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22 People Caught COVID at Preacher Andrew Wommack’s Bible Conference | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Oh dear, it looks very much like Sky Daddy has gone AWOL yet AGAIN.
My 63-year-old sister died Friday morning of cancer, and I spent the day making calls to friends and...
Triphid comments on Jul 25, 2020:
My most sincerest of Condolences to all.
How to have sex during the pandemic.
Triphid comments on Jul 24, 2020:
At least you did NOT try the Irish method of 'Safe-Sex' and ended up locked in a Bank Vault overnight....LOL.
Romantic relationship with a strongly religious person?
Triphid comments on Jul 24, 2020:
In my experiences when a date say they are either Religious or even 'Spiritual' I hear very loud 'warning bells' going off in my head and the driving urge to head straight for the nearest exit A.S.A.P. To my mind, IF one desires to spend time buried in Utter Bullshit then all one needs do is find the nearest Dairy Farm there you can get it 100% free of charge.
Australia's chilling horror story. Fake christ, stolen [] children, abuse of children
Triphid comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Watched the entire program about this disgusting Cult a few years back. The damage, both physical, mental, etc, they did to people still lingers on to this very day, imo, that Bitch and her Cohorts deserve NOTHING less than being strung out on a Barbed wire fence, coated in Treacle and left for the ants, etc, to devour slowly.
Supreme Court Rejects Argument That Nevada Restriction on Church Attendance is Unconstitutional
Triphid comments on Jul 24, 2020:
About time those Bible-Bashing, Money-Grubbing, God-botherers got their comeuppence.
How do you get over the death of a love one?
Triphid comments on Jul 23, 2020:
My most sincerest Condolences to anyone who has lost a Loved One, etc, etc. Recovering from a loss is bloody hard to say the least, it can and does take years and years often even a whole life-time, trust me because I've been there twice with both my children. The truth of the matter is though, You never really 'get over it' you just learn slowly to cope with it and the emotional pain, etc, that it brings. Though the emotional 'pain' seems to lessen over time it never truly disappears BUT the good memories, etc, you have are the greatest 'compensations' you'll ever know.
Did Mary have an affair?
Triphid comments on Jul 23, 2020:
The whole Jesus, Mary, etc, etc, story is 100% fiction BUT if it wee real then I'd say that the biological father of Jesus was most likely a Roman Tribune named " Biggus Dickus Maximus," ( courtesy of Monty Pyhons Flying Circus btw)....LOL, and Mary's favourite personal theme song was " Come All ye Faith fully."
My neighbour in central Queensland, is a FIFO worker in WA so not sure what the drama is here as he ...
Triphid comments on Jul 23, 2020:
FFS, crossing the borders should be ONE big No-No at times like these imo, unless of course you are an Essential Service like Interstate Truckies and the like delivering Foodstuffs, Building Supplies, Medical Supplies, etc, etc. Is not the safety of EVERY person paramount in these times? Should WE all not be thinking of every else around us and saying " Screw the Economy, Screw the Mining Companies, just concentrate on the People first and foremost.
Triphid comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Thanks for that M8, I'll have to dig that out from my Cd collection and give it whirl on my home designed and made Quadraphonic, Surround Sound system, it should sound truly great at at least half or 3 quarters volume IF the windows, etc, can take it that is.
I just noticed a member by the name @praytothemilkjug.
Triphid comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Hang on a minute here, when I first saw the "@praytothemilkjug" bit my, often odd, Outback Aussie sense of humour went straight to the numerous 'nicknames' we use to describe womens breasts and "Milk Jugs," "Bazoombas," "Fun Parcels," " Front of the Shoulders Boulders," etc, being just a few. So who, in their right mind,would not offer up a prayer or 3 to those truly wonderful things? As to drinking milk, well I prefer mine with a liberal infusion of Bickfords Iced Essence, a large spoonfull of Vanilla Ice Cream in a cold glass or heated in the 'mickey' wave' ( aka Microwave) with de-caffed Coffee for a warm, late night kind of nightcap.
Hi everyone! New member here.
Triphid comments on Jul 22, 2020:
The 'Community' of this site, to my mind, is just like cooking a 3 Course meal, i.e. the more effort you put into it, the better it turns out. Imo, 99.5% of the Members here ARE truly great and wonderful people, sadly though there are a few who are, at times, who can be both as erratic as a cut snake or just plain as grumpy and irascible as a Rattlesnake with a toothache or a Bear with a sore head,but they, thankfully are few and far between. So, welcome to the Asylum, glad to have you here with us, best of everything with the new to arrive baby and your 3 year old.
Well the god thing definitely doesn’t work. []
Triphid comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Since WHEN has it ever actually worked?
Secret Service. - When The Night Closes In. Anyone remember this Swedish 1985?
Triphid comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Nice one, thanks for posting it. Wasn't there a 'cover version' put out by another band/group also?
We had cable TV back in the late 90's but decided it was such pure bullshit that it wasn't worth the...
Triphid comments on Jul 22, 2020:
"Cable T.V," "FoxTel," call it what you like but I had it once and there were more repeats and Ads on there than you'd find on any Free To Air T.V. channels so I told them to insert it where the Sun never reaches.
Well it seems that Life does throw up a few welcome surprises from time to time.
