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True for me
Triphid comments on May 18, 2019:
I love it when bees are attracted to the plants in my gardens, I may be seen as a bit of a 'softie' and a wee bit odd as well but I often will pick up a bee that seems to be lost or struggling and help it to survive rather than let it die and I often say Hello to the bees as they go about collecting pollen from flowers, Yes, I know they cannot understand a word I'm saying, etc, but ever since I've been doing those things I have NEVER been stung since. I even go so far as to leave little dishes of a honey-water mix out for them when there are not many flowers around, even the butterflies will come along and get a drink from the dishes when times are hard in the gardens.
Found this on ...a good article about HHS... []
Triphid comments on May 18, 2019:
WTF, what ever happened to Hippocratic Oath ALL Doctors are/were supposed to make upon Graduating?
Let's all get together and write a song parody, I choose the name, and everyone pitches in to write ...
Triphid comments on May 18, 2019:
Under a Stranger in her worn out old bed, Mary the whore wobbles her head, wriggles her arse with her legs wide spread....
Some time back a question came up in Quora that I found slightly interesting.
Triphid comments on May 17, 2019:
Simple answer, ALL children are BORN WITHOUT any knowledge of God/Deities what-so-ever, they are ONLY instructed/indoctrinated later by their Parents, etc, OR, not instructed/indoctrinated later and then, in that case, they grow up and learn about Reality, Reasoning, Logic as do Atheists like myself, who learned to question from a very early age and in doing so was Expelled from EVERY Sunday School at every Church/Religion and Primary School Scripture Class I was FORCED to attend simply because I asked questions.
this is a test post hello!
Triphid comments on May 17, 2019:
Testing, testing 1, 2,3, testing, yes you are coming in 5x5....LOL.
Here’s the punishment for actual rapists in Alabama – ThinkProgress
Triphid comments on May 17, 2019:
Ah yes, the Sundays Only Christians, Pro-Lifer Movements, etc, etc, ad infinitum to which ALL Life is Sacred BUT have no qualms/compunctions when it comes to THEIR Country bombing another country, taking the lives of innocent men, women, children, babies and unborn babies BUT scream like stuck pigs about Women having control over what happens to and within THEIR OWN bodies, the BLATANT hypocrisy runs riot does it not?
Why are agnostics and atheists so hostile to my non-theistic belief of theological noncognitivism?
Triphid comments on May 17, 2019:
EdwinMcCravy, I honestly believe that you are 'barking up the wrong tree' here, to use an Aussie saying. As an Atheist since childhood and a holder of a ThD ( Doctorate in Theology and Comparative Modern Religions btw) as well as semi-retired Psychologist I can personally state that one cannot conceive an image/description, etc, that has NEVER truly existed other than in the fevered minds and imaginings of our very primitive ancestors who simply sought to 'explain' that for which they had absolutely NO understanding/comprehension of in the first place. Hence arose the concept of " I do not know what caused/causes a thru z to happen so it MUST be a Great Deity/Deities, etc, etc."
Why B NRML?? What IS ‘normal’? ‘Humans are just a bunch of freaks’ 🤣 []
Triphid comments on May 17, 2019:
So-called Normal is merely a concept imposed by a society and is very similar to the way any religious belief is imposed upon people, i.e. it tries to remove the individuality from the individual to create a more manageable 'flock' of sheeple.
Pope Francis Guilty of “Heresy,” Catholic Scholars Claim in “Historic” Letter | David Gee | ...
Triphid comments on May 16, 2019:
So, here we have the Vatican Pot ( Catholic Scholars) calling the Vatican Kettle ( Pope= Protector of Paedophile Employees) black, oh well it had to come after all is said and done ' the bigger they are the HARDER they fall' as the saying goes and the Catholic Church is starting to collapse, so it seems, simply because Truth, Fact, Logic and Reasoning combined with the revelations of centuries of Abuse of Children by Priests are eating away at the foundations like Termites devouring a tree from the roots upwards. Long may the Termites of Truth, Fact, Logic and Reasoning live, reign and devour the Temples of Hypocrisy, Superstition, Paedophilia and Religious Exploitation.
Why are agnostics and atheists so hostile to my non-theistic belief of theological noncognitivism?
