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It's been a while since Iv'e seen some of these, and Potholer54, was one of my favorites.
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2019:
Hovind, Ham, Creationists what a bunch of unmitigated, undiluted, absolute wastes of space, oxygen and sperm.
Catholic priests jailed for sexually abusing deaf children in Argentina - FRANCE 24
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2019:
Don't put low-life Scumbags like those in 'Protective Custody', put them in with the really hardened criminals, the hardened criminals have an unwritten code of 'ethics' that no matter how bad they are they detest scum like those even worse and treat those scum exactly like they should be treated.
I know people love their animals, but I wonder what would happen if you were required to sponsor a ...
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2019:
Yeah, I agree and I sponsor 2 children overseas yet I ONLY receive a Government Pension, I did so even when I had a dog, sadly he died some 3 years ago of old age, but these whack-jobs that go way overboard with their cats or dogs, etc, do need an urgent wake up call in my opinion. Yes care for your pet, feed it correctly, monitor its health, etc, BUT it IS NOT a human child when all is said and done.
Of great concern to all including @Triphid. []
Triphid comments on Dec 10, 2019:
So, what's next now under Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy, is it to be religious Re-Orientation Camps (aka Nazi style Concentration Camps or Communist style Camps of a very similar nature) for all the Non-believers, Atheists, etc, in Australia? Judging by those "changes" it IS beginning to look like a case of 'Convert or be Re-Orientated' and total discrimination against ANYONE who does not believe in the religious bullshit he is peddling. I'm not a violent person by any means BUT try to come and get me and you WILL soon find out first hand IF your God exists, that I can guarantee.
Christian Youth Minister: We Need to Tell More Kids They’ll Be Tortured in Hell | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Dec 10, 2019:
Oh FFS what is he after, extra cash in the Collection Plates so he can replace his million dollar jet with a new, more up to date model?
Eighth theist
Triphid comments on Dec 10, 2019:
Believing in the Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy not only can make one dumber than a post, in my honest opinion, but also robs one of the ability to think rationally and logically as well.
Of great concern to all including @Triphid. []
Triphid comments on Dec 10, 2019:
I'm beginning to become even more certain that Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy Morriscum IS seeing himself more and more as either God or Jesus incarnate these days and so does the Cartoonist that I 'borrowed' this attached cartoon from just now.
Having been pointing out the failure and hypocrisy of Australian law and courts in upholding ...
Triphid comments on Dec 10, 2019:
Well they have been eroding away at our civil and personal rights and feedoms over the last 10 or so years at an ever increasing rate so it seems and basically claiming that it is ALL due to the Heightened Threats of Terrorism. Some of that, in my opinion, may be so, but trying introduce a Bill for Religious Freedoms in a Recognised Secular Country, wanting to able to access the Internet Accounts, etc, of EVERY Citizen at any time they wish and yet NOT monitoring the Affairs, etc, of the BIG End of Town Companies, etc, reeks of a kind of Pseudo/Quasi Dictator style State to me.
Hopefully this isn't a repeat question, but what are your thoughts on the Elf on the Shelf?
Triphid comments on Dec 10, 2019:
Naomi and Matt bought an 'Elf on the Shelf' for their son, my nephew, Henry (6 years old) and they are having quite a bit of 'fun' with it at present, every night they move the 'Elf' from the shelf in Henry's bedroom when he's asleep and place at different locations around the house. Last Saturday night they moved the Elf out intro the Lounge Room, sat it in Henry's armchair, put the T.V. remote in its hands and left it like that until Henry got up in the morning. His response was hilarious to say the least, they heard him scolding the Elf for sitting up all night and watching T.V. when he should have been sleeping and that he, Henry, is going to tell Santa that 'Elf' has been naughty because he didn't go to bed and go to sleep when should have. So I kind of reckon the 'Elf on the Shelf' could and should be used as a bit of harmless fun by the parent/s instead of just a carrot on a stick to get the child/children to behave a bit better, why can't we grown-ups have the odd laugh and bit of harmless from time to time, after all our kids grow up so quick anyway, don't they?
Hello Everybody
Triphid comments on Dec 10, 2019:
And a Hello and Aussie G'day back to you as well.
This is a must have item.
Triphid comments on Dec 9, 2019:
Hey, when you do let me know, I carve pretty good wooden representations of the male penises, we could come to an arrangement on Sales Commissions.
Russia banned from 2020 Olympics and 2022 World Cup over doping scandal
Triphid comments on Dec 9, 2019:
What's new about that? Countries have been 'feeding' athletes all kinds of 'enhancement' stuffs for as long as there have been the Modern Olympics in my opinion. You've only got to know a little about human anatomy to realize that every human body has a limit to the amount of NATURAL muscle mass that it can be expected develop under 100% NORMAL circumstances, anything else, logically, has to be enhanced in some way or method.
Shelter Believes Dogs Deserve the Spirit of Christmas, too–Watch the Excitement as Santa Brings ...
