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If you could have a dinner party with 4 people from history (whom are no longer alive) who would ...
Triphid comments on Feb 26, 2018:
My immediate guests would be Leonardo Da Vinci, Gandhi, Buddha and Christopher Hitchens the dinner conversations would be fantastic to say the least.
Do you consider yourself a humanist?
Triphid comments on Feb 26, 2018:
Humanist, Humanitarian, Non-Racist ( hard not be a Non-Racist given all the different Ethnicities in my genetic lineage), I reckon I fit the bill for all of them and possibly a few more besides.
Do you think the religious really believe?
Triphid comments on Feb 26, 2018:
Religion and Religious Beliefs are the Crutch of the Weak and Feeble Minded just as are Placebos to the Hypochondriacs.
Have you ever been accused of being a cannibal?
Triphid comments on Feb 26, 2018:
Cannibal who eats babies, Satanist, Satan Worshipper, Heathen, Pagan, Savage, Hell-Spawn, Blasphemer, Child of the Devil, the list is almost endless with what I've been called over my 60+ years as an Atheist. When some poor, deluded Theist/Faithfool accuses me of being a Cannibal and eating Babies my response is, "But I only eat the babies from Religious families such as those from the Abrahamic Beliefs because they are so tender, soft and sweet tasting plus there are plenty of them to go around"....LOL.
It is frequently asked if we announce that we are atheists.
Triphid comments on Feb 26, 2018:
I have told everyone since I was a childhood that I am an Atheist, I even informed the Universities of New South Wales and Charles Sturt of that fact when I started studying for my Degrees in Theology and Comparative Modern Religions, much to the utter shock of the Lecturers, etc. I remained an Atheist throughout and am still an Atheist though with an even stronger conviction thanks having a far better and deeper knowledge of religions.
Billy Graham’s Body Shouldn’t “Lie in Honor” in the Capitol Rotunda – Friendly Atheist
Triphid comments on Feb 26, 2018:
Totally agree, his body is nothing 'special' and neither was he when he was alive to be honest. All he really was, was just another Con-artist who seized onto the gullibility of millions around the world and proceeded to milk them and it for everything it was worth.
How would you tell a guy that his fly is open in a party/public?
Triphid comments on Feb 22, 2018:
I use the time old Aussie method and simply ask " Has your budgie gone out for a walk again."
What's your favorite atheist stereotype(s)? Mine; we're all demon worshiping, vegans.
Triphid comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Mine would have to be the Xtian ideology that Atheists eat babies when Xtians themselves practice Pseudo-Cannibalism with their Bread and Wine rituals.
After Mass Shooting, FL House Votes to Put “In God We Trust” Signs in Schools – Friendly ...
Triphid comments on Feb 22, 2018:
"In God We Trust," now that has to be epitome of epitomes. Has this Imaginary, Invisible Supreme Entity ever once actually stepped in a 'Godly' manner and stopped either a bullet or an idiot Yank from shooting up innocents?
What is the most important trait you seek in a friend?
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Honesty, openness and a willingness to accept me for who I am, exactly what they can expect from me.
Have You Ever Been Molested As A Child?
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Yes, at the tender age of 10 by 3 men who were devout Catholics.
Theater vs home movie?
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I'd have to say Home Movies for 2 main reasons, a) I have a problem with crowds/crowded places, and, b) I designed and built my own surround sound system that does really 'shake' the room when the volume is up past half way.
If you had a penny for every time someone tried to convert you, how rich or poor would be?
Triphid comments on Feb 20, 2018:
If that were the case then over my 64 years I'd have to reckon on my having enough to be able supplement my meager government pension quite a bit. Especially considering that my Evangelist neighbour tries repeatedly at every opportunity to 'lead' me to the path.' Hey, IF you made it a dollar for every 'attempt' then in the last 4 years I'd have enough to say goodbye to the pension completely.
Unusual Expressions II - Cockney Rhyming Slang
Triphid comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Brahms and Liszt = pissed, Butcher's hook, = crook ( ill, sick or somewhat dishonest), Joe Blake, = snake, flat out, = working hard, Tit for Tat ( usually said as 'Titfer') = hat, clodhoppers, = work boot/heavy shoes or big feet, billylids, = kids, Steak and Kidney, = Sydney (Aussie slang saying), 'Back of Bourke,' = way out in the bush, another Aussie slang saying, Ball and Chain = wife, also an Aussie slang saying, Aspro, = Slow working Dope, Aussie term for someone who is quite lazy or useless, Nugget, = Aussie term for a person who is also quite lazy in that he/she just lays around and does nothing, Rattler, = any train or very old car/bus, etc, Crows, = Nuns or Priests especially Catholic ones, Dry as a Dead Nuns' Fanny, = thirsty or it hasn't rained for a very long time, Dry as a Pommies bath towel, = same meaning as above, 2 loaves short of a sandwich, = someone who is obviously pretty dumb/stupid, thick as 2 short planks, = same as above, Just a few Aussie slang sayings added here for anyone to use.
