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I really enjoy horror flicks especially films that contain catholic priests fighting the forces of ...
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Ah, the old 'Holy Water' ( or as my Dad once described it, ' Priests Piss in Bottled Form' with the arcane incantations, gestures, satanic looking black garb, the whole kit and caboodle, yes those were the movies, weren't they?
I often wonder if those who believe in a higher power were to suddenly lose that belief, not from ...
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Personally, I think the 'Faithfools', should they ALL suddenly shed their beliefs, would, for the most part, would firstly act like they are in total denial, then slip into the same/similar mindset as exhibited by cage breed birds who have suddenly become free range, i.e. they would mill around dazed, confused, unsure of both themselves and their surrounding, their minds in a dazed, misty fog, stumbling through hours,days, weeks, even months almost aimlessly since their supposed ' guiding light' in life has become nothingness and meaningless. That is why I refer to them often as being SHEEPLE, since I have often observed actual sheep suddenly deprived of their flock leader/s and those are their actions to a 't'.
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Leave the wolves alone.
This pastor and his wife paid for this shit with church donations. []
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2018:
And people are dumb enough to believe that arse-wipe is doing Gods work?
Welcome to KapriCious who has just joined the group.
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Welcome aboard, enjoy the company and the fun, I do.
Wait for the flash!
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Comes with an American Arms Dealer Guarantee.
WTF? On a highway!?
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Yes, Colon Cancer is a thing to watch out for once you're over the age of 50.
Me at church
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Since we rarely get even the smallest of earth tremors way out here I deduce that it must be me that causes churches to tremble every time I walk past them...LOL.
Sex vs. intimacy
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Speaking personally here, I'd far rather have intimacy than simple sex. Intimacy is the unification of the emotions of 2 people whereas simply sex is merely the satiation of an urge.
How can we become better at critical thinking?
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2018:
It may just be that we need to LEARN not to simply accept but instead seek the answers for ourselves.
Because, "Jesus loves you!" Is just shallow.
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2018:
" True happiness can ONLY come from within the person who seeks it earnestly, false happiness is as the fallen leaves, fleeting and blown around easily by the smallest gust of wind." - Author Unknown.
Is there any reason your afterlife won't be the same as your before birth?
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2018:
A little suggestion, just in case you're worried about your 'after-life.'
Is there life after divorce?
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Bloody oath there is, you get to be yourself once again.
Fox News may be turning a corner here. ?
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Fox News owned and dictated to by Rupert Turdoch, the Scum of the Media world.
Voyager 2 in Space
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Voyagers 1 and 2 have so far exceeded the expectations of NASA, here's hoping they continue on and on.
BREAKING NEWS President Trump vowed a government shutdown over border wall funding in an ...
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Isn't there something in American constitution that plainly states the President is there to RUN the country, not RUIN it? If there isn't then surely there needs to be one.
Welcome to the new members! I've been under the weather with a cold for a few days, but should be ...
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Try plenty of Hot Black Tea with sugar and lemon in it. Also rub the soles of your feet with Vicks Vaporub before you get into bed, it does work.
It's your decision!
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2018:
One can easily see that those two on the cart were tee-totalers, there's no harness on the horse.....LOL.
He killed him with an ax...?
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2018:
I wonder just how many Vegan/Vegetarian Xtians will buy living Xmas Trees this year?
Flat earther pwned []
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Sadly mate, he's all piss and wind just like the rest of the Flat Earth Community.
Are you excited for the new year of 2019?
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Nah, it's just another 365 days to try live through.
Hi just joined.
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Welcome aboard Fellow Aussie.
As a non believer do you still enjoy movies/shows that derive story from religion?
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2018:
To me they are great source of amusement but little else than that.
Lets hear about the 1st time and circumstance you began to question religion.
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2018:
For me, it would have been when I was about 8 years old and was forced by my mother to attend Sunday School, I got expelled for simply asking questions and that happened at EVERY Sunday School at every Church ( Catholic, etc,) that my mother forced me to attend. Getting the cane across my behind for asking questions at Catholic Sunday School reinforced my budding Atheism.
Is anyone there?
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Nope, nobody here but us chickens....LOL
Is there any reason your afterlife won't be the same as your before birth?
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Since absolutely NO-ONE can remember being the Womb then I think your question may be a wee bit moot.
What gender should a computer be referred as?
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2018:
In Australia ANYTHING electrical/mechanical that often goes awry is always classed as Female.....LOL.
