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An interesting look at the collapse of the ancient world and correlations with our current ...
Triphid comments on Apr 10, 2020:
He makes great sense given the Ancient Egyptian records mention numerous events when other peoples would come to Egypt in times of drought and disasters because of Egypt's great agricultural output and reserves of grain, etc. And under the Egyptian Rule ( Law) of Ma-at it was considered as an affront to Universal Harmony to refuse aid to anyone in need.
[] Anybody remember this from Allan Sherman?
Triphid comments on Apr 10, 2020:
LOL, I used to sit in back seat of the car and sing that song every time we went on the seemingly endless road journeys to some boring, unexciting, dismal place for the Xmas holidays when I was a kid. Plus another one I'd add into the mix was 'Cool, Clear Water' since we'd be traveling in the daytime heat of summer in a car where the only air conditioning back in the 50's and 60's was an open window and if one dared open one my mother would moan non-stop that it was 'messing up her hair.' Though I never even sang anything like those songs when my Dad and I were heading off on a Fishing Trip because I knew that there were 2 roadside hotels along the way and the car seemed to have an in-built programme that required it to stop and "cool the engine" at each one...LOL.
I need a pint of Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby and an evening bingeing 'Drunk History'.
Triphid comments on Apr 10, 2020:
You can't have the 'cute nerdy dude,' because in doing so you'd be breaching the Social Distancing/Self-Isolation Rules, wouldn't you, oh the crosses ( lol) we all must bear these days, excuse the pun.
Just for fun here is my selected Super- (bloody irritating)-group.
Triphid comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Hey, you forgot to add the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to the list.
Life and Death, still the same after 4,000 years. []
Triphid comments on Apr 10, 2020:
It's been pretty much the same ever since life first evolved on this planet, you come in to being, you strive to live and breed, then you die and rot away.
Does no one have common sense anymore?
Triphid comments on Apr 10, 2020:
They are trainee Police Officers and, imo, as such they should set an example that they too can follow the rules during this pandemic.
Welcome to my virtual birthday party! The only party I am allowed to have.
Triphid comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Many Happy Returns to you for your birthday and may you have many, many, many more of them.
I'M TELLING YOU NOW - FREDDY AND THE DREAMERS . Remember this 'Merseybeat' from Manchester?
Triphid comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Geez that brought back memories when my hair wasn't grey, I still didn't need to shave and was only just working out that girls weren't a yukky as I thought they were....LOL
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
Triphid comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Er, sorry for the 'typo' in my initial comment, kind of hard to use a keyboard when my eyes are filled with tears of laughter. It should read, " should have known it would be too good be true."
The mystery of ancient decorated ostrich eggs: []
Triphid comments on Apr 9, 2020:
We don't Ostrich eggs over here normally but I do carve Emu eggs from time to time.
Already there🖤
Triphid comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Shit, I thought it opened when Corona virus first escaped from China or, hang on a minute, when the likes of Trump and Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy Morriscum got elected.
I have a nagging feeling that Prince Philip has died.
Triphid comments on Apr 9, 2020:
I know it sounds callous BUT, the world could well quite well without the likes of Prince Phillip BUT loosing such a great person as Sir David Attenborough would be a terrible loss.
Just a thought on Pell.
Triphid comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Firstly, he should STILL be behind bars, secondly, the filthy, disgusting, lying Rock-Spider in a cassock ( my opinion of him of course) should have been isolated in a rusty tin shack on Bikini Island for 6 months with only 3 loaves of bread and five fishes whilst being told to pray for a rerun of the Loaves and Fishes miracle. Yet another God-botherer going scott-free, wandering around spreading both the Corona virus and his ' holier than thou. bullshit everywhere and anywhere. Send him straight back to Vatican and let him spread the virus through that nest of vipers and Rock-Spiders A.S.A.P.
Bill O’Reilly: Dead Coronavirus Victims ‘Were On Their Last Legs Anyway’ | HuffPost
Triphid comments on Apr 9, 2020:
FFS, the likes of Bill O'Reilly should have been drowned at birth imo.
