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Hello grouphugs 🤗 how are you today?
Triphid comments on Aug 23, 2020:
Well, it's near enough to 10.00pm Sunday night here. My day went along as per usual with the exception that my across the road neighbours' 2 dogs have now worked my Sunday routine and were waiting at their front fence for me to emerge and expecting a doggie treat from me, which they usually get if they are in their front yard), they got their treat as I left to go get the Sunday paper, etc, plus a surprise when I returned, a nice freshly deep-fried Chicken Nugget each as well.
Today I was feeling abandoned and hopeless.
Triphid comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Just hang on in there, the ONLY person/thing that can change your life and you is YOU and YOU can do it, rest assured of that.
One of my dearest siblings messaged me with a post she had seen.
Triphid comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Yet another example of the Trumpians desperately spreading their bullshit and twaddle imo.
I found this story sweet up until the part where she said she wrote out a letter to her children ...
Triphid comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Sad and I definitely feel for her and her family, BUT, if it be the 'Will of this God thingy' that she believes so strongly in then all I can say is that her God is not much more than a Cruel, Brutal, Sadistic, Savage Bastard of the Highest Order bar none.
Yep. It’s 2020 alright.
Triphid comments on Aug 22, 2020:
LOL, here in Australia we often refer to ALL forms of alcoholic drinks as being 'piss.' hence the old saying of, " I've been on the piss again."
Georgia School Principal: COVID-19 Is ‘God’s Cleansing Plan’ | Michael Stone
Triphid comments on Aug 21, 2020:
Yeah this God thingy is doing a truly great and wonderful job BUT he is also killing of his believers as well. Kind of like a 'friendly fire' situation if you ask me.
I Pastafari was entertaining and informative. []
Triphid comments on Aug 21, 2020:
You've got be kidding, as if we don't already have enough belief systems.
I'm working on a case for demonstrating that all morality is ultimately subjective.
Triphid comments on Aug 21, 2020:
Morality and Ethical behaviours have been around in both humans and animals long, long before religions/religious beliefs were ever invented. Morals and Ethics are what assisted humans to survive the predators and predations when they were just mere, helpless early primates. As they grew together from mere , small family groups into larger clans they learned, mostly by mistakes, that supporting and protecting each other, and especially their young, made them stronger and safer plus reduced the the chances of deformities , etc, occurring via in-breeding. Sadly, religions were invented and then hi-jacked these behaviours, etc, claimed them , falsely as their own, twisted and contorted them to SUIT their purposes and now we are expected to bear with the intrusions of these twisted ideologies into almost every aspect of our lives from what we should/should not wear, to what we may/may not eat, etc, etc, and even as to how when and why, in many cases, we can have and behave during Sexual Intercourse. Imo, Religion does NOT give Freedom, it takes it from people and ALLOWS its purveyors the freedoms to fulfill, pursue and foster, without question most often, their own lusts and desires.
Blasphemy: Kano court sentences 13 year old boy to 10 years in jail
Triphid comments on Aug 21, 2020:
BLASPHEMY = A LAW enacted by man to try and prevent an Imaginary, Invisible, Non-existent, Omnipotent, Omni-benevolent Being from getting its feelings hurt.
Christian Network TBN Cancels Scamvangelist Kenneth Copeland’s TV Show | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Aug 20, 2020:
One down, and dozens yet to fall, there IS hope at last.
Kiss - I Was Made For Lovin' You []
Triphid comments on Aug 20, 2020:
Good band, out-landish costumes. KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid...LOL.
I'm thinking... some days it's easier than others. 😉😁🤗🌻🌻🌻
Triphid comments on Aug 20, 2020:
Let me see, what's good so far today, Woke up thinking about going out and collecting a load of firewood tomorrow, checked the weather forecast, 30kph winds are predicted, raised dust and as cold as a step-mother's kiss, that puts the kybosh on that idea until early next week, It's Friday here, nearly the end of the week, new Hot water system is running fine and dandy, checked both chainsaws yesterday, they are ready to go, gardens are still in winter state ( pretty much dormant). I'm still alive and kicking, that's a huge plus at any time. So all is right in my little part of the world.
Thought sure I'd make 9 today . Just 78 more points to go .
Triphid comments on Aug 20, 2020:
Well done to you. i'm still sitting on 8.5 but can't figure out how to find out how many points I still need to get to the magic '9' anyone know how I find that out?
Human Character
Triphid comments on Aug 19, 2020:
"There are always both good and bad 'apples' to be found in every barrel," as the saying goes. But, imho and numerous past experiences, religion breeds 'bad apples' far more than it does good ones for some unknown reason. For example, I once was asked to help, and told I would be paid, to use my skills as a Handyman Builder to do a job of building a Walk-in Dressing room at the home of some people I thought were friends, also Christians btw. The agreed amount of payment settle upon was about $5 per hour and the husband was to be my Assistant. I'd start work after taking my daughter to school every morning, work through until time to collect her from school. 3 weeks I worked at the job, it WAS a big job btw. Thankfully THEY paid for ALL materials, etc, and not me, materials alone cost approx. $1,200. When the job was done to THEIR satisfaction I asked for my payment and was told to wait a few days while they got the money together. I've not seen a brass razoo of it even to this day but I did another renovation style job for an older couple some weeks later, materials cost them around the same, the time span was about the same length, I got Morning and Afternoon Tea Breaks supplied as well as my lunch, unlike with the previous job, and was paid promptly at the end of each day even though I asked them to hold off until the job was completed to their satisfaction. The older couple were as Atheist as I am and was then and we debated strongly when they tried to insist that I should take an extra $150 on top of the agreed amount paid because the job was done better than they had expected. Moral of the story, imo, Do NOT trust supposed friends who are also Christians.
Your thoughts on SkidMarks desire to make vaccinations mandatory?