In a recent post I mentioned to watch the religious zealots blame the shootings on a lack of prayer ...
Triphid comments on Feb 18, 2018:
The 'United' States of American = a nation born out of conflict, thrives upon creating/ getting involved in conflict, one of the biggest, if not the biggest, Arms Manufactures in the World, is it any wonder they have such an almost religious adoration for firearms and weaponry? It is absolutely abhorrent that they cannot encompass the idea that it is NOT guns that kill, it IS people who use guns to KILL that are the problem and as such they are slowly but surely designing, not only their own demise, but the demise of the Human Race as well.
11 Mormon employees quit after first female mayor elected in Utah town - --
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Bye, Bye, you poor little Mormons, So sad, Too Bad, I'm Glad now go suck eggs you misled, misguided, deluded little Dip-shits.
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2018:
We are ALL born completely NAKED and then social 'norms' are imposed upon us BEFORE we are even aware of them and, voila, we are draped in clothing. The Human body didn't EVOLVE simply to be walking advertisements for Tailors, Dressmakers, Cloth Manufacturers and the like, it evolved to be naked so that it could cool itself faster and more efficiently unhampered by excessive coverings such as hair ( fur) or clothing. Did our earliest ancestors become sexually aroused every time they saw a naked pair of breasts 'bouncing' freely around them? No, I don't think so, they were most likely more concerned with watching out for predators or searching for their next meal, beliefs such as religions have imposed upon humans the ideology that being naked is a 'SIN' and , in reality, what is SIN, Sin is nothing more than an Imaginary Crime invented by Religions to stop people from actually being what they evolved to be.
Truth In Advertising: ‘Atheists Make Better Lovers’
Triphid comments on Feb 12, 2018:
I'd say a definite YEs to this question simply because Atheists are NOT restricted by the imposed 'norms' of religious beliefs, etc. Atheists, for the most part, are people who relish experimentation, knowledge, understanding and catering to the needs of others and themselves thus they are TRULY Liberated People.
I just became a level SIX! SIX! SIX! Super atheist.
Triphid comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Congratulations, excellent work, never give up the Quest.
Some good news from the horse’s mouth (instead of the other end - Christianity today).
Triphid comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Teens of the World listen to yourselves, think for yourselves, question EVERYTHING, accept NOTHING religions tell you UNLESS they can provide empirically tried, tested and proven Evidence.
I was told by a Christian that atheist stay stressed cause they always doing research on everything.
Triphid comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Religion = Emotional, Mental and often Physical Stress whereas Atheism allows one to avoid such stresses simply because an Atheist knows and realises that the only thing that truly matters is the here and now.
Calling ex Mormons...
Triphid comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Hey, ONCE you invite Mormons into your life they are akin to getting Bed-Bugs mate. Almost impossible to get rid of and nearly as impossible to reason with. Trust me, been there done that. NEVER ever invite them for a meal, they take it as a PERMANENT invite and will show up at their pleasure NOT yours.
FACT CHECK: Does a New Law Allow Atheist Doctors to Refuse Care to Religious Patients?
Triphid comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Under the Hippocratic Oath taken by Doctors NO Doctor can refuse treatment to ANY person regardless of Gender, Race or Religion.
How about your best "Dad jokes"?
Triphid comments on Jan 26, 2018:
Singers Tom Jones and John Farnham decide to do one Final Tour together, on the final night of the final concert John Farnham did "Sadie the Cleaning Lady" as the last song, but Tom Jones waited until the Concert was empty before did "Sadie" his own way.
About Jesus
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Jesus, Never heard of her.
Do you think abused people should expose their abusers on social media?
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2018:
And do NOT fool yourselves Women can and often are Abusers of men as well. I know this for a very personal FACT.
Do you think abused people should expose their abusers on social media?
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Yes, definitely because doing so should, hopefully, prevent some other person from becoming the next victim.
How about your best "Dad jokes"?
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2018:
The fence between Heaven and Hell is badly in need of repairs, so God tells Satan that he MUST pay half the costs of repairs or be sued in Court. Satan just laughs and says, "Go ahead, I've got ALL the Lawyers, Judges, etc, down here with me AND don't bother with the Ecclesiastic Courts either, because where do you think ALL the popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, etc, are, right down here with the Lawyers and Judges."
How about your best "Dad jokes"?
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2018:
What goes black and white, black and white, black and white THUMP? A Nun rolling down stairs.
How about your best "Dad jokes"?
