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Fill in the blank.
Triphid comments on Dec 3, 2018:
" a whole herd of Sheeple."
I love Shakespeare, find a quote and fuck it up: " All the world’s a stage, And all the men and ...
Triphid comments on Dec 3, 2018:
"Hail Caesar?" "No, Anthony, just a little drizzle." " A horse, a horse, I've been kicked in the balls by a horse." " Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears, I think I've gone deaf." "what light through yonder window breaks, it is but Juliet giving me the moon again."
Earthquakes Signal the End Times Earthquakes are one of the alleged signs of the End Times ...
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2018:
The Doomsayers of Religion have spouting their 'End of Days' twaddle for almost time immemorial in the sole and vain hope that they just MIGHT be right once and only once so they can re-deem the cash they've tithed to the churches for their seats on the Express Flight of J.A.L. ( Jehovah's Air Lines) to Heaven. Well, I won't be holding my breath that's for certain.
Gay people should not join Catholic clergy, Pope Francis says | World news | The Guardian
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2018:
FFS, who is Wanky Franky trying to kid here? Homosexuality, both Gay and Lesbianism has been RIFE throughout the history of the Churches, Catholic and ALL the rest, just as RIFE as has been Institutionalised Child Abuse. And here we have some bloke who goes around dressed in gowns ( dresses that any transvestite would give their eye-teeth to have, no offence to transvestites btw), has to sit on a seat with an open base over a glass sheet in the floor to PROVE that he actually has MALE genitalia before he becomes the NEW 'Elected' Descendant of St. Peter and Pontifex Maximimus. Yeah right, pull the other one Wanky Franky, it plays Jingle Bells.
Are atheists less likely to fall in love?
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Atheists, for the most, in my experiences 'fall in love' just like everyone else does. After all, we are simply just Hominid Primates driven by emotions that are triggered by hormones and the internal reactions caused by those self-same hormones. But, Atheists being rational, logical people, for the majority part, much prefer to 'fall in love' with something/person that is tangible, visible and verifiable, i.e. an ACTUAL human being, etc, than something that exists ONLY in the mind and requires unquestioning FAITH such as a God/Deity, etc.
Dutch church holds 800-hour service to protect family from deportation - CNN
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2018:
At least it can be said that they actually used the church for something useful for a change. Though I doubt that, just like prayer, it will do any real good.
The annual War on Christmas is on.
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2018:
" The War on Christmas," another of those endless, completely unfounded cries of persecution uttered with tedious regularity by the xtian fraternity. For example, They love to refer, quite falsely and unfoundedly, that the early Believers were persecuted by the Roman Empire simply because of their Montheistic Beliefs, - Err, sorry, 1001% totally INCORRECT since history and historical records show clearly that the Romans, more often than not, assimilated/adopted the beliefs of peoples they conquered into their own belief systems quite readily and openly. There were numbers of Hebrew Synagogues located with the city of Rome itself, the early Xtians, known before the Council of Nicaea ( 325 C.E.) as the Messianics, DID NOT practice their beliefs in caves, catacombs or in hiding BUT completely overtly and in the open view of everyone. Xtians ( Messianics) WERE NOT tortured/burned at stakes in the Arenas around the Empire neither were they 'rounded up enmass' and imprisoned to await executions, it IS ALL Xtian propaganda put forth by the latter 'Holy' Roman Empire, aka, the Catholic Church simply to 'bait' people into becoming sympathetic towards the Church and joining them. Xtianity, itself, is Gulity beyond a doubt of declaring WAR upon any and ALL who chose not to follow it and its rituals and beliefs, NOT the other way round as they would have us believe.
Away in a manger...oh, wait.
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2018:
FFS, born in a Cattle shed full of animal turds, flies, fleas, ticks, tetanus and innumerable other infective agents, that would, without a doubt, have to be very best way to ENSURE the postnatal demise of both mother and child.
The Jesus Question - a Conversation with Dr. Robert M. Price - YouTube
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2018:
The "Jesus Myth" is little more than an ad hoc, mishmash of far, far older mythologies usurped from more ancient cultures then twisted and contorted to suit the needs of the very Belligerent, War-mongering, nomadic Hebrews.
What song would you want played for your funeral?
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Well, since I'm going to be cremated I definitely want " Light My Fire" by the Doors played just as the funeral service is finishing. Plus, during the service " Bat out of Hell" by Meatloaf, "Don't Pay the Ferryman" by Chris de Burgh and " Look on the Bright Side" from Monty Pythons Life of Brian.
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Hey, all you Xtians, he, Jesus, was supposed to be NAILED to a CROSS, NOT a bloody Boomerang and ONLY boomerangs ever return, not crosses.