Triphid comments on Dec 9, 2019:
When my old and best friend Charlie, the Blue Heeler, was alive he always got his own Xmas presents, wrapped up nicely and handed out to him so he could enjoy ripping them open to find the 'special' treats inside, it was like watching a child as he tore away the wrapping, checked out what was inside and the waited for the present. I'd have to say that in my opinion his best xmas present of all was when he got his fluffy, stuffed, toy cat ( he was a very ardent cat chaser when they dared enter his domain btw, that toy cat got tossed around, sat on, carried from place to place around the house, etc, but never once did it get torn or damaged in any way, it is now buried with him as are his favorite blanket, food bowl and about a dozen tennis balls he 'collected' from around the yard that kids had thrown or hit over the fence from time to time.
Putting a pair of these on my Christmas wish list.
Triphid comments on Dec 9, 2019:
I wonder if there is pair available that stamps the ground with " Fuck Religion" ?
No way is Australia going to address climate change when we have a PM who believes it's implemented ...
Triphid comments on Dec 9, 2019:
True, ever so very true.
Alright, alright! Everybody has a bitch! Tell me - what have you done to further the age of ...
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2019:
"Speak the truth quietly and clearly for those who choose to listen will listen and learn from it, never let lies and myths overshadow the truth for those will banish enlightenment when and where ever they can, be the bringer of truth to the best of your abilities." William Anthony, 2019.
Secular Happiness - YouTube
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Oh boy does that bloke have a very severe case of Verbal diarrhoea brought on by the God/Jesus virus.
What is our purpose in life?
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2019:
I tend to think that our 'purpose' in life is to ,make the most of the life we have, to use what we have in life to benefit others as well as ourselves to very best of our abilities and to leave this world in which we have lived in a better condition than we found it. Sadly though, and most unfortunately it seems that there are so many who don't seem to share in this philosophy.
Tongue twister practice for fellatio and cunnilingus.
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2019:
And there's also this tongue twister as well, " She shucks sheafs by the seashore." See how fast you can say that one without it coming out wrong.....LOL.
I usually just buy the magazine every now and again, so haven’t read the full article, but it ...
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Well it only makes rational sense that in 'communal animals such as humans, etc, the preservation of the group as a whole depends solely upon the group being morally and ethically bound together. Most animals will protect and defend their off-spring until those off-spring are old enough to be able to fend for themselves, humans, well the majority of us anyway, will do the same but we extend that to even when our off-spring have grown way beyond the needs for us to protect and defend them, our moral codes and ethics have developed over thousands, if not millions, of years, they did NOT just suddenly come into being because of some arcane, archaic collection of stories and tales written down in the last 1,600+ years.
Tongue twister practice for fellatio and cunnilingus.
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Like it, a bit like another I heard as a child, " Susie shines shoes in the Sunday Sunshine."
Tough choice!
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Going on what I read and heard of her past, I'd say she'd probably sit on Quasimodo's face if the price was right.
MO Attorney General: It’s Okay for Football Coaches to Push Christianity on Kids | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Here in Australia we have just experienced, sadly, just a situation like that with Rugby League Player, Israel Folau preaching HIS message of " Burning in Hell awaiting every Drunk, Fornicator, Gay, Lesbian, etc, etc, and getting an UNDISCLOSED Settlement for, what he termed as Wrongful Dismissal" breaching his contract with the NRL by preaching and attacking the Drunks, etc, etc. Later he also stated that " The Bushfires people are experiencing throughout Australia "ARE the result of God being angry with Australia and Australians for legalizing same sex marriages and the like." The Code of Conduct in his contract clearly states that he " Shall NOT use his position and status as a Player to proselytize his own personal beliefs or opinions publicly." Yet he HAS gotten away with and WILL receive, more than likely, a HUGE monetary settlement, IS this Religious Freedoms gone over the edge or what?
Tax religions: how?
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Are not Religions merely a kind of Profits from 'Prophets' business to say the very least? Since they sell nothing that is factual or tangible but still profit from these sales ( scams as any person with even an ounce logic would call them) then they should be TAXED to the hilt since prosecution for conducting such blatant SCAMS is totally out of the question as it presently stands.
Harry Chapin - Cats in the Cradle []
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2019:
A lovely and truly meaningful song, I seem to remember another singer doing a cover of this song, wasn't it covered by Cat Stevens as well?
One of Chicago's oldest churches to become LGBT homeless youth centre
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Absolutely LOVE the whole idea and sincerely hope they even adorn the outside with the Rainbow colors as well.
My kind of tree...
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2019:
I'd kind of tend towards using a plastic, life-sized Human Skeleton in place of a Xmas tree, much more fun and better times 'adorning' it if one were use their imagination....LOL.
WSJ Essayist: Atheists Should Just “Lie” to Their Kids When Talking About Death | Hemant Mehta |...
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2019:
In my own experiences as a parent, mostly as a Sole Custodial Parent btw, every time my daughter would ask a question no matter the subject I always tried to tell the truth in words, etc, that, at her age, she could easily comprehend. I still remember clearly the day when I was requested to attend a 'little' discussion in the Principals Office at her school because she had disputed with the Teacher as to how and where babies come from. Another child in the class had mentioned that his Mother was pregnant and he was going to have a little sister soon. The Teacher told the class that God made the baby and put it into the mother's belly and that it was a gift from God. My very often outspoken 10 year old daughter simply stood up and said " Rubbish, his Mummy and Daddy had sex just like the animals and birds do, she got pregnant and they are having a baby, my Daddy tells me the truth all the time and he should know, he is a nurse and they know all about things like that." Then, according to the Teacher, my daughter went on to explain the 'nitty-gritty' of how the 'tadpoles' from the Daddy enter into the Mummy, meet up with a tiny little egg, get together and make a baby. The Teacher was quite taken back at the idea that, in her exact words here, " a mere, silly, uneducated child could have the audacity to dispute the truth with an educated Teacher on how God makes babies and gifts them to parents." I have no idea as what happened after my daughter and I left the office, but less than a month later that teacher has tendered her resignation, left the school and found employment at the local Catholic School.
