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Exploitation and Expropriation, or Why Capitalism Must be Attacked with Equal Force on Every Front
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Maybe you wise folks singing the praises of the current model can address the issue of externalities and how much profit is made by passing the costs for the deleterious effects of their production onto the public.
Exploitation and Expropriation, or Why Capitalism Must be Attacked with Equal Force on Every Front
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 25, 2018:
And the reason I said it might get lost in the Politics section is that for the short time I've been here, I don't see many real lively discussions on politics occurring. Discussing political issues without someone appealing to their particular invisible buddy is a welcome change, and one that should not be regarded lightly. In the demon haunted world, we still have regressives wanting to put "IN GOD WE TRUST" goddamn everywhere!
Exploitation and Expropriation, or Why Capitalism Must be Attacked with Equal Force on Every Front
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Misdirection has always been useful to the criminal classes.
The perils of dating sites? Kazoo Solo! []
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 29, 2018:
She is so exquisitely melodic. Love her harmonies.
The Death of Facebook | How Social Media Ripped Apart a Generation - YouTube
WilliamCharles comments on Dec 30, 2018:
This highlights why the gatekeeping by Facebook concerns me so. As far as people being disconnected, I think there are a number of factors, but think of social media more an amplifier and resonator than a cause. ------ : Facebook's Secret Censorship Manual Exposed as Platform Takes Down Video About Israel Terrorizing Palestinians
We still need an inclusive word for both (all? - not there yet, not by a longshot)... menwo?
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 3, 2019:
"Be aware of this truth that the people on this earth could be joyous, if only they would live rationally and if they would contribute mutually to each others' welfare. This world is not a vale of sorrows if you will recognize discriminatingly what is truly excellent in it; and if you will avail yourself of it for mutual happiness and well-being. Therefore, let us explain as often as possible, and particularly at the departure of life, that we base our faith on firm foundations, on Truth for putting into action our ideas which do not depend on fables and ideas which Science has long ago proven to be false.” ― Kurt Vonnegut, Palm Sunday: An Autobiographical Collage Kurt is quoting his great grandfather Clemens Vonnegut.
Well I am at 513 off level 8.
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 6, 2019:
It's very out of the ordinary for me, but I really need to be held today.
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Hugs for whatever the reason for the need.
Any members in the Gulfport Mississippi area?
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Oh, my. Good luck to you. Hope you eventually find some like minded people nearby.
My godless Facebook friend is dying.
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Thank you everyone for your warm and thoughtful comments. I did not upvote them individually as I was afraid that might seem a bit self-serving on my part. I was unsure if I would share this with her or not, but the opportunity presented itself. She said she got quite choked up and merely added, "You get me." She is still in the hospital and struggles with a will to live as she says she feels she has no "purpose." I simply listen and leave it at that. She said she is moved by your comments as well. Even my believer friends' prayers. My one believer friend thought I might be mocking her, but I told her that was not the case. I said people showing care and compassion is always welcome, regardless of what framework it involves. And as the saying goes with chicken soup, "It couldn't hurt." I have no particular insight into the ways of the universe. I'll also have you know she continues to kick my ass in Words with Friends. I'm lucky to maintain a 10% win rate with her, and I use an online cheat. I tell her she's a "berserker" (she truly is) at this particular word game. In sports, they'd say she was running up the score. She has no problem with that, often beating me by a couple of hundred points. There is no lead I can have that is too big for her not to come from behind. She is quite amazing. I chalk it up partially to her being a musician, as I feel their brains are wired differently. So our friendship and interactions take place as it always has... one day at a time. I am immensely grateful for every second of that time, and feel quite honored to be thought of by her as someone who brings joy and meaning to her life as well. I'm also quite certain that I would not like her letting me win either. That's not the way it's supposed to work.
I think it's time. I am heading to the hospital in a bit. Check you chumps later.?