Well I’m glad I’m not a Christian! []
Triphid comments on Apr 9, 2020:
WTF, ONLY a $500,00 fine OR 6 months behind bars for risking lives with his rabid bullshit? Though I'm a very caring person most times, I hope that utter wanker gets Covid 19 and suffers for weeks and before winding up as gibbering, drooling, mindless vegetable.
Out in time for Easter ... Unreal!
Triphid comments on Apr 8, 2020:
I agree, 110%, it is a an absurd travesty of Justice.
Bible stories may not be factual - but they are nonetheless true
Triphid comments on Apr 8, 2020:
For something to 'Factual' then logically it must ALSO be true for Truth and Fact go hand in hand do they not? For example, the earth under our feet IS made up of rock, dirt, minerals, molecules of air, water, decaying animal and vegetable matter, etc, etc, - FACT and 100% Truth. The sky that surrounds is made up of gases, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, etc, etc, - Fact and Truth. An Elephant IS a Mammal, A Human is a Mammal, - Fact and Truth, Mammals, like all other living things live and die, after they die the body begins to rot and decay, -Fact and Truth, ALL of these and much much besides have Proven, Tried and Tested Empirical Evidence in support of them, is that not so? Biblical stories have NEVER had ANY Tried, Tested and Proven Empirical Evidence put forward in their favour or support, a 100% Truth and Fact. Ergo, Bible Stories are neither Factual or True since they have never been tried, tested and proven.
If Parishioners Die After Contracting COVID-19 .
Triphid comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Oh please let the sacrifices begin in earnest, start with arse-wipes like him.
Just for a bit of balance against the trend A BIG thank you to China from an appreciative ...
Triphid comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Yes BUT what will China want in return is what I'm wondering about.
When did you first see who your child is as a person?
Triphid comments on Apr 8, 2020:
I honestly think my daughter, Lorrae, showed her personality almost from her first breath. She was a very long baby at birth and every time they put her into one those cribs for new-borns her head would touch the top end and feet would touch the bottom, being wrapped tight as 'little' bundle, like hospitals do,did NOT suit her at all, she'd cry, squirm, wriggle and not settle down until they realised that she needed 'space to move,' as soon as they moved her into a crib for babies over 6 months of age, she settled down and went to sleep. From then on her strong willed personality just kept on exerting itself and getting strong, by 12 months she had by-passed trying to crawl and decided that rolling across floors was much easier and probably more fun, once she discovered her legs and feet were for standing up on all she needed was our pet Whippet to act as a support so she could pull herself up, use him as a walking frame and start walking where ever it suited her. By the time Lorrae was about 2 &1/2 years old her grasp of language and spelling was almost unbelievable as was her ability to count, in order, up to 15, open doors on cupboards and even to turn the television on or off, that is when her 'person' truly showed itself to everyone, I'd getting swamped with hugs and kisses, demands to be where ever I was and inundated with question after question as to what I was doing,etc. From there onwards she became a truly curious person wanting to know about everything and anything, watching children's television programmes was not in her interests at all, she preferred to watch anything that was well beyond her age group and do things with me that would involve anything that meant getting covered in dirt, grease, oil or anything else just so long as she was doing alongside me. Yes, she would wear dresses BUT only on special and certain occasions, the rest of the time it was cut down overalls, shorts and either t-shirts or singlets with boots made for boys and not girly shoes as she called them.
I had run across this article if you decide to treat with zinc research the effect of zinc on people...
Triphid comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Hey, I was born, raised and grew up in town where Silver, Lead and Zinc are mined. We used to the dust from the concentrates spread everywhere when ever the winds blew, and when I was working on the Railways we'd get it falling off the gunwales of the Ore Trucks ( Rail Ore Trucks btw) and down inside our clothing in big lumps.
Experiment finds that gravity still works down to 50 micrometers Sensitive gravity test fails to ...
Triphid comments on Apr 8, 2020:
" Gravity does not exist, everything sucks," LOL.
Here’s my conundrum about Easter and Passover.