Just a disclaimer.
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Firearms- the substitute some people need for a lacking in the size of their 'manhood.'
Death with Dignity & Death with Complications
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2018:
I agree wholeheartedly that it IS the right of the person, AND only that person, to choose when to end their life with honour and dignity, BUT to simply pester some elderly relative to do so just for a gain, financial or whatever, to my mind is tantamount to willful Manslaughter at least.
2 more weeks until Fucking Xmas! I just can't wait so that all this shit will be over for another ...
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Yep, another 2 weeks of Xtian Xmas bull twaddle then 3+ months of Easter Crap to follow that immediately after.
Dear Friends, Just want you to know I'm having a tough day.
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2018:
My best wishes for a speedy recovery go to one and all.
I am going out this evening to sing carols, but before that here is a blast from the past and Motley...
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2018:
"Going out to sing Xtian Xmas Carols," you Benedict Arnold you....LOL.
BREAKING NEWS President Trump vowed a government shutdown over border wall funding in an ...
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2018:
That's quite hillarious since the Media has now announced that Drump could be either impeached or imprisoned in the near future, hopefully it's both and he's imprisoned for a very long time.
If your kid was gay. Yes or no and why?
Triphid comments on Dec 11, 2018:
I'd still love him/her no matter what.
I couldn’t resist
Triphid comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Q. What's the hardest thing about cooking Vegies ( Vegans)? A. Getting them into the Microwave....LOL
Would you get into a relationship with a person who already had kids with previous partners/partner?
Triphid comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Yeah why not, and I would treat the kids as my own also.
Fight For Your Planet Not Your Country.
Triphid comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Agree 1,000,000 per cent, IT IS our only home.
Harm Caused By Religion. What Do You Agree/Disagree With?
Triphid comments on Dec 10, 2018:
It seems that these days even the supposed 'peace-loving, harm nothing/no-one' Buddhists are getting on the religious violence trend.
Harm Caused By Religion. What Do You Agree/Disagree With?
Triphid comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Totally agree.
Shepherd’s costume sold on Amazon includes ‘sheep sex doll’
Triphid comments on Dec 10, 2018:
LOL, that'd be a very big sales item for Kiwi Sheep Farmers.
An article displaying some of the stoopidist ideas about addressing a man made environmental ...
Triphid comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Make the same laws for dog owners apply to cat owners, i.e.1) cats MUST be kept inside the house or in an enclosed exercise cage outside at ALL times, 2) cats must be desexed ( unless they are breeding Pedigreed Cats only) and registered with the local Authorities before they are 6 months old, 3) any household, etc, MUSt have a limit of no more than 2 cats only, unless licensed,registered Pedigreed Cat Breeders, 4) ANY stray cats found wandering the streets, etc, can be impounded, kept for 7 days and, IF unclaimed/collected, euthanazed, 5) any registered and micro-chipped cat impounded WILL result in the owner being fined not less than $500 plus all costs, a second offense WILL incur a further and higher fine plus 30 days of Community Service, and last but by no means least,6) anyone caught/found to be or have been DUMPING unwanted cats/kittens SHALL be fined not less than $1,000 for the first offense and not less than $1,500 for the second PLUS be ordered to do NO less than 60 days of Community Service. On y property I have but ONE rule; a cat comes into my property and it exits via the soonest Council Rubbish collection in a closed and sealed plastic bag, deader than Julius Caesar, my property is a kind of personally declared sanctuary for native birds and reptiles.
Christian Nightmares presents: A snapshot of American evangelical hell - YouTube
Triphid comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Shit, if that's not enough to make me want to puke my guts up I don't know what is?
How do you deal with asshole atheists/agnostics
Triphid comments on Dec 9, 2018:
In my experiences there are far, far more obnoxiously arrogant Theist arse-holes than there may be Atheist/Agnostic ones by far.
Last night I dreamed I died… And then I woke up!
Triphid comments on Dec 9, 2018:
It IS time to worry WHEN you wake up from dreaming that you are dead AND find that you are ACTUALLY dead....LOL.
Is it necessary to demonize people with different opinions or groups?
Triphid comments on Dec 9, 2018:
It may seem to some that Atheists, etc, 'demonise' the Theists BUT that is not so on the most part. Nor do we, the larger percentage of us that is, seek to 'demonise' others, however we do seek to point out that reality IS a better alternative to religious superstitions, etc.
