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Dealing with loss, and not a religious reference in sight: []
Triphid comments on Dec 28, 2019:
True, every so 100% true, grief from loss of a loved one never really leaves you, it just lessens a wee bit as time passes.
How about WE start off a NEW campaign for the approaching Federal Election?
Triphid comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Anyone else got a few suggestions for the Anti-ScumMo campaign?
Yet another 'backflip' from Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy arrived on my News Feed today.
Triphid comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Sorry people just noticed a typo, it should read "never really works' and NOT "near really works."
Why do Christians get threatened and terrified by Atheists?
Triphid comments on Dec 28, 2019:
In my years as an Atheist I have found that the majority of Faithfools often dread the idea that we espouse re- their Sky Daddy has never existed. They also, imho, FEAR anything/anyone who does not conform to their ways/ideologies simply because they/we are DIFFERENT. I see it as a kind of thing where the 'domesticated' sheep look at those animals who are running and living free are a threat of sorts to their 'sedated' life-styles.
Hello fellow Humanists, What are you looking forward to accomplishing, participating, or simply ...
Triphid comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Well Ms.Gail, I hope to continue on being the person who I am, put whatever efforts I can into the things that I enjoy doing, trying my darnedest to get the world to wake up and see that we ARE One Race of Human Beings and NOT separate Races as we led to think and believe, try to get everyone to get a bit active and repair the damage we have done to the Environment, etc, and bring, where ever possible a little peace and happiness to others as well.
How do my fellow Atheists deal with depression?
Triphid comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Well I've been 'battling' it for nearly 19+ years now, gone from being an almost reclusive person to a somewhat gregarious one in the last 6 or more years, so much so that I have to now keep a 'Social' type of calendar so I don't 'double-book' myself for social events/occasions. Treatment started with an SRI drug called Zoloft that caused hallucinations so was changed to a graduating increasing dosage regimen of Aropax to find the correct and suitable level, now I am taking the very minimum dose once per day. But I found that involving myself in gardening, artworks, poetry and just taking small steps regularly by catching a bus and going for a ride around town, etc, have worked absolute wonders for me.
Food truck converted into mobile shower unit for Mississippi homeless
Triphid comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Fantastic and fabulous to hear.
If you think it is the right thing to "respect other's beliefs", please tell me why?
Triphid comments on Dec 27, 2019:
But is not 'respect' something that NEEDS to earned and a given RIGHT as ever so many seem to think and believe? I ask you, ARE the Faithfools who insist upon peddling their beliefs, etc, on OUR door steps, Street corners, Televisions, Radios, etc, etc, truly showing 'respect' for us and how we have chosen to be? Did their predecessors, back in the centuries gone by, show respect to those whom they persecuted and MURDERED simply because they ( the Non-Believers) chose NOT to follow in their, the Christians, beliefs? In my honest opinion, there are 2 main points to consider in regards to 'respect,' 1) to gain/get 'respect' one must first and foremost show/prove that one IS worthy of being respected, 2) IF one wants to be 'respected' then one has to show/prove that they can be respectful and discard those differences, be they petty, trite , banal or whatever. To my mind respect is a Quid Pro Quo kind of situation and when the Human race learns that and takes it to heart, then and only then, will the world begin to become what it should have been right from the start.
Oh those crazy christians, what will they think of next?
Triphid comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Now if that had happened here where I live I'd be the one running around outside shouting " It burns, it burns." LOL.
Oldie but goody
Triphid comments on Dec 27, 2019:
NOW, they simply call him SIR.
In my advancing years I have been asking myself this.
Triphid comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Why are there mountains, rivers,forests, deserts, oceans, lakes, birds, animals, flowers, humans etc, here? They are HERE simply because they ARE here.
Are there any Atheist writers on here?
Triphid comments on Dec 26, 2019:
I'm not sure if I can be called a writer but I do often compose poetry from time to time and am also working on a book, that when completed, will be entitled " Creating Your Own God- A Handy Guide for Dummies."
Logic is not a common thing in the minds of religious zealots.
Triphid comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Can't seem to recall atm whether I read it posted here or elsewhere amongst all the materials I read/have read but it went something like this, " The history of events are only ever record by the Winner and are so recorded as to favor the actions, etc, of the Winner, therefore, here is a 'What IF' scenario to ponder over." " What if this biblical 'War' in Heaven was won NOT by this Benevolent Deity we MUST call God but by the entire opposite Deity, i.e. the personification of ALL things Evil, Cruel and Vicious and the TRUE Benevolent Deity was defeated and cast out, then to be proclaimed by the Victor as being Evil Incarnate simply to propagate a favorable LIE to cover up and justify that actions Incarnate Evil one?" Is that not, in simple terms, how we humans would write and accept such a story i.e. the Devil is and was the Good, Kind, Understanding and Benevolent One and NOT the opposite as we are led to believe?
