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Triphid comments on Jun 23, 2020:
Topple and destroy ALL statues, etc, of this mythical Jeebus, the Saints and everything to do with religion.
My father past away this week with the funeral ending just a few hours ago.
Triphid comments on Jun 22, 2020:
My sincerest condolences on your loss. Sadly, the dying often make 'death-bed' requests of those around them that put unwarranted pressures on them. But it sounds like you've copped a really hard one here. And in my opinion, 1) your Father should not have put such a request/demand upon in the first place, it IS unreasonable, etc, imo, 2) He should have know that you are YOU and you are who you want to be despite his religious beliefs and left things at that. When my daughter, Lorrae, was dying she made a list of 'requests' for me, thankfully she was as much an Atheist as I am, so NO religious requests were included, just those particular to her which I have finally completed after all of these years, including the most important and that to be " True to myself in everything." It will be hard, BUT try to remain true to yourself and your Atheism/Agnosticism because THAT is who and what you are.
Teens registered for Trump rally tix with no intention of going -- [bloomberg.
Triphid comments on Jun 21, 2020:
Nice too that they also turned 'tweeting' against the biggest 'Twit' of them all.
“In 1866, one year after the 13 Amendment was ratified (the amendment that ended slavery), ...
Triphid comments on Jun 21, 2020:
So much for "America, land of the Free, home of the Brave, land of Opportunity for all,"
GOP Senator Laughably Claims Evangelical Christians Have “Shut Up” for Too Long | Beth ...
Triphid comments on Jun 21, 2020:
"Shut up for too long," who the hell is he kidding, they're main cause for the toilet paper shortages in this pandemic, they dribble so much shit that it takes tons of toilet paper just to clean it up.
Teens registered for Trump rally tix with no intention of going -- [bloomberg.
Triphid comments on Jun 21, 2020:
You bloody little Beauty, we need Aussie Teens, etc, do something similar when the next Federal Election here comes around and Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy and Co. are standing for re-election. I reckon we ALL need to spend the time prior to the next Federal Election wearing t-shirts with this printed on them.
I’m struggling with the statement people make when they say they are Free Thinkers, Critical ...
Triphid comments on Jun 21, 2020:
"We are what we are and what WE choose to be even though there are those who elect to label us to suit their own means and ends,therefore WE must be true to ourselves." William Anthony, Circa 2019." " Amour vincit Omnia," "Love conquers All," Roman Philosopher, Circa 2nd. Century, B.C.E. "To conquer Death, you ONLY have to die." " Jesus Christ Superstar, the musical," Circa 1970's, " A Spirit, a beverage containing alcohol which has a tendency, which when consumed, can lead to drunkness, etc." William Anthony, Circa 2018.
With so many sporting events being delayed or cancelled, one sports tv outlet decided to televise ...
Triphid comments on Jun 21, 2020:
Okay, a really good one there, almost peed myself laughing, thank you.
Every time i see someone with a Walmart shirt that says you need jesus i cringe big time, i wish i ...
Triphid comments on Jun 21, 2020:
I've got a couple of suggestions here for t-shirt slogans, " Sleep with an Atheist, the Universe needs more of them." " Reality, like Coca-Cola, it IS the REAL thing."
Every time i see someone with a Walmart shirt that says you need jesus i cringe big time, i wish i ...
Triphid comments on Jun 21, 2020:
Why not try and get the one I wear pictured below, it IS a real head-turn around the Faithfools, trust me I wear it at every possible chance I get in Summer.. Oh, it is available via Ebay btw.
I have been working on a social experiment it is just an fun type of exercise.
Triphid comments on Jun 21, 2020:
LOL, why not go the whole Hog m8, try going completely starkers, should really get some attention then....LOL.
Here's something just for a bit of levity: New York State Supreme Court rules that, as a matter ...
Triphid comments on Jun 21, 2020:
When, oh when are people going to stop seeing these so-called 'Sports-people' as being pseudo Demi-Gods and start treating like so many of them are, i.e. just over-paid, over-rated, spoiled little brats.
Triphid comments on Jun 21, 2020:
Please Sir, do try to stay out any winds/breezes that mat cause all of those tickets you have about yourself to suddenly be blown off.
Answer to Why don’t atheists have the guts to mock Islam?
Triphid comments on Jun 21, 2020:
It was quite windy here yesterday and I thought for few moments I saw the Islamic version of the 'Flying Nun' passover my house but after looking twice I realised it was not some poor unfortunate Islamic woman draped in the usual, dull, drab full-length garb but instead it was just a stray black, plastic garbage bag doing a very good impersonation of one.
Keep your distance and stay safe out there!
Triphid comments on Jun 20, 2020:
Reminds me of the warnings we used to get on the railways about steering clear of those 'buffers' on the old rail wagons before the Auto-coupling systems came in. Get caught in between those nasty 'buffers' and you'd lose much, much more than an eye though.
Have you ever fallen for a ruse before?
Triphid comments on Jun 20, 2020:
Been there more than a few times both with people I thought were friends to trust and possible life-partners. These days I'm now the sort of "take me as you find and if you don't like what you find, then don't let the door hit your arse on the way out."
What's the stupidest reason for not wearing a mask that you've heard?
Triphid comments on Jun 19, 2020:
Well, for starters IF that person has Lymphoma then his/her Immune system is compromised either by the Lymphoma and or by the treatments, hence, they have little or NO Immune System at at all and are VERY , VERY prone to getting ANY infection/s no matter what or where they come from. This I know for a 100% fact since my daughter succumbed to Mature B Cell Lymphoma in 2001 after chemotherapy in 2000 put it into remission but it returned faster and nastier less than 4 months later.
Alternet and Patheos report: Many Christian fundamentalists and evangelicals have been ...
Triphid comments on Jun 19, 2020:
Aw, so sad, too bad, I'm glad. But on the other hand, it does make a lot more room for we, the Free-thinkers of this world to expand in to. And as a comforting piece for the remaining Faithfools, I add the little meme below as well,
Does anything about being in an atheist or agnostic social network provide comfort?
Triphid comments on Jun 19, 2020:
To me this is a truly great Site for friendship, conversation, discussion and the like, absolutely NONE better imo.
Have you ever been offended by being an agnostic or atheist?