Triphid comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Well imo, A) given the ravaging of Covid on the human body, the death toll it has resulted in, etc, etc, and, B) That there is a possibility that left unchecked it can become a newer form of the 'Old Plagues' ravaged humanity centuries ago, then, C) Adding in that ALL vaccines produced elsewhere than, China and Russia, etc, for example, MUST undergo VERY strict and prolonged, scientifically observed and run tasting procedures and trails BEFORE being given the 'All Clear,' then, D) I, for one, WILL be lining up for my vaccination rather than risking being one those who, sadly and unfortunately, are 'pushing up daisies.'
Hello grouphugs 🤗 how are you all?
Triphid comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Hearing first in February, 2000 that my 15 year old daughter had Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and urgently needed Chemotherapy but only had about a 20% chance of going into full remission was a terrible bit of news. But being told in January, 2001, after the Lymphoma had returned even stronger, and hearing that she had between 10 and 14 days to live tore a massive hole in me that grew even bigger as every day went by until the big crunch came. Now the hole may be a bit smaller, but the pain, etc, is still there.
I've been putting out traps to try to catch the results of gift my cat brought me 2:30 one morning .
Triphid comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Don't use a poison bait, instead use Peanut Butter, mice and rats just can't resist it. Move your traps around after each time you catch one, that sort of confuses the others and another trick is to cover the traps over with an old cloth to make the space inside as dark as possible.
Don't forget if you don't sin Jesus died for nothing.
Triphid comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Fair enough, so even as Atheist we should always do our utmost to ensure that mythical Jeebus did NOT die for nothing, so sin on brothers and sisters.....LOL Oh, and yesterday I sinned many times btw, I used his name numerous times whilst trying to disconnect the piping from my defunct Hot Water Heater so as I could fit in a new one.
Nothing to see here Folks, move along now, move along.
Triphid comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Good one, like it. Though I sincerely doubt that ANY Psychologist/Psychiatrist could ever manage to assist this 'God' with his/her/its rampant Socio-pathic, Psycho-pathic tendencies.
What about NDE's (Near Death Experiences)?
Triphid comments on Aug 17, 2020:
" Was brain dead for 6 days," medically speaking, once the brain becomes starved of oxygen it begins dying immediately and it cannot regenerate itself unlike the liver, ergo, it is 100% Kaput. When the brain and body are so badly damaged and oxygen deprivation sets in the brain begins to mis-fire creating entirely false images, etc, etc, thus giving the false impression/s of N.D.E. Without a regular oxygen supply to it the brain will begin to die within a period of approx. 8-10 minutes and from there there usually is NO coming back. The 'white light at the end of the tunnel' IS just as much a myth as is God, Jesus, Heaven or Hell.
There are many well known atheists, agnostics and scientists who have said, and without much ...
Triphid comments on Aug 16, 2020:
1. The REAL Heaven or Hell is only what life throws your way OR what you make of life itself. Ergo, the choice is your own. 2. There are things we cannot explain as yet hence we class them as being supernatural but religions are NOT supernatural beliefs, etc, they, imo, are simply sub-natural and sub-normal.
Tuned for life?
Triphid comments on Aug 16, 2020:
WTF, IF this planet was 'tuned' for supporting life the WHY have there been so many Extinction events? To my mind it sounds more the 'mechanic' was trying to make a a 4 cylinder car with an 1,600cc engine run like a V8 with a 6 litre engine and failed miserably.
Survey: Pastors Say Adultery is a Forgivable Sin When Pastors Do It | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Okay, so Adultery is forgivable IF a Priest, etc, does it. So do they see the actions of Paedophile Priests as being forgivable also? Was the adulterous act by which God impregnated Mary also forgivable as well and how about Abraham had it off with his slave-woman and not his wife?
Right about the time I heard Johnny Horton and North To Alaska, I was also reading Jack L's books.
Triphid comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Good song, great theme to the movie as well. It took a while and a lot searching until I finally found a copy of the movie on DVD.
God versus the caveman
Triphid comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Excellent, love it.
When is Jesus coming back? The question on the lips of almost every believer.
Triphid comments on Aug 15, 2020:
Of course he can't come back, they put INRI on the Cross instead of R.T.S. ( Return to Sender).....LOL.
BLM wants your house .
Triphid comments on Aug 14, 2020:
Most definitely NOT being racist here, BUT I've seen first hand what some of my distant Indigenous Australian relatives can do to house, etc, where they live and, trust me, it IS not a pretty sight. They get a Government paid for NEW house made usually from brick, a nicely landscaped garden area surrounding the house, ALL the mod-cons, very, very low rent (if any at all), their Electricity Bills, etc, are, more often than not, paid for them by the Aboriginal Land Councils. Within less than a few months mostly, they are gutted inside, the gardens are piled high with rubbish of ALL imaginable and, often, even unimaginable kinds, the toilets are blocked and over-flowing to the extreme, windows are smashed or completely non-existent, there are normally between 10-20+ people living in each house, flooring has been torn up and used as firewood for fires both inside and outside the houses, there are usually at least 4 or more cars wrecked in each yard that are recently bought, brand new, and ONLY need the Owner/s to make the FIRST Hire-Purchase payment ( the rest are paid for by the Land Councils) since anything purchased by them CANNOT be repossessed LEGALLY nor can they be evicted LEGALLY. However, I do know of quite a few, a somewhat RARE few that is, who do take care of their houses, etc, pay their own bills, etc, BUT they ARE few and far between. We have here where I live an area known locally as " The Beverly Hills" (sarcastically I might add) where these houses have had in the region of well over $10,000,000 AU spent on them collectively and REPEATEDLY to repair and refurbish those self-same houses over the years. Yes, imo, ALL lives do matter BUT should they want to be treated equally then perhaps they should try to treat everyone and everything equally as well for real equality is somewhat like Racism in that it IS a Two Way Street, is it not?
More US churches sue to challenge COVID-19 restrictions
Triphid comments on Aug 14, 2020:
I'd say to them, "Okay, so YOU want your Religious Liberties then build a compound that completely encloses your church/temple or what ever, make it a solid wall only accessible via a secure gate system with a coded entry system that is ENTRY only, assemble EVERYONE from your congregation INSIDE and seal yourselves in PERMANENTLY. And when Covid spread through the congregation/s DO NOT call the Emergency Services,etc, just kneel down and Pray for a cure to be sent by God or Jesus BUT make sure you have a large enough area available to bury the dead."