Triphid comments on May 16, 2019:
Not wishing to sound either dismissive or derogatory here BUT aren't you simply just trying to preach/gain sympathy, etc, since most Atheists/Agnostics, imho, do NOT simply debased/denigrate the believer BUT instead attempt to show how Irrational and Illogical the Belief System truly is? Now, IF I were to wish to be HOSTILE towards you and your tirade then I'd simply say, imo, " How about hopping down off of your Cross and giving some other poor bugger their chance at 5 minutes of fame?"
The new t-shirt I've just bought myself as a Birthday gift to myself, now I can hardly wait to see ...
Triphid comments on May 16, 2019:
Just an up-date here, I've been wearing it quite regularly these days and have received so truly great positive responses from Atheists around town, especially from the literal multitudes who have asked where they can buy one, even got a great reaction from a well respected local Lawyer as well. Copped a few Faithfools who have made snide/rude/derogatory comments, however, the best of ALL was when a Catholic Priest told that I'd be certainly going to Hell for wearing such a BLASPHEMOUS shirt in public, my response was simply " Okay then, I'll see you when you get there, would you like me to save a seat for you next to the fires?"
Two days out from the 2019 Federal Election and former Prime Minister Bob Hawke dies at the age of ...
Triphid comments on May 16, 2019:
Australia's second best ever P.M. next to Gough Whitlam in my opinion.
The White House has declared Melania to be “the most important and accomplished First Lady in ...
Triphid comments on May 15, 2019:
Accomplished at what exactly, perhaps doing blow-jobs in porn movies, getting naked at the drop of dollar bill or could it merely be faking orgasms with Drump....LOL.
I have just heard on BBC News that Alabama has passed a bill banning all abortions in all cases, ...
Triphid comments on May 15, 2019:
Be aware America the Draconia Theocracies are fast approaching.
Flat Earthers, and the Rise of Science Denial in America | Opinion
Triphid comments on May 15, 2019:
Flat Earthers and Politicians = the ONLY true 100% vacuums known to science.
I couldn't find the artist(s), but the work is beautiful.
Triphid comments on May 15, 2019:
I love the Dragon, it'd look great in my front garden I'd reckon.
Triphid comments on May 15, 2019:
And, let us not forget that the Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy expressly FORBIDS them to partake of the flesh of any animal with "cloven hooves, any shellfish, crabs, prawns/shrimp, etc, and DEFINITELY nothing from the Swine for they are ALL unclean." But when such is mentioned to the Faithfools their usually response is, "That is from the Old Testament and no longer applies since we have a NEW Covent with God, the New Testament." To which I always reply, "But that comes directly from the New Testament as instructed to Peter by the Jesus himself." Boy does that put them into quite a spin and quandary.
Why does cognitive dissonance not seem to be a thing with so many "Christians"?
Triphid comments on May 15, 2019:
Cherry picking and Cognitive Dissonance are two of the vital prerequisites for any Faithfool.
What could possibly go wrong? []
Triphid comments on May 15, 2019:
I'd reckon that to ANY woman in her right mind the mere 'LDS' reference would set alarm clanging so loudly that you'd start running faster than an Olympic Champion BUT in the opposite direction. Who would really want spend the rest of their life wearing that 'sacred'' underwear that LDS women are told they MUST wear? A friend of mine was éxpelled' from the LDS here in Broken Hill, N.S.W. 6 years ago because she developed an allergy to the material that her 'sacred' and 'magical' 19th century "Granny Bloomers" were made from, she actually showed them to me ( not whilst wearing I might add) and they are so archiac that Queen Victoria would have worn them when she was Queen.
Anyone know much about the counsel of Nicaea?
Triphid comments on May 14, 2019:
The Council of Nicaea, ordered and assembled by Roman Emperor Constantine ( aka Constantinius the Great) in 325C.E. was an assembly of 'Bishops' self-elected by the then Messianic Cult who followed the assumed teachings of one Yeyoshua (Jesus) of Nazareth. It was decided that this Messianic Cult should be known as the Christian Cult or the Church of the Followers of Yeyoshua, the New Messiah and that a tome (book) should be created to include both the Pentateuch, first 5 books of the Hebrew Torah, the tales of Creation, etc, etc, and tales of the Miracles, Teachings, etc, of this New Messiah. It was decided also that this book SHOULD be written by a great number of Scribes selected solely by the 'Bishops' from the most TRUSTED Scribes in their homelands (approx. 66 Scribes from 30+ Countries in 3 separate Continents btw) that were part of the then Roman Empire and that such a book SHOULD be compiled to, a) show this NEW religion in a shining light, b) NOT in any way,shape or form denigrate, debase, etc, the present religions of the Roman Empire, and c) last but by no means least, should 'contribute' ONE Tenth ( Tithe) of ANY and ALL funds/monies gained by it to the Coffers( Treasury) of the Roman Empire. It IS important to remember that Emperor Constantine WAS NOT a Christian at this time BUT he only saw the new Cult as a means to 'enhance' the wealth of the Empire and to bolster the Legions of the Empire by including Messianics in the ranks. Constantine was baptised AFTER his death, NOT before, he remained a staunch follower of the Roman Religious Belief Systems right up until he drew his FINAL breath.
