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Just a nice poem.
Triphid comments on Jan 27, 2021:
"YOUR body is YOUR body and it IS the only one you will ever have, so love it no matter what shape it is in because IT is YOU and YOU are it." - William Anthony 2021
Must be part of god's plan, huh?
Triphid comments on Jan 27, 2021:
Aw what a bummer, NOT.
Plan to reintroduce the brown tailed eagle to Norfolk England. []
Triphid comments on Jan 26, 2021:
Great news and it WILL make the local Twitters very happy as well I reckon.
Humanists UK, Atheist Alliance International or National Secular Society?
Triphid comments on Jan 26, 2021:
Why do you feel the need to join a 'flock' in the first place?
Anti-Mask Pastor Tells Judge She “Ruled Against God” After Another Legal Setback | Hemant Mehta ...
Triphid comments on Jan 26, 2021:
Give him 20+ years in the GENERAL Population of the prison PLEASE.
Christian Website: The Bible Says an Asteroid Will Crash Into Earth in 2029 | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 26, 2021:
Is that prophecy anything like the one my Evangeloonytune neighbour has issued, i.e. Jeebus Chrust has MADE him his NEW Prophet and IS returning on the 29th. of next month THIS year? Less than a month to see if Evangelooytune is right and a little less than 8 years to see IF the Buybull is right, Even money bets are they are BOTH 200+% WRONG again as per usual.
Australian Catholic Church Tries To Prevent Its Own Priest From Suing Over Abuse | Val Wilde | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 26, 2021:
Dear Church of Paedo-Priests, Ain't payback a real BITCH when you are on the receiving end of it and even more so when it's coming from one of your very own? Own up and take it like men, do the crime, do the time and pay the price as well. IF you're looking for Sympathy then you WILL find it a dictionary between Shit and Syphilis, right between those 2 you WILL also find Sodomy, something you ARE, imo, most GUILTY of as well.
Well, it's looks like our son has the damn virus.
Triphid comments on Jan 26, 2021:
Please accept my most sincerest hopes and Best wishes to one and all.
Three important holidays today lol.
Triphid comments on Jan 25, 2021:
Definitely gets my vote for " National Irish Coffee Day."
Hello everyone.
Triphid comments on Jan 25, 2021:
And a good old Aussie G'day to you from me.
Julius Fucik - Entry of the Gladiators (performed by the Philip Jones Ensemble) []
Triphid comments on Jan 25, 2021:
Strange how this went from being a celebrative tune for Ancient Gladiators to being a theme for modern Circuses and the like.
Canadian Official: COVID-Defying Churches Should Lose Their Tax-Exempt Status | Val Wilde | Friendly...
Triphid comments on Jan 25, 2021:
Tax them, tax them and tax them again and again until they are in abject poverty and then re-tax them again as well.
The Church of a Christian Hate-Preacher Was Bombed Over the Weekend | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Jan 25, 2021:
Didn't anyone ever tell him that Halloween is derived from the words "Hallowed" (sacred/revered) and "Een" from the old English meaning Evening, hence, in reality, it means "Celebrating All things Sacred and Revered. Though in many other cases it was 'plagiarized' by Chrustianity from much older and more ancient cultures where it was kind of Celebration of the Deceased, etc. Perhaps Sky Daddy was doing a bit of Pest Control when the Church was blown up, after all Sky Daddy does move and do things in the most mysterious of ways, does he/she/it not? LOL.
My mother says I'm going to hell.
Triphid comments on Jan 25, 2021:
Don't worry about it Friend, at least you'll be warm in winter, NO Praying, No going to Church and you will be in really great company as well...LOL
Agnostics, Atheists, Heathens, Pagans, Unbelievers, Sceptics and Non-Christians be aware, be VERY ...
Triphid comments on Jan 25, 2021:
Sitting where my computer is and looking through the window it seemingly occurs to me that it either may be a mere coincidence or, may be not, BUT at least 3 times every day of EVERY week since Evangelooneytune has been back in town, the local Policedo very slow 'crawl-bys' of his house only. I've lived in the same house since 1997 and we've NEVER had this happen so often or regularly before. Normally, our local 'Bobbies" ( Police) ONLY do regular patrols and 'crawl-bys' in the somewhat less than 'reputable' areas of town and the Business districts, so I'm kind of wondering Is there something about Evangelooneytune that they know that we are unaware of?