Tailgating .... I really appreciate the tailpipe detail
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2018:
About a year ago, for a bit of fun and a joke, I drew up a sign and put it on the rear end of a friends car that simply said, " Please don't tailgate or honk your horn, it scares the shit out of my Guide Dog." For weeks he got some very odd/strange looks as drivers overtook his car but no tailgating, honking, etc, even the cops were amused but sadly we had to remove the sign simply because a few people had complained about " a car being driven around the streets by a driver with a Guide dog."
Pagan origins
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2018:
The TRUE reason for the Season is simply because of the position of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun, nothing more, nothing less, that is my response to the whole Xtian Xmas bull twaddle they starts getting peddled around every year at this time.
Looks like Europe is gaining in green energy technology quite fast leaving some behind.
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Any advancements in technology that brings us closer to doing away with Fossil Fueled Power Stations and Nuclear Reactor Powered Stations gets my vote. There has been a Wind Farm under construction about 20+miles from Broken Hill, N.S.W. Australia for the last 12 months with about 50% of the turbines now operational, some of the local 'ostriches' ( the naysayers) around town complain that they can hear the low humming of the turbine blades even though they are 20+miles away from here. I've been less than 100 metres from them on a very windy day, with the blades spinning around at a fairly decent speed and heard absolutely NOTHING except the whistling of the wind itself. I reckon there are some people around who would complain even their arses were coated in diamonds and they were shitting out gold nuggets. Renewable Energy is the way of the Future and it WILL give us a cleaner, healthier world IF we all embrace it.
Ever get dumbstruck?
Triphid comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Yes, quite frequently, especially when listening to my Evangelist Neighbour tell stuff like how Jesus has cured him of his drug addictions while he openly sits there, cuts up a few buds of marijuana so he can roll another 'reefer,' or spouts about how he's an experienced and qualified Stone Mason yet his house, being built of native stone, has huge gaps in the wall where the 100 year old mortar has be eroded away from exposure to the elements and he actually has to go and ask local builders, etc, how to rectify and repair the damage, or how I, just an average handyman type, can actually build a completely dry stone wall ( stones/rocks held together using NO mortar what-so-ever) over a metre high that has stood for well over 10 years around a garden bed. TRYING to explain to him the evidence for Evolution is another thing altogether since, in my opinion, his indoctrinated 'mind' utterly refuses to comprehend that the Earth is far older than the mere 6,500+ years he been told to believe.
Great White Sharks Were Eaten by Megalodon: ‘EVERYTHING Was Prey’ for the 18m Monster ...
Triphid comments on Nov 30, 2018:
I would think that there was very little that was NOT on the menu for the Megalodon, even smaller megalodons would be considered as 'entrees.'
I admire anyone that can master a musical instrument.
Triphid comments on Nov 30, 2018:
I can turn out some very interesting 'tunes' on the Ceramic Tuba in my bathroom, does that make me a musician.....LOL.
Gay Nativity makes Conservative Xtians cry. []
Triphid comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Great one, another way to 'stick it' to the Bible Bashers.
Muppet Songs: Lynda Carter - The Rubberband Man - YouTube
Triphid comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Not bad, not bad at all but I much prefer the Muppet version of 'Popcorn.'
If there was a god, it would have no need for eyes, given that there was no light before it’s ...
Triphid comments on Nov 30, 2018:
As a very old Ancient Greek Philosopher once said, " To create a God/Goddess or any Deity first one must make certain the said Deity IS Invisible, Undetectable, Intangible and Undefinable THEN and Only Then can one endow that Deity with ALL the attributes, traits, faults and flaws, both good and bad, present in humans." Sadly, atm, I cannot quite recall the name of this Philosopher.
So true
Triphid comments on Nov 30, 2018:
I often wonder if Ham's arse-hole ever gets jealousy of the amount of pure shit that pours almost endlessly from his mouth.
Heres a little riddle.
Triphid comments on Nov 30, 2018:
It's worse for me when I get some totally drunken idiot banging his fist on my front at 3 or 4 a.m. yelling out " Call me a Taxi." I tried everything to get rid of them and nothing seemed to work UNTIL one morning, waking up really pissed off to the max. I simply replied very loudly, " Okay, abracadabra alikhazam you are now a Taxi," I could hear the drunken mumblings quite clearly as the idiot stumbled off into the darkness and the strange things is is that no-one has done it ever since that morning, maybe word did finally get around.....LOL.
Don't fuck with us oldies ! There is nothing worse than a Doctor's Receptionist who insists you ...
