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Good morning everyone.
Triphid comments on Feb 10, 2021:
And a Good Morning to all from me as well.
I Can Hear Music - the Beach Boys with Kathy Troccoli 1996. []
Triphid comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Not bad, but I still prefer the original version.
At one time my mom, because her dad was a doctor, gave me a lot of weird facts about the human body.
Triphid comments on Feb 9, 2021:
A little toe that is virtually useless, knee joints that eventually wear out as do most other joints as well BUT, imo, the best of ALL would be putting the Female reproductive organs, i.e. the Vulva and Vaginal opening, right next door to the waste outlet. Who in their right mind would put an amusement area right beside a Sewage outlet?
Well now, after a very lengthy counseling session last evening I have to say that bigotry, ...
Triphid comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Well, it seems that Sandie has gotten herself together quite well at present. Was just informed by phone that yesterday around noon, she withdrew ALL but $3.75 from their Joint Bank Account, a total of a nice little sum of $ 11,387.25 btw, RECLAIMED the car that her EX put in HER name only, cancelled the Electricity and Gas Accounts ( also in her name) to the 'family' home, has a Court Order from the Magistrate to go to the house and collect ALL belongs of the children and her own as well on Thursday and WILL be accompanied by 2 Police Officers plus an Interim Custody Order for the 2 children. I'll bet her now EX is squirming like a worm on fishing hook right about now and most deservedly so imo.
Jeep’s Super Bowl Ad Urged Us to Find the Common Ground of Christian Nationalism | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 9, 2021:
How can anyone be expected to find " Common Ground" with Christianity since even they cannot find it amongst themselves.
Desmond Tutu.
Triphid comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Oh yes the B's of Colonialism, first come Beads, Baubles and Blankets, then the Bibles often followed closely by the Booze and when they've done their job along comes the Bullets.
In the last year I haven't found a lot to comment on or post about.
Triphid comments on Feb 9, 2021:
My sincerest condolences on the loss of your son. Sadly, I know pretty much of what you are going through and what you will face in the years to come, so hold strong, be NOT afraid to cry when and where ever you need to, the pain of the loss never truly goes away but it does lessen a wee bit over time, hold the memories close to your heart, cherish them always and let none take them from you for they ARE yours.
Catholic schools in US hit by unprecedented enrollment drop []
Triphid comments on Feb 9, 2021:
So sad, too bad, I'm so glad.
Texas Pastors Call Kamala Harris a 'Jezebel'
Triphid comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Aw, poor little Chrustian Snowflake has gotten his pubes in a tangle because she has way more power than he has, so sad, so sorry. I'm ever so glad.
Well now, after a very lengthy counseling session last evening I have to say that bigotry, ...
Triphid comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Just heard from Sandie and her son, Russel, aka Rusty, that , 1) the Divorce papers ARE a Go, 2) The Lawyer is doing it ALL on a Gratis basis, and, best of all imo, 3) from Rusty in his own words of sorts, " We won't be seeing him again ever because he did beat me lots and lots because I didn't pray right and went to sleep while he was reading the bible to me, I telled the lady what him did to me, I showeded her all the marks on my back and legs and she tooked pictures of them too." I'm estimating here that it is an ODDS on bet that the shit will REALLY hit the fan when this goes to court in a VERY BIG way and Sandie's now EX may well be in for Charges of Child Abuse at the very least and NO chances of gain either Custody OR Access in the near future if at any future time as well.
You’ll Want to Watch This Documentary About Ark Encounter, Now Online for Free | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 8, 2021:
They have to be kidding? ALL the Fossils were made by the Flood but are found in vastly different layers at vastly different depths in the soil and rocks. Anyone with even half an operative brain knows that when flooding occurs the deposits of soil and debris ALL end up at almost EXACTLY the same level in the ground AFTER the Flooding has gone. According to the ORIGINAL version of Genesis in both the Torah band the bible, " It rained for 40 days and 40 nights unabated until at last the clouds disappeared, then the Ark drifted for a further 6 or more MOONS BEFORE it become stranded upon a mountain top." Now, a Lunar cycle is approx. every 28 days, hence it would been a minimum of 168 days that the Ark drifted aimlessly PLUS the 1 Lunar cycle and 12 days that the clouds covered the earth completely. Now, for a skeleton to be turned into a FOSSIL, i.e. turned into STONE and Minerals, it can and does take anywhere between 49,000 years and a few MILLION years at the VERY least dependent upon the soil types, the minerals present, the preservation of the skeletal remains, etc, etc. These things CANNOT happen in the short space of the 6,000+ years that Creationists and the Holey Babble so claim the planet to have existed for.
A great one hit wonder - I didn't know David Tennant was a big fan.
Triphid comments on Feb 8, 2021:
Nice to see the Ood getting in the 'groove,' but where were the Daleks, the Cybermen? Can't they get into the 'groove' as well?