Good morning everyone! Anyone else wake up to this nonsense?
Triphid comments on Dec 9, 2018:
Pssst, don't tell anyone BUT it's not actually snow, it IS the second coming of Christ, he suffers from Early Ejaculation Syndrome....LOL.
The Department of Justice Calls Donald Trump a Felon
Triphid comments on Dec 9, 2018:
"Felon" is that the BEST they can come up with? Someone PLEASE buy them a couple of Dictionaries.
Does anyone else not like the sound of "agnostic" literally?
Triphid comments on Dec 9, 2018:
Not wishing to cause offense to anyone here, BUT, to my mind 'Agnostic' comes across to me as being 'fence-sitter' mindset in that an Agnostic is, perhaps, simply hedging their bets in a horse race where they are hoping that the emaciated, blind donkey might just beat the Thoroughbred across the finish line. But everyone IS entitled to their own opinions, are they not?
I'll just leave this here ...
Triphid comments on Dec 9, 2018:
Not boasting here in any way BUT in my lifetime I reckon I would have changed more dirty nappies ( diapers), wiped up more shitty arses, cleaned up more baby vomit/burped more babies, made more baby bottles and fed them to more babies, not including my own daughter to whom I fed almost every bottle she ever drank, than most men here. After all, that's a part of being a Paediatric Nurse and Midwife's job and I loved every minute second of it.
Holy Horrors: Religious slaughter through the centuries
Triphid comments on Dec 9, 2018:
It points out the truth that is NO peace where religions are concerned, in my opinion.
Anyone else also feel this way?
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2018:
So, is still a 'gift' of this Sky Fairy when someone is born disabled, deaf, mute, blind or has their internal organs on the outside their body, etc, etc.? What a warped, cruel and sadistic BASTARD of the first order this Sky Fairy must truly be.
Moth balls are surprisingly large compared to the size of the moth body. I'm impressed.
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2018:
AND, with balls that size the buggers can still fly...LOL.
Apologies if I give offense but I just wanted to post something nice for a change.
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2018:
I saw the colours of the world LONG before there was Black and White TV in our home.
If there's ever a good reason to pity an atheist, it's because there's nobody for him to talk to ...
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2018:
hey, don't pity Atheists because we can actually get BJs WITHOUT feeling sinful afterwards.
What's your favorite part of the bible?
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Mine would have to the blank page at the back of it....LOL. The rest of it makes an excellent creepy-crawly exterminator and gives the offending creepy-crawly one last chance to convert to Xtianity before it dies....LOL.
I never just sort of happens...
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Life is all about Give and Take, therefore I give and it's up to you if you take it or leave it.....LOL.
Well said!
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2018:
IF you're 'off-ended' then perhaps you should give being 'up-ended' a try instead....LOL.
Well of course they rolled it back because they know that healthy children will not grow up to be ...
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2018:
WTF, you yanks get School Lunches provided for your kids and you're complaining? Shit, even when I was at school we had to take our lunches from home and my daughter did exactly the same. We even had to LEAVE them in our School Bags OUTSIDE the classroom in all weathers, including the 30+ degrees of Summer heat, trust me, that really made for an 'appetising' lunch to look forward to.
This post is dedicated to all my fellow sauce hounds who love to drink.
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Easy and simple solution to avoiding hangovers, Just stay drunk.....LOL.
My sheets laundered and folded. Flat and fitted. And somehow... I still love myself! Lol
Triphid comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Bugger that idea, there are far more interesting things to do in life than fold laundry.
I’m not superstitious, touch wood
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2018:
No balloon, No party, BUT make sure you never buy the cheap ones....LOL.
What if all the ice melted overnight []
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2018:
Sad but none-the -less true, we ARE screwing up our only home at a rate of knots.
How cold is COLD to you?
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2018:
Cold, I wish it was cold here, about 37 degrees Celsius atm, and only going to get even bloody hotter, the lizards are already carrying waterbags around with them....LOl.
Kangaroo vs. human: Aussie saves beer despite animal kicking him to the ground
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2018:
FFS, had that 'roo been dead serious it would've ripped him open from cake-hole to crotch with the nails on its hind feet and left his guts spilling out down the front of the dopey twat. FIRST rule of living in the Outback- Don't fuck around with the 'roos, they've got NO sense of humour.
The 4th wiseman
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2018:
Hey, aren't Fruitcakes consider a necessity at Xmas? FFS, he was only doing the right thing, after all it was supposed to Xmas wasn't it?