Triphid comments on Jul 22, 2020:
For those who aren't up on Aussie Outback slang and Greetings, the terms "Bugger," "Old Bugger, " Old Bastard," "Old Git," plus a few others are often a form of friendly greeting just as one can also greet a really good and respected male friend with such as, "G'day Old Fella," "G'day there you Old Fart," or even " How's it hanging there Mate?" The usual response to "How's it hanging," "How's it hanging there Mate" is " Oh a bit slack and to the left/right." Yes we are a strange kind of people out here "Beyond the Black Stump" LOL.
Yes, I am an atheist.
Triphid comments on Jul 21, 2020:
And I always remember this saying attached below.
I'll bid you good night with a simple question:
Triphid comments on Jul 21, 2020:
Wouldn't have a clue since I haven't owned a car since 2005 but my 1982 Suzuki Gs 850S motorcycle, when I could still ride it before it became way to heavy for my arthritic knee to be able hold it up traffic lights, etc, was getting approx. 81.5 kilometres to the litre on trips out of town and approx. 76 kilometres per litre around town.
Something that might be a better solution that is within reason. []
Triphid comments on Jul 21, 2020:
Yes it does work to some extent since drying laundry on a clothes line in sunlight does kill off most bacteria and viruses. Having low output UVC lights was tried and tested at the Broken Hill and District Hospital in 1972 - 1974 and was found to be most effective, it was continued in use until some 'bright spark' from a University decided to deem that is was 'Risk to the Public' simply because, as it was later found, that, 1) he had a slight case of a reaction, visually speaking, to staring at 'Black Lights in Discos, etc, and, 2) that, as was later discovered btw, that his family had shares in a very large producer of Antiseptic Solutions, etc, etc. so the Government Health Department Foo-Fooed the whole idea and within a matter of a few weeks the whole local Hospital was battling a massive outbreak of Pseudomonus Pycenias, a very virulent form of bacteria that invades wounds and literally eats away the living flesh. I still use a UVC low-level output bulb ( aka Black Light) in my hallway at home as a first line response to bacteria, etc, as well as shunning Clothes Dryers in favour of drying my laundry the natural way using the UV light from the sun to sterilise my clothing, etc. I'd recommend Black Light to anyone in times like these as well as drying your laundry in the sunlight since Dryers do NOT remove/destroy bacteria, etc, etc.
Not all heroes wear capes.
Triphid comments on Jul 21, 2020:
Hmm, I'll bet the Pork-Chops were raising their shields for a more important reason than to merely give them protection.
Are you eligible for an Australian Federal grant toward solar power?
Triphid comments on Jul 21, 2020:
Okay FB how come the link does NOT work? Is just like the Government, i.e. it doesn't work either.
I was raised Catholic.
Triphid comments on Jul 20, 2020:
Don't tell that news to the rest of the Faithfools please, they will riot or just turn Catholic in the vain hope of meeting their Sky Daddy.
Will the news headlines in the future read something like this?
Triphid comments on Jul 20, 2020:
More chances of getting facial cancers, etc, etc, from NOT wearing something to block out the UV rays than with wearing surgical masks.
It can be contagious! 😊
Triphid comments on Jul 19, 2020:
AS an old saying goes, " Smile and the world smiles with you, Cry and you cry alone." Plus it takes less effort and muscle usage to smile than it does to frown, scowl ,etc, etc. so save energy and muscles and keep on smiling.
Our Prime Minister has decided that they will not be sitting in Parliament due to the virus but is ...
Triphid comments on Jul 19, 2020:
Are we seeing now yet another version of the Bushfire Crisis with Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy ducking and running for cover but still stuck in Australia because the International Borders are closed? With so much FAITH in his Sky Daddy God one would have thought he believe whole-heartedly that Sky Daddy would be protecting him and cadre of parasitic politicians from the Virus. I reckon quite firmly that they should be placed on the 'Job-Keeper' payment rather than the massive and totally unwarranted salaries they WILL be getting for sitting on their shiny, fat arses at home and doing Sweet Fuck All. And they have the utter and unmitigated GALL to call those people who are out of work and getting the Unemployment Benefits " Dole Bludgers."
Birth of Chuck Norris
Triphid comments on Jul 18, 2020:
As the 'Duke' says,
Desperation is the Mother of Invention. What's your desperate invention?
Triphid comments on Jul 18, 2020:
Well, I'd say that my 2 best 'desparate 'inventions' would be my home-made, sit down to use post-hole borer, created from a piece of pipe about 90cms in diameter and about a half a metre long with teeth cut into it at one end and a bar welded across the top with a a big nut and bolt through the bar and welded solidly into place so to attach a racket wrench to turn the whole contraption. My other 'sit on a crate to use' device is a tool for digging narrow, not too deep trenches, made by cutting and old square-mouthed shovel along the sides, trimming the handle down to a suitable length and adding a handle cover made from a bicycle tube. My Dad always taught that, " If there is something you need and you can't afford to buy it, hire it or even borrow it, look around what at you have available, sit down, think it through and then make it yourself.
Greeting fellow Ozzie heretics.
Triphid comments on Jul 18, 2020:
Happy 65th Birthday M8, you do realise that you ARE only as young as the woman you're feeling....LOL. Sorry Ladies, a bit on the 'crude' side I know but that's my Aussie Outback style of humour. Hey, in approx. 5 months I'll be hitting the 67 mark but it gets harder to 'hit the mark' (i.e. the toilet bowl) with every year that passes UNLESS you stand straddling the dunny that is. As the old saying goes, " Ladies, please remain seated during the ENTIRE performance, remember the JOB is NOT done until the paperwork is finished, Gentlemen, please stand a little closer, It, like Life may just be shorter than you think." LOL.
