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Now we count deaths when not an active case []
Triphid comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Well, speaking from a Medical Stand point here, any DEATH resulting from a post-infection stand point should be counted, once confirmed by means of a Postmortem examination, as is legally required by Law when an unexpected death occurs OUTSIDE of a hospital, as a death resultant from a C-19 ...
Triphid replies on Nov 29, 2020:
@powder Okay, let's consider here a 100% factual case, November, 1988, my Father-in-law had a By-pass operation because of a blockage in the Coronary Arteries around his heart. He was told to exercise regularly, something he would NOT do anyway no matter what the circumstances, this resulted in the circulation to his lower right leg become less and less over 2-3 weeks, which then lead to tissue necrosis and then to infections and finally Gangrene setting in all this whilst he remained adamant that he both refused to exercise and that he only had a cold. December the 2nd, same year he is flown to Adelaide, his right leg amputated above the knee to try and stop the gangrene from spreading to the rest of his body. He returns home on January 28th 1989, the amputation is successful, is on both anti-biotics and medications for his heart, has crutches until his prosthetic limb is made and fitted BUT told to exercise as much as possible, he still refuses both to exercise AND take his medications. February, same year, he first suffers a fully preventable heart attack, is admitted to hospital where it's discovered that by NOT taking his medications the gangrene has returned and has spread to his lungs and most of his body, he dies 5 days later. So, as you can see, I hope, deaths are often resultant from previous conditions as well other causes, hence they are included, as is this case in question, in the Toll caused by C-19.
Now we count deaths when not an active case []
FrayedBear comments on Nov 29, 2020:
"Public service employees will continue to work from home." - more excuse for them not to do their jobs efficiently? I'm curious, Medicare & Centrelink offices in Victoria are still manned & open.
Triphid replies on Nov 29, 2020:
Oh no, more of your ravings, imo, I see.
I read a New York Times article today about displaced families who are homeless due to the pandemic.
BBJong comments on Nov 29, 2020:
To believe there is a "PLAN" ,then we shall have no personal responsibility ❗🌌🟣
Triphid replies on Nov 29, 2020:
Precisely, it IS the Great 'Get out of Taking Responsibility Card' that the Faithfools reach for .
I’m an atheist, but I can’t wait to get back to church
Fernapple comments on Nov 29, 2020:
I don't think that the article is really pro-religion, she no where says that she is giving up atheism. It is only really in praise of medieval architecture.
Triphid replies on Nov 29, 2020:
When one looks closely at HOW these examples of Medieval Architecture were built one sees, if one uses both open eyes and open mind that these edifices were built with the blood, sweat and tears of lowliest of serfs and peasants who were mostly coerced into labouring NOT for their own benefit by for the benefits of the Religion, the Church and its powerful Hierarchy under the entirely false premise of " God needs another house for his children to worship him in." I look at those edifices and wonder, how many LIVES did they cost, How many families went hungry BECAUSE their fields and crops went unattended to, Did these poor serfs and peasants get exemptions from paying Tithes to the Church both during and after expending their energies to build these edifices, etc, etc,? IF these religious Edifices had NOT been built and the labour, etc, was used to better the conditions under which the peoples were living at those times just how far advance would human kind have been by now?
Happy Thanksgiving, y'all! I've found that the less I expect, the more thankful I am.
Triphid comments on Nov 28, 2020:
"He/she who expects a lot often appreciates NOTHING, he/she who expects little or nothing oft appreciates everything." - William Anthony, 2018.
Triphid replies on Nov 29, 2020:
@zeuser It is not merely a quote nor citation it IS an original penned by me.
Opinion: Supreme Court's scientifically illiterate decision will cost lives - CNN
Silver1wun comments on Nov 28, 2020:
American citizens are entitled to EQUAL PROTECTION AND EQUAL APPLICATION of our laws. I'm no fan of ANY religion, Utopian ideology or political party.(I repeat myself) That said, if any large gatherings are to be prohibited on an 'emergency' basis, then ALL of them should be. The First ...
Triphid replies on Nov 29, 2020:
@Silver1wun Ah yes the U.S.A. praise be unto it, peace-loving, filled with brotherhood, compassion, kindness, generosity and since it was first formed has had involvement in MORE wars both with itself, its neighbours AND its OWN Native Peoples than most other Western Countries in the last 200+ years. Oh what a TRULY wonderful example to the rest of the world the U.S. A. is.
If Christians insist on going to church during the pandemic they should accept that it's God's plan ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 28, 2020:
They should also be able to drink poison without harm.
Triphid replies on Nov 29, 2020:
@Joanne Just contribute the endless supply of those idiotic God-mobsters and we'll let our snakes take of them one by one, okay. Nah, on second thoughts throw ALL the venomous snake you can think of as well and let the snakes get their revenge for being falsely made the 'scape-goats' in Genesis. We could find a nice warm sandy atoll miles from anywhere, place all the bible-bashers on it without any weapons, etc, no anti-venoms and then let the snakes have at it with them while we sit back at a safe distance and watch the events unfold.
Opinion: Supreme Court's scientifically illiterate decision will cost lives - CNN
Silver1wun comments on Nov 28, 2020:
American citizens are entitled to EQUAL PROTECTION AND EQUAL APPLICATION of our laws. I'm no fan of ANY religion, Utopian ideology or political party.(I repeat myself) That said, if any large gatherings are to be prohibited on an 'emergency' basis, then ALL of them should be. The First ...
Triphid replies on Nov 29, 2020:
@Silver1wun And, imo, so say you. Though I may live in Australia I do keep myself well up to date on things, etc, around the world, ergo I do merely live with head in the sand nor wedge firmly up my arse as some seem to do.
Pope installs new cardinals, including first African-American
CuddyCruiser comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Rearranged it says pedo (pedophile}
Triphid replies on Nov 29, 2020:
POPE actually means Protector Of Paedophile Employees.
Opinion: Supreme Court's scientifically illiterate decision will cost lives - CNN
Silver1wun comments on Nov 28, 2020:
American citizens are entitled to EQUAL PROTECTION AND EQUAL APPLICATION of our laws. I'm no fan of ANY religion, Utopian ideology or political party.(I repeat myself) That said, if any large gatherings are to be prohibited on an 'emergency' basis, then ALL of them should be. The First ...
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@Silver1wun Sir, I can make comments as I see fit whether or not your Constitution permits SINCE I AM an Australian Citizen both by heritage and BIRTH. That, my good Sir, may well be difference between us and the U.S.A. in that we ARE FREE.
Preacher Sean Feucht to Hold Another COVID-Spreading Concert on New Year’s Eve | Hemant Mehta | ...