Worry about hells?
Triphid comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Well I reckon I won't be going even if it exists because the Devil has a Restraining Order out on me since he's scared I'll take over his job and I won't be going upstairs either because Big Sky Daddy also has a Restraining Order on me because he knows full well that I could do his job better than he could ever hope.....LOL.
All I want .... to give .....
Triphid comments on Dec 6, 2019:
"Not only should you do good for yourself in life but strive to do good for others as well and never do good solely with the expectation of being rewarded for doing good is the reward you will receive." - William Anthony, 2019.
AAhhhh! We now know where this comes from!!!!
Triphid comments on Dec 6, 2019:
A wise Old Chinese Philosopher once said, " Tis better to fart and stick a little that to bust arse and be a cripple," LOL.
Alvin Stardust. - Pretend []
Triphid comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Never heard that one before, thank you for posting it.
More of an apocalyptic feeling today as we are surrounded by the bushfires.
Triphid comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Looks pretty bloody grim there Grahame, stay safe, keep watch, these fires can do just about anything unexpectedly.
An Incredible Interactive Chart of Biblical Contradictions | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | ...
Triphid comments on Dec 6, 2019:
At my last count as a Doctor of Theology and Comparative Modern Religions and an Atheist since around the age 8-9 years old, the total I found was 1,897 contradictions but, hey, if anyone out there wants to dig further into the absolutely boring piece of ridiculous, arcane, archaic tome of Myth, Superstition and Bronze Age Fairy Tales, please be my guest.
Joseph was not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Triphid comments on Dec 6, 2019:
I reckon, if he existed at all which I most sincerely doubt btw, the only things sharp he would have had would have been the tools in his Carpentry Box, otherwise, to believe such an utter bullshit story, he would have to been as dumb as a brick and as bright as a half watt light bulb on sunlight day.
The cutting edge of Human Evolution is the integration of science and religion.
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Rationality/Rational Thinking and Religions are complete opposites. Just take a good look at how religions, Christianity for a PRIME example, tried for centuries to stifle any and all ideas put forward by Sciences, etc.
If only Alexa would have told me it was Ninja day earlier I could have called some of the people I ...
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2019:
I wonder when they'll decide to hold a day to celebrate my talent and everyone else's who are practitioners of the Noble Art of " Metieshoeup." LOL.
[secular] | What is Secular Humanism | Free Inquiry Your thoughts?
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Well technically and according to the dictionary meaning, being secular most means that a secular person has NO religious affiliation or Organised Religious Belief system. In my opinion, one can be both an Atheist, i.e. refuting/denying the existence of any and ALL Supreme Deities/Gods, etc, and a Humanist as well since a Humanist, also by understanding, is one who cares for ALL members of the Human Race. Hence, it could be said of me that I am both a 100% Atheist and a 100% Humanist as well as one who cares not only for Humanity at large BUT also the Ecology and Environment, etc, of this planet we call home as well.
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Oh geez louise, they get 2 so-called Religious Scientists, a total misnomer to say the least, together to correlate the Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy with known FACTS of the Beginning of the Universe and the Evolution of Life on this planet, how bloody biased can a conversation get? Of course they are going to agree, the more they agree, the more they can keep perpetrating their ages old lie, the more cash they can rake in from the poor and weak-minded fools that willing believe in their arcane, archaic myths, superstitions, etc.
I expect to reach level 8 in the next month or two, which earns me a free Agnostic.
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2019:
We should all express our opinions, beliefs or non-beliefs as freely as we wish and, in my opinion, IF the t-shirt I'm wearing gets 'in your face' then that IS your problem, NOT mine. I usually alternate between wearing my t-shirt and my other favourite " My Darwin Shark ate your Jesus fish" at every opportunity.
Focus 1973 "Hocus Pocus []
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2019:
I literally wore out 2 x 45 rpm copies of this song plus 3 cassette tapes back in my younger days because I liked it so much.
Hohoho it's the time to be jollie and out fraudulent corporate behaviour.
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2019:
There is at least one very good point in favour of Coles, they have donated literally dozens of truck-loads of bottled water for towns and farmers in the Darling River area who are either out of drinkable water or are very very close to running out of it. And ALL at their own costs, including the haulage costs as well.
A fence can be pretty effective at keeping those spooky trees at bay......
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2019:
You should the Australian Ghost Gums shake and tremble at the sound of a chainsaw......LOL.
I'm really not trying to be petty but why on earth did FB send the friend suggestion to me of Zane ...
Triphid comments on Dec 4, 2019:
Zuckerbook, as I choose to talk Facebook, is, in my opinion, a complete and utter waste of Internet time and space, it tries its damnedest to manipulate everyone and everything it comes in contact with and that, btw, is NO Conspiracy Theory.