Triphid comments on Jun 19, 2020:
IF you want to get offended then just go up to the nearest Bible-Bashing, Pulpit-pounding, God-bothering Christian you can find, they're easy to find by the way, and tell them you are an Atheist/Agnostic especially IF they are Catholic, Evangelists, etc, etc, they ARE only TOO happy to oblige.
Is there any hope that mob rule, encouraged and tolerated by "progressive" leaders, will end in the...
Triphid comments on Jun 19, 2020:
'Mob Rule' is little more than PURE Anarchy imo. Yes, ALL actual and individual lives matter, just a do the lives/life of woman who finds herself unexpectedly/unwantedly PREGNANT, her life is far more important that that of the embryo/foetus she is carrying and it should be her choice and hers alone whether or not she aborts or continues on with pregnancy. England, Europe and EVERY other country/nation conquered and settled by Europeans have brought this rampage of BLM upon themselves by way of their involvement in Slavery and The U.S.A, in particular here since they exploited Slavery, imo, on a far. far worse scale than almost anyone else. But wanton destruction and vandalism , etc, etc, are NO WAY to instigate changes for the better. Especially since the WHOLE of Humanity is now facing a Crisis of Universal proportions in the Covid Pandemic.
I'm going back to graduate school! I was officially accepted for the certificate program this fall.
Triphid comments on Jun 19, 2020:
No, quite the opposite with me, I find educated women far more interesting, stimulating, better conversationalist and great company.
I had just recently signed up for 50more dating site.
Triphid comments on Jun 18, 2020:
Beware of the Wolves in sheeps clothing my friend.
What lead you to agnosticism?
Triphid comments on Jun 17, 2020:
Personally speaking, I could say categorically that at the age of around 8-10 years I went direct from doubting the rubbish they spoke in EVERY Sunday School and School Scripture Classes I was forced to attend to Atheism, No Stopping/passing Go, just a dead straight line to Reality, Logical Thinking, etc, etc and there I have remained for the last 50+ years of my life. When, like I did at the ages of about 8-10 years, you merely ask a Priest/Minister a simple question such as " If God orders everyone NOT to commit the sin of Adultery but goes and does it himself why is he right and we are wrong?" And the answer comes back as " Because God can do wrong because God is God." And then because you continue to question WHY God can do no wrong the next thing that happens is you get, literally and physically dragged up in front of the class, berated and handed a note telling your parents the " You are Expelled and no longer welcome at Sunday School/Scripture Class" IF you are anything like me then you start thinking things like, "What ARE they trying to hide," " How do they know all this about God but no-one has ever met this God" and why are there so many books other Teachers use to educate us and everything else and only ONE about God."
To No One’s Surprise, More Coronavirus Outbreaks Are Traced Back to Churches | Terry Firma | ...
Triphid comments on Jun 16, 2020:
Well now, who would have guessed that? Old Aussie Sheep Graziers saying here folks, " Put just 1 sheep infested with lice into a mob of clean sheep and overnight the whole mob is infested."
Gravity here guys
Triphid comments on Jun 16, 2020:
"Fool meets Gravity, Gravity causes Fool to suddenly comprehend the gravity of Stupidity and stupid actions."
So will famotidine help alleviate C19 symptoms or is it another snake oil remedy?
Triphid comments on Jun 16, 2020:
Probably have some effect on upset stomachs, etc, since it IS a histamine-2 blocker but alleviating Covid symptoms I'd say No and a bloody dangerous way to go as well imo. Maybe someone could convince Humpty Dumpty Trumpty to try them plus suggest adding a touch of Zyklon B to the mix for good measure? That would help alleviate the troubles of the world and the U.S. would it not?
Research study shows that men are having less sex because they have so many other entertainment ...
Triphid comments on Jun 16, 2020:
SEX, what's that, haven't had any in almost a decade.
Some of you are science savvy.
Triphid comments on Jun 16, 2020:
Possibly since every object, big or even minute, exerts a force on things around it.
This one got my heart pumping it resembles a rattle snake not to mention it is much large than my ...
Triphid comments on Jun 16, 2020:
Bloody snakes, hate them except for the rock Pythons we get around here. Went out last Saturday to collect up a load of much needed firewood, didn't think to take the camera again either, it was a quite nice warmish day here for winter time, and up hopped a bloody big Brown Snake about 6' in length from under a dead tree that I was about to cut in pieces. Both of us, my friend Alan and I, dammed nearly shit our pants as it reared up to about 1/3 of its length while staring at at us. One bite from one of those and you've got about 15-20 minutes to get to the nearest hospital. Luckily the chainsaw was warmed and running, the snake met the chainsaw, the chainsaw won the battle though.
What song is this cat singing??? Name the first song that enters your brain.
Triphid comments on Jun 16, 2020:
" What's new Pussycat."
I must be a magnet today.
Triphid comments on Jun 16, 2020:
Ummm, seems to me like 'Matilda' ( the Aussie name for a Swagman's bedroll btw) might be planing/hoping to relieve you of a load, ( your wallet NOT what you were first thinking, shame on you for thinking like that LOL) stuffing it in her 'tucker bag' and taking it a-waltzing.
Who else is a naughty atheist who invites the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witness's into their home ...
Triphid comments on Jun 16, 2020:
Haven't gone that far as yet but when the JeHos used to door-knock during the very hot Aussie Summertimes, ( days with the temps. reaching in the high 30's - mid 40's Celsius and dragging their poor little kids along with them) I'd answer the door with glasses of icy cold water for the kids. The adults would look at the kids gulping down their cold water and ask me " Where is our water to drink?" My reply was usually either, " Pray for it and Jehovah will provide it, won't he," or, "It's in the garden tap over there, help yourself." Their usual response to using the garden tap was, " But the water will be hot or warm, we want a cold drink, why are you giving the children a cold drink and none to us?" I'd answer quietly and simply with, " I detest anyone who drags children out in the summer heat just to preach or go door to door, that's child abuse in my opinion,so I'm punishing YOU because your God won't."