The Inevitable Death of Evangelical Christianity | Keith Giles
Triphid comments on Dec 26, 2019:
As an old adage I heard from a fellow Atheist goes, " To bring Christianity back from the brink, FIRST one needs to put the Christ back into the Christians."
In a couple of my Amazon books I mention the danger of a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Triphid comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Hey, they've been 'predicting ' the Second Coming for the last 2,000 years BUT it has never happened just all of these predictions of Armageddon and the Rapture have been a 100% bust. According to the ORIGINAL scriptures in the Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy ( not those in the modern, over embellished versions that are so proliferated these days btw) the 'Messiah' "PROMISED to return WITHIN the Life Span of the 12 Apostles, tear down the Temple and erect a new Temple in 3 days." Well, it has been far, far longer than the average Life Span of ANY human being living in the B.C.E or C.E. times and yet this Mighty Messiah and Savior is still very noticeable by his absence. Kind of says a whole lot about all of this " You see, it was God's will" doesn't it?
Brain Sees Men As Whole, Women In Parts.
Triphid comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Save me from those skinny scrawny women who are so thin they could give you paper-cuts every time you touched them. Give me a 100% natural woman any day, it is NOT aesthetic outside that attracts me for that usually hides all kinds of faults and flaws, especially when they are liberally covered with ton upon ton of make-up, etc. I suppose that I am kind of like the Artists of the Classic Renaissance Era when they painted women complete and without any of those modern aesthetic touch-ups, i.e. the pure, honest and natural body shape, etc. Me, I look at the woman as a whole first and foremost rather than the bits and pieces.
Oh those crazy christians, what will they think of next?
Triphid comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Aussie definition of 'Holy Water' courtesy of my Dad, = Diluted Priest's piss.....LOL
Be Christ-like...
Triphid comments on Dec 25, 2019:
And, DO NOT forget to attend at least ONE Nine Inch Nails Concert as well.....LOL.
How Migrant Children in Federal Custody Will Spend Christmas | Time
Triphid comments on Dec 25, 2019:
FFS, and I thought what our LNP Governments were doing to Refugees on Manus Island and Nauru was bloody inhuman. At least there is one very small consolation that the Australian LNP Governments aren't tearing kids away from their families or dumping unaccompanied kids into cages as pictured. Is this Utterly Disgusting Crime Against Humanity a result of the PotUS 45 Administration or is just an acceleration of an existing policy?
65th Birthday Musings... Eternal Optimist Yep. That's me. Do I believe in Christian ideology?
Triphid comments on Dec 25, 2019:
65, you've got to be pulling my leg, you don't look a day over 50 to me.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
Triphid comments on Dec 25, 2019:
" Live long and Apostitize." LOL.
Triphid comments on Dec 25, 2019:
Next time you may wish to try what we did yesterday ( since Xmas Day was yesterday here in Australia btw) with our neighbor who played that darned awful Xmas Music at FULL volume non-stop from 9.00am until we sort of intervened....LOL. We simply put the Stereo Speakers outside the house, wound the volume up to almost maximum and played the Kevin Bloody Wilson Xmas Album, on C.D. of course, ( Kevin Bloody Wilson, a very irreverent Aussie Comedian/Musician btw) on continuous replay while we sat inside in almost blissful peace and quiet to enjoy our lunch, etc. Funnily enough, after about the 12th replay, the silence from the very annoying Evangelistic neighbors house was almost deafening but the rest of the neighborhood were yelling out for encores.
I wish that happiness be at your door.
Triphid comments on Dec 25, 2019:
And to you also.
Of all of the Space x launches.
Triphid comments on Dec 25, 2019:
Bloody marvelous, makes one wonder WHY N.A.S.A. could NEVER manage to do the same in the years it has been operating,
For Christmas Eve, I replaced shut off valves and faucet in the kitchen all by myself. I feel proud.
Triphid comments on Dec 25, 2019:
Nice job, well done, money well saved. 3 years ago I had the main feed line from the Water Meter to the house spring a sudden and pretty bad leak, rang a Plumber and got told it would cost well 1,000 Au dollars to replace the whole feed line so I asked what he intended to replace it and he informed that there was a new and approved Poly-pipe that he intended to use BUT couldn't do the job for at least 6-8 weeks. Rang around all the Plumbing Hardware places in town, got a price on this approved Poly-pipe and the connections needed, the whole lot cost me just under $100, an hour's work later and problem fixed, new feed-line in, up and running, better water pressure delivered to every faucet in the house and NO Plumber's Bill of over a Grand to worry about.
How do you deal with Holiday family gatherings?
Triphid comments on Dec 24, 2019:
My family related to me by blood, I have not seen nor heard from them, nor do I wish to, for decades, my other 'adopted' family of good and wonderful friends, I enjoy and relish their company.