California churches take state to federal court over ban on singing during services
Triphid comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Why don't they just kill each other then sing to God in person? No, wait that wouldn't work because, 1) Priesty-boy wouldn't have any more Sheeple to 'fleece,' and, 2) god has never existed...LOL.
If you see it respond "Got it"
Triphid comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Yep, got it.
13-year-old Pennsylvania boy charged as adult in shooting death of younger brother [msn.
Triphid comments on Jul 17, 2020:
FFS, that looks very much like a 9mm if that's the gun used. Here in Australia we have laws that state firmly, " ALL firearms MUST be kept LOCKED in a Child-Proof, Steel Safe, the Firearm/s MUST be have the firing mechanism/s removed and they and ANY ammunition MUST be stored completely separate from each other at ALL times and in steel safes were children, etc, cannot reach them with ease. The parents, in my honest opinion, should be charged with willful Negligence, accessories to Murder by Negligence and Lack of Forethought and Security. I have a 7.69mm German Mauser rifle here, locked away in a 3/4" thick Steel safe with a locking system that requires 2 separate combinations to open it, the ammunition is locked away separately elsewhere as is the Bolt, both in separate locations in the house. What, in the name of All Fuck, is wrong with Americans and their endless desire to have, keep and carry guns?
Florida Superintendent Says Kids Choose to Be Gay. How Does He Know?
Triphid comments on Jul 17, 2020:
The usual and always expected answer from a God-Botherer, "God." Fuck me, this Invisible, Imaginary God of theirs must be one big Fucked-Up Screwball of Screwballs. Hey doesn't say somewhere in their beloved bible that " God made man in his own image," then IF that be so wouldn't it, logically, mean that their God is both Heterosexual, Bisexual, Transsexual, Intersexual, etc, etc,?
Orange County school board votes for kids to return to school without requiring social distancing, ...
Triphid comments on Jul 17, 2020:
FFS, putting kids right in the path of the Covid virus. Why not just line them up and shoot, sorry that's a wee bit on the passe side isn't it since that's already been done numerous times over BEFORE Covid struck.
Religion in schools
Triphid comments on Jul 16, 2020:
Schools, other than those utterly ridiculously ones owned and operated by Religions that is, ARE for Educating Children with the Facts,Truths, Sciences, etc, etc, and for 'force-feeding them with Superstitious garbages like religions imo.
Elton John. - Crocodile Rock []
Triphid comments on Jul 16, 2020:
Nice song there Elton BUT Crocs do not 'rock,' they actually twist and roll, just ask my good friend from Darwin, Nthrn Territory, Australia, he will tell you AND show you the stump of his left arm that was taken by a croc in November 1997 when the croc was trying to attack his son in their front yard. Johnno still has the skin, tanned and mounted, on the Living room wall, maybe he'll show that to you as well.
A plant variation on Jurassic Park, it really is remarkable that they were able to bring this plant ...
Triphid comments on Jul 16, 2020:
Here in Australia we have a small patch of a plant from the Jurassic times still growing, it is called the Woollemi pine. It does not grow everywhere, is so rare that the exact region where it grows is high protected in a National Park.
Christian Activist: Women’s Right To Vote ‘Product Of Soviet Bolshevik Revolution’ | Michael ...
Triphid comments on Jul 15, 2020:
Imho, that jerk is yet another case of the old saying, " Spat up against a fence and hatched out by the sun." Women of this world, It IS better to die standing on your feet and fighting for your rights and freedoms than it is spend Eternity on your knees and in the chains of Religiously imposed Servitude.
A very old mystery, and perhaps we have to accept that some mysteries will never be solved, but at ...
Triphid comments on Jul 15, 2020:
It's an odds on bet some twerp will come along with the totally ridiculous idea that the remains were buried there out of some religious ritual or rite. Some twerp always has to add the religiousness to how our most ancient ancestors would have lived but I sincerely doubt that ancient Hominids would ever bothered to cast a thought towards there being some Great, Mysterious Entity/Entities since their only drive would have been to eat, breed and survive thus ensuring that the future generations would be born.
Hi everyone I’ll be hosting an hour on nude radio Wednesday night at 8 pm EDT (Eastern Daylight ...
Triphid comments on Jul 14, 2020:
Hey, congratulations on being the Naked D.J. of Radio. For years I was known as the " Naked Dxer" of both C.B. Radio and the Amateur Radio Bands, I hope that, unlike my chair, yours is both heated and NOT vinyl covered, that vinyl does have a tendency to 'stick' to your 'nether' regions and can be quite embare-arseing when you try to stand up....LOL ( pun intended btw.)
Hopefully, this will hasten the end of our umbilical cord to mother.
Triphid comments on Jul 14, 2020:
I noticed that the News reports 'opted' NOT to 'release' /mention the WHOLE and Entire Facts re- Kerr the Cur, the Queen, the Foreign Office, the British M.O.D. and their 'little' secret at Tidbinbilla, the M.O.D. ship that went down of the Great Australian Bight just before the second testing at Maralinga was cancelled due to a 'lack' of a test A-bomb, the Seppo Pentagon involvement, etc, etc. Damn I wish I had copied those documents when I had the ample opportunities way back in 1978-79.