BestWithoutGods comments on Nov 28, 2020:
I don't know how the name "Feucht" is supposed to be pronounced, but I know how I'm pronouncing it! :P
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
A bit fluent in German here but I think it may be pronounced as 'Fuckted' or 'Foocked' perhaps.
Christian Health Care Providers Allegedly Violated State and Federal Rules | Beth Stoneburner | ...
jlynn37 comments on Nov 28, 2020:
"patients could have little to no idea what’s actually covered." I think that is pretty much true with any and all health insurance in 'mercan health care system.
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
Yes and though our Australian Medicare system may not be PERFECT at least it does work and covers everyone with or without a Health Care Insurance Scheme or not. Plus our Public Hospitals ARE NOT owned and operated under the fetid wings of any Religions what-so-ever as well.
Opinion: Supreme Court's scientifically illiterate decision will cost lives - CNN
MistrssOfNrdom comments on Nov 28, 2020:
Your rights stop when they start affecting others, period. No one is telling these people to NOT worship, they can worship at home, privately. The cost of human lives is not worth the supposed IRE and wrath of your god. If in fact your god is MERCIFUL, all loving and caring, I think this entity ...
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
And since, to cite their so-called 'Holy(???) Book' where it states clear, " Where one or more may be gathered to pray, etc, so shall I be there...." Ergo, given that statement Churches, etc, ARE NOT required and are needless in fact are they not?
Opinion: Supreme Court's scientifically illiterate decision will cost lives - CNN
Silver1wun comments on Nov 28, 2020:
American citizens are entitled to EQUAL PROTECTION AND EQUAL APPLICATION of our laws. I'm no fan of ANY religion, Utopian ideology or political party.(I repeat myself) That said, if any large gatherings are to be prohibited on an 'emergency' basis, then ALL of them should be. The First ...
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
So, under your vaunted Constitution you HAVE the right to infect as many others as you see fit, is that it?
Iran vows retaliation for nuclear scientist death
DenoPenno comments on Nov 28, 2020:
Are we to blame? Sounds like the work of Nuttiyahoo to me.
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
Have NOT the U.S. and Israel always been pissing in each others pockets for decades?
Well just when I thought he could NOT get any dumber, Evangelidiot goes and proves me wrong.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Do you ever have a dull moment?
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Sounds the same as my routine for book reading as well.
Let’s call U.S. religious freedom what it is: privileging of superstition | Rick Snedeker
Triphid comments on Nov 28, 2020:
But, ask any Tithe Collector, aka Priest, and he/she will tell that " Superstition has NO place in Religion."
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@Canndue Oh yes, they seem to have had a very permanent, severe case of 'Selective MASS Amnesia' when it comes to the many of their purported 'Commandments, including " Thou shall make nor worship any Graven Images."
Well just when I thought he could NOT get any dumber, Evangelidiot goes and proves me wrong.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Do you ever have a dull moment?
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@Lilac-JadeCanada I mostly have the Telly on as background when I'm doing studies, etc. Been doing that ever since my High School days. Some friends, etc, find it kind of weird that I can be reading 3 totally separate books on 3 entirely different subjects/themes all almost at the same time and still know exactly where I'm up to and what I had read from the chapters, etc, before as well.
Well just when I thought he could NOT get any dumber, Evangelidiot goes and proves me wrong.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Do you ever have a dull moment?
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Another channel has re-run " New Tricks" at least 12 times in the last year so far and about the same the year before. These days I've taken to watching either our National Broadcasting Station, the A.B.C., or the S.B.S. Network at least both of those have SOME programs of interest from time to time and the A.B.C. is 100% advertising FREE as well.
If Christians insist on going to church during the pandemic they should accept that it's God's plan ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 28, 2020:
They should also be able to drink poison without harm.
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@Joanne Sorry BUT I'd back our King Brown over any Rattler anytime. When I was working on a Sheep Property back in 1979 part-time as a Station hand, we had to shoot a horse that was bitten by a King Brown, within less that 3 minutes the horse had collapsed to the ground, was having massive spasms, foaming from the mouth and nostrils, the leg where it was bitten had swollen up to around 3 times normal size. The snake did NOT survive btw, it too was shot TWICE to make sure it was dead. That horse was my best work-mate, even now I miss "Old Dopey."
Well just when I thought he could NOT get any dumber, Evangelidiot goes and proves me wrong.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Do you ever have a dull moment?
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Reckon yours is bad, ONE of our Free to Air Channels has repeated Star Trek Voyager so much these days that my parrot knows the script of every episode.
If Christians insist on going to church during the pandemic they should accept that it's God's plan ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 28, 2020:
They should also be able to drink poison without harm.
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@Joanne For sure, if it weren't for laws prohibiting it I'd even happily send them as many Aussie snakes as they could handle, especially our Yellow-bellied Black snake, the King Browns, the Taipans, Death Adders, Dugites, etc, etc. 1King Brown can kill up to and including 10 grown adults with the venom it injects, let's see them play with a few of those.
Well just when I thought he could NOT get any dumber, Evangelidiot goes and proves me wrong.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Do you ever have a dull moment?
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Yes, especially since the menus for television, etc, around here are as bland and uninviting as attending Mass in a Catholic Church or any other church gathering as well.
AmyTheBruce comments on Nov 27, 2020:
So what's the problem? Make like Nancy Reagan and "just say no".
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@AmyTheBruce Yesterday evening (Saturday, Nov. 28th.), via phone btw, he offered me, in his words btw, " a most generous $2.50 per hour to help install his Air Cooling Unit immediately but I must also find a Plumber and an Electrician as well." $2.50 per hour, I was earning that back in 1968 as an assistant to a local Butcher in his shop, in the 80's and 90's I was earning over $17.80 per hour as a Qualified Carriage and Wagon Examiner on the Railways, so you guess what I told him to do with his lousy $2.50 an hour.
Yay, to quote Gaius Julius Caesar, " Vini.
Organist1 comments on Nov 26, 2020:
Cats hate citrus. Try a citrus spray, or leaving orange and grapefruit peels around. I for one, am tired of seeing the remnants of songbirds which have been killed by my neighbor's cat, but I think more humane methods are better. Another way is to catch and put a bell on its collar.
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@Dicaron FYI, I have NO other animals that could be of sexual interest to them at all and neither do the rest of my neighbours. I think they 'congregate' on my veranda because it is mostly enclosed by shade cloth, protected from the winds, etc, However mine is NOT the only house they seem to see as a point of/for congregation as well, e.g. my neighbour across the road has just finished weeks of removing old, cat manured soils from her gardens, re-filled them with fresh new soil and re-planted them yet she also has copped the cats shitting in her gardens, spraying on her house as well as their nightly howling and screeching 'concerts.'
Well just when I thought he could NOT get any dumber, Evangelidiot goes and proves me wrong.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Do you ever have a dull moment?