Maybe adding appeal to secularism, rather than talking stink on religion, is a more productive ...
Triphid comments on Dec 24, 2019:
If it stinks then say it stinks, that is my philosophy, there's absolutely no need to gild the lily in my opinion.
Your in-person community?
Triphid comments on Dec 24, 2019:
My 'in-person community' consists of my good, decent and trusted friends, my neighbors ( barring a few that is), some of the counter staff at local corner shops and the many people I've and talk to regularly when I take the bus every fortnight. I need no Church Congregation to create one their false communities for me, I have made my own and it works wonderfully I might add.
What I do not understand is the fact that although the Prime Minister is in denial and devoid of ...
Triphid comments on Dec 24, 2019:
And a little Xmas wish from our beloved (????) Chicken Shit, Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy Prime Minister to all Australians.....LOL. A wonderful and very apt piece of graffiti style art work in my opinion, kudos to the artist.
This popped up on another site. Does anyone know anything about this study?
Triphid comments on Dec 24, 2019:
I seem to remember such a study being conducted in Australia a few years ago that came back with very similar results. The study went as far as including both Public Schools and Private Religious ones as well. The result showed, overwhelmingly, that non-religious children were more apt to be sympathetic, kinder, community aware, etc, than were their religious counter-parts.
This video of an Australian "Firenado" may, because of copyright, not be available outside of ...
Triphid comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Ooh shit a brick that is bloody terrifying, never seen one like that but have seen more than enough Willi-Wllies in my time in the bush that picked up literally everything in reach and tossed them into the like feathers. I still remember clearly watching as one about 20' across roared through the house paddock of Kars Station, lifted the wood and iron Dunny from the ground and dumped it in a heap about 400 yards away, it was then we saw that Susie, the Sheep 'Cocky's' 10 year old daughter, was still sitting on the dunny seat, stripped of most her clothing except for her knickers and shoes, covered from head to toe in the contents of the 'long drop.' After that 'episode' the Sheep Cocky decided to install an inside toilet in the main house because Susie refused to use the 'new' outside dunny.
Merry Kissmas Eve morning all.
Triphid comments on Dec 24, 2019:
And a Merry Saturnalia to you from me. PLUS to any Xrstians who may be reading this post " A Merry Kissmearse," as my Dad would always say....LOL.
KISS YOU ALL OVER - EXILE A great song from from this Kentucky band. (1978) []
Triphid comments on Dec 24, 2019:
I remember playing this song to my girlfriend the night I asked her marry me in 1978( and she accepted my Proposal btw) and her surprising response, luckily we were alone in my Flat at the time. Cheryl merely looked at me with a very seductive smile, stripped off her clothes and said, " Well, what are you waiting for, START kissing." Most very sadly, 4 and a half months later, at her bedside in Hospital, as I held her hand she died from Terminal undiagnosed Uterine Cancer. But thank you for bringing back the memory of that wonderful and very surprising evening of our sadly short -lived Engagement.
How many singles are alone on Christmas?
Triphid comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Well, my friend, I've been an Atheist for most of my life but I've only spent a few of those Xmases alone, the rest I've spent with either 'family' or, as I am doing today, with friends who are more like family than my own blood-related family ever were.
What I do not understand is the fact that although the Prime Minister is in denial and devoid of ...
Triphid comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Probably because he, the Government, would have to pay actual wages.
I have quite a dilemma.
Triphid comments on Dec 23, 2019:
More often than not, Atheists/Agnostics mixed with Christians in a relationship are akin to trying to mix oil with water, it simply NEVER works. i've tried quite a few times, to my deepest regrets, and have found each time that self- preservation IS the better part of Valour.
Have you ever thought about why religions think they need to sacrifice a goat, a lamb, a virgin or a...
Triphid comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Hey, don't even those totally Invisible and Imaginary God, etc, need to eat from time to time? And what better to 'feast' upon ( IF you get my 'drift' and excuse the crudity that is) than a nice, fresh, young Virgin?
This was 5 years ago but that cutie is my daughter.
Triphid comments on Dec 23, 2019:
It never ceases to make me wonder how peoples from western cultures are so intent upon dressing themselves and, often, their children up for a few short weeks ever year as those from a culture/race they so often revile for the rest of the year. But, that is one cute baby btw.
Let's have those old fashioned festivities we remember from our youth.
Triphid comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Nah, have the Aussie style Xmas celebrations we had when I was a kid, open the Pressies, eat a hot lunch while sweating like pigs, then get the neighborhood kids together for a game of cricket in the street with the rule of ' 6 runs and your OUT IF you hit the ball through a window or onto someones roof " and cars stopping just so they could watch you playing instead of honking or driving through the middle of the game. That was usually followed up with getting a 'lecture' from your parents for coming home with black feet from the melted asphalt that stuck to them and having to sit outside with a rag soaked in petrol to soften the asphalt so you could peal off of your feet.