Triphid comments on Jul 14, 2020:
G'day and nice to see you back again.
Russell Watson.
Triphid comments on Jul 14, 2020:
Love the song, love it as the theme to S.T. Enterprise. Out of all the Star Trek movies and series, S.T. Enterprise is my absolute favourite.
I regard myself as a militant atheist
Triphid comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Me, a strong, determined and well educated and, very often, outspoken Atheist who would stand up and state firmly and assuredly that There never has been, nor never will be a God/Gods/Goddesses, etc, etc.
Remember When Fascism Was a Catholic Problem?
Triphid comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Pope Pius XII, I'm pretty sure of it btw, and the College of Cardinals 'created' an Escape Route for Nazi War Criminals via the Vatican as early as 1942-43. The 'cost' to these Nazi Fascists was assumed to be no less than 15% of the sum Total of the worth of the wealth stolen from the Jews, etc, etc, of Europe by those Nazis and held in their own personal possession. The 'Rat-Line' as it later became known by the Allies ran directly to the Vatican and then, by various routes to Catholic Dominated countries in South America, Argentina being one particular destination for these War Criminals. It was via this 'Rat-Line' that the likes of Mengele and Eichmann escaped the Nuremburgh Trails. If one researches enough one WILL find that there is a kind of 'Prime Directive,' ( sincerest apologies to Star Trek and G. Roddenberry) instilled into almost every religion/cult, etc, etc,, especially the 2 main 'mongrel' off-shoots of the Judaeo/Abrahamic belief systems, that states firmly to the Preachers of those Initiates to teach their Faithfool followers " Do NOT what we Do, Do exactly what we tell you to do." How much more a Fascist-Totalitarian as system can you get? For example, The Pope plus his Circle of Cardinals hold sway over millions of Catholics in almost EVERY aspect of their lives, etc. Even though they would have us believe, the Queen of England is little more than the Titular Head of the Church of England, the fact is that the Arch-Bishop Elect of Canterbury holds the reins just as does the Catholic Pope and his Circle of Cardinals, does anyone see a somewhat GLARING similarity here to what the Hierarchy of the Fascist-Totalitarian Nazi Party of the late 1920's - 1945 eras? Totalitarianism IS rife throughout the 2 main mongrel off-shoots of the Judaeo-Abrahamic Belief Systems in my educated opinion and anyone can see it should they honestly and sincere wish to search for it deeply enough.
Trump wore a mask the other day.
Triphid comments on Jul 13, 2020:
It's more than "pathetic, sad and embarrassing" imo.
I’m trying hard to be comfortable in my own skin.
Triphid comments on Jul 12, 2020:
Hey, has anyone ever told that aesthetic beauty IS only skin deep and fades away with time, BUT true beauty runs right through to the bones and last for the whole life-time. So it is with some books, for example, the cover may look truly great and interesting but the inside is so often boring and not even worth the reading. You ARE yourself, be proud of who and what you are for you are the ONLY one of you, you ARE an individual.
Those awkward moments that occur when there are cultural differences.
Triphid comments on Jul 12, 2020:
And suddenly the tree goes from being softwood to very hardwood....LOL.
Church singing ban strikes sour note with California pastor
Triphid comments on Jul 11, 2020:
IF it weren't for the probability of them going from Church or whatever, and infecting other innocent people then I'd say let them bloody well sing their hearts out all they want and get as much Covid as they can inhale. I'm sure their Invisible, Imaginary Sky Daddy would be more than happy to welcome new adulators to the ranks.
Posted meaning no disrespect to my many American friends, family members, and allies: A ...
Triphid comments on Jul 10, 2020:
A bit on the backward side aren't they? Haven;'t they heard as yet that this IS the 21st. Century, there are new fangled things called "Cell Phones," the Internet, Twitter and the like these days? Maybe Alexander Grahame Bell has just been way, way too busy being on his aged knees singing the praises of God to keep up with modern times...LOL.
Posted meaning no disrespect to my many American friends, family members, and allies: A ...
Triphid comments on Jul 9, 2020:
Hey, I seem to recall ( no pun intended btw) that there was a song released decades ago called " Telephone to Glory," maybe a few of these Scam-artist Preachers, etc, heard and figured out what a great money-making idea it could well become.
The Germ Theory of Spirituality []
Triphid comments on Jul 9, 2020:
Define ACTUAL 'Spirituality' as opposed to 'Religious Spirituality.' Religions, Christianity in particular, tell people that we ALL have Soul, aka a Spirit, within us but absolutely NO-ONE has ever seen, recorded, etc, this mysterious thing departing from the corporeal body upon its demise. Can you, perhaps, explain that as well?
Any body feeling more tolerant or less tolerant of religion after the last 6 months?
Triphid comments on Jul 9, 2020:
LOL, looks to me like he's practicing hold his breath while he waits for the rapture to come. OR, some Preacher has dropped the keys to his private Jet....LOL.
An somewhat 'unusual and interesting' thing happened yesterday in relation to the "Pope Paul Skelley...