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 23, 2019:
"I met a man in Nigeria one time, an Ibo who had six hundred relatives he knew quite well. His wife had just had a baby, the best possible news in any extended family. They were going to take it to meet all its relatives, Ibos of all ages and sizes and shapes. It would even meet other babies, cousins not much older than it was. Everybody who was big enough and steady enough was going to get to hold it, cuddle it, gurgle to it, and say how pretty is was, or handsome. Wouldn’t you have loved to be that baby? I sure wish I could wave a wand, and give every one of you an extended family – make you an Ibo or a Navaho – or a Kennedy." ~ Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Ann Coulter continues to taunt Trump and she always gets under his skin! It'll be hilarious if he ...
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Will she be revising her next edition of "In Trump We Trust?" Subtitle: "E Pluribus Asshole"
To the surviving people of Palestine; I am truly so very sorry that you, your families, your ...
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 26, 2019:
“We came and turned the native Arabs into tragic refugees. And still we dare to slander and malign them, to besmirch their name. Instead of being deeply ashamed of what we did and trying to undo some of the evil we committed … we justify our terrible acts and even attempt to glorify them.” — Nathan Chofshi; Russian Jewish writer who migrated to Palestine in 1908. He witnessed the expulsion of the Palestinian Arabs and wrote critically about it as late as 1959.
To the surviving people of Palestine; I am truly so very sorry that you, your families, your ...
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 26, 2019:
"As the Arabs see the Jews" by His Majesty King Abdullah, The American Magazine November, 1947 "I am especially delighted to address an American audience, for the tragic problem of Palestine will never be solved without American understanding, American sympathy, American support. So many billions of words have been written about Palestine—perhaps more than on any other subject in history—that I hesitate to add to them. Yet I am compelled to do so, for I am reluctantly convinced that the world in general, and America in particular, knows almost nothing of the true case for the Arabs. We Arabs follow, perhaps far more than you think, the press of America. We are frankly disturbed to find that for every word printed on the Arab side, a thousand are printed on the Zionist side. There are many reasons for this. You have many millions of Jewish citizens interested in this question. They are highly vocal and wise in the ways of publicity. There are few Arab citizens in America, and we are as yet unskilled in the technique of modern propaganda. The results have been alarming for us. In your press we see a horrible caricature and are told it is our true portrait. In all justice, we cannot let this pass by default."
To the surviving people of Palestine; I am truly so very sorry that you, your families, your ...
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Bertrand Russell got it. From: Bertrand Russell on Israel and Palestine On December 20, 2012 Bertrand Russell’s Last Message By Bertrand Russell This statement on the Middle East was dated 31st January, 1970, and was read on 3rd February, the day after Bertrand Russell’s death, to an International Conference of Parliamentarians meeting in Cairo. ----- : "The latest phase of the undeclared war in the Middle East is based upon a profound miscalculation. The bombing raids deep into Egyptian territory will not persuade the civilian population to surrender, but will stiffen their resolve to resist. This is the lesson of all aerial bombardment. The Vietnamese who have endured years of American heavy bombing have responded not by capitulation but by shooting down more enemy aircraft. In 1940 my own fellow countrymen resisted Hitler’s bombing raids with unprecedented unity and determination. For this reason, the present Israeli attacks will fail in their essential purpose, but at the same time they must be condemned vigorously throughout the world. The development of the crisis in the Middle East is both dangerous and instructive. For over 20 years Israel has expanded by force of arms. After every stage in this expansion Israel has appealed to “reason” and has suggested “negotiations”. This is the traditional role of the imperial power, because it wishes to consolidate with the least difficulty what it has already taken by violence. Every new conquest becomes the new basis of the proposed negotiation from strength, which ignores the injustice of the previous aggression. The aggression committed by Israel must be condemned, not only because no state has the right to annexe foreign territory, but because every expansion is an experiment to discover how much more aggression the world will tolerate. The refugees who surround Palestine in their hundreds of thousands were described recently by the Washington journalist I.F. Stone as “the moral millstone around the neck of world Jewry.” Many of the refugees are now well into the third decade of their precarious existence in temporary settlements. The tragedy of the people of Palestine is that their country was “given” by a foreign Power to another people for the creation of a new State. The result was that many hundreds of thousands of innocent people were made permanently homeless. With every new conflict their number have increased. How much longer is the world willing to endure this spectacle of wanton cruelty? It is abundantly clear that the refugees have every right to the homeland from which they were driven, and the denial of this right is at the heart of the continuing ...