It's all about DEATH, every one of the major religions are at their core - death cults.
Triphid comments on Dec 22, 2019:
Totally AGREE 110%.
No way is Australia going to address climate change when we have a PM who believes it's implemented ...
Triphid comments on Dec 22, 2019:
Hey, how about try to make this meme go VIRAL.
Ethiopia in Roman times: []
Triphid comments on Dec 22, 2019:
According to many Roman writers of the time, the Roman Empire never tried to invade and conquer Ethiopia but instead set up a kind of 'Trade Agreement' with its ruling class/classes since the Ethiopian warriors were considered to be somewhat better than the Legions and far, far more numerous as well.
Boeing's Starliner Won't Reach Space Station, NASA Chief Says: []
Triphid comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Oooops, yet another stuff up by Boeing Industries.
It's official: tonight is the longest night of the year.
Triphid comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Hey, that depends on in which hemisphere you are living, e,g. in the Northern Hemisphere the Winter Solstice is the Shortest Day of the year and the days begin to lengthen after that, in the Southern Hemisphere it is the opposite way round.
Ancient Evenings Fun!
Triphid comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Ah, Anubis and Sekhmet having a little 'Afternoon Delight' hey!
Who cares for you?❤
Triphid comments on Dec 21, 2019:
" When the shit really hits the fan and you're right in the middle of it, then and only then, will you find out who are true friends." - Old Outback Aussie saying.
Sciencing with kids.
Triphid comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Now that the 'spud' is showing signs of growing, plant it in a flower pot and watch as it grows into a potato plant, then the kids can pull it up when it has died off and see that they have grown their own 'spuds.'
Why Doing Good Makes It Easier To Be Bad.
Triphid comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Me, I simply follow along with those inherent ethics and morals as passed down through countless generations from my earliest ancestors, which is where we all got our true ethics and morals from in the first places even though there are those who either choose to ignore them or completely forsake them all together.
How many of you all are ex-fundamentalist Christians?
Triphid comments on Dec 20, 2019:
To be 100% honest, I was never really aboard the ship of biblical bullshit, superstition, mythologies, arcane rituals, etc, though my 'mother' tried her damnedest to force me up the gangplank. I started questioning all that garbage from around 8 years of age, found that it reeked worse than road-kill on a very hot summers day.
Just trying to get a head count here. Who's an atheist and who isn't, and why?
Triphid comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Uhm, pardon me for asking, but your profile comments show that you claim to be both Atheist, Agnostic and a Believer plus a few others as well, so how does this relate to your trying to get a head count?
Booker T. & The M.G's. Green Onions []
Triphid comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Green Onions and Mo' Green Onions by Booker T and the M.G's, 2 of my faves, second only to the Shadows, minus Cliff Richards thankfully, in my opinion. LOL, What's the definition of Drummer? A, Someone who likes to hang out with musicians....LOL.
It's all about the marketing, you can sell refrigerators to eskimos if you know how to market your ...
Triphid comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Hey Jeebus, if we 'pray' hard enough can we get some myrrh cooler weather this summer instead this oppressive heat? LOL.
I woke up this morning and my nose is on high alert.
Triphid comments on Dec 19, 2019:
And was it not the Spiel of the Liberal Party that " the Age of Entitlement is over," makes massive cuts to the Domestic Budgets ALMOST everywhere, etc, and yet Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy feels so entitled that he can just drop everything, run for a ' much needed holiday' in Hawaii with his family whilst the country is ablaze with Bush-fires, homes, properties, livestock, native Fauna and Flora, lives are being lost, including the 2 VOLUNTEER Fire Fighters killed yesterday at the Green Wattle Creek Fire, the country is suffering in severe, Prolonged Drought BUT he feels so ENTITLED that HE can up stakes, go on HOLIDAY, sit back, relax AND ALL at the Taxpayers expense. FFS, Captain Shouty McShitmepantsandrunforthehills, you get paid well over 500.000 Dollars per year to 'captain' this ship but where are you, nowhere in sight, don't you that many 'crews' have mutinied for far far less, remember what happened to Governor William Bligh, yes that infamous Captain Bligh, he hid under the bed when the shit hit the fan, he got HIS due comeupence. Hey, Scummo, don't bother arranging for a flight back, in my opinion, we neither need you or want you, stay over there, I'm sure you and Ken Ham can come to some mutual arrangement.