Triphid comments on Jan 19, 2018:
3 Nuns die in a car accident and arrive at the Pearly Gate. The Gatekeeper is getting a bit bored with his duties and decides to spark thing up by asking questions to those wanting entry. The first Nun fronts up and is asked, " Who was the Greatest Australian Cricketer of all time? The nun replies, "Hmmm, I don't know the answer," and is immediately sent off to Hell. The next Nun is asked, "Who invented the wheel.?" She replies the same as the first and goes to Hell too. The third fronts up, a bit nervous, and gets asked, "What were the first words Eve spoke when she saw Adam for the first time.?" She answers, "Gee, that is a hard one." The Gatekeeper simply says to her, "Correct, now you can pass through the gates."
I love to paint in acrylics. Is anyone here an artist?
Triphid comments on Jan 17, 2018:
Yes, I'm an 'amateur Artist here in Broken Hill, NSW, Australia, very little actual 'Art Training,' except for in High School, I use acrylic paints, old house paints or whatever I can get that is available fairly cheaply. I also carve Emu Eggs when I can legally get them. I've attached a couple of my amateur works for anyone who is interested to have a look at them.
Some times I wish I believed in a god, so I'd have someone to get pissed at.
Triphid comments on Jan 17, 2018:
It is extremely sad In my opinion that in this enlightened day and age hat there are so many who cling desperately to notion that they cannot take responsibility for their own and the redressing of such actions to those they may have wronged but instead believe that by praying to some Invisible and Imaginary Sky Being that everything will be set right for both parties. As was once said by a Philosopher from way back, "He who can take whatever steps, personally, it needs to accept and atone for the wrongs he has done is a far, far greater man than one expects a God/s to do the job on his behalf." Sadly the identity of that Philosopher escapes for the moment otherwise I'd be only too proud to give Credit where Credit is truly due.
If you could live forever, would you want to?
Triphid comments on Jan 17, 2018:
No, it would be something that would end up being completely boring after a time, you'd live on whilst friends, family, etc, would all be long dead or dying.
Being an atheist shows you that every minute is sacred
Triphid comments on Jan 17, 2018:
Every single moment alive is far more valuable than the word 'sacred' could ever mean. Sacred is a word for the Religious and a word they seem to use in a manner akin to 'name dropping.' As my Father, an Underground Miner, would always say, "Every day that you are above ground (.I.e. ALIVE) is a day to enjoyed and cherished and agree with that 100%.
If the Bible Were Law, Would You Qualify for the Death Penalty?
Triphid comments on Jan 17, 2018:
I'd either be stoned to Death or Burned at the Stake for being a Heretic, an Atheist, A heathen and a Pagan. But it would be worth it because I'd be dying for the sake of Truth, Reason and Logic.
Marriage: What's your take on it?
Triphid comments on Jan 13, 2018:
Married twice, divorced once, separated now for nearly 13 years because I don't know or even care to know where the lying, cheating, thieving Hag is BUT I'd happily sign the Divorce Papers IF she sent them to me. No, I'll never marry again BUT I would live in a De-facto/Common Law Relationship IF I could find someone I could truly trust.
Have you visited one of the 7 Wonders of the World?
Triphid comments on Jan 13, 2018:
My daughter and I were extremely privileged to be guided on a tour inside the Great pyramid of Cheops in 1998 by Zahi Hawas himself. It was amazing and eye-opening just as was our later tour through the 'bowels' ( storage areas) of the Cairo Museum.
Is Fox News credible or mostly propaganda?
Triphid comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Given that Fox anything is mostly owned and controlled by Rupert Murdoch I'd have to say that Fox News is much like almost every other news broadcast by Commercial Media Sources, i.e. It is overly sensationalised, twisted and warped until truth and fact are almost indistinguishable from fiction and propaganda, etc.
Does the Universe have to make sense?
Triphid comments on Jan 12, 2018:
No because it is an inherent human desire to make sense/find regular or recognisable patterns, etc, in everything around them. Take clouds for example, How many of us, even as adults, often stare at clouds and think we see familiar or fantastically mythical shapes/forms in the cloud shapes, the shapes that are not there in reality but only because our minds simply expect them to be there? The vast majority of us have a need to adhere to a regular schedule/pattern within our daily lives and to ever so many, even the slightest deviation from the regularity can often be a cause for great concern/upset to them. Nature, which makes up everything around and within us, knows no such thing as sense/regularity in my opinion, nature simply does what Nature has always done and always will do regardless of what we humans think/deem/decide should be its 'rules/laws' of behaviour.
What song would you want played for your funeral?
Triphid comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Well, I have a list of songs, Bat out of Hell -Meatloaf, Smoke on the Water, - Deep Purple, Son of my Father, Riders on the Storm, and since I'm going to cremated, Light My Fire - The Doors, to be the last song played.
Would you rather: Sit through an entire church service, or get shots at the doctor's office
Triphid comments on Jan 11, 2018:
That's a No-Brainer, I'm an Atheist and one who is fully in support of vaccinations, etc,. therefore I'd take the waiting in the Doctors' Surgery over being bored shitless in church any day.