I write this with a sadness I am unable fully explain with words.
Triphid comments on May 14, 2019:
My best friend and 4 legged mate Charlie, the Aussie Blue Heeler, died of old age at 16 years, he was by my side through the undoubtedly WORST period of my life, after my 16 year old Daughter, Lorrae, passed away from Cancer. Where ever I went he was by my side, when ever I felt down he was there offering up his love and support by merely putting his paw on to my leg or nuzzling my hand and looking into my eyes, etc, on one very terrible day I decided to end everything by baring the ends of an electrical cord, standing in large container of water, flicking the switch and dropping the cord into the water, I've never forget the look in his eyes that seemed to be saying to me, " If you do this who will I have to love me, who will love me, who will care for me and who will I have to care afterwards." Yep, I quickly came to my sense and am still here today, Thanks a million Charlie, though you may gone now, you, your love and true friendship will NEVER be forgotten.
When the Buddha obtained enlightenment he went out to teach his students asked, are you a god?
Triphid comments on May 14, 2019:
I think the Buddha meant that he had AWOKEN to the ways, etc, of the world and life, i.e. he gone from his sheltered and pampered existence as a Prince and had experienced the truths, etc, of life and the realities of it.
Acting my age? Pfffffft!
Triphid comments on May 14, 2019:
As a wise man once said, "You ARE only as old as the person you are feeling," LOL.
Cute joke........
Triphid comments on May 14, 2019:
Funny that, BUT we, in Australia, once had a Federal Government run by an Abbott and Costello and that IS no joke, sadly.
First post on here, so be gentle.
Triphid comments on May 13, 2019:
Congratulations on escaping the LDS sheeple flock, you are no longer feeding the wolves in charge, well done.
The orthodox definition of the theistic god includes omnipotence, omniscience, and omnibenevolence ...
Triphid comments on May 13, 2019:
Maybe this 'god' was Confucius in disguise, i.e. Many hands make light work.....LOL.
The orthodox definition of the theistic god includes omnipotence, omniscience, and omnibenevolence ...
Triphid comments on May 13, 2019:
Yeah, I hear it ALL the from my Jesus Jockey neighbour, i.e. " It is all in Gods great plan." To me it sounds more like a 'passing the buck' kind of solution in that if something does NOT go well with 'Great Plan' then the blame for the failure gets laid upon ONE of the # rather than all of them.
In the past six years I have lost a daughter, my son, my wife and most recently my right leg.
Triphid comments on May 13, 2019:
That which does not kill us only serves to strengthen us, someone once said BUT it can be bloody hard to see the light at the end of such a dark and foreboding tunnel. I sympathise with you my friend, I truly sympathise with you.
Like my dad always said: Fuck'em if they can't take a joke.
Triphid comments on May 13, 2019:
Blood Oath there Norelle, ALWAYS screw up Organised Religion at EVERY chance available, you never know how many gullible people you may actually save when you do.
Why sarcasm?
Triphid comments on May 13, 2019:
"Everything has a time and place in this world and sarcasm is no different because its place is in the words of the Atheist/Agnostic when needed to deal with the Fundie Faithfools ever so abundant in this world. " William Anthony.
Religion and tradition repressed people and kept them stupid.
Triphid comments on May 12, 2019:
Science has shown us the road out of religious imposed 'darkness' and into 'world' of better knowledge, understanding, etc, BUT a large part of the blame, about 60-70% imho, lays squarely upon the shoulders of a passage in the Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy, aka the bible, that states," I give to you DOMINATION and usage of ALL things living or dead upon this world." This single passage has been taken to heart by members of the Human Race and exploited to the nth degree simply to try and satisfy their own avarice thus causing, for the most part, the absolute DISASTER our planet is in today.