What sort of horrible person threatens to kidnap someone's therapy dog?
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Kidnap and kill, IIRC.
What sort of horrible person threatens to kidnap someone's therapy dog?
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 26, 2019:
FYI - this is worth checking out. - Randy Credico Exclusive Tell-All with Abby Martin on Wikileaks & Roger Stone -
"When you get older, plainer, saner Will you remember all the danger We came from?
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 26, 2019:
That's how I felt when I first heard this song. Luckily it was on KCSN in the car so I was able to look up the artist on their online playlist when I got home. They are great for online listening and have no commercials outside of inhouse promotions and acknowledging benefactor sponsorship.
"When you get older, plainer, saner Will you remember all the danger We came from?
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 26, 2019:
"When you get older, plainer, saner Will you remember all the danger We came from?
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 27, 2019:
There's also some really great interviews of her online. Will link when able.
Does anyone want a date with me?
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Would not be the pits, I'm sure.
"When you get older, plainer, saner Will you remember all the danger We came from?
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Quite a story of serendipity (same way I discovered her). I was listening to an LP set on YouTube to find more stuff to link here. This song came on. Had been looking to find out who and what it was for sometime (only heard on radio once with no back announce). A lyric search didn't help cause I misheard the chorus. Turns out, LP is doing a Beyonce cover. I would have never known because I don't follow Beyonce as talented as she is.
My post of a few days ago garnered a fair amount of commentary.
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Reread my comment then. There was no such assumption in my statement.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone ...
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Boy, do I miss her.
Alan Watts - Nature of God - YouTube
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 1, 2019:
One of my favorite Alan Watts quotes is, "I think 'cosmic consciousness' is the feeling that you love other people... but can't explain why."
My baby was born last night on 2/11/19 @ 8:49. Her name is Violet Elaine. WHEW!
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Cheers for VE Day!
This is a remembrance just posted for an online friend who died this past week.
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 24, 2019:
A formatting note. I wrote WONT not won't and this site changes it in final version. How strange.
As a species, we collectively generate so much misery. Not an indicator of a healthy society.
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 1, 2019:
Obviously there's elements of any truism that don't hold up under deconstruction. But I think the absolutely amazing aspects of existence itself, and the planet and universe we inhabit, routinely become less so just because we get used to it. The "no one is happy" part and my commentary has to do with the many things our species and our respective societies do that create conditions were the prosperity of a particular group is at the expense of others. There's a hardened characteristic of much of humanity that as long as the bad things are happening to someone else, it's not all that much of an issue. Seems we should be smart enough to devise more all encompassing win-win scenarios.
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Where do I find the group description (nevermind, found it)?
Alternative Housing
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 2, 2019:
This water tower house would be nice.
Al Sweat - I Hate Myself []
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Glob bless Irving Klaw.
Al Sweat - I Hate Myself []
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Manfred Mann - Pretty Flamingo Brought this to mind because of the visuals.
Miriam Makeba - Pata Pata (Live 1967) [m.
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 6, 2019:
Milk & Sugar ft Miriam Makeba - Hi-a Ma (Pata Pata) (Official Music Video) [HD] I love this graphics in this version, but I find the electronic "stutter" in this mix entirely grating. It's funny that in the video I posted, I was hoping her leopard dress was imitation, though that's possibly culturally insensitive. Sometimes hard to tell these days. Also would like to find a full translation for the lyrics as I'm guessing some of the hand gestures reflect some potentially salacious content.