29% of White Evangelicals Harassed Online Say Their Religion Made Them a Target | Beth Stoneburner |...
Triphid comments on Feb 8, 2021:
The Chrustian Snowflakes, imo, seem to forget about the seemingly endless harassment that THEY cause to others, don't they? What with the Moron Missionaries, the Jeho's and every other nondescript Bible-thumping Sect roaming around trying to convert everyone in sight, is that not HARASSMENT as well.
So, this morning in my email i receive a strongly-worded punishment from Admin about my remark on ...
Triphid comments on Feb 8, 2021:
WTF, is our new Admin suffering from Delusion of Grandeur these days or what? Is he/she perhaps yet another victim of Zuckerbergism and intent on introducing the Zuckerbook rules here? Wake up and smell the roses Admin, JUST because you wear the title it does NOT mean that you have elected as God on this site. Try, also, to remember that ALL Gods big or small have eventually fallen down and do so often with a very BIG crash as well.
29% of White Evangelicals Harassed Online Say Their Religion Made Them a Target | Beth Stoneburner |...
Triphid comments on Feb 8, 2021:
My response to those poor little, harassed Chrustian Snowflakes is attached here,
Bruno and Copernicus were way ahead of their times thinking and may we never forget the barbarism of...
Triphid comments on Feb 7, 2021:
Let us NEVER forget those who surrendered either their lives or freedoms so that we may learn the Truths about the Universe in which we live. All Hail Copernicus, Bruno, Galileo , etc, may your works live on and your memories never fade from our minds.
A School Board Candidate is Being Smeared Over Her Sex-Themed Science Videos | Val Wilde | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Feb 7, 2021:
FFS, what IS wrong with these weirdos opposing her? IF you fail to teach children the Truth and Facts in regards to Sex, etc, then you end with them 'experimenting' for themselves and the end results are usually unplanned and unwanted Pregnancies and babies. Far, far better, imo as a parent, to give them the facts in words they can comprehend at what ever age they START to ask questions than it is to merely fob them off until later when it is most often too late anyway. My daughter was only 6 years old when she started asking 'those' questions, so I told her the facts in words I knew she would comprehend. About 2 years later I overheard a friend of hers tell how her Mummy, the friend that is, " Found her under a cabbage where God had placed her." Lorrae's response surprised me to say the very least when she said quite plainly and simply, " That must be why you are always wet behind the ears."
Supreme Court: CA Can’t Ban Indoor Church Services, Even to Prevent COVID Spread | Hemant Mehta |...
Triphid comments on Feb 7, 2021:
Is it NOT time that these Chrustians took a lesson from the a quote from Star Trek where Spock tells Kirk, " " There ARE times when the needs of the many MUST outweigh the needs of the few or" Imo, THIS IS one of those times.
Would you say that some agnostics know of seemingly endless examples where assertions about the ...
Triphid comments on Feb 7, 2021:
Imo, I think you may well find that Agnostics and Atheists gain such knowledge and comprehensions by READING the bible then using their powers of Reasoning and Logic to decipher the somewhat cryptic writings which eventually leads them to reach such conclusions. Oh, and to which God are you actually referring here?
Christian Leader Urges Pastors to Denounce Extremism: “Silence is Complicity” | Beth Stoneburner...
Triphid comments on Feb 7, 2021:
Hmm, now is this Pulpit-Pounder truly being for real OR is he covering his own arse in case the heads start to roll in earnest? We all know and realize full well how adept they are at twisting and contorting their exulted Biblical Scriptures to suit their OWN ends and means so, WHY would he not merely do the exact same thing here and now?
How have you stopped a self-defeating behavior?
Triphid comments on Feb 7, 2021:
"Perfection, but what is Perfection but an unachievable concept imagined by a mind contained within an imperfect being." -William Anthony, 2021.
Conservative Christians Hate That the New American Girl Doll Has Lesbian Aunts | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 6, 2021:
Do I hear yet again the tired old Chrustian wails of Persecution, persecution, persecution ? Oh how nice it would be if they decided to hire a NEW scriptwriter for a change.
“Pro-Life” Activist Does Damage Control After Whining About Baby She “Saved” | Hemant Mehta ...
Triphid comments on Feb 6, 2021:
Ah yes, the Self-righteous, Bigoted, Believers ALWAYS sticking their noses into the business of others and WHEN the going gets tough THEN they run away like rabbits at the sound/sight of it. Chicken-shit, Lily-livered wind-bags that they ALL are, ALL just like a Barber's Cat, full of wind and piss and NOTHING else imo.
Don't know what's going on....for several days now, I can't reply to, or react to any posts.
Triphid comments on Feb 6, 2021:
Perhaps, my friend, you've come under attack from the 'Zuckerbook KGB.'
