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Well the financial assistance as is, is basically non existent.
Piece2YourPuzzle comments on Mar 31, 2020:
The stimulus package is $2t. Even if they gave $1,200 to 200m people (which I doubt) it's still only $240b. Which means that at the very least $1.76t is going to corporations. They're getting more than 7x the amount as U.S. citizens that have little to no money. On top of that, didn't they give the ...
William_Mary replies on Apr 1, 2020:
And they are already working towards another one.
US Teen Dies After Being Rejected by Clinic for No Insurance "He did not have insurance, so he ...
Jetty comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Hi. Does this happen often in America?! Isn't it illegal?
William_Mary replies on Apr 1, 2020:
@Piece2YourPuzzle Mike Papantonio hosts a new primetime weekly show called ‘America’s Lawyer’, examining and exposing untold truths in corporate and environmental legal cases with a no-holds-barred approach in addressing bad lawyers and corruption among federal and state judges. Don't miss this. He covers a lot of good shit!
US Teen Dies After Being Rejected by Clinic for No Insurance "He did not have insurance, so he ...
Jetty comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Hi. Does this happen often in America?! Isn't it illegal?
William_Mary replies on Mar 30, 2020:
@Piece2YourPuzzle it might be time to visit America's Lawyer to see if he mentioned this.
US Teen Dies After Being Rejected by Clinic for No Insurance "He did not have insurance, so he ...
Jetty comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Hi. Does this happen often in America?! Isn't it illegal?
William_Mary replies on Mar 29, 2020:
I'm not particularly sure on the legal ramifications. Unfortunately it is a growing occurrence in the US. I've been unable to find an article with much more information than the above.
On Contact: I.
JackPedigo comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Interesting report on investigative journalists. I just read a story of who is considered one of the greatest and earliest investigative journalism: Ida Tarbell I am making a post about this.
William_Mary replies on Mar 29, 2020:
Quite interesting. I do hope you'll share that here.
XINJIANG AND UYGHURS — WHAT YOU’RE NOT BEING TOLD First of all, the media will never show the...
OldGoat43 comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I think that the atmosphere of xenophobia might be in for big changes once we get rid of the orange scourge in D.C.
William_Mary replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@OldGoat43 well I've been arguing for some time that the signs you're talking about have been there for the better part of 5 decades. As have many independent investigative journalist who I base my opinions and this group on. I think I have a fair amount of history and written work from them for a solid foundation. I'll repeat myself here. Trump is merely a symptom of a sickness that's been here for quite some time. The only difference between me and many other is that I now see this, starting approximately 2 decades ago, staunchly speaking out about it for 1 as I've built a fair amount of knowledge to it. Where many still operate their lives within that establishment corrupting, I now vote against it since Sanders showed himself to be part of it. Obama and Sanders gave me more than enough evidence to squarely place me outside towards a new journey and path. If the awareness was so obvious as your conjecture, why then do we have so many in our population still proceeding to participate within a known failed system full of the corruption you recognize? While a fair part of the westernized world today, and in Latin America, are in the streets protesting against this type of corruption, we in the states lay lame in collaboration.
XINJIANG AND UYGHURS — WHAT YOU’RE NOT BEING TOLD First of all, the media will never show the...
OldGoat43 comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I think that the atmosphere of xenophobia might be in for big changes once we get rid of the orange scourge in D.C.
William_Mary replies on Mar 29, 2020:
All Trump did was make it more obvious for those who don't actually pay enough attention to our nationalism agenda. It was just as bad under Bush Jr. as we went into Afghanistan and then Iraq. The amount of fake news, misused photos, and deceptive flag and sign use was off the charts during that period. Reagan kicked off the hate with Latinos in his war on Latin America and Clinton in his wars in the middle east, Iraq, and those with a percentage of Muslims also. There was never really much of an issue with the border until Bush Jr. started playing fence and walls games down south. Most Americans were clueless of the 100+ year interference we've been engaged in in Latin America until recently. And many still don't know what they should know to properly judge our politicians on, sadly.
How ironic?
Jetty comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Hi. Many people are debating on whether people come first or economy comes first. It's not a binary choice IMO because there is a direct correlation between people and economy. It's more about how to strike the right balance between the two in the right perspective during these difficult times. I ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Jetty it services the ruling class while it suppresses society.
How ironic?
Jetty comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Hi. Many people are debating on whether people come first or economy comes first. It's not a binary choice IMO because there is a direct correlation between people and economy. It's more about how to strike the right balance between the two in the right perspective during these difficult times. I ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Jetty The only correlation between ordinary people and the economy are that each suffer from manipulation. By the powers of the "westernized" world our economies are manipulated through the market systems by corporations, especially those in the oil industry, !presently the healthcare industry!, and banking institutes, for the benefit of the ruling class. While a vast majority of "ordinary people" are manipulated by main stream media on the behalf of the ruling class that own them (MSM). The ladder of the perception management that conditions this population runs from the MSM to our politicians to benefit the worlds filthy rich. As the old saying goes, shit runs down hill. Filth! With the wide inequality gap there is no balance to speak of. To rely on this failed system is futile. For an example. What is Saudi Arabia up to now as it has begun to manipulate the economy and markets with flooding the market with oil again? Quite suspicious for them to do so as this virus hits Venezuela and Iran. "I don't have to explain how." Quite frankly, maybe you don't know how? To be honest I'm struggling to even understand what it is you're attempting to communicate. I'm actually attempting to draw out just what you mean. The fact that a choice is being forced is an actuality that must be addressed! You're attempt to relate it to the economy, I addressed. If you have an opposing opinion that might be of benefit to the group feel free to share it. "I don't have to explain how." quite frankly leaves us all with a well of thoughts. Do we take that as an insult or that we're not worthy of your great wisdom?
How ironic?
Jetty comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Hi. Many people are debating on whether people come first or economy comes first. It's not a binary choice IMO because there is a direct correlation between people and economy. It's more about how to strike the right balance between the two in the right perspective during these difficult times. I ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 28, 2020:
The current situation exposes how capitalism is not working for the citizens of the world by any means. This needs to be addressed in a worldwide united effort. The debate you're talking about is the same debate that's been going on for to many decades. It's a divisional divide process we've been conditioned into by the ruling class, their politicians, and their media, in which they own both. In which they use against the world population in an effort to keep us from seeking a system that would eliminate the current crisis we are under.