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Yes, sometimes he can be extremely tiresome, annoying, irritating but as I said before he IS a good source of ironic style humour with him as the main and only subject though.
Yay, to quote Gaius Julius Caesar, " Vini.
TheoryNumber3 comments on Nov 26, 2020:
I don't approve of cruelty to animals, and that was unnecessarily cruel. The fact that you take pleasure in an animal's pain concerns me.
Triphid replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@TheoryNumber3 It was NOT poisoned it was merely given persuasion via a spray to it ether region. Btw, the mongrel tom-cat IS still alive and kicking, it now avoids my yard thankfully.
Well just when I thought he could NOT get any dumber, Evangelidiot goes and proves me wrong.
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Do you ever have a dull moment?
Triphid replies on Nov 27, 2020:
Get plenty of those especially when I choose to remain inside or refuse to acknowledge him when he yells out across the fence.
I think the Supreme Court ruling on pandemic restrictions for religious institutions in New York is ...
xenoview comments on Nov 26, 2020:
The covid thing is the beginning of a new religious freedom.
Triphid replies on Nov 27, 2020:
@silverotter11 Nah, just pour yourself another drink of your choice, sit back, relax and watch them all wipe each other whilst fighting over who's gawd is the one true gawd.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 27, 2020:
@powder Yes well for the time being but researches are underway to develop cures for those and more as well.
Yay, to quote Gaius Julius Caesar, " Vini.
TheoryNumber3 comments on Nov 26, 2020:
I don't approve of cruelty to animals, and that was unnecessarily cruel. The fact that you take pleasure in an animal's pain concerns me.
Triphid replies on Nov 27, 2020:
@TheoryNumber3 Not miserable as such since he a good source of amusement from time to time.
AmyTheBruce comments on Nov 27, 2020:
So what's the problem? Make like Nancy Reagan and "just say no".
Triphid replies on Nov 27, 2020:
Friend, HE is the kind of person who WILL NOT take NO for an answer.
Linda Harvey: LGBTQ People Can’t Celebrate Thanksgiving Since They’re Ungrateful | Hemant Mehta ...
Alienbeing comments on Nov 27, 2020:
I didn't read what she said but I do wonder how she would know.
Triphid replies on Nov 27, 2020:
Most probably guessing...LOL. With such an inviting visage and personality she'd have to guessing imo.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 27, 2020:
@powder HENCE we NEED to seek out permanent solution NOT by viral, etc, measure BUT BY Genetic measures.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 27, 2020:
@powder As to the acquired immunity from vaccines, in some cases such as the BCG vaccine for Tuberculosis, for example, it DOES give a life-long immune protection. Plus, you should try to remember that viruses such the Influenza, etc, etc, DO mutate ( evolve) hence the Flu you MAY have had last season may NOT be the same viral Flu you may get this season and so on. But, the anti-bodies in your system WILL remember the original bout of Flu you contracted and react to that. So, in their way, Vaccines are 'good' because they stimulate the Immune system to produce anti-bodies to a specific case of a virus BUT they cannot 'predict' how that virus will evolve/develop, as it usually does, either tomorrow, next week or even next year.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 27, 2020:
@powder Yes but as I said even the feral rabbits are developing an immunity of sort to Calici especially out this way. On my last trip out to get firewood in mid-July I saw 7 working rabbit warrens and at least a dozen+ rabbits roaming around, include some multi-coloured ones as well. 5 years ago ALL warrens were inactive, rabbits were nowhere to be, not even a trace of the pests left anywhere. We have a saying out here, and it is true btw, that when you see any rabbit that is either NOT just the dull grey in colour then one of 2 things have occurred, a) Domestic rabbits have been released and are breeding with the feral rabbits, or, b) the supply of feed vegetation is so good that they ARE breeding on an almost non-stop basis. My guess is that someone or a few local rabbit breeders have released immunized domestic pet rabbits back into the wild and they have passed on the immunity through breeding somehow.
Yay, to quote Gaius Julius Caesar, " Vini.
TheoryNumber3 comments on Nov 26, 2020:
I don't approve of cruelty to animals, and that was unnecessarily cruel. The fact that you take pleasure in an animal's pain concerns me.
Triphid replies on Nov 27, 2020:
@TheoryNumber3 Why exactly should I do that, I own the house.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
@powder As any medico can tell you, Vaccines are good, they work BUT only as a Stop gap when it comes to viruses, WE need to discover exactly how viruses 'tick,' how they reproduce, mutate, etc, etc, and THEN discover a Fully Permanent solution to them. For example, even the Calici virus used in an attempt to wipe out rabbits in the wilds of Australia is beginning to fail miserably now.. Rabbit populations are now increasing around here, something which I seen first hand btw. They have failed to find a solution to the Cane Toads also because, imo, they have NOT bothered to look at the genetics of the Cane Toad for a reasonable solution. our knowledge and Understanding of Genetics is increasing almost daily hand over fist and YET they stick to those tired old ideologies like flies in treacle. Fact, In 1986-7 I once was a volunteer Tutor in Literacy and Numeracy at a local Primary School, I had a student who the Teachers said was a complete waste of time and effort. Now she is Head of a Research Lab in Sydney and working almost solo on de-coding the genetics of the Covid-19 virus even though others in the field call her ideas 'radical, impossible, irrational, illogical, etc, etc,' but as per a recent conversation with her she is on the verge of making a much needed break through.
ZantiMisfit comments on Nov 26, 2020:
He expects you to install it for him?! WTF This guy is some kind of kook.
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
He IS the type who expects a LOT but refuses to give even a little. Consider these instances/examples and they are 110% Factual, For 4 years he had a 'house-mate', a male btw, who WAS expected to pay the Land Rates, Electricity AND Water Rates as Rental, For 4 consecutive winters I used my very long term friendship with a nearby Grazing Property Owner to allow us BOTH to collect firewood, with my chainsaw I could cut and load MY 7'x4' trailer full in less than 2 hours ALONE, then was expected to help him to cut and load his Toyota Ute as well while he sat back and watched, on returning home, I unloaded my trailer alone and single-handed THEN was expected to do the same in his yard as well PLUS pay HIM for ALL the fuel to go out to get the firewood, 2 years ago, he decided to have a little extra space in HIS yard and DEMANDED that I provide space on my property for HIS 'junk,' That is but a VERY few instances of him and his attitude.
I just found the first academic job that I am barred from applying for due to my lack of faith in ...
Redneckliberal comments on Nov 26, 2020:
Change that to Balony University!
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
How about "Knob-Floggers Incorporated" instead....LOL.
I just found the first academic job that I am barred from applying for due to my lack of faith in ...
evergreen comments on Nov 26, 2020:
This makes me totally angry. However, I would never wish to work in such a place, no matter how appealing the position !