Triphid comments on Nov 30, 2018:
I love it when you walk into the Doctors' Reception room and they ask you why you need to see the Doctor? When it happens to me I often reply with," Well isn't that supposed to be between myself and the Doctor, not the Surgery Grapevine?
Eight mummies discovered in Egypt Updated 30th November 2018 []
Triphid comments on Nov 30, 2018:
With migrations of both Homo Sapiens and their predecessors having traveled through the Nile Valley, who knows exactly how much archaeological material/evidence still remains buried in the layers of silt that the Nile left behind after each annual flood. Who knows how many, as yet undiscovered, Ancient Egyptian tombs/Burial sites are still waiting to be found considering that Ancient Egypt itself was around centuries before Djoser had Imhotep, his friend, Vizier, Architect and the Father of Medicine, etc, design and build the first Pyramids at Saqqara?
Is anyone else grossed out by cleaning bathrooms, including your own?!
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2018:
I once did a 'stand in' cleaning job for a friend who was extremely unwell for a few months. That job was cleaning the Public Toilets at a couple of Shopping Centers around town, I found that despite the ideologies that women need and desire cleanliness the Public Toilets used by women are by far and without a shadow of a doubt are the Grossest, most Disgusting, Filthy places I have ever had the utter misfortune to have entered. Every morning and late evening I would enter them to clean them only to find excrement scattered liberally around them, on the toilet seats, walls, etc, bins for sanitary items empty and the floors around them almost covered with the items that SHOULD have been in the bins, urine literally sprayed up walls of the cubicles, on the floors, doors and seats, not to even mention the foul, disgusting graffiti scrawled everywhere the stench alone would be enough to make a make a vulture throw up its stomach contents. Yet the male toilets were, except on the vary RARE occasions, clean, neat and tidy with just the few spots of missed 'aim' around the urinals. I might add here, that AFTER the first 2 days I took to wearing a surgical mask with a few drops of Oil of Wintergreen on it to assist in 'disguising' the foul stench everytime I had to clean the Womens' Toilets.
The bitter end
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2018:
My motto in life has always been "Be true to yourself, stick to your guns, because it is far better to die standing on your own feet, so to speak, than on your knees like a whimpering slave." I refuse to ever kneel before NO man, woman or God/s.
Answering the Hard Question “You’re an Atheist?
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Considering that is a fact that Morals and Ethics have been a part of Humankind far, far longer than have the usurped biblical/religious versions, then the answer is most certainly Yes, as an Atheists I am a moral human being and have a meaning in life by which I live each day. Let us take a ' biblical moral' for an example here; Xtianity tells us that Cannibalism in any shape or form is AMORAL, YET it allows its followers to SYMBOLICALLY take part in the 'partaking' of the Flesh and Blood, a.k.a. the Sacrament, of their Founder Jesus. Is that not just Cannibalism merely disguised in another form, logically and rationally?
I know this is true! So ladies, men what's your take?
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Actually the above is a Statistical fact to some extent, women, for the most part, still possess the 'Gatherer' drive of from the times when humans lived as Hunter-Gathers where men, for the most part, still operate as the Hunters, i.e. they set their minds on a target/targets and go for exactly what they want. Supermarket Chains have been playing on these traits almost since the first inception of the ideas of Supermarkets, it is their psychological 'advantage' over their potential customer bases. Have you ever paused to wonder WHY Supermarkets, etc, ALWAYS place their shiniest, brightest, most eye-catching and expensive products at Eye Level on the shelves? Another of their psychological advantages used to get the customer to buy precisely what THEY, the Supermarkets, want you to buy, NOT what you want/need to buy.
Free the boobies now!
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Motto for the day, " The only HAPPY Boobies are the FREE ones."
New Jesus and Mo ! Enjoy !
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2018:
IF you truly sit back and count up the number of people slaughtered, etc, in the name of Religions throughout Human History in comparison to the estimated populations at those times you would most likely find that, by comparison, the likes of Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc, were almost amateurs in the Slaughter of Innocents Stakes.
Neanderthals and early humans mated way more often than we thought! []
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2018:
The "urge to merge" knew very few boundaries in the history of human evolution so it seems. Puts the old saying " Any port in a storm" in a whole new context, doesn't it?
Most Theists are 99% Atheists What I mean by that is, your typical theist (lets say for ...