Yes, let the festivities begin, bring on the endless loop christmas carols and the ho ho ho,
Triphid comments on Dec 4, 2019:
You're a wee bit late off the mark, mate, we've copping all the Xmas twaddle for well over 2 months now here in Australia but give it about a week or so and we'll start getting those annoying pests of religious door-knockers coming out the woodwork again trying to tell us all about their mythical Jesus and his equally mythical birthday. But the good news is, my Atheist friend and I went on a little tour around town last night and delivered 3 dozen copies of his new " Happy Solstice" greeting cards to the mail boxes of EVERY Priest/Minister of Religion in town as well as to every Church/Temple, etc, etc. I'd love to a 'fly on the wall' when they open up those cards.
I've had that look on my face....
Triphid comments on Dec 4, 2019:
Exactly, but the first thing every man needs to learn is that the woman is always right even when she is wrong.....LOL
I've just been notified that my tired, old ass has been accepted into grad school.
Triphid comments on Dec 4, 2019:
Hearty Congratulations to you, why not split the difference and go with 3 bottles for starters.
I have had an odd notion for awhile now.
Triphid comments on Dec 3, 2019:
Eer, have tried the 'attending church/Sunday School thing ' before numerous times but went at it alone and received the " Bum's Rush" for my efforts, especially from the likes of the Catholics, the Anglicans and the Mormons in particular. Though I will say that I have had far better receptions at the "invited to talk sessions" that happen at the very progressive Public School a few minutes walk from my house. Which reminds me that I have another " invited to talk" session listed for next Friday at 1.00pm.
Two of my many favourite Native animals of Australia, both are very welcome visitors/residents ...
Triphid comments on Dec 3, 2019:
And, how lucky can I get? This is one of the very RARE times that my friend, Lady E ( she is normally very camera shy btw), the Australian Wedge-tailed Eagle, has allowed herself to be photographed by anyone, including me. I was just making a cup of coffee when I heard her very familiar whistle coming from above the house, I quickly grabbed the camera and managed to snap this head-shot of her as she so kindly landed almost at my feet next to the white outside wall where she knows she'll always be welcomed with a free meal. After eating approx. 250 grams of minced kangaroo meat, giving me the chance to pat her head and neck ( her usual way of saying Hello btw) she lifted off and flew back in the direction of the bushlands were she was released many years ago. By her somewhat quick visit I'm guessing that she and her mate have a nest about 50 kilometres away and are in the process of rearing at least one or two eaglets. Hopefully, Lady E will do her usual annual thing and bring her 'babies' for a visit when they are fully fledged. And next to her 'new' portrait is my depiction of her hand-painted in a mural that adorns my front fence.
Triphid comments on Dec 3, 2019:
A bit short on the options in my opinion, I'm fairly certain that I never actually believed the mumbo jumbo they ( my mother, a when convenient Faithfool) were trying to shove down my throat from the age of about 8 years old. I was, literally and physically EXPELLED from every single Sunday School that I was FORCED to attend by the time I was 9 years old because I insisted upon asking questions, I was branded as being a Heathen, Pagan, Heretic, Devil's Spawn and just about everything any Priest/Minister could think up and even now I wear those names with Pride.
So I am attempting to start a new group, ( it was bound to happen one day ).
Triphid comments on Dec 3, 2019:
I think there is something similar started a while back by @Allamanda which I joined, but you can count me in as well if you like.
Triphid comments on Dec 3, 2019:
You can try it BUT beware kids do grow up and they do learn all about 'payback,' they WILL simply wait for the right time and you will be on the receiving end.
This is bullshit and makes a mockery of science and oversight.
Triphid comments on Dec 3, 2019:
There is a great difference between the needs for Epipens for Severe Allergic Reactions and Vaccinations against communicable diseases such as Measle, Rubella, Whooping Cough, etc, etc. So do NOT get them mixed up for starters. It only takes for 1 single, unvaccinated child with a very early onset of Measles for example, undiagnosed by the parent/s to go to school or a pre-school and it WILL not only infect every other child there but every OTHER child/Adult it comes in contact with, then the contacts expand exponentially as each subsequent child contacts other children and adults in turn. Whereas Severe Allergic Reactions, such as Nut Allergies for example, like Cancers are NOT communicable in any way, shape nor form. No-one knows for certain exactly how many people died BEFORE vaccines for Smallpox were discovered, the same applies for the Great Spanish Flu Epidemic in the early 20th. Century as well. Before vaccinations for Poliomyelitis were discovered and used Polio was responsible for untold deaths, cripplings, etc, of young and old world-wide just as has been Measles, Rubella, Whooping Cough and a very vast range of other now preventable diseases. Yes, a quick jab with a needle during the vaccination process can be a sometimes painful shock to a little child/baby BUT dying from the disease that was preventable is far, far worse than you can ever hope to imagine and you CAN trust me on that one since I've, a nurse, seen first-hand, and very sadly as well, what these poor little children go through before they finally succumb to the disease and die, IT IS not a pretty sight in the least. In 1972, my eldest sister blatantly refused to have my nephew, Grahame, vaccinated against Measles, etc, simply because, in her exact words, " It was inconvenient for her to have to take him to the Doctor at the time," 3 months later, after Measles went through town like a runaway train, Grahame contracted Measles which in turn resulted in him having Meningitis as well, it took the poor child, only 2 years and 4 months of age, 3 whole weeks of pain and SHEER agony to die very, very slowly despite Doctors doing absolutely EVERYTHING in their power to try and save him from a death that was 100% preventable.