I am about to lose my most dear niece to the evils of Ewings Sarcoma.
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 7, 2019:
Love to you both. Painful beyond words. So sorry.
Gogol Bordello - Through The Roof 'n' Underground Carole mentioned the joy of cool finds.
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 7, 2019:
Tweek x Craig - The Book of Love - Full Cover Peter Gabriel I only became aware of this beautiful song because of the South Park episode. The illustrations for Tweek and Craig's "forbidden love" are equally moving as anyone who has ever experienced a deep love recognizes the joys and excitement of intimacy.
Orcas playing with swimmer at Hahei Beach, New Zealand (Original) Because my other whale video made...
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 7, 2019:
A sadness reaction is not a downvote in my opinion. It is a recognition that we are feeling, caring human beings and respond accordingly. Butters Saddest and Sweetest South Park Scene
CS&N "Southern Cross" [youtu.
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 8, 2019:
She explained in detail on one of my posts making a similar inquiry, that by and large, anything goes as she created so many niche categories. Her catch-all is "cool tracks" but we've kind of established that anything with an ocean or sailing theme is essentially Tiki by default. Additionally, phenomenal live versions like this takes it fully out of any category that might be otherwise considered too "mainstream" or mundane regardless of how well the artist/group is known. Carole posted a vid of a whale lost in a SoCal marina, but later deleted it because she said it was getting sad votes. I was going to post the haunting studio verson of Crosby and Nash's To the Last Whale. If there's no objection, I'll do so here (meaning let me know if you'd prefer it deleted). So much awesome content here that it should not be a requirement that all music must be necessarily "upbeat" by default. There is such a wide range of emotionally stirring music. I hope this fits with your nautical post. DAVID CROSBY AND GRAHAM NASH - To The Last Whale
Heinz - Just Like Eddie []
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 8, 2019:
A twofer. Bikes... and an Eddie (Sorry, song ideas pop up like a stream of conciousness). Love the Heinz song and great visuals. Eddie (From The Rocky Horror Picture Show)
Big Jay McNeely - Live in LA 1983 I'm also a sax maniac.
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 8, 2019: BLOWIN' DOWN THE HOUSE | A TRIBUTE TO BIG JAY MCNEELY Come enjoy an evening of Soul shaking sounds, Delicious cuisines and celebrate the life and legacy of the King of Honky Tonk in his home city of Watts California! Saturday| May 4th 2019 6:00pm - 10:00pm Watts Labor Community Action Committee | Phoenix Hall 10950 S. Central Ave, Los Angeles Ca 90059 ----- : If anyone knows if a notice like this is not allowed, please let me know so I can delete. Maybe if I just leave up Big Jay's web page?
Choir! Choir! Choir! sings David Bowie - Heroes I've been sharing the David Byrne version with ...
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 8, 2019:
Choir! Choir! Choir! Epic! Nights: David Byrne + NYC sing HEROES As mentioned.
THE SHADOWS "Apache"...
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Sometimes it's so hard to track down instrumentals you like with no lyrics and sometimes obtuse titles. I still have one on my list that I'm dying to locate but no luck. Might have to do that Google audio search thingy, but I wouldn't be able to whistle it to save my life.
Cherry Poppin' Daddies - "Zoot Suit Riot" (original video) Prolly a dupe here.
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 9, 2019:
Lindy Hop Hellzapoppin More high energy from a group equally marginalized at the time it was made. My guess is that while it was being filmed, they might not have been allowed the same perks other performers on the lot had.
Thoughts on people who claim not to be religious but still believe in Jesus/god/sin/heaven etc?
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 9, 2019:
There's a great essay called, "Kurt Vonnegut, Christ-Loving Atheist," that I was going to link, but it's behind a paywall now so I didn't bother.
Gene Summers - Baby Are You Kiddin' []
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 11, 2019:
My post counter maxed out at 1 today rather than the allowed 6. Still on the fritz, @CaroleKay ?
