Abuse and Traumas were/are REAL, this I know only too well and sadly also, but, the ONLY thing you truly have fear IS Fear itself and as son as you let go of that fear you will become less and less troubled it and them, 4) You ARE NORMAL, you ARE Human, you ARE NOT alone even when you are physically alone, YOU ARE YOU so let yourself BE you, put the things of the past into a box in your mind, seal the box shut, place in a space you can reserve for such things BUT retain the lessons you have learned from those things for future reference or usage. Even I talk mentally to myself and, often swear at myself for doing something wrong, incorrect or silly, etc, it IS NORMAL, you do NOT need a Psychiatrist imo. If at ANY time you feel the need to talk things over then PLEASE feel most welcome to send me a personal message on this site and I assure that I will respond asap.
On the epistemological syllogism that "God, by definition, is that for which no greater can be ...
Triphid comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Mayhap you are having a case of " Cogito ergo Deus," " I think therefore I am God." Apologies to Latin for manipulating the language to suit my needs at the time btw.
On the epistemological syllogism that "God, by definition, is that for which no greater can be ...
Triphid comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Firstly WHY must this 'God' you imagine MUST exist be Male only? Secondly, and imo, most importantly, to WHICH God to whom are you referring? Thirdly, "No Greater can be conceived." Well the MIND IS far greater than any God/Goddess/Supreme Entity in that by means of mere bio-electric impulses it can, and does Imagine, Create/Invent ANYTHING it can at will. Hence IT created ALL Deities merely by imagining them into existence. Fourthly, and imo, you are ATTEMPTING to use 'Circular Logic' in a somewhat vain attempt to explain what cannot be PROVEN in the first place.
I know that Americans are very fond of ALIENS and the possibility of them visiting us.
Triphid comments on Feb 11, 2021:
In my opinion it would be the absolute peak of totally unbridled human arrogance to think and believe that ONLY this tiny chunk of rock called Earth would be the ONLY place in this vast Cosmos where life evolved. May be NOT life as we know it, but life any way. For example, we know that the 'building blocks' for this planet came from a massive cloud of dust and gases some billions of years ago so WHY would NOT the same or similar thing occur elsewhere in the Cosmos? The building blocks of Life as we know it most likely arrived in the deluge of Comets, Meteors, etc, that bombarded this planet as it was forming just as did water, etc, etc. So, WHY would it NOT happened elsewhere also? Countless civilisations/cultures throughout the millenia that humans have been around share similar/like legends, etc, of what we blindly choose to call 'Gods" who visited them from the Stars and yet those civilisations/cultures had ABSOLUTELY NO means of communication or interaction. So, HOW did they all seem to arrive at the same or similar legends/conclusions? Before you DISMISS it out of hand, I ask you to actually sit and REALLY THINK about it first. As to EVOLUTION, imo, there IS NO control involved in NATURAL evolution it is merely a kind of hit and miss scenario at best. i.e. the change/alteration that works best in any given situation survives and the failure/s die off either quickly or slowly. Imo, Humans, Homo Sapiens, have ONLY survived thus far because, A) we have the abilities and, in some cases, the intellect to adapt OUR surroundings, etc, to SUIT ourselves, and, B) we actually breed like viruses and spread out where and when ever it suits us, sadly though we also DESTROY almost everything and anything in that process as well. Though WE may THINK of ourselves as the "Pinnacle Of Evolution," are we NOT merely the MISTAKE of Evolution that has gotten completely out of hand?
At one time my mom, because her dad was a doctor, gave me a lot of weird facts about the human body.
Triphid comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Male Nipples, Stallions ARE the ONLY male mammals that do NOT have nipples, so I guess the Great Designing Sky Daddy may well have run off of nipples when he/she/it got around to designing horses then....LOL. Another example of very Bad Designing is that Human babies are born with heads that are too wide and large to fit through the Birth canal easily.
What do you think scammer or just a misguided individual? []
Triphid comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Going by her answers to the Profile questions I posit that she has either joined the wrong Site by accident, etc, may be yet another Chrustian scammer/Troll on a "Convert the Heathens Crusade" or has just 'screwed up' the answers. Her profile photo is NOT what I'd expect to see as from a Chrustian, imo, it has the distinct aura of a temptress attitude to it which has set off my internal "Bullshit" alarms atm.
Just a really great and truly wonderful Belly Laugh ( nearly peed my pants while hearing as well ...
Triphid comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Just got off the phone with Sandie. She has heard of the 'events' of last night and told me that she was laughing so much she needed to change her knickers ( actually peed them) twice.
Pastor: Biden is Hebrew for “Alas, Judgment”! (Rabbi: Not Even Close.
Triphid comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Mayhap Herr Stein hath been sniffing a wee too much Myrrh again.....LOL.
Former Louisiana Lawmaker Wants to “Take Our Schools Back” for God | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Feb 10, 2021:
"Is strong the Farce with this one I see." Atheist Yoda, 2021.
What dangerous, wrong or false things do Conservatives believe?
Triphid comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Imo, you seem to forgotten ONE extra question, i.e, Do they actually have the Mental Capacity to THINK.
Blocking Atheists from Giving Invocations Will Cost Brevard County (FL) $490,000 | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Moral failings of leaders collapsed even the best societies, finds study - Big Think
Triphid comments on Feb 10, 2021:
It is only LOGICAL after all, since Power Corrupts even the best.


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