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
Yep, It would take far far more than ALL the Tea in China, so to speak, for me to work in place like that.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
@powder FYI, viruses never actually 'go away' they remain, oft times dormant and other times they simply mutate such Ebola, S.A.R.S. for but 2 examples. We once thought, quite wrongly, that we had Measles done and dusted, BUT, it was only a year ago it returned and did great harm and damage on one the Pacific Island groups did it not? Arrogance, Complacency, Apathy, etc, etc, in humans are, beyond the merest shadow of a doubt, the greatest Allies of Diseases.
Yay, to quote Gaius Julius Caesar, " Vini.
1of5 comments on Nov 26, 2020:
I'll stick with having a dog to keep cats out of the yard.
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
My late, lament Blue Heeler did a wonderful job of keep the stray cat population under control and out of my property, his tally was 73 cats killed with his method of just snapping their neck in one grab in the 16 years of his life. Only 1 cat manage to escape but it cost it is tail. Our laws here state that ALL Authorized persons, ( Mail, Fire, Police, Ambulance. Meter Readers, etc, ) MUST have free access from the front gate to the front door at ALL times BUT not beyond the building alignment, hence we cannot, legally, allow our dog/s to roam in the front yard/s. Though I am giving serious consideration as getting a retired or non-race worthy Greyhound as house and yard pet at sometime in the future.
Before central heating some people would report on a cold night that "it took 2 dogs on the bed to ...
Triphid comments on Nov 26, 2020:
In the Aussie Outback they would call very very cold nights as being 3 Dog nights rather than 2.
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
@Marionville Pretty close to it, the only thing we don't here in winter is snow, but the frost makes up for that.
Oh dearie me, we are headed towards a daytime temp of 37 degrees Celsius and a daytime temp of 43 ...
Cyklone comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Tell him to go to the mall. That's airconditioned. There are a lot of people without aircon and they survive. I was over 30 before I lived in a house with aircon and I survived. I'm sure you were similar.
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
Oh, BIG problem there for him, the same as he had with his attending Church recently is that to go to the Mall he'd also need to have a shower AND wear clean clothing as well.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
@powder Sir, a part of my O.H.S. job on the Railways included working on the Accident/Derailment Crew. More times that I care to count that involved re-railing freight wagons loaded with explosive materials, Gas tanker either containing L.P.G. or EMPTY, which btw are far, far more dangerous, Anhydrous Ammonia Tankers, Fuel Tankers both Diesel, Av-Gas and Petrol with 85% of the time those wagons teetering on the edge of a railway embankment about 5-6 ABOVE the ground level where one false move could easily mean a huge and massive explosion. As a nurse, it meant treating and caring for patients with anything and EVERYTHING from colds, Flu, pre-op and post-op conditions right through to and including Stage 3 or 4 Syphilis infections and numerouys other HIGLYY contagious diseases. Oh, and not mention the handling of deceased bodies as well. some who were NOT found for anything a few days to a week or so.
A few times I tried to point out the latent subconscious damage that religion has done that most ...
IAJO163 comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Jesus being mortal did nothing but express the nature of man. Is violence not a way of life?
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
@IAJO163 "Overthinking," IMO, you are over-stating to the max.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
@powder "Bollocks" you say, well I say how many years have you worked in fields of medical, how many years were YOU the appointed O.H.S. officer AND First Aid Officer any where? Exactly how much TRAINING have EVER received in those fields, First Aid and Medical care in particular?
Yay, to quote Gaius Julius Caesar, " Vini.
Dicaron comments on Nov 26, 2020:
That sounds like a toxic mix for some very nasty chemicals. Where I live, poisoning animals is illegal. There are many ways to deter cats, poisoning like this could lead to a law suit Ingestion or oral exposure following grooming after dermal exposure may cause a burning sensation which can ...
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
Have you EVER seen a cat merely toying with a tiny native bird or lizard and then just watching die before it goes on the hunt for the victim, I have and it sickens me. We Laws that demand we keep our dogs confined within our property 24/7 and can ONLY walk them on a Leash outside of our property BUT cats get FREE REIN 24/7.
Yay, to quote Gaius Julius Caesar, " Vini.
itsmedammit comments on Nov 26, 2020:
You don't think water would suffice? Or do you just enjoy the cruelty?
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
Tried water, tried literally everything, my mix is 10% Turps, 10% Methylated Spirits, 10% Chili pepper juice and the rest water. Around here we have a MASSIVE problem with both Stray domestic cats and Feral domestic cats preying on everything around the place, including native bird species, native lizard species, frogs, chickens, etc, etc, and these damned cats do is kill, maul and leave the bodies laying around. And NO, I don't enjoy cruelty in the least but I am protecting the native birds and lizards that call my property their home.
Yay, to quote Gaius Julius Caesar, " Vini.
Organist1 comments on Nov 26, 2020:
Cats hate citrus. Try a citrus spray, or leaving orange and grapefruit peels around. I for one, am tired of seeing the remnants of songbirds which have been killed by my neighbor's cat, but I think more humane methods are better. Another way is to catch and put a bell on its collar.
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
Tried that, the R.S.P.C.A. merely re-houses them or Evangelidiot goes out and pays to get it back, it's a never-ending circle.
Yay, to quote Gaius Julius Caesar, " Vini.
TheoryNumber3 comments on Nov 26, 2020:
I don't approve of cruelty to animals, and that was unnecessarily cruel. The fact that you take pleasure in an animal's pain concerns me.
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
Big DEAL, you don't have hose cat piss off your front veranda EVERY morning AFTER his cat and others have had their little pissing parties do you? Btw, I could sit out there 24/7 armed with my Bow and arrow, 1 shot to the head and no more cat. AND NO, I do NOT take nor find pleasure in inflicting pain/discomfort on either animals nor humans. Neither doI find 'enjoyment' from having the rank stench of Tom-cat piss all over my house front either just BECAUSE Cat Owners can't keep their mongrel cats at home.
Definitely trying this! 😆🍷
JackPedigo comments on Nov 2, 2020:
There is such a thing as the internet and you can find everything there.
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
@Redheadedgammy I'm waiting and hoping that my tree, commonly known in New Zealand as the Drunken Parrot Tree, flowers soon. According to the Gardening Guide the nectar produce is so abundant that it actually ferments almost over night and the birds can't resist it, hence they get very drunk. I reckon sitting on the veranda, sipping a coffee and watching drunken birds staggering around/TRYING to fly might a good source of a laugh or three.
Definitely trying this! 😆🍷
JackPedigo comments on Nov 2, 2020:
There is such a thing as the internet and you can find everything there.
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
I've often heard the saying " Pissed as a Parrot" which is a common saying around here someone is almost blind drunk but never heard of being as "Soused as Squirrel"....LOL.