Triphid comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Okay, a question here for @ abyers1970 and who so ever else wishes to offer up a reply/response. @abyers1970 mentions this mythical Jesus, so here is my question, Jesus was, supposedly, born to be sacrificed to God, who in all rationality and logic was his 'father' and himself as well, correct? Ergo, Jesus is God incarnate, therefore being that God is Eternal and indestructible, then Jesus too must be Eternal and Indestructible since he IS God incarnate, Correct? So, being Eternal and Incarnate, the sacrifice of Jesus was/is a moot point since being Eternal and Indestructible Jesus could NOT die or be destroyed by sacrifice since he knew all along that he would be resurrected, i.e. brought back to life. Ergo, this so-called self sacrifice was little more than a lie wrapped in worthless act of self-serving aggrandizement, was it not?
Chat Room - All I need from you guys & gals is an indication of when you prefer a chat room to be ...
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Have it open all hours and on Australian times since we ARE not in America perse but in the 'Land Down Under'
An interesting report from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on living with isolation in the ...
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2020:
I guess good old "Aunty" hasn't yet been out in this neck of the woods as yet? Nothing really unusual,about that though since we Hillites have always seemed to the "Forgotten Aussies." The last time I was in the main CBD here you could've fired a shotgun and not hit a person, dog or even a pigeon.
The following post has probably already been seen by most members of g:1151 but for those who ...
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Wouldn't quite work with me, spent way too many hours and years living and working to schedules, now I am a eat when I feel the need to eat, do what I want to do when I want to do it, etc, etc, person, except for personal hygiene which I am, as a result of being both a nurse and a parent, quite strict about.
A Landlord of a Church Locks Doors to Save Lives LockWNvbnRpbnVlLXRvLWhvbGQtc2VydmljZXMiLCJwbHVn
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Cudos to the Landlord imho.
JUMP - VAN HALEN This song always had the power to lift me up! David Lee Roth is great here! ...
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Definitely NOT a song to play when there's someone standing on the very edge of a high building though....LOL. Sorry, my very wry Aussie sense of humour has broken loose again it seems.
Courtesy of g:1151 a recently issued, by the Australian Government, poster to help you differentiate...
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2020:
So, to ALL those who have hoarded pack upon packs of Dunny Paper, I say this, "You've wasted good money when you should have concentrating on getting in reasonable and adequate supplies of Non-perishable items of foodstuffs, because IF you get Covid 19 you are NOT going to shitting or peeing anymore than usual." It's quite odd that they added coughing into the symptoms, especially considering that their are innumerable people out there that have such things as a cough due to NOT being infected but, as in my case for example, having been swamped in a cloud of Anhydrous Ammonia from trying to rescue a work-mate when the rail tankers Pressure Safety Valve malfunctioned and well 10,000 litres escaped. Not only did it cause permanent scarring on our lungs and airways BUT it also resulted in a permanent cough and a need to sneeze since the scars in the nasal passage regularly get irritated, blocked and our noses are prone to dribble a clear liquid with annoying regularity. Often making one feel like a bit of Pariah when out in public, sadly.
[] Horniness and social distancing. Comments?
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Well about all I can say is that " Nature will find ways to relieve the 'pressures,' LOL.
Pope Francis decries 'unjust sentences' after cardinal George Pell acquitted | Australia news | The ...
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2020:
I say To Hell with Pell, the Pope, the Catholic Church and every stinking Rock-Spider Priest within the Vatican.
I feel angry about the so called justice system in Australia.
Triphid comments on Apr 7, 2020:
After 2 separate Courts found that Rock-Spider in a Cassock Guilt, the High Court overturns it, something stinks in Sweden and it ain't the local Fisheries either.
"Borrowed" from fbuk and currently shared by Aboriginal group
Triphid comments on Apr 6, 2020:
And my good friend Lady E is always quite friendly, quiet, loves getting her head and neck patted and stroked, she can perch on my unprotected arm without even leaving as much a scratch.
Them - Gloria (Original version) []
Triphid comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Not bad but I still prefer the other song titled "Gloria."
The end of capitalism.
Triphid comments on Apr 6, 2020:
That may be so BUT the Big End of Town Capitalists won't give up without a fight, they will go down kicking and screaming like stuck pigs and the Governments will ALWAYS rush in to their rescue.
We gotta appease the virus..