Math problems that are delicious. :)
Triphid comments on Jun 15, 2020:
All those dried up old tasteless crackers and that horrible 'plonk' (wine) No Way Jose. When I was a kid, my mates and I 'borrowed' 3 crates of Communion Crackers and 3 crates of Communion wine from a Catholic Church storeroom once. Even the family chickens refused to eat the crackers and the local winos around town wouldn't buy the 'plonk' not matter how desperate they were for a drink and even at the asking price of 15 cents a bottle. Though, after a later 'expedition' to the same storeroom, we did make quite a decent profit from the 12 bottles of Johnny Walker Scotch Whiskey that "Father Heavynuts," the Catholic Priest kept in the storeroom as his 'private stock.'
A dangerous beauty.
Triphid comments on Jun 15, 2020:
Prickly Cacti, I avoid them whenever I can. The very worst ones we get here in outback Australia are the imported Prickly Pear and the African Box Thorn ( known locally as the Camel Thorn Bush), they spread through the bush lands, etc, like a wild fire, bloody near impossible to control/eradicate. Both have thorns that can easily go through a pair of leather work-gloves but the thorns of the Camel Thorn are long, about 2-3 inches, sharp as needles and can go right through the soles of your boots/shoes and into your feet. Had a similar looking cactus patch in my yard and it took some weeks of hard yakka ( work) and about 4 litres of diesel to finally get shot of it.
Need advice! As a single woman dealing with buying large items and/or contractors is always nerve ...
Triphid comments on Jun 15, 2020:
Smells to me like your Contractor is doing 'rip-off' to you. But there are a few kinds of way around it, 1) you buy the materials yourself and pay him for his labor, or, 2) you buy the materials and place an Ad in the media for a qualified, possibly out of work, Handyman who would be happy to earn a bit of money on the side, or, 3) find a way to up-grade your skills and do the job yourself. Sadly, these days, there are some Contractors/Builders and the like who once they have built up a good client base start to take advantage of certain clients who they perceive as being 'easy marks.'
Texas Anti-Abortion Group Sued for Defamation for Calling Opponents “Criminals” | Hemant Mehta |...
Triphid comments on Jun 15, 2020:
As I once heard and read, " Keep your Rosaries away from a womans Ovaries." And, imo, so should it be.
Don't like looting?
Triphid comments on Jun 14, 2020:
Most museums world-wide are chock full of things looted from other Countries, Civilisations, etc, etc, not just the British Museums but every single one of them.
Texas Anti-Abortion Group Sued for Defamation for Calling Opponents “Criminals” | Hemant Mehta |...
Triphid comments on Jun 14, 2020:
You little Beauty, Sue them BIG, Hit them hard and heavy, take them for every single cent they have and then more besides.
There are some that want to remove the Capt Cook statues now.
Triphid comments on Jun 13, 2020:
So, considering that the Indigenous Natives here 'claim' to have been for some 40+ thousand years and also 'claim' to be the FIRST Inhabitants, then why do so many of their clans/tribes also have legends/stories of HOW their fore-fathers drove " the Tall Peoples," who they found were living here when they first arrived to extinction on the mainland or drove them across Bass Strait, as it is now called, and onto Tasmania? Our present day Indigenous are great at screaming 'Invasion' but did NOT they too invade Australia to begin with according to THEIR OWN legends? I'll probably be 'cursed' and vilified for this BUT recent and somewhat secretly done tests on the Mungo Man remains have shown that the skeleton belonged to a person of between 13 and 19 years of age, the Dna showed a close, but distant, strong link to the Masai peoples of Sth/Central Africa and very little Dna links to the Indigenous Aboriginals. There have also been Archaeological/Anthropological Digs done in the 'Channel Country' regions where skeletal remains have been uncovered that also bear a very sharp and distinct resemblance to 'Mungo Man' both bone-wise and Dna-wise and those remains were NOT buried by human hands, they were killed and left to rot then buried by sand-storms, floods waters and the like some 38- 40,000 years ago. This I know for a fact because I was at and assisting as both Cook and the Finds Registering Officer at 3 of these digs in 2019. So, I ask, WHO 'invaded' Who first and BEFORE you start screaming White Racist at me, I HAVE the blood and heritage of both the Channel Country Indigenous Aboriginals and the Myall Creek Aboriginals running through my veins.
20,000 Women and 100,000 Castrated Men to Serve the Emperor: The Imperial Harem of China | Ancient ...
Triphid comments on Jun 13, 2020:
And let us no FORGET the hundreds, if not THOUSANDS, of young boys whom the Catholic Church made into Castrati for well over 7 Centuries + to stop their voices changing so they could remain as Choir Members in Cathedrals and Churches throughout Europe.
New COVID Hospitalizations in U.
Triphid comments on Jun 13, 2020:
Not meaning to be morbid, etc, but I wonder what the percentage of Deaths/Infections from Covid are among the Faithfools in comparison to those among the Non-believers in the U.S. IF, the Death Toll is higher among the Faithfools than that among the Non-believers then, logically, would it not mean that their Sky Daddy has yet again let them down BIG time?
Christian ‘historian’: People who don’t believe in God are scared of coronavirus because they ...
Triphid comments on Jun 13, 2020:
Christian 'Historian,' what a complete misnomer that title is imo. I'd take even money bets that he wouldn't know ACTUAL history if itv got up and bit on the shiny arse of very expensive Armani suit. And the same bets that he believes that the earth, Solar System, etc, etc, was created at nightfall before Sunday, October, 23rd, 4004 B.C. as according to the calculations made by Archbishop James Usher. Is it any wonder he talks so much shit, there's probably a detour from his large intestine to his mouth because his head is wedged so far up his arse that it was causing severe and chronic re-current Constipation.
Big news out of Buffalo, New York.
Triphid comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Excellent results thus far, my only hope is that they are not just a quick, band-aid type of appeasement measure that will vanish into thin in the near future.
Religious Schools Promoting Gay Conversion Torture Are Getting Taxpayer Dollars | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Imo, ALL Government fundings SHOULD withdrawn completely from both Religions and Religious Schools of ALL kinds. Here in Australia for example, it costs parents between 300-500 dollars per Term ( Semester) for EVERY child they send to a Catholic run Primary school and between 500-800 dollars per Term for EVERY child they send to a Catholic run Secondary school, plus the Catholic Schools get a greater percentage of the Education Budget than do the Government run Public Schools as well. In Australia, less than 5% of Catholic School educated graduates achieve the necessary requirements to attend Further Education School like Universities, etc, while over approx. 40% of Public School graduates achieve the requirements to at attend Universities, etc, whilst attending schools that receive much less Government support and finances. Most Churches who own and operate schools literally rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars from tithes, the Sunday Collection Plates as well as their supposed Charity Shops, etc, while Public Schools have to hold School Fetes, Fund-raising drives, etc, ever year to cover the funding short-falls due to the inequality of Government fundings. AND YES, Gay Conversion "Therapy" via religious organisations is WRONG, DEMONIC, DESPOTIC and both Physical, Emotional and Mental Abuse imho.