BLM wants your house .
Triphid comments on Aug 14, 2020:
Oh when are they ALL going to learn that screaming "Racism" IS a Double-Edged Sword that actually cuts BOTH ways.
I joined this site a couple years ago.
Triphid comments on Aug 13, 2020:
Ah but @barjoe, be aware, be very aware there may just a Troll hiding away somewhere just waiting to jump out and get you. It will not be me btw, I'm most definitely NOT a Troll in any way, shape nor form but I've been trolled a few times so to 'slightly' change a bit from X Files, "the Troll is out there".....LOL.
Who feels like a refresher course in Biology?
Triphid comments on Aug 13, 2020:
Great, presented in simple terms but try telling that to the Creationists then stand and watch them go into a frenzy of screaming, yelling, denial, etc, etc. M8, I'd be posting that on EVERY Creationist/Religious site, etc, possible just for the fun of it.
We seem to have a sudden influx of pagans, hello, i wonder have you travelled through the humanist ...
Triphid comments on Aug 13, 2020:
Are we all not here, so classified by the Faithfools, etc, as being Pagans, Heathens, Infidels, Hellspawn, etc, etc? After all, "is Not the Enemy of my Enemy also my friend."
A random reflection about someone's question to me, "Are you religious?
Triphid comments on Aug 13, 2020:
To my mind, one may find should they delve deeply enough, that ALL religious beliefs stem from a philosophical source, though not in the terminology/terminologies as we use the word today. E.g. in times long times past and gone, a human sees and hears the strange whooshing/hissing sounds made by a bolt of electrical energy as it passes through the air in a thunderstorm. He has no idea that it is merely a natural occurrence in such a situation so he speculates ( philosophises) that some unknown, unseen Great and Powerful Entity has thus created this flash of light and sounds, adds together the sounds and arrives at, possibly, the idea that this Great Entity is actually saying its name and so comes forth the belief that lightning is created by the Entity whose name is Zeus and is proclaim its name via this manner. At least 90% of knowledge we have today has been derived by someone, somewhere offering up a kind of Philosophical idea in the first place just as have religions as well imo. Though having said that, one can also 'offer up' a philosophy/philosophical idea as a kind of maxim on a subject, etc, concerning subjects as to how to live life, react/behave/respond in situations, etc, etc, but that is just one the nuances/differences inherent in Philosophy as we know it today. Ergo, a Philosophy CAN often be turned into a Religion and vice versa.
FACT! Or, why it is asinine to believe in the proposition "you have your opinion and I have ...
Triphid comments on Aug 13, 2020:
Imo, Everyone has a 'right' to have THEIR own opinion/s just as everyone else has a similar 'right' to disagree/debate upon any and all opinions, etc, that are perceived to be either irrational, false, mis-leading as per tried, tested and proven evidence/s. Unfortunately, so it seems, since time immemorial so-called Free Speech has been the 'target' of choice for those who desire to suppress it for their own ends and means, i.e. Religions, imo, being a Prime Example. Humans 'invented' via evolutionary processes the abilties of speech as a means of communication of ideas, etc, etc, with more clarity than mere grunts and grumbles, ergo we should ALL stand up and fight for the Right to speak our minds with absolutely Freedom and NOT have impositions, etc, placed upon that Right.
Annie Glenn, wife of late astronaut and U.S. Sen. John Glenn, dies of coronavirus
Triphid comments on Aug 12, 2020:
Vale Annie Glenn may your body Rest in Peace and your memory live on forever.
[] Hitchens delivers one of his best hammer blows to cocky audience member
Triphid comments on Aug 12, 2020:
And another bites the dust, great job there Christopher you sent him spiraling down in the flames of his own making. Wish you were still amongst us all.
When a star exceeds its volume, gravity causes it to implode.
Triphid comments on Aug 12, 2020:
A Star, our solar body for example, is a mass of Hydrogen, mostly contained within it its massive core btw, undergoing a massive Thermo-nuclear Fusion reaction. I.e. IT turns Hydrogen into Helium, etc, thus causing a reaction that emits light, heats and radiation. Usually, when any Solar body reaches the point where its source of Hydrogen is converted to Helium it then begins to convert the Helium into other elements and GRAVITY causes it first to collapse inwards upon itself until the massive pressures created literally force the solar body to expand outwards exponentially so it begins to shed its outer shells. Some Super-massive Solar bodies do the same thing but the reactions occurring within their still super massive cores are still so powerful and strong that they cause these bodies not to expand so much as to actually explode, thus becoming Super-Novas. In approx. 4.5 -5 billions years from now, our Sun will have reached the end of its Hydrogen supplies and begin to convert the Helium, thus it WILL begin to expand outwards, engulfing Mercury, Venus and possible Earth as well, if it does NOT engulf the Earth then the Earth will end being little more than a burned out rocky cinder and the new version of Mercury. Oh, and Gravity does NOT repel it attracts fyi.
Triphid comments on Aug 11, 2020:
Nice song but funny since when I first ever heard it I always thought that the line said " She's a MESS to avoid." LOL
Do you want Biden/Harris to Win?
Triphid comments on Aug 11, 2020:
As an Aussie looking in from the outside, I don't care who wins just so long as it IS NOT that self-righteous, arrogant, self-centered, self-aggrandizing, war-mongering, misogynistic, mis-begotten chunk of ambulating, orange-haired, dog-excrement, aka Humpty Dumpty Trumpty.
When we engage in discourse on social media our expectations contain many of the same standards used...
Triphid comments on Aug 11, 2020:
Sadly, and imo, we are now forced by this Pandemic to converse more and more via electronic media means since face to face conversations are becoming extremely limited by Social Distancing, wearing of face masks, risks of spreading infection, etc, etc. So, as the old saying goes, " We have to try to make the most of a bad situation."