Almost on a daily basis u get bs text like this.
Triphid comments on May 12, 2019:
Hahaha, got a Degree in Georgia but can't spell a simple like beads correctly. I laugh when I read/hear a Christian say that they are 'God Fearing,' because IF their God is so Loving and Caring, etc, etc, then WHAT and WHY would anyone need to fear him/her in the first place?
Just watched a special about mothers that kill their children.
Triphid comments on May 12, 2019:
Well, imo, since there is NO God and never has been one, it is ALL due to the interpretations that these mothers have listened to that have been literally VOMITED forth by deranged, demented and deluded Preachers/Priests, etc, etc. Sadly it will continue, unabated until religions no longer exist.
A somewhat interesting discourse with a very devout Born Again Christian last night.
Triphid comments on May 12, 2019:
Episode 2 of the 'discourse' arrived last night, 'Mr. Jesus Jockey' arrived at my door about 7.30pm with his copy of the Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy in hand and 10, yes that's TEN, sheets of paper filled with hand-written response ( copied bible verses, etc,) in a somewhat vain effort to rebuke/rebut my comments from episode 1. I told him to come in to my house, sit in my Lounge room where it is warm with my wood heater going and we'd begin the 'discourse' once again. His first action was to tell me that he intended to pray and ask both God and Jesus to show me the error of my ways by ACTUALLY showing themselves to us both. Well, that went EXACTLY as I expected, i.e. NOTHING at all occurred except the sound of the fire crackling and complete silence for approx. 15 minutes. So being both a decent and kind person I offered him the use of my phone ( with a wee hint of sarcasm mind you) so that he MAY 'contact' them direct IF he knew the phone number to dial. Oops, I think I upset him once again with my offer though I'm certain the sarcasm missed him completely as it always does, he got up, collected his beloved bible, tossed his 10 pages of bible verses across the room, then stormed out, leaving the door wide open whilst muttering somewhat loudly that God and Jesus had betrayed him by not answering his request. Rather than soil a fairly decent evening, I picked up his 10 pages, stapled them together and later placed in his mailbox after a short walk to it. He'll find them later today when he checks to see if he has gotten any mail. It would appear that the Great and Mighty Creator of all things ad his Water-walking son are NOT all that interested in helping save the soul of one single Heathen after all, doesn't it?
Triphid comments on May 11, 2019:
Insurance Companies truly love the phrase " An Act of God," it's their single most and biggest cop-out line/excuse of all time simply because, a) No-one can sue something that has never/never will exist, and, b) by claim it to be such an 'act', it absolves them of ANY pecuniary costs/expenses, i.e. profit without responsibilities.
What is the "incel" movement all about?
Triphid comments on May 11, 2019:
Incel/Veganism, etc, etc, imho are just the newish 'trends' trying to change the human race into their own images/ideologies. i.e. a possibly new-age terrorism/fascism under a very, very thin veneer of caring, kindness, sweetness, etc, etc. Somewhat similar to the ' Australian Activists for Indigenous Australians' who are little more than, imho, Europeans who see a great source of income and Media Exposure by exploiting others.
Maybe this is a wierd question.
Triphid comments on May 11, 2019:
For the life of me I can't seem to come to 'grips' with this " I'm an Agnostic Atheist" idea/comment. To put it in simple terms, is NOT an Agnostic simply one who is UNSURE as to whether a god, etc, actually exists and an Atheist simply is one denies/rejects the possibility that ANY God, etc, has ever or will ever exist because it cannot be proven empirically and undeniably? Therefore, in simple terms, could it not be said that an Agnostic Atheist, a misnomer imho, is nothing more than a person who NOT ready to be an Atheist simply because he/she is AFRAID that he/she may just be wrong and cause offence to this Supreme Entity, i.e. 'hedging their bets' in simply terms. Why try to walk the middle of the road where the traffic is heaviest when the sides are much less congested in the first place. Either admit openly and clearly that you ARE an Atheist and stand tall and proud or just remain in closet so to speak and go along with the flow of the flock.
Let's be honest, rich or poor, powerful or weak, we all shit the same but how we cleaned up ...
Triphid comments on May 11, 2019:
Yep, no matter who you are, as John Wayne once said, "You've gotta do what you've gotta do," ....LOL.