Oh dearie me, we are headed towards a daytime temp of 37 degrees Celsius and a daytime temp of 43 ...
Cyklone comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Tell him to go to the mall. That's airconditioned. There are a lot of people without aircon and they survive. I was over 30 before I lived in a house with aircon and I survived. I'm sure you were similar.
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
Btw for those interested, THIS is a photo of his now Cactus Fuctus Extinctus Maximus Air Conditioning Unit.
Oh dearie me, we are headed towards a daytime temp of 37 degrees Celsius and a daytime temp of 43 ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Not a chance! He made his own damn problems, so he should deal with it himself...wear wet blankets, find shade, whatever. Why should you be responsible for him cooling off in YOUR home?
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Me, I learned my skills by watching and learning from the professionals, asking questions and assisting them, etc, etc, right from as far back as I can remember. Then I studied and learned the extra knowledge about things like maintaining Air Coolers and the like. Building skills came from working with Builders, plumbing from Plumbers, etc, etc, and, unlike Evangelidiot, I never allow myself to think that just because I was raised out here miles from the Big City and coast as he was and does, I know everything . The day I actually stop learning is the day I'm pronounced DEAD.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
@powder Yes there are logical steps to working, etc, with hazards, however such hazards in working ex-medical care etc, etc, are an entirely DIFFERENT country to those you worked in. Infections like C-19 do NOT happen just as a random accidental occurrence as is a collapse of over-head ground in drilling or mining, infections like C-19 are almost invisible except to microscopes, etc, just as are most bacteria, etc, etc, as well. You can't see nor predict who or where they will strike, you only know AFTER they struck and then it IS often too late anyway because they have already moved on the next victim and so on. WHY should you or anyone else in the over 50 bracket be singled out to ONLY be the restricted and NOT those under 50 when almost EVERYONE is liable to get C-!9? PLUS, consider this FACT, a) just because a person may be a-symptomatic re- C-19 it DOES NOT by any means that they NOT a carrier of it. b) a traveler goes o/s, does what he/she wishes, moves around through groups of peoples of that country/countries, who knows exactly how many carriers of C-19 or other infective diseases he/she has had fleeting contact with, get on a plane, travels back home and VOILA brings more of C-19, or anything else as well, back with them and either infects EVERYONE else on the plane and/or everyone else they meet upon and during their return to the country they live in. Those, my friend, are FACTS as to how infective diseases are spread so rapidly and easily in this modern world we now live in.
Oh dearie me, we are headed towards a daytime temp of 37 degrees Celsius and a daytime temp of 43 ...
AmyTheBruce comments on Nov 25, 2020:
By presenting this as a yes-or-no situation, I believe that you are missing many possibilities for amusement. Perhaps you could counsel him to appreciate the heat as god's gracious gift - to bask in it, rather than complain. Tell him that god is equitable: the rich get their heat in winter, and ...
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
Reverse Psychology, never thought of using that on him, BUT, imo, a) expecting HIM not to preach would be like trying expect a rabid dog not to bite, and, b) explaining the 'benevolences' of the 'gifts' of heat and cold that his gawd is bestowing upon would be as much a waste of time and energy as trying to stop the tides from rising.
Oh dearie me, we are headed towards a daytime temp of 37 degrees Celsius and a daytime temp of 43 ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Not a chance! He made his own damn problems, so he should deal with it himself...wear wet blankets, find shade, whatever. Why should you be responsible for him cooling off in YOUR home?
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
You're right I've been telling him ever since he arrived here that his system was less than useless in this hot and dry climate out here. And that he needs to maintain it regularly each winter by stripping it down, cleaning it, and greasing ALL bearings, etc.
Oh dearie me, we are headed towards a daytime temp of 37 degrees Celsius and a daytime temp of 43 ...
Cyklone comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Tell him to go to the mall. That's airconditioned. There are a lot of people without aircon and they survive. I was over 30 before I lived in a house with aircon and I survived. I'm sure you were similar.
Triphid replies on Nov 26, 2020:
Not quite, I was 14 before my Dad finally convinced my mother that having an Air Cooler installed would neither cause her hair to fall out or 'blow the windows and doors out.' Until then on the very hot nights we kids used sleep on the concrete floors because they cooler than the beds.
A stoners take on life the universe and everything my forty second attempt to explain my self.
rainmanjr comments on Nov 25, 2020:
I do think there's an analogy to be made between consciousness and the universe. As for reality, I think we are all part of a program and each of us create a unique story. The program gives each character an identity so their universe is real to them but only for them. Only characters you have ...
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
Okay then IF that be the case where is the hard drive, the monitor, the power switch, the keyboard, apps, etc, etc.
A rather ditsy air-head woman gets a job at a local Dairy Farm.
whiskywoman comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@whiskywoman So, may one assume that Texan senses of humour deffer greatly from the rest of the world perhaps?
Christian Astrophysicist Has 5 Unconvincing Reasons She’s No Longer an Atheist | Hemant Mehta | ...
freedom41 comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Maybe she will change her mind with a good slap up side the head.
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
With a nice length of 4"x2" timber, hardwood may work best in this circumstance I think.
COVID-Denying Pastor: Sin is “100% Fatal” and Therefore Deadlier Than the Virus | Hemant Mehta |...
anglophone comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Was his brain excised at birth?
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
No, one of the major requirement when becoming a member of any religion , so it seems, it that you MUST undergo a complete Frontal Lobotomy.
The whole Adam and Eve story is just hilarious.
Rodatheist comments on Nov 24, 2020:
We also do not know where the seven dwarfs came from.
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@Rodatheist Yep, I'm quite 'Horizontally and Equatorial Improved' so it seems in political correctness lingo, but NOT from drink beer, etc, etc, but from enjoying my own cooking and other causes....LOL. And as such in P.C. then those who are underweight/skinny, etc, MUST be referred to as being 'Horizontally Challenged.'
Pre-Marital Sex Suit: []
PadraicM comments on Nov 25, 2020:
How on earth do they deal with the pedo priests?