I know you guys are getting ready for the Superbowl.
Triphid comments on Jan 25, 2021:
Imo, when take a look at the outfits Yank 'footballers' wear and compare them to what REAL Footballers ( Soccer, Aussie Rules and (yukk) Rugby) wear then the Yankee players are dressed up like Nancy-boys that are just in need of some lip-stick, rouge, eye-shadow, nail polish and a handbag. Helmets, padding stuffed who knows where, are they all made from fine crystal glass or something? Jeez Louise, I played Soccer and ALL we got was a shirt, a pair of shorts, a pair of socks, a pair of boots and, maybe, a set of shin guards IF you were lucky. I'd really love to see these American Football 'Heroes' play either Aussie Rules or Soccer for a REAL and WITHOUT ALL their protective paddings, etc, etc, I reckon they be crying like babies after the first 10 or 15 minutes.
My good deed for the day...
Triphid comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Earliest Ancestor of Donald J. tRump perhaps?
I grew up in a staunchly Catholic home in a Catholic neighborhood, and 8 years of parochial school.
Triphid comments on Jan 24, 2021:
One the Prime Rules of Religions such as Chrustianity is, " Thou shalt NOT read the Holy Bible for thineself, for it may well cause thee to think for thyself and thus thou shall be seen in the eyes of God as a sinner of the worst kind." Imo, Religions depend and rely upon the "Mushroom concept," i.e. "keep them in the dark and feed them on bullshit."
Confederate flag waving traitor arrested after his ankle bracelet puts him inside the Capitol.
Triphid comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Should introduce him to 'Evangelooneytune' my next door neighbour, they'd make a really great couple imo. Oh, and as a post script, they would NOT be able to breed which would be a GREAT plus and benefit to the Human race as whole.
Happy birthday. Neil Diamond Cherry, Cherry []
Triphid comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Kind of odd that you put this up today because on Saturday my nephew, Henry, was helping me dust off some of my collection of old vinyl L.P's and he held one of treasured Neil Diamond ones and yelled out, "Was this you once when you were lots and lots younger?"
Why do there appear to be so many leftists in the Atheist community? []
Triphid comments on Jan 24, 2021:
My personal thoughts and opinions re- your erroneous assertion. ( See meme below btw)
Canadian Official: COVID-Defying Churches Should Lose Their Tax-Exempt Status | Val Wilde | Friendly...
Triphid comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Tax them to the hilt but ALSO make the taxes retrospect as well.
Sparking Outrage, Australia Will Honor Anti-Gay Bigot for Her Tennis Career | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Sick, demented, deluded BITCH imo.
Montana Man Who Tore Down Ten Commandments Monument Will Avoid Prison Time | Hemant Mehta | Friendly...
Triphid comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Imo, He should be awarded a medal at least.
Because nothing kills the smell of ass...
Triphid comments on Jan 23, 2021:
Bleach, Bleach and MORE BLEACH PLUS tons upon tons of Glen 20 spray MAY just help as well, and I did say MAY btw.
Church of England: Only Straight Couples Are Allowed to Have Sex | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist |...
Triphid comments on Jan 23, 2021:
I wonder if that edict includes Paedo-Priest as well?
Electoral-Fraud Exorcist Combats Fake Baptism With Blog Rant and Helpful Graphic | Val Wilde | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 23, 2021:
Yeah right like that's going to work miracles....LOL. Far better off spitting at a hurricane in the hope of stopping it imo.
Conspiracy theories abound.
Triphid comments on Jan 23, 2021:
IMO, Conspiracy Theories and Conspiracy Theorists are like flies around fresh manure, they are abundant, almost countless and are about as believable as the Prophecies of the Religiotards.
Why do there appear to be so many leftists in the Atheist community? []
Triphid comments on Jan 23, 2021:
Define what a "Leftist" is.
When wall street plays.... []
Triphid comments on Jan 22, 2021:
Oh how it seems that the once who thought themselves so mighty have now fallen and how quickly the sinking ship has dragged the rats down with it despite their vain attempts to escape it. The BIG end of Town has pulled the rug out from under the rats at last. And here's hoping the rug never ever gets replaced again.