1975 Cost of Living.........59 gallon for gas!!!!!?????
Triphid comments on May 11, 2019:
Oh, shocking to say the last, here in the Australian Outback we are presently paying anywhere from $1.99 per litre to $2.25 per litre for petrol ( gas) and anywhere from 10 to 30 cents more on top of that for Diesel. Back in the early 70's I could fill the 20 litre fuel tank of my Honda 750cc motorbike for around $2.50 and run it for a whole fortnight.
Unfortunately-named business.
Triphid comments on May 11, 2019:
Hmmmm, shame on my somewhat 'below the belt,' risque Aussie sense of humour for what crossed it upon seeing that one.....LOL.
Meet Tracey Crouch, the UK's first Minister of Loneliness, appointed by Prime Minister Theresa May ...
Triphid comments on May 11, 2019:
I don't mean to sound cynical, etc, BUT, 'big deal' EVERYONE suffers/endures loneliness at some point in their lives and many of us suffer/endure it almost continually throughout our lives in one form or another. Whilst, imho, it IS a nice idea on the surface, I ask WHAT precisely does this NEW Minister/Ministry expect to do? Will she merely give tedious speeches about Loneliness to her fellow Parliamentarians? Will she spend good Public Funds researching Loneliness and submitting reports to Parliament? Or will she merely table a Bill in Parliament to OUTLAW Loneliness or something equally as ridiculous? Are we going to Government Advisory Warnings that state clearly, " Avoid Loneliness, it can be harmful to your Health," or something similar to the Anti-Smoking Advisories? Jeez Louise, Come on Pommies, your just putting a Band aid on yet another severed artery of society aren't you?
Walking around with pain be it physical or mental, anyone who has it knows that it is exhausting.
Triphid comments on May 10, 2019:
High strength Vitamin B12, take one per day can help, it enhances the 'energy' levels, reduces tiredness that seems to come with age once we pass about 50 and helps with both sleep patterns and the immune systemor so my G.P. has informed me.
The Evolutionary Mystery of Left-Handedness and What It Reveals About How the Brain Works - Brain ...
Triphid comments on May 10, 2019:
Born a 'leftie' ( Right Brain Dominant as the Scientists would say), somewhat artistically talented, a writer of poetry, etc, painter and sometimes sculptor BUT also have taught myself to do things rightie-wise but cannot write with a pen, etc, right-handed. Scientific research has shown that our brains use a type of 'cross-over' method when controlling out bodies. i.e. the Left Hemisphere controls the right hand side of the body and vice versa for the Right Hemisphere. So, IF we can teach ourselves to use BOTH sides of our brain in unison, as do many ambidextrous people do already, the imagine the great strides and advances forward that would come from that single ability.
Black Rain Frog with attitude. Sounds cute! []
Triphid comments on May 10, 2019:
Ooops, it seems someone has missed a dose of their 'chill pills' here...LOL.
All religions in the world were born/created with a view to leading the people to the right path.
Triphid comments on May 10, 2019:
Self explanatory is it not? Those countries where people have grown towards reason and logic instead of clinging to religion and superstition, etc, have EVOLVED a higher and better collective conscience and moral standard in comparision to those who still remain clinging to the straws of religion.
Honestly it surprised me how much more that Atheists know Christianity its origins and whats in the ...
Triphid comments on May 10, 2019:
Not so 'surprising' really when one considers that, for the vast majority, Atheists have read the Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy, aka bible, exactly as anyone would read any other book, etc, i.e. cover to cover, word for word, line by line, page by page, etc, and NOT Cherry picking their way through it as do the Faithfools. Perhaps the meme below may help explain it as well.
Divine and the honest opinion
Triphid comments on May 10, 2019:
Well, she does have that kind of a face, i.e, the kind that one could break rocks on with relative ease.LOL
Triphid comments on May 10, 2019:
What do Cannibals call Mormon Missionaries? Meals on Wheels. Looks like I've been on the down-slope to dementia since childhood, doesn't it?
Wouldn't it be great if there were fewer angry people out there wanting to " go see god," or ...
Triphid comments on May 9, 2019:
Hey, IF they are wanting so badly to go and see their 'god' then I'm not going to stop them.
Seeing that we are all atheists agnostics what makes a person choose good over evil?
Triphid comments on May 9, 2019:
As a life-long Atheist I can most honestly and sincerely state that I use Morality, Ethics passed down to me by my father and his fathers before him and with the additions of my own conscience, experiences, etc, to guide me through life and to know right from wrong TOTALLY WITHOUT the influences of ANY religion/religious indoctrinations.