I've suffered with mental illness since the age of 15.
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2018:
My thoughts and sincere sympathies are with you. I've been the same as you, though mostly undiagnosed since childhood, for the last 17+ years BUT I have the great fortune to have a small but fantastic group of friends who consider me as 'family' who have helped, and still help me through the tough times. My own remaining family, if one could very loosely call them that, and I haven't spoken to each other for over 15 years, no loss to me btw, but they were about as much help as seatbelts on a motorcycle anyway.
Theists say that the main purpose of life is to pray to and worship God.
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2018:
The ONLY real purpose of LIFE is to live it as best you can because it IS the only one you ever get.
Late news but current for the next 2.5 days. Australian heatwave: []
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2018:
I wish the B.O.M. would actually get their act together, we've been in a 'heatwave' for the last week now and it looks like lasting for at least the 10 days, 34 degrees celsius here at 8.30am this morning.
Gorillas, Given a Puzzle, Find Way to Cheat []
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2018:
And we think we are the smart species?
Who else has done this?
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2018:
I just ask them if they're the ones who stack the shelves, the reactions I get are priceless.
And right on the heels of the closure of the Federal Parliament for the annual summer break comes ...
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2018:
Happy Clappy Chappy Jesus Jockey Scum Mo is a firm believer in the religious adage of, "It's all part of Gods great plan" so he, in my opinion, probably doesn't give a flying fuck about the kids in Nauru, or anyone else for that matter, since his hands are ' clean' anyway because the Big Sky Daddy takes ALL responsibility doesn't it?
Australia passes world's worst data encryption laws with Labor's so called reluctant support.
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2018:
And next will come the passing of Laws by Mr. Happy-Clappy Jesus Jockey Scum Mo that EVERYONE MUST become a Xtian and attend a church. Well here's one rebel who will stand firm and tell him to shove his religions where his mother never kissed him.
I think quite a few would like to slap him.
Triphid comments on Dec 7, 2018:
I wish, most sincerely, that someone WOULD slap that bloated, self-centered, ego-maniac arse-wipe Trump harshly and most severely around the head and shoulders with a wet, fetid, rotting Blue Fin Tuna.
Tell that to the dinosaurs. TheStupidityItBurns
Triphid comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Well now, If that isn't the dumbest thing I've heard this week so far.
A suggested rewrite for the Australian National Anthem.
Triphid comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Hear, hear, I'm in full agreement with the whole anthem, it's 1,000% better than the one written by some Scotsman who had never set foot on this wonderful land.
Dont you wish sometimes that you knew a hit man?
Triphid comments on Dec 6, 2018:
She badly needs a whole lot of help in my opinion, I was in a very abusive marriage for 12 years, got 3 damaged discs in my spine, 2 in my neck, a couple of cracked ribs, a hair-line fracture to the back of my skull as well as numerous scars from knives, etc, being thrown at me by the missus. The police were less than useless, the only advice they gave me when I reported it was something similar to " Man up, work it out for yourself." Domestic Violence does NOT just involve men abusing women, IT also involves women abusing men and it HAS TO BE stopped permanently.
Krampus much?
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Shit, that looks very much like my ex-Mother in Law.
This had made me laugh []
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Not bad, But down here in Aus. its way too hot for reindeer, they'd sweat their arses off, so we tell the kids there are 6 White Boomers pulling the sleigh instead. 'Boomers' is an Aussie nickname for male Red Kangaroos, it's the booming sound their tails make as it hits the ground while they are jumping along, white, or Albino, 'roos are a rarity but often occur when there are exceptional breeding conditions. I'll try to find the Aussie song, " Six White Boomers" and post it if I can.
A little chuckle.
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Good one, I nearly pissed myself laughing.
Going for raunchy []
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Thanks azzow2 that brought back some great memories.
Going for raunchy []
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Now that's what I call REAL raunchy Aussie Xmas Carols.....LOL
[] This is something else
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2018:
A good one, BUT, I still prefer two by Kevin Bloody Wilson; " Santa where the fuck's me bike" and " I saw Mummy sucking Santa Claus."
