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It really does cover pretty much everything, except those occasional WOW moments in life.
Triphid comments on Mar 14, 2019:
I think you missed the WTF moments, there seems to be plenty of those in life as well.
Triphid replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@Surfpirate To my mind WOOW is an exclamation of surprise whereas WTF is an exclamation of utter shock/horror, etc, at something so inanely stupid, idiotic, irrational, etc, etc. For example, One might say WOW when confronted with a beautiful woman approaching you or receiving a gift that one never expected, BUT one would say WTF when, for example, some deluded twerp like my Evangelist neighbor comes and asks you to assist him in making a replica Crucifix and help him to nail himself to it so he can be exactly like his Christ. Mind you, I did say much more than merely WTF to that request I also rang the local Mental Health Services, and the Police just in case he went through with it.
Space explained - look in a "empty" cardboard box - what do you see - space, or area.
Triphid comments on Mar 14, 2019:
But, even when assumedly 'empty' a cardboard box is not truly empty in that it still contains something, i.e. AIR, just saying it and not intending to deride/ridicule or any such thing btw.
Triphid replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@gater Technically, even Outer space isn't exactly empty nor a Total Vacuum since it still contains molecules of dust and gases wafting around through it.
Let me never engage with a person who wants to wear a genital go-pro camera during sex. []
Triphid comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Anyone, absolutely ANYONE who wants to film PRIVATE sexual intercourse is just a big as creep as the biblical God/Jesus in my opinion.
Triphid replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@darthfaja ???????????
I might be a little too religion focused.
Triphid comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Nice shirts but I want one that reads, God = Mass Murder, Genocide, Child Abuse, Slavery, Rape, etc, etc.
Triphid replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@Deiter Unfortunately even here in the Outback of Australia we too have the problem with the God/Jesus Plague that infests the world, though once the vast distances and remoteness was a kind of a barrier and we were only troubled by the 'mainstream' less infective form of plague. Nowadays we have the 'mainstream' as well as the 'mutated' versions as well to contend with, i.e. the Mormons( Morons), the JEHOs, ( Jehovah's Witnesses), the Sevos ( Seventh Day Adventists), the Evangelists, the 'Born-Agains,' and the odd, random, dirty, disheveled Street corner Preacher type weirdo as well. I tell them all, politely at times, that I "piss on their God and Jesus, their insane religious beliefs, their crazy Occult rituals, etc, etc", but it seems like trying to talk to a solid concrete block.
Thought I should post a picture of me in my new Agnostic.
Triphid comments on Mar 13, 2019:
The shirt is great BUT the contents are even better.
Triphid replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@Redheadedgammy My Honor and Pleasure, you richly deserve all the kind words you can get.
I might be a little too religion focused.
Triphid comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Nice shirts but I want one that reads, God = Mass Murder, Genocide, Child Abuse, Slavery, Rape, etc, etc.
Triphid replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@Deiter Around my area, a Riot Starter more like, especially since I have a full-on Evangelist for a next door neighbor. But hey, it'd be one way of returning the favours by upsetting his days as he regularly does mine with preaching and try to convert me, after, the faithfools do believe in the bible bit where it says clearly " Do unto others as they would do unto you," so I'm merely following their led.
Thought I should post a picture of me in my new Agnostic.
Triphid comments on Mar 13, 2019:
The shirt is great BUT the contents are even better.
Triphid replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@Redheadedgammy I'm a late !953 model this way, well and truly in need of some overhauls, a grease-up, tune up and a decent panel-beater in a few places, but still running on all cylinders ( with the odd misfire from time to time though)….LOL.
Seldom have I seen a more inept government than the British Conservative party and its handling of ...
Triphid comments on Mar 13, 2019:
But you haven't seen the Australian Liberal-National Party in action, or should that be mis-action, have you?
Triphid replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@Petter Anti-LNP I'm guessing. Proud son of a true Aussie hard rock, underground miner here, staunch Anti-LNP, full on Unionist and even stronger supporter of a Fair Go for the 'Rank and File' here.
Seldom have I seen a more inept government than the British Conservative party and its handling of ...
Triphid comments on Mar 13, 2019:
But you haven't seen the Australian Liberal-National Party in action, or should that be mis-action, have you?
Triphid replies on Mar 14, 2019:
@Petter But are they Pro-LNP or Anti-LNP impressions?
Thought I should post a picture of me in my new Agnostic.
Triphid comments on Mar 13, 2019:
The shirt is great BUT the contents are even better.
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
@Redheadedgammy Aw get out of it, 65, you don't look any older your late 40s early 50s.
Seldom have I seen a more inept government than the British Conservative party and its handling of ...
Amisja comments on Mar 13, 2019:
I am begining to think it is deliberate. I think May had hoped she would lose the general election so this complete mess would be labour's fault. May was (is) a silent remainer. I think she has delayed this and messed it up deliberately in order to kick it down the road.
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
Pretty much as the Australian Liberal-National Party does to the Labor Party, i.e. the LNP fucks everything up, BIG time, then when the get the Order of the D.C.M. ( Don't Come Monday) at the next election they blame Labor for it.
Not a bad idea, but a sad one.
Triphid comments on Mar 13, 2019:
It'd work with some parents, those that actually about how the children act and behave, but, sadly, there are those that simply breed children for the Government Benefit they bring in and don't give a flying fuck about their children.
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
@Cast1es Here in Australia a mother gets a 'bonus' from the Government every time she pops out another child, it's around $600 paid into her bank account, and, last I heard, $180 per fortnight for the first child and about $90 per fortnight for each one after that. I know of at LEAST 20 young girls (aged from about 16 to early 20s)/women who are popping out kids almost like a bloody production line so they don't have to find a job when the eldest reaches Infants School Age ( 5 years old).
Ancient people travelled hundreds of miles from all corners of Britain to take part in feasts at or ...
Anonbene comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Hail and well-met friend, what did you bring for the great feast? Ham. What you bring? Ham. Great. We walked all this fucking way for a ham sandwich I could have made at home?
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
Hey, at least it'd better than walking for miles just to stand at the bottom of a hill and listen to some poor deluded bloke with a beard and white robes preaching for hours about his Daddy in the Sky ( who was really him anyway) and crap like " the Meek Shall inherit the earth," etc, etc.
Was prompted by a fellow poster to look up this "positive vibe"... []
Sheannutt comments on Mar 13, 2019:
I love this it says a lot?
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
Had that hanging on my wall for years, except for 'god' bit ( which I change to suit my Atheism) it is a great thing to try to live by.
Tried to take a picture of the wind force right now.