How many must die for Wall Street?
silverotter11 comments on Mar 27, 2020:
When we had 2 in my county and they were in the upper part of the county 30 miles west, many of us seniors were being EXTRA mindful about keeping away from crowds, then the apartment management closed down the activities for the month of March that was 3/2/2020. Then they closed the clubhouse ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 28, 2020:
@silverotter11 Mary bought me a couple of those Clorox viral wipe tubes. I get one out before I get out of the truck and try to hop back into the truck without touch much other than the seat, quickly rubbing down my hands and nails. I've noticed a few drivers smile and laugh about it, and I'm like, yea laugh asshole, until it gets you or someone you love that you take it home to. That's those things our employers are suppose to supply us with. What I got was 3 spray cans for cleaning the inside of my truck though. We had to spend our own money for my safety :-(
Capitalism's Uneven Development This week’s episode of Economic Update features an introductory...
yvilletom comments on Mar 24, 2020:
I read more than I watch vids but have followed Wolff for a while. I read and agree with Zinn and Loewen ( Lies My Teacher Told Me ). America’s founders intended an economic oligarchy that would exclude common folk, and that’s what they gave us. In short, it selects for sociopathy. In the ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 28, 2020:
Unfortunately history tells us we can't trust governments to honestly work on the behalf of the the commons without them favoring the wealthy in drastic means. Wolff explains this as the systems changed from feudalism to today's version of capitalism. He does so by explaining how the terms of slavery have only really been conditioned over time. I'll argue our problem is finding a reliable body of people to mass vote into governance. Right now my eyes are towards the SEP (Socialist Equality Party). Lets take China for an example. While most will proclaim a totalitarian communist government, does it work? I have been arguing it does as it is currently adopting some of Venezuela's social programs recently. While our media and politicians will proclaim it suppresses individual freedom and seeks to subordinate its citizens, the last 5 decades contradict that with the fastest growing middle class, possibly the fastest in history. Crack downs at times I will argue are to combat the conditioned perception management that engulfs our society today. How do you view are society having been under attack by these means in drastic measures for the past 5 decades? If you recognize it as I do? I'd fear the outside agenda and attempt to keep my population from being over taken by it also. Shit! They have 1.7 billion people to keep united. You simply can't have that many people and not have a sense of freedom going on! Just as you do with corruption. Who I ask is actually doing a better job in confronting corruption? It surely isn't us in the political and corporate arenas. I'll argue that one of Venezuela's problems is that they haven't cracked down on the corporate and political corruption enough. That being the opposition political entities who are openly free to seduce outside interference. Allowing the corporate entities to contain to much power offers the very complications they fight. These corporations manage to strangle the agenda of the past 2 presidents and the citizens needs. Is it out of fear of drawing in a more intensive outside interference? I imagine it is. Look what happens to their neighbors. Yet even through the past 2 decades Chavez and Maduro have made great strides in combating poverty and providing essential needs to the citizens, which Maduro still holds the support of a vast amount of the population. Much like Cuba's government! That's a tough measure to topple as the western war pigs have found out. But try they keep pushing. Maybe not in a full scale yet, I'm one to argue that those are successful models. Just imagine the outside interference being erased! This is why they are so intensively challenged by the ruling class! This is why our politicians and their media are constantly projecting false narratives towards conditioning ...
How many must die for Wall Street?
silverotter11 comments on Mar 27, 2020:
When we had 2 in my county and they were in the upper part of the county 30 miles west, many of us seniors were being EXTRA mindful about keeping away from crowds, then the apartment management closed down the activities for the month of March that was 3/2/2020. Then they closed the clubhouse ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 28, 2020:
Fortunately for me my job offers me little contact with our customers. In most cases I bring an empty box (for scrap steel) drop it and then pick up the loaded box. In most cases it's customers on long term business relations with no paperwork where I'm in and go. I have only one customer to mind where I have to go in and sign their paperwork. In the case above, in Cleveland, I was spotting a box for a new customer. Kept my distance and he pointed out where he wanted it. More than half a dozen of them, workers and or friends, all congregating in a small area. It wasn't one of the best areas of Cleveland! Most of my worry is at the scale houses of our yards where I have to handle scale tickets. And our main yard in Canton where we send paperwork up to the scale master through an air tube in which everyone touches. I'm simply seeing to many reports on how the wealthy are avoiding this, and how their media propagandist are narrating it that indicate their total lack of concern for us. The incident I mentioned on NPR made the Boom Bust show on RT last night with an interview with Ben Swann. The employees are finding out through the grape vine without any notice what so ever from the employer. At least Mary's employer let us know someone was positive! Then shut down the office. Amazon however, no word and carry on. How do you clean up known infected areas during a shift change!?!
Point of concern.
Flowerwall comments on Mar 24, 2020:
How have you reached the position of absolute certainty it is untrue? I assume this is your position. Please correct me if I am wrong. I mostly believe it's untrue, but without more information on the etiology I do think conclusive decisions are hard to make. Please supply further information on ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 26, 2020:
Yet yesterday a notice went out of that those caught could face terrorist charges.
Texas Republican Dan Patrick Willing to Sacrifice Grandparents to the Economy []
silverotter11 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
Remember the post on propaganda? This is how you start to normalize the really unthinkable. Of course he was on the hub of propaganda porn - fox with fucker carlson. It's so clear to me, I did not watch it. Did he throw in any christian righteousness?
William_Mary replies on Mar 26, 2020:
I'll have to watch it again as far as the religion thing goes. I have to give Carlson some credit though. He has been asking and bringing up the right questions and issues lately. Only a small part of the video is of his show though. Most of the video is commentary from a guy I don't know.
Point of concern.
rogerbenham comments on Mar 24, 2020:
Too far fetched.
William_Mary replies on Mar 26, 2020:
Yet yesterday a notice went out of that those caught could face terrorist charges.
Biden Sides With Big Pharma Against Plan That Could Make Coronavirus Vaccine Affordable In ...
altschmerz comments on Mar 25, 2020:
And this asswipe is winning the primaries (that are still being held)? Well maybe if the MSM was covering this, he wouldn't be!
William_Mary replies on Mar 26, 2020:
You seem to be the only one interested in this information. That's pretty loud also.
Ohio Gov.
Piece2YourPuzzle comments on Mar 23, 2020:
I still don't think it will be as bad as people say. Columbia University has put out a study from the numbers so far and it seems less bad than initial fear mongering reports of 100m cases, 5m hospitalizations, and 500k deaths in the U.S.
William_Mary replies on Mar 24, 2020:
If we don't take this seriously it can become that though.
COVID-19: Prepared for the Wrong War After All Man’s Defenses Had Failed, Slain By the ...
silverotter11 comments on Mar 23, 2020:
The comments at the end of the article were a mixed bag. I think one even thought trump was doing a great job (not sure that person actually comprehended what they read). Clearly this situation has been in the making for years due to the military industry machine's desire for only the best toys....