Do atheists have morals without religion?
Triphid comments on Jan 9, 2018:
100% true, no-one needs any kind of religion to be a moral person. Human morality and ethics arose as our earliest ancestor discovered, just like other animals already knew, that survival depended upon co-operation, caring and nurturing each other as well as protecting the members, young or old, of the clan/tribe. Religions have merely hijacked that concept/idea and twisted it around to suit their agenda/s.
How do you feel about the term New Atheism? Do you identify with the term of not?
Triphid comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Atheism has been around longer than humans and those whom humans evolved from have had delusions of gods/goddesses, etc. There really is NO 'New' Atheism since nothing about it is really 'new' except for the fact that in most Western Civilised Cultures Atheists can now speak out freely and openly without the fear of being persecuted, burnt, tortured as were the circumstances for centuries up until the mid 18th.through to the 19th. centuries.
Rh- bloodtype?
Triphid comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Every human being has either of the Rh+ or Rh- factor in their blood type, the only major significance of the Rhesus Factor is for the identification of the blood type as is whether a person is of the A, B, AB or O type as well. The Rhesus factor ( Rh) makes not one iota of a difference as to whether or not a person is/or will be religious or Agnostic/Atheist just as hair colour/ethnicity, etc, has absolutely nothing to with intelligence or any thing else.
Tithing, Taxes... is there a difference?
Triphid comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Tithes/Taxes/Levies are ALL exactly the same thing, i.e. an Impost upon people and their incomes whether they can truly afford them or not. Christian Churches try to cover up their own taxes by calling them 'tithes' which, btw, the word tithe means 1/10th. of your gross income, NOT your nett income. Their next step is to try and convince you that these 'tithes' are monies for God or that they are to help 'do God's work.' Think about this though, IF this Supreme Being is as Omnipotent ( All Powerful) as the religion/s claim THEN why does he/she/it need money in the first place? Governments impose taxes supposedly so that they may continually up-date/refurbish, etc, the infrastructure/s that we rely upon BUT where exactly do all the millions, if not Billions they raise actually go?
Should we be debating theists?
Triphid comments on Jan 5, 2018:
Yes, most definitely and as often and logically as is humanly possible. The whole world and humanity would be far, far better off if there were no religions.
Did you experience Religious Trauma Syndrome in leaving religion?
Triphid comments on Jan 5, 2018:
To be completely honest the only actual 'trauma' I had upon 'leaving' religion behind me was when the Catholic Priest at the Sunday School my mother FORCED me to attend ( after being expelled, cursed and described as being a Heretic, Heathen, Pagan, Devil's Pawn, Satan's Child, etc, etc, for simply asking questions that they either refused or could not answer) was the trauma of receiving 12 strokes of the cane across my buttocks and hands. Believe me, it hurt like bloody hell but it was well worth it.
We are constantly debating the principle of a "religious liberty".
Triphid comments on Jan 5, 2018:
Religions have enjoyed their usurped/stolen freedoms and liberties since their first days of invention. These 'freedoms and liberties' have been nothing more than a blight on humanity and human development, they suppressed and repressed the growth and advancement of mankind, destroyed freedoms of culture, thought, knowledge, understanding and personal lives and choices to say the very least and all with absolute and unwarranted impunity.
Why should we respect religion, when they don't respect atheist?
Triphid comments on Jan 5, 2018:
Respect is NOT a Right it is something that needs to earned and Religions have never actually done anything at all throughout their history that even remotely resembles anything that could be classed as deserving of respect.
Hello guys, well, my friend Shana told me that I should not be so open minded, in telling people ...
Triphid comments on Jan 4, 2018:
If you have a 'friend' who tells you to "keep your Atheism/Agnosticism to yourself" then that is a 'friend' you would be far better off not having at all.
Why are some atheists angry?
Triphid comments on Jan 4, 2018:
And, who says that Atheists are "angry", the Theists do, not the Atheists that I know and I know literally Thousands, if not, Millions of them. Theists make a point of throwing false accusations at Atheists, they make a point of insulting, deriding, debasing and threatening Atheists, as I have had done to me personally innumerable times, with absolute impunity. Atheists just simply try to get their ideas/thoughts, etc, across to the Theists and it is the Theists who become irascible, angry and threatening, not the Atheists.
If you found out the Christian God of the bible was real, would you worship him?
Triphid comments on Jan 4, 2018:
Simple answer NO, I worship nor bend my knee to neither man nor god.
What is the bible to you?
Triphid comments on Jan 4, 2018:
As one who has a Doctorate in Theology plus a Degree in both Ancient and Modern Histories I can simply say that the bible, starting with the O.T. is little more than a sordid mish-mash of mythologies and legends, etc, plagiarised from much older cultures/civilisations around the Mediterranean Region and twisted and contorted to suit the desire of the Hebrew Peoples in a vain effort to validate themselves and their perpetual war-like natures. The N.T. also simply a re-think apology effort to put their god into a more favourable light than it was in the O.T..