Petter comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Are they old friends, in the habit of just breezing in?
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
If that be the case then here in Aussieland we'd call them " Blow ins."
Facebook is down! If I didn't know better I'd suspect the apocalypse.
Hathacat comments on Mar 13, 2019:
So that's what happened. I just went and did something else for awhile. If my computer is going to die, it's going to die. Which is what I thought might be happening, lol. I would miss this place!
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
I got around Facebook by adding this site directly into my favourites, it works great too.
Just sharing a cool photo I found on-line
Triphid comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Nice, but not for me, I hate heights, shake like a dog shitting razor-blades if I'm more than 12 inches up a ladder, etc.
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
@Hathacat I didn't really have any problem with heights until 2007 when an elderly neighbour asked if I would fix a loose sheet of corrugated iron on her roof. I was nearly finished when I lost my footing, slid down the roof slope and a protruding very sharp edge of the sheeting slid up between my legs and sliced my groin open with a 5mm deep and 150 mm long gash that missed my 'family jewels'by the width of a cat's whisker. 14 days of hobbling around with 20+ sutures, daily dressings changes in the hottest part of summer was not my idea of fun.
Your Attention please, In a bulletin just come to hand the C.
Petter comments on Mar 13, 2019:
I suggest you whey out 30 pieces of silver rind and offer them as an inducement to a cheddar stick.
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
I think they tried that but used Aluminium Foil instead.
More antivaxx logic, for your dining pleasure!
Triphid comments on Mar 12, 2019:
OH FFS, way haven't the squirrels done their job and collected up ALL these nuts?
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
@Rustee Yeah you'd right there, most animals are pretty particular about what they eat, except carrion eaters that is, such a pity Vultures aren't Herbivores then, they'd dispose of them I'd reckon.
What species is a human mother's fetus?
Triphid comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Technically speaking, a human foetus is NOT classed as being 'human' until it actually begins to appear human, usually somewhere AFTER the passing of the FIRST Trimester at the minimum and becomes a 'viable' off-spring, i.e. in that it can be, possibly, capable of surviving, with or without medical ...
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
@AntaresRose FOETUS is the correct British/Australian spelling of the word, it is also the correct Latin spelling as used in the Textbooks I studied from during my Nursing Career. In case you haven't noticed I actually LIVE in Australia where we use the Queen's English.
Australia's most Senior Catholic cleric, and, until recently, the 3rd most senior world wide, ...
David1955 comments on Mar 13, 2019:
As pleased as I would like to be about this, I advise that this verdict is far from safe, and this story is not yet done. See if I'm right.
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
IMHO, ANY Judge or Tribunal that DARES to overturn this verdict needs to swiftly BOOK a seat on the soonest One Way Flight to the next Galaxy and MAKE certain they DO NOT miss it.
Australia's most Senior Catholic cleric, and, until recently, the 3rd most senior world wide, ...
Pralina1 comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Death penalty would had be a nice decision .
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
Nah, far too quick and compassionate.
More antivaxx logic, for your dining pleasure!
darthfaja comments on Mar 12, 2019:
We refer to them as Pro-disease or Pro-plague at work
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
@Rustee Surprise is, after all, half of the battle, is it not, and nothing is more surprising than a very quiet arrow coming, seemingly from nowhere.
More antivaxx logic, for your dining pleasure!
Rustee comments on Mar 13, 2019:
An excellent post, thank you! And another benefit of not feeding one's children is that you would not be forced into buying them clothing as they grow larger because of having been fed. Save lives, save money...
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
And no changing dirty nappies, washing dirty faces, hands, etc, cleaning up floors after food has dropped everywhere or simply vomited up, etc. Ah sheer bliss for parenthood....LOL.
More antivaxx logic, for your dining pleasure!
darthfaja comments on Mar 12, 2019:
We refer to them as Pro-disease or Pro-plague at work
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
@Rustee Me, I'd prefer to use arrows with syringes attached, they are relatively silent and tend to penetrate a bit deeper....LOL.
Little late, but Happy 3/11 day! []
Triphid comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Sorry but you're way late this way, it's already 13/3/19 here....LOL.
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
@TheGreatShadow Hey, I hope your buddy is okay, nothing overly serious, etc. But, "beware, for the Ides of March approacheth," and we know what happened to Caesar on the Ides of March.....LOL.
What species is a human mother's fetus?
Triphid comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Technically speaking, a human foetus is NOT classed as being 'human' until it actually begins to appear human, usually somewhere AFTER the passing of the FIRST Trimester at the minimum and becomes a 'viable' off-spring, i.e. in that it can be, possibly, capable of surviving, with or without medical ...
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
@Renickulous I already have in the response to which you have replied. IF you have problems with reading/comprehension, etc, I'm only to happy to recommend some very EASY to understand, simple worded publications, etc, that MAY help you rectify that difficulty.
What species is a human mother's fetus?
Triphid comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Technically speaking, a human foetus is NOT classed as being 'human' until it actually begins to appear human, usually somewhere AFTER the passing of the FIRST Trimester at the minimum and becomes a 'viable' off-spring, i.e. in that it can be, possibly, capable of surviving, with or without medical ...
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
@Renickulous I'd hazard to say that numerous years as a Mid-wife delivering HUMAN children as babies, 164 in total, would give anyone a better than average knowledge and understanding, wouldn't you? BTW, considering that the Mother to be is HUMAN to ALL intents and purposes then, of course, chances are that she IS carrying within her womb an EMBRYONIC human being but such being is NOT considered to be a viable being UNTIL it is able to survive OUTSIDE the mother's womb with or without medical INTERVENTION. Ergo, you original question/posting is as inane as if you were asking, for example, "Is water wet, and why is IT wet?"
What species is a human mother's fetus?
Triphid comments on Mar 12, 2019:
Technically speaking, a human foetus is NOT classed as being 'human' until it actually begins to appear human, usually somewhere AFTER the passing of the FIRST Trimester at the minimum and becomes a 'viable' off-spring, i.e. in that it can be, possibly, capable of surviving, with or without medical ...
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
@Renickulous I think you are being a wee touch literal here, "resembling/have the resemblance of being human in appearance, this does NOT mean that a deformity PRECLUDES humanness by any means. If one takes a look at the human embryo during the various stages of gestation ( development) it resembles many other embryos of other species, e.g. at one stage it closely resembles an embryonic chicken.
So, with the 3rd man, Paedo Pell, of the Vatican Collegium ( ancient Roman term describing an ...
Merseyman1 comments on Mar 12, 2019:
I hope it's not wishful thinking...