William_Mary replies on Mar 24, 2020:
I have noticed an uptick in people believing Trump is doing a good job from those that use to bash him. They are one's that also tend to believe that this is a hoax of some kind and it's nothing to really worry about. They are totally discrediting the idea that this could become a widespread health concern, which they aren't practicing the given recommendations to isolate. When Robert Parry started writing negatively about Obama policies Consortium got a surge of republicans coming to the site. What you're seeing there are those who remain in the conditioned republican support system still engaging in tribal politics. Many of the commentators there really do get it though.
The Coronavirus Recession Has Begun The coronavirus pandemic has infected hundreds of thousands ...
OldGoat43 comments on Mar 23, 2020:
I don't think that Tweety is causing more infections due to his ineptness, but his greed and not wanting to spend any of this spoils of thefts on the people of our country. He wants to take his share of tax money to his own offshore bank account.
William_Mary replies on Mar 23, 2020:
As with everything, Trump is a symptom of our problems. The amount of sick is purely due to at least 5 decades of a war on the working class. In which our healthcare for profit left us vulnerable. We are being taught yet another lesson in this in a major way, unnecessary preventable death due to derelict of duty.
The Coronavirus Recession Has Begun The coronavirus pandemic has infected hundreds of thousands ...
powder comments on Mar 23, 2020:
So you're saying you're going to get fucked real hard.
William_Mary replies on Mar 23, 2020:
Breaking/Exclusive: Lockdown 72 Hours, Unconfirmed report from (uninformed?
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 21, 2020:
So is this some rumor or whatever that on Mon. the feds will implement an indefinite national lockdown? What exactly is suspected?
William_Mary replies on Mar 22, 2020:
@TomMcGiverin We've only had 3 deaths so far. 3 is to many though :-( But we had our largest spike the past 2 days almost doubling our cases, we now have 247. 2 of the deaths coming the same day. !Stay well!
Breaking/Exclusive: Lockdown 72 Hours, Unconfirmed report from (uninformed?
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 21, 2020:
So is this some rumor or whatever that on Mon. the feds will implement an indefinite national lockdown? What exactly is suspected?
William_Mary replies on Mar 21, 2020:
As a rumor I can only project more rumors. If this becomes a reality I would imagine a sense of governance will follow. For now all I could possibly give you is to look towards the rest of the world. It could be limited to certain high outbreak areas to start, or the entire country for further prevention. As for Ohio, we are having problems with certain entities not following protocols set by the governor. Friday he warned the public to a harder crack down it this didn't stop. Our cases are beginning to climb higher/quicker each day with more deaths. People need to take this more seriously! Italy only has a population of approximately 61 million people. They just experienced 800 deaths in 24 hours.
COVID-19: All Truth Has Three Stages First, it is ignored.
silverotter11 comments on Mar 21, 2020:
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , stated by Sherlock Holmes Is this the final consolidation of power by big corporate and the wealthy? The thing that stuck was the list of epidemics that forced China...
William_Mary replies on Mar 21, 2020:
@silverotter11 Gates has his hands in many adventures related to chemical aspects and genetic modified seed control around the globe. I've posted articles on this from The Mint Press News site over the past months. His involvement with intelligence agencies also. There's no reason not to believe he could be involved in this either. He is Microsoft after all. You can bank on him being a member of the deep state!
Breaking/Exclusive: Lockdown 72 Hours, Unconfirmed report from (uninformed?
silverotter11 comments on Mar 21, 2020:
Lest I be accused of wearing a tinfoil chapeau I've kept my mouth shut concerning this possibility. I called my reps - all 3 - and asked they be ahead of the curve and perhaps get all states up to speed on mail in balloting in case trump tries to shut down the election if this thing is still raging...
William_Mary replies on Mar 21, 2020:
It does force those of us that know the nature of the beast to ponder if that beast is up to a deceptive agenda.
COVID-19: All Truth Has Three Stages First, it is ignored.
silverotter11 comments on Mar 21, 2020:
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , stated by Sherlock Holmes Is this the final consolidation of power by big corporate and the wealthy? The thing that stuck was the list of epidemics that forced China...
William_Mary replies on Mar 21, 2020:
Please make sure you read the 2 post above this one. I'm not stating they are written in stone, but deserve considerable consideration.
William_Mary comments on Mar 21, 2020:
We are stuck in a delusional reality. All of us. Even Greta Thunberg makes contributions to the very climate change she speaks against. How does she get around as she's been all about in Europe? Recently went on a world tour to spread her speech against climate change. I'm fairly certain the ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 21, 2020:
@rogerbenham while that's impossible in all cases my hats off to her then for what she can accomplish! Her North American tour provided some of those cases she had to resort to other means. I simply wish she would mount a better argument though. And 25 years puts you right at the top of my list with others who have been speaking out!
What if I told you we should all join the service sector?
silverotter11 comments on Mar 17, 2020:
Clearly what we have been doing is only benefiting the top wealthiest in the world. Those somewhat below that benchmark are riding the coattails and are promoters or pimps for the super wealthy everyone else are little people hanging on to their little piece of comfort zone buoyed up by social and ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 19, 2020:
@silverotter11 lets also consider that it's hitting the US in a most convenient time for the ruling class. During a rigged democratic election cycle with a major bubble building in the market. While they've been printing money to cover up the bubble now going on a trillion for several months, they've just created another trillion + which will benefit mostly the ruling class.
Cuba's Interferon Alpha 2B, Successful in Treating COVID-19 For 40 years, Cuba has been using a ...
rogerbenham comments on Mar 18, 2020:
Well if it is any good I cannot imagine why people who know much more about these things would not be shouting about it.
William_Mary replies on Mar 19, 2020:
China has drastically reduced outbreaks and today's report, no new cases locally. Considering they have a population in the billions concentrated in large cities compared to smaller countries going into upswings in dire distress with much less of a population, what is good to you?
What if I told you we should all join the service sector?
silverotter11 comments on Mar 17, 2020:
Clearly what we have been doing is only benefiting the top wealthiest in the world. Those somewhat below that benchmark are riding the coattails and are promoters or pimps for the super wealthy everyone else are little people hanging on to their little piece of comfort zone buoyed up by social and ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 18, 2020:
I find it disturbingly suspicious though that the kill target is drastically aimed at the older population. If it was developed in a lab as it's suspected that means it was done so with purpose. The one article I posted last weekend suggested it may have been also modified to be more effective in other countries. I'm quite suspicious though and of mind to ask more questions.
THE MOST DANGEROUS DECADE: 2018-2028 Every 80 years, nations often experience colossal events.
silverotter11 comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Pleas explain to me what is meant by the 'deep' state? Seems both sides use that term and I do not subscribe or listen to much MSM for real info. Now I'll go read the link you provided.