Triphid comments on Nov 27, 2018:
At present there an estimated 30,000+ Gods/Deities worshipped around the world and every worshipper will loudly proclaim that theirs is/are the 'One True God/s.' In human history there have been an estimated 300 MILLION different Gods/Goddesses, etc, worshipped yet every one of them has eventually fallen by the wayside at some time or another only to be replaced by a 'better' version. Every Deity created in the mind of man carries the traits, both good and bad, of Man because that is how humans create them in the first place, imagination is very powerful thing, it can either bring joy, knowledge, contentment, etc, OR, as in the case of religion, repression, suppression, divisiveness, hatred and everything wrong in society.
Does non-belief in gods lead to non-belief in Israel?
Triphid comments on Nov 27, 2018:
Historically speaking, there NEVER was a land called Israel in the Middle East. It only came into being after WWII when Britain, France and Russia wanted a solution, less controversial than the Nazi Extermination, to the Jewish Problem that had plagued Europe for centuries, i.e. give them someone else's land. America saw in the Balfour Accord a way to SELL arms to yet another customer and quietly agreed to it since most banks and industries in America were owned, either partly or completely by Jewish Consortiums. Hence they decided to USURP Palestinian Lands and hand them over to the Jews. The present name, Israel, is derived loosely from a very ancient terminology used throughout the Middle East as a disparagement for the Hebrews, i.e. Ishmraeli = the untrustworthy, the ones who always beg, steal and refuse to work, the thieves, the child abductors, the slave dealers, etc, etc. I was very common knowledge throughout Ancient Egypt in particular that Hebrews could be regularly expected to arrive enmass when the Egyptian Harvests were greatest and claim sanctuary from famine then enjoy the charity of the Egyptians for as long as they could before wandering back to the desert lands. Ancient Egyptians likened them to 'Sand Crawlers,' i.e. scorpions, a pest of the highest order to be tolerated only because of the Rule of Ma'at, the Egyptian Law of Universal Harmony and Charity. Even up to the Roman Empire in the Middle east and much later in History, the lands the Jews now falsely claim were known as either Palestine or Canaan and divided into Judeah, Galilee, etc, BUT NO Israel, and according to Hebrew Law ONLY those who were born within the precincts of the small and unimportant town of Jerusalem could truly call themselves "Jewish."
Thank you Michelle! []
Triphid comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Since the Industrial Revolution it has been proven conclusively that Human generated Greenhouse gas emissions have increased exponentially due to our ' fascination' with burning fossil fuels. I have lived in my local area for almost 65 years now and even I can notice the climatic changes happen just around this region.
Hello Aussie sceptics! I am an American (don't hold that against me please).
Triphid comments on Nov 26, 2018:
G'day mate, don't be shy join in the fun.
Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah explained (wait for it) by science. ? []
Triphid comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Makes far more sense than the 'God did it' bullshit story in the Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy a.k.a. the Bible.
Has anyone else when quizzed by the classic Christian God Botherers in the street.
Triphid comments on Nov 25, 2018:
I usually respond with something like, " What, you want me to be locked up in some Loony Asylum because I get caught talking to nothing and no-one."
And smile for the camera!
Triphid comments on Nov 25, 2018:
But does that notice also apply to Muslim women wearing the Hijab or the Burka? It should apply EQUALLY to all in my opinion, with NO exceptions due to religion/religious beliefs.
Got news you can't share yet with your friends and family?
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Is the beer cold... or frozen??
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2018:
NOTHING could ever hope to be anywhere near as cold as my ex's heart.
Christian Group Wants Native Tribe “Brought to Justice” for Death of Missionary []
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2018:
How about WE demand that Christianity as whole be brought to justice for the Crimes they have committed against Humanity over the last 2,000+ years? We could start with the Persecutions of Native Populations, the Spanish Inquisitions, the Persecutions of Non-Believers, so-called Witches, etc,, etc, etc, and down the list almost interminably UNTIL we reach the Institutionalized Abuse of Children. That should provide a folio of Charges of at least a minimum of 10,000+ to be indicted upon and answered for. So, who is for this idea?
Atheism is a myth.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Then, Sir, please feel most FREE to clarify and provide empirical, proven evidence to support your contention.
Do ya think ?
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Religion , no matter which way you shake it, it all comes out the same.
So does anybody feel sorry for the dumbass missionary that got himself killed by island natives off ...
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2018:
No sympathy for him from me, NONE in the least, he asked for it and he got it.
"There are some guys that need to be in an institution!" Una looked at the room as it took in her...
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Why does ANYONE have to belong to anything/something, that is merely, in my opinion, a further example of the Herd Mentality.
Should physician assisted suicide be made legal, for loved ones who're either terminally ill, or ...