Triphid comments on Jul 9, 2020:
I've thought this over for the last 3 +hours while I was busy cutting and stacking around 200 kilos of firewood, this is a short list of my Conditions and Provisos that I'll be submitting via the Sergeant IF I should decide to go ahead and forgive BUT never forget. Conditions/Provisos, 1) By NO means does this agreement invalidate the present Court Restraining Order, 2) Under NO circumstances shall ANY member of the 'Congregation' led by Paul Skelley enter upon, visit at or expect to be admitted to home, property, etc, etc, UNLESS it IS a Genuine matter of Illness, Life or Death situation pertaining to one or more them or a member of the public found in the street in need of medical assistance, 3) No person, either from Mr. Skelley's 'congregation' or ANY representative of any other religion be permitted to set foot upon or within my home or property from this day forward UNLESS so invited by written invitation issued by me and signed by me, 4) All members, ex-members and future members of the Congregation/s led by Mr. Skelley, or and including ANY of his future Successors, etc, shall refrain, permanently from doing their interpretation/s of 'God's Work, etc, within a distance of 500 metres of my home and property as well as in ANY area deemed as being for the usage and enjoyment of and by the Public, 5) Mr. Matthew Paine, friend and ex-congregation member of Mr. P. Skelley shall be required to Cease and Desist from making ANY and ALL contact with me via the dividing fence, etc, in my neighbourhood PLUS must desist and Cease immediately making spurious, erroneous comments, etc, regarding myself to anyone and everyone whom he meets and speaks to. These are my Conditions and Provisos, they ARE NOT negotiable and should they NOT be agreed to then the situation as it now stands shall continue as per the letter of the Law/s as pertaining. End of Conditions and Provisos. I've sent these in an e-mail to the Sergeant as of approx. 1 and a half hours ago and waiting for his reply/response.
Expats returning to Australia: 13 things that shock people who have been living overseas
Triphid comments on Jul 8, 2020:
Shit a brick, who ever wrote that article has, imo, gotten his/her arse in a huge twist. As a 'bushie,' born, bred, raised and bloody proud of it as well, I'd say " Come out into the REAL Australia, the Outback that is, NOT the Big Smoke, and see REAL Aussies who still have the attributes that made Australia the Friendly Country, etc, etc, then and only then will you meet and get to know the True, Friendly People who still hold to the ideals of Mateship, helping others in need and, most important of ALL imo, the People who WILL see you in the Streets, etc, smile and say G'day Mate. We have not gone extinct at all, we've just moved away from the garbage attitudes that pervade the the Big Smoke cities,etc.
G:50 There is a gem, among the talus, here at Agnostic.
Triphid comments on Jul 7, 2020:
And, so often, there are none better to talk WITH, not to imo, than those who have been were you now find yourself for they have already traveled or are still traveling that very same road. And, may one say as well, well said and well put @Annaleda.
Happy 80th birthday today to this guy.
Triphid comments on Jul 7, 2020:
Didn't turn out as bad as the 'Honourable (?)' Sir Paul McCartney predicted, did he? Sucked in big time, Sir Paul, he was NOT just a Drummer with NO singing talent after all.
What a great party game when combined with alcohol or even for a kids birthday party instead of ...
Triphid comments on Jul 7, 2020:
Man oh Man, could I have fun with playing that game in my front yard with the Evangelidiot always watching, discreetly as he thinks (LOL), through his OBVIOUSLY parted Venetian Blinds in his front room.
HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY Ringo Starr! 🎉 Join Ringo's Big Birthday Show tonight at 5pm PT / 8pm ET / ...
Triphid comments on Jul 7, 2020:
A very Happy 80th Birthday to Richard Starkey, aka Ringo Starr. Just like the old 'British Paints ad' "Keep on keeping on" M8.
What kind of standing do we guys have any more?
Triphid comments on Jul 6, 2020:
It so often seems like a jungle out there at times and just like in the Prides of Lions where the male thinks he's the King, he's not really because the lionesses actually rule the roost. After all, it should be so since without women, etc, there'd be no males/children/ home and hearth, etc, etc. Though, imo , there should be a little 'leeway' allowed for we, the decent, caring and chivalrous males of the human race.
8 Reasons Why Christianity is False.
Triphid comments on Jul 6, 2020:
What? ONLY 8 reasons? IF I had all day and night to waste I could list at least 1,000+ more and without breaking into a sweat as well.
I haven't looked at nearby members in a while, mostly because I live so far out.
Triphid comments on Jul 5, 2020:
Good idea, BUT still make certain that your 'bullshit meter' is fully charged as well m8.
What do neo-Nordic beliefs have to do with racism?
Triphid comments on Jul 5, 2020:
Imo, things can have a 'racist' connotation for those who choose to see them that way. E.g. the 'crooked cross', aka the Swastika originated in Hinduism not as a symbol of Angst,Warfare, etc, etc, but as a symbol of peace and prosperity, the Nazis plagiarized it, twisted it and made into the hated symbol it is today. The Hammer of Thor depicted in the Nordic Mythologies is NOT decorated with the 'crooked cross' but with stylised dragons and the like, Himmler, if memory serves correct, 'took' the idea of using the Hammer of Thor for its 'assumed' Aryan roots and meanings, had the Swastika engraved on to the images to make the badge of what he called " Das Hammeren dem Jude" of his elite S.S. Group, the EinsatzKommando, his own personal Guards and later the worst of the worst perpetrators of War Crimes against the Jews, Poles, etc, etc.
I thought I'd sneak this in here with the aussies lest I offend our American friends.