The Argumentative Theory
Triphid comments on Dec 19, 2019:
There IS a vast difference between arguing and debating in case you were unaware. For example in any argument 2 or more people are trying to get their point and their point alone accepted as being the absolute. Whereas in any debate situation BOTH sides get equal opportunity to get their side of the discussion across AND equal opportunity to question, refute the other sides point or statement and the reasoning/s behind it as well. Logical thought and reasoning ARE how we can usually get to the truth and the facts as well solving problems be they big or small, being argumentative gets no-one anywhere in all reality even though they may THINK they have won.
"You shouldn't judge people!" I have often heard this from my Christian friends.
Triphid comments on Dec 19, 2019:
I tend to think that one of the examples of irony would be what happened with 'Evangeloon' neighbor in mid-winter 2013. He was erecting a structure made up of full length railway sleepers ( railways ties in the U.S. I think) whilst wearing his usual footwear, i.e, soft and unprotective canvas shoes. As i was walking past the front of his yard where this monstrosity was being erected I noticed his footwear and merely said to him, "I think you may wish to wear some stronger and more protective boots when moving and lifting those things, they are made from very solid, very heavy and very tough Hardwood you know, drop on of those on your foot and you'll probably either badly bruise your foot or end up with a broken bone or two." His reply was, " While I have God and Jesus in my heart and in my life they will protect me from all things that can harm me." I started to continue walking and then I heard this very heavy thump coming from behind me followed by someone screaming in pain and agony, I turned, looked and sure enough there he was on the ground with a railway sleeper laying across both his right foot and lower leg. 10 minutes later the Ambulance arrived, I helped them lift the sleeper clear and one look was enough to tell both them and I that his foot was more than likely fractured in at least 2 places and that his tibia and fibia were also fractured as well. Later I thought to myself, " Some dependable protectors he has in God and Jesus, hope he has learned a lesson this time."
Please allow me to express my most sincerest sympathies to everyone considering that it most ...
Triphid comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Oh shit I forgot to mention that he also and out and out Homophobic as well, please accept my apologies for the memory slip.
So coming up to Christmas please tell me Athiests what you think of the Holiday season since you ...
Triphid comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Well, and I do NOT mean this to be disparaging nor sarcastic, etc, we Atheists don't spend the very precious hours of our short lives, and short they are even for Believers as well btw, on our knees or in Church Pews, etc, offering up prayers and gratitudes to something that has ONLY ever existed in the fevered and scared minds of men who were far, far more primitive than we are today. We celebrate being alive, able to think freely, enjoy each day as it comes, enjoy our families and friends and the company we keep with them, we give each other gifts as a thank you for the kindnesses, caring, friendships, support and love each has shown towards the other, as well as celebrating the Inherent Morals and Social Ethics that have passed down to us ALL through countless thousands of generations since the first Homo Sapiens and those who came before us first evolved. Now, does that go some way towards answering your query?
Triphid comments on Dec 18, 2019:
A very simple equation here, After life = Death, = slow and steady decay and corruption (rotting away into a very smelly stinking heap of disgusting gunk) of the body = little left than the bones that were a vital part of your body. All of that is a 100% certainty UNLESS of course, you are Cremated then you go from being dead body to ashes.
Just in case you might possibly have forgotten; we are god damn lucky to be here.
Triphid comments on Dec 18, 2019:
And a Merry, Happy Saturnalia and Winter Solstice to you and yours as well.
I’ve listened patiently for a few months trying to understand the dichotomy between Agnostics & ...
Triphid comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Well,call it what you may wish but me, I'm just a plain old, ordinary, Heathen, Heretic, Atheistic, Aussie Bloke.
The perfect gift idea for your irreverent friend(s) !
Triphid comments on Dec 18, 2019:
But, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" LOL.
If Jesus saves, why are all of his human representatives alway asking you to give them money?
Triphid comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Oh Jesus saves, BUT the Bank Fees he has to pay are truly exorbitant....LOL.
How does one get their ex-pastor to leave them alone?
Triphid comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Mate, with these God-bothering Faithfools, once they've gotten their hooks into you they'll use any means possible to hang on to you. One thing that may just work, and I've known numerous people who done it btw, is walk into the Church during a service, go up to the Preacher, ask if you may say a few words and then tell EVERYONE there that you ARE no longer a member of the Congregation nor interested in being so ever again, then walk calmly and slowly back out of the Church. It usually takes between 1 minute and 1 minute, 30 seconds before everyone realises exactly what you said and until the 'shock-wave' begins to roll its way through the church, plenty of time for you to reach your car and drive off to get a well earned coffee.
Justin Trudeau moves to ban gay conversion therapy all throughout Canada – DeadState
Triphid comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Fabulous news. The Religiotards have been trying for literally decades or more with their 'conversion therapies' on Gays, etc, with disastrous results and countless suicides it IS about time that the full force of the Law was brought to bear on the Religiotards on Grounds of Human Torture, Crimes Against Humanity, Committing Grievous Bodily Harm, etc, etc.