Triphid comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Sounds good tome, I've got some wood, ropes, nails, bolts, a saw or 3 and a few designs for various types of ancient siege 'engines' from the Roman Ballistas through to a very large easy to make giant slingshot, even made a miniature version of the slingshot that works great at scare the shit out of stray cats from a range of well 150 yards using water balloons filled with turpentine, cats hate it when that stuff hits them in the rear end....LOL.
wow ... a must-read ... Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist?
Triphid comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Christ, Anti-Christ, God, Satan call them what ever you choose BUT they are nothing more than myths dreamed up in the imaginations of others long before humans learned to understand happenings, etc, that went on around them. And until, imho, mankind comes to grip with and conquers his inherent instincts for violence, hatred, etc, etc, then we shall always have both good and bad battling it out within our species.
I may be turning into Hannibal Lecter.
Triphid comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Are you, perhaps planning to invite a Xrstian or two over for Dinner and have them as the Main Course....LOL. If so, try to get the youngest ones you can, the old ones can be quite a bit on the tough and stringy side....LOL
Bible stories may not be factual - but they are nonetheless true
Triphid comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Wake up and smell the roses, there IS nothing at all that is truth or true in ANY of the bible stories,for example, 1) A man waves a magic stick at the waters of the Red Sea and they immediately part to let ONLY the Hebrews through, 2) the Hebrews were SLAVES in Egypt for 400 hundred years when there never was Slavery in Egypt since it went against the most Sacred Law/Rule of Ma-at, the Law of Universal Harmony, 3) a man pisses Sky Daddy off so Sky Daddy makes him get swallowed by a Whale and 3 days later the whale spews him unharmed, 4) Sky Daddy gets pissed off at 2 cities and decides to utterly destroy them both, saving only 1 single family yet no ruins of either city have EVER been found, Geez Louise, this list could go on almost forever but I'm certain people who think rationally and logical will get the drift.
Triphid comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Getting up off of your arse and doing something effective.
The Americans defying Palm Sunday quarantines: "Satan's trying to keep us apart"
Triphid comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Oh those poor sick-minded, deluded Xrstians, they'll grasp at anything to validate their arcane archaic systems of belief, won't they?
Thought I’d share a screen shot one of my coworkers shared on FB that another coworker posted.
Triphid comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Well, IF, his job/task is to make a complete and utter dip-shit of himself and ALL Americans then, IMHO, he is an Expert second to none. Oh, and by the way, Dip-shit is an Aussie Derogatory slang term meaning someone lower than a complete imbecile.
If your running out of things to do, here's some suggestions from Eric Heatherly😉😁😕 ...
Triphid comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Funny that the song mentions the word 'kangaroo' because in most dialects of the Australian Aboriginals, 'kunguru' ( the correct spelling in Native languages btw) simply means, " What he saying," or in the modern idioms " What the fuck he talking."
Is it bad to want to get married so I don't quarantine alone. It's seriously boring!
Triphid comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Lucky you don't live in Kiwiland ( New Zealand ) then, they've just introduced a "No Bonking" Regulation which means UNLESS you actually co-habit you CANNOT go 'walkabout' to your partners joint for a wee bit of the Mattress Mazurka. Fine, in New Zealand dollars, is $1,000 if you get caught.
Going in the Chatroom for Trivia starting at 6:00 PM EST USA. Hope to see you there!!!!!
Triphid comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Sorry I missed it again, but I overslept this morning.
[] Debbie Harry. - Heart Of Belgium 1995.
Triphid comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Debbie Harry, the heart throb and crotch pulsation of many a teenaged boy in her day....LOL. Me, I kinda had a bit of the 'hots' for Suzie Q though.
Why all the hate?
Triphid comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Why should we not despise that which has sought for centuries to suppress, repress and even eradicate us from the face of this planet? No-one truly knows for certain how many Atheists, etc, perished in centuries past due to the Genocidal Zealotry of Religions. Even to this day we are still somewhat persecuted and subjected to endless and monotonous preachings, etc, via EVERY media available and by door-knocking, God-botherers trying to convert us and bring us into, what I view, as their Totalitarian realm, aka, religion.
Near death experience
Triphid comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Been there more than a few times, saw nothing until after I woke up/ was revived, maybe it could have been because my eyes were closed.
Fellow inmates, I feel compelled to draw your attention to a looming crisis.