Anti-LGBTQ Student Journalist Says He Was Fired For Expressing His Faith | Val Wilde | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Feb 6, 2021:
Bigoted, Self-righteous, Homophobic, Misogynistic little Prick imo. Perhaps, just PERHAPS, IF scum like him actually got know LGBTQI people then they may actually learn to see them in a very different light for once. For example, over the years I have met, gotten to know and made good friends with a LGBTQI person/s, I'd say that 99.999% of them are just as NORMAL as anyone else, just as different, individually as we are to each other, just as good people as many of us are. Though having said that, I will also say that I have met a few, not many thankfully, that have a 'talent' ( just as do these so-called self-proclaimed 'peoples') for 'getting up the noses' of others.
Triphid comments on Feb 6, 2021:
Just out curiosity here, does the E.W. in his name possibly stand for " Endlessly Wanking ?"
Triphid comments on Feb 6, 2021:
Sorry E.W. Jackson but Atheists have no FEAR of any or ALL Sky Daddies what-so-ever, instead we leave all of that up to you "God Fearing Believers."
64 year old neighbor.
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Oh, woe is me, so many idiots to rid the world of and so little DDT left in reserve.
I'm curious. What the hell is wrong with Mitch McConnell's chin?
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Jeez Louise,can you imagine being his Missus and waking next to THAT every morning, F.F.S, IF I Was his Missus, I'd have beaten myself long ago just for being so bloody stupid as to marry him. And, I'll bet that as child his parents had to hang a string of sausages around his neck so as the dog would go near him occasionally.
I'm curious. What the hell is wrong with Mitch McConnell's chin?
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Bloody Nora, looks like he's just sucked on a very sour lemon...LOL.
Gregory Dow: US missionary jailed for sex crimes in Kenya orphanage [bbc.
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2021:
No, NO, No, DO NOT let him go to an American Prison and live as an inmate. Cancel his American Citizenship, send him BACK to Kenya in Chains and let the families/relatives mete out THEIR justice upon him with NO recourse, etc, from the Police, Government/s or the International Community what-so-ever. Back in 1979, here where I live, there was a Child Rapist who was caught in the act by locals. He received a soft sentence from the Court and returned to his filthy ways here 2 years later. I will NOT name names BUT he ended up being suspend by his genitals over an open, deserted mine shaft, some 200+ feet deep by the parents and relatives of his victims and left to his due fate. Almost everyone in town knows where his filthy remains are, what happened to him BUT no-one has ever told the Authorities where to look. Imo, Scum like him deserve NO mercy what-so-ever at all.
Romania's Orthodox Church supports the killing of babies by drowning [bbc.
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2021:
The Priest involved SHOULD be charged with Negligent Homicide at the very least imo. The Church and its Administration should be Charged as Accessories both before and after the Fact as well. Sadly and unfortunately, NONE of this will bring the baby back to the arms of its parents BUT it may go some way towards stopping this from ever happening again.
I have always had a funny feeling about Australia.
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Hey, what you see in movies is NOT what the land of Australia REALLY is btw. Steve Irwin, though a bit of an environmentalist, etc, was, imo, a full on Show Pony trying to regain the spotlight after retiring from his Rugby days. Yes, parts of Australia are harsh regions where ONLY tough survive and the piss weak turn to dust, but for the most part, Aussies, the REAL Aussies btw, are truly decent, hard working, friendly people endowed with a sense of what we like to call 'Mateship.' I was born, raised and have lived in the Outback for most of 67 years, I can be as 'rough as guts' when I need to be, as kind and gentle as a soft breeze and a very easy going person 99.999% of the time just like most of the Aussies born and raised in the Bush are. True Blue Aussies are as hard to find, imo, as water in a desert around the "Big Smoke" areas of this country, but as common and easy to find as leaves on a tree out in Bush. Yep, our Crocs are mean and nasty buggers, don't mess with them, so are our snakes and a few of our spiders, roos are okay IF you don't tangle with them, Koalas are just Koalas and so-so, 'Bush Chooks' (Emus) are often as crazy as cut snakes around nesting season but most of the time they'll steer clear of humans. So, do yourself a favour, DO NOT believe the crap you see in movies, when the C-19 pandemic is over, come and see for yourself.
AR Lawmakers Pass Bill Forcing Women to Call “Pro-Life” Hotline Before Abortion | Hemant Mehta |...
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Keep your useless Eucharist out of the Uterus, keep your Rosaries away from womens Ovaries, keep religious discourse out of Sexual Intercourse.
I regard Craig Kelly as a willfully ignorant TFI: [theconversation.
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Craig Kelly, imo, the Prime example of the saying, "It does NOT take brains to be a Politician, ANY Arse-hole can be one."
Dave Daubenmire: I’ll Sue the NFL for Putting My Soul at Risk with Halftime Show | Beth ...
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Aw, has poor little Mr. Dumbinmind gotten his religious jock-strap in a twist?