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
Me too, but the first 'stone' in the wall has fallen, the Ram has touched the Gate, the flame of Justice has been re-kindled and is starting to burn brightly so we may see more filthy, foul, scum of his ilk dragged out to face the 'music' in the near future.
George 'Paedo' Pell cops 6 years behind bars with a 4 years and 8 months Non-Parole period and WILL ...
brentan comments on Mar 12, 2019:
I would never have, in my wildest dreams, thought that these powerful people could be brought down.
Triphid replies on Mar 13, 2019:
That's Aussie Justice for you. IMHO Justice Kidd did the right and decent thing by the victims and the survivors EXCEPT he was, imo, a bit too on the lenient side though. I'd like to think that today has sent earthquake like tremors throughout the whole Catholic world, especially the Vatican. Perhaps NOW is the time for an International Court Of Justice to start digging very deeply into the history, the backgrounds, etc, of EVERY Priest Everywhere, especially the Vatican, the Pope and ALL of his minions, not cover-ups, no early warnings, no leaks of impending Raids, etc, just hit the hard, fast, thoroughly with every element of surprise and the power of the Law on your side.
More antivaxx logic, for your dining pleasure!
darthfaja comments on Mar 12, 2019:
We refer to them as Pro-disease or Pro-plague at work
Triphid replies on Mar 12, 2019:
Perhaps there should a kind of 'Open Season' on Anti-Vaxxers running from January 1st. to December 31st. annually where hunters are armed only with rifles the same as veterinarians use to sedate animals, i.e. ones that shoot vaccine syringes from long range sniping positions. Such 'hunts' could be enhanced by offering cash prizes such as, $ 30,000 for the highest confirmed hits and so on down the line.
Sorted a big box of old pictures. Scanned a few...
david75090 comments on Mar 11, 2019:
In your travels, have you seen any Sasquatch?
Triphid replies on Mar 12, 2019:
@LiterateHiker What? Never seen a Sasquatch, so you never had the pleasure of meeting my daughter, Lorrae, her nickname was "Sasquatch" ( lovingly given to her by me) because at the age of 14 she stood at 5' 11" tall and wore men's sized 91/2 shoes, usually mine because she said they were more comfortable.
Suede Larb Jeebus, I need to get back to hanging around in here and stay out of the general ...
azzow2 comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Have not noticed I am a member of several groups I read the main chat only occasionally post on there.
Triphid replies on Mar 11, 2019:
@azzow2 Here in Aust, we often refer to that as being the Colonic to Cranium Detour Syndrome, commonly knowns as the 'Shit for Brains,' (S.F.B.) Disease. A prime example of the S.F.B. disease is ex-Prime Minister, Tony, the Rabid Rabbit, Abbott.
Suede Larb Jeebus, I need to get back to hanging around in here and stay out of the general ...
SukiSue comments on Mar 11, 2019:
I agree. And not only are there individual assholes, they are gathering in whole groups! Mob mentality is rampant in general pop. Be safe.
Triphid replies on Mar 11, 2019:
@SukiSue Do we have a 'blocking option' on this site/group, I've never found it?
Many times this has happened to me, is it true for you?
readyforfun2024 comments on Mar 10, 2019:
This is very true....I've had the recent experience of moving....while I packed most of my thing and paid movers myself so far 3 friends have helped in some way. One friend has been over 3 days in one week to help! Two honestly cant help, one leukemia and one with ovarian cancer and one wanted to ...
Triphid replies on Mar 11, 2019:
As the old saying goes, " True friends are like diamonds rich and rare, false friends are like leaves in Autumn, found everywhere."
I'm adding to the list! 7. Visiting Positive Vibes on Agnostic! ?
Triphid comments on Mar 11, 2019:
9) Having all these great people to chat, etc, with, on this Group/Site.
Triphid replies on Mar 11, 2019:
@BeeHappy Bloody fantastically Marvellous to say the very least.
What are some things
Triphid comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Jeez, for me it was the whole thing, every bit of it.
Triphid replies on Mar 11, 2019:
@TonyAndrews I started asking questions in Sunday Schools and school Scripture Classes right from the beginning, which is exactly what got me summarily expelled from each and every one of them in turn. Mind you, the Catholic one was the worst by far because before being expelled I was dragged out in front of the class and whipped across my backside 12 times with a length of cane.
All the funding that goes to the Right comes from this source of suffering.
brentan comments on Mar 11, 2019:
I thought for a moment I felt something trickle down. Oh no, that's gross!
Triphid replies on Mar 11, 2019:
Here, lately, we've renamed the so-called 'Trickle Down Effect' to the 'Pissing up Your Leg Effect.'
I feel the rain, what about you? ?
Petter comments on Mar 11, 2019:
I get out of it as rapidly as possible. The parched ground needs it more!
Triphid replies on Mar 11, 2019:
You're not joking mate, out here the ground is drier than a dead Nun's teat.
Does the concept of human dignity need to be justified?
Triphid comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Firstly Sir, in your paragraph (1) you mis-stated that " God made man AND WOMAN in his own image." According to the texts of the Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy, aka the bible, God CREATED only man, i.e. Adam, from the dust of the ground and LATER, from a rib taken from Adam he created woman, i.e....
Triphid replies on Mar 11, 2019:
@Matias Yes, I know that there are 2 genesis myths in the Goat-herders Guide and, like everything else in that well over-rated book of myth, fiction and superstitious twaddle, they differ from one another. However, you will find that most Fundie Faithfools will only ever cite from Genesis 1 since they seem completely unable to either read/see past that myth. But, IF this book, actually a compendium of BOOKS, is, as is claimed, the WORD of God then why does it have 2 differing Creation stories in the first place?
Ray and Bob MUST be real!
Triphid comments on Mar 10, 2019:
You haven't seen our local Council Workers then, have you? It usually takes between 4 and 6 of them to stand around and discuss(???) whether or not there is a hole in the ground or not and IF it IS actually a hole what they should do about it.
Triphid replies on Mar 11, 2019:
@Elganned It is when you see the Council Rates we have to pay every year and the lazy mongrels who took up to 5 months to rip out and replace an intersection on one the main through traffic highways in town. A highway that at least 10-20 Interstate, long haul semi-trailers use per day, every day. The residents around that 1 intersection watched them take 2 weeks to simply barricade off 1 single side of the intersect, then a week to remove and shift the barricades, another 3 weeks before the heavy machinery moved in to be ready to 'start' ripping up the old road materials, the another week waiting for someone to bring along the plans that showed where the water mains, etc, were buried, etc, until 3 days later, they actually began work. Yet, elsewhere in town a private Contractor was hired to rip up an ENTIRE street section, level it out, fill it with new road base and then surface it with new asphalt and it was ALL done within 10 working days. Like the majority of rate-payers, I'd say it was a very SAD thing, not just a " bad " thing.