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
Triphid comments on Aug 11, 2020:
Depends what kind/s of strength to which you are referring here imo. Bodily strength tend to lessen with age, emotional strength tends to wax and wane with each adversity, etc, that comes along. The strength of Knowledge and the strength to use that knowledge is dependent upon the will of the person to utilise it when and if needed. For example, my wood-fired Heater began making a great deal of smoke every time I lit the last few nights, filling up the rooms in a smoky fog. After using the will and the strength of knowledge gained over the years, and a few failed attempts and knowing there are no Chimney-Sweeps around town these days, I availed myself of a lesson from my Dad, " If it is NOT available then create a solution," so, a very long, extendible handle, an old wire-brush 60mms in diameter, a few screws to fix the brush firmly to the handle, a half hour of shoving the brush assembly down through the chimney and flue system ( whilst shaking like a tree in a strong wide because I have a hatred of heights btw,) I had cleared the chimney, etc, and gained a working wood heater again with no smoky fog filling the rooms. Our local Garbage collection service can now deal with the resultant 5 litre bucket load of soot that I placed in my Wheelie bin for collection tomorrow. So, until my strength of Knowledge and how to use it runs out, or I fall off the roof and break my neck....LOL, I can say I am strong enough still to solve a problem or two.
When a star exceeds its volume, gravity causes it to implode.
Triphid comments on Aug 11, 2020:
Nice try and I applaud the attempt but your comment is about as convoluted as a corrugated steel water tank.
An invisible man in the sky.... Don't Miss to See this TikTok....[vm.tiktok.]
Triphid comments on Aug 10, 2020:
But, sadly and unfortunately there are ever so many who relish such an Overseer ideology, an Overseer with cruel, barbaric, misogynistic, etc, attitudes that would make even the most ardent of Nazis seem like Angels in comparison.
I get the idea that people usually call themselves Agnostic out of fear that using the name Atheist ...
Triphid comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Personally, I call myself an Atheist when and where ever I can simply because if others do not like my Atheism it is THEIR problem not mine. I am 100% PROUD to be an Atheist.
[] Indoctrination as a child 😇
Triphid comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Thanks for posting that, it reminded me to buy one of his DVDs from Ebay, times like these we all need a bloody good belly laugh and he delivers.
[] Indoctrination as a child 😇
Triphid comments on Aug 10, 2020:
His takes on religion never ever grow old nor stale. I can remember watching his shows on television and almost pissing my pants laughing at his atheist comments.
God's True Purpose The way I see it, God's only real use is as an escape from death.
Triphid comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Since any concept of there being a God/s is, imo, pure fiction at best then, ergo, there is NO truth in fiction and fiction is there only for the purposes of entertainment so this 'purpose' of God must then be there purely for its entertainment value. But it escapes me as to what, exact, entertainment value there is in a God with a purpose that promises Life after Death but can never deliver on such a promise.
In 500 years from now do you think history books will be telling the story of how Americans and ...
Triphid comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Well, if one takes the fate of Ancient Rome, the City not the Empire, as an example then I'd say a definite Yes since Ancient Rome was built solely as an importing and consumer based society in that it actually produced very little to sustain itself and relied solely on what it could get, steal/extort, etc, from it conquered/allied territories and their peoples. Imo, this so-called Western Civilization of ours has, by means of 'creating' itself in to Consumption based society, sown the seeds of its own fate with the ideologies of Import, Import and 'Built in Obsolence' whilst producing, in lesser developed countries, etc, a form of "Sweat-shop Slavery" to feed its consumption needs. Yes, I agree that our Political Leaders are literally sacrificing the lives during this crisis purely for the sake the avarice driven economies they have constructed and just like with Ancient Rome, they cannot see that when there are just a mere few, so to speak, average consumers left then what good will a strong Economy be.
I am such a new member; it brings tears to my eyes to write this.
Triphid comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Don't feel humbled for we all are what we are here and just like the mighty Oak we all started from a very small seed. So please feel most welcome here in our little asylum for you ARE among friends but, unfortunately, we do have the odd curmudgeon amongst us from time to time and the occasional Troll slips through under the Radar now and then. None-the-less this IS the world of Reality and Logical thinking, it IS a truly wonderful world filled with the brilliance of Reasoning where the shadows of Religion, Superstition and Mysticism fear to tread. So enjoy being one of us, learn from us and remember that true knowledge is NO burden what-so-ever to bear.
Honest Question
Triphid comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Okay, now I actually classify myself as being 99.999% Atheist and 0.001% on the side of "If God/s existed why are they not making themselves know?" After numerous hours and years of studies to gain my ThD, pouring over books, documents, etc, etc, that do little more than propose an unfounded hypothesis that there is a God and yet finding absolutely NO tangible, Empirically tried, tested and proven evidence in favour of that hypothesis in any shape nor form, then I'd state that ALL God/s are nothing more than figments of the imaginations of human kind and, as such, should be treated so.
Vatican In Shock As 1,500-Year-Old Bible Claims Jesus Wasn’t Crucified
Triphid comments on Aug 8, 2020:
1,500 years ago puts it as being possibly written not so long after the Second or Third Council of Nicaea when they were still arguing and debating as to what EXACTLY MUST constitute the 'Holy Scripts' of the New Christian Movement as it arose from the Messianic Movement. At the best I'd say that the script ( writing) used it looks like a mix of Aramaic and Ancient Greek which both were in use at those times. Aramaic became the root, so to speak, of both Hebrew and Arabic circa the late 5th and early 6th Centuries B.C.E. The usage of Latin was discouraged at first until the Holy Roman Catholic Empire, aka the Catholic Church, became established hence copies of the NEW gospels were always written in a mix of Aramaic and Ancient Greek until then.
This is my next project- a doll garden!
Triphid comments on Aug 8, 2020:
The second image looks like some kind of strange 'alien' plant is growing out of its leg and trying to 'invade' the head. Eerie but I like it anyway.