William_Mary replies on Mar 16, 2020:
THE MOST DANGEROUS DECADE: 2018-2028 Every 80 years, nations often experience colossal events.
silverotter11 comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Pleas explain to me what is meant by the 'deep' state? Seems both sides use that term and I do not subscribe or listen to much MSM for real info. Now I'll go read the link you provided.
William_Mary replies on Mar 16, 2020:
@silverotter11 did I mention conditioning? That would be what causes those looks. You might have heard the old urban legend? You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink it. Well, that applies to information also. Even if you can manage to get one to read it, they often can't accept what they've read because it goes against what has been repetitively pumped into their mind. That's the goal of our main stream media. They all have the very same story almost to a tee and they repeat it constantly from one source to another. Offering only the information they need to use to develop the perception management. Often of half truths and or manufactured accusations. Especially when it comes to their perpetual warring and the economy. You only get a biased side that fits the agenda. I even seen some in the debate last night by both Biden and Sanders as they talked about Cuba, China, and Russia. Sanders again blew an opportunity to set the record straight on his comments about Cuba recently and fell lock step into the false narrative of authoritarian rhetoric as Biden falsely set the narrative tone of Sandinista's and the Cuban government claim of killing thousands. The same narrative played out about China. Russia was a close resemblance. When these countries fight back to protect their citizens and system it's authoritarian murder. When we do it for regime change over a democratically elected government, it's to spread democracy. Last night Sanders got tongue tied at moments, failed to provide crucial details, allowing Biden to win the narrative war that people of ignorance will remain steadfast in that conditioning. I didn't watch the entire event. But what I did see, when it got to that issue, Sanders seemed to be the slower brain last night and looked rather whipped.
THE MOST DANGEROUS DECADE: 2018-2028 Every 80 years, nations often experience colossal events.
silverotter11 comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Pleas explain to me what is meant by the 'deep' state? Seems both sides use that term and I do not subscribe or listen to much MSM for real info. Now I'll go read the link you provided.
William_Mary replies on Mar 15, 2020:
Of course others have their own descriptions of this ideology, conspiracy. To me and a number of political writers and commentators, the Deep State would be the ruling class (the worlds most wealthy) and the intelligence agencies. These would be the ultimate filthy rich we see as ruling from behind the curtain. The association of world intelligence agencies as I have been posting, mainly from the Mint News Press, working for these ultimate rich families orchestrate the world chaos we see going on to manage their agenda towards western dominance. As I cover here from about Russia, China, Latin America to the Middle East, presently, currently the main issues of today. Korea, Vietnam, historically, Iran continuously since the Carter administration. When I use the term establishment I'm talking about the politicians they own. That of course being both parties here in the US. And for all intensive present understanding would be all those in westernized countries. If you relate the resemblance of current issues around the globe, Europe, Australia, India, etc, you should recognize a corresponding resemblance of conditions and issues which seem to mirror our own. Each area mirroring our country with the acceptance of social protest in which we in the US seem to have little desire for. I'll argue that's because we have been well conditioned to compliance compared to our counterparts in those other countries. We have become overwhelmed by fake news where the results of these agendas has been forced on them via overwhelming them with the conditions these agendas have handed them. The perpetual warring is basically on their door steps in which they share the economic despair, but also millions in fleeing immigrants. Imagine if mass warring began in Latin America to the scale in the Middle East the past 18 years! The media would play hell to simply hide it as it does now for the Deep State and establishment behind silent warfare in sanctions and current small scale paramilitary nightly raids in countries we have managed to overthrow there and install puppet governments. In which right now we slowly get those being ran out by the gangs and growing economic disasters we've created. Both side use? A day when people like myself used that term were called conspiracy theorist for such statements, they now use against each other to create a facade knowing their game is slowly being exposed. Just as now the term fake news. They must use their corporate entities in the intelligence field of search engines to create algorithms to sway us from finding factual information. Take to mind, all these search engines and social media outlets now work with our government intelligence agencies around the world. Narrative has become widely used in MSM today for this reason ...
Coronavirus COVID-19: “Made in China” or “Made in America”?
rogerbenham comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Wow, heavy stuff. Sounds like a whole heap of speculation. The elite and short selling does not surprise at all. Trump may well have had plenty to do with that.
William_Mary replies on Mar 15, 2020:
I occasionally state that the deep state and their establishment politicians and media are playing chess while they have us playing checkers. A few to several years ahead of us in moves. This article and the other from this site I just posted give good cause to ask more questions. I'm looking for some genuine sincere questions and opinions.
rogerbenham comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Oh goodie fake news is totally legal.You must be intelligent enough to understand when the information is false.
William_Mary replies on Mar 15, 2020:
Apply history to new information being delivered and ask more questions. You can only find yourself in a rabbit hole if you're completely ignorant to the history. As humans it all comes to us in cycles. If you're armed with reliable alternative news to compare to what you hear from MSM you can remain on top of the conditioning false narratives towards perception management.
You asked us tons of questions about the coronavirus.
rogerbenham comments on Mar 14, 2020:
It will be as it will be. I'm guessing 5% of our members will get seriously sick and may die. Could be me. That's OK with me.
William_Mary replies on Mar 15, 2020:
@rogerbenham yes it's due to lower prices especially towards medications.
You asked us tons of questions about the coronavirus.
rogerbenham comments on Mar 14, 2020:
It will be as it will be. I'm guessing 5% of our members will get seriously sick and may die. Could be me. That's OK with me.
William_Mary replies on Mar 14, 2020:
@rogerbenham Over in the New England area they have bus loads of people on a certain day that go to Canada for healthcare visits. And they're not coming for boob jobs.
You asked us tons of questions about the coronavirus.
rogerbenham comments on Mar 14, 2020:
It will be as it will be. I'm guessing 5% of our members will get seriously sick and may die. Could be me. That's OK with me.
William_Mary replies on Mar 14, 2020:
@rogerbenham I got the flu 2 years ago and went to the emergency room over the weekend. $2000 later my insurance wouldn't cover.
The response of the ruling elite to the coronavirus pandemic: Malign neglect [wsws.
rogerbenham comments on Mar 14, 2020:
A lot of the top elite are elderly. Some of them are likely to die.
William_Mary replies on Mar 14, 2020:
@rogerbenham but she probably does a ton of social activities with her position in society. I'll argue that the ruling class don't give a rats ass about the politicians they own either.
You asked us tons of questions about the coronavirus.
rogerbenham comments on Mar 14, 2020:
It will be as it will be. I'm guessing 5% of our members will get seriously sick and may die. Could be me. That's OK with me.
William_Mary replies on Mar 14, 2020:
You're already self isolated according to past post. Stay that way for a month!