CAESAR'S MESSIAH: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus - OFFICIAL VERSION - YouTube
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2018:
According to historical records from the 1st. century C.E. the entire Jesus myth was the work of Flavius Josephus ( born Josephus Matityahu), a traitor to the Hebrew Rebellion of 66C.E. taken as a slave to the Flavian family, later given his freedom and adopted into the Flavian family where he wrote the Testimonium Flavii which depicts 3 Flavian Emperors as being the Father, the Son and the Great/Holy Spirit. Josephus makes mention of an itinerant Hebrew "rabble-rouser, subversive, thief, arsonist, murderer and extortionist from the Galilee region born approx. in the year 5 or 6 B.C.E. and caught and executed at the demand and behest of the High Priest, Caiaphas and the 13 members of the Sanhedrin along with 2 of his ' lieutenants' by crucifixion outside of the town of Jerusalem. The remainder of the band of followers (approx. 10 in all) were sentenced to life in the Roman War-galleys where they would die eventually. Flavius Josephus wrote the Testimonium Flavii to both 'curry' favour with his 'new' family and to immortalize them as Deities as was roman custom with 'conquering' heroes, etc, at the time. The mention of the intinerant Hebrew 'Rabble Rouser" Yeyoshua bin Yusef (Jesus in English and Greek btw) IS the ONLY historical record of ANY so-called 'Messianic' type leader in the history of Judea at that time.
It's about friggin time somebody did this.
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Are there ANY countries that America hasn't screwed up in some way, shape or form? Shit, you've even done it in your own country, and done it so well I might add.
Seems a bit casual to me!
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2018:
My iron and ironing board filled for Unemployment Benefits about 17 years ago....LOL.
Now this is the sequel to Back To The Future that I'd like to see, just think of the possibilities.
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Oh the dilemma of being J.C.
What I learned today (that I wish I could unlearn): pre-Columbian pozole was sometimes prepared with...
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2018:
What is wrong with that, the Catholics, in particular have been practicing their version of anthropophagy, well a pseudo version at least, for nearly 2,000 years now.
Jesus and Mo is back again ! Enjoy.
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2018:
At least, Arnie, the Terminator had a plan and stuck to it when he said "I'll be back." so what's your excuse J.C.?
Bachman Turner Overdrive - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet []
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2018:
I've got the DVD of their concert as just Bachman - Turner, they're a bit older but just as good as ever.
Many atheists find it unpleasant and sometimes don't want to openly and proudly categorize ...
Triphid comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Speaking personally here, I am a Proud Atheist, I publicly proclaim my Atheism to anyone who asks and will never deny my Atheism.
Religion Does No Harm, Bill Maher reflects - YouTube
Triphid comments on Dec 4, 2018:
This bloke is a classic, well worth the watching.
Im not on here too much. But, how is everyone? :)
Triphid comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Pretty darned good for an Old Fart, how about you?
Weirdest part about 'Christian' holidays/celebrations/customs?
Triphid comments on Dec 4, 2018:
To my mind it is the idea of Xtians sitting down and feasting, thanking their God for everything whilst elsewhere there are people, men, women and children literally starving to death.
My one holiday Dad joke.... What's the horses name in Jingle Bells?
Triphid comments on Dec 4, 2018:
That's kind of like the 'Lord's Prayer' where it goes; Our Father who art in Heaven, Howard be thy name......LOL. My Great Uncle Vic taught me that one, it got me kicked out of Sunday School many a time.
It's that time of year again when Christians claim there is a war on Christmas. []
Triphid comments on Dec 4, 2018:
FFS, that bint should bottled, she'd cure Constipation on Earth in an instance.
This guy needs more education... Dear Atheist: 10 Things You Should Stop Saying []
Triphid comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Shit a brick and f#@k a duck, someone give him a packet of Imodium, it does wonders for diarrhoea, perhaps it might help with his verbal diarrhoea as well. I've heard plenty of drivel in my life-time BUT this jerk really does take the cake.
Did paleolithic artists ritually amputate their own fingers?! []
Triphid comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Well, it might have been a possibility considering that male/female circumcision is still a practiced religious ritual to this day. Sadly, humans are well known for doing extreme and very strange things to show their veneration/s towards their even stranger and weirder Deities.
Tough as old boots: a Thames skeleton's durable footwear He was found lying on his front, head ...
Triphid comments on Dec 4, 2018:
They really knew how to make things that lasted way back then, didn't they?
Are you pro "choice" or pro "life"?
Triphid comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Most certainly I am Pro-Choice since it IS the woman's body, her property and ONLY her property ergo it IS her choice and no-one else's.
Fill in the blank.
Triphid comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Oh, and not to forget, " there is the Paedophile Priest."


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Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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