When traveling through the tropical regions of Northern Australia and something the size of THIS ...
PalacinkyPDX comments on Mar 10, 2019:
This time it ain't the dingoes doing the eating.
Triphid replies on Mar 10, 2019:
@PalacinkyPDX Bloody big bastard isn't he? I'd reckon no-one would argue with him.
When traveling through the tropical regions of Northern Australia and something the size of THIS ...
PalacinkyPDX comments on Mar 10, 2019:
This time it ain't the dingoes doing the eating.
Triphid replies on Mar 10, 2019:
Seventh Day Adventist babies only EAT dingoes, not the other way around....LOL.
When traveling through the tropical regions of Northern Australia and something the size of THIS ...
Marionville comments on Mar 10, 2019:
No arguments! I’d drive like hell.
Triphid replies on Mar 10, 2019:
Most definitely not from me....LOL.
This may not be news to American members, but it should be interesting to the rest of us, Did ...
Triphid comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Well, the narrator was barking up the wrong tree when he stated that Australia did NOT have copper or tin. 100% WRONG, we have large deposits of both BUT the Australian Aboriginals never truly advanced beyond the level/point of being stone age based, seasonal nomadic tribes/clans, THAT is why, ...
Triphid replies on Mar 10, 2019:
@Robecology Firstly, define 'bronze age' as in relation to the lifestyles of the Australian Native Peoples please. Since my earlier reply/comment was that they knew of and utilized copper and tin deposits found in Australia NOT as means for smelting into tools/artifacts BUT as tints just as they did with earth based ochres in their tribal art, etc.
Hey guys this is my first time posting here, I hope i will have my first atheist friend.
Triphid comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Welcome to the world of the Pagans, Heathens, Heretics, Devil's Pawns, etc, etc, it truly is a world where the logical, reasoning, free-thinking and free-speaking travel and the faithfools fear to tread. Embrace and enjoy your new found freedoms and your new found friends.
Triphid replies on Mar 10, 2019:
@ChristJohn Not only will you find the true meaning of freedom here my friend, BUT you will also come to understand it and begin to embrace it as well. You will also learn to use Logical and Rational thought and that you are now released from the obeisance and reverence demanded of you for years by the self-proclaimed 'Men of God.'
Paganism versus Xtianity, Where exactly is the difference?
Rustee comments on Mar 10, 2019:
Hmm, given the apparent options, I would prefer to acknowledge or worship the birds, the water buffalo, and the phallus, rather than any society who would nail a man to timbers...
Triphid replies on Mar 10, 2019:
I often muse that IF the mythical Jesus had been a boilermaker then would he have been spot welded on a couple of very old 'boilers ( haggard, tired old women)' instead ….LOL.
Another piece of history that should be made more evident.
Triphid comments on Mar 9, 2019:
"Except for those who are Native Americans, of African Slave Origins, Asians or NON-Caucasian Origins, etc," i.e. the important bits they deliberately FORGOT to add.
Triphid replies on Mar 10, 2019:
@48thRonin Ah yes, America, home of the Free, land of the Brave.....
As I plan to take a big step, I have to remind myself that what I'm afraid of doing just may be a ...
azzow2 comments on Mar 8, 2019:
Bungee jumping, base diving and parachuting for you then.
Triphid replies on Mar 10, 2019:
Bungee Jumping, Base Jumping, never tried them and never will, had to do 5 qualifying parachute jumps back in the 70's as a part of gaining my Bush Pilot's License though, they fun except with landing in the first one, I ended up coming down into a Sewage Settling pond, one could say it was a truly 'shit of a landing.' LOL.
This may not be news to American members, but it should be interesting to the rest of us, Did ...
Triphid comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Well, the narrator was barking up the wrong tree when he stated that Australia did NOT have copper or tin. 100% WRONG, we have large deposits of both BUT the Australian Aboriginals never truly advanced beyond the level/point of being stone age based, seasonal nomadic tribes/clans, THAT is why, ...
Triphid replies on Mar 10, 2019:
@Robecology Would you like to help the expenses of me going all over Australia photographing EVERY sacred site, every piece of rock painting, interviewing EVERY Elder of EVERY Tribe and Clan or, as one who not only has Australian Native Genetic Heritage and has been recognized by a number of tribes/clans as an Elder, would you prefer to take my word for it?
Triphid comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Cite stuff like that to ANY Fundie Faithfool/s and you'll get the response, " But that is the Old Testament, the Old Covenant with God, it no longer counts since we now have a NEW Covenant, the NEW Testament, with Jesus." When I get that response my immediate reply is, " So you can also ignore and ...
Triphid replies on Mar 10, 2019:
@Elganned Oh dear, you have blasphemed against the Omnipotent, Invisible, Imaginary Sky Daddy.....LOL Where we, the Atheists/Agnostics, use rationality, etc, the Faithfools simply depend solely upon Cognitive Dissonance, where we are taught to think, consider, debate, ask questions and seek answers, etc, the Faithfools are merely taught to OBEY without question. That is why they find what should be called, imho, Pseudo-relevance in both the O.T. and the N.T. BUT only where they are repeatedly INSTRUCTED to look.
So true ?
MisterBart comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Ironically, I find myself saying, “Amen,” in this site’s posts more than I ever did in any church. Funny how you can find spirituality in a non-spiritual place. But I like the spirit here.
Triphid replies on Mar 9, 2019:
Don't worry my friend, the origin of 'amen' comes from the Ancient Egyptian language where Amen/Amun/Amon ( earlier known as Khnum) was deemed as the beginning of everything then later was used to mean " so it is written, so shall it be done." Just another prime example of biblical plagiarism, that's all it is.
This may not be news to American members, but it should be interesting to the rest of us, Did ...
Triphid comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Well, the narrator was barking up the wrong tree when he stated that Australia did NOT have copper or tin. 100% WRONG, we have large deposits of both BUT the Australian Aboriginals never truly advanced beyond the level/point of being stone age based, seasonal nomadic tribes/clans, THAT is why, ...
Triphid replies on Mar 9, 2019:
@Robecology But the Natives could get at it and they did use it except they used it and ochres for paints instead of smelting it into utensils and weapons.
Is there anybody out there?
genessa comments on Mar 6, 2019:
life, sure. life as we know it? we have to expand our definition of life. intelligent life? not as likely as all that but no one really knows. it certainly isn't impossible. g
Triphid replies on Mar 9, 2019:
@genessa Yeah well religion and life on other planets are two different things, i.e. there is a slim probability that intelligent life is somewhere out there, whereas, with religion the chances of there actually having been or ever being a Supreme Omnipotent Being are far less than there would be of mermaid winning the Melbourne Cup.