The Fed, The Virus & Inequality Recent years have taught us that the official responses to crises...
rogerbenham comments on Mar 14, 2020:
I cannot see the point of all the precautions other than to slow the rate of infections and give hospitals a small chance to be able to handle it. At least 70% of us are going to get it so I suppose trying to spread that out over time will help. Just how much /many toilet rolls are needed? I read ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 14, 2020:
@Piece2YourPuzzle well I use it, 2 kinds to blow my nose, and I have bad genes when it comes to that #2 area. It takes me a minute to clean up well. Then move to washing up. I have to take Metamucil each morning to help the situation remain a normal cycle. I'm sure our eating habits aren't the greatest though either. But not the worse. Not all people have great bowel systems. I often bitch my Alien ancestral DNA left me out of that good gene.
The response of the ruling elite to the coronavirus pandemic: Malign neglect [wsws.
rogerbenham comments on Mar 14, 2020:
A lot of the top elite are elderly. Some of them are likely to die.
William_Mary replies on Mar 14, 2020:
They have better healthcare and can afford to pay others to do that which would draw them out into society in all aspects. They aren't going to be forced to go to work. They have a higher probability of avoiding this than any normal citizen, I would think?
Capitalism is at war with society The coronavirus pandemic crisis intensifies [wsws.
Jetty comments on Mar 14, 2020:
Hi. I am no fan of Thtacher, but I am tired of people misquoting her out of context. One shouldn't form an opinion merely based on one line "There is no such thing as society" taken out of the full statement she made. Here is what she actually said: *“I think we have been through a period ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 14, 2020:
Yet while you read that entire statement it supports the writers comment of an attack on social programs and infrastructure.
Meet the Trump Fan Accused of Registering Democrats as Republicans [msn.
rogerbenham comments on Mar 12, 2020:
She does not seem to gain from this except for the satisfaction of signing up members. Do they pay? Though very small I have to pay a party membership fee. I do wonder how she has gained from the republican party. What stops a republican member voting democrat or vice versa?
William_Mary replies on Mar 14, 2020:
{Switching them to the democratic party} I meant switching them to the republican party.
Meet the Trump Fan Accused of Registering Democrats as Republicans [msn.
rogerbenham comments on Mar 12, 2020:
She does not seem to gain from this except for the satisfaction of signing up members. Do they pay? Though very small I have to pay a party membership fee. I do wonder how she has gained from the republican party. What stops a republican member voting democrat or vice versa?
William_Mary replies on Mar 13, 2020:
To her the gain is they lose their vote. In our primary you can only vote within the party you're registered in. Switching them to the democratic party or registering a new voter to the republican party against that voters wishes denies them that vote. If she had insight on the voters choice somehow she could have been working on denying a certain candidate a vote. Youth and or Latino going for Sanders for example. Discussions while picking out the paperwork. Simply ease dropping while voters were mingling. T-shirts. The current perception management right now being Trump beats Biden.
Inside the World Uyghur Congress: The US-backed right-wing regime change network seeking the ‘fall...
JacarC comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Meanwhile: spreading a far worse darkness: islam Jihad Report . . . February, 2020 . . . . Attacks 99. . . . Killed 541. . . . Injured 544. . . . Suicide Blasts 5. . . . Countries 26 36,500+ attacks since 911. Five every day. We have been in a world war for 1400 years with the ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 9, 2020:
Race and religious hatred will not be tolerated in this group!
Message to the US Corporate Media: Capitalism is Responsible for the Deaths of Millions of People...
JacarC comments on Mar 8, 2020:
"Capitalism" has done nothing. It is just an idea. Greedy evil pieces of shit are the root of ALL evil, regardless of the ideology. Including socialism, and communism.
William_Mary replies on Mar 9, 2020:
So much for being a "freethinker". Have I asked if you were conditioned much lately? Jacar, people commit murder everyday over a developed idea. Yet you miss the concept of an economic system the relies heavily on capitalist warring that has killed millions over the past 18 years. War has been big business feeding the capitalist system since at least WWI. Weapons manufactures, politicians, and wallstreet love it! The people who make this work are your "greedy evil pieces of shit" in which it is their system to do it from in which their wars help feed it, capitalism. How in the hell do you miss putting those pieces together!?!
What an American Terrorist Looks Like Despite racist and anti-immigrant scapegoating, data show ...
JacarC comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Absolute bullshit.... The orlando shooter, a muslim, an ISIS devotee, killed more people in one night than all killings "attributed" to whities since 911. We get no where when the truth is denied.
William_Mary replies on Mar 9, 2020:
conditioned much? please!?!
As COVID-19 Spreads, Surprise Medical Bills Kept In Place By Private Equity-Backed Democrat Rep.
silverotter11 comments on Mar 8, 2020:
The first confirmed case was noted by the Kittitas County health department yesterday 3/7. I live in Kittitas County, it abuts King County which is where the city of Kirkland, Wa is. The population of Kittitas County is 45,000, it's rural and gop and most people watch fox and think trump is doing ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 8, 2020:
Hopefully AARP will help out of you need it!
Message to the US Corporate Media: Capitalism is Responsible for the Deaths of Millions of People...
silverotter11 comments on Mar 8, 2020:
P.S. and for fuck sake use sources like to see what slant the news you are seeing or reading has. Nothing wrong with looking at ALL sides but willful ignorance has just about destroyed America.
William_Mary replies on Mar 8, 2020:
@silverotter11 just follow me dam mit :-) No, seriously, you personally already have it in your DNA of knowing the reality of what's going on I've learned! You're on top of the game! Even the best of us fall down the rabbit hole from time to time. What matters is when we catch a root in the ground that stinks and we grab it and use it to pull ourselves back out. There's so many out there that just keep going deeper though. I think I provide a good number of sites on the welcoming page to cover all the bases though. I just wish more people would use them. I try to get at least one article of the main sites I use on the post each weekend to draw people to those sites, in hopes they save them to return and learn more on their own. Another good way to test a fact checking site is to watch where a site or source you feel is predominately good and see where it is on the list and how it's rated. It it has any inclination of being poorly rated you can probably be sure the site has an agenda to sway you towards fake news. If the site has any of the MSM sources under good ratings, RUN, fast. If you have to do a search for a site you like, it probably isn't a good sign. Like Google or Wikipedia they tend to avoid advertising or promoting sites and journalist that are the best. You're almost sure to get the controlled narrative sites and information on the top of the list.
Message to the US Corporate Media: Capitalism is Responsible for the Deaths of Millions of People...
rogerbenham comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Thanks. I really enjoyed watching that. The third kind begs so many questions. Who does hiring? Who decides what to make/do? Who controls each section? But I really like the idea of employees being part owners.