Arsonist Burns Down Church of Satan’s Gathering Place in Poughkeepsie, NY | Beth Stoneburner | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 22, 2021:
And they seem to conveniently forget that Lucifer, aka Satan/Devil. etc, etc, like Prometheus of Greek Legends, was condemned by God to Eternal Damnation BECAUSE he gave the Knowledge of Fire to mere Mortal Humans and NOT for Opposing God as they so well and wrongly claim. So, logically, are not these very Arsonist Christians merely doing EXACTLY the same as was Lucifer ( Latin word meaning the Bringer of Light and Warmth btw) condemned for in the first place?
When It Comes to the Holocaust, Atheists Know a Lot More Than Christians | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Jan 22, 2021:
Yes, regrettably the Holocaust did occur. Yes, the Death Toll from " The Final Solution" was terrible and completely inexcusable. However, and by NO means am I a denier btw, according to my very Good Friend, Ytzaak, a Jew who survived Auschwitz at the tender age of just 10 years old at the time, the estimation of 6.000.000 Murdered Jews may well be an over-estimation when considering that the Nazis branded everyone who was placed in those horrible camps as being the same, i.e. the Untermensch. And, post the Liberations of these Death Camps, many claimed Jewish heritage/lineage rather than admitting to be of other non-Jewish nationalities, etc, in efforts to gain from the Allies some form/s of recognition, etc, etc. including so form/s of compensations as well. Though, as told to me by Ytzaak, the Nazis were very strict record keepers they made little or no distinction between Jews and others who were condemned to these 'Slaughter-houses,' they simply tattooed EVERYONE the same upon arrival. Hence, the Toll may well be either higher or lower in relation to the numbers of actual Jews murdered but we will never truly know for absolute certainty what the Death Toll was EXCEPT that the TOTAL Estimated Death Toll, including Jews, Poles, Czechs, French, Belgians, Russians, etc, etc, is somewhere in the vicinity of 15-15.5 MILLION people, men, women, disabled, mentally ill, etc, etc and children. And MANY Christians, even to this day, still INSIST that the Jews "got exactly what they deserved since THEY were the Christ Killers." And, historically speaking here, they ARE 100% incorrect SINCE Jewish Law at the ASSUMED time of the Mythical Execution of the equally Mythical Jesus HAD NO Law that allowed a MAN to be put to Death other than by stoning, hence the Priests of the Temple, according to the Myth, FORCED the Roman Governor, under threat of a Hebrew Uprising, to execute the Mythical Jesus as an Insurgent, Rebel and leading Antagonist in the Plot to usurp the Throne of the Emperor of the Roman Empire. A threat that, btw, came to fruition later when Caligula smothered Tiberius and became Emperor of Rome, an event that had NOTHING to do what-so-ever with the Hebrews at all. According to Ytzaak, MANY Jews to this day STILL insist that and deny the existence of Jesus both as the Messiah and the assumed son of God.
Am I really undecided or just haven't decided?
Triphid comments on Jan 22, 2021:
Think of it in this way, God exists, says the Believer. How are you so certain God exists, you ask, can you see God, can you touch God? No, says the Believer, but I know God must exist because the Pastor/Priest/Minister at our Church tells us that God exists repeatedly. And how does he/she know this, you ask. Because he believes in God, says the Believer, because he was taught to believe in God. But exactly which God is the God that you must believe in, you ask. Why, the God I was taught to believe in, the Believer replies, is there another God? Well Yes, you reply, there are over 300,000 Gods/Goddesses worshiped in Hinduism alone and an estimated ten times that number have been worshiped by Humans for thousands and thousands of years before that as well, so I ask you again WHICH GOD.
@Triphid you could probably use this []
Triphid comments on Jan 22, 2021:
Have had a similar one for years now.
The People who Saved America's Democracy
Triphid comments on Jan 21, 2021:
And perhaps it IS time to make the United States of Absurdity into a TRUE Democracy where the Choice of the People truly decides who will lead them and NOT the Electoral Colleges, etc, etc. After all, is NOT Democracy the Government of the People, By the People and FOR the People?