As I plan to take a big step, I have to remind myself that what I'm afraid of doing just may be a ...
Triphid comments on Mar 8, 2019:
I try my best to step beyond my 'comfort zone' regularly which is a part of my on-going battle with Agorophobia. Since the 'suggestions' I got from the 'knowledgable' Psychologists I found were less than effective, I decided to to design my own therapy and have, over the last 18+ plus years gone ...
Triphid replies on Mar 9, 2019:
@Cast1es Thank you, it was bloody hard at first but it slowly got easier over time and is still improving.
Is there anybody out there?
genessa comments on Mar 6, 2019:
life, sure. life as we know it? we have to expand our definition of life. intelligent life? not as likely as all that but no one really knows. it certainly isn't impossible. g
Triphid replies on Mar 8, 2019:
@genessa True, we can't even work hard enough to make our own species intelligent at times, BUT I'd rather think that there may a species out there in the vastness that HAS solved that problem.
Sometimes all we need is more of the little things in life. ???
Triphid comments on Mar 8, 2019:
Could do with a load of those myself.
Triphid replies on Mar 8, 2019:
@BeeHappy My pleasure and joy as well.
Sometimes all we need is more of the little things in life. ???
Triphid comments on Mar 8, 2019:
Could do with a load of those myself.
Triphid replies on Mar 8, 2019:
@BeeHappy Thank you and may I wish the same for you as well.
Two Sundays from now is St. Patrick's Day. Does this mess up anyone's drinking plans?
Indubitably comments on Mar 8, 2019:
I'm not a big drinker, and can't remember the last time I went out for St. Patrick's Day. No drinking on Sunday? That's ridiculous, jeesh.
Triphid replies on Mar 8, 2019:
@IrishTxJudy Literally THOUSANDS of dollars are spent/gambled away over the 3-4 day period plus the thousands used by the ' Snobs' who fly in in their own private planes for fuel, etc, not to mention the numerous horse floats/trucks bringing the horses, etc, to town and the Entry Fees for both Patrons and Horse Trainers/Owners, etc. Of the 3 years of Financial Records I had to go through, their 'worst,' so they 'claimed' was a MERE Net 'profit' of 287, 000 AuD for the 3-4 days. One woman was once heard to complain that she had spent $12,000 on an 'outfit' especially to wear to the race meeting and DID NOT make the Finals of the Fashion Stakes and her children would have contend with going 'short' of school needs, etc, for the remainder of the year.
Two Sundays from now is St. Patrick's Day. Does this mess up anyone's drinking plans?
Indubitably comments on Mar 8, 2019:
I'm not a big drinker, and can't remember the last time I went out for St. Patrick's Day. No drinking on Sunday? That's ridiculous, jeesh.
Triphid replies on Mar 8, 2019:
@Indubitably Some years ago now I had the opportunity to assist the St. Paddies, as we commonly call it, Race Club/Committee to audit their Annual Accounts, to my shock and surprise I found that at least 80% of drinks, foodstuffs, etc, were DONATED and then sold tp patrons at ABOVE retail prices, the remainder was purchased at Wholesale prices and the sold at ABOVE Retail Prices, LESS than 1.025% of the NET income from the Race meeting went back into the town Coffers, including Accommodations, etc,, 10% went to Licensing Fees and 'Sundries, the rest went directly to the Coffers of the Catholic Church BUT DIRECT to Rome, not anywhere remotely in this area or elsewhere in Australia. Knowing that, it is, in my mind, about as much 'fun' as it would be to amputate one's limbs with a butter knife and as big a rip-off as any I can think of.
Two Sundays from now is St. Patrick's Day. Does this mess up anyone's drinking plans?
Indubitably comments on Mar 8, 2019:
I'm not a big drinker, and can't remember the last time I went out for St. Patrick's Day. No drinking on Sunday? That's ridiculous, jeesh.
Triphid replies on Mar 8, 2019:
Bloody St. Paddies Day here in Broken Hill, a weekend of Horse Races run in aid of the Worlds Biggest Paedophile Ring, aka, the Catholic Church. A town full of drunken gamblers/visitors for 3-4 days solid, using up our very scarce water supply whilst we residents are on water restrictions, prices everywhere go through the roof, etc, etc.
There’s probably another planet in our solar system - MIT Technology Review
Detritus comments on Mar 6, 2019:
Entirely possible but I find it hard to believe that an object that large has been missed. Still waiting for more detail. I would think that there are already Hubble and other telescope images in which they could look.
Triphid replies on Mar 8, 2019:
I vaguely remember reading an article some years back where an Astronomer suggested that this mysterious 'planet 9' could be either, a) a 'dark planet' due to I) its orbit is so far distant from the sun that any reflected light is lost BEFORE it reaches Earth, ii) it is made up of materials that are completely non-reflective, OR, b) that is a 'dark star, the burned out cinder of a much smaller solar body that 'failed' to make the grade, so to speak, as our own sun did and merely shrunk to a body the size of Mercury. Mars or Venus for example and its orbit is not synchronous with those of the other 8 known planets.
Is there anybody out there?
genessa comments on Mar 6, 2019:
life, sure. life as we know it? we have to expand our definition of life. intelligent life? not as likely as all that but no one really knows. it certainly isn't impossible. g
Triphid replies on Mar 8, 2019:
@genessa They once said similar about humans flying or men landing on the Moon, didn't they?
Does age matter in a relationship?
Wenepai comments on Mar 7, 2019:
As long as you're both legal, consenting adults, the only people whose opinions should matter are yours and the person you're in a relationship with. Personally, as a woman in her mid-twenties, I wouldn't be attracted to anyone older than 40, as at that point, I just think we'd be in completely ...
Triphid replies on Mar 7, 2019:
Time and 'age' are merely measurements and in true reality neither really matter, ergo if time/age don't mind then also they don't really matter in my opinion.
Is there anybody out there?
genessa comments on Mar 6, 2019:
life, sure. life as we know it? we have to expand our definition of life. intelligent life? not as likely as all that but no one really knows. it certainly isn't impossible. g
Triphid replies on Mar 7, 2019:
@genessa Yes our 'intelligence may indeed be our ultimate downfall, I agree there, but evolution, as we see it, is based solely upon what we have learned and BEGUN to understand from the very LIMITED perspective we have here, is it not? What has/may happen elsewhere in the very vast Universe unknown to we mortal and fallible humans may be an entirely different matter altogether, may it not?