Triphid comments on Jul 5, 2020:
Well being an ex-railway worker I can tell you that it takes approx. 18 hours, including stops to change engine crews, etc, for the Indian- Pacific Passenger Train to travel from Central Station, Sydney to Broken Hill, a distance of 1,100kms, and 2 days, 13 hours for the same train to travel from Broken Hill to Perth, Western Australia at an average speed of 90 kilometres per hour. By Semi-trailer Truck at an average speed of 100 kilometres per hour it takes between 3 and 3.5 days to travel from Adelaide to Perth and by ordinary car between 3.5 - 4 days at the same average speed to do the same distance. Ergo his/her mathematical calculations are 100% 'up the creek.'
FOURTEEN failed rapture predictions in 3 MONTHS (1 of 3: Predictions 1-4)
Triphid comments on Jul 4, 2020:
Is it really any wonder why these God-botherers NEVER seem to win the Lotteries, I mean they can't even predict when the world will end so how are they going to 'predict' the winning numbers. I predict that somewhere around 5-6 billion years from now that the Sun will have used up all of its hydrogen, start collapsing inwards and begin burning up the helium then will expand outwards to engulf Mercury, Venus and, possibly, the Earth as well. But I sincerely doubt that any of us will be around to see it happen.
My daughter and her husband adopted this sweet nugget named “Piper”.
Triphid comments on Jul 4, 2020:
Aw cute. My friend and neighbour across the road has recently gotten herself a Crossbreed Basset hound pup, she calls him 'Frankie' but I nicknamed him 'Road-train' because his head has turned the corner quite some time BEFORE his tail even reaches it....LOL.
New findings offer explanation as to why Mayans abandoned their cities: []
Triphid comments on Jul 4, 2020:
The contaminated water sources idea makes a whole lot of sense since still or stagnated water aids theses algal blooms immensely and it seems that the Mayans relied mostly on rainfall to keep these 'reservoirs' topped up, so to speak. Without a constant in-flow of fresh water from feed streams, rivers and such the waters would soon become contaminated, have massive algal blooms and the run-off from the city, etc, would have contained numerous toxic elements such a mercury, etc, dissolved in the run-offs, collecting, remaining and increasing exponentially over time. A somewhat poignant example is what occurred in the Darling River, N.S.W. Australia just recently where a Blue Green Algal Bloom in the very still and stagnant waters ( caused by a complete lack of fresh water flows for well 2 years) there caused the deaths of millions of fish species, I saw, first-hand, what it was like, the water was very much like a foul, stinking version of Green Pea Soup for as far as the eye could see both up-stream and down-stream.
Does anyone have any evidence or good reason to think that the pandemic is causing people to doubt ...
Triphid comments on Jul 3, 2020:
Sadly, the 'sheeple' will be 'sheeple' no matter what happens. Since they will only see what they want to see and blame such things as Covid as being ' the work of the Devil' and God as their saviour and protector. After all is said and done, " You CAN lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink," so it goes with the sheeple in that, "You can lead a sheeple to reason BUT you cannot make it think."
Kansas officer who fatally shot teen gets $70,000 severance, plus full salary and benefits
Triphid comments on Jul 3, 2020:
Scumbag 'Porkchops' like that deserve nothing less than imprisonment for the Term of their Natural Life, NO pay-outs, Pensions, etc, etc imo.
Why are there no baby dinosaurs? A TED talk. []
Triphid comments on Jul 3, 2020:
Great piece to watch,enjoyed it BUT a whole flock of chickens roaming around with tails and claws similar to a Velociraptor in my gardens might just cause a few problems at feeding time? I think I'd rather have them 'build' a chicken with a couple of extra legs, I like my chicken drum-sticks and 2 is never really enough sometimes.
The following is part 1 of a 3 part series: "Understanding Donald Trump, Part I" I do not know...
Triphid comments on Jul 2, 2020:
Part 1 of a 3 part series of Understanding tRump? You've got be joking, I'm a qualified, semi-retired Psychologist and I've handled many a very difficult 'client' but understanding tRump in the 3 parts only would, imo, be like trying to climb a mountain using ONLY your teeth to grip the ropes, etc. In my honest opinion, that guy IS the greatest nightmare any Psychologist/Psychiatrist could ever imagine.
This group of women in India track down abusive husbands and beat them with brooms.
Triphid comments on Jul 2, 2020:
Any chance I can join in with them and help them with the due punishment of those scum-bag men?
Authentic religion is not about belief.
Triphid comments on Jul 1, 2020:
Having a sense of Morality, Ethics, etc, etc, towards other human beings IS the 'counter-balance' to our innate animalistic instincts. Religions merely saw the profitable aspects of 'claiming' such things as their own ideologies, etc, to further enhance their own ends and means. IF, and that is one Huge, Cosmic sized IF btw, religion/s, Authentic or not, were this so-called 'counterbalance' to our 'animal instincts' then WHY is Paedophilia and Child-Molestation so rife and rampant throughout almost every Religious Institution in the world?
Rather astonishing! [en.
Triphid comments on Jul 1, 2020:
Wow, now that IS one huge horn and one bloody big beast with it as well.
Working on it
Triphid comments on Jun 30, 2020:
" It takes far more energy to hate than it does to love." William Anthony, 2019
Fungus Found Growing at Chernobyl that Actually EATS Radiation
Triphid comments on Jun 30, 2020:
Great news, so when are going to use it to develop one that devours religions as well?