I guess I can't get to Hippyland, because I'm not a level 4 member? LOL
Triphid comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Fear not, you'll reach Level 4 one of these days, I'm sure.
[] Benefits of sleeping naked.
Triphid comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Could have told them most of that, I've been sleeping eau natural for over 15 years now, it IS far more comfortable ( though it does make the 'boy bits' want to shrink back in on the very cold frosty mornings when you first get out bed) but I usually manage to get some very good night's sleep most of the time though.
UPDATE IN THE COMMENTS: Sad news from the home front.
Triphid comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Sound like a couple of either fractured or cracked ribs to me, try to take things easy, get an X-ray asap and see a Doctor, there's always the chance a fractured rib may sometimes puncture a lung if it isn't attended to properly.
I just finished making my new bikini.
Triphid comments on Jun 12, 2020:
It's definitely NOT terrible but it MAY be tearable....LOL.
Scamvangelist Kenneth Copeland: Vote the Way God Wants You To and You’ll Be Rich | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Jun 11, 2020:
Shouldn't he have worded it to say " Vote the way God wants you to SO I can get even wealthier by scamming your money out of you."
Evangelist Franklin Graham: Rainbow Flags Are “Offensive to Christians” | Beth Stoneburner | ...
Triphid comments on Jun 11, 2020:
An off-spring of the Scam-artist Billy Graham I do believe. He'd better not come to Australia and start preaching about our wonderful Rainbow Lorrikeets being "offensive to his Christian Followers" then, he may find himself getting a long swim in a trough full of mucky sheep-dip.
The thought police are here, judging art for us.
Triphid comments on Jun 11, 2020:
WTF , has happened to the good old sense of humour people once had? We used to actually get good belly-laughs from watching shows that poked fun at ourselves once, now we can't get anything really worthwhile watching UNLESS , imo, it's that totally crappy garbage that Americans call humour and it ALL has to be 100% Politically Correct. I mean we can NO LONGER call the smallest of penguins by their original name of Fairy Penguins because the Gay Community objected to it, now they find Faulty Towers offensive because of 1 single episode but it's still okay for Manuel to be treated like shit. Anyone who is NOT of a darkish coloured skin tone can be abused by abused openly on the streets by someone of a dark skin tone and MUST just sit/stand there and take it expecting NO legal redress what-so-ever. God-bothering Bible-Bashers can knock on your door, etc, etc, at will and you are NOW expected to listen to their mindless drivel. The Evangelidiots are 'offended' by the LGBT Community using their Rainbow Flag BUT no-one is permitted to take offense at the Aboriginal Flag which is displayed everywhere across Australia. Last November, my 6 year old nephew copped a serve, in no uncertain terms I might add, from his Animal Rights Activist Teacher because he showed the class his pink, ceramic 'Piggy Bank' that he saving money in. A couple of summers ago, my 70 year old neighbour had her entire garden bed full of Rainbow roses destroyed one night. WHEN are all of these Bleed-Heart, Snowflakes going grow a back-bone and get a REAL life?
Dinner at my house.
Triphid comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Nice photos. I get a bit of a 'kick' when the native birds drop in to cadge a free feed here as well. About 10 years ago I started off with feeding 2 pairs of native crested wood pigeons, 2 weeks later the number grew to about 10, I think one of the originals decided to blab....LOL. Now, every breeding season, I have around 2 dozen lining up every afternoon plus at least 2 breeding pairs who make my very old and tall Pencil Pines their annual nesting site. Hopefully next Breeding season I'll remember to try to get a few photos of them and put them on here as well.
Pastor: Go to Church, As It’s “a Foretaste of Heaven” and We’ll Convert Atheists | Terry ...
Triphid comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Hey, this Sky Daddy of theirs must be better than any Superhero, he can see through walls, roofs, anything at all. It's a wonder that Marvel Comics haven't replaced all their other Superheroes with the Christian God isn't it?
Pastor: Go to Church, As It’s “a Foretaste of Heaven” and We’ll Convert Atheists | Terry ...
Triphid comments on Jun 10, 2020:
What ever the f*** he has been drinking/smoking I want none of it. Hey, I can speak fairly well in at least 4 different languages, not including the English I was taught from childhood btw, and I reckon that I could easily create at least 3 more nonsensical languages as well if I tried, so does that make me a 'Believer?'
Oh those Crazy Christians, for everybody else there's science. :D
Triphid comments on Jun 10, 2020:
(Shaking head in utter disbelief), Ummm only an idiotic Christian could come up with something as asinine as that.
Anyone recognize this? Favorite song? Favorite character?
Triphid comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I'd reckon it's the 'Time Warp' song from the Rocky Horror Picture Show thingy.
There's some people on this site, not many, just a few, who should wear this hat.
Triphid comments on Jun 9, 2020:
In my opinion ALL lives matter no matter what the skin tones are.
Only 38 degrees 🔥🔥🔥.
Triphid comments on Jun 9, 2020:
Wow, 36C over your way, 4.6C over here atm. Holding for Saturday when I finally get to go out for the day to cut and gather up firewood for the winter at last.
An unassumed atheist
Triphid comments on Jun 9, 2020:
I don't think I ever 'assumed' myself to be an Atheist to myself or anyone else for that matter, I simply decided for myself that I was and that was that. Having a father who was quite an Atheist himself was a great thing, but having a 'mother' ( and I use that term quite loosely btw) who was a Christian of convenience was quite a different story altogether. Her 'idea' was that actually forcing me to attend EVERY Sunday School she could possibly think of MIGHT change me, but instead it only made me stronger each and every time. Not too bad a result, imo, for a 8-9 year old child.
This is how much damage a single rubber bullet can do.