Triphid comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Shit a brick there M8, don't you get Yank Comedy or T.V. shows in the U.K? They're so full of crap that it'd make any sewer backup for hundreds of miles. Geez, we've been re-runs of re-runs of re-runs of crappy Yank shows out here ever since our t.v. stations went digital and NOW they're even dumping ( excuse the pun here) shows like 'Days of Our Lives' and the 'Young and the Restless' onto us as well, maybe that is ONE of the reason why there's such a shortage of toilet paper these days....LOL.
My mother keep on telling me that I should believe in Christ.
Triphid comments on Apr 4, 2020:
No-one is responsible for the illnesses of other family member UNLESS they have deliberately set about to cause them by either subjecting them to physical harm, poisoning them or by any other means that can be classified as Illegal/Unlawful. So, @Albert_Camus, shake that blame from your shoulders since your mother, etc, IS playing a very well utilized and well known trick of putting a Guilt Trip onto you in an attempt to drag you back to believing in God/Jesus and all that utter bullshit and garbage she clings to. DO NOT allow yourself to yield to her completely underhanded methods of persuasion and duress PLEASE.
Colorado AG steps in after Hobby Lobby defies COVID-19 stay-at-home order
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Why bother with just sending them a letter, just walk in and close them down, weld ALL doors and windows shut then fine the idiots with massive fines and put the money towards masks, etc, for the essential workers like doctors, nurses, paramedics, etc, etc.
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2020:
@Aristippus, IF, and that is one MASSIVE if btw, there ever was a Hebrew born in the Judea-Galilee region ( NOT Israel since Israel ONLY existed post WWII) of the Eastern Mediterranean region then, A) he would NOT have borne the name 'Christ' along with his first name, since the name/title of 'Christ' is derived from the Greek term 'Kristos' and NOT a Hebrew word/title at all, B) there are ABSOLUTELY NO written records from the times in question that this Jesus of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem, ever existed in the first place, other than those supposedly written some 300+ years AFTER his death by some 40 Scribes, separated by miles and miles of land and seas on 3 different Continents., i.e. Asia Minor, Africa and Europe as the known world was at the time btw, C) ONLY 2 or, at a stretch, 3 of those supposed Apostles were actually literate and could actually read and write, so HOW could an Illiterate, Galilean Fisherman have written anything at all as is purported by the bible? Yes, everything about the 3 Abrahamic based religions IS 110% pure and unadulterated BULLSHIT so despising the root source of this odium is as reasonable as it is to despise root cause of the stench of the fresh dog turd that you unknowingly stepped in and is now stuck to sole of your shoe.
The Corona Virus is a good indicator of two things: (1) Life does not proceed in a linear fashion, ...
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2020:
We humans seem to think we are the peak of evolutionary processes but the bad news is, we are definitely NOT. Even those tiny, almost invisible, micro-organisms such as viruses are continuing to evolve and mutate. With our collective arrogance, apathy, ignorance and unbridled greed we have plowed the fields and sown the seeds of the Whirlwinds of not only our own destruction but, more than likely, the destruction of 90% of life on this planet.
Louisiana Church Packed For Services Again, Pastor Says You Can’t Arrest Us All | Michael Stone
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2020:
A simple solution, perhaps, Put the lot of them into a Detention Centre in the middle of a desert, supply them with the biblical 3 loaves of bread and 5 fishes plus 1 cup of water per person per day for the next 40 days and nights, sit back and see if they can pray up a few 'miracles.'
Catholic Priests in Poland Burn Harry Potter Books to Eradicate Evil | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Q. Why do Polish Catholic Priests eat Baked Beans on Fridays? A. So they ALL can have a spa bath on Saturdays.....LOL.
Would the Corona virus be more survivable if you were injected with live virus blood serum?
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Definitely NOT a live/living virus injected into the body via the bloodstream, that would be almost akin to Lethal Injections for Executions. But an attenuated ( dead) form of the virus would possibly work as the same is done with most Flu Vaccines anyway.
We all Live in a Self Quarantine!!!!! - Ringo and Paul could rewrite the song and make a ...