I am the Monarch of the Sea - Gilbert & Sullivan One way to make it to the tropics.
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 11, 2019:
The Cramps - Bettie Page tribute "What's Inside a Girl?" Sugar and spice? []
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 12, 2019:
The Cramps - What's Inside a Girl? Whoa, there's some things, baby, I just can't swallow Mama told me that girls are hollow What's inside a girl? Somethin' tellin' me there's a whole another world You gotta pointy bra, a ten inch waist Long black stockings all over the place Boots, buckles, belts outside Whatcha got in there you tryin' to hide? What's inside a girl? Ain't no hotter question in a so-called civilized world I can't help peekin' Well, you can't see it by satellite and baby, that's cheatin' The President's callin' an emergency meetin' The King of Siam sent a telegram Sayin', "Wop bop a loop a lop a lop boom bam" The President's callin' an emergency meetin' The King of Siam sent a telegram Sayin', "Wop bop a loop a lop a lop boom bam" What's inside a girl? And I have somethin tellin' me there's a whole another world Whatcha got, whatcha got, whatcha got in the pot? Whatcha got, whatcha got, whatcha got in the pot? In the bottom of your bottomless body pit Oh baby, you got somethin' an' I gotta get it Come on, baby, what's inside a girl? Like a itty bitty baby takes apart his toys Gotta find what's rilin' up the boys Sugar and spice is just a bluff You can tell me, baby, what is that stuff? Come on, what's inside a girl? That wavy gravy got my head in a whirl Whatcha got, whatcha got, whatcha got in the pot? Whatcha got, whatcha got, whatcha got in the pot? In the bottom of your bottomless body pit Oh baby, you got somethin' an' I gotta get it Come on, baby, what's inside a girl? Whatcha got, whatcha got, whatcha got in the pot? Whatcha got, whatcha got, whatcha got in the pot? Whatcha got, whatcha got, whatcha got in the pot? Whatcha got, whatcha got, whatcha got in the pot? Oh, baby, what's inside a girl?
Trying to find a quote that I think is Frank Zappa but no luck.
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 12, 2019:
We have a winner! H/T @indirect76
I do, however, have a "No Solicitation" sign...
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 12, 2019:
I just joined the group "Republican Atheists" because I'm fascinated just what sort of animal that ...
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 12, 2019:
If I was going there to be a troll, there is a classic case of a troll that was made a moderator to the Conservapedia webpage that went around adding the word "allegedly" to every single statement of scientific fact. ?
One do over....
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Wow. Great question. Tough one too. Wish for more wishes? No, nevermind... different hypothetical. Head spinning. Too many options. Too many mistakes. I guess I'd pick the do-over of a lost love, though I'm sure it would end up much the same way. Ironically, it was covered by the same 10 year time frame of Kurt Vonnegut's Timequake.
What species is a human mother's fetus?
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 13, 2019:
Shouldn't it be mother's fetus btw? Not a spelling flame. Maybe it's a trick question.
Pinstripes - El Paso I thought it was going to be a rockabilly cover of Marty Robbins, but what ...
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Marty Robbins... (Long Version) "El Paso" 1959 with Lyrics
THE MAVERICKS "Dance The Night Away"...
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 15, 2019:
the motors. dancing the night away
Agent Orange - A Cry For Help In A World Gone Mad []
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 15, 2019:
Oh, to be young again with nothing but the prospects of a brighter future on the horizon. ?
Storm Large-My Vagina is Eight Miles Wide []
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Holy Hyperbole! (Holey?).
Humanists call for abolition of blasphemy law in proposed hate crime legislation - Scottish Legal ...
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 17, 2019:
It's about goddamn time.
Elvis Presley-Crazy Little Thing Called Love Someone's been doing the time warp. ?