Triphid comments on Jun 9, 2020:
You know I'd love to see every cop trained in 'Crowd Control,' etc, get shot in the groin with a few rubber bullets BEFORE they're let loose with them in public. Just maybe they'd think twice and not just aim them at the most vulnerable parts of people.
Conservative Charlie Kirk Mocks Protesters: Racism “Doesn’t Exist” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Jun 8, 2020:
I'd lay even money bets that this dick-wad, Charlie Kirk, is a Trump supporter and a part-time employee of the Fox Media network.
Consider this: people have used religion to justify and advance their agendas since the earliest ...
Triphid comments on Jun 8, 2020:
As it is with the saying that Guns do NOT kill people, people with Guns kill other people so it is with religions, except for mythological Abrahamic God, God/s do not kill people, people kill other people in the name of the God/s and religions. Hence, as we've seen in history ever so many times, God is both the Escape Clause for the Losers and the Celebratory Excuse for the Winners, i.e. IF one side wins outright then it was because God willed it so, the Loser has an escape clause, or so they think, because they can simply believe that God was NOT impressed enough with their efforts and withdrew his support from them. The Christian God/Jesus has always been the Rallying Cry for warfare, genocide, etc, etc, just Allah is the Rallying Cry for the Muslim Radicals, etc,etc.
A guy on here told me "The modern western woman is useless to society as a whole" & said that my ...
Triphid comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Hmmm, sounds to me like you struck on of those VERY sexually frustrated types with such an attitude and personality that even when he was child is parents had to drape string of sausages around his neck BEFORE even the dog would go near him.
Guangweicaris spinatus: A Fuxianhuiid Arthropod from the Early Cambrian Guanshan Biota of Yunnan ...
Triphid comments on Jun 7, 2020:
But that is just a myth, pure and simple, the Earth IS only some 6,500+ years old....LOL.
Here Are Some Common Sex Myths That Everyone Really Needs To Stop Believing | IFLScience
Triphid comments on Jun 7, 2020:
A wise old saying comes to mind here. " It's NOT the size of the schlong that rings the gong, it's how you swing the schlong that does the job." LOL.
Let's give religion a break just for a moment.
Triphid comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Though I never truly believed BUT was forced to attend Sunday Schools, note the PLURAL btw, by my 'mother' the only really good thing I ever gained from every one of them was the 'Expulsion notes' I received every time I asked questions and the rewards I got each and every time from my Dad, usually a trip to the Corner Shop, an ice cream and a bottle of soft drink accompanied by a pat on the back and the words " Well done son, I'm proud of you."
I am an atheist.
Triphid comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Geez Louise I think you've posted on the wrong Site. But, okay then, let's start at the very beginning shall we. A) "I SHALL not want," so why do people pray for things in the first place IF this Great, Magical Shepherd has already provided them with absolutely EVERYTHING? B) " He MAKETH me to lie down......." so you MUST lay down when ever and where ever God tells you, there goes your Free Will right out of the window, the same Free Will this Shepherd claims to given you in the first place. C) Hmmmm, " He prepareth me a table......," so what about all those homeless, starving Christians, the countless starving children all around the world, etc, etc, don't they get their very own table laden down with foodstuffs or are they just the 'forgotten' ones? And last, but by no means least, D) " Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me.......," well where exactly was this 'goodness and mercy' when students were being SLAUGHTERED in Schools over the few years and more in the U.S.? Was it missing because they weren't believers so the Shepherd just sat back and watched as they died? Yep, I love the bible too, it makes the perfect, eco-friendly Crawling insect deterrent of them all, drop it from a height of a couple feet on to them, instant absolution of their 'sins', conversion to religion in the blink of an eye and an instant one way ticket to "Bug Nirvana."
If you ever wonder how new words come about I can for sure say kids can be inventive.
Triphid comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Oh yeah, kids come out with real beauties at times don't they. When my daughter was about 2 years old her best one at the time was to proclaim to everyone that "Girls had two bums, a front bum and a back bum." She'd often run from the shower to her bedroom to get dressed, hands covering her 'front bum' and saying loudly, " Don't look, my front bum is bare." Another one was her name for Broccoli, " Trees," and toilet paper was always called " Bum tissues," a fart ( which she was an expert at doing btw) was always known as a "Bum Sneeze," her favourite meal was always called " Besketti Boogynose ( Spaghetti Bolognaise).
I'll be glad when the garden centers re-open, for weeks now I've been living on borrowed Thyme! :-)
Triphid comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Oh very 'corny' but a good one anyway.
Needed to focus on something light hearted...
Triphid comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Love the shirt my friend, but that won't wash with any woman simply because, LOL, as the old Rule says, " Even when she knows she is wrong, a woman is ALWAYS right." LOL.
According to my physics teacher, people who become atheists will be punished by God.
Triphid comments on Jun 6, 2020:
IF, and that is a MASSIVELY big if btw, there was ANY evidence in either Physics or any other of the Scientific Disciplines that actually support and prove conclusively the existence of God/Allah/Yahweh or any of the 300,000 + Deities that humans have created and worshiped in the last 2,000,000 + years then you can be 100% certain that evidence and proof would be emblazoned in every media source, upon every billboard, in a countless number of books, Scientific papers, Journals, Magazines, etc, etc, etc, across the entire world for ALL to see. Humans have been searching the Universe for decades now looking, with Radio Telescopes, etc, for signs of ANY and ALL Extra-Terrestrial Intelligences but never once have they either heard nor picked up even a tiny squeak from this Omnipotent, Omnipresent Being called God/Allah/Yahweh, etc, etc, that according to the bible, the koran, the torah, etc, etc could talk to Moses, Abraham, Mohammed, etc, carve with its Omnipotent Will the 10 Commandments into blocks of stone, part the waters of a sea, make food and water appear in a desert and, last but by no means least of all, CREATE with a mere word the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, Human Beings, animals and all other forms of life in a mere 6 days. Yes, there are those who will state the God/Allah/Yahweh, etc, etc, are beings that live beyond Space, time and the realms of the Physical Universe and as such cannot be heard, seen nor interacted with and they WILL make countless excuses as to why we cannot interact physically with such a Being because it is the WILL of that Being and we should not question it,etc, etc. But the simple, logical FACT is that Man creates God/Gods/Goddesses in his/her OWN images and in his/her own mind/s and NOT the other way around as the Believers would have us believe. Therefore, IF God/Allah/Yahweh, etc, ARE real then, logically, should not EVERY other God/Gods/Goddesses from the Dawn of Human History must ALSO be real as well?