Another one of my cartoons to demonstrate what Christians don't seem to realize they are ...
Triphid comments on Jan 4, 2018:
pitnerd, I hope you don't mind, but, I'm borrow that great cartoon to post it on the numerous Atheist v. Theists Groups on Facebook of which I am a member WHEN I'm allowed back on Facebook after my 3 days sentence to Facebook Stalag 19 is over for 'upsetting' those very 'tender' sensitivities of a couple of Xtians simply by citing their own beliefs back to them.
So atheist or agnostic men don't shave, huh?
Triphid comments on Jan 3, 2018:
What a bloody ridiculous statement that is. I, for, one shave EVERY single day ( except for my moustache which is my kind of signature thing since one of my nicknames is 'Mo,' and I have been shaving my whole head since March 2000 in keeping with a solemn promise I made to my 15 year old Daughter who was undergoing Chemotherapy for Lymphatic Cancer and sadly passed away in January 2001 when it returned even worse than before. My promise was that "Should her glorious and beautifully Golden Hair fall out, then I would shave mine off and it would remain that way until hers grew back again." Now I shave my head in honour of her and her memory.
Has anybody ever been to the point that they get away from religious people as soon as possible?
Triphid comments on Jan 3, 2018:
Oh yes, more times than I even care to remember.
As an Atheist or Agnostic, are you less depressed or anxious?
Triphid comments on Jan 3, 2018:
As a Fully Accredited, Qualified and practising Psychologist, Child and Young Adult Psychological Counsellor and also working with adults of all ages, I can honestly and openly state categorically that of the many hundreds of clients I have worked with over 30 plus years that I've been Counselling, 9 out of every 10 of my Theist/Religious Clients have plainly had and shown severe/extreme symptoms/sign of BOTH Depression and Anxiety whereas less 3 out every 10 Non-believing Clients have shown any of those symptoms/signs. Others in my field have also found very much similar ratios and have documented them as have I BUT they too have found themselves to be the target of much derision, etc, from the 'circle' of fellow Psychologist who are adherent Religious Believers. When it comes to the children/youths from Religious backgrounds in particular I have found, as also have innumerable fellow Psychologists btw, they suffer far more from Depressions/Anxieties than do the children from Non-Religious backgrounds and families and the Non-religious background children are not plagued by the one thing that is, in my opinion, epidemic among the Religious Children, that being an Ingrained Fear/Dread/Terror of punishment from their parents/peers and god IF they even listen to/try to comprehend. absorb ANYTHING at all that is not a part of nor relates to entirely the Tenets/Dogmas, etc, of the Belief System/s that they have force fed from the earliest parts of their lives. Ergo, it is my Educated opinion that religion and religious up-bringing does have a very negate effect and harmful impact on the developing minds and personas of young children and young adults and this urgently needs to be addressed for the sake of future generations.
So, I got scolded by some “Free the Nipple” advocates (who I fully support) because they promote...
Triphid comments on Jan 3, 2018:
Mammary Glands were mainly evolved in Mammals as well as marsupials and monotremes as a means to supply the off-spring with the most nutritious foods possible by the easiest means possible, i.e. milk at a regulate consistency and temperature via ducts, etc, running through nipple like structures. Yes, they are also attractive and very eye-catching BUT by no means are they obscene unless, imho, you are a 100% unadulterated Prude.
Lets say It was NOW the year 2060.
Triphid comments on Jan 3, 2018:
To be brutally honest I would fight until my death to remain an Atheist no matter what.
Life on other Planets? Yes or No?
Triphid comments on Jan 2, 2018:
It would SHEER, Unadulterated Human Religious fed Arrogance to think/believe that only this 1 single planet amid possibly millions in the Universe would have some sort of life on it. As to whether that life-form may be intelligent or not is another question since We humans see ourselves as being the 'Pinnacle of Intelligence and Evolution' then I ask Who are we to actually judge since WE can't even manage to get along with members of our OWN species.
Do You Have a ‘Bible?
Triphid comments on Jan 2, 2018:
As a Theologian and a Life-long Atheist, YES, I do have a bible, in fact I have read many differing versions of the bible during my studies plus virtually every other religious writing/book/ scripture there is. But to me personally these lines from "Desiderata" are my sort of personal motto/mantra and have a great meaning to me. "You are a Child of the universe, No less than the Trees and the Stars, YOU have a right to be here, and whether or not it is clear to you, No doubt the Universe IS unfolding as it should, be at Peace with yourself....."
Do we have a purpose in life?
Triphid comments on Jan 2, 2018:
I, personally, think that to make the most of your life, enjoy it when, where and however you can, be a decent, caring and compassionate member of the Community/Society, stand firm on who you are and what you think and feel, defend those who seem unable to defend themselves if and when required especially children and the elderly. But above all else be True to yourself.