Georgia Makes Abortion A Crime Punishable By Life In Prison Or Death Penalty | Michael Stone
Triphid comments on May 9, 2019:
WTF, the inmates are really running that Looney bin aren't they?
Please don't knock!
Triphid comments on May 9, 2019:
Good one, I like it.
Awkward much?
Triphid comments on May 9, 2019:
And the ONLY Nine Inch Nails fan as well.
Don't know if you saw the interview, but Keating is quoted as saying intelligence services are run ...
Triphid comments on May 9, 2019:
ASIO IS run by absolute NUTTERS, they are the Puppets of the Lib-Nats Coalition. They could find the difference between their arses and their elbows without a medical expert to tell them. When I was 16 I was an ardent Shortwave Radio Listener and would receive QSL cards ( Confirmation of Report for receiving Radio Programme/s) from Radio Stations all over the world. A number of times I sent reception reports to Radio Moscow and received QSL cards, letters and magazines, etc, in return, nothing overt/covertly political what-so-ever BUT for 3 weeks solid I was followed everywhere by 2 men in dark suits driving an 'unconspicuous' (LOL) BLACK Holden who turned out be, after being challenged by my father and I together, A.S.I.O. Operatives.
Another school shooting.
Triphid comments on May 9, 2019:
Wake up Yanks, you ARE slowly but surely killing off yourselves, your children and your future, you NO LONGER need guns to 'protect' yourself from the British Redcoats or to fight against the Johnny Rebs from the South. Only weak, insane fools think that guns solve problems.
Triphid comments on May 9, 2019:
Governments everywhere are rotten to the core and Australia is no different EXCEPT the Lib-Nat Coalition has ALWAYS had the STENCH of a Dockside Whorehouse at low tide. The Lib-Nats Coalition, imo, would sell out their Grandmothers for the price of just a single, let alone the WHOLE country, Labor once stood firmly and resolutely for the Workers and average, everyday people But not any longer, they've not only LOST their way but can't even find their integrity any more.
Isn't it insane how people idolize the rich, even if they did nothing to attain that wealth besides ...
Triphid comments on May 9, 2019:
Another Royal Brood Mare has delivered yet another Royal Parasite that will feed off the toils of the populace.
When i was very young my nick name was bones this was because back then i was very skinny.
Triphid comments on May 8, 2019:
My Dad nicknamed me 'Little Mo' after my first fight with a much bigger, nasty School Bully, he said I looked like the Battleship Missouri going in all guns blazing. That's kind of stuck with me ever since, though I abhor violence UNLESS I see someone, a woman or child in particular, copping a beating that is then 'Little Mo' comes out of Dry Dock once more.
Good morning It’s worldwide naked gardening day! Not sure if I’ll fully participate I’m not...
Triphid comments on May 8, 2019:
No way, too bloody cold here, I woke up this morning and my closest friend had almost disappeared back inside of me...LOL.
Is that even possible?
Triphid comments on May 8, 2019:
Then the world be a sadder place, wouldn't it?
This is a must-see.
Triphid comments on May 8, 2019:
Evangelist Preachers = condoned Kleptomaniacs imho.
A peaceful religion?
Triphid comments on May 8, 2019:
" Those who merely choose to ignore wrongs by their inactions SUPPORT and Condone those very wrongs." -William Anthony.
As a Christian, I can remember mocking Islam and thinking how stupid the religion was.
Triphid comments on May 8, 2019:
"Xstianity is not as violent as Islam," who are you trying to kid? Research the numbers of native peoples persecuted and MURDERED by Xstians over the last 1,000+ years, the numbers of Atheists MURDERED by Xstians in the same time periods, the numbers of Muslims slaughtered by the Xstians during the Crusades, etc, etc. REAL history shows clearly that Christianity has been, beyond a shadow of a doubt the MOST violent religious belief in recent history bar none.
How do you de-stress?
Triphid comments on May 8, 2019:
Ripping out weeds in my gardens is great during spring and autumn, winter= grabbing the axe, the steel wedges, the 10lb sledge hammer and the chainsaw (if needed) and splitting wood for the wood heater, it gets the blood flowing, the temperature up and I often imagine the face, etc, of some annoying person, problem, etc, being on the piece of wood. As for the accursed Telemarketers/Survey Pollsters ringing my landline, well, answering and speaking in either German, Latin or some meaningless drivel language I've invented at the time usually annoys them and release my stress.