Louisiana GOP Backs Child Marriage Bill: “A Lot of 16-Year-Olds Are Very Mature” | Hemant Mehta ...
Triphid comments on Jun 5, 2020:
WTF, that is disgusting imo, no person at 14 to 16 years of age is competent enough mentally to be considered as being adult enough to properly raise a child. I have counseled ever so many teens who have found themselves either pregnant or about to become fathers and the very second you mention that parent IS a commitment for LIFE when you have a child, 98% of them their jaws drop, their eyes go into sort of 'shock' mode and their first response is usually, " But what about our social life/lives, we always go out with friends every night and every day, we can't have fun with a kid dragging along with us, can we? And then, at least 60-70% of the time, out comes the 'blame game' with comments like, "You wanted to screw me, you told me that I had prove that I loved by having a root with you," etc, etc. And then comes the " I want an abortion NOW," she says, " And you're paying for it too." When the Australian Government released their 'Baby Bonus' on top of the Parental Child Allowances, there were, literally hundreds upon hundreds of young girls getting pregnant so as to get the $600.00 bonus plus be assured that they would NOT be expected to find work until the child turned School age. Hence, there were young girls in their 16's and higher having one child after another and after another, raking in the cash and ensuring that they wouldn't need to work because they managed to space out each consecutive child so well that they will be aged in their late 30's to 40's before their last child reaches School Age. If it was not for Breaching Privacy Laws, I could name, here and now, 12 + girls, now women in my home town alone, who have a bare minimum of 6 children each to 6 separate Fathers and at least 10 of them are either pregnant again now or toting around a baby less than a few months old as well.
This is how much damage a single rubber bullet can do.
Triphid comments on Jun 5, 2020:
FFS, that is some truly horrific injury there, another trigger happy 'pork chop' (Cop) with an I.Q. less than his boot size I presume.
something a bit perplexing about the christian god.
Triphid comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Hey there friend, try NOT to let the bullshit bible perplex you too much because even the Faithfools have trouble understanding it even though their Preachers tell them exactly what his/her interpretations are anyway and the Preachers are just guessing as well. It's kind of like the joke that's going around most of the western world these days, i.e, Q. What is the difference between Donald Trump and God? A. Trump THINKS he is God, God neither thinks or knows nothing since he never existed anyway.
Texas GOP Leader: George Floyd’s Murder Was “Staged” to Create “Racial Tensions” | Hemant...
Triphid comments on Jun 5, 2020:
What else could one ever expect to come from the state known colloquially as Texarse? Texarse, the state where the women are sexually frustrated and the Cattle are always nervous. LOL.
In honour of Steve Priest who sadly died yesterday....Sweet. - Teenage Rampage, 1973. []
Triphid comments on Jun 5, 2020:
R.I.P. mate, you'll be missed by many.
Be kind... even to those that make it hard.
Triphid comments on Jun 5, 2020:
I try, oh how I try, but there are some in this world we live in who will quite readily give a slap in the face for your efforts.
This year really has me questioning the validity of life.
Triphid comments on Jun 5, 2020:
I can truly understand where you are coming from, I've been through things somewhat similar many times in my 60+ years of life and none worse than sitting by and only able to watch and do very little at all as my beloved daughter succumbed to Lymphatic cancer in January 2001. It literally tears you apart from the inside out, the pain, anguish, helplessness, grief, the blackness and despair in your mind and heart crushes down on you like tons of bricks every second of every day for years and years but there is somewhat good news, though the memories, both bad and good, always remain with you, things DO get better, slowly, not quickly, but they do improve over time and it also takes a bit of effort from as well. When you are feeling down, try to find some good things from life to remember, do something spontaneously that you would not normally do that will cheer you up just that little bit each time, find a movie that makes you laugh until to cry, smile cheerfully and say Hello to any complete stranger you pass in the street, etc, keep a personal journal with everything in it including your up days and your down days, write poetry, find a hobby that is productive and gets you out the house/flat, etc, by doing that the warmth of the sun can often cause the release of endorphines that will result in helping you feel better and better about yourself and the world around but, most important of ALL, stay clear of people with an attitude of total Negativity for they will ONLY bring you down with them. And Friend, like ever so many others here, I'm here to help, listen and help you find your own out these doldrums so PLEASE don't be shy and afraid to drop any of us a message whenever you feel you need our help.
BREAKING NEWS! Officer Aaron Torgalski Buffalo PD pushes elderly protester causing injury.
Triphid comments on Jun 5, 2020:
WTF, they only get suspended without pay, anyone notice just quickly they move enforce to clear the camera crew away? If that elderly bloke had hit the deck any harder chances are he'd be suffering a very severe injury to the back of his skull or be dead. I count 3 bullies in uniform 'tackling' one very old, somewhat frail looking gentleman who was most probably just trying to walk away peacefully minding his own business. At the very LEASt those 3 blue uniformed BULLIES should be charged with Assault Causing Possible Grievous Bodily Harm. Judging as nurse with quite a bit of experience in working with and around the Elderly I'd say that, judging by his appearance, the manner of is walking style and his body build that he is around the mid to late 70's- early 80's in age, has suffered a stroke sometime in the last 2-5 years, is quite unsteady on his feet normal because of the stroke, might just weigh in at around 110 to 123 pounds dripping wet and should been escorted along instead of being shoved aside like some piece of garbage. IF i were a Lawyer where ever that happened, I'd be taking on his case, Pro Bono, and suing the arses off of those cops for everything and anything legal possible and that'd be just for starters.
Goldfein: ‘Every American should be outraged’ at police conduct in death of George Floyd
Triphid comments on Jun 4, 2020:
Yeah, so much for the "Land of the Free, etc," spiel that is always bandied about. As well as the " Bring us/me your poor, your disaffected, etc, etc," imo, that should be amended to read as "ONLY bring us/me your Poor, disaffected, etc, IF they are White and European Descent, etc," As an complete outsider here I'd say that the widely shouted American 'motto' is as much a load of horse shit as is the bible and every other so-called holy book. Time to Wake Up U.S. of A, in my opinion, the world has been changing steadily for decades around you whilst you've been stuck in the mire of your own creation, the U.S.A. has gone from meaning, imo, " United States of America" to meaning "Utter Shithole of Ambiguity, etc, etc." No-one except yourselves wants to buy into the 'American Dream" any more, we've all seen what it really is, it IS a nightmare comprised of Racial/Ethnic Hatred, Coruption, Organised Crime beyond imagination, Arms Dealing, Nepotism in extremis, War-mongering, etc, etc, and random needless killing of innocents at home and abroad to say the very least.