Thoughts on the Australian Prime Minister in the Aim: "The real Morrison cannot tolerate ...
Triphid comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Well it seems that Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy has 'deserted the ship' and is taking a 'holiday' overseas while the country burns according to the latest news reports. Nice to know just how much we can depend on our 'Captain' in times of dire troubles, isn't it? At least Emperor Nero had the decency to stick around while Rome was burning and the Captain of the Titanic had the courage expected of maritime sea Captains and went down with his ship but NOT Captain Shouty McShittypants, as soon as things got hot he takes flight, literally, and heads off elsewhere.
Can someone be intellectually honest about religion without being agnostic?
Triphid comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Any claim made WITHOUT refutable evidence is merely a claim and nothing more as any Court in a Western Country will tell you. Christianity, for example, has been repeating the same claim continuously for nigh on 2,000 years and has NEVER produced/brought forward even 1 iota of refutable evidence in favor of the claim. The Sciences,on the other hand, research, try, test, examine the results, then try and test all over again BEFORE they make a claim PLUS have more than substantial evidences to support the claim. That is basic difference between Sciences and Religions. In the last 200+ years Sciences have revealed a great deal and with evidence to back the evidence up that a " Higher Reality/Higher Supreme Deity/God or whatever you wish to call it" has an estimate possibility of 0.00000000000001% of ever having existed except in the fevered, frightened minds of men who were somewhat quite 'primitive' compared to humans today.
So I'm stuck in the bible belt and, in my opinion, one of the very small number of things the church...
Triphid comments on Dec 16, 2019:
First off, try to resist calling it anything that can be remotely associated with religions/churches, it gives it that wee religious stench in my opinion. Maybe try something akin to " Assemblage of Free-Thinkers" instead.
It's ironic when a Christian say that gays have more rights than them now.
Triphid comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Persecution is the Catch Cry of most religions, Christianity in particular. Without their totally imaginary persecutions they 'd be bereft of anything to support their endless pushes for Religious Freedoms, those same freedoms that they have enjoyed and reveled in for the past 1,600+ years.
1 Million Moms, is freaking out over a commercial showing two people kissing
Triphid comments on Dec 16, 2019:
FFS, I've seen men kissing men and women kissing women on all kinds of 'Family Rated' movies so many times that I haven't bothered to count. These ' moms ' sorely need to get themselves a REAL life for a change and get away from their religiously indoctrinated bigotry in my opinion. PLUS, actually LEARN to count and NOT just add extra zeros to their tally.
Is it still okay to use a mental health condition as an adjective?
Triphid comments on Dec 16, 2019:
I've been battling with Chronic and Recurrent Depression for at least !8+ years now, and probably had it, undiagnosed, for decades before that. I've also been battling Chronic Agoraphobia for at least 18+ years as well but if you saw me down the street, for example, you'd have no idea by my appearance that anything like that was happening inside me. Suffers of 'mental illnesses' ARE people just like anyone else so treat them as people and not sources of curiosity, etc. And try to replace the word 'retarded' when describing a poor decision, etc, with something just a little kinder to those who are actually living with a retardation of their mental growth, development and psychological capabilities, etc, with a word likely silly, ridiculous or even crazy instead for they too are people.
Hallmark Reverses Decision To Pull Ads Featuring Lesbian Couple That Triggered Conservatives
Triphid comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Kudos to Hallmark and more power to those who will stand up and face down these rampant, rabid Homophobic Religious Bullies.
How many here think of themselves as skeptical thinkers?
Triphid comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Well, speaking purely from a personal aspect here, since there IS absolutely NO tangible, Empirically tried, tested and Proven Positive Evidence of the existence of ANY God/Gods/Deities whatsoever having EVER been brought forward, then I'd state, categorically, that I am NOT skeptical but at least 100 % certain. Though I can be quite 'skeptical' in my thinking, etc, on many and numerous other subjects but that, in my opinion, is quite normal since we are, for the most part, skeptical human beings UNLESS we find ourselves indoctrinated/forced into the situation of having to believe in and follow precisely what we are told we must believe or follow.
I don't know if this has been posted in here somewhere.
Triphid comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Signed, subscribed and sent with the greatest of pleasure.
Had someone lost in my driveway they did not see me right away.
Triphid comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Had a phone conversation with our local Police Inspector about this yesterday, the response/reasoning I got was unbelievable to say the least, " Due to our local Crime Statistics Reports we are ONLY allowed to have a maximum of 1 Patrol on duty at any time of the day or night plus 1 Highway Patrol car operating to cover the 6 main Highway entrances to town at any time of the day or night, so we have to Triage or prioritize ALL calls for assistance and areas to be patrolled." I then asked the Inspector, " Why do you have a total of 3 'Paddy' wagons, 4 patrol cars and 2 Highway Patrol Cars parked in front of or the driveway of the Police Station EVERY day of the week if you are not permitted to utilise them for the protection and safety of the citizens and their property." Her response was, " Well, that is the way it is and if you don't like how it is move to another town or city," and with saying that she placed the receiver down, quite heavily it seemed, curtailing any further questioning or comments.