Christian Bigot Franklin Graham Has Been Rejected by Every Venue for His UK Tour | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Couldn't happen to a more deserving arse-wipe imo.
From a civil engineer from a Christian university
Triphid comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Hmm, a bit like our City Council methinks. It takes 3 Civil Engineers to first check and SEE IF it is a hole in the ground/road, then 3-4 days to decide upon whether it IS a hole, 3-4 MORE days for them to decide who to send with their 'magic white spray paint' to mark its location in the hopes that the paint will make it disappear. If that does NOT work, then a week or two to send a crew of up 5 to discuss for a few hours IF it really is a hole and how/ who made it,then go back to the office for further discussions. In the meantime, someone in the neighbourhood has filled in said hole and the whole process must start all over again because of it.
Look at this BS.
Triphid comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Lying, thieving, low-life Scumbags the entire lot of them imo. Tax them to hilt, seize ALL their assets, liquidate them and put the monies towards relieving poverty, homelessness, etc, etc.
The Catholic Church Hoarded Billions in PPP Loans Despite Its Vast Riches | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Not surprised in the least, the entire lot of them are not much more than parasites imo.
AR Senate Passes Bill to Let Churches Hold Super-Spreader Events in a Pandemic | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Oh, come all ye Faithfools, catch C-19, For ye shall meet Jesus and never more be seen.......
Praise Jesus! God Destroys Family’s House But Leaves Behind Some Bible Verses | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Just goes to show quite plainly that try as hard as you can shit cannot be burned unless is IS very well dried out Cow cakes that is.
A Teen Girl’s Life Remains in Danger After Insulting Islam in an Instagram Rant | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Well done Mila. BLASPHEMY - A Law made and enacted by man to stop a completely Non-existent, Imaginary, Invisible NonEntity from getting its feelings hurt by the Truth. May the Piss and Shit of a billion Camels be upon Allah and his Prophet for all time.
Triphid comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Wake up and smell the roses you numb-nuts, No-one ever gets in to a place that does NOT exist. Unless you ARE cremated the ONLY place you'll ever go after you've dropped off the perch is a 6' deep hole in the ground where you WILL become dinner for worms eventually.
Report from German Archdiocese Admits Nuns Once Sold Orphans to Sex Predators | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Now WHY am I not surprised?
Triphid comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Wonderful to know there are still some really decent and caring people around in this world. Billions of kudos to these two truly great lads, may their names and deed NEVER be forgotten.
Is the Catholic Church really "pro-life?"
Triphid comments on Feb 3, 2021:
Yes, about as ESSENTIAL as a dose of the CLAP at an Orgy BUT at least IF diagnosed early enough the CLAP can be cured. What's up, Catholic Church, are your poor little Kiddy-fiddling Priesties running short of Altar Boys? Getting a wee bit short of funds and the Priests have to have plain.ordinary, boring old sandwiches instead the luxurious meals they are accustomed to?
Sandgropers prove (watch the videos) that they are as clever as NSW Cockroaches: Huge queues, ...
Triphid comments on Feb 3, 2021:
Yes, BUT what about when you 'Cabbage Growers' from Australia's version of Mexico ( apologies to the REAL Mexicans here btw) RAIDED ALL the Shops and Supermarkets within reach of the Borders and caused the Dunny Paper Stampedes? Oh, and let's not forget those self same Cabbage Farmers who decided to 'slip' across th Borders during the Lockdowns in Cabbage Country shall we?
Jenny Cudd is suffering and needs a break in Mexico on the beach = [.
Triphid comments on Feb 3, 2021:
Bugger letting a Bitch like her go to Mexico imo, send on a One Trip to Bikini Atoll instead.
Pastor: Noah’s Family Cleared Away 12 Tons of Animal Feces on the Ark Every Day | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 3, 2021:
So, Big Sky Daddy has a 'bad hair' day, decides to punish those naughty creations of his by flooding the planet He/She/It created, spots a 500 year old bloke with 3 sons, NO nautical/ship building knowledge at ALL, tells him to build a boat in the middle of nowhere without plans, cranes, sawmills, etc, etc, No windows/portholes, No Steering device, No sails, No anchor, No ballast or bilge pump, No oars for extra propulsion if needed, No system for navigation, fill it with animals of ALL kinds, no-one, even the animals are permitted to have sex or breed, ENOUGH food for as many days as Sky Daddy desires, until Sky Daddy can find a new and better hairdresser LOL), the predators do NOT eat the prey animals, the spiders don't spin webs and eat the insects, kangaroos, wombats, emus, penguins, sloths, etc, MAGICALLY manage to cross miles and miles of Oceans from Continents that have NOT yet been discovered to board this floating zoo, shit and crap everywhere both as they travel and on this boat live there for who knows how long. Then, just as MAGICALLY, manage to find their own way back to the lands they came from on the first place and yet leave NO trace of themselves or their dead behind. Yep, makes about as much sense to me as trying to dig a tunnel to China using a kitchen fork and a spoon.