Angry Christian Mom Condemns “Graphic and Offensive” Cadbury Creme Egg Ad | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 21, 2021:
Oh FFS, I guess in her house the words " NO, you cannot kiss Daddy Goodbye when he leaves for work, son, it would be a Homosexual act and Jeebus Chrust hates Homosexuals, are regularly heard to ring out." Blimey O' Reilly, I'd even lay bets that Monica Cole even showers in her underwear so as to NOT offend God/Jeebus with her naked body or to ensure that her husband does NOT get aroused more than the 'required' once per year.
Church to Elderly Members: Get Out of Here So We Can Attract Younger People | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 21, 2021:
The Preacher wants the younger peoples because they have more money to keep him in the life-style he is accustomed to where the Elderly are unable to offer up as much financial support as they once did. Of course the Elderly WILL be useful as the Dupes to mow lawns, shovel snow, etc, etc, the tasks it seems that the Preachers has a very severe allergy to doing and who is going to care IF a 60 year old drops dead while mowing the Church lawns or shoveling snow, etc, they ARE expendable in the eyes of the Preacher and the church so it seems. Nice one Mr. Preacher, I hope squatters take over your hypocritical church and turn it into something that even cockroaches would shun.
Ark Encounter Ticket Sales Continued to Plummet in December Due to COVID-19 | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 21, 2021:
Aw, that's sad, can I have the mailing address so I can send them some rusty old steel nuts?
SLIP SLIDING AWAY | A Parody | The Freedom Toast - YouTube
Triphid comments on Jan 20, 2021:
Sadly though, the turd may well be gone but the stench will still linger on for quite a long, long, time.
Punctuation is so important...
Triphid comments on Jan 20, 2021:
Kind of like, "I'm not drinking anymore." Which should be written as, "I'm not drinking any more, just the same amount but more often. LOL.
It's a new year, let's get started on those exercise programs
Triphid comments on Jan 20, 2021:
Tried the exercise routine, decided to make the spuds in to Mashed Potatoes instead....LOL.
Wednesday morning cuteness..
Triphid comments on Jan 20, 2021:
Feline version of Yoda perhaps....LOL.
A Wonderful Inauguration Day
Triphid comments on Jan 20, 2021:
In the words of the song by Queen, " Another one gone, another one gone, another one bites the dust ........."
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2021:
"Elmo's Granny perhaps? LOL,
Jeez Louise, some say birds are not so intelligent.
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2021:
I'm wondering now what will the bird life be expecting next. I'm giving them a free feed every morning, they have my garden pond as their private bathing pool and fresh drinking water, my tall 'Pencil' Pines as roosting and nesting sites, I hope they're NOT expecting me to supply them with Spa-baths, Entrees, Desserts, etc, etc,....LOL.
Gathering dirt? 😅
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Especially be wary of the ones named Hoovers, they MUST be working for the F.B.I. and are the covert inventions of its founder....LOL.
Playtime for trump []
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2021:
How about let Donnie the Jerk-Off play "Pass the Parcel" alone with a box full of primed hand-grenades? That WOULD solve 2 problems at the same time, i.e. HE would get his much desired Big Send-off and would fertilize the gardens as well.
And the good lord said "the prophetess Mary shall show you the future" :-D
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Post script to Mary Anne Trump, Madam, your son is most definitely the sperm that YOU should have swallowed.
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Och aye the noo, I'm a thinking this wee laddie has been wearing his cassock out in the cold winds a wee bit to much and his brain has become frozen or he's bin smelling a wee bit too much incense of late.
The Rolling Stones - Start Me Up...Glastonbury live. . []
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Did you know that Mick's mother never had to pay for a Babysitter when she want to go out? She simply wet his lips and stuck him to the nearest windowpane or mirror.....LOL.
FL County That Opposed Atheist Invocations Will Finally Have Atheist Speaker | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Hit the Bible-bashers where it hurts them the most, their hip-pocket, and you can sit back and watch them squirm and squeal like stuck pigs.
A Pennsylvania Woman Drove Into an Oncoming Car in Order to “Test Her Faith” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Ah yes, yet another example of Sky Daddy's Great Plan, " Let us create Legion upon Legions of deranged Mental Midgets, give them vehicles made of steel and, because I promised NEVER to Flood the Earth ever again, let them loose on the roads and highways to cause mayhem, havoc, death and destruction in our name."