I came across something regarding the Westboro Baptist Church.
Triphid comments on Dec 3, 2019:
It seems to me that absolutely none of them has ever bothered to read what the Tongan Xrstian Mouthpiece, Israel Folau, recently said very publicly, i.e. " No-one truly knows the mind of God." Therefore and quite logically, neither does any Priest/Minister or even the very human writers of the Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy for that matter.
Do people who hate religion do it because of their Atheism or Agnosticism or because of their ...
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2019:
Then as you said in your profile statement, "If you are an Islamophobe or discriminate against people on religious grounds then there is nothing I can learn from you, then, A) Why, may one ask are you here in the first place, B) Why are you claiming to be Atheist/Agnostic, C) "I miss being able to delegate all of my problems," when they ARE your own problems hence your responsibilities and to whom did you once 'delegate' these 'problems' before you de-converted, D) have you EVER actually sat and studied Human History in the times C.E. ( old parlance), if not then I suggest you try it, it WILL open up your eyes. The religious have discriminated and persecuted the Non-Believers since Christianity was first invented yet from you I get the impression that we should merely forgive and forget, clasp hands and sit together around a fire with them and sing merry little hymns of praise to them, their blood-stained hands and their blood soaked God and thank them for the needless deaths their belief system inflicted upon countless peoples including the Incas of Peru, the Aztecs, the Mayans, etc, of the Central Americas, the Cathars of Spain and France, the Huguenots, the Saracens that were slaughtered during ALL the Crusades (men, women, children and babies included) and last but by no means LEAST, the thousands, if not millions, of so-called Heretics,etc, in the Inquisitions, etc, etc. No, religions haven't destroyed people, that is just a nasty myth, isn't it?
Do people who hate religion do it because of their Atheism or Agnosticism or because of their ...
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2019:
People USING religions/religious beliefs to manipulate others have been the root cause of many of the woes wrought upon human kind since religions, Christianity and Islam in particular, were first invented. Religion is, in my opinion, just superstitions, myths and scary stories twisted and turned around to facilitate the ease of controlling the masses by the few. Any of the little good that religions have done for human kind has been far, far outweighed by the evils which it has wrought. It teaches divisiveness, repression, suppression, etc, and calls itself Love and Peace for ALL, ergo, it IS a LIE, the Ultimate Lie of Lies in my opinion.
So do not fear death for it is inevitable...
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2019:
" To conquer death you only have to die." - excerpt from the Musical, Jesus Christ Superstar.
Kanye says he may legally change his name to 'Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West'
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2019:
Oh shit, it just gets worse and worse doesn't it? I mean we've had the likes Whacko Jacko, Snoop Doggy Dog, a singer formerly known as Prince, Brad Pitt ( who probably could only remember a name with no more than 4 letters per word at best), Tom Cruise ( who in my opinion is a total fizzer as an actor) and now this egomaniacal up-start Kanye West who couldn't hold a musical note if it was written on paper and glued into his hand in my opinion. Geez, I wonder if I can change my name to something like Davros, Creator of the Daleks....LOL.
Not so sure about this one.
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2019:
The resources of ANY country SHOULD belong to the People of that country and ONLY the People of that country. International/Multinational Companies/Corporations have ripped the guts out of Australia for far too long, their profits go overseas and we see sweet f*** all of them in return. Yes, B.H.P. WAS the original Mining Company that opened the Broken Hill Mining for Silver, Lead and Zinc, it was founded here, made billions out of Broken Hill and the miners who worked their guts for B.H.P. but the miners were worked pretty much like slaves, got the barest minimum of wages, when the miners said enough is enough, formed a Union, went on strike for better conditions and wages, BHP saw that they weren't going to win so they just shut up shop and ran away to to the Big Smoke leaving thousands of men and their families in the lurch and the Governments did nothing but send in train loads of Police to arrest the miners. The People of Australia NEED to stand up and demand from the Government that ALL resources belong to the People and that ONLY Australians can use them, mine for them and profit from them, NO Foreign Ownership of ANY part of Australia should be permitted ever again.
Not all birds survive - []
Triphid comments on Dec 1, 2019:
A few interesting things about the Australian Ratite (Emu) is that only the male incubates the eggs then cares for the young until they are old enough to survive on their own. You'll almost never see female Emu wandering around with male Emus unless it is mating season, Emus are known for being very curious birds in the wild, if an emu sees a light shining in the night, chances are it will go to investigate it and IF, though I wouldn't recommend it, you want to see a wild Emu close up in the daylight, just get behind some bushes and either kick up clouds of dust or simply wave a piece of brightly coloured cloth, any Emu within 3- 400 yards or more will come over to see what is happening.
Today I will roast a chicken so it will be chicken tonight.
Triphid comments on Dec 1, 2019:
Nice menu idea, but mine for tonight is Spaghetti Bolognaise made with a mixture of pork and beef.
Relic believed to be from Jesus' manger returned to Holy Land
Triphid comments on Dec 1, 2019:
Hang on minute or two while I dig through the wood chips around the firewood pile, I reckon I've got a least a dozen or so 'slivers' of the True Cross that I can sell if anyone is interested.....LOL.