Scientists Disagree on the Universe’s Age, So Creationists Are Claiming Victory | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Well, according to calculations 'performed' by one Arch-Bishop James Usher the Earth was created around nightfall before Sunday, 23rd of October in the year 4,004 B.C.E. ( the old money.) Given that it now the year 2020 then, according to Usher, the Earth is now aged at 6,024 years old,. A) Given that the Egyptian civilization arose approx. circa 3,500 - 4,000 B.C.E. then that would place them squarely in the time of the Biblical Great Flood when the ENTIRE planet was totally inundated to cover up ALL land masses, ergo, either these Egyptians had invented Scuba equipment to enable them to work and breathe completely underwater whilst building the Pyramids, etc, etc, B) The Ancient Mesopotamians were also known as great builders as well, therefore they too must have been semi-aquatic peoples capable of breathing both air and water whilst they too were building their great monuments and cities, C) Indigenous Australian Aboriginals have been scientifically proven to have wandered through Australia for approx. 40,000+ years, the Indigenous peoples of the Americas, North and South, have been there for at least 12,000+ years and yet NONE of their ancestors were drowned in this Great Flood, D) Dinosaurs have been PROVEN to have walked this planet up to around 65 Million years ago before the K.T. Asteroid collision killed them off, so, and last but by no means least, E) according to Usher and the Creationist the Flintstones is NOT a fictional cartoon series, it MUST be 100% factual, must it not? Now, adding up the pros versus the cons, I'd say that IF we were using a scoring system, the score would something like Evolutionists - 4 x 10 to power of 100 to Creationists - 0 to the power 0 minus the multiple of 0 at a minimum. Would you not agree, at least in part, with my hypothesis?
Handmade this one special
Triphid comments on Aug 8, 2020:
Nice one but I think you've left out the 'l' in Dildo.
The Gospel According to Jesus Christ, by Saramago. Have you read it?
Triphid comments on Aug 7, 2020:
In my well educated opinion I'd say "Rubbish, Rubbish, Twaddle and Horse shit." Anything pertaining to the existence of Jesus is mere suppositions/assumptions and unfounded claims at the very best. For example, ALL the so-called and 'claimed' Gospels were actually written post the Council of Nicaea in 325 C.E. (A.D) by order of the self-appointed 'Bishops' of the then Messianic Movement, later to become known as Christianity and were COMPOSED by at least 40+ Scribes on 4 different Continents ( known at the times btw) with absolutely no regular means of communication between them.
Kindness can mean more than you think.
Triphid comments on Aug 7, 2020:
"To give more than you receive, to expect nothing more than a mere smile of thanks for your efforts and to know within yourself that what you have done is the right, the good and the decent thing will fill your heart with joy." -William Anthony.
Hey yah all grouphugs😙 how was ur day so far?
Triphid comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Well, not complaining but it is cold and wet, the cold we have to put up with since it is winter, the wet we welcome since we've been in Drought conditions for many years. Checked my rain gauge this morning to find it had registered for the first time in many years something more than just a mere 5-10mms, a whole, wonderful 32mms ( about 1.25" in the old money.)
Triphid comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Sadly the Faithfools of this world seem to have a huge problem with anyone who does not follow along with them and their systems of belief. They so often exhibit what I choose to call, Amnesia of Convenience, when it comes to one the guiding principles ( amongst almost countless others as well) of the Christian Belief system, i.e. " Judge not, let ye too shall be judged." And, in my experiences, the worst purveyors of both 'Amnesia of Convenience' and down-right religious bigotry are the Evangelists, the Catholics and the Believers of Convenience, i.e. those who proclaim belief BUT only when and if it suits their immediate needs, etc.
Happy thirsty Thursday 😊 I don’t believe my cooking skills are anything special, but ...
Triphid comments on Aug 6, 2020:
I'd say I have a few varied tastes in the meals I cook, ones like, 1) My Aussie Outback style Spag. Bol. using ,minced kangaroo meat instead of beef, etc, 2)My Sea-food Stir Fry using yabbie tails instead of prawns, 3) a pea, ham and onion soup, homemade of course, with a Meat Pie at the bottom of the bowl and the soup poured over it, BUT you must add a liberal dash of vinegar to the soup before serving it though, and, 4) my all time winter favourite, my 'lazy' Chicken, Corn and Garlic soup made using a the meat from a roasted chicken usual, bought from a Supermarket.
Kaitlyn's water just broke.. Taking her to the hospital.. Signed Frankie.
Triphid comments on Aug 5, 2020:
Best of wishes to the new Mum and Baby, here's hoping it is a very easy and short labour.
A donkey had an IQ of 186.
Triphid comments on Aug 5, 2020:
Sounds very much like the old " Tall Poppy syndrome" to me. I.E. one plant starts to grow stronger and taller than the rest and the others do their utmost bring the taller one down. Oh when, oh when will we humans learn?
I just received some concerning news regarding one of our members, Our_existence, my ex, Dan.
Triphid comments on Aug 5, 2020:
Geez, ruptured Appendix is bloody bad enough, been through that myself, But getting hit with being told you've got cancer on top of it is totally shit news at best. My best of wishes go out to him and his family and friends.
Further to previous articles on Austalian Police powers. Written by a lawyer looking for clients?
Triphid comments on Aug 5, 2020:
On your own personal 'hobby-horse' yet again I assume, FB. Precisely WHO and HOW else would you expect to assist in control this Pandemic, the Salvation Army perhaps? Wake up there man, this pandemic has ENTIRE world in its shitty grip, people EVERYWHERE are getting as sick as dogs from and many, many are dying, often by the hundreds each week.
Why did doctors miss this? My daughter has multiple food allergies.
Triphid comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Sadly, in my experience, some Doctors around these days only seem to interested in the Consultation Payments they WILL get and not the Patients themselves. Glad your daughter got a result after such a truly long, trying ordeal.