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2020:
I've tossing over in my head of writing something similar but using the ABBA song " Money, Money, Money" and substituting the words "Dunny, Dunny, Dunny ( Aussie slang term for toilet) it's not funny when there's no paper at all, "
How Niecy Nash tried and failed to find salvation in her church group []
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2020:
IMHO, the only thing anyone ever finds in church is the empty pocket, wallet, purse, etc, that was full when they entered it.
How much of the money that the government is offering people to help them get through the COVID ...
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Well our wonderful (??????) Australian Government led by Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy ScumMo is generously (HaHa) giving Welfare recipients a whole $750 while it SPLURGES literally BILLIONS on the Big Money End of Town Companies and Corporations so that they might "hibernate" their way through this pandemic. Yet another example of their " Trickle Down Philosophy" of keeping the Fat Cats well fed and happy while the plebs and prols can scrounge for the scraps from the Fat Cat's tables. The problem, BIG Problem, they haven't thought about is, what happens to the Fat Cats( Companies, etc, when the plebs and prols can't afford to buy the products, etc, that the Fat Cats rely upon to be sold to make their incomes?
There must be...
Triphid comments on Apr 3, 2020:
" The bus, Gus" bit is okay for those who drive, etc, but there are those like myself who require Public Transport just to go and buy Groceries, like I buy mine to last me a fortnight.
Remember to follow the money.
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2020:
We seem to be seeing something somewhat similar here in Australia where our ScumMo Prime Minister is far more intent upon bailing out/keeping afloat the Big End of Town Business concerns, etc, than he is upon assuring that the REAL financial bases of these Big End of Towners, i.e. the ordinary/average people WHO spend THEIR money in or with the businesses on a daily basis have the very necessary funds to survive this pandemic. What good is any business IF there are NO customers left to purchase its products or services?
Christian “Prophetess”: I Command the “Pandemic to be Utterly Abolished” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2020:
And God spaketh unto her and said, " Thou shalt be a fool, an idiot of the highest order," and thus it was done.....LOL.
Catholic Priests in Poland Burn Harry Potter Books to Eradicate Evil | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2020:
Oh ffs, as if fiction books like Harry Potter promote evil, what is wrong with these demented, deluded Catolicker Priests? Oh, hang on a minute, does anyone know if Poland has enacted a policy of Self-Isolation, if it has that might just explain (LOL) the frustrations of these Rock-Spider Priests, i.e. NO Altar Boys coming to church and instead they've been staying home and reading Harry Potter books. N.B. I used a bit of Aussie slang, Rock-spider = Aussie derogatory slang term for Paedophiles, Catolicker/s = Aussie derogatory term for Catholic/s
Louisiana Church Packed For Services Again, Pastor Says You Can’t Arrest Us All | Michael Stone
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2020:
Looks like Sky Daddy might need to consider putting the Gate-Keepers on the Pearly Gates on either Overtime Rates or running a Roster system of 3 x 8 hour Shifts per day from now.....LOL.
States Consider Whether Religious Services Qualify As 'Essential' : Coronavirus Live Updates : NPR
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2020:
IMHO, churches are about as an essential 'service' as would be a Condom Vending Machine at a Eunuchs Convention. Alcoholism IS a very big problem throughout the Western world and it desperately needs to be addressed and rectified A.S.A.P. and this is the time to do it. Yes the drinkers and Alcoholics will go through the D.T's but at least 99% of them WILL come out the other side and thank us for it in the end, so declared Liquor Stores Non-Essential services along with Gun Shops, Gambling Places, churches, Temples and ALL places of worship.
URGENT! Tell Small Business Administration not to bail out churches
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2020:
WTF, let those money-grubbing, blood-sucking arse-hole churches survive on the monies they've bled from people for generations. FFS, for example the Catolicker ( Catholic) Church IS the wealthiest Organisation in the entire world bar none, taxpayer funds SHOULD only be used to support the people and NOT Churches and Big Money Companies/Corporations.
The Shangri-Las - Leader of the Pack []
Triphid comments on Apr 2, 2020:
LOL, cop a look at the crappy little 2 stroke he's riding, any half decent biker wouldn't seen dead on one of those. Nice song though.
A "How did we get here question".