A skeptical anthropologist was cataloging South American folk remedies with the assistance of a ...
Triphid comments on Jun 4, 2020:
Yep, 100% correct, even Australian Aborigines have known of and used herb type medicinal plants for thousands of years. We have a special plant out here that we call " Belly Ache bush," crush up the leaves, rub it onto your belly and the aches/cramps. etc, of constipation, period pains and even hunger pains quickly lessen and disappear as does it also reduce the pains during a woman giving birth as well. It can also be used in the same way to treat a headache and to lessen the results of burns or scalds from fire or boiling water. But NEVER eat it or swallow the juice of it because it works very much like an emetic, a very fast acting and very harsh emetic. Oh, and we also have one we call 'Crazy weed,' drop a few leaves into a billabong or slow moving water and the fish, etc, rise to the surface and try to swim around in small circles, hang a small sprig of in a tree and 'roos and Emus will come up, eat it and just stand around in a kind of daze. Sheep and Cattle Graziers hate it and do their utmost to destroy it at every opportunity since it makes the stock behave like they are drunk and crazy, running around in circles or just standing around in a spaced out daze. Quite a funny sight to watch though I might add.
A Quick Introduction to the Endtimes | Roll to Disbelieve: A Quick Intro to the Endtimes
Triphid comments on Jun 4, 2020:
Lol, the 'Endtimes' have been 'predicted' since almost day one, the 'Apostles' believed that Jeebus was returning WITHIN their life-times, guess what, he didn't and he's still awol, the next prediction was that it would happen in the year 666 C.E., again they blew it and Jeebus is still awol and eagerly waiting for notification from the Guinness Book of Records that he IS the World Record Holder of the title of the Best Hide and Seek player of ALL times, they keep 'predicting' the 'endtimes' with so regular monotony but EVERY time they are 100% wrong, so sit back, relax and be assured that, unless some dopey, stupid idiot presses that BIG red button and blows the planet into dust, the time when the world will end is somewhere around the same time as our Sun runs out of hydrogen to burn and starts swelling up as it burns the helium in its core, expands outwards and wipes Mercury, Venus, Earth and possibly Mars completely out of existence BUT we definitely won't be around to see it.
It’s not just the fringe anymore.
Triphid comments on Jun 3, 2020:
So, I wonder, how are these Faithfools going to handle a situation where one them is convicted of Murder then, are they going to immediately apply the "Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth" bible ideology or suddenly jump up and scream out " Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord" and let the killer go about his/her merry way until the Sky Daddy gets around to enacting his never to happen Judgment day? How are they intending to treat all those Paedo-Priests amongst their flocks? Will they simply follow along with the bible adage of " If thine nose, etc, offends thee, then cut it off," or in the case of a Paedo-Priest will it be HIS offending 'member?" Are they going to follow fully the teaching of their Christ, Messiah and foresake all their worldly goods and chattels, no longer seek personal wealth/riches and possessions thus just becoming penniless beggars wandering around the country preaching, I don't think so, they merely do their usual and 'Cherry-pick' what suits their purposes imho.
Let's compare police action in New South Wales Australia against action of American Police and a ...
Triphid comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Okay, and as one who has Aboriginal heritage, let me say this as clearly as I can please. 1) the percentage of Indigenous Incarcerations is high, Yes, 2) However, try to remember that there are good and bad on both sides of the fence, 3) since approx. the 1980's the 'Dole Mentality' has almost become a 'tradition' amongst the Indigenous peoples under the ages of approx. 50 yrs old, I.e. many of them would rather file a claim for Social Security, the Dole, than actually get an education past either year 9 or 10 at High School, this I have seen many times over for myself though also many do strive for and gain an education that leads to a good job with better pay, etc, 4) the Indigenous peoples under the ages of 50 years, in ever so many cases imho, either lack the leadership/guidance of the Traditional Elders, etc, or simply choose to ignore it completely, hence they fall under the 'spells' and promises of the so-called Do-Gooder, often Whites, who merely rabble rouse for the publicity angles, etc, they can achieve and gain for themselves, 5) the Indigenous youths so often and regularly seem to adopt both the 'Afro-American' attitudes, styles, etc, readily as well as an attitude of 'take what you want and bugger you to anyone who objects,' hence at least 60-80+ percent of thefts, home invasions, etc, are done by Indigenous youths and those under the age 50 years +, and when charged, tried and found to be Guilty they set about, via the Do-Gooder elements, to scream persecution, 6) When it comes to Formal education, etc, imho, the majority of the blame for this lack lays most squarely upon the shoulders of the parents in ever so many cases, i.e. the parents themselves would rather take the time needed to ready and get their child/children to school each day with trivial things such sitting around and smoking/drinking, etc, and leaving the child/children to their own devices, thus the child/children come to think of this as being the 'normal' and pass it on down to their child/children, 7) Each Indigenous child of School age gets paid 5 dollars per day, 5/7 every school week whether or not he/she attends school, this, imo, does NOT teach them that monetary gain comes from earning it but from merely 'putting out one's hand' and collecting it, a 100% WRONG attitude to start with, 8) and most importantly, I have known, worked with and still know quite a number of Indigenous people who have worked/still work very bloody hard in the jobs they have gained, are greatly valued employees, rarely miss a day at work BUT are literally SHUNNED by other Indigenous people because of their work attitudes and ethics, etc. Yes, Australia has a few things to answer for and correct BUT, imho, they are nowhere near as horrific as either the Do-Gooders imply nor as...
The NSW health minister just got a pay rise, a huge one too.