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Jimmy Ellis is the singer and the artist who sang this rockabilly version of the song. He had a voice just like Elvis and even wore a mask to look like him. He covered songs and even played with some other artists (johnny cash, carl perkins, jeery lee lewis) heres what i just summarized but more detailed from a review @ of the 'orion' cd, which contains the track in question. The Liner notes tell the rather strange, but sad story of Jimmy Ellis: the mask-wearing Elvis soundalike,impersonator whose career ended as tragically as Presley's. These are the original recordings that Ellis did for Sun Records from 1972-1980. There are "duets" with Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Charlie Rich and Johnny Cash: but they're ALL overdubbed with Ellis' voice. This was a ploy by Shelby Singleton who purchased Sun Records in 1969. It's not that Ellis didn't have talent. Listen to his cover of Queen's "Crazy Little Thing Called Love". And in 1981, he finally took the mask off (he wore it because he didn't look like Elvis). Like Elvis, Jimmy Ellis died a tragic death. At age 53, he and his fiancee were shot and killed inside their convenience store by robbers. Calling VH1-this would be a great Behind The Music episode. This is a CD for Elvis fans, of course, but also for those who have an interest in the strange ways of the music business. From:
A forgotten hero stopped the My Lai massacre 50 years ago today - Los Angeles Times
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 19, 2019:
I wrote this years ago here: LanceThruster December 6, 2010 9:34 am (Pacific time) The horror and sadness of Mr. Duc Tran Van's recounting of the massacre of beloved family members and neighbors while so very young is heart-wrenching. He too was one of the heroes of that day as his actions prevented his brother and himself from becoming fallen victims of the slaughter. His survival allowed him to be there for his remaining family and share his story with others in a most poignant and graphic way. Armed conflict always involves senseless death and destruction, but what he experienced at the hands of those who believed their own sacrifices were for the good of his people was beyond the pale. I became draft age in ’75 as America’s direct military involvement in the conflict had essentially ceased. I had considered enlisting but did not feel I could trust my government with regards to those it might determine warranted killing. I was reminded of this when my friend’s son Adam, part of Marines 1/5 for the fall of Baghdad in the second Gulf War, returned home from Iraq. When I cautiously asked him about his experiences in a combat zone, the first words out of his mouth were, “We killed people for no reason.” I learned from him that even with very specific rules of engagement, innocent people would die. A vehicle would approach his checkpoint too fast, too erratic, and not heed signals to stop or slow down, and he and his fellow Marines would fire upon the vehicle and its occupants. He told me about the time he did just that, and when he went to inspect the vehicle, it was full of dead and wounded women and children, some of whom were screaming or crying or moaning, in terror or pain or anguish. He bears no physical scars from his tour of duty, but is on PTSD status. I was traumatized by merely hearing of some of his encounters over there. I can only imagine the toll it takes actually living them. To Mr. Duc Tran Van; I am truly so very sorry you and your family and your country suffered so as a brutal war was waged across your land. I have tried to remain informed and active politically so that I could do whatever I can to help prevent my country from inflicting further such tragedies on others. As you might imagine, sometimes I too feel very helpless in this regard. You and Tim King have done much to remind me that sometimes courage can be as simple a thing as to just keep moving forward. And for that, you have my sincere gratitude.
rockabilly TELSTAR salvar al soldado My dad was with AT&T and PacBell back in the day and was ...
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 19, 2019:
In space we thrust!
[] Why the Devin Nunes lawsuit against Twitter is such a bad idea.
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Sadly, Jimmy Dore shows here how hypocritical the left has been regarding free speech issues and specifically press freedom.
It’s 4:20 and I forgot what I posted last… Ski Patrol [youtu.
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Why, yes. Yes, I do (Qs re: Somebody to Love).
It’s 4:20 and I forgot what I posted last… Ski Patrol [youtu.
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 19, 2019:
The Used - Burning Down The House (Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Soundtrack)
Wow, 50 members! Nice to see this group growing. Thank you, everyone!
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 19, 2019:
I'm sure everyone in this group will be "instrumental" to its success and longevity.