William_Mary replies on Mar 8, 2020:
Some of the most successful companies are those which are employee owned or employee shared profited. Are they going to be as big as those who are controlling our society? No, probably not anytime soon. But that is not what the purpose initially was. If our society was drastically more like this we'd be looking at a better society and a safer planet. If we had a government with real concern of its citizens, it would have quickly realized the damage of outsourcing our manufacturing and began turning these places into employee owned operations. I don't see any reason to change hiring protocols. This isn't done by CEO's for large scale operations in most cases. With a more unified employee democracy I would imagine they would inject a unionized style person to participate in that procedure also. I don't really see much to change in the other areas you mention either, for the same reasons. For the most part all aspects of a company are ran by people within the same social structure with incomes closely related. The main concern would come with distribution of profits and the ability to change over to another product should that be necessary. In which would greatly benefit equal distribution from one area to another and to reduce transportation concerns keeping societies outside our own immediate areas from falling into disparity. The entire present process of feeding wealth hungry CEO's and stock holders that hold our society back from advancement must end!
The Cultural Problem of Cheating & Lying Widespread dishonesty in the U.
rogerbenham comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Does Wall Street knowingly invest in fraud? Why invest in fracking when the odds of it ending in terribly high paid CEO's and company bankcrupcy? Did it fully understand sub prime mortgages? Why are banksters never sent to jail? Is fraud in fact the recognised way of doing business? Why do investors...
William_Mary replies on Mar 8, 2020:
@rogerbenham your stock broker makes a commission on the stocks he or she persuades you to buy. They don't actually have your best interest in mind when they offer you a stock to put your money in. They're going to attempt to sell you what makes them the most, first. Whether that means you're more at risk of loosing money or not. Unless you're someone that actually understands the stock market, which a vast majority do NOT, and can work it to your best benefit, you're essentially betting at the casino from the office of a financial adviser or stock broker, possibly over your phone, while your bookie gives you manipulated numbers. They can offer you a sure way to make a little over time, which isn't going to benefit them much, or they can offer you something the market will reward them better over while you take a high risk of loosing. Older retirees have been making the news the past couple of years having been caught up in these scams. This is a large part of the reason pensions have gone the way of extinction. It's cheaper for companies to draw their employees into 401K's where they (employees) lose their money with each recession over the company's continence in paying out pension funds. Especially with the predatory nature of putting companies out of business now. It doesn't look good when a predatory company purposely ends a decades long successful company business via manipulated means and rips the employees pensions from them. It exposes the fraudulent nature of the destruction of a company as they move overseas rather than injecting money to help it survive. While only the CEO's and stock holders walk off with all the money while in bankruptcy.
The Cultural Problem of Cheating & Lying Widespread dishonesty in the U.
rogerbenham comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Does Wall Street knowingly invest in fraud? Why invest in fracking when the odds of it ending in terribly high paid CEO's and company bankcrupcy? Did it fully understand sub prime mortgages? Why are banksters never sent to jail? Is fraud in fact the recognised way of doing business? Why do investors...
William_Mary replies on Mar 8, 2020:
@rogerbenham well the 2008 crash tells us there are over 2 trillion $ in reasons. As you noted, no one went to jail over it. These people from banks, loan companies, and market handlers who purposely created a scheme they knew would eventually fail and be bailed out walked away with over 2 trillion of tax payer money when it was all said and done. Then moved a vast amount of that money off shores to avoid taxes in other illegal schemes. The Panama Papers are still to this day exposing some of the players in that. Today, under Trumps tax laws, those people were able to bring back that money from their off shore accounts at a much lower tax rate and buy back their stocks to once again begin manipulating the market again. In which we have been covering here as they build up another bubble. When the companies fall, as in 2008, they'll bundle them up again in buying the worthless pieces of shit they created and start the cycle all over again. After 2008 Obama made one of the benefactors his economic adviser. His bank walked off with 38 billion in the first round of the initial 780 billion of tax payer bailout money. When it was all said and done via back door agreements it was estimated some 2 trillion was printed up and handed out to these criminals. What little legal actions were done ended in fines to a relatively few amounting in mere millions compared to the billions they all walk away with. That's quite a profitable business to keep repeating, no? Currently Wells Fargo is under investigation, for the second time no less, for creating fake accounts using their customers identities to fraudulently make money. Our government did relatively nothing to them the first time, so they did it again. And from the reports I'm seeing nothing is going to be done again. Good business for Wells Fargo, no?
The Cultural Problem of Cheating & Lying Widespread dishonesty in the U.
rogerbenham comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Does Wall Street knowingly invest in fraud? Why invest in fracking when the odds of it ending in terribly high paid CEO's and company bankcrupcy? Did it fully understand sub prime mortgages? Why are banksters never sent to jail? Is fraud in fact the recognised way of doing business? Why do investors...
William_Mary replies on Mar 8, 2020:
Yes , taxes and bailouts, yes, because our governments are compliant and owned by the ruling class, yes. It goes so much deeper. Money laundering of and for drug cartels. Which if you took out the 100's of billions in that alone it would be drastically harder for the market systems around the world to continue their pyramid system. Organized crime and sex rings as Whitney Webb exposed from The Mint Press News on her Jeffery Epstein, a 4 part series if I remember right. Each providing essential aspects of money laundering through the system. We are currently under the grasp of a communist style ruled system in which our politicians work for the corporate entities controlling our societies in under the "westernized brand". Along with the information falsely being fed to us. We have been Incorporated. We are mindless slaves! Our reality is an illusion.
Message to the US Corporate Media: Capitalism is Responsible for the Deaths of Millions of People...
silverotter11 comments on Mar 8, 2020:
P.S. and for fuck sake use sources like to see what slant the news you are seeing or reading has. Nothing wrong with looking at ALL sides but willful ignorance has just about destroyed America.
William_Mary replies on Mar 8, 2020:
Unfortunately, every fact checker I've looked into is as fake as the fake news itself. If you do a search on the company and or owner of, it almost always leads to a think tank group or people with their own agenda. Sorry to inform you, but I'd find it wise to question media bias fact checker also. # 2 on this list. His bio on Wikipedia offers no evidence towards having experience in judging news. He does appear to have a good gig as the president of The New School for all intentional purposes which seems legit. His discourse with zerohedge is quite telling though as far as reliability to the agenda of providing a reliable source to judging news.
Let's just do the math one trillion dollars is a thousand billion there is 1% of u.
Drew69 comments on Mar 4, 2020:
We can look at this another way we can do this as a justification for stealing from somebody and giving that money to somebody else a Robinhood style government. So you're going to justify stealing from somebody who came up with an idea to build a smartphone so you're going to justify stealing from ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 7, 2020:
Put the cocaine away! Before you find a spoonful that has a deadly dose of fentanyl in it.