Triphid comments on Apr 1, 2020:
ALL lives are important, far more important than mere money. The Elder have lived, worked and battled through years and years gaining knowledge as they've gone along,knowledge that IF the younger generations cared to listen to then they too might actually learn something other than what is on a monitor screen in front of them. No-ones life story is unimportant, no-ones life is unimportant, not even the tramp on the street or the little child in his/her mother's arms.
While I normally post witty, funny, ironic, or political memes I would like to offer one of thanks ...
Triphid comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Just heard from a local Bus Driver that some bloody wowzers complained about the local Bus Company having banners on their buses thanking ALL the Nurses, Doctors, etc, etc, for their hard work, toil and dedication during this pandemic. Bloody wowzers, I hope they all get permanent RSI in their fingers and can't use their mobile phones for the rest of their miserable lives.
Stuck at home, bored and feeling frustrated with microorganisms.
Triphid comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Low to medium level U.V. light is good for keeping both the average germs and viruses under control. When you do your laundry, hang it on a clothes line in the bright sunlight if you can, the UV in sunlight sterilizes the laundry.
Triphid comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Frigging brain-dead, half-witted Morons the lot of them, they're just acting as breeding grounds for more cases of the virus, this bloody arse-wipe Preacher should be tarred and feathered.
An interesting turn of events: Florida Governor DeSantis today declared a shutdown of all ...
Triphid comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Religious Services are an Essential Service my arse, they're a breeding ground for more cases of the virus.
Works for me
Triphid comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Hey, at least IF you are going to 'go out' you can 'go out' on a High....LOL.
My dear friends.
Triphid comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Stay safe, stay well and stay happy to be alive at the least please.
Scott Morrison prays for Australia and commits nation to God amid coronavirus crisis | Australia ...
Triphid comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Well going on how this God of ScumMO has been going with his Catholic Followers in Italy and Spain, i,ho, he does give a rats Arse so we are all SANFU now since ScumMO has committed us to his Invisible, Imaginary Sky Daddy. But, did anyone notice his main 'mention' was to Pray for the Politicians first?
Vogue (stay inside vogue), Madonna song parody by Chris Mann. []
Triphid comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Watched that one about 10 minutes ago, bloody great and well worth the watch.
While I normally post witty, funny, ironic, or political memes I would like to offer one of thanks ...
Triphid comments on Mar 31, 2020:
You bet, they deserve ever bit of praise they can get and more besides.
My Corona ..parody by Chris Mann. []
Triphid comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Brilliant, bloody Brilliant, should be a Number One hit during the Pandemic, Max. points to the writer and singers.
Can I get a T-shirt that says, "I don't believe in god because I don't want people to know how much ...
Triphid comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Maybe just have it say something like " I'm too sensible to believe in God, I leave that for the idiots to do."
Just sign a statement that Atheists will all burn in Hell and LGBTQ people can't have a real ...
Triphid comments on Mar 31, 2020:
So much for " Do unto others as you would them do unto you." Yet another case of discrimination courtesy of the Religiotards.
Scenario: You're in the hospital with a terminal illness.
Triphid comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Imho, we should all learn to respect the wishes of the dying. I can still clearly remember when my Dad was dying in hospital and some Preacher wanted to pray over him. Though he was very weak, Dad managed to haul himself up off of the pillows and say out very loudly, " Don't bloody bother, you blood-sucking bastard, where I'm going soon is the same place you are, the grave in a box to rot away and nowhere else."
Choir practice turns fatal. Coronavirus is to blame - Los Angeles Times
Triphid comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Hmmm, it seems their Big Sky Daddy may not have been over-impressed with their singing and decided to give them the 'bird.'
Megachurch pastor arrested after holding crowded service in defiance of rules - AOL News
Triphid comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Wouldn't it be really nice IF they end up sentencing him to 1 day in Wuhan for every member of his 'deluded flock' that gets the virus plus an extra for ever non-member that gets infected by his duped fools as well.
Triphid comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Truly wonderful song to honour a truly wonderful Artist.
It's the beaker.. []
Triphid comments on Mar 30, 2020:
LOL, well it does make some kind of sense given the fact that Americans elected Tronald Dump as President.
Will common sense prevail after this crisis is over especially given the climate crisis?