Yonderboi....... []
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Musical likes/dislikes are no different than those personal preferences with food. I am not quite there with this track. Pleasant, but a bit nondescript to my ears. I'll bet I could find something else by this group I liked better though. Will check them out. Thx.
And now IDGAF. Enjoy! Genie's Weinies Polish Muslims []
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Full Version of Hotto Dogu song ft. Google Translate Maybe better smoke another bowl... or is that not how you roll?
Yonderboi....... []
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Your rec worked out great, Lilac-Jade. I quite like this. Doesn't count for in here cuz vocals, but still, the instrument only portions are great.
Read this first! Wilkommen! Bienvenue! Welcome! C'mon in! Want to introduce yourself?
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Hi-diddly-ho there neighborinos. In the high desert in the Antelope Valley. Hope to go do stuff with some locals at some point. I'm a bit of a transplant.
I Have A Dream: What if we (Atheist / Agnostics / Freethinkers / Humanist and Free People of All ...
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 20, 2019:
People are =/= to their religion I am most definitely an infidel in that I have no belief in any god or gods. A person’s individual godview is the most basic right possible that a human being can have. I personally reject Islam, Judaism, and Christianity (among others)…but do not reject Muslims, Jews, and Christians. A person’s religion and religious culture are most predictably based on their family of origin, where they were born (geography), and when they were born (i.e. no Xians pre-Christ). I stand with all people on the planet willing to work together as a species to live peacefully with each other and our environment. That does not change regardless of the actions of some who think their ‘godview’ justifies any number of horrible acts. I reject those who use such acts to demonize people who are damned for nothing more than ‘guilt by association.’ ~ LanceThruster
My dissertati​on proposal was approved by my committee this morning.
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Props! Something to keep in mind. :------------------------------------------: "Still, in the universities or in any other institution, you can often find some dissidents hanging around in the woodwork—and they can survive in one fashion or another, particularly if they get community support. But if they become too disruptive or too obstreperous—or you know, too effective—they’re likely to be kicked out. The standard thing, though, is that they won’t make it within the institutions in the first place, particularly if they were that way when they were young—they’ll simply be weeded out somewhere along the line. So in most cases, the people who make it through the institutions and are able to remain in them have already internalized the right kinds of beliefs: it’s not a problem for them to be obedient, they already are obedient, that’s how they got there. And that’s pretty much how the ideological control system perpetuates itself in the schools—that’s the basic story of how it operates, I think."
I Have A Dream: What if we (Atheist / Agnostics / Freethinkers / Humanist and Free People of All ...
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 20, 2019:
This brings to mind an element of working for our mutual benefit that has always concerned me. Using the analogy of a commune, how would/should we deal with those "freeloaders" (essentially) whose actions (or often inaction) threatens the health of the group as a whole. I have often argued that the family is the perfect example of, "To each according to their needs, from each according to their abilities." A family doesn't withhold food from infants for not "pulling their own weight," but at some point incorporate children into age appropriate chores like dishes and sweeping.
I Have A Dream: What if we (Atheist / Agnostics / Freethinkers / Humanist and Free People of All ...
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 20, 2019:
And time is running out.
I Have A Dream: What if we (Atheist / Agnostics / Freethinkers / Humanist and Free People of All ...
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Yet no one will be forced to stand, either.
I Have A Dream: What if we (Atheist / Agnostics / Freethinkers / Humanist and Free People of All ...
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Some actually have a problem with this. ?
Leon Redbone [] []
WilliamCharles comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Your Feet's Too Big - The Beatles - Star Club Songs-1 (@alvar0rtega)
Do most older men prefer a younger model?
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 27, 2018:
I think there's a lot to be said for life experience. I also happen to find mature women in my age range most attractive.
Boyfriend is agnostic, I'm an atheist. How to cope with disagreements?
WilliamCharles comments on Jan 27, 2018:
A "weak" atheistic (as opposed to "strong") is basically an agnostic. I consider myself both. I have 1) no belief in any god or gods, and 2) I see no evidence either way.