Understanding Organized Religion......
Triphid comments on Feb 2, 2021:
Ah but a bit of WD 40, some elbow grease with a generous dash of Logic and Reasoning helps one rid themselves of the religious rust.
Hi all.
Triphid comments on Feb 2, 2021:
Reminds me of a saying my Dad always used to use, " Don't try to make me lead the way, I might not want to, don't expect me to follow, we may not be going in the same direction, just walk beside me and be my friend."
The Troggs. - Wild Thing, 1966. []
Triphid comments on Feb 2, 2021:
Thanks heaps for that friend, that was my theme song for Lorrae, she WAS my own 'Wild Thing' right from a baby. The struggles I always went through trying to get her to wear something to cover her bum when outside but when she learned to talk I always got the old " Cover boobies, not see boobies."
Pastor: Noah’s Family Cleared Away 12 Tons of Animal Feces on the Ark Every Day | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Feb 2, 2021:
Given that the myth says the rains lasted for 40 days and nights, then the ark floated around aimlessly for possibly 2 - 3 weeks after that, the sum total of shit would in the vicinity of approx. 700+ tons, then the Chrustians have spreading shit and TRYING to stuff it down our throats ever since. Is it any WONDER that religion leaves us with a shitty taste in our mouths?
Sha Na Na [] []
Triphid comments on Feb 1, 2021:
A nice deep Bass voice on that singer, a nice song BUT the ONLY 'Angel Eyes' I've ever seen are statues of Angels in Graveyard and they look as hard as stone and as cold as ice. How ever, Lorrae, my daughter had a version of " Bette Davis eyes" that she learned from an early age to use to perfection. I used to tell that I thought the song "Bette Davis Eyes" was written about her in particular...LOL.
Why Scientists Are Very Worried About The Variant From Brazil []
Triphid comments on Feb 1, 2021:
Sad and Unfortunate but none-the-less it should have been expected and pre-planned for it to occur. Viruses such C-19 etc, first attach themselves to a healthy cell, inject themselves in to that cell then absorb the genetic material of the new host cell to replicate. That cellular Genetic material is not only absorbed but added to the genetic make-up of the virus which allows the virus to mutate, i.e. evolve, when it finds what is needed is useful for the process. Just as Medicine LIKES to label the various forms of cancer under a single banner, i.e. Breast cancer for example, EACH is Genetically different according to each patient in fact and needs to treated as such for treatments to actually work 100% of the time. However, imo, most Pharmaceutical Labs ONLY seem to seek out the "Quick Fix solutions" first and foremost rather than setting their sights on the goal of eradication from the word go. Imo, it would NOT be beyond the realms and Limits of Reality to say that microbes, viruses included, have been around and on this planet since well before life found out how to leave the water and start inhabiting the land as well. And now, in humans they have found the PERFECT Host Environment to allow them to very rapidly 'evolve' quickly where once it would have taken them millions of years to do so. We humans ravage the eco-systems every single day thinking we can do it with absolute impunity, but are we merely releasing more and more of these microscopic killers who may have been just waiting for us to do exactly that and give them chance they've been wanting for millions of years?
I have noticed on this site (app) there are more older people, that which i find interesting because...
Triphid comments on Feb 1, 2021:
Welcome to the world and Universe of Reality, it is truly a place place live btw.
Taking personal responsibility instead of blaming others. Your thoughts?
Triphid comments on Jan 31, 2021:
Shouldn't we all? After its all boiled down is it not logical that your actions, etc, ARE your responsibility, yours and your alone?
I usually just pray to the porcelain god.
Triphid comments on Jan 31, 2021:
and with Islam, you also have very dubious 'pleasure(???)' of catching a few whiffs of the bum of the person in front of you as well....LOL. Conversation after prayers, (LOL), "Hey, Abdullah, you ate grilled goat with garlic, onions, beans, cabbage with rice done in sheep's milk for Dinner last night, didn't you? "Yes, effendi Ahmed, I did, how do you know?" "Abdullah, you farted 5 times in my face during prayers, that's how I know."
I usually just pray to the porcelain god.
Triphid comments on Jan 31, 2021:
@ DougPence As well as making regular offerings of both liquid and solid form also I hope....LOL.
Some Southern Baptist pastors are calling Kamala Harris 'Jezebel.' What do they mean?
Triphid comments on Jan 31, 2021:
Ah yes, those Bat-shit Crazy Baptists, imo, they'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between their arses and their elbows without a Road Map and a Tour guide.
Alas, i finally had to block someone.
Triphid comments on Jan 31, 2021:
Sometimes blocking someone works a whole lot better than 'slapping them around the Head and shoulders with a wet and rotting fish' imo. Keep up the good work friend, keep up the good work.
I am at level two! Wondering if I have joined atheist or Scientology?👣.