Living single? Loneliness or freedom?
Triphid comments on Jan 2, 2018:
I've been near enough to single, except for 3 short and very forgettable relationships that is, since late 2005. I find a lot of pros in being single, like I've got the whole bed to myself, I can wander around the house totally naked and comfortable when the outside Summer temps. are 30 to 40+ degrees Celsius, I'm the only one I need to consider when I'm cooking a meal or when I'm going to actually eat it, etc, etc, but there are some cons as well, Like it can get quite lonely from time to time, especially if I'm feeling a bit down and could really enjoy a cuddle or 2, etc, etc, But overall I say that at times the benefits do outweigh the negatives since the one thing I truly enjoy is that I can be myself whenever I want to and THERE IS NO-ONE trying to force THEIR ideas of who I should onto me as happened with my 3 very short and very forgettable earlier relationships.
A New Years Joke for Hubby (and friends!)
Triphid comments on Jan 1, 2018:
Another little bit of fun you can try is Superglue a coin, in Australia we use a Dollar coin btw, but something of reasonable value, to the concrete path outside your house where you can see it easily then sit back with a coffee and watch the antics as passers by try to pick it up. OR, Get an old wallet/purse, cut off a section of a banknote showing the value of the note, glue the section firmly into the wallet/purse with the value corner showing clearly, attach, firmly fix a good length of clear fishing line to the wallet/purse then place it outside the front gate or door. When a passer-by stoops to pick it, quickly wind the wallet/purse back out of reach, the reactions/expressions are almost priceless to say the least.
For New Years:Patronizing things that religious people say to us. My Top 10. What are yours?
Triphid comments on Jan 1, 2018:
One I used to get extremely regularly from Evangelist next door neighbour was, "If only you'd just open up your heart and let Jesus in." My usual response was either, "Show me the scar from opening up YOUR heart first please," or, "What, open up my heart, do I look like a Cardio-Thoracic Surgeon?"
The friendly atheists next door
Triphid comments on Dec 31, 2017:
I am, without a doubt 'the Atheist next door to a Theist, an Evangelic Theist to be exact. Most of my other neighbours are either Atheists or Agnostics and we have all endured the endless preachings of religion from him with the most painful regularity imaginable. As a result I am in the process of making myself a NEW house number 'plate' for my front gate which will also have painted on it, in Large Capital Letters, "No God-Botherers."
I have a fun (if you don't mind awkward) social experiment.
Triphid comments on Dec 31, 2017:
I once had a sneezing episode ( fit) whilst waiting to cross a busy road, a voice behind me said out loud "God Bless you my son. I turned around to see a Catholic Priest standing behind he in full regalia so my response ( which just popped into my head for some unknown reason) was simply, "Aha, I thought so, I have an allergy to religion, it gives me terrible hay-fever."
A New Years Joke for Hubby (and friends!)
Triphid comments on Dec 31, 2017:
Try this one at your New Years Party or any party for that matter. Get a large roll of Cling Film/Cling Wrap, lift up the toilet seat and stretch the cling wrap firmly over the toilet pan top making sure it stay firmly in place and with NO visible creases or crinkles, etc, then lower the seat back down ( removing the light bulb is optional also btw, then just sit back and wait until the next guest uses the toilet. You will get quite a laugh from the results.
Should prostitution be illegal?
Triphid comments on Dec 31, 2017:
Prostitution IS by far the Oldest Profession in Human History, it's a historical FACT that innumerable Brothels in Rome for Centuries were OWNED and Operated by Cardinals, etc, etc, and frequented by others INCLUDING Popes themselves YET the Catholic Church in its High and Mighty Self-Righteousness frowns upon Prostitution even to this day. Bigotry is very much alive and thriving in religions, especially Catholicism. YES, legalise Prostitution, monitor it, regulate it and eradicate ALL stigma and the filthy, parasitic Pimps associated with it.
Do you taunt the religious?
Triphid comments on Dec 31, 2017:
IF 'taunting' means earnestly trying to explain to them that their belief systems are erroneous and unfounded, then yes I'll admit that I do taunt them in some way. But I see it more as my Human Duty to try to get them to see that Reality IS the only thing that we, as humans, have and that mythology/religion is really only a disguised version of escapism.
Opinions wanted: my now ex has suddenly converted to Christianity??
Triphid comments on Dec 27, 2017:
The answer is quite simple, He is now your 'ex' so why worry anyway.
Is life meaningful without religion?
Triphid comments on Dec 22, 2017:
to put it in ONE word only, YES.
If religion never existed... (finish the line)
Triphid comments on Dec 22, 2017:
If religion never existed chances are the Human Race would have already discovered a way to travel between the stars and beyond.