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2018:
We are so compassionate that we willing allow our beloved pets to die in dignity and relative comfort and ease SO, why can't we do the same for ourselves or others? The answer is simple, -Religions have held sway over human lives for 2,000 years and religions, Xtianity in particular, SCREAM the loudest that their Imaginary Sky Daddy says NO and the politicians are so persuaded by the religions and the influences religions falsely assert that they MUST obey.
Can you deal with a devout religious person without thinking in the back of your mind, "I can't take...
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2018:
No, and unfortunately I live right next door to one of them who regularly insists upon preaching to me at every available opportunity.
Huh? WTF??
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2018:
LOL, that's a bit like a road sign I once saw in Victoria, Australia that read " Speed ahead, Slow Down."
Still no internet or wifi so I'm stealing from my son next door while he's out and about.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2018:
For the Country that claims itself to be " The Greatest Country on Earth" that, to my mind, is simply piss-poor to say the very least, No Internet in the region. Shit, here in Outback Australia I may only have ADSL2 Internet Connection 1,100 kms from Sydney, N.S.W. but at least it is working 24/7 and reliable.
Fuhrer Trump Says He Has No Financial Interests in Saudia Arabia. Let's Check the Facts.
Triphid comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Odds on that Tronald Le Dump has ore 'fingers in more pies' around the world than Paris Hilton has had men.
Medical VS Religion!!!
Triphid comments on Nov 23, 2018:
In ALL my years as a Nurse in numerous hospitals I can safely say that NEVER once did I see or hear of a Patient being cured by prayer and prayer alone. IF religion can cure diseases, etc, then WHY do we need medical services?
Just got home from my first black Friday shopping experience.... never again....
Triphid comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Excuse me for sounding dumb, which btw I'm not really, BUT don't 'Black Fridays' only occur when it is Friday the 13th of any month? So how is it that there is all this talk of 'Black Friday?' Is it some obscure American Tradition or something?
What is it that makes humans feel the need to thank God for things that grow in and on land.
Triphid comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Xtian religion tells them that they MUST thank Sky Daddy for EVERYTHING they themselves work hard to provide, that is why, in part, they are somewhat the weak and often feeble minded, unassumingly incredulous, herd mentality driven creatures that they are.
Saudi Arabia only murdered an American resident.
Triphid comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Where exactly is the problem, Americans are shooting each other with tedious regularity on THEIR own soil PLUS just about everywhere else in the developing world?
Song for Donald "And you can tell everybody, this is your song.
Triphid comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Nah, I reckon a far better one for Tronald Le Dump would be a very old one called, " They're coming to take me away."
In case you missed this masterpiece.
Triphid comments on Nov 22, 2018:
Thanksgiving = the White American Settlers original excuse for a party in which to enjoy and feast upon the foods, etc, offered up in friendship by the Natives BEFORE you decide to go out and start murdering them to show your appreciation. In my opinion, it should be re-named as "Americas Day of Shame."
What has happened to the invasion of the caravan?
Triphid comments on Nov 21, 2018:
I personally think that Americans fear their exalted 'trump' far too much to chance putting him up for questioning.
He is a kind and loving god.
Triphid comments on Nov 21, 2018:
BUT, did she also come with 'Fries'....LOL.
Your first non religious inspiration.
Triphid comments on Nov 21, 2018:
I'd have to say that my first 'non-religious inspiration' came from my Dad at a very early age. He taught me to think for myself, never believe anything unless it can be shown clearly to be factual and proven, research for myself and then to make up my own mind after doing all of that. It has served me very well for over 50+ years now and I see no real reason to change even 1 iota of it.
Sherlock Holmes once said if you eliminate the impossible whatever is left however improbable must ...
Triphid comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Careful now, my Friend, that self-same statement COULD easily be applied by any number of Theosophers ( Theologians) to ratify their God Theosophy ( Theology) ergo, it may just come back to bite you where the sun does not ever shine upon.
I almost bought "The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Saving Money" but, it was $49.
Triphid comments on Nov 21, 2018:
My Evangelist neighbour proudly announced to me 3 weeks ago that he'd bought on-line a 'Build your own Swimming Pool Kit' for $399.95 AUD. It was delivered 2 days ago and I was invited to see him unwrap it. The 'parcel' was approx. 1.8 metres in length, wrapped in plastic and bubble wrap, quite weighty for its size I might add and upon opening it, it contained nothing more than a pickaxe, a shovel, a diagram and instructions on how to dig a hole.
Apparently my car is on every bird’s “shit list” for some reason.
Triphid comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Just be grateful that they haven't been eating Mulberries.
Something as simple as Salmonella is not the sort of bacteria that we think of as lethal but if you ...