Aw, poor old ScumMo got egged BUT the egg had enough self-respect to NOT break open upon his Happy ...
Triphid comments on May 8, 2019:
It has been all over the News and on the MSN page of my computer. Though I abhor violence of any kind, had it been me I think I'd have opted for a rotten Emu egg, much bigger impact and even more messy.
Ok I'm posting here to poke around.
Triphid comments on May 8, 2019:
Thou shalt not poke, lest thou shalt also be pokethed.......poke, poke,poke......LOL
Triphid comments on May 7, 2019:
Hey, I just noticed that he has the 'noose' hanging in the right position around his neck as well.
It's been a long time since I had some holy rollers come to my house .
Triphid comments on May 7, 2019:
You indeed struck a rarity on that one. Usually, in my experience, once being an Atheist is mentioned, they get very uppity/condescending/confronting,etc, and even, at times, aggressive even though I've been quiet, calm, courteous and respectful.
Epicurus got it 2,300 years ago, why can't we today?
Triphid comments on May 7, 2019:
God of Abraham, Jews, Christians and the like = a weak, impotent, self-righteous, arrogant, self-centred, egotistical, Homophobic, Socio-pathic, Psychopathic, Genocidal, Misogynistic, Imaginary, Invisible, Incarnation of ALL the very worst of Traits in human-kind.
You really can't argue with this one
Triphid comments on May 7, 2019:
And separation between Religion and the vagina also imho.
A Correct Definition
Triphid comments on May 7, 2019:
Hear, hear, absolutely PERFECT.
Always, the context is important
Triphid comments on May 7, 2019:
To read the Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy FIRST one MUST 'find' the context and as a ThD I can honestly say that doing so is akin to finding an honest man in Parliament.
Evolution for the Slow and the Dumb
Triphid comments on May 7, 2019:
Pretty darned correct though a wee bit short on the actual branches of the tree.
Religious fundamentalists and many of today’s atheists share the same approach to texts.
Triphid comments on May 6, 2019:
Interpretation, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, ergo he who sits in the chair of the priest INTERPRETS soley what he/she reads to SUIT his/her own ends and means. As for 'biblical' history, exactly WHAT 'history' does it really exhibit that has ever been proven empirically to be historic? E.g. the Great Flood of the Ark of Noah - NEVER happened since to INUNDATE the ENTIRE Planet there WOULD never have been enough water, free, frozen or gaseous available to do so.
Should we respect other people's beliefs?
Triphid comments on May 6, 2019:
Respect works BOTH ways and since the Faithfools have NEVER once shown any respect for Atheists what-so-ever since religion was first invented WHY then should we RESPECT their beliefs. Yes, RESPECT the PERSON but NEVER the belief UNLESS it tells THEM to respect our ways as well.
Aussie Aussie Aussie.
Triphid comments on May 6, 2019:
The GREAT Aussie Tradition, a snag, a slice of bread, grilled onions and Tomato Sauce, beats a Hotdog any day.
Yes Popi, the bullets are real, LOL
Triphid comments on May 6, 2019:
Pope = Protector of Paedophile Employees.
How does this work?
Triphid comments on May 6, 2019:
That has be one the dumbest signs I've seen in ages.
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER WE DIE? It may be a profound question for many but the answer is quite simple.
Triphid comments on May 5, 2019:
Well, from what I've seen working as a Nurse and assisting in Post Mortems, etc, as well being present at the odd exhumations, it AIN"T very pretty at all what happens AFTER we've 'fallen off the perch' to say the least. I've been at the bed-side of many patients as they've died, never once seen anything remotely resembling a 'soul/spirit' departing the corporeal body UNLESS you wish to count the body evacuating 'waste' that is. And an exhumed corpse is TRULY a rather disgusting, smelly and quite rank sight in deed. I could be considered as quite cynical or even worse, BUT, when at a Funeral/Burial and the Priest raves on with " In the sure and certain Hope of Resurrection" bit, I always smile inwardly to myself thinking HOW can HOPE be sure and certain in the first place.
I am with my family for the weekend, for my younger brother's graduation.
Triphid comments on May 5, 2019:
That SUCKS 110% in my opinion. They seem to have conveniently forgotten about the " Do unto others as you have them do unto you" bit as well as the " Judge not lest you too be judged," don't you think? With family/friends like that you definitely DO NOT need ENEMIES and that is ONE of the reasons why I turned my back on my 3 remaining siblings.