Rick Wiles: I Need $100 Million to Preach at Viewers Until Jesus Comes Back | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Aug 2, 2020:
And as they nailed Jeebus to the Cross he cried out, " Nail me to a Boomerang, nail me to a boomerang, I want to come back." And from deep within the crowd came an Aussie voice that said, " No such luck there Bud, we Aboriginals own the Patent Rights to Boomerangs so, you're up Shit Creek without paddle here Sport,"
Creationist Kent Hovind Says Broccoli is Proof That Evolution is False | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Aug 2, 2020:
And God sayeth upon the 4th. day, " Let us create idiots in our owneth images and let them be named so as Kent Hovid, Ken Ham and the like so that for Our amusement they shall, forever debate that We hath created both Bananas and Broccoli but everything else We have not created but allowed to evolve instead."
I had TV on earlier, and just for the hellovit , I didn't change the channel when a holy-roller ...
Triphid comments on Aug 2, 2020:
You've got to laugh at these 'Holy-Rollers' don't you? They preach about the Devil and temptations, etc, etc, have a huge screen displaying the amounts of money people send into them because They and They alone can offer, at a BIG price btw, a shield for you to ward off the Devil and temptations whilst all the while they are counting up the cash in their heads to see if there is enough coming to so they can up-grade their temptations to getting a bigger, more expensive Mansion, Jet, Tailor-made Suits, perhaps a fancier, bigger Limo, maybe pay for a Face-lift for the Wife and the much needed abortions for all their numerous bed-mates that are now pregnant as well. JFC, IF I weren't saddled with being a decent, honest, caring human being, thankfully, I'd be a multi-millionaire Preacher by now.
I have Question ! Does anyone here know what the fuck is going on ?
Triphid comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Well about ALL I can offer up atm is that the Earth rotates on its Axis from West to East thus creating the illusion that the Sun, which by way does NOT actually move about on an orbital plane, appears to rise above the Eastern Horizon every morning and set below the Western Horizon every evening. The Sky above appears blue in coloration, but that too is another illusion created by the prismatic effect of sunlight passing through the atmospheric layers. Summer is coming to an end in the Northern Hemisphere, Winter is coming to an end in the Southern Hemisphere, the fish are in the waters, the birds are in the air and the trees, dogs bark, cats meow, etc, etc, and the Universe is doing what the Universe has been doing for billions of years.
Religion bans a lot of things that apparently offend the Almighty One but why?
Triphid comments on Aug 1, 2020:
Oh, and remember that Jehovah's Witlesses ( Witnesses) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to have Blood Transfusions, even it means not doing so will cause their death, BECAUSE, in their belief, the blood of Jehovah ( Christ, not God) fell upon their Founder as Jehovah died upon the Cross and YET the Tribunal ( Council) of Elders MUST partake of the Sacrament, i.e. the symbolic eating of the Blood and Flesh of Jehovah, BEFORE each Assemblage of the Congregation. The 7th. Day Adventists ARE not permitted to use anything other than candles or oil type lamps from sunset on Fridays to sunset on Saturdays, may NOT cook meals BUT have them prepared and ready to eat BEFORE sunset each Friday, may NOT use ANY electrical device between sunset Friday and sunset Saturday PLUS, the truly devout may NOT do anything resembling work/labour between those times either. Oh, and a woman giving birth between those times,or under normal times/circumstances may NOT have pain-killing medications during the process of giving birth nor a Blood Transfusion either.
Religion bans a lot of things that apparently offend the Almighty One but why?
Triphid comments on Aug 1, 2020:
And let us NOT forget the Morons, sorry Mormons, who are NOT permitted to earn or spend money, except IF they are rostered to work on Sundays that is, on any Sunday EXCEPT to pay their Sunday Tithes and MUST fast from Sunrise to Sunset on Sundays as well UNLESS prescribed otherwise under Medical Orders. The ONLY thing a Truly Devout Moron may take into their mouths and bodies on a Sunday is the piece of bread and the sip of water at the Communion in the Temple and MUST drink only water elsewhere until sundown on Sundays. Oh, we won't mention their 'magic underwear' that they are supposed wear every day.
Blowing bubbles or is that blowing mushrooms, it's definitely blowing something and that's just an ...
Triphid comments on Aug 1, 2020:
Hmmm, one might say that she'll a wee bit more than a POP out of that one.....LOL.
What's a favorite repair you did?
Triphid comments on Aug 1, 2020:
About 8 years ago the Local Water Services decided to change everyone's Water Meters, they did mine and as soon as they turned the water back my very ancient main water line from the meter decided to burst, water going to waste everywhere, no good in a drought prone region. So, taking the initiative I rang a retired Plumber to be told by him I had 2 choices, 1) Wait around for a week or two for a Plumber to be available, replace the main pipe and pay him/her an amount in the vicinity of 1,000 - 1,500 dollars, OR, 2) Go to the local Plumbing Suppliers myself armed with the outside diameters of the remaining pipe, IF it is in good condition, and buy this new fangled, Government Approved "Poly-Pipe' and the connections needed and make it a DIY job. About 2 hours later and a cost of around $120, a bit of sweat, work mixed with a few 'choice' phrases when the damned Stillson wrenches slipped and I had a whole new piping system installed PLUS as a bonus increased water pressure as well. But after that 'success' came a bigger task, i.e. my best friend needed the floor of his 6'x4' trailer removed and replaced with a new sheet of steel. Alan is a retired 'Sparkie' (Electrician) so we do a kind 'quid pro quo' kind of system, so he helped me to cut out the rusted out trailer floor, then we placed the new floor in ( with a bit grinding to make it nice, neat and tidy fit) and within a few hours of Arc Welding he had his new floor in his trailer PLUS as an extra bonus we had re-wired the lights on the trailer, added a 'Jockey Wheel' and a new Trailer Hitch as well. Now i have a 6 year old Nephew who occassionally ring me and drop a 'little hint' that he too needs my services to mend something neither his Dad or Grandfather aren't quite to repair.
Why We Should Not Fear Death [youtube.]
Triphid comments on Jul 31, 2020:
As was once positted by a learned Scientist, " Nothing in this Universe/Nature is EVER Lost or Destroyed it IS merely transformed into something different over time." We are merely the atoms and molecules that came from the Universe/ Nature, combined to form chemical compounds then into Amino Acids which then became R.N.A. and D.N.A. to later evolve into living creatures, when our corporeal carasses die and rot away those same atoms, etc, etc, will return into the surrounds of the planet and the Universe and continue on and on. Fear not Death for Death is just another phase in the natural recycling of the Universe.