Triphid comments on Nov 21, 2018:
The list of diseases that Europeans inflicted upon the natives of EVERY land they invaded is almost endless. One of their all time 'favourites' was to distribute blankets infected with Smallpox to the natives.
I'm opening a fresh bottle of wine at 7. How about a virtual par-tay this evening?
Triphid comments on Nov 21, 2018:
I'd join you but I'm not a drinker of wine and only drink spirits/beer on the rare occasions. I did have a 2 litre bottle of 12 year old Johnny Walker Black Label Scotch unopened in the cupboard UNTIL last Saturday morning when good friends told me the news that my Ex had finally fallen off the perch, and YES, the bottle is now a few glasses lighter because I promised my daughter, Lorrae, as she was dying that "Upon hearing that news I'd have a bloody good drink or 3 for us both to celebrate that the garbage has been taken out at long last." I know, I know, it sounds extremely cruel and heartless BUT the story of her ambivalence, cruelty, etc, etc, towards us both and especially towards her own child during her long battle against cancer is a very long and upsetting one to say the very least.
Facts about Human Evolution - SciShow []
Triphid comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Well worth the watching.
Money for nothing. []
Triphid comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Their best song ever.
Beware of unintended consequences.
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2018:
IF you screw around with the delicate balance of nature then you do so at your own risk. Humans have a wonderful 'talent' for doing exactly that.
Real talk
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Hey, don't knock him, he did a great job of conning the State of Kenturkeys out of Millions of Tax-payer Dollars building a boat that was so far from water it will only get wet when it rains....LOL
Facebook is down. Did anybody notice?
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2018:
No, is it permanent, I hope so.
Ohio County GOP Chair: Deadly Wildfires Are ‘God’s Punishment To Liberal California’ ...
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Has anyone ever noticed that when disasters strike others and NOT them the Religious Communities, etc, IMMEDIATELY scream out that God is punishing that community/State, etc, for the perceived sins/iniquities of the community/State, etc,? I've yet to hear them scream out the same rhetoric when or if such a disaster befalls them, who/what then would they blame? Not themselves I'm sure, it'd probably be the work of Satan or God punishing the Non-Believers or something similar.
Been discussed but I still think it's funny
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Would hers be any more intelligent to read than those of Trumps? I do NOT mean to sound crude but, in many European countries the letter 'w' is substituted with the letter 'V' ergo 'Ivanka' could sound like Iwanka or in German, Ifanka. Just mentioning it in passing btw.
How does a employee deal with an incompetent manager?
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2018:
I went through that similar situation whilst working on the Railways, we had a District Manager ( Boss of our Section) who was deliberately sent out into the ' back blocks' where they thought he could do the least amount of damage. He was, and I'm being quite factually honest here btw, a complete and utter Dickhead which suited his name, that being Richard Richardson, a.k.a 'Dick da Dick', everything was run as if an Infants school child had been in charge, no discipline, no order, no directions from the top, just rank stupidity and childishness week after week. Thankfully they replaced him with a REAL Manager and everything began to operate as it should.
Who is the best friend you ever had?
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Human or animal? If it's animal then my Blue Heeler, Charlie (Rest in Peace Old Mate). If it's human then I'd say there are 4 of them, Alan Waldron, his daughter, Naomi McCoy, his Son-in-Law, Matt McCoy and their son, Henry ( 5 years old), they see me as being family just a do for them, we help each other, stand by each other through thick and thin.
Real talk
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Is it any wonder why we were so happy to EXPORT that Dip-shit from Australia?
On November 26th, a mole will land on Mars - The Oatmeal
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Interesting to know.
Sounds legit and the treasure catalog is a bargain for only a quarter. :D
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2018:
What they DO NOT tell you is that in most Western Countries ANY treasures, etc, you unearth MUST be carefully listed in a catalogue that includes photos of the object/s in situ, the precise location where found, etc, etc. And even then you only get a smallish percentage of any worth because the Government takes the lions share.
It's a grey morning and -5 degrees with a light snow falling so I really needed something to pick me...
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Going to be a nice 28 degrees Celsius out here in the Outback of Australia today, a few clouds floating around BUT hey, summer is just around the corner then we will cop day after day after day of high 30s to mid40s Celsius, a dry exhausting heat that continues on through the nights. Thank the stars that I've got my 5,000cfm Evaporative Air Cooler that cools the house down by 10-15 degrees on LOW speed and bloody near freezes you on high.
I find it extremely offensive when people immediately question whether or not something is 'legal' ...