When plants are exposed to mutagenic radiation it's considered natural (and the plant considered ...
Triphid comments on Mar 6, 2019:
Every living thing on this planet is exposed to radiation of one form or another every second of its life. Ambient radiation is a normal thing, it comes from the sun, the minerals in the ground, the EMR ( Electro-magnetic Radiation) from the electricity supply running through homes and city ...
Triphid replies on Mar 7, 2019:
@Lukian Scientifically and Medically speaking here, ANY radiation what-so-ever can be considered as being mutagenic since it IS simply a substance that is foreign to the body/cell entering the body/cell thus possibly disrupting the DNA/RNA helices as it passes through them.
Is there anybody out there?
genessa comments on Mar 6, 2019:
life, sure. life as we know it? we have to expand our definition of life. intelligent life? not as likely as all that but no one really knows. it certainly isn't impossible. g
Triphid replies on Mar 7, 2019:
@genessa Have you ever considered the possibility that given this solar system is one the youngest that evolution on others may have taken far less time to occur, especially given the possibly innumerable variants, etc, that may just be present in the very ancient Universe?
I encourage clients not to define “having sex” as intercourse, since there are so many paths to ...
Triphid comments on Mar 6, 2019:
Brings back memories of when my Dad decided that, at 13 years of age, I needed the old ' birds and bees' talk from him. He went through whole script slowly and steadily then came to the bit about actual sexual intercourse until I butted in with " That's okay Dad, I've already done that bit with Rob...
Triphid replies on Mar 7, 2019:
@UUNJ Ah yes, the diaphragm, I went to a Parent-Child Sex Education class with my 10 year old daughter where the Educator held up a diaphragm and asked if anyone knew what it was. My darling daughter stood up and announced loudly, " Yeah, that's a tadpole trampoline." She always referred to 'sperm' as being tadpoles because " it sounded better."
When plants are exposed to mutagenic radiation it's considered natural (and the plant considered ...
Triphid comments on Mar 6, 2019:
Every living thing on this planet is exposed to radiation of one form or another every second of its life. Ambient radiation is a normal thing, it comes from the sun, the minerals in the ground, the EMR ( Electro-magnetic Radiation) from the electricity supply running through homes and city ...
Triphid replies on Mar 7, 2019:
@Lukian Yes, I know the differences, but is not ALL radiation 'mutagenic' in various ways, shapes or forms, for example, prolonged and continuous over-exposure over many years to UV RADIATION, whether man-made from Sunbeds, etc, or from the sun itself IS mutagenic, is it NOT?
I encourage clients not to define “having sex” as intercourse, since there are so many paths to ...
Triphid comments on Mar 6, 2019:
Brings back memories of when my Dad decided that, at 13 years of age, I needed the old ' birds and bees' talk from him. He went through whole script slowly and steadily then came to the bit about actual sexual intercourse until I butted in with " That's okay Dad, I've already done that bit with Rob...
Triphid replies on Mar 7, 2019:
@MrLizard I often use pastel chalks when doing artworks from time to time and have found that certain things give specific 'textures' when used to spread the pastel chalk. One that I found works great is the humble tampon WHICH, much to my daughter's 'amazement,' caused her to remark, when she first saw me using one, " You do KNOW where those things are SUPPOSED to go, Don't You?"
Is there anybody out there?
genessa comments on Mar 6, 2019:
life, sure. life as we know it? we have to expand our definition of life. intelligent life? not as likely as all that but no one really knows. it certainly isn't impossible. g
Triphid replies on Mar 6, 2019:
In my honest opinion, for humans to think that this planet hold the ONLY life, intelligent or otherwise, in this, as yet, unmeasured Universe is nothing short of absolute arrogance to say the very least.
Is there anybody out there?
mojo5501 comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Life yes; intelligent life, hard to speculate.
Triphid replies on Mar 6, 2019:
@ElusiveMoby Yes, especially amongst the religious peoples and politicians of this world.
So, let me see if I've got this straight.
Hebert54 comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Anti Semitism is hatred of Jewish people ,Muslims aren’t a race . Therefore that comment doesnt make much sense .
Triphid replies on Mar 5, 2019:
@Hebert54 I responded to your comment that " Anti-Semitism is a hatred of Jewish people," with the fact that We are ALL members of the ONE race, it is merely the Ideologies of the Ethnicities, etc, that seek to separate us from that reality.
So, let me see if I've got this straight.
Renickulous comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Everyone here has bashed christianity at some point which doesn't make you christianphobe. If you cant take criticism without commiting a crime in retaliation the issue is not the criticism. It deserves more criticism because it's still a big threat and influence while not adapting
Triphid replies on Mar 5, 2019:
@Renickulous Er, correct me IF I may be wrong, BUT, precisely how many of those mass shootings in the U.S.A. were perpetrated by a SINGLE, lone Gun-toting Religious Believer, be it Xstian/Muslim or whatever? It does NOT take a mob to murder, it only take 1 person mostly and dozens can die especially if the perpetrator is armed with any kind of modern firearm.
So, let me see if I've got this straight.
Hebert54 comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Anti Semitism is hatred of Jewish people ,Muslims aren’t a race . Therefore that comment doesnt make much sense .
Triphid replies on Mar 5, 2019:
Neither are Jewish people a 'race,' they are simply an Ethnicity since we ALL belong to ONE race, the Human Race. I neither hate or detest the Jews or Muslims, etc, BUT I do abhor their ideologies, etc, and their endless screamings of Racism and Anti-Semitism.
Picked from the other place - opinion on Howard and Abbott support of Pell -
FrayedBear comments on Mar 3, 2019:
And to add insult to injury -
Triphid replies on Mar 5, 2019:
@FrayedBear Nope, mine is a wire netting fence with nice neat twists of tie-wire made into the shape of barbs to hold it to the main stay wire between post and climbing roses with very nasty sharp thorns to boot all over it, quite a few stray cats have screeched very loudly when trying to climb over it and have even had the odd 'un-invited' guest, aka prowler, etc, get their ' family jewels' caught as well. The neighbours tell that they love it in spring when it bursts into bloom with masses of red flowers on a green background though.
Picked from the other place - opinion on Howard and Abbott support of Pell -
FrayedBear comments on Mar 3, 2019:
And to add insult to injury -
Triphid replies on Mar 4, 2019:
@FrayedBear Nope, my size 10 steel toed boot, toe end first at a very fast velocity directed at their 'family jewels' first followed by a quick heave-ho over my front fence. However not in such polite terms though.