I'd like to know if others in this forum agree with me on this.
Triphid comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Don't just stop at the Vatican/Catholic Church, go through the entire lot of Religions with a fine-toothed comb instead, after all they ARE ALL hiding secrets that they know would destroy them completely.
Triphid comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Sad, so many Fears to face but my personal philosophy is something like this, " Bugger those who critcise me for how I look, how I dress, how I think, etc, etc for I am ME and there is No other like ME, I know I am growing older every minute of every day, that IS inevitable, I know that I don't have much but what I do have IS mine and I enjoy what I've got, Failure is a part of Life, learn from each Failure and Strive to do better next time, If others take offense then they can take the gate as well ( a bit of joke btw), there is nothing wrong with being or looking foolish it only causes bother to those who are adverse to doing so, If you want to measure personal success do NOT measure it by what you have NOT achieved, measure it instead by the good things you done for others."
If there was a Jesus and if he came back from the dead, then I imagine it went something like this.
Triphid comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Oh FFS, don't people realize that this Jeebus was NAILED to a Cross and NOT a boomerang ergo, he is NOT going to return....LOL.
For anyone interested in British Archeology and the BBC - Time Team TV series just go to YouTube and...
Triphid comments on Jul 30, 2020:
I used to enjoy watch Time Team but unfortunately, 1) the link does not work, 2) We don't get down here in Australia any longer.
[] Officials crack down on Alaska-bound travellers crossing U.S.-Canada border
Triphid comments on Jul 30, 2020:
And why shouldn't they? It is NOT Canada's fault in any way, shape nor form that the U.S. has Alaska as one of its States. Canad is just trying its best to protect itself and its Citizens from Covid-19 just like the rest of us are OR should be.
This IS my own opinion here so sue me if you will.
Triphid comments on Jul 30, 2020:
So, FB, you seem to find that somewhat humourous do you. A 'Pipe-Dream' it may be but it may also be 'food for thought' for those less inclined to merely laugh at a more than reasonable suggestion imo.
One country? One problem - privatisation or senicide?
Triphid comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Jeez Louise, FB, you told me not more than a couple of weeks ago that there were NO Covid-19 cases in Victoria since March this year, what happened? "250,000 people living in Sydney," wtf are you getting your info from, a 1920's or 1930's Telephone Directory perhaps? Yes things are bad Aged Care-wise and I agree with you on that and things do need to change. I have a 98 year old neighbour, 4 houses away from me who badly needs 'home visiting Carers' but instead must rely upon her children and decent neighbours simply because of the availability of Staff during this Pandemic. Her 3 daughters take in turns to visit each day, bathe her, etc, etc, I go up to her house every day without fail to do some housework for her, take her a freshly home-cooked meal 4 times per week all at my own expense btw, because I refuse to be compensated for doing what ANY decent person would do for another in need. Compare "50 miles from the Sydney CBD" to the 1 thousand 100+ plus kilometres I am from Sydney and 512+ kilometres from Adelaide, our NEAREST Capital City btw and see how that balance out.
Preacher Sean Feucht Is Holding COVID-Ignorant Worship Services for Thousands | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Then, imo, for EVERY person who becomes infected with Covid at or after one of idiotic Worship Services I suggest that he receives, PUBLICLY, 39 Lashes with a Bull whip, a $10,000 fine per head for everyone who attended the services, a minimum of $200,000 reparations for ANY person infected either during, from or by his Followers, $500,000 for any resultant deaths from Covid to Adults and $1,000,000 per child or person under the age of 21 either infected or dying from Covid infection as a result of attending or encountering an attendee of his services. I mentioned 'the 39 lashes' as a reference to what that Charlatan, Jesus, was supposed to be subjected to and as an idea that might just teach scum like this Preacher that IF you want to propagate a myth then you should suffer by that myth as well.
Doggy nail trimming anyone?
Triphid comments on Jul 30, 2020:
My sadly departed 'Old Mate', Charlie would 'tolerate' having his weekly bath, in summer, and nails clipped when needed BUT only knowing that he'd get 'rewarded' at the end with a bowl of Iced Coffee milk with a generous scoop of Vanilla Ice cream in it. plus, he was such wuss-puss that every time I picked up a broom or got out the Vacuum Cleaner he's actually lay down and expect to either vacuumed or swept over with the broom. His 'after bath routine' was a dozen or so good shakes followed by at least 20 minutes rub down with a towel then, and only then, had to come a brushing and blow-drying.
I received this in our local telegram chat and I'm taken aback by what this article says about ...
Triphid comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Having 'worked' for many, many years both as Psychologist and a Counselor I'd say that Atheists are far more Emotionally Out There than are the Religious people. In my educated opinion We are, for the most part, a more developed people morally, ethically, emotionally, etc, etc, than are the majority of those who claim Religious followings. We seem to see being things like Morally, Emotionally, etc, etc, Supportive to others as an 'inherent Duty' of sorts to ALL in need regardless of circumstances, and without thoughts, etc, opportunity/opportunities for present or future rewards, etc, etc, whereas, imo, the more Religious amongst us see it only as something they ONLY do for those like themselves and are merely seeking extra future 'Kudos' as the end result.
I had two hours sleep, my eyelids are so heavy.
Triphid comments on Jul 29, 2020:
My condolences on your loss of Lucky, most of us who truly care for and love our pets know of the 'hole' in our lives that occurs when we lose them. Even though their physical being is gone our memories of them are still with us and will remain with us even on our darkest of days. Even though it has been years since my "Old Mate, Charlie," departed from this mortal coil quietly in his sleep one night at the age of 16 human years there are still times when I automatically and unconsciously look around for him, call out to him from time to time and even make him his 'Smoko' when I'm making my own. Charlie and I shared a bond so strong that he helped me through my grieving processes and I through his when my daughter died from cancer, I saved him when a snake bit him and he, just by means of a look, saved me from committing suicide on my lowest of low days. He now lies buried in his most favourite of places in my yard, under a garden where he'd lay every morning to catch the morning warmth of the rising sun. Mourn the passing of Lucky for as long as you feel the need, remember Lucky for the rest of your days and be glad of the love you both shared.