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
In the Catholic Church they DO NOT exist....LOL.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@powder Sorry BUT it still seems to me as though your MAJOR concern is NOT for ALL Australians as a whole here BUT your OWN personal requirements, needs and desires. FYI and imo,, whether or not there is a PERMANENT solution to C-19 pandemic today, tomorrow, next week, next month or even next year, the world WILL still be there, spinning on its axis as it orbits the sun, grass will still be growing, birds will be singing AND your precious property in Thailand will still be there as well, may be not as valuable but still there none-the -less.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@powder My friend, IF these vaccines from Australia and the U.K. were ACTUALLY being as 'fast-tracked' as some claim, they/d be in PUBLIC usage by now as is the Sputnik V in Russia at present. Research Labs and Testing Facilities these days are long, long advance from what they were even 5-10 years ago for example. Even Medicine itself has advance way beyond where it was 10 years ago. For example, 10 years ago a Prostate check meant a doctor's lubricated finger up your bum, now it is a routine test using a sample of your blood, one which I have done EVERY 6 months. Plus, it was only a matter of about 5-7 years ago that Australian Researchers discovered that Cervical Cancers in women and girls was caused by a virus, about 20years or more ago it was discovered that Intestinal and Gastric Ulcers were caused by an over-abundance of a certain, thought to be harmless virus as well. And what we used to simply label as being just Cancers are in actual, individual in nature and genetic make up of in each and every cancer in every different patient, thus throwing the old set Protocols for treatments out the windows, again Australian Researchers coming to the fore. Yes, I remember Thalidomide and the Gulf War vaccine debacles. I know quite a few of the 'victims' of the Thalidomide screw up, the 'magic bullet to cure Morning Sickness in pregnancy.' I even remember and know quite a few survivors of the Gulf Vax debacle and a few from the Polio era as well.
Why do people stay with a belief system (aka a religion) even though they question it.
Triphid comments on Nov 25, 2020:
"Herd Mentality," is what is called and is one the main reasons why religions survive in a world where knowledge, science, logic, reasoning, etc, are no longer deemed as heretical, etc, etc. Sheep are, imo, a PRIME example of Herd Mentality in that one sheep suddenly decides to either run or go ...
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@anglophone I suppose, even though they 'claim' that Psychology is NOT a real Science medicine-wise, we do come up good and very logical reasonings.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@powder Control, my friend, IS a far different country to having it beaten/eradicated completely, surely you can see and understand that.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@powder According to researchers both here and abroad Corona virus has mutated/evolved from the original S.A.R.S. version of the virus via first becoming Bird Flu and the Swine Flu or the other way around which ever it was. Testjng of Corona vaccines , at least here in Australia and the U.K. are undergoing atm UNDER the Strictest of Rules and Regulations as per the W.H.O. guide-lines and the national guide-lines as well. Jeez Louise mate, I've had more vaccinations than I too care to count both due to work, etc, etc, but I'm not complaining because at least I know that I have some immunity protection against things like tuberculosis, hepatitis, tetanus, etc, etc. Quarantine/isolation facilities are good BUT they need to be staffed 24/7 WITH Highly Trained Professionals and often these facilities become better 'breeding grounds' for the diseases anyway thus making the problem/s greater. For example, the island off Venice, Italy where Plague suspected carrying ships, crews and passengers were isolated is STILL declared as a NO Go zone because the plague can still be contracted after years and decades of laying dormant. Hence such facilities used now for C-19 may have be abandoned, completely destroyed, etc, etc, since C-19 MAY just well manage to survive as does the plague. Imo, 1 or 2 quick jab/s with a vaccination is much like the old saying, " A stitch in time, save Nine."
The whole Adam and Eve story is just hilarious.
EthicalHumanist comments on Nov 23, 2020:
I had to repeat CCD (Catholic Confirmation preparation) for asking that and other stuff. My attitude was apparently not welcome. LOL And the genesis story was borrowed from the Assurians. So was Moses.
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@creative51 It is actually the Assyrians btw, also they didn't run a 'Lending Library as such, in fact the Scribes under the Hebrew King, Hezekiah, merely 'mis-appropriated them' whilst doing a little light dusting of the shelves....LOL
The whole Adam and Eve story is just hilarious.
Rodatheist comments on Nov 24, 2020:
We also do not know where the seven dwarfs came from.
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@Rodatheist You do realize that it is Politically incorrect to call them dwarves these day don't you? They MUST be referred to a being 'Vertically Challenged people' instead.
Why do people stay with a belief system (aka a religion) even though they question it.
Triphid comments on Nov 25, 2020:
"Herd Mentality," is what is called and is one the main reasons why religions survive in a world where knowledge, science, logic, reasoning, etc, are no longer deemed as heretical, etc, etc. Sheep are, imo, a PRIME example of Herd Mentality in that one sheep suddenly decides to either run or go ...
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@SeaRay215ex i seem to remember a very old saying that went something like this, " It takes COURAGE to stand alone but any coward can hide in a herd or mob and think him/herself to be safe."
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@powder Now to respond to your second reply. Yes, imo, the U.S. Health system is 110% as screwed up as anyone in their right and sane mind could EVER imagine bar none. As to winter coming, yes, that IS inevitable, BUT there is hope on the horizon in that a vaccination programme WILL be available here in Australia BUT until that arrives we ALL must learn to grin and bear it.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@powder In response to your first reply. Imo, it IS NOT an attempt at "Stopping the World" as much as it is TRYING to STOP the rampant infection rates AROUND the world from GETTING into Australia THUS saving thousands of Australian lives that would otherwise be lost needlessly. To quote a very poignant line from Star Trek spoken by Spock, " Sometimes the needs of the MANY must out-weigh the needs of the FEW or the one." Australia has BEEN virtually speaking here, ISOLATED for about 9 months or more now, our Covid Death Toll is about 1% or less than that of the U.S., Europe, etc, etc, and the ENTIRE world, ergo, though we may not like it, it IS working and, at present it IS something we ALL must learn to live with UNTIL a permanent solution to the virus is found. Yes you may have a property o/s that you want sell off or get shot of, BUT IS it so vitally NECESSARY for you to do this matter on a Person to Person basis in this day and age? And YES, imo, "Aunty ScumMo & Co.have a LOT to answer for re- the Cormann-R.A.A.F. jet affair, imo, it IS Nepotism taken to a higher than could ever be imagined level.
A rather ditsy air-head woman gets a job at a local Dairy Farm.
whiskywoman comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
Er, do they, by any chance have a sense of humour over your way?
Why do people stay with a belief system (aka a religion) even though they question it.
Triphid comments on Nov 25, 2020:
"Herd Mentality," is what is called and is one the main reasons why religions survive in a world where knowledge, science, logic, reasoning, etc, are no longer deemed as heretical, etc, etc. Sheep are, imo, a PRIME example of Herd Mentality in that one sheep suddenly decides to either run or go ...