Catholic Bishop Will Spray Holy Water from Helicopter Over City to Defeat Devil | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jun 29, 2020:
You've got to kidding, Spraying a WHOLE city with 'Priest Piss,' aka Holy Water, like that's going to do any good except to give the pigeons a quick shower.
Iranian humour?
Triphid comments on Jun 29, 2020:
How much is the reward they're offering, what ever it is I'll bet there are more than a thousand people or more world-wide that will turn tRump in for FREE.
NSW car and trailer in ACT getting around during covid-19.
Triphid comments on Jun 29, 2020:
Well that's bad imo, but nowhere near as bad as the 'news' I received last evening from a good friend who works as Ranger at nearby National Park though. It seems that during their usually rounds of the Park yesterday they had cause to literally chase out no less than 20, yes that IS TWENTY, cars and caravans ALL bearing Victorian Registrations who were camping in the Park. A week ago, last Saturday there were 22 Victorian registered vehicles counted in the parking area of a Local Shopping Complex also. And another good and trusted friend informed me on Saturday just gone that they have counted well over 100 Victorian registered vehicles, complete with caravans and the like, using the 'back-track' that leads past their property on the N.S.W. side of the Murray River and on into N.S.W. This well known 'back-track' seems to be an 'escape route' by which traveling Victorians can avoid going through Wentworth, N.S.W. and avoiding detection at the state border Stop Points.
Queen. - Scandal. []
Triphid comments on Jun 29, 2020:
Freddie Mercury WAS the true consummate Show-person of all time imo, and no aspersions, etc, intended btw.
What was your earwig 5 years ago today?
Triphid comments on Jun 29, 2020:
Mine would be, and still is, " Indian Reservation" by Don Fardon.
Well there goes my monthly cheque from George Soro's atheist funding program, fortunately I am one ...
Triphid comments on Jun 29, 2020:
WTF, someone should tell that complete and utter dip-shit to take his hand off his dick for a change, I reckon.
What’s your geographic range for dating?
Triphid comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Considering my 'travel' capabilities are somewhat quite restricted by health and distances, my 'scope' would be anywhere within the town where I live atm. Plus, I would avoid ANY involvement/s with a person/s of religious intents or beliefs, been there, done that and won't go back there ever again it WAS not ideal in the least.
Another one on religion
Triphid comments on Jun 28, 2020:
I'd rather be sitting in my house, drinking a good Scotch and thinking about all the things I've learned in life than in a Church/Temple on a hard and uncomfortable pew any day.
Hello, I'm new in this platform although I am an Atheist from quite long time before that I am a ...
Triphid comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Take the superstitions/fears, etc, of people, add in a mix of " Mindful Imaginative Creativity," a very generous touch of being devious, having little or no qualms about how to gain power and control over others, a liberal amount of Self-righteousness, Egotism, teach yourself to be a Great Orator and, Voila, you have made yourself both a Religious leader of People, the Oracle of the God/s you can and have created and found yourself a following that will hang upon your very words, ergo, YOU have made a religion. And, imo, IF we could travel back into times long, long passed that is pretty much how we would probably find religious beliefs came into being.
Did Jesus Exist? | American Atheists
Triphid comments on Jun 27, 2020:
Well, as an Atheist Theologian, yes that IS right AN Atheist who has studied for and gained a ThD, I can safely say that the Jesus as depicted in the bible ( The Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy) IS a 100% completely fiction based work of Religious Propaganda created solely from innumerable other sources and ages older myths and legends plagiarized, twisted and contorted by the Scribes who were ordered at the Council of Nicaea, circa 325 C.E. to suit the ends and means of the Founders of the Christian Movement. The truth of the entire matter is that the WHOLE bible is nothing more a work of plagiarism from the first chapter of Genesis to the last word of Revelations.
I have been wondering why I have been feeling lonely for the last several weeks.
Triphid comments on Jun 27, 2020:
You may well be depressed, after all it creeps up on you like a Thief in the night, so to speak, and for no apparent reason also. When mine was diagnosed back in 2001, as a Psychologist I put it down to the recent loss of my daughter, Lorrae, until I consulted another Psychologist and we began discussing the things that had happened in my earlier life. It was then that the hammer truly hit, so to speak, and I realized ( as did the other Psychologist as well) that the 'load' I had carried from past Abuses, etc, had been shoved into the darker recesses of my mind while I pushed ahead to build a life for my daughter and myself. Thus, with that 'drive' gone after losing Lorrae those 'loads' gained a free reign once again and then came the depression, etc. with them, the same depressive thoughts, etc, that I had striven to ignore for so long. At least now, with treatment from a maintenance dose of Antidepressants, I no longer have 'dark thoughts, nightmares and the like and can actually enjoy the things that make my days worthwhile. So m8, PLEASE get yourself checked, it is NOT impossible to be depressed without really knowing it or even why it is occurring.
Bon appetit or as my son use to say bony appetit in this case it might be more like ectoskeleton ...
Triphid comments on Jun 27, 2020:
Ah, prawns yummy but the good old Aussie Yabbies are much bigger, tastier and meatier though.
I may have thought of entirely obscure axiom.
Triphid comments on Jun 27, 2020:
Or, you know you are REALLY bored when you turn on the t.v. and start watch religious shows....LOL.
Stone the crows some people say the dumbest things, don't they.