What can be done about the inactive members problem on this site?
Triphid comments on Dec 16, 2019:
if it doesn't cause bother to the Admin/s then why should it be a bother to the members, after all, they are members, are they not?
And meanwhile in Australia genocidal attitude continues in the name of xtianity ...
Triphid comments on Dec 16, 2019:
And Lang Hancock was all for Joh the Jerky Peterson's idea as well.
Lucky Australia switched to metric in time .
Triphid comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Cesius or whatever, it's still hot no matter what you want use to record the temperature. It getting that bloody hot and dry out this way the trees are chasing the dogs.
Ohio Lawmaker Admits Doing No Research on Insane Ectopic Pregnancy Bill | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Dec 15, 2019:
Oh FFS, yet another know it all, know nothing spouting Xrstian bullshit, when Oh when will all this end. Such a crying shame that dumb-arses like him can't get pregnant and suffer from an Ectopic Pregnancy, he'd soon change his mind. As a nurse I've seen first hand what a woman goes through with an Ectopic Pregnancy, they usually say, afterwards ( if they survive that is) that is far worse a pain than child-birth. Once the ectopic pregnancy grows to such an extent that it tears the Fallopian tube apart, doctors usually have a maximum of 2 hours in which to remove the embryo, repair the Fallopian tube, if at all possible, and close up before the mother to be starts to either haemorrhage to death or succumb to an very rampant infection. Re-implantation of the embryo is NOT an option since the embryo is usually dead or dying before the Surgeon even gets to it.
Christian Conservative Claims Star Wars Is Based On The Bible | Michael Stone
Triphid comments on Dec 15, 2019:
Oh FFS, these Christian types will grasp absolutely anything and turn it into something 'biblically' related won't they.
Stolen from fbuk
Triphid comments on Dec 15, 2019:
I bags taking first swipe with a dead European Carp at Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy....LOL.
Shame and Scandal 😲 Like the ending lyrics 😄 []
Triphid comments on Dec 15, 2019:
Not bad, but I still prefer the version that came out in about the late 70's I think. But it does make one kind of wonder when you think about these IVF babies being born using anonymous sperm from anonymous donors, how can anyone of them be certain that they aren't related to the person they are marrying?
Conversation with another member has just jogged my memory with the following history: The ...
Triphid comments on Dec 15, 2019:
Ah yes, the wonderful RSL, my distant aboriginal cousin did 2 tours in Vietnam with Australian Army but was also denied membership of the RSL. I'll leave it you to guess what their excuse/reason was.
Why has this been allowed to happen? []?
Triphid comments on Dec 14, 2019:
No 1 Person, No Company, No Government, No Country should ever be permitted to lay claim to that which is VITAL to almost all living things, i.e. WATER. Yes, a company may be permitted to charge SET fees for the treatment, pumping and delivery of water to users BUT NOT charge for the water itself.
Today's hike: "Here, Moosie, come!"
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Och aye, if that's a wee moose, how big are the cats.....LOL.
Woman Whose Son Was Beaten to Death Read the Bible Before Getting Help | David Gee | Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2019:
That f***ing bitch of a woman deserves no mercy whatsoever in my opinion.
Why are we so gullible?
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2019:
A bit of a very broad and possibly unfounded statement there that we are ALL gullible I think. In my opinion you are trying to 'tar everyone with the same brush,' which non-one can truly do since we can only, logically and realistically speak for ourselves and ourselves alone. To make such broad statement/ comment, in my opinion, you would need to have canvased absolutely every single living person both on the planet and on the Site as well, is that not correct? Ergo, it is my guess/opinion that you have not done so since, I for one, have neither recollection nor record of being polled by you.
there seems to me to be way to much animosity towards religion.
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Hey, wake up and smell the roses friend, I think you may find that, at a rough estimate, at least 80% of the people on the Site have either endured the 'excesses' of religions or have known closely someone who has so of course there is going to a touch of animosity from time to time and in the worlds of the religious there IS always the same animosity from them to us as well. As the saying goes, " Anything that is so Obviously and LOGICALLY ridiculous DESERVES to be ridiculed to the best of ones ability." Ergo, the majority of members are only ridiculing, to the best of their abilities, that which truly deserves and warrants ridicule,therefore it is NOT animosity but giving what is deserved.
Atheist reaches settlement over religious objection to mandatory AA - BBC News
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Kudos to him. In my opinion ANY Group/Organisation that offers up religion/prayer as assistance for a problem like Alcoholism, etc, IS merely replace one crutch with another crutch and not really touching upon or helping to actually solve the problem in any way.