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@rainmanjr We humans LIKE to think that we ARE the Apex Predators do we not, BUT take away our weapons and we still are merely bi-pedal meat on the hoof anyway to other more talented, skillful predators. Hence, imo, that is why the 'Herd Mentality' has remained with us, well most of us though, and religions have learned so well to utilize it to their best advantages. When I refer to the 'Herd Mentality' I am meaning in the context of 'clustering' together in religious congregations and meekly following the so-called Lead and 'Teachings', etc, of the often not associated, remotely appointed, Sub-altern Alpha, i.e. Priest, minister, etc. A Prime example of this, imo, is the "Judas Goat" used in numerous Abattoirs around the world still to this day. A goat is fostered and taught to lead the beasts, sheep or cattle for example, up the ramp into the "Killing room" BUT the goat is allowed to walk straight through unharmed, for its 'followers' it IS an entirely different story however. By utilizing the 'Judas Goat' method, Abattoir Workers, etc, have found that the beasts to be killed are less stressed and the resultant meat obtained in far, far tenderer and sweeter to the palate. Herd Mentality at its very finest. Plus, if you've had any experience with herds/flocks of sheep I think you will find that they, unlike many other herd living animals, do not have either a 'rogue' or a leader as such, they simply move either en-mass or randomly at times depending mostly upon the circumstances that they find they are in.
Why do people stay with a belief system (aka a religion) even though they question it.
WilliamCharles comments on Nov 25, 2020:
I watch a lot of debates between atheists and believers. It's frightening to hear the godbotherers say their sacred texts are the only thing holding them back from committing horrific crimes. And they're serious.
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
Sad, sickening and gut-wrenching when one hears comments like that from the so-called 'enlightened by Gawd/Jesus' followers isn't it? Especially when one takes into account that at a very minimum at least 60% of all wars fought in the history of humans have some religious-based context behind them, i.e. either wars over whose god is the real god or THEIR cause IS the right cause because god IS on their side. Strange though how this god of theirs ALWAYS hedges its bets by backing BOTH sides isn't it?
For those without a comfort human this winter, how do you keep cozy and warm?
Ohub comments on Nov 25, 2020:
My two dogs sleep RIGHT NEXT to me in the bed. The sleep on top of the covers. I have a queen bed, but for all intents and purposes it could be twin with these two ! I am cold natured so I don’t mind at all. Every night they jump in bed in my spot and I have to shoo them over to give me room....
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
Try doing that with a Russian Wolfhound LOL. I had one quite a few ago, many years ago actually, his name was George, stood about 34" tall at the shoulders and loved to spread out across the entire bed whether I was in or not.
Reading this, I started to cry.
Triphid comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Jeez Louise, I've been taking 30 mgms of Aropax for the last 8 years, before that I was taking 40mgms and before that I was on the maximum dosage, 60mgms, since 2003, all for Chronic, Recurrent Depression episodes, Agoraphobia as well as episodes of very severe anxieties. There IS a VAST difference...
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@BBJong Thank you, it is nice to feel appreciated.
A few times I tried to point out the latent subconscious damage that religion has done that most ...
IAJO163 comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Jesus being mortal did nothing but express the nature of man. Is violence not a way of life?
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@IAJO163 So what you are possibly trying say is that babies are UNKNOWINGLY violent in nature because they can scratch you with "those sharp little nails they have," correct? Then, given that premise should we not, a) ask genetic researchers to develop a method by whic we can ensure that ALL babies are born without nails, b) or perhaps enact laws that ALL babies MUST have their nailbeds cauterized at the moment of birth to prevent future "unknowing" violence towards others, c) pass similar laws that ALL pets MUST have their claws removed permanently, young puppies, kittens and the like especially since they too scratch 'unknowingly' and cause violence as well? You stated "quite a few" in your reply, may I ask what a few may mean since I'd roughly estimate that including the 165 babies I have helped to deliver is a little less than a mere drop in the ocean in comparison to the literally hundreds, if not thousands that I have cared for just in my years as a nurse in hospitals. Oh and btw, MOST parents do actually trim the finger and toe nails of their babies and children from time to time.
Why do people stay with a belief system (aka a religion) even though they question it.
LucyLoohoo comments on Nov 25, 2020:
I watched the Scientology series, too and was baffled by the numbers of people who did such STUPID THINGS while caught in the cult! Cult leaders always make members feel ''soooo special,'' don't they? It's all about ego. And self-doubt.
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
Yes, the Ego side is the life-blood of those who run the show, the belittlement, denigration, etc, etc, is, imo, how they keep the followers enthralled and under their control, IF you look long enough you will most likely see that it not applies in cults such Scientology but in ALL religions though they have learned after centuries to 'cover it up' in pretty little bundles of Sweetness, Caring, Unity, etc, etc, but those wrappings are thin indeed and very very frail as well.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@powder As I've posted before, these 'Pandemic Restrictions are, atm, the ONLY viable weapons we at hand to try and STOP Covid from doing here what has done and is doing elsewhere. i seem to remember where in Venice, Italy during one of the Plague Outbreaks a somewhat similar system was put in place there that saved thousands of Venetian lives. In 90% of epidemic type outbreaks, isolation and movement restrictions have always worked and saved thousands, sadly, it is what it is and until a permanent solution is found then it is what we have to bear, not only for our own sakes but for everyone else as well. IF we don't then the unthinkable, massive mass graves, IS the only alternative.
ABC article on fb yesterday re QANTAS travel and vaccines.
Triphid comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well, we should be fully vaccinated whenever traveling over seas anyway imo, so what is one more mostly harmless vaccination going to. But then again, imo, we all realize what an alarmist, etc, the Head of QANTAS is don't we.
Triphid replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@powder So would one be correct in assuming that you, in particular, reject getting any and all vaccinations/immunizations both IF and when traveling o/s and here in Australia?
Nothing really surprising nor groundbreaking, for those of us who aren't into religion; but it is ...
DaganCurie comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Truly, it didn't help that the churches at one point were who controlled all of the stills. You want beer, ale, wine and/or distilled water? Come on down to the holiest place on Earth. We've got your grains and cured meats, too. Haha.
Triphid replies on Nov 24, 2020:
And that the Church, Catholicism in fact, ORDERED that NO Person shall enter into Trade, etc, with a Non-Believer such as the Vikings were at the time for example. I think that should anyone research deeply enough they WILL find that back in the so-called 'Dark Ages, Medieval and Middle Ages' that religion/s, literally, controlled almost EVERY single aspect of life from Sex, Birth, Marriage right through to Death as well. And, imo, it is something that, in these days and times, they are, somewhat, covertly trying to do yet again.
Christians Bullied Shop Owner to Stay Closed on Sundays, But the Plan Backfired | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Poor widdle Christians, haven't yet realized that, 1) their exalted beliefs are at total odds with the calendar they live by,. i.e. the week STARTS on Sunday and ENDS on SATURDAY, which means the Sabbath ( meaning SEVENTH Day) is NOT on a Sunday, 2) Their Great Sky Daddy DID NOT specify in his ...