Triphid comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Oh yes, just about every country in the world has its share of arcane and inane Laws, etc, that desperately need to be repealed/removed. There is little known law here in Australia that states, " Should you find yourself bitten by a venomous snake, you MUST not kill it, you MUST capture it ALIVE and take it with you to be identified when you go for medical attention." For the love of Mike, we have snakes out here that can make American Rattle-snake pale in comparison and the lawmakers EXPECT you to waste precious seconds/minutes catching it, carrying nicely and gently to the nearest hospital/doctor when, for example, the bite of an adult Brown Snake can kill a bloody horse twice over in under 20 minutes. My philosophy for being in the Outback is simple, " It's a snake, it looks like a venomous snake, therefore its me or the snake, so the snake loses."
What are your favorite nick-names for TRUMP?
Triphid comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Shit, I'm an Aussie btw, BUT my list of derogatory nicknames for Trump are far too long to list here. Let's just say that he is the Prime Example of the one sperm that should never have been ejaculated.
Are there any Christian Atheists out there?
Triphid comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Fellow Members, Friends and Admin, I'd like to nominate 'Biff57' for entry into the Inaugural D.A.A.F/ T.A.A.B. ( i.e. Dumb as a Fuck/Thick as a Brick) Award. Any seconders on that proposal?
If you have freewill then how did I get you to read this post?
Triphid comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Simply because I decided, using my freewill, that I would read it. Just the same as exercising your freewill allowed you to make the post.
I reached level 5! Where are my promised virgins?
Triphid comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Salaam Effendi GerryHatric, but due to increases in production costs and a problem we are experiencing with the Hymetically Resealing unit for women we are sorry to tell you that your 72 virgins will now consist of 2 x 70 year old re-sealed ex-Mothers in Law.
Aren’t flat earthers so much fun
Triphid comments on Nov 18, 2018:
I always enjoy telling those pesky Flat-Earthers that Dunlop has just finished making MASSIVE rubber patches and science has created 3 of the biggest Air-Compressors in the world. They intend to seal the leaks, then re-inflate the Earth to its original shape once again. Boy, oh boy, does that get them up in arms...LOL.
Migrating To Prehistoric Australia: Issues Arising: Part One The first human inhabitants of the ...
Triphid comments on Nov 18, 2018:
There is an Australian Aboriginal Legend that was told to me by my 'adoptive' Aboriginal father that when the ancestors of the first aboriginals arrived here they came by shallow, bark canoes. Once they had landed they set about exploring this new land and eventually encountered a peoples who were, in their own words, " taller than a spear ( at least 6.5 feet tall), much stronger in body, had hair that hung straight from their heads, faces with soft and gentle features, no hair on their faces or bodies and built ' gunyahs' ( shelters) of stones and branches." " Over time, the newly arrived peoples became envious of these others and slowly sought to drive them from the lands."
Still relevant........??
Triphid comments on Nov 18, 2018:
Yep, " the emptier the vessel the greater the noise it makes," truly does apply to some people, for example, Donald Trump for starters.
Now I'm gonna think of this every time I see her...
Triphid comments on Nov 18, 2018:
With a face like that, down here in Australia we'd class her as a 3 bagger, 2 bags for covering her head and 1 for your own just in case hers blew off.
Good Sunday morning First Baptist....The doors of the church are open!!
Triphid comments on Nov 18, 2018:
"The doors of the Church are open," does that simply mean that it IS time for the weekly ' fleece the Faithfools' session?
More victim blaming []
Triphid comments on Nov 18, 2018:
Frigging Disgusting to the MAX. What a woman chooses to wear or not to wear is by NO means an indication of consent to sexual molestation NOR is it a reason for blaming the victim of such a vile, disgusting act. In my opinion, ANY lawyer using such a defense for a rapist should be publicly vilified, shunned and removed, post-haste, from practicing ANY kind of Law in the future.
Come on tell the truth now.
Triphid comments on Nov 18, 2018:
My Peach-faced Parrot, Henry the Turd, he's noisier than a room full of kids on a sugar high.
Now I'm gonna think of this every time I see her...
Triphid comments on Nov 18, 2018:
I don't think that she is doing anything more with her mind than simply trying to generate an ACTUAL thought, and with one so thick, shallow and slow the effort required would be monumental to say the least.
Always liked this one by the Beach Boys...Help Me Rhonda. []
Triphid comments on Nov 18, 2018:
Always enjoy listening to the Beach Boys but my favourites will always be the Shadows.
Would like your opinion on this.
Triphid comments on Nov 18, 2018:
No whether or not he has an 'open relationship' or just cheating on his partner/spouse NO man has a given right to accost ANY woman what-so-ever. To my mind, he's just being a dirty filthy perv and needs to brought into line asap.