"Wonder if these pants make my butt look too..?" (I'll let you fill in the blank.)
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2021:
"....much like a Ski Jump for sweat droplets?"
"Wonder if these pants make my butt look too..?" (I'll let you fill in the blank.)
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2021:
"....about ready to explode."
Would you say that agnostics are likely to be more intelligent than theists or atheists?
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Speaking here on a personal basis and as a Psychologist as well, I'd say that both Agnostics and Atheists are pretty much on the same intelligence level with each other since they BOTH use their powers of Logic, Reasoning, etc, etc, question things thoroughly, seek evidence and answers where and when ever possible, then sort out facts from fictions in an unbiased, open-minded manner and then make their own decisions for themselves rather than merely following along with somewhat 'blind faith' that which they have told repeatedly is Truth. Theists, on the other hand, though most often quite intelligent prefer to accept and adhere to, often quite blindly, exactly what they have repeated told is the Truth, the Facts, etc, and must NEVER be questioned.
Majuscule MAJ-əs-kyool Part of speech: noun Origin: French, 18th century 1: Large lettering,...
Triphid comments on Jan 18, 2021:
Rectum, Anatomical meaning "ending of the large intestine," Aussie meaning, used in conjunction with a man accidentally injuring his testicles, i.e. "Shit, I nearly rect'um that time." LOL.
Craic krak Part of speech: noun Origin: Irish, 1970s 1: Enjoyable social activity.
Triphid comments on Jan 18, 2021:
Ah, so that might be where the old Irish proverb of, " Any colleen who flies naked is certain to have craic up sometime."....LOL.
Panama Sect Tortures and Kills Indigenous People So They’ll Repent Their Sins | Val Wilde | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 18, 2021:
As per usual, the Chrustians manage to have a case of Amnesia of Convenience when it comes to things like their 'exalted' 10 Commandments I see. Here's hoping that the Courts don't suffer the same 'amnesia' when it comes to try the bastards for Torture and Murder.
Popular Film Critic Chris Stuckmann Explains Why He Left the Jehovah’s Witnesses | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 18, 2021:
What, he just "walked away from them," I'd be breaking the 4 minute mile in an effort to escape from that deluded demented lot.
Catholic Cardinal Claims COVID Vaccine Contains Microchip with Mark of the Beast | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 18, 2021:
Shit a brick, first we have the likes of @Thirst2learn and @imback with all their conspiracy theories and NOW, along comes some crazy Catlick (Catholic) Cardinal with even more. What crap will he come up with next, perhaps the theory that ALL Pharma.Companies are in league with Satan, Sky Daddy will checking everyone for micro-chips BEFORE they can enter Heaven, etc, etc?
Eschew əs-cho͞o Part of speech: verb Origin: Late Middle English, 14th century 1: To avoid...
Triphid comments on Jan 18, 2021:
So then this below doesn't fit in to the meaning then...LOL
🤔First words.
Triphid comments on Jan 17, 2021:
LOL, going by the look and expression of the baby's face, I''d say it was more likely to be something like, " What, was that me or someone else who made that stink."
My 5 year old: "Do trees poop?" Me: "Of course they do, that’s how we get 2 pencils."
Triphid comments on Jan 17, 2021:
!0 out of 10 for that one.
Christian Mom: Women Who Feel “Fat Shamed” Should Admit They’re Overweight | Beth Stoneburner ...
Triphid comments on Jan 17, 2021:
This Chrustian Mom should shame herself for having way too much FAT between her ears.
Doing his work for Trumptards!!
Triphid comments on Jan 17, 2021:
Jeebus Chrust, the ORIGINAL Home DIY Handyman....LOL.
Your Sunday Groaner you are welcome
Triphid comments on Jan 17, 2021:
But after many, many years it sadly became very tire (tyre)some....LOL.
Her name is Shein 😊
Triphid comments on Jan 17, 2021:
Yes, she definitely has a 'sheen' about her.
Only if he is in front of them
Triphid comments on Jan 17, 2021:
Oh most definitely BUT an 88mm Howitzer round, live and fired directly up his fat shiny arse-hole at POINT Blank range.
Like that's going to help.