Triphid comments on Jan 31, 2021:
No, you've joined the world and Universe as a True Free-Thinking, Rational, Logical Human Being my friend. There's NO filling of Mr. Hubbard's Cupboard here, no coughing up cash for the Collection Plate, no mumbling in to your hands, at the floor or the ceiling required here, NO John T. and his Boeing 747, just saying it like it is and being yourself. Welcome to REALITY.
Religious Instructions.
Triphid comments on Jan 31, 2021:
"and NEVER let us forget that they also 'get off' on Altar Boys as well, Billy."
Biggest Contradictions in the Bible.
Triphid comments on Jan 31, 2021:
There are many including, " Thou shalt not make graven images," ooops the Catholics in particular have screwed up on that quite badly, "Thou shalt keep the Sabbath Holy unto Me," Chrustians still have NOT figured out which actual DAY is the Sabbath, " Thou shalt NOT have other Gods before Me," With Chrustians Sky Daddy suddenly gets relegated into the lower league and Jeebus Chrust jumps to the top League plus brings a whole heap of others up there with him, "Thou shalt NOT covet thy neighbours wife/chattels, etc, etc," it seems even the pious Catholic Priests, etc, etc, have screwed quite regularly on that one, " Honour thy Father and thy Mother," then Jeebus Chrust comes along and tells everyone that " He has come to set Father against Son, Mother against Daughter, etc, etc," a case of Divine mis-communication if ever there was one imo, The list IS almost endless, so I'll stop here rather than cause others to read more of what they already know, etc.
Traffic. - Hole In My Shoe. 1967. []
Triphid comments on Jan 31, 2021:
Pretty good BUT, is " Hole in Shoe" anything like "Hole in moccasin " as my Native American relatives would ask?
What are things you would have liked to know pre-divorce or pre-breakup to make life after easier?
Triphid comments on Jan 31, 2021:
Hmm, lots of things would have been a great help at the time but the few things I did learn from it was that FINALLY I might be FREE from her and her family, a real nasty mob to say the least, at last to be ME.
Another groaner!😏🙄
Triphid comments on Jan 30, 2021:
Kind of 'uncanny' how they can do that isn't it? LOL.
William Barr: There’s a “Militant Secular Effort” to Suppress Religion | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 30, 2021:
Oh darn it, they've found me out....LOL.
Australian Satanists Want to Offer Religious Instruction in Public Schools | Hemant Mehta | Friendly...
Triphid comments on Jan 30, 2021:
Fair enough imo. If Public Schools want to have the students taught religious bullshit then why can't they be taught everything else as well?
Christian Mom: eHarmony Ad with Lesbians Eating Ice Cream “Brainwashes” Viewers | Hemant Mehta |...
Triphid comments on Jan 30, 2021:
I guessed it, poor widdle Monica Cole has gotten her Magical Religious Knickers in a twist yet again. What's up there Monnie baby, are those naughty Lesbians enjoying the fun you can't have because your hubby hates ice cream?
There is an overwhelming lack of evidence for the tooth fairy, pixies at the bottom of the garden, ...
Triphid comments on Jan 30, 2021:
The Easter Bunny existed UNTIL I had him Roasted with Vegies for lunch on Easter Sunday last year. And, he didn't taste all that bad either....LOL.
Christian Mom: eHarmony Ad with Lesbians Eating Ice Cream “Brainwashes” Viewers | Hemant Mehta |...
Triphid comments on Jan 30, 2021:
"Sharing ice cream/chocolate topping with a 'friend'" is a sin, BUT boy oh BOY what fun it was to sin and how I remember so well sinning back in my younger days.
Rick Wiles: God Sent the Coronavirus Because Parents Are “Transgendering” Kids | Beth ...
Triphid comments on Jan 30, 2021:
Watched that load of crap, the "God' of America, imo, is the Dollar, the Plague upon the Earth is the Chrustians like him and his ilk, the "death Angel" is Overpopulation and the Environmental Disaster WE are creating right here and NOW.
Rick Wiles: God Sent the Coronavirus Because Parents Are “Transgendering” Kids | Beth ...
Triphid comments on Jan 30, 2021:
Funny that since it IS killing his beloved, misogynistic, homophobic, racist, etc, etc, Chrustians as well. Yet ANOTHER of His/Her/Its great plans gone badly awry methinks....LOL
Starry, starry night Paint your palette blue and gray Look out on a summer's day With eyes that ...
Triphid comments on Jan 30, 2021:
As an amateur kind of Artist I can understand how hard it must have been for Van Gogh in some ways. I tend to think that while some people merely see colour/s as exactly what they are a sort of plain, base colours and they have simple type of conception of them, but when I look at trees, landscapes, the sky, etc, etc, I feel, for want of a better expression, and see the nuances in them and that they aren't quite as simple, base and staid as they may seem to others. And often, trying to express them as I see them does, sometimes, drive me a wee bit crazy.