Let's just do the math one trillion dollars is a thousand billion there is 1% of u.
Drew69 comments on Mar 4, 2020:
There's another way to even look at this which is even more disturbing those billionaires that lived here doesn't like Bernie's playing either and they have a lot of money they can go anywhere they want so as soon as Bernie as elected guess where those billionaires are going to go They're either ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 7, 2020:
We're going to act like the Nazi's you ridiculously suggest we are and confiscate their manufacturing plants. Then implicate a system of means of production accordingly. Kicking the actual Nazi's out of the country.
The political lessons of Sanders’ Super Tuesday defeat [wsws.
Donna_I comments on Mar 5, 2020:
He spent so much time getting the health care bill passed and it somehow managed to piss so many people off that he lost congress. His second four years were an exercise in futility with the Republicans (much like now!) unabashedly stonewalling everything!
William_Mary replies on Mar 7, 2020:
When you redistribute wealth for healthcare from the working class to provide for those where many refuse to work or to put forth an effort to work, you're going to piss a few people off. I was one of them. My employer dropped our insurance program that year drastically increasing my premiums by 400% Many of my co-workers couldn't afford it and went without healthcare. Hell, I couldn't afford it to be honest, it put a major strain on my life in all aspects. And drained what little I had for retirement. Yea, some people actually made out by now having healthcare, at the expense of others loosing it. What we were promised didn't come to any sense of fruition we were told. There's a hell of a better way out there and people are now awake to it. It took nearly 2 years for people to start believing and seeing what I was telling them of my situation. I was called every nasty name under the sun when I stated my case on social media during those 2 years. Some people, families had it worse than me. Many elderly paid a major price also! Quite frankly, anyone who stands on a stage and claims they want to work on ACA to make it better, should be shot in the head as soon as they finish that statement! Another redistribution for the healthcare companies should not be tolerated by any means! Dispose of them once and for all for all time!
I just heard Sanders say the race is now down to 2 people. Him and Biden. Did Gabbards drop out?
RoboGraham comments on Mar 7, 2020:
The race has come down to two contenders. Gabbard is still in but has just 1 delegate and no chance of victory. I hope she does make it onto the debate stage but I'm certain that the DNC will once again change the rules as the game is being played and up the number of delegates needed to qualify....
William_Mary replies on Mar 7, 2020:
She actually has 2 delegates. This article suggest that the DNC did just change the rules to keep her out.
I have to work today, so my normal weekend binge and moderating the post is going to be late.
rogerbenham comments on Mar 7, 2020:
No I think this flu was of Chinese origin due to close proximity beween humans and animals. It is easy to imagine a sick human eating or badly handling a sick animal and we know that that is how these nastier flus start. That politicians are using it for their own ends is another thing all ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 7, 2020:
{I would be terribly surprised if some labs are quite capable of unleashing something as nasty as that.} Are you also with that considering our CIA and military adventures in using people as lab rats within their own laboratory born assassinations and test harming our own military personnel? I'll offer the recent events in the UK that were blamed on Russia for an example. Which have had high doubts put on the accusing sources as the most beneficial over the Russia government.
Clint Eastwood’s Richard Jewell: An important and largely unrecognized film [wsws.
altschmerz comments on Mar 7, 2020:
While I think Richard Jewell is a worthy subject for a film, why did Eastwood and script writer BIlly Ray concentrate on Kathy Scruggs and ignore Ron Martz, who wrote the article with her, or invent FBI character Tom Shaw instead of fingering the real agent (Donald Johnson, also deceased)? Also, did...
William_Mary replies on Mar 7, 2020:
I don't know much about the event to answer those questions or confront those points to be honest. You're convincing me, as at least one of the comments on the article, not to waste my money. :-)
silverotter11 comments on Mar 1, 2020:
This is a wonderful lecture. But if I don't don't relegate or relate my emotional response to fiction or a movie the reality is very depressing. As Sherlock Holmes states, “There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.” ― Arthur Conan Doyle or my favorite “when you have excluded ...
William_Mary replies on Mar 5, 2020:
@rogerbenham I was attempting to refer to this in another post, to a degree, without creating a stir. Via the women's liberation and 2 world wars, the injection of women into the work place on a large scale essentially eradicated the successful single working household providing an abundance of slaves. The ruling class used that against us with growing numbers over time.
Here's another scam thought for you on the primary.
EdEarl comments on Mar 2, 2020:
We need term limits on every political office at every level of government. It will help, but not totally fix the problem of corruption in government, people will learn to game any system.
William_Mary replies on Mar 3, 2020:
No, we need to unite behind a real peoples party! There's a dozen more waiting in line to fill the shoes of the one leaving.
Klobuchar out now! Endorsing Biden tonight in Dallas. See where this is leading now?
rogerbenham comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Cheney was in charge of Bush. Are you saying that Biden was in charge of Obama or that he is as evil as Cheney was?
William_Mary replies on Mar 3, 2020:
I'm implying that Biden may have been the narrative control of the Clinton machine.
Irish pseudo-left groups back Sinn Féin-led coalition - World Socialist Web Site
William_Mary comments on Feb 29, 2020:
{In this volatile situation, overhung by economic uncertainty and the impact of Britain’s departure from the European Union (EU), the pseudo-left parties are playing the central role in agitating for a Sinn Féin-led coalition. They unanimously present this as a government of “real change,” to...
William_Mary replies on Mar 2, 2020:
@Ian-Duggan so you're telling me that includes the greens in the US? Who attempt to separate themselves as more like socialist?
Irish pseudo-left groups back Sinn Féin-led coalition - World Socialist Web Site
William_Mary comments on Feb 29, 2020:
{In this volatile situation, overhung by economic uncertainty and the impact of Britain’s departure from the European Union (EU), the pseudo-left parties are playing the central role in agitating for a Sinn Féin-led coalition. They unanimously present this as a government of “real change,” to...
William_Mary replies on Mar 2, 2020:
@Ian-Duggan in which I'm strongly leaning towards.
Krystal Ball: panicked DNC elites try to stop Bernie’s big Super Tuesday With Bernie Sanders ...
rogerbenham comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Well you'd better prepare for 4 more years of Trumpie. Will he then set himself up as emporer?