Triphid comments on Jan 17, 2021:
Shouldn't that sign read something like, " All Adult Chrustians MUST be accompanied by an Undeluded, Free-Thinking Child."
50 ancient coffins found in Egypt: []
Triphid comments on Jan 17, 2021:
You can't really know for absolute certainty just how much more of the history of Ancient Egypt is still buried in the shifting desert sands awaiting discovery?
Bee Gees first released single in the US. Check out their outfits, 1967. []
Triphid comments on Jan 17, 2021:
Nice song, but it brought memories from when my Dad worked in the Silver,Lead and Zinc Mines here. I still remember, clearly, him coming home after spending hours and hours, day after day working with the Proto and Rescue Crews trying to recover either trapped mining teams or, even worse, the crushed and torn bodies from rock-falls deep underground. After EVERY Rescue job, he'd drive the car into the shed, pick up a hessian bag from the boot, walk over to the 44 gallon drum that was used as an Incinerator, put the bag in, pour kerosene on to it and toss in a lighted match. I asked ONCE why he was burning his work clothes, he looked at me with a very sad and solemn face and said quietly, " It's the only way to get the smell of death out of them mate, the ONLY way."
This picture belongs in a future history book
Triphid comments on Jan 16, 2021:
And the pool boy will find another to Vank him off, Ivanka....LOL.
I imagine many of you here will agree with this disposal method.
Triphid comments on Jan 16, 2021:
In the simplest of Aussie terms, " Shove it up your Arse."
Saturday morning fire
Triphid comments on Jan 16, 2021:
OW, I just got Flash Burns to my eyes...LOL.
Listen to Christian Scamvangelist Benny Hinn Brag About a Magical Healing School | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 16, 2021:
Benny Hinn and his "Healing School" works wonders on "healing' his emaciated wallet and Bank Accounts.
Missouri Bill Would Jail Librarians Who Let Kids Check Out “Inappropriate” Books | Hemant Mehta ...
Triphid comments on Jan 16, 2021:
FFS, here comes the Theocratic State of Missouri, U.S.A. Forget about the "Ghost Busters" Yanks, it IS time to call in the "God-Busters."
Update: Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Church’s Appeal on Abuse at Mount Cashel | Val Wilde | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 16, 2021:
One very nice and truly great Step forward.
Skidmark never mentioned this whilst electioneering.
Triphid comments on Jan 16, 2021:
Leave the bloody uranium where it really belongs, deep in the ground and untouched.
I had ordered a box of Solimo hand soap from Amazon.
Triphid comments on Jan 15, 2021:
Eh, what'd you say...LOL. We Aussie say Eh as well only with us it kind of sounds more like a lengthened version as in 'ey or 'ay. Canadians are very nice, friendly people btw. And good at lots of things besides drinking beer that actually LOOKS like beer, tastes like beer and not diluted dish water.
Triphid comments on Jan 15, 2021:
Blimey I reckon I do my fair share every year with Lady E ( pictured below), the female Australian Wedge-tailed Eagle. We kind of adopted each other over 8 years ago now when she was just a weak young fledgling who almost drowned herself while trying her hardest to survive by getting a drink from my garden pond. At first I though she was a he until the Vet examined her and found she was in fact a female but, according to him here chances of survival even with my care and attentions were very very low. About 4 months later she had gone from weighing a very weak and emaciated 1lb 8 ounces to a nice healthy 12lbs, 4 ounces, had learned to fly, eat from my hand, tear meat from bones and we released her back into the wild never expecting to see her again. How wrong could we have been, 3 weeks later she returned, whistling as she few over my house, landed gracefully on my back lawn, strolled proudly up to me to be patted, cadge a free meal, hung around with her friend, my Blue Heeler for a while then flew off again. She now returns about every 2-3 weeks, cadges a free meal, gets her pats, checks the place out and then flies off whistling as she goes. Big plus is that at the end of EVERY Breeding Season, she brings her family along with her a visit and, of course, to teach how to cadge a free meal as well. In 6 years she has hatched out and reared, with a little 'help' from a friend, me, 8 young eagles all who have survived and grown to adults.