Are Non Believers More Prone To Using Profanity?
Triphid comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Well, Jeebus on a frigging moped, what's the problem with frigging using profanity anyway when the situation calls for it? LOL. It'd be an odds on bet that even the most devout of the Faithfools would utter a few profane words when either hammering in nail and hitting their finger/s instead or stubbing their toe on some piece of furniture.
Pictionary Fun Challenge 4.
Triphid comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Bat out of Hell by Meatloaf?
Pictionary Fun Challenge 4.
Triphid comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Born to be Wild from the movie "Easy Rider" perhaps?
freshly minted ex-facebooger: I just deactivated my Facebook account.
Triphid comments on Nov 30, 2019:
I was banned from 'Zuckerbook' in April last year for 12 months for speaking out against ALL religions, my time in 'Zuckerbook' Gulag 17 was over in April this year and despite innumerable messages from 'Zuckerbook' telling me Ï'm free to return, etc," I've decided that I will not be going back even if the sun turns to ice. In my very honest opinion, 'Zuckerbook' has become a very biased and over commercialized site filled with drivel, dribble and hate filled people for the most part. My advice, stick with where you will be most welcome and always will, for the most part at least, find good and decent people and friends aplenty.
Rian Johnson Talks Surviving “Last Jedi” Hate
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2019:
Never been a great fan of the Star Wars seemingly endless sagas but getting pissed off at the actors is going way way over the top in my opinion. Geez Louise, some 'people' really do need to get a bloody life, don't they.
A path to whittling away religious power.
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2019:
Children should NOT be introduced to Religious Indoctrination/Ideoligies at all UNTIL they have attained the ages where they can reason capably for themselves.
Worry about hells?
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2019:
Why even bother worrying about something that has never really existed in the first place?
Does anybody know anything about this image?
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2019:
I heard a bit out an artist named Hecht way back in my High School Art Studies days but never saw a repro of that portrait before. It kind of has a very haunting type of aspect about in my opinion, but a nice work none-the-less.
If only humans had this ability every few years! []
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2019:
Well it would only be logical that they could regrow teeth since sharks were also around at the same and sharks continue to regrow teeth during the whole of their lifetime. When you look at it, it was a bloody mean and harsh world in which the lived, for example, T-Rex had teeth ranging from around 6 to 10 inches long, great for ripping off huge chunks of flesh and bones but his prey had some pretty nasty armour as well, a tooth or 3 could easily be snapped off while trying to bring down something like a Triceratops, after tackling a few of those and losing teeth in the process, without being able to replace lost teeth it wouldn't be long before T-Rex was just a 'Gummy Shark' either dying slowly from starvation or barely surviving by scavenging around and eating the 'left-overs' from the kills of others. But good old Evolution took a look at the up and coming mammalians and probably said, " Bugger you lot, you're only getting 2 sets of teeth and one set will have to last you for the whole of your lifetime, stiff shit....LOL"
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2019:
Give them a visa and a round trip ticket to over my way, there's at least one HUGE nut next door that they can gather up, it will keep them fed for at least a year....LOL.
Newer ideas on what lead to the disappearance of the Neaderthals - maybe not us! []
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2019:
Who can really say for certain what happened, unless we can go physically back in time and observe first hand all the events, etc, that occurred then I doubt if anyone will ever know for certain.
Black Friday.
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2019:
You do know I hope that the tradition of the original 'Black Fridays' is based upon the day when the Pope colluded with the Heads of Europe to exterminate the Knights Templar because the Knights Templar R\refused, point blank, to further fund the extravagances of the Papal Committees, etc. Ergo, 'Black Friday' has nothing to do with black cats, walking under ladders, etc, that are supposed to bring bad luck.
Americans don’t have egg cups. How do they eat boiled eggs?
Triphid comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Soft or hard boiled chicken bum nuts anyone....LOL. Bum nuts = Aussie slang term for chicken eggs.
Are There Any Non Believer Humanitarian Activities?
Triphid comments on Nov 27, 2019:
I'll a little local promoting here, out in the local area of the presently VERY arid Outback of Australia, we have a little group of retired, Atheist Aussies who put their minds and skills together, invented, built and have patented, at their own expense btw, a new device for drilling bore-holes for water. It costs less to run and operate,etc, than a conventional drilling rig, is far more mobile, uses only the water it carries around with it and can drill through very hard rock layers down to a present depth of 310 metres in approx. 4 to 6 hours. They call themselves " The Bush Bores, " a kind of pun/joke, they charge little or nothing for their services except coverage of the costs of diesel fuels and so far, unpublished, have drilled an approx. total 47 successful Bore-holes within a 600+ kilometre radius of their 'home-base.'
Happy Holidays - not Trash-the-Planet month! []
Triphid comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Hey, does that mean there WILL be extra Trash Collections operating so we can discard the unwanted Faithfools.....LOL.
Just joined.
Triphid comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Very glad you feel comfortable here, mate. Though being mostly Aussies we can and do tend to fit into the ' they're a Weird Mob Genre ' from time to time....LOL.