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
Triphid comments on Dec 20, 2017:
I never hide the truth, I just state that I am an Atheist, I state it as loud and clearly as the situation dictates/requires and defend my stance when and where ever necessary. Be proud to be an Atheist, Be honest about being an Atheist and NEVER surrender you convictions for anything or anyone.
What do you think of people that think all you need is the Bible?
Triphid comments on Dec 20, 2017:
Personally, I try very hard NOT to think about them BUT when I do I fear for the future of Humanity since these are also the people who will be breeding some of the peoples of tomorrow.
What would make you believe in a God?
Triphid comments on Dec 19, 2017:
Absolutely Undeniable, Empirically Tried, Tested and tangible, factual Evidence tested, examined, re-tested, re-examined by a panel of its Peers is the ONLY way I would even vaguely consider believing that ANY God/s/Goddesses exist or have ever existed.
What about religious fence sitters?
Triphid comments on Dec 19, 2017:
"Religious Fence-Sitters" are what could more commonly referred to being "Hedge-Bettors" i.e. they are betting on BOTH sides of the debate on the off-chance that one side may be correct ergo they can't lose either way.
If you found out the Christian God of the bible was real, would you worship him?
Triphid comments on Dec 19, 2017:
Firstly, NOT a snowballs chance in Forest Fire would I believe in/worship ANYTHING or ANYONE who or what deems that Rape, Murder, Infanticide, Genocide, Slavery, the debasement of women, the Starvation and Deaths of Millions, including Children, Racism/Discrimination, etc, etc, ( shit the list is almost endless btw) is a Divine Right. FFS, anyone worshipping such a Being/Thing would be the absolute Epitome of a Heartless, Inhumane Barbaric Savage to say the very least.
What is the most bizarre tale from the "babble"?
Triphid comments on Dec 19, 2017:
The Jonah and the belly of a fish/whale story would have to rank fairly high on any scale. Oh, and let's no forget about a 3 'Wise' men following a star for thousands of miles and that star conveniently 'stopping' and 'pointing' directly at some insignificant, isolated cow shed in the middle on nowhere where a baby just HAPPENS to be born amid cow shit, flies and diseases. Yep that makes great sense.
I want to be entirely clear on the idea of whether or not science is a belief.
Triphid comments on Dec 17, 2017:
A Belief or system of Belief requires 2 main elements, a) Faith, and, b) Faith WITHOUT any empirical/definable/falsifiable evidence what-so-ever. Where as Sciences require Evidence, Experimentation, Testing, Discussion, Debating, Re-Testing, Re-Examining and re-debating UNTIL either PROVEN Correct or incorrect. Ergo Science is NOT a religion since it demands and requires the production of those things religions cannot exhibit.
Is panthiesm considered a religon,or would it be more a way of life?
Triphid comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Theism is Religion/religious belief since the word literally means a belief in a God/Gods, ergo Pantheism is simply a belief in many Gods/Goddesses as per the Romans, Egyptians, Greeks, etc, etc.
Do you support the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?
Triphid comments on Dec 16, 2017:
Well a similar thing has been operating in Australia and the U.K. for ages now and they both have worked very well. So why is that Americans haven't jumped on the bandwagon?
Let us end the blight of religion and replace it with knowledge, reason, and the unyielding pursuit ...
Triphid comments on Dec 16, 2017:
I agree 110%.
Guilty pleasures?
Triphid comments on Dec 14, 2017:
I'll confess that my most 'guilty' pleasure is to put on my cd of Jesus Christ Superstar, connect up the speakers that I have installed outside my house, crank up the volume and play the cd just loud enough to 'piss' my Evangelical next door neighbour off since he keeps telling me that the musical, Jesus Christ Superstar, is UTTER Blasphemy and the work of the Devil. Mind you, when I do play it, NONE of my surrounding neighbours ever complain, they usually ask me to turn the volume up a bit louder next time. I suppose that might be because Mr. Jesus Jockey ( as he has been nicknamed by everyone) has made a point of intruding into the lives of every neighbour, including mine, and attempting to preach to and convert us and that every Sunday, with tedious regularity, we get non-stop Gospel music booming out from his house as well.
Triphid comments on Dec 14, 2017:
IF there are Extraterrestrials out there somewhere in this vast Universe, it would be sheer and unadulterated Human Arrogance to believe that this tiny chunk of rock orbiting a relatively small yellow sun IS the only place in the great vastness that harbours life of any kind, then I opine that they are more than likely far more advanced than we are and as such are still too busy laughing at a species so insanely primitive that it not only argues with itself over the existence of some Fantastically, Imaginary, Non-Existent Supreme Sky Fairy BUT will also kill their OWN just to try and prove who's Sky Fairy is the best.
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2017:
An ATHEISTS since childhood, still an Atheist BUT one who also has a Doctorate Degree in Theology and Comparative modern Religions something which is quite the 'asset' when it comes to 'debating' with the "Faithfools."