If you insist on having a Christmas tree- []
Triphid comments on Jan 15, 2021:
That is why I am atm growing from a seedling an LIVING tree for my 7 year old nephew to have as a Xmas Tree. It is from the seeds of my Pencil/Candle Pines that are in my gardens, they are at a minimum 80-100 years old and stand about 25-30 feet high, low maintenance, not so subject to winds/wind damages, make nice homes for birds and are green all year round. BIG plus they produce oxygen as the do their job as well.
Dave Daubenmire: Meghan Markle “Poisoned” the Royal Family By Being “Half Black” | Hemant ...
Triphid comments on Jan 15, 2021:
Someone else with his head firmly wedge deep up his own arse I see.
Best "it's complicated" image
Triphid comments on Jan 15, 2021:
A Threesome, canine style perhaps....LOL.
bleurowz known to some of you as Amy - has passed away.
Triphid comments on Jan 15, 2021:
My most sincerest condolences to all of here friends and families. Sleep well Friend, sleep well, you shall be remembered.
TX Pastor, a George W.
Triphid comments on Jan 15, 2021:
Now WHO would have ever though a Preacher would do something like that???? LOL.
Do you agree?
Triphid comments on Jan 15, 2021:
Daddy Long-legs yes, Red-backs, White Tails, Sydney Funnel Webs, Huntsmans, Wolf Spiders, big ugly hairy ones are a definite NO. I have my own environmentally friendly in-door and outdoors Creepy-Crawly eradicators thank you, Gecko lizards, they do a marvelous job and are quite fun to watch as they catch their meals as well. Population was at last quick count approx. 20 but given their aptitude for breeding, I'd guess there'll be more than that next season as well.
Dinosaurs lived in a different part of the galaxy than we do.
Triphid comments on Jan 15, 2021:
Well since it is calculated that Dinosaurs became extinct about 65 milion years, ruled the planet for approx. 120 million years which equates to approx. 185 million years in total that could be possibility.
North Dakota Lawmakers Want to Force Catholic Priests to Report Child Sex Abuse | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 15, 2021:
And so it should be reported, bugger their old "Get out of it all Free" card called the Rules of the Confessional.
"Oh my god, that's treating other people with respect gone mad!"
Triphid comments on Jan 14, 2021:
In my honest opinion there is being correct and decent towards all others and THEN there is Political Correctness, something that has gone from being an Ideology to being an absolute Absurdity. For example, under P.C. one can no longer, legitimately refer to a simple 'man-hole' as being a 'man-hole' IT MUST by P.C. be referred to as being a 'Person-hole.' A set of Electrical connectors can NO longer be referred as being "Male and Female" connectors/sockets since that is both NOT being Politically Correct but also Sexist as well. What were once called "Fairy Penguins" can no longer, under P.C. rules be called so, since the Gay Community in some places have taken exception to the usage of the words Fairy Penguins. Jeez Louise, even the humble Rainbow that appears in the sky after rain MUST, to be 100% Politically Correct, be used ONLY as the Emblem for the L.G.B.T. Q.I. Communities , a bloke can't find a pair of ordinary shorts in a Clothing Store these day that has a fly so when wearing them he ACTUALLY stand UP and into a Urinal as men have done for decades and more, no, they've almost ALL gone 100% Unisex in style. FFS, what IS next, will we ALL be required to sit down to pee?
Jim Bakker: “I Know I’m Not Wrong” That God Will Soon Destroy a Bunch of Cities | Beth ...
Triphid comments on Jan 14, 2021:
My advice here, Do NOT run, Do NOT duck for cover, Do NOT hold your breath, instead hold BIG Outdoor Parties, Blaspheme like there's no tomorrow, have fun, commit sins like Adultery, Homosexuality, Sloth, Gluttony and Vanity, swear like a crew of Drunken Sailors and, above ALL, give Invisible, Imaginary Sky Daddy the 'Bird' at every available opportunity since this invisible, imaginary Sky Daddy couldn't hit an Imaginary bull in the arse with an imaginary Bazooka...LOL.
Will it matter a billion years from now whether we are kind or cruel to today?
Triphid comments on Jan 14, 2021:
As Homo sapiens ( Thinking Humans as the name implies) I tend to think that we, as a whole, SHOULD strive to leave this planet a better place than what it was whilst we were here. After all is said and done, not only do we rely upon this planet for OUR survival BUT countless other species do also. Who knows for certain what, if any, species will evolve and rise up to take our place once we have gone to join those who went extinct before us.