Triphid comments on Mar 30, 2020:
I doubt it but another part of me holds out a modicum of hope that it just might. But given that 'common sense' isn't as common as we like to think, sadly we'd have more chance, imho, of finding fossilised Elephant turds on the Moon.
A follow up to an earlier post. Common sense prevails []
Triphid comments on Mar 30, 2020:
And about bloody time too.
A company in Texas wants to dock paychecks for those receiving stimulus checks
Triphid comments on Mar 29, 2020:
WTF, these money-grubbing low-life pond scum need to hung out to dry ASAP.
Lee Marvin I was born under a Wandering Star []
Triphid comments on Mar 29, 2020:
From " Paint your Wagon" with Clint Eastwood in it as well, got it on DVD in my collection, love " Wandering Star."
If you've never watched this musical, use isolation as an excuse! []
Triphid comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Watched it, the movie version that is, many,many moons ago and still enjoy the music from it.
Totally pointless random whine: Clarification Edit: below you shall find a jokey hyperbolic ...
Triphid comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Haste makes for waste so why worry, it will happen in time.
The Inquisition from a Catholic perspective.[]
Triphid comments on Mar 28, 2020:
No matter how much Catholicism gilds the Lily about the infamous Inquisitions basically they were, to put in short and reasonable terms, An declaration of " either you join us in Catholicism or become the main guest and course at a 'stake' bar-be-que." As well as an excuse for vindictive neighbours to 'Dob in any one they had even the minor beef with.'
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Triphid comments on Mar 28, 2020:
WTF, I thought she had a few more brain cells than that.
As bad as C-19 is, and getting worse.
Triphid comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Fear thee not for God hath spoken unto me and he sayeth, " Get your act together, for I am purely in your imagination and nothing more nor nothing less, Shit happens so learn to live with it." LOL.
I thank each and every one of you
Triphid comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Most definitely deserving of the BIGGEST Cheer of Thanks anyone can offer up. I've done many a 12 hour shift as a nurse and often even been on duty for anywhere from 14 to 24 hours non-stop, my longest ever was when we had an Underground Mining Collapse here in Broken Hill with 4 major casualties, ( crushed limbs, ribs, etc,) and 7 casualties with moderately dangerous injures, the O.R. was going non-stop for 36 hours straight, we doing 12 hours in Theatre and 4 hours in the hallways trying to rest or catch a quick nap as the next Theatre Crew took over. 11 casualties went through the O.R., 10 survived after weeks of intensive treatment on the Wards, one sadly, died on the table from a ruptured Spleen, a torn Aorta and a crushed Pancreas.
Mate of mine just flew back Thailand-Sydney.
Triphid comments on Mar 27, 2020:
WTF, I thought that Mr. ScumMo had deemed that ALL Arrivals were to be isolated in the closed down Hotels, etc, for 14 days IMMEDIATELY, not sent back home.
A little humorous Aussie offering during this virus pandemic, with apologies to Slim Dusty and the ...
Triphid comments on Mar 27, 2020:
Sorry typo, should read " enter and drink up their fair share,"
Christian Preacher: God is Using COVID-19 to Warn America Against Fornication | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Mar 27, 2020:
LOL, I got to the bit where " God is NOT a Fornicator, Adulterer, etc, etc, and then remembered where the bible tells how God impregnated a Hebrew woman with his child. So technically that is the sins and crimes of Lust, coveting, Inciting to commit Rape by Proxy, Seduction by Proxy, Fornication by Proxy, being an Absentee Father, breaching the Commandments ( his OWN Commandments btw), De-flowering a Virgin against her will, etc, etc. Geez, any jury in its right mind would find the Accused Guilty on all counts and probably recommend a Life sentence.
If any of our agnostic friends happens to be experiencing a crisis, let me know.
Triphid comments on Mar 27, 2020:
Was talking on line to a very good and trusted friend last evening who works at the C.S.L. ( Commonwealth Serum Laboratories) in Australia and she recommends using a spray called " Glen 20" (which is available here to spray both around the home on yourself and clothing when you need to venture out for groceries, etc. It IS a strong disinfectant and they've tried and tested in the Labs.
How's everyone doing?
Triphid comments on Mar 26, 2020:
Still alive and kicking way out here in the Aussie outback, I hope everyone else is doing well also.


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