What makes a god, a God?
Triphid comments on Dec 12, 2017:
To create a god, any god/goddess first you need to make your deity Completely Invisible, Intangible and Completely Unapproachable THEN you next need to find as many Gullible people as possible who are willing to worship your creation.
How could Adam and Eve sin if they didn't know sin yet?
Triphid comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Excellent question and one the ones I asked as an 8 year old that got me EXPELLED from Sunday School BUT only after I was chastised in front of the entire Congregation.
So...I have a question?
Triphid comments on Dec 6, 2017:
I pose that question every time one the 'Faithfools' sets about preaching on some of the Facebook sites I visit. It'd take more time and writing that I'm prepared to waste to list out those lame, worn out old 'apologetic' reasons/excuses that they roll out endlessly. But the most USUAL one I get gives me a bloody huge belly laugh, "You'll burn in Hell if you don't believe in god or if you question anything about god." To which I simply reply, "You've been throwing that one about for the best part of 2,000 years, don't you think it's about time you got a new one?"
Dave Allen on Religion Fucking Hilarious! - YouTube
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2017:
Dave Allen, a Fabulous Comedian, great at poking fun at Religion, Catholicism in particular, I could and would happily spend hours watching his shows if they were available on DVD.
Bright side of the religions
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2017:
You mean there's a 'Bright Side?' I suppose the 'bright side' for Atheists like myself is that we Atheists get to debate Reality against Fantasy.
What is the worst movie you've seen?
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2017:
Titanic with Leonardo DiCaprio ( DeCrappio) most definitely.
Does anyone else here sing Karaoke?? If so what songs or type of music?
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2017:
I suppose that IF singing to the songs that are playing in my home is Karaoke then it's a very BIG yes for me. But with Agoraphobia, going to Pubs/Clubs is out so I do my singing ( if it can be called that....LOL) at home to NOT inflict the hearing of others to 'excessive' torment...LOL.
Old question. What's your favorite classic song?
Triphid comments on Dec 5, 2017:
Having a lot of favourite songs, I'd have to be honest and just mention a few of them, Daddy Don't you Cry - Elio ( written in Honour of my 16 year old Daughter who passed away from cancer in 2001, I am Pegasus - Ross Ryan, Ferryman - Chris De-Burgh, Wild Thing - The Troggs ( also one of my nicknames I gave to my daughter, Indian Reservation - Don Fardon, Copperhead Road - Lee Kernaghan, and not forgetting my very best favourite, Saltwater - Julian Lennon.
Should children be constitutionally protected from a specified list of abuses including ...
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2017:
In my opinion as a Practicing Child and Youth Crisis Counsellor, teaching young children ( aged from 4 thru to teens especially) IS a form of Psychological Child Abuse. I have counselled numerous children and young people who have been subjected this form of abuse not only on the home front but also at schools as well and the harm done to their minds, let alone their self-esteem, is often well beyond imagination. Religion and it's dogmas BELONGS solely in the places of Religion and DEFINITELY NOT in places of Education. IF parents want to be religious then let them be so, BUT, also they MUST be legally TOLD that as parents they MUST allow their children to grow and develop their own minds, understandings, etc, WITHOUT the continuous pressures exerted on them from Religions and Religious Beliefs.
calling science an atheist religion
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2017:
Since Atheism is a complete LACK of any Religious Belief what-so-ever, i.e. a Denial that ANY and ALL God, Gods/Goddesses have ever existed or ever will, therefore an Atheist would NOT believe that Science could be religious in any way, shape or form. Ergo,that idea is Utterly Illogical to say the least.
10 fallacies about atheists - have I missed any?
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2017:
You've gotten the well worn one Theists ( Faithfools) regularly cite everywhere, "Atheists are ALL Satan Worshippers." My response to that statement every time is, "If we do NOT believe there is a God then WHY would we believe there is a Devil/Satan?"
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
Triphid comments on Dec 2, 2017:
Many years ago I had some Seventh Day Adventists knock on my door. Right at the time I also had a young Dingo Pup ( Native Australian Dog) that my daughter and I were raising. Right when they started their religious spiel the pup started yelping, it was outside in the back yard at the time, and out of the blue my Daughter suddenly shouted to me, "Dad, you'd better come quick, the baby is trying to eat the dingo." Funny thing is that my Daughter was an only child and just 7 years old at that time, BUT the dirty looks I got from the Door Knockers were priceless to say the least.
What is your standard of evidence, regarding religious claims?
Triphid comments on Dec 1, 2017:
Any Tangible, Empirical, Tried and Tested Falsifiable Evidence what-so ever BUT NOT simply citing that "It is written in the Bible so it must be True."
This question is for former believers but lifelong atheists feel free to chime in.
Triphid comments on Dec 1, 2017:
I have been an Atheists since my childhood and YES I WOULD be an Atheist again no matter what.


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