Safety first boys and girls... []
Triphid comments on Nov 17, 2018:
I had an episode while working on the Railways where a fellow worker was using an Angle Grinder on a length of steel rod without wearing safety glasses, a shard of steel flew from the rod, pierced his eye, penetrated the bone at the rear of the eye socket and lodged into his brain. He survived, luckily, but is now blinded in one eye and has some mental impairment as well. Similarly, we were ALL instructed NEVER to use a cutting torch whilst carrying a disposable cigarette lighter in ANY pocket, especially a breast pocket and after seeing an actual piece of footage taken in a workshop where a spark from the metal being cut flew into the pocket, ignited the lighter, causing a blast equivalent to 1/3 of a stick of dynamite, literally blew the entire left side of the workers chest into a cloud of blood, shards of bone and shreds of flesh, killing the worker almost instantly. A disposable cigarette lighter when full can have the explosive equivalent of approx. 3/4 of a stick of dynamite/gelignite, one half full = approx. 2/3rds that explosive force, 1/4 full = approx. 1/3rd, I've actually done these experiments myself, under very controlled conditions of safety and using buried steel tubing with a wall thickness of 2.5 mms and simply filling the tubes with petrol and igniting it from a very safe distance. The tubes were all torn open very raggedly and almost flattened out completely, imagine, if you will, what it can do to your soft fleshy body.
Cockatoos are tool makers. [] []
Triphid comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Most parrot species are far smarter than we give them credit for being. I've had Australian Cockatoos or Galahs as pets and they are incredibly smart, intelligent and extremely inventive. Now I have a Peach-faced Parrot who lives inside the house, is allowed out the cage every day and has a custom made stand decorated with tools such as bells and whistles on chains that it plays with. Its first thing it taught itself was how to lift the cage door, holding it open using a short piece of a stick, so it could come and go as it pleased, recently it learned how to lift the chains on which the toys hang from the cup-hooks screwed into the wall/stand to either lengthen or shorten the chain by simply changing whichever link is required to achieve the desired result. Sometimes I find merely observing this bird to far more entertaining than watching television.
Hi everyone! My niece has been diagnosed with colon cancer.
Triphid comments on Nov 17, 2018:
It is truly sad and heart-rending when Xtians come out with garbage like " It's Gods will that your child/family member is sick/or dying." I had this said to me when my 16 year old Daughter and ONLY child, Lorrae was dying from Lymphatic Cancer plus the " God has chosen your daughter to be with him" bit of useless, mindless drivel as well. It was, and still is, hard to remain in control, say little or nothing at times like those BUT, we Atheists are stronger, more resilient, intellectually and psychologically stable than they are and can ever hope to be. Stay strong, hopeful, caring and supportive of the one/s who need it the most.
Answer without mind
Triphid comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Well, belfodil, the book of Genesis states that in the beginning there was nothing except the 'word' and, as we all now understand (well most of us anyway that is), a word is NOTHING more than vibrations traveling as waves of compressions and decompressions of air, ergo, even the book of Genesis is 100% incorrect. But science has shown that the origins of the Universe were far more complex and definable than just appearing from an absence of anything/everything. There is far more scientific evidence in favour of the 'Big Bang Theory Origin of the Universe' than there can ever be for the mythology posited in Genesis.
Life and it's ups and downs
Triphid comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Yes, and IF you are VERY Lucky, it can have some ins and outs as well....LOL.
Why America? Mass Shootings & White Nationalism Share Roots [] &unempire
Triphid comments on Nov 17, 2018:
There's a very old saying that goes; " ANY nation born out of Conflict shall forever be in conflict with both itself and almost ALL others until the time it too kills itself in conflict."
I'm new to this site! Looking forward to meeting new people and sharing some ideas! ?
Triphid comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Welcome aboard Cobber, sit back, ask questions, post thoughts/ideas, etc, and enjoy the ride into Reality.
Fun at work or how to screw with a mechanic:
Triphid comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Now, IF you really want to have fun then send the Apprentice to the Storeman and have ask for either a couple of long weights ( waits) or a box of 1/2 inch, left-handed holes, that really works well and you get some good laughs. When I worked on the Railways we used to confuse the ' newbys' with things like; a) sending into the engine rooms of the Diesel-Electric Locos armed with 2 cans of WDF ( Water Dispersing Fluid) after telling them to spray ever spark-plug, b) tell them that such and such a Loco sounded like it had a flat tyre and it was their job to change it, Yes, rail vehicles do have tyres, they're the bit that touches the rail and has the flange on the edge of it, BUT, they're made of steel and sweated onto the actual wheel, c) send him/her to the storeman to get a pair left-handed ring spanners.


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