Kentucky Man in Fatal Car Wreck Was Under the Influence of Alcohol and Jesus | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 14, 2021:
WTF, a Faithfool driving around, drunk as a skunk, baby on his lap, a 2,000 year old Invisible Jewish Zombie in the Navigators seat AND the Chrustians want to start and operate their OWN Airline as well. Of course Zombie Jeebus will make 100% certain that ALL passengers will reach the same destination as did the unfortunate victim in the M.V.A. sadly, the Graveyard. Thankfully, VERY Thankfully the baby is in a stable condition.
In her radio show, Dr Laura Schlesinger said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an...
Triphid comments on Jan 14, 2021:
Ah, so that's why Sky Daddy never responds, the Chrustians have forgotten that Sky Daddy like his steaks burned to crisp and crunchy critters, not rare, medium, well done, etc, BUT a nice black, charcoal version that crunches as he chews it, stains his Omnipotent teeth as black as tar and absorbs the stink of his Almighty Farts as well. Message received, Roger Wilco, Sky Daddy, next offering shall be burnt beyond recognition.....LOL.
Please welcome @imback to the group. Looking forward to your music choices.
Triphid comments on Jan 14, 2021:
Welcome @imback,
A variant of Covid19 makes vaccination nill and void. []
Triphid comments on Jan 14, 2021:
One should TRY to remember than most vaccines do NOT actually kill/destroy the causative virus/bacteria, etc, etc, they ONLY mitigate/lessen the effects of the infection and stimulate the Immune System to produce antibodies that are SPECIFIC to virus/bacteria, etc,etc. Viruses do NOT reproduce like bacteria, etc, etc, they are incapable of doing it, SO they attack a living cell, inject their genetic material in to that cells, hijack the the DNA, etc, of the cell and combine it with their own to make a newer mutant version of themselves, similar in ways to how Sexual Reproduction works in most animals, think human sperm to human ovum(egg) here, the sperm ( the fastest one to reach the ovum, attaches itself to the ovum, then injects its chromosomes into the ovum, they then combine with chromosomes contained in the nucleus of the ovum and then the embryo is conceived. It is NOT a duplicate of either parent, it IS a new, mutated (for want of a better term), version of the parent cells. Researchers have shown that C-19 has possibly mutated from its earlier 'parent versions' that were probably S.A.R.S 1 & 2, Swine Flu and Bird Flu as well. Just as have the original Ebola virus and others also. Until we know MORE as how viruses actually work, etc,etc, then vaccines ARE the Front Line Defense style Troops defending us as best they can at present.
Turkish Creationist Adnan Oktar Sentenced to Over 1,000 Years in Jail | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Jan 13, 2021:
Anyone have the address of the prison, I'd like to send him some bacon....LOL.
Christian Moms Whine About Burger King Ad in Which Man Says “Damn, That’s Good” | Hemant Mehta...
Triphid comments on Jan 13, 2021:
Aw, poor widdle Monica Cole has gotten her very special Religious knickers in yet another twist again I see. How's about giving poor little Monica a break or two, preferably the fingers used to work the keypad or keyboard that she types with.
What did Trump do, if anything, to incite violence?
Triphid comments on Jan 13, 2021:
Incitations can and do take many forms, from mere, questionably, innocent suggestions/comments right through the spectrum to including out-right, blatant and plain 'demands' for Insurrection, Violence, Public Disquiet, etc, etc. Most times it is NOT directly obvious from the wording/s BUT from what the intent is in what is suggested by 'reading between the lines,' looking for and finding the 'innuendos, etc, etc. Despite, imo, being a rank Idiot, tRumpanzee has shown over decades that he is well adept at using these 'tactics' and thinking that he can get away with them as well.
Oldest painting ever found discovered: []
Triphid comments on Jan 13, 2021:
I can hear the religio-tards screaming out " Fake News, Face News, the world IS only 6,400 years old, this is FAKE news."
Florida Church: Don’t Blame Us Just Because Our Members Joined the Capitol Coup | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jan 12, 2021:
So, what did these members do, get a Temporary Leave of Absence from the Church to attend the riot so as to absolve the Church of any Responsibility?


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