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Sadly, in ALL Elections you only get what the non-thinking majority votes for.
It's all yours🤗
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2019:
True, so very true. And NEVER travel down the middle of the road instead stay on the side where you are facing the on-coming traffic, you get a better warning and more room to get out of their way when necessary.
Why has this been allowed to happen? []?
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Simple answer here, Money, Money, Money, i.e. Governments like the present one we are saddled with and those that came before it ONLY see the MONEY to raked in, the people and the land are at the very bottom of their list, IF they are even on the list that is.
A dinosaur tale! []
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2019:
At last they've found one that, if alive today, wouldn't be trying eat us.
Millennials Are Leaving Religion And Not Coming Back | FiveThirtyEight
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2019:
Great and wonderful news, the more that leave the shackles of religions behind the better in my opinion.
I figured that I would share my favorite questions that melt brains and/or just end conversation ...
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2019:
Well, I'm more than happy being a real and corporeal being and since this Invisible and completely Imaginary God thingy is neither real nor corporeal then I'd have to give up being both real and corporeal so that's a MASSIVE minus in my opinion. So, to exchange reality and tangibility for absolute nothingness equals 1 huge No way Jose.
Walking out of the living room my son had said what sounded like to me "haz nack knowel" I sure ...
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2019:
Thanks Mate, that will have my mind trying hard to de-cypher what he said for the rest of the day now.
I'm interested to know if former Christians here began doubting because of particular doctrines like...
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2019:
Okay, let's look at the feasibility of a TRUE Virgin Birth first shall we? 1) it would be NEEDED to determine whether or not the claimant woman/young female was ACTUALLY a Virgin, i.e. the Hymen was still unbroken, at the time BEFORE the birth of the child, Ergo, there was, according biblical texts NO such examination carried out, i.e. Joseph, so it seems, just accepted her 'words' with blind faith. 2) there are very very rare occasions where the fertilisation of an ovum can occur in a human female WITHOUT sexual intercourse (penetration of the male penis), These being either pre-seminal fluid being expelled by the male and dribbling downwards from the upper folds of the female vulva and into the vagina, pre-seminal fluid DOES often contain small amounts of active sperm from time to time, or Anal sexual Intercourse was performed and the excess sperm and fluid managed, miraculously I might add, to dribble from the anus of the female downwards across the perianal skin and into the vagina WHILE she was laying Face down AFTER the intercourse, NOT very likely and highly improbable. 3) the 'old' Catholic Schoolgirl excuse that a) I sat on the toilet seat AFTER a boy had been there, b) I went swimming at the Public Swimming pool and there were a lot boys swimming around with me, and last but by no means least, c) I used my brother's/ cousin's towel by accident to dry myself AFTER I had had a shower. All of those 'excuses' are about as believable as would be an Elephant flying under its own power from England to Africa and back. As everyone here knows quite well the Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy was written by MEN and they had quite a penchant for 'borrowing' myths, tales and legends, etc, from other cultures, etc, and turning those to suit their own needs and ends, therefore and considering that, numerous other older cultures and societies also laid claims to such 'Virgin Births' occurring in their Gods/Deities, etc, then the credibility of the Christian claim to the 'Virgin Birth' holds about a much water as does a bucket made from tissue paper. I can state categorically that I have NEVER been a Christian or a follower of ANY other form of religious belief for as far back as I can remember/recall because from an early age the Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy, aka the bible, always made about as much logical sense as it would be for a completely blind person to be switching on a light in a completely empty room so he/she could sit and READ a newspaper.
Leo Sayer - Long Tall Glasses []
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2019:
Geez I hope I never have to dance to get a meal, I couldn't dance to save my life.
My agnostic husband and deeply religious father started having a debate about whether or not God is ...
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2019:
My most sincerest of sympathies go out to you and your husband but please try to take a little comfort from the following, " You can lead a horse to water, But you cannot make it drink and you can lead a Believer towards logic, But you cannot make one think." Sometimes the best of intentions are oft to fall upon stony ground, but, none-the-less, it is always worth the effort to strive on, you never know when a crack may just begin to form allowing a tiny seed of Reasoning to fall though and begin to germinate.
California nativity scene depicts Jesus, Mary and Joseph as caged family separated at border
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2019:
LOL. As an Atheist through and through I see that the mythological "Nativity Scenes" that pervade almost everywhere around this time of year should be far more factual and show nothing but cattle and livestock sheltering, as they would have done btw, in a barn/shed, etc, completely devoid of any humans except for the farmer feeding them for the night.
Free holiday lunch today for the 300 employees, here.
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2019:
That totally sucks how people will literally gorge themselves when something like a Free Lunch comes along and not give a thought to those behind them in the line.


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