Jeeezus wept, this mans a tosser []
Triphid comments on Nov 27, 2019:
IF he's so much into being such a 'good' christian as he wants the world to believe, then WHY is he so obsessed about wanting Millions of Dollars in compensation, after all does not his precious Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy clearly state that Jeebus said " Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars, rend unto God that which is Gods," and " It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a RICH man to enter through the Gates of Heaven," so, either way he's totally screwed when he, a) if he wins the Court case, and b) when he kicks the bucket.
Argentina: Catholic priests jailed for abusing deaf children - BBC News
Triphid comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Don't bother with prison/gaol time for scum like that, instead suspend the bastards from a very heavy wooden beam to which they are nailed to by their balls.
Most common/ridicuous argumento pro religion?
Triphid comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Personally speaking, one the best I've heard is the old one, " Without God/Jesus to guide you through life you have no morals, no ethics, you are just like all the other the animals,you are nothing in the eyes of God."
Guilt: the gift that keeps on giving.
Triphid comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Ah yes, the old ' make them feel guilty ' ploy, know that one very well, had it used on me more times than I care to remember. The last time anyone tried to use it on me I simply asked them, " If I do what you are asking then will do the laundry, the housework, the gardens, the dishes, clean the bathroom and scrub out the toilet at my place in return?" It worked so well that I've never been made to feel guilty about saying no ever since. Though having said that, there are times when I willing drop everything to help out friends in need and when I get calls from children or youths ( male or female) that are in desperate need of counseling, but, to my way of thinking, that is what any decent and caring human being should and would do.
And Moses came down the mountain...
Triphid comments on Nov 26, 2019:
"Aw, ease up there Moses. we were only 'kidding' around." LOL.
Do you agnostics decorate for Christmas?
Triphid comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Had a chat with a fellow local Atheist today, he's just restored an old hand printing press and intends to produce " Happy Solstice" greeting cards with " Remember, the Solstice IS the ONLY Reason for the Season" printed on the inside. I've ordered a pack of 2 dozen at $5.00 per pack, some will be going my other Atheist friends around town, the rest will 'miraculously' be appearing in letterboxes of local Churches, etc. Other than that, xmas for me will be spent much as it has been since my Nephew, Henry, was born, i.e. giving presents and having xmas lunch with him and his parents.
This is a repeat but I think worth a second look. 🙂
Triphid comments on Nov 26, 2019:
And if Plan "Z" fails, revert to numerical plans, they are endless....LOL.
In your home lab, always keep some signs like this around.
Triphid comments on Nov 26, 2019:
It's an odds on bet that as soon as you put up a sign that says " Do Not Touch" someone will come along and do the 'touch' thing anyway.
This in response to a question in Quora: Do you believe in Allah Almighty?
Triphid comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Well as to Allah, Yahweh, God, Jesus, etc,etc, ad infinitum I'd say with 100% certainty that every single one them is nothing more than figments of the imaginations created and designed by one or a select few in an effort, always a very successful effort I might add, to a) gain some control over the behaviours and lives of their fellow tribal members, b) to ensure that they receive the very best of everything their tribe has to offer, c) to explain away, in ways that ensure their status amongst the tribe, the reasons, etc, why things do not go perfectly every time and what the others in the tribe must do to mitigate such events, d) and last but by no means least of all, to ensure that they never really have to involve themselves in the dreary, day to day, often laborious things necessary for the survival and prosperity of the tribe as a whole, instead they can just sit back, pretend that this God/s they have invented speaks through them, and do as little as possible, kind of like intestinal worms/parasites feeding solely off of the efforts of their 'hosts.'
Manfred Mann. - Doo Wah Diddy Diddy (1964) []
Triphid comments on Nov 25, 2019:
You might have gotten away with doing that way back then but these days, do that and you'll probably get a free ride from the men in white coats....LOL, or be looked at like one of our local 'oddities' known locally as Rapping Randall who wanders around the streets every day with an old Ghetto Blaster on his shoulder sing away loud enough to wake the dead.
Any songs to add to this play list of worst songs to have sex to? []
Triphid comments on Nov 25, 2019:
I remember when a school friend of mine a few years back told me that his girlfriend at the time would always hum " Wake me up before you Go" every time they had sex, it seems that they kind of 'drifted ' apart after a few months. I wonder why. LOL
Unhappy sex life? Maybe it’s not your skills. Maybe it’s your sexy time playlist. []
Triphid comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Tried the old "have sex in time with Ravel's Bolero" bit a few times but it always seemed to end up like the 1812 Overture in the end....LOL.
When you got hella bad luck
Triphid comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Oooooh, I bet that one hurt, it'd defintely not be a 'take 2 aspirins and call me in the morning' type of headache.
A huge snake from South America now extinct. Thankfully! []
Triphid comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Struth, that'd enough to scare the crap out anyone seeing one those things slithering around in the jungle, I reckon there'd be way more than just skid marks in your y-fronts seeing that thing.
FYI []
Triphid comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Well that's not new news out here, we've known for years, since the likes of Cubbie Station got up and running that OUR water resources were sold of to highest bidder/s by successive governments, both State and Federal.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2019:
IMHO this topic has been flogged as much as any dead horse can ever be flogged and we all know that a dead horse can be flogged for ever but it will never, ever get and walk again so why are you so intent upon flogging this very dead horse again in the first place? People seem to "love" labeling everything and anyone, etc, etc, simply, in my opinion, because they have a driving need/desire to place everything/everyone into tiny, neat, little boxes like, and NO offense intended here, human versions of Pack Rats, BUT we aren't Pack Rats, we ARE individuals, every single one of us each with our personal traits, habits, likes or dislikes, etc, etc. So, WHY on Earth bother asking this same tired old question yet again?