Triphid comments on Jun 2, 2020:
What a bloody rort that one is imo, the nurses, etc, have been on the Front Line since Covid first here working their backsides off, risking themselves every single moment and this over-paid Health Minister gets a bloody pay increase and 'Empress Gladys' decides that 1 lousy Minister is worth a pay rise and the Front Line Workers get a stinking freeze on any pay increases for the foreseeable future. If this is NOT an example of Political Nepotism then I don't know what else could possibly be.
The Tornados - Telstar []
Triphid comments on Jun 2, 2020:
Now that really arouses memories from my childhood, thank you.
"However, Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young said today nothing could have been done differently.
Triphid comments on Jun 2, 2020:
Yet ANOTHER case of 'jumping the gun' I see. This Covid detection system seems, in my opinion, be somewhat similar to the ancient system from ages passed of Crying Wolf when it's only a dog passing by.
From Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy ([rep.
Triphid comments on May 31, 2020:
Bloody Hell, not another debate over Atheists versus Agnostics. Hasn't this poor old Dead Horse been whipped enough already?
Do we have free will?
Triphid comments on May 31, 2020:
To my mind the answer is both a Yes and a No situation. IF we are followers of religion then, in most cases and in my opinion, the answer is a firm No in that the religious dogmas/doctrines/tenets, etc, decide for the followers and expects/demands that they follow without questioning or doubt, etc. However, and also in my own personal opinion, those who are NOT followers of Religions do have a type of 'Free Will' in that we can elect to be guided by our inherent senses of Ethics and Moralities, etc, thus choosing/deciding for ourselves whether or not an action, etc, is right or wrong and accepting the responsibilities, etc, for them. For example, I can use my 'Free Will' to decide whether or not I elect to 'sleep in' on a Sunday, what I choose to wear each day, when I choose to eat and what I choose to eat, I can choose, using my own Ethical and Moral codes what is right and what is wrong as well accepting the responsibilities,etc for them. That, to me, is what Free Will is about.
I can't stand it when people don't know the difference between your and you're.
Triphid comments on May 30, 2020:
Their, their now don't go upsetting everything, even the stoopid have there youses...LOL.
Covid19 Dissemination, the importance of adjuvant in vaccines, the reason for ceasing chemotherapy ...
Triphid comments on May 29, 2020:
Oh FFS FrayedBear, they are ONLY cancelling ELECTIVE Surgeries and SUGGESTING putting on hold Chemotherapy treatments for patients who can hold out for a while WITHOUT their cancers worsening DURING the Covid Pandemic because U.K. hospitals are running at or above capacities. THEY ARE NOT ceasing Non-elective surgeries, Cancer Treatments, etc, etc. FFS, try reading things from the FIRST letter of the FIRST word of the FIRST paragraph and continue reading THROUGHOUT the entire article UNTIL you've reached the very FINAL Full stop BEFORE you start shooting your mouth off next time PLEASE.
In my lifetime, I have imagined and lived through the very worst I thought a Mother could live ...
Triphid comments on May 29, 2020:
Firstly, WHAT do Americans seem to have such a patently, obvious aversion to having a National Health Care System? How many U.S. Residents have died from Covid simply because they didn't have/couldn't afford to have 'Health Insurance'? How many were just homeless and left to die? Secondly, where are the checks and balances that any other decent society puts in place to govern the actions, etc, of the Law Enforcement Agencies? FFS, the unwarranted DEATH of George Floyd WAS MURDER, nothing more, nothing less, the bastards who committed that MURDER deserve nothing less than a LIFE Term Sentence in Prison in my opinion. And YES, @ SeaGreenEyez, I know your pain for I have lost my beloved child even though EVERYTHING possible was done to save her from succumbing to Lymphoma and all those attempts were due to our having a National Health Care System, though it may NOT be absolutely perfect, it did its best and for that I am eternal thankful.
It's hard to believe but I was there and saw it with my own eyes - Walter read the news and people ...
Triphid comments on May 29, 2020:
And ever since then western news bulletins have gone to absolute SHIT.
finally found an item to post in this group .
Triphid comments on May 29, 2020:
High on a mix of shit, weed and religion, sounds right to me and it explains a lot about how the religions and their use of incense gets people hooked.
I accepted the job I applied for as an adoptions specialist today!!! All on my own! No glory to God ...
Triphid comments on May 28, 2020:
Congratulions and Kudos to you. Well done, give yourself a hundred+ pats on the back as well.
This has me scratching my head 1) tested positive after death, second test negative but ...
Triphid comments on May 28, 2020:
M8, imho the whole testing thing has been conducted in a completely willy-nilly manner. Which, also imo, is only to expected from a government that can't tell its arse from its elbow most of the time. For example, I was chatting on-line to an acquaintance who has lived for the last 7+ years on a 40 acre property situated approx. 150 kilometres from the nearest township. He relies mostly on growing his own fruits and vegetable, butchers his own meats, has installed both Solar and Wind power for electricity, has his own permanent water supply from dams and an Artesian Bore, only goes into 'town' once ever 3-4 months to stock up on non-perishables, etc. Yet, yesterday, he received a text message from the government because his name came up on the Covid tracking app to tell him he had been around FIVE (5) people in Sydney in the last 5 weeks who had tested positive for Covid. And yet the last time he was in Sydney or any other town was in early December, 2019. And NO, he is not some rat-bag isolationist, etc, btw, he just chose to accept the inheritance of the property left to him by his uncle and turn it into a private preservation reserve for Native animals and birds, etc. So it seems to me that the Covid app. so vaunted by the ScumMo Government is just as haphazard as is their testing regimen.
I may have to steal a Lear and wait this out with @Frayedbear.
Triphid comments on May 27, 2020:
I think you may forgotten to include the ever recurring, endless prophecies of the Ends of Days, Coming Raptures and the Returning of Jesus among all of those....LOL.
Does Trump have PSP Frontotemproal Dementia? I am sure that he does.
Triphid comments on May 27, 2020:
I'd agree and add that to his being, imo, an Idiotic, self-absorbed, egotistic, compulsive lying, sociopathic, narcissistic, infantile, morally corrupt epitome of of one suffering from self-imposed delusions of Grandeur.
With or without religion
Triphid comments on May 27, 2020:
My hopeful hypothesis on a world sans religions would be a world where everyone is treated equally, not judged purely by skin colour or ethnicity, where true lasting peace reigns supreme and the Brotherhood of Man is no longer a dream but a Reality.


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