Picked from the other place - opinion on Howard and Abbott support of Pell -
FrayedBear comments on Mar 3, 2019:
And to add insult to injury -
Triphid replies on Mar 4, 2019:
Hey, you're not kidding with that post/meme mate. I got a knock on my door this morning, opened it to find 2 crows ( Catholic Priests) asking for donations to Paedo Pell's Appeal Fund, I'll leave it up to your imagination as what I told them they'd get from.
Gun Deaths in 2018 Japan: 10 Sweden: 41 Switzerland: 47 UK: 50 Israel: 105 Australia: 207 ...
callmedubious comments on Mar 2, 2019:
i'm surprised that australia is that high b/c they banned all guns decades ago.
Triphid replies on Mar 2, 2019:
@callmedubious Handguns in Australia are restricted to the public at large for usage on shooting ranges in competitions, etc, and permitted to be carried by Police Officers and Guards on Security Vehicles carrying valuables such as Money, Gems, Gold, etc. Recently I asked a Security Guard on an Armoured Van while they were servicing an ATM machine what kind of gun they were allowed to carry, his response was quite interesting since he said, " We carry it, it is a 9mm, semi-automatic loaded with stun bullets, 9 shots in the magazine and a spare magazine on our belt, the guard in the truck has a 12 gauge Shotgun with eight rounds in the magazine also loaded with stun bullets, if we were to shoot at an offender, they'd be stunned, bruised and unable to move very much but not injured badly or killed."
Robert A. Heinlein Quotes on God and Religion
brentan comments on Mar 2, 2019:
He might be the man behind Dave Allen's joke. Anyway, I agree with everything he said there.
Triphid replies on Mar 2, 2019:
@brentan100)% CORRECT.
Gun Deaths in 2018 Japan: 10 Sweden: 41 Switzerland: 47 UK: 50 Israel: 105 Australia: 207 ...
callmedubious comments on Mar 2, 2019:
i'm surprised that australia is that high b/c they banned all guns decades ago.
Triphid replies on Mar 2, 2019:
We didn't actually 'Ban all Guns' we enacted laws to RESTRICT the availability of certain types of guns. There are set criteria here for gun ownership and purchase of the same, criteria such; 1) need for a firearm, a rifle, 2) reason for wanting to purchase same, 3) set regulations on safe and secure storage of same, 4) set regulations on the length of barrel, magazine capacity, rate of fire, safe storage of ammunition, etc, 5) places where same can be used, i.e. on privately owned lands used for farming or grazing stock, etc, and, 6) a complete police record check before a license can be issued. Should I wish, but have real desire to, own a rifle I can apply at the local Police Station, await the Records Check, pay the license fee, purchase or build a secure storage place for my rifle and ammunition, etc, have it checked to ensure its security and then purchase a rifle in accordance with the laws as set down. I can, if I were to wish, actually borrow a licensed rifle from a friend who owns grazing or farming land by getting his written permission use it ONLY on his land to shoot vermin for his benefit. So, I hope you now see, we are NOT Anti-gun here in Australia, we ARE Gun Conscious people and do NOT want a repeat of the Port Arthur Massacre to happen again since 1 life lost to guns is 1 life too many.
Have you ever thought that your "imperfections" might just make you perfect in someone else's eyes
Triphid comments on Mar 1, 2019:
"Never strive to be 'perfect' instead simply strive to be yourself." -William Anthony, 2019
Triphid replies on Mar 2, 2019:
Why do you find my comment/philosophy so humorous BBJong?
If you're single, are you lonely?
Triphid comments on Mar 1, 2019:
I have lived alone, almost except for a few relationships that is, for over 18 years now, there are the odd times when I miss the close interaction with a female companion/lover, but my lifestyle is that which suits best in that I can come and go as I please, do what I want and how I want when I ...
Triphid replies on Mar 2, 2019:
@Boxdoc The eating bit did become addictive for a time with me, but now I eat less 'rubbish' foods and more healthy ones but I still eat when I feel like eating, i.e. NO set meal times.
This must be the right place to ask this question.
Triphid comments on Mar 1, 2019:
Well considering that for humans to have been 'designed' in the first place implies that there must have been a Great and Intelligent Designer involved then I perceive that you are possibly thinking that there may have been a 'God-like' hand in the matter somewhere. However, since humans arose from...
Triphid replies on Mar 2, 2019:
@Carin Yeah pretty much we were told when I studied nursing and biology but what about in the times well before that, i.e. when early humans were nomadic hunter-gathers, etc,, it's still a bit of a puzzle that, to my mind, may never be solved in full.
How can religion tolerate and defend rape , while it's intolerant of masturbation , the solution ...
WilliamFleming comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Which religions are the ones that tolerate and defend rape? I missed it.
Triphid replies on Mar 1, 2019:
@WilliamFleming " Not interested in the subject" yet you were insistent upon debating it with me, please explain how that works.
How can religion tolerate and defend rape , while it's intolerant of masturbation , the solution ...
WilliamFleming comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Which religions are the ones that tolerate and defend rape? I missed it.
Triphid replies on Mar 1, 2019:
@WilliamFleming Well, to my mind at least you seem to be still quite in touch with your Christian side of things especially considering that you appear quite adept at citing bible passages ergo you should be able to answer the question/s, should you not?
Go ahead, look it up...
Triphid comments on Feb 28, 2019:
I had a black 'cock' once, for about 2 weeks or more after the trailer A-frame and hitch caught me hard between my legs.
Triphid replies on Mar 1, 2019:
@ProudMerrie No, not exactly, more like ice cold baths, ice packs, heaps of cushions to TRY and sit on and very strong painkillers 4 times a day for nearly a week. I had to actually WADDLE around similar to what a duck might IF it had a 20 pound cannon ball stuck up its arse.
How can religion tolerate and defend rape , while it's intolerant of masturbation , the solution ...
WilliamFleming comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Which religions are the ones that tolerate and defend rape? I missed it.
Triphid replies on Mar 1, 2019:
@WilliamFleming You know I've been waiting for you to come up with exactly the same words as are in your ENTIRE reply. It is the Practicing Christian/Lapsed Christian circular logic, if it can loosely be called 'logic' that is, that is spouted with the tedious regularity, i.e. "the O.T. is no longer relevant since we now have a new Covenant with Jesus." In other more simpler terms, " We tossed out the old BEGINNING of the Bible and started it from a point that suits US better." Some logic that is, HOW can anyone expect to follow a book, self-proclaimed, to be the " Word/s of God" and simply discard the FIRST 40, yes count them FORTY, BOOKS which are intended to be the ORIGINS, etc, of the whole belief system? Now, logically speaking here, is NOT God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit one and the same in the Trinity? If that be so, which btw it is according to Biblical Scholars, then ANY Christian MUST adhere to the ORIGIN Covenant, i.e. the O.T. and view the N.T. as just mere amendments to it, NOT a whole NEW Covenant since, in fact, by doing so they are DENYING 1/3 of the Holy Trinity, are they not?