Triphid replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@p-nullifidian I think you'll find that 'Greek Dominance' of the Mediterranean region only arose, somewhat, post the Philip- Alexander the Great era and the Ptolemaic Dynasties in Egypt in particular. Ancient Roman Influences only really began to take effect around 450-400 B.C.E., and before that there were Phoenicians, the Carthaginians. Egypt mainly concentrated on Egypt, the Sinai Peninsula and the lands from Egypt to the border at Kadesh, Greece did a few 'colonies' around the region pre the Conquests of Philip and Alexander, a few on the Italian lands, 2 on Sicily, 2 on Sardinia, Crete and a few other Mediterranean Islands plus of course the few on what was the coast of the Persian Empire at the time. But, until then Aramaic WAS the recognized common language amongst the peoples inhabiting the lands of Palestine, Jordan, Syria, etc, and Babylonia was still the Diplomatic language used pre the Greek-Alexander Conquests of that region.
Lots in news about vaccines and travel, kinda jumping the gun as we can't travel outside of ...
FrayedBear comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Exactly. American led paranoia and greed.
Triphid replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@powder I tend to think he only hears that which suits his somewhat, imo, paranoid, pessimistic, Conspiracy driven mind.
It's all your fault.
273kelvin comments on Nov 24, 2020:
I dated an African lady and she told me that her grandma did not approve of toilet paper after a wee. "Why don't you just jump up and down like me?"
Triphid replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@DaisyMaeNot LOL, my somewhat artistic and different imagination kind of when 'wild and crazy' with the images those comments generated. That, also, could well explain the smile on the face of the Mona Lisa....LOL
The whole Adam and Eve story is just hilarious.
Rodatheist comments on Nov 24, 2020:
We also do not know where the seven dwarfs came from.
Triphid replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@creative51 Same place as did Big Sky Daddy Gawd, i.e. someone's imagination.
A few times I tried to point out the latent subconscious damage that religion has done that most ...
IAJO163 comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Jesus being mortal did nothing but express the nature of man. Is violence not a way of life?
Triphid replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@IAJO163 Oh come on, those things like scratching are 99.999999999999% accidental. Shit, I've probably held, bathed, fed and changed nappies on, etc, more babies, toddlers and young children than you've had hot dinners. Besides being a Mid-wife, I've worked in Paediatric Wards in numerous hospitals with anything up to 20+ paediatric patients at a time ranging from a few weeks old right through to their early teens and as I said before I raised my daughter from 1 week old just about single-handedly as well. How many babies/children have you had and raised, cared for, etc, etc?
Christians Bullied Shop Owner to Stay Closed on Sundays, But the Plan Backfired | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Poor widdle Christians, haven't yet realized that, 1) their exalted beliefs are at total odds with the calendar they live by,. i.e. the week STARTS on Sunday and ENDS on SATURDAY, which means the Sabbath ( meaning SEVENTH Day) is NOT on a Sunday, 2) Their Great Sky Daddy DID NOT specify in his ...
Triphid replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@p-nullifidian Originally the more common language used around that region was Aramaic from which both Hebrew and Arabic evolved later. The Diplomatic/Political language used at those times and before the Roman Empire came along Babylonia and documents were either written Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphs or a combination of both. Historically, the 13 Tribes of Nomadic Hebrews, (plus there were also 12 Tribes of what was become Palestine ) had NO written script until approx. between 1,200 and 980 B.C.E. ( B.C. for those who still adhere to outdated Christian method of time dating.)
News just come to hand.
Wisterious comments on Nov 23, 2020:
Where's @bobwjr when ya need him. Groaner! Lol
Triphid replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@Wisterious Jeez Louise, don't you guys have a sense of humour at all?
Virginia Pastor in Charge of Anti-Mask Christian Daycare Says Virus is a “Hoax” | Hemant Mehta |...
Triphid comments on Nov 23, 2020:
I hope that POS gets both Covid and a permanent case of incurable Mouth Ulcers.
Triphid replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@SeaRay215ex Using a barbed wire noose of course.
Christians Bullied Shop Owner to Stay Closed on Sundays, But the Plan Backfired | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Poor widdle Christians, haven't yet realized that, 1) their exalted beliefs are at total odds with the calendar they live by,. i.e. the week STARTS on Sunday and ENDS on SATURDAY, which means the Sabbath ( meaning SEVENTH Day) is NOT on a Sunday, 2) Their Great Sky Daddy DID NOT specify in his ...
Triphid replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@p-nullifidian Actually, IF you can read Aramaic in which the ORIGINAL O.T. and Torah were written, it states that "on the tablets of stone, the finger of God inscribed ONLY the words Thou shalt keep the Sabbath Holy," ( quick translation from Aramaic to English btw). Now I can't quite remember what the Hebrew/Jewish word for Sunday is I'm pretty darned sure it is NOT Sabbath.
Just a thought here, Should we not spare a moment for this Imaginary God of Abraham who once was ...
Mvtt comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Yeh but that’s what you get for revealing oneself in the middle of the desert to illiterate peasants.
Triphid replies on Nov 23, 2020:
@Mvtt My apologies here Friend, I mis-read your earlier comment and got the idea you were referring to me. Sincerest apologies cfor that, I hope you accept them.
Klingenschmitt: Under Biden, There Will Be an “Atheist Army for the Antichrist” | Hemant Mehta ...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 22, 2020:
All signed up, the bus to Boot Camp leaves Tuesday 6am sharp!
Triphid replies on Nov 23, 2020:
@AnneWimsey Nah, I much prefer moving targets....LOL.
A few times I tried to point out the latent subconscious damage that religion has done that most ...
IAJO163 comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Jesus being mortal did nothing but express the nature of man. Is violence not a way of life?
Triphid replies on Nov 23, 2020:
@IAJO163 Hey, FYI, as a Mid-wife I have helped deliver 165 babies, had 3 children of my own and NEVER once have I either seen an ACTUAL baby arrive from the womb swinging its fist around intent on punching someone out or carrying a weapon. Occasionally toddlers will get into a bit of a squabble over a toy or something BUT never have I seen or heard of a BABY being violent, usually the violence comes from the parent/s and is DIRECTED at the baby.
Just a thought here, Should we not spare a moment for this Imaginary God of Abraham who once was ...
Mvtt comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Yeh but that’s what you get for revealing oneself in the middle of the desert to illiterate peasants.
Triphid replies on Nov 22, 2020:
Oh thank you ever so much for your very kind comment, may I offer this in reply then. May your chickens turn in to Emus and kick your dunny door down, may your head lice become Elephants and break into an endless stampede thus giving you eternal headaches and may your sperm always swim in reverse....LOL.
Sick joke I know but here goes anyway. Why did the tomato blush?
Druvius comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Q: What's yellow and very dangerous? A: Shark infested mustard.
Triphid replies on Nov 22, 2020:
Plus, What is black and white and red all over? A Newspaper...LOL.


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