Triphid comments on Jun 26, 2020:
As an adjunct to the above, I decided to do 'the neighbourly thing' yesterday and took Evangelidiot a container of my freshly home-made Ham and vegetable soup. To my shock he refused it on the grounds that, 1) "It was made by an Atheist and God/Jesus would be insulted should he accept it and eat it," plus, 2) " Atheists are well known to hate Christians and will do ANYTHING to rid the world of those who believe in God/Jesus, even going as far as poisoning them." Jeez Louise, I'd already had a couple of bowls of the same soup for lunch that very day and I do NOT keep poisons in my house either, but at least I can say that I tried, can't I?
How many of you have gotten what I call the romantic kiss of death?
Triphid comments on Jun 26, 2020:
Yeah a few times for me. One I remember quite well was when a woman I was quite enthralled with come out and told me, " I think this is NOT going to work out, you haven't asked to kiss me and this IS the second time we've been out together." Jeez Louise, I was brought up to act like a gentleman with and around ladies, what is a bloke supposed to do these days of 'Sexual Harassment' when even a friendly, innocent smile can mean a bloke stands a chance of being accused of Sexual Harassment?
Chess is a symbol of white supremacy because the white pieces move first?
Triphid comments on Jun 26, 2020:
If that be so then Monochrome movies, Checkers ( Draughts), packs of Playing Cards, the tyres on motor vehicles, little BLACK books like diaries, etc, the print in newspapers, the slogan signs these Protesters are carrying and EVEN the WHITE light from the Sun and the lighting in our houses, etc, is also RACIST is it not? Are we ALL going to have to have colourless lawns in our yards, the Tennis Courts, Parks, Police and Emergency vehicles no longer recognisable by their coloration, bloody hell, the list would be almost endless, wouldn't it? How about when there are Power Failures, are they Racist because EVERYTHING is BLACKED Out? I'm all for Racial/Ethnic Equality but isn't it about time these bleeding-heart Snowflakes ( ooops, sorry I mentioned a colour) woke up to themselves and got a life for a change?
I may have thought of entirely obscure axiom.
Triphid comments on Jun 26, 2020:
Or, "I'm so bored I've taken to watching the flies crawl up the window panes."
If it is good enough for Washington State Dept of Health to advocate the wearing of face masks & ...
Triphid comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Well, considering that in Australia, except the closely packed Urban City areas that is, unlike the U.S. our populations are somewhat widely spread out, i.e. not so much 'High Rise Apartment complexes', etc, plus the distances between towns and cities, the widths of footpaths, etc, the constant re-circulation of the atmospheric air around the streets AND that we jumped on the 'Social Distancing, etc,' idea as quickly as we did thus lessening great the person to person transmission of Covid then I can understand why wearing of masks is optional here. But it seems to me also, that Victoria 'jumped the gun' a bit too quickly and now it is under a second wave of Covid because of that and the interminable cry of " What about the Ecomony" of course. So I ask, What good is a healthy ecomony going to be IF there are NO people left capable of supporting it? Think NOT of today/tomorrow or the next day in this pandemic Crisis, THINK instead of the times in the Future to come, i.e. weeks/months or even years from now. We CAN work together to re-build or re-make a far, far better National Ecomony but we CANNOT re-build a population as quickly as we can the Ecomony.
What to Do When You Need to Use a Public Bathroom During a Pandemic
Triphid comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Saw a real beauty ( notice that is) the other day posted by someone with a wry sense of humour on the doors leading to Public Toilets at the Shopping Centre where I go. " Ladies, Please remain seated throughout the ENTIRE Performance, Gentlemen, Please stand closer BECAUSE, like life, it may be shorter than than you think." I guess the Cleaner/Cleaners are getting a bit sick and tired of all the users with their 'Hit and Miss' visits.
I walked out to the bird barn and all of the birds were off of their nest I looked down to see what ...
Triphid comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Snake season your way I see, thankfully here it is now too cold for those nasty little buggers to be out and about, except the one who met a righteous end with my chainsaw a couple of weekends ago.
Because America did SOOO good taking care of coronavirus over the past thee months, right?
Triphid comments on Jun 24, 2020:
Yeah, great job, your infection rate and Death Toll is the highest in the world atm, a great big prime example of a Cluster Fuck imo.
Preacher Praises Jesus (Again) for Fixing His Backed-Up Toilet | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | ...
Triphid comments on Jun 24, 2020:
Just watched his ridiculous dribbling of verbal shit, is it any wonder his toilet gets backed-up with all the shit it has to handle from him day after day.
Yes... I think I'm seeing lots of hallucinations, but they keep me from talking to myself.
Triphid comments on Jun 24, 2020:
Like the bloke who says to his friend, " I keep seeing dots before my eyes." His answers, "But are you seeing anyone?" No, says the bloke, " Just dots so far."
It can be so hard to stay strong when you’re rejected over and over
Triphid comments on Jun 23, 2020:
Yes indeed it can, but one solution I've always done my darnedest to remember is " Your rejection of me is YOUR loss and NOT mine."
28,000 Images of Abuse: Bible Scholar Likes the Old Testament… and Young Kids | Terry Firma | ...
Triphid comments on Jun 23, 2020:
28,000 images, etc, and he gets classified as a 'First Offender," WTF. Low-life scumbags like that deserve NO sympathy, No leniency, No chance of Parole, just a Whole Of Sentence behind bars and to be put in with worst criminals possible not in any Secluded/Secure Section/s of a prison.


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