Go ahead, look it up...
Triphid comments on Feb 28, 2019:
I had a black 'cock' once, for about 2 weeks or more after the trailer A-frame and hitch caught me hard between my legs.
Triphid replies on Feb 28, 2019:
@ProudMerrie A wee bit more than OUCH I'd definitely say considering that the whole was caused by a rather well built friend whose child and himself decided to sit on the opposite end of the trailer, a box-type trailer btw, and they sat down very heavily as well. My 'family jewels' were swollen and black and blue for about 2 weeks or more afterwards.
How can religion tolerate and defend rape , while it's intolerant of masturbation , the solution ...
WilliamFleming comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Which religions are the ones that tolerate and defend rape? I missed it.
Triphid replies on Feb 28, 2019:
@WilliamFleming Word meanings are altered/changed with the times, sadly it IS a human thing to do so to suit the needs/desires of the present situation. But it may be worth remembering that, for example, the English language is derived, by a big percentage, from much older and more ancient languages such Ancient Latin and Greek, etc. One example springs to mind, in Latin a 'she-wolf' can mean both 'a female wolf' and a 'female brothel worker or a Brothel Owner,' i.e a Whore or a Madam, ergo the myth of Romulus and Remus being suckled by a she-wolf could easily have meant that they were suckled by either a female wolf OR a Whore or Brothel Owner, do you now get my drift?
I used to be able to read their scrips lol.
coralisthree comments on Feb 28, 2019:
my mom use to translate paper files to computer files at a county hospital. she was really good at it actually
Triphid replies on Feb 28, 2019:
@Hathacat By no means am I perfect.
How can religion tolerate and defend rape , while it's intolerant of masturbation , the solution ...
WilliamFleming comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Which religions are the ones that tolerate and defend rape? I missed it.
Triphid replies on Feb 28, 2019:
@WilliamFleming Technically the 3 main Abrahamic Religions are considered as being modern in terms of historical time/s. IF you were to read the Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy THROUGHLY and page for page, word for word you WOULD find innumerable instances where rape, etc, IS condoned and even PROMOTED throughout it, especially in the O.T.
Here's some perspective
WilliamFleming comments on Feb 27, 2019:
One of the greatest benefits of a religious mindset is to be able to reconcile and overcome unpleasant events and live in awareness and joy. In that regard, the story of Job is inspiring.
Triphid replies on Feb 28, 2019:
@WilliamFleming You know in ALL my years as a nurse, plus being at my daughter's bedside when she passed away from cancer, I can honestly and quite safely say that I have NEVER once witnessed anything remotely resembling a soul/spirit, etc, leaving/departing from the body of a person who has died, even when, later, we've been preparing (laying them out) for the family/friends to view when they've arrived at the hospital, mortuary, etc. So, I vehemently dispute both the views of Sir Arthur Eddington and yourself and offer up that the Universe is NOT merely " of the nature of a thought or sensation" it IS a truly tangible thing made up solids, liquids, gases and spaces in between created by the actions/reactions and resultant from those influences wrought by the great forces abounding in the Natural Cosmos that are everywhere around us.
I used to be able to read their scrips lol.
coralisthree comments on Feb 28, 2019:
my mom use to translate paper files to computer files at a county hospital. she was really good at it actually
Triphid replies on Feb 28, 2019:
@Hathacat I've been often told that my signature resembles a cross between the tracks left by a drunken beetle and 60,000 Hebrews being lead across the Sinai by Moses....LOL.
T. Rex : Children of The Revolution 1972 []
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2019:
It's strange when I see some of the dates on these songs, I could have sworn they were from later. but I guess it's time to....
Triphid replies on Feb 28, 2019:
Now that's one HOT song, hotter than a lizard on an asphalt road in a heatwave.
Here's some perspective
WilliamFleming comments on Feb 27, 2019:
One of the greatest benefits of a religious mindset is to be able to reconcile and overcome unpleasant events and live in awareness and joy. In that regard, the story of Job is inspiring.
Triphid replies on Feb 27, 2019:
@WilliamFleming No, by no means 'combative,' just being factual in discussion. Btw, is NOT being 'spiritual' also to be considered as being somewhat supernaturally based as well? Especially since combining the words 'super' and 'nature/natural' simply means that it is ABOVE or BEYOND the realms of nature itself?
How can religion tolerate and defend rape , while it's intolerant of masturbation , the solution ...
WilliamFleming comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Which religions are the ones that tolerate and defend rape? I missed it.
Triphid replies on Feb 27, 2019:
@WilliamFleming Rapine, in the olden languages, i.e. LATIN, etc, meant as it sounds, RAPING, whereas Pillaging meant to rob, steal, plunder, etc. I note, also, that you STATED you were MADE to read "PARTS" of the bible, why not ALL of the bible as have most Atheists? Is it some kind of unwritten rule, etc, that Christians MUST only read prescribed selections, are they prescribed, perhaps, by some titular head of the family/religion, etc, and, as such, MUST be the only parts read lest one be proscribed by the said titular head? How, I ask, can one simply READ any book and understand it by merely reading selected Chapters, passages, sentences/verses and NOT by reading the entire book in toto? As for the 'historical factuality' of the Goat-herders Guide to the Galaxy, aka the bible, in relation to either Hebrew or any other ethnic 'history' then one would be better off believing in Fairy Tales written by the Brothers Grimm or Hans Christian Anderson since 'biblical history' is one of the biggest misnomers of them all.
Here's some perspective
WilliamFleming comments on Feb 27, 2019:
One of the greatest benefits of a religious mindset is to be able to reconcile and overcome unpleasant events and live in awareness and joy. In that regard, the story of Job is inspiring.
Triphid replies on Feb 27, 2019:
@WilliamFleming As one who holds a Doctorate Degree in Theology and Comparative Modern Religions as well as being a life-long Atheist I'd hazard to say that, mayhap, my understanding of this 'Sky Daddy Being' phenomenon is pretty darned good and I can and WILL stand my ground that that PHENONEMON is utterly baseless.
WTF is wrong with people?
Triphid comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Schools, other than religious based ones that is, ARE for teaching FACTS and knowledge of Facts to the children NOT Fantasies, Superstitions, etc, in my opinion.
Triphid replies on Feb 27, 2019:
@WilliamCharles As was once stated; " History is WRITTEN by the Victors, never by the Losers." Sad, so very sad, but none-the-less 100% true.


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