Non-religious grief counseling
Triphid comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Condolences on your loss. I do often get the call to do Grief Counseling from time to time as a semi-retired Psychologist and Crisis Counselor here in Broken Hill, N.S.W. Australia where I live but as you can see I'm nowhere near Texas hence face to face style counseling would be impossible but should you wish, I can help via personal messaging.
I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering ...
Triphid comments on Jul 28, 2020:
But you WILL live again after you die, you, like everyone else, won't know it but nature will re-cycle you, worms, bacteria, etc, etc, will devour your flesh slowly but surely, their excrement, etc, will then fertilize the ground allowing Fungi, plants, trees, etc, to grow and thrive which will then feed herbivores, etc, then along will come carnivores to kill and eat the herbivores and so the cycle will continue on. Unless your remains are cremated, then you go straight to being nutrient rich fertilizer (ashes), IF you have your ashes spread that is, thus you cut out the 'middle man' (decaying, rotting away and feeding worms, etc, etc,).
How to Convert a Christian to Atheism with Nicholi on Science - YouTube
Triphid comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Yeah right, and that actually works....LOL.
The god who is reputed to have created fleas to keep dogs from moping over their situation must have...
Triphid comments on Jul 28, 2020:
No, Big, Super Intelligent Sky Daddy made fleas to give dogs something to scratch rather than humping peoples legs. Sky Daddy made Religiotards and Fundies so we, the Rational Ones, would have someone to laugh at, poke fun at and tell jokes about.
Good morning.
Triphid comments on Jul 28, 2020:
I hope you realise that when they first released that song a thousand Kiwi Sheep Farmers went into a state of deep Depression......LOL.
When was America great?
Triphid comments on Jul 27, 2020:
As an outsider I'd say that the ONLY time the continent that encompasses the U.S. was ever great was long before the European Settlers ever set foot upon it. Since the time of the first Settlers arriving up until now, imo, it has gone from a land of natural beauty, harmony with nature and relative peace to a fetid, rotting carcass riddled with maggots and surrounded by flies.
And that is a promise.
Triphid comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Sadly though 2020 will pass the memories of it will linger on for as long as humans exist.
Yet another guy on Match checked out when I brought up core values. Too much, too soon?
Triphid comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Get down to the nitty-gritty of core values, etc, right from the get-go is my way.
I came here to find a friend.
Triphid comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Well you don't, so it seems, have a "friend in Jesus," but you have a friend in me if that is of any consolation. Oh, and I'm still alive and kicking as I sincerely hope you are and will be for a very long time to come.
Trump Is The Least Dementia Person Alive Nobody Ever Did So Well On The Test They Were So Amazed
Triphid comments on Jul 27, 2020:
"Humpty Dumpty tRumpty is the least demented, " who are they trying to kid? JFC, If tRump ain't demented then "Crazy Dave," our local Village Idiot who spends his day trying to punch the shit out of every Power Pole he comes across, must certifiably 110% Sane.
Instant view on Morals plus Religion across the world . []
Triphid comments on Jul 27, 2020:
I see we Aussies have dipped well below the previous level as par the Poll taken way back around 5-6 years ago. If I remember correctly the previous poll showed we were at approx. a level of around 30-40% religiously inclined, very good to see that religions are on the decrease these days in Australia. Hopefully it is the worst news possible for the chances of P.M. Happy-Clappy, Jesus Chappy ScumMo and his LNP parasites.
Triphid comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Danke Schoen, haven't heard that since the day my ' Christian when it suited her mother' smashed my 45rpm vinyl copy of it back in 1973.
My last relationship ended two months ago.
Triphid comments on Jul 26, 2020:
Sounding a wee bit on the selfish side there imo. Unless you have personally felt the loss of someone very close to you, sadly, you will NEVER understand truly what it does to you. Almost everyone who lost someone close to them requires as much time as they need to learn to come to grips with that loss hence it may take months or even years before they are ready start all over again. So,IF you cannot offer up a bit of Compassion and Patience when and wherever it is so BADLY needed and required then I humbly suggest that you, a) learn how to be compassionate, selfless and patient, or, B) simply 'cut your losses,' move on and HOPE that the next relationship is with a person who has absolutely NO familial ties what-so-ever.
Siberia melting - []
Triphid comments on Jul 26, 2020:
Good for find Mammoth remains BUT bad considering how many unknown viruses, etc, and methane pockets going to be exposed. I often thought that movie "The Day After Tomorrow" was about 90% fictional until I delved into the Climatic changes that occurred about 10,000 years ago, those theories brought to light that Global Warming is just the first step towards a highly possible Ice Age since the melting Ice caps, etc, cause more fresh water to flow into the oceans thus disrupting the delicate saline balances of the Oceanic Currents which in turn cease to flows as they do now causing the weather conditions, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, to change drastically and as a result dragging huge volumes of freezing cold upper atmosphere down to ground level so quickly that it has no time to warm up so making for massive, long-lasting blizzard conditions. Those conditions are a prime reason why a number of frozen Mammoth bodies have been found with undigested food still in their mouths and stomachs simply because they were 'snap frozen' at the time of death.
"If parents treated their children as evenhandedly as America treats its citizens, one child would ...
Triphid comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Crapola words spouted forth by an equally Crapola fictional character imo. To my way of thinking, IF the US. were to cease trying to Americanize the rest of the world and actually concentrated, instead, upon cleaning up its OWN backyard first, then the world might grow to be a far, far better place for ALL.
How Atheists Pray Eric Steinhart [] .
Triphid comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Oh please, where's the 'Chunder bucket,' this posting is worse than a dose of Ipecac syrup on a full stomach.


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