Favorite instrumentals?
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 3, 2018: Does this qualify as an instrumental as it has vocalizations but no sung lyrics?
Favorite quotes.
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 3, 2018:
"We are all wired into a survival trip now. No more of the speed that fueled that 60's. That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America selling "consciousness expansion" without ever giving a thought to the grim meat-hook realities that were lying in wait for all the people who took him seriously... All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought they could buy Peace and Understanding for three bucks a hit. But their loss and failure is ours too. What Leary took down with him was the central illusion of a whole life-style that he helped create... a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old-mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate assumption that somebody... or at least some force - is tending the light at the end of the tunnel." Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
I notice a lot of atheist groups, particularly "New Atheists" tend to side with apartheid Israel ...
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 3, 2018:
Worth the read.
Favorite instrumentals?
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Favorite instrumentals?
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Amazes me that all this sound comes from one guy (only slightly out of season).
I notice a lot of atheist groups, particularly "New Atheists" tend to side with apartheid Israel ...
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 4, 2018: Desmond Tutu saw it as apartheid (and he should know).
I notice a lot of atheist groups, particularly "New Atheists" tend to side with apartheid Israel ...
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Bertrand Russell's words still echo today.
Favorite instrumentals?
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 4, 2018:
So glad I posted this. Being exposed to some great new tracks (to me, at least).
Favorite instrumentals?
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Favorite instrumentals?
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Favorite instrumentals?
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Favorite instrumentals?
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Favorite instrumentals?
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 4, 2018:
I notice a lot of atheist groups, particularly "New Atheists" tend to side with apartheid Israel ...
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 4, 2018: "I write this article for the same reason I wrote my book: to tell the American people, and especially American Jews, that Jews from Islamic lands did not emigrate willingly to Israel; that, to force them to leave, Jews killed Jews; and that, to buy time to confiscate ever more Arab lands, Jews on numerous occasions rejected genuine peace initiatives from their Arab neighbors. I write about what the first prime minister of Israel called "cruel Zionism." I write about it because I was part of It." ~ Naeim Giladi
I notice a lot of atheist groups, particularly "New Atheists" tend to side with apartheid Israel ...
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 4, 2018: Remember, Palestine had at one time willingly accepted these refugees.
I notice a lot of atheist groups, particularly "New Atheists" tend to side with apartheid Israel ...
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Howard Zinn was a prominent Jewish American historian. "It did not occur to me--so little did I know about the Middle East--that the establishment of a Jewish state meant the dispossession of the Arab majority that lived on that land. I was as ignorant of that as, when in school, I was shown a classroom map of American "Western Expansion" and assumed the white settlers were moving into empty territory. In neither case did I grasp that the advance of " civilization" involved what we would today call "ethnic cleansing."....It was only after the "Six-Day War" of 1967 and Israel's occupation of territories seized in that war (the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, the Sinai peninsula) that I began to see Israel not simply as a beleaguered little nation surrounded by hostile Arab states, but as an expansionist power....I had long since understood that the phrases "national security" and "national defense" were used by the United States government to justify aggressive violence against other countries. Indeed, there was a clear bond between Israel and the United States in their respective foreign polices, illustrated by the military and economic support the United States was giving to Israel..."
Enjoyed this though I've never seen the Bojack cartoon.
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Enjoyed this though I've never seen the Bojack cartoon.
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Enjoyed this though I've never seen the Bojack cartoon.
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 6, 2018:
What are some of your favorite god/secular/spiritual memes?
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Good advice.
Enjoyed this though I've never seen the Bojack cartoon.
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 6, 2018:
What are some of your favorite god/secular/spiritual memes?
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 7, 2018:
To do list.
Enjoyed this though I've never seen the Bojack cartoon.
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 7, 2018:
I posted this in response to a Jim Daly article at the Focus on the Family webpage shortly before ...
WilliamCharles comments on Feb 7, 2018:
What blogs/websites have you been blocked/banned from and why?


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