I hear of so many people are being scammed out of their money, even though they are aware of it ...
Triphid comments on Jan 29, 2021:
When it comes to Telephone Scammers I have 2 'tricks' up my sleeve, 1 is my answering machine that I can switch messages on while the phone number is still registering, i.e. I can go from a nice and friendly message to " Hi, I am Deaf and Mute, if you are ringing me and NOT a friend then please press the number 6 three times, the number 9 three times followed the Star key twice and the Hash key 4 times, then leave your message." The other is that IF I do NOT know the incoming phone number then I revert to speaking in German mixed with Latin, that usually confess them quite quickly.
1.. just one.
Triphid comments on Jan 29, 2021:
13 for me. But I did once blow the roof of Dads garage with my Chemistry set, built my own "Billy-carts," learned" how tap into telephone calls (aged 14 ), shot rabbits with a B.B. gun, blew up mailboxes and rubbish bins using fireworks and discovered that a strong stick shoved through the spokes of a Mormon Missionary's front bicycle wheel proves that god forgot to make them able to fly properly. Do any of those count as a plus by any chance...LOL.
The times really have changed
Triphid comments on Jan 29, 2021:
Jeez Louise, I thought I had won the lottery when I got my first 'deadly treadly' ( bicycle) as a 9 year old. I felt like I was 'King of the World' when I bought my very first Stereo at the age of 18 and COULD LISTEN to the music I wanted to hear. Some kids these days really don't know how bloody lucky they REALLY do they?
Stunning eagle sculpture uncovered at sacred Aztec temple in Mexico | Live Science
Triphid comments on Jan 29, 2021:
The sculpture is truly amazing but is it not also also truly shameful how the Europeans arrived and buried such things when they built their cities over these things just to hide away things that were NOT Christian. I often wonder what amazing things lay buried under Christian/Religious garbage (cities, etc, ) around the world to this day JUST because of their inane, insane belief in a non-existent Jewish god?
Omf! Here’s Oklahoma openly oppressing children again! Here’s an idea.
Triphid comments on Jan 29, 2021:
You've GOT be Kidding. A second grader, what age is that, around 6 or 7 years old, getting EXPELLED for telling a girl he has a school boy crush on her in a RELIGIOUS School no less. Jeez Louise, have these God-mobsters got their head up their arses or what, they should be HAPPY that the kid didn't have a crush on another boy instead, at least he NOT going against Sky Daddy's Great and Mystical Rule of NO Homosexuality. Blimey, my nephew, Henry, is a 7 y.o. and he has crushes on about a dozen girls at his school including a few that are at least 4 years older than him and about 6 or 8 that also have crushes on him.
The Kinks. - You Really Got Me. []
Triphid comments on Jan 29, 2021:
Cool, I'll have to dig that one out of my collection put in on and crank the volume up to max. now.
Here’s How God Created Prayer (and Why It Doesn’t Make Any Sense) | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Jan 29, 2021:
Yep, something that creates itself and everything out of nothing, then creates Prayer so the people it created out of the exact same thing it created itself from can ask it to change/alter ITS great plan in their favour and THEIRS only, yes, that makes logical sense to me , NOT.
The leader of the WA Liberal Party has prevent the presumed homophobe Amanda-Sue Markham from ...
Triphid comments on Jan 29, 2021:
Bloody typical, imo, of the Faithfools everywhere, including L.N.P. in particular, when it comes to subjects that they do NOT want to discuss/afraid to discuss, etc, etc. Ever since the days of "Pig-Iron Bob," " Cut-throat Razor Fraser," "Johny Flak-Jacket," " Malcontent Turdbull," " Mad-Monk Abbott' and now " Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy Skid-marks" they've become the consummate EXPERTS at Political Dodge and Weave, Speak plenty but say nothing, Grab everything and Give Nothing imo. May their arse-holes close up permanently, the tongues dessicate and their bowels become impacted.
So - my partner died in 20.
Triphid comments on Jan 29, 2021:
My most sincere condolences on your loss and I hope these words may be of some comfort to you, "While there is one who will speak my name I shall never be forgotten, " - Cherokee Indian saying. Although your partner may not be with you in corporeal form any longer, he will be with you in your memories of him, cherish them, treasure the good ones and hold them dear to you always.
Be your own best doctor Eat healthy, excerize and most of all, sleep well.
Triphid comments on Jan 28, 2021:
Btw, the NUMBER 1 cause of actual death is when the heart stops beating and cascade effect of failures in the vital organs follows on, OH , and the body wears out, i,e, ages beyond its capacity to repair itself.
Good Afternoon All!!!! Happy Thursday!!!! We had 6 inches of snow in the Capital Region the last 2 ...
Triphid comments on Jan 28, 2021:
" 6 inches of snow" reminds me a very old joke I heard years ago. A bloke meets a woman at a Bar, sits beside her and chats for a while then asks her name. She replies, " My name is June, what's yours?" He answers and decides to use HIS pick-up line on her as well, " My name is Snow and have you ever thought about it if 8 inches of Snow came in June?"