I've pent most of the last two weeks in an I.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2019:
I have met and gotten to know a few people suffering with Guillian Barre Syndrome in my time and my deepest sympathies go out to both you, your brother, your families and friends. It IS heart-wrenching to have to merely sit by and watch as a loved one goes through such things as this and caner, etc, you feel absolutely helpless but you CAN be of some really great help just by being there with them, keep it up no matter what, be the true and real support your brother needs, it will be hard, I know from personal experience, but you can be his anchor point and that is what he really needs.
Why Do So Many Hate Religion? What's ToHate?
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2019:
When you know instinctively that "A" is morally and ethically right but someone claiming to be able and 'ordained' to speak for a God tells that that God tells him/her that "A" is wrong and "B" is right and you must obey him/her without doubt, pause, etc OR you will face Eternal Damnation because God loves you ONLY IF you obey, then would not any sane, sensible person find such a system of blind belief and trust, etc, both disgusting, despicable and abhorrent?
A word to the wise....
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2019:
An old saying goes something like this, " It IS much easier to speak the truth and remember what you said than it is to tell a lie and try to remember exactly what the lie was composed of."
A question you see pop up on here is, when did you become an atheist,which to me sounds like when ...
Triphid comments on Nov 23, 2019:
I often tend to find it wryly humorous and laugh quietly inwardly when asked "When did you become an Atheist?." To me it is kind of similar to asking someone " When did you become a Human Being," because, A) we are all born human beings, B) we are all born with absolutely no knowledge or understanding of god/s or religions, as babies all we understand is that we need nutrition, love, warmth, protection and comforting from at least one of our parents. I tend to think that we don't become Atheists or Theists, we either choose to evolve mentally enough to reject/discard the 'grasping at straws' of religions in favor of being Logical, Reasoning and Thinking Human beings as Atheists rather than merely being the Sheeple of the the Flock of religions.
With the recent death of my dog I've been thinking about death more than usual and something ...
Triphid comments on Nov 23, 2019:
Scientifically speaking, "Energy can neither be create nor destroyed it merely changes form" as a Science teacher of note once informed our class. So, logically, it should apply to matter as well since matter is merely a combination of atoms held together by energies of attraction and repulsion so when matter (material things such as our bodies, etc,) can longer sustain itself into the form it has taken as influences by these energies and chemical reactions, etc, then it too returns to or changes into a different form but is not truly destroyed simply because the remaining atoms and energies will be re-used, recycled into something different over the passage of time. As to the 'energies,' for want of a better term, of memories, knowledge, etc, that were a part of the operation/s of our brain, then I tend to think that some of them become encoded somehow upon our DNA/Genes and are passed down to our descendants/offspring, hence what is loosely referred to as being 'Race Memories' or a kind of Dejavu occurrence from time to time. Though some may choose to scoff at this, I have experienced a kind of inexplicable 'dejavu' occurrence quite a number times in my 60+ years of life, for example, in 1998 my Daughter and I were invited to Egypt to return a small statuette of an Ancient Egyptian person that my Great Grandfather had purchased in a Bazaar in Cairo after the Battle of the Nile. He believed it to be a fake and merely passed it down through the family until it ended up with me and I proceeded to learn to translate Egyptian Hieroglyphics and found it was not a fake but a Commemorative Statue to honour Imhotep commissioned by the Pharaoh Djoser. On being taken on very private tour of the Great Pyramid of Khufu I remarked to Zahi Hawass that I had a strange feeling that I had been here before and pointed out to him that below our feet ( we were in what is called the Queen's Chamber at the time) there was another passage way leading down even further into the base of the pyramid. Zahi, looking quite surprised, said to me, " Have you been to Egypt before, you must have been BUT how did you know about the passage way and were it is, we only discovered it about 3 weeks ago and nothing has been published about it as yet?" Both my daughter and I replied, almost in unison, " We've never been to Egypt before you invited us to come so how could we know something like that?" It still puzzles me to this day.
The manner in which most people use the term "atheist" is unfortunate, because such usage suggests a...
Triphid comments on Nov 23, 2019:
If you are suggesting that Atheism is an Organised System of Belief as is religion, etc, etc, then, my good sir, you are barking up the wrong tree in my opinion. Though Atheists, for example, may place their trust in things Logical, Rational and Scientific, etc, we do not Idolise it, venerate it, genuflect before nor even worship it for we, like most scientists as well, all know that Logic, etc, can often err but Religions always loudly, vehemently and ceaselessly proclaim that they can never err "for God is their guiding light and God can never be wrong or in error." I tend to think that, should you choose to open up your eyes and take a good, long look at Atheists, you may find, to your surprise possibly, that Atheists see the world and Humanity as it really is, i.e. Flawed, Faulted, Imperfect, often disgusting even abhorrent at times, but still a wonderful place none-the-less just as is Humanity itself. In my opinion, most Atheists are the TRUE Humanists in this world.


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