What is worse?
Triphid comments on May 3, 2019:
Lying and Cheating are nothing more than 2 sides of exactly the same coin.
2 is my favorite, what is yours?
Triphid comments on May 3, 2019:
2, but only when it's Summer.
I have something happy to report! I co-submitted two presentation proposals for an assessment ...
Triphid comments on May 2, 2019:
Well done, BIG Kudos to you.
What to say when hijacked by two born agains in public
Triphid comments on May 2, 2019:
Ah yes, the ultimate bane of all Human existence, the 'Born Again Christian' spoon-fed on falsehoods, thrive upon self-delusion, spreading their virus-like disease where ever they go and completely mindless to the harm they are doing to everyone around them. Sadly, I have one of those for a neighbor and am often accosted with his 'preachings' and ministrations. There isn't a whole lot you can do with them unfortunately except to remind them that a 'Christian Lobotomy,' just like a surgical one, IS irreversible.
Dave Dee Dozy Beaky Mick & Titch - Zabadak (1967) Here's One You May Have Forgotten.
Triphid comments on May 2, 2019:
Had their vinyl album way back once in time, reckon I wore that track out listening to it.
church people are so indoctrinated that they believe that violating your privacy somehow serves a ...
Triphid comments on May 1, 2019:
Aren't they all in for ONE bloody huge surprise when they realise at last that they've been taken for a ride all their miserable lives. Bloody self-righteous Bible-Thumpers, the sheeple churches love to fleece.
Why would any modern woman want to follow that religion.
Triphid comments on May 1, 2019:
Any woman in her right mind would run a million miles to get away from such Misogynistic Ideologies imho.
I hate to have to say this, but since friends have asked about my well-being, I am marking myself ...
Triphid comments on May 1, 2019:
Good to hear that you're safe. America truly needs to re-think its insane policy about gun ownership imho.
What specifically happened that made you turn into an atheist/ nonbeliever?
Triphid comments on May 1, 2019:
Simple, I learned to ask questions.
Always my pick for, "who would you have dinner with?" question.
Triphid comments on May 1, 2019:
My choice would be Leonardo Da Vinci, could learn so much from having conversations with about art techniques, etc, etc.
Iceland has made it illegal to pay women less than men
Triphid comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Excellent, kudos to Iceland and all countries who have finally do it.
Given that life in itself is meaningless, what do we have in mind when we talk about the "meaning ...
Triphid comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Life, imo, is NOT meaningless, it is a process of growth, learning, comprehending,etc, etc, that everything must go through, LIFE is what you make of it and what you do with it.
An Entire Methodist Confirmation Class Rejects the Church Over Anti-Gay Policies | Sarahbeth Caplin ...
Triphid comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Excellent try kids, BUT, imho, the Church will do their utmost to sweep your efforts under the carpet so to speak.
Exploring the Historical Roots of Religious Freedom -
Triphid comments on Apr 30, 2019:
What, exactly, is 'religious freedom' when compared to any of the 'ordinary' freedoms that people seek? Is it merely a 'tool' to allow a person/group/organization to IMPOSE his/her/their set/s of beliefs on everyone else at will and WITHOUT the need to take responsibilty, etc, for those actions and to suit their own ends and means?
Donald Trump has a look-alike — and she's a Spanish potato farmer. []
Triphid comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Poor woman, my sincerest sympathies go out to her.
Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer (from The Concert in Central Park) []
Triphid comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Enjoyed them on their album ' Bridge Over Troubled Water,' but never could hack it when Simon went solo.
Dire Straights - Money For Nothing []
Triphid comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Great song, the best of their best in my opinion.
How this man got "picked by god" is a big question....
Triphid comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Okay, now I've had my first WTBF moment for today.
Have you seen these zombies?
Triphid comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Yes, actually saw one yesterday walk mindlessly into a hole being dug by the Local Water Authority to replace a broken water-main. I know it sounds cruel and uncaring BUT it was quite amusing to she him go arse over tit despite the warning signs, barricades, etc, and emerge phoneless and covered in mud.
Chinese authorities blow up Christian megachurch with dynamite | The Independent
Triphid comments on Apr 30, 2019:
Nice effort China BUT now we will all suffer with the Faithfools screaming religious persecution even louder than before.


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