Life comes after Coffee ??
Triphid comments on Jan 28, 2021:
In Australia, it's Morning Coffee BEFORE leaving for work, another coffee when you arrive and sign on so you can have enough fortitude to endure another day with the Boss, then Smokoh Coffee around 10.00 am, followed by another one at Crib time (Lunch), a sneaky one in the afternoon while Boss isn't around, then one more before knock off ( finishing time) time.
You Really Can
Triphid comments on Jan 28, 2021:
Oh how I remember so well those nights with countless cups of coffee whilst doing Essays, Projects, etc, etc, for School and for my Degrees as well. Jeez Louise, I must just about OWN a Coffee Manufacturing Company by now. LOL
Where's my coffee...
Triphid comments on Jan 28, 2021:
Yep, know that feeling EVERY time I go to the Coles Supermarket and find out that they DO NOT stock MY brand of Coffee pods for my Coffee Maker Machine.
I hope that I am not the only one that feels like this bata test vaccination is being forced and ...
Triphid comments on Jan 28, 2021:
Friend, approx. 1 person in every 6-800,000 people MAY have a reaction, short term to any vaccine. Approx. 1 person in 1-1.5 MILLION people MAY have a LONG term reaction to any vaccine. Every single medication, from Aspirin through to Anaesthetics, Antibiotics, etc, etc, MAY cause side effects, N.B. the word MAY, but that does NOT mean EVERYONE will have a reaction/side effect. Anti-vaxxers are RANK IDIOTS and should be completely IGNORED. AND, FYI, ANY vaccination should either be given at a minimum of 2 inches BELOW the tip of the shoulder joint or in the Muscles of the Backside.
49% of Protestant Pastors Have Heard Conspiracy Theories in Their Church | Beth Stoneburner | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 27, 2021:
Now WHY am I not surprised? After all they been subjected to the Biggest Conspiracy of ALL times, i.e. the same Conspiracy that allows them to be 'fleeced' by the Purveyors of that self-same conspiracy, aka, the Pastors, Priests, Ministers, etc, etc. So, by that static does it mean that 51% have actually realized that they've been conned for years then?
Satanists Are Suing the City of Boston for Rejecting Their Invocation Requests | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 27, 2021:
"Oh Great and most Generous Lucifer, he who gave the warmth and light of Fire to Humans in spite of the Chrustian God, shine light upon these proceedings....."
Missionary May Face Genocide Charges After Contacting Isolated Brazilian Tribe | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 27, 2021:
Hehe, I can almost hear it now. The Village Look-out shouts, " String your bows, gather your arrows, lookie lookie more target prctice approaching." LOL
Evangelist Franklin Graham Banned from Liverpool Venue for Preaching Hate | Beth Stoneburner | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 27, 2021:
Bottom-feeding, Scum-sucking Parasites like him SHOULD be BANNED from breathing the same oxygen as EVERY other life form in the Universe imo.
Appeals Court: Boston Does Not Have to Allow a Christian Flag Outside City Hall | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 27, 2021:
Suggestion for Shurtleff, SHOVE your Chrustian Flags as far, deeply and firmly UP your arse as possible then try even harder after doing that.
Preacher: Don’t Call Me a False Prophet Just Because My Prophecies Are False | Beth Stoneburner | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 27, 2021:
But,his prophecies ARE 100% correct , the ONLY problem is that busy Sky Daddy hasn't quite 'managed' to get around to making them happen....LOL.
Televangelist: Anyone Watching This Video is “Free from Every Symptom of COVID” | Hemant Mehta |...
Triphid comments on Jan 27, 2021:
Has this rabid dip-shit forgotten that many of his fellow Scam Artists have been telling everyone who is dumb enough to listen that Sky Daddy sent C-19 to punish the world for its sins and wrong-doings.
Pat Robertson: Single Mothers Should Be Forced To Get Married Or They Will Go To Hell
Triphid comments on Jan 27, 2021:
Letter to Pat Robertson. Mr. Robertson, I see you have gained 10 pounds of very ugly fat these last few years or so. The remedy here, for the sake of yourself and everyone else is quite simple, Get your head removed A.S.A.P. Signed, An Atheist.
Gee it's getting a bit rough around here.
Triphid comments on Jan 27, 2021:
Yesterday it was 4 'Woodies," 3 Galahs, 2 Grass Parrots plus the usual horde of Sparrows. Breakfast time, bird-wise, it was pretty much the same crowd, then about 30 or so minutes ago arrived the 'usuals' plus 8 young Woodies, 2 young Galahs, 2 young Grass Parrots all accompanied by their parents EXPECTING seconds. Jeez Louise, do these birds think I'm running their own personal Food Bank or something....LOL.


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