William_Mary replies on Mar 2, 2020:
Unfortunately I'm prepared to be on the loosing side no matter which party wins. That's the difference between me and a vast majority of the US voters. I'm not voting to win, I'm voting for change. I am a member of the few in this country who isn't voting for who can win or beat Trump. I'm voting for who can change the system with help from like minded people. In which there are none available in DC today. The world hasn't ended with 3 + years of Trump and after the next 4 + it will still be here. Whether it's Trump or the next DC criminal. The question really is, is how much more worldwide murder, people of our own who fall through the cracks of our system, of those who remain in the conditioning of their state of criminality want to keep washing that blood and hard times off their conscience? The fact of the matter is they are as guilty for participating in their system as the establishment politicians. We've had 3+ years of exposure to the devastating truths of the reality of what our government really is. What 18 years of war in the middle east is really about, the false narratives to Syria, Russiagate and Ukraingate. What the DNC really is. Frankly, there is no democracy! What more do they want on their conscience? If they don't have a measure of conscientiousness to this then they are no better than those they keep voting for. You can no longer use a party, your party, to separate yourself from the crimes of nearly 5 decades that have been enduring this. And the past 3 + years have brought that fact out like a nuclear bomb. You're no longer allowed an excuse! You're either in the blast zone or delivering the blast with them now. Trump AND Clinton have really made it that simple for us.
dalefvictor comments on Mar 1, 2020:
We live in interesting times. The repub's have been working in this for over forty years. Lying and steeling, cheating.
William_Mary replies on Mar 1, 2020:
@dalefvictor exodus the 2 party establishment and unite behind one of two good 3rd parties. And please spare me the empty rhetoric of these parties can't win. They can win with support. We will never win with the establishment parties. The only way for us to win is to boot them out by taking over their system with new blood that has an ideology to advance us towards a new era and away from a failing agenda built for the oligarchs.
This sounds much better use of tax funds than armaments & MP rorts.
rogerbenham comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Wonderful.But it is a wealthy country where elites hide their money.It is a great idea. But the automobile is so dominant.
William_Mary replies on Mar 1, 2020:
We need to nuke our current living structure and develop our cities around our places of work. Place our schools and shopping within the same structured area. Almost eliminating any need for car use, spend our lunch time with our children, healthcare within a golf carts drive. Our entire society is outdated! Take it from someone who once drove OTR. Many of our cites in the US were not meant to have 18 wheelers in them! And yet without them society comes to a screeching halt. Keep the city limits to big time office and government aspects.
National Security Cinema: The Shocking New Evidence of Government Control in Hollywood—How the US ...
altschmerz comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I remember the WSWS's review of Captain Marvel, and how they (obviously) had cooperation from the U.S. Air Force, among other movies. I admit I went to see it for the female superhero (ditto Wonder Woman) but (neither) film particularly impressed me.
William_Mary replies on Feb 29, 2020:
@altschmerz the BBC who is presently engaged in a propaganda campaign to reduce their defecting supporters who have grown tired of their fake news?
Not so long ago a conservative work mate of mine told me outright that Medicare for all would cost ...
Piece2YourPuzzle comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Last I read, it would cost about $34t over 10 years. There have also been studies that have shown that it would cost less than what health care costs now. People ask Bernie to explain how he's going to pay for it in a 40 second response. Then when he starts they just cut him off or make fun of it. ...
William_Mary replies on Feb 29, 2020:
@rogerbenham in respect to healthcare there's no need to tax as I understand it. Under a universal healthcare system we pay for it within the yearly tax system at a lower rate compared to us presently paying from our existing monthly payments to a company saving us hundreds a year. Ending subsidies to profitable corporations alone could pay for re instituting federal cuts to state and local issues. Our national government is currently attempting to abandon any sense of social construct to support society in regards to accommodate a changing social structure as technology and energy bring signs of change. They chose instead to cling on to a dying outdated system rather than to use the future to create jobs as the planet fails beneath us. They allow these corporations and the most wealthy to spend more money buying them off to keep a failing system afloat than it would take if they simply applied that to the issues we face. Hell, we don't even have election cycles any longer! These entities are spending billions from the end of one to the next preparing to undermine society to the amount we shouldn't even have issues! And then people are crazy enough to send their hard earn money to the fucking establishment politician of their choice on top of that!?! That's basically going out and buying a gun and handing it over to the home intruder and getting on your knees as you hand them the loaded gun. What's this tell you where we as a people are in politics? Most of us can't even put the pieces of this puzzle together to understand we are being totally screwed and helping to screw ourselves at the same time. It's insanity! All the money being spent to suppress us is more than it would cost for us all to have what we see as fair needs and income times over. If we all had a unison mind to relate that to our politicians and governance as a whole the game should be over! Key word----game. Why the game? Why can't we all just get rid of the game!?! Why don't the many who are loosing in the game unable to see this?
How We Stay Blind to the Story of Power, While Those Who Challenge it, Like Assange, Can Wind Up ...
rogerbenham comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Yes I agree. But I don't read newspapers or watch TV so their influence on me is reduced. The sheeple are easily controlled as long as they are kept mindlessly happy. Toys and continual entertainment (Brave New World) achieve this very well.
William_Mary replies on Feb 29, 2020:
The propaganda is waged on us in many ways. There's no escape from it really. From billboards to walking through any type of store. It's been so engulfed on us most don't recognize it. We literally have to question everything we read and see today.
'You'll See Rebellion': Sanders Supporters Denounce Open Threats by Superdelegates to Steal ...
Lorajay comments on Feb 27, 2020:
If Sanders supporters act on this threat, they will be responsible for the re election of Trump. Russia prevailed in 2016 because they split the Democratic vote and discouraged others from voting. Yell at me all you want and call me names I will still hold them responsible.
William_Mary replies on Feb 29, 2020:
Russia? Who in Russia? While the narrative is driven towards making you think the Russian government interfered they've provided no proof of who in that government interfered. 12 Russian people from within a Internet click bait farm were indicted, not the Russian government. And when their lawyers from the DC area showed up at the hearing Mueller asked for a delay in the hearing in which he never advanced or addressed the case again. Other than making the same "accusation" without proof in his report. The entire DNC debacle has been proven to most likely be a manufactured false narrative by independent journalist who can't get their investigations into main stream media. But you'll trust a government and their media who have a vast history of betraying out trust?
National Security Cinema: The Shocking New Evidence of Government Control in Hollywood—How the US ...
altschmerz comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I remember the WSWS's review of Captain Marvel, and how they (obviously) had cooperation from the U.S. Air Force, among other movies. I admit I went to see it for the female superhero (ditto Wonder Woman) but (neither) film particularly impressed me.
William_Mary replies on Feb 29, 2020:
Also mentioned in the article was NCIS. I've been a big fan of it for years. BUT, I know it comes with a lot of fake propaganda and can sort that out. But who doesn't know what you and I know who fall down that rabbit hole! My biggest disappointment with NCIS was with one of the newer actors in it, Wilmer Valderrama who plays Nick Torres. When he played a ridicules role in this propaganda piece by John Oliver about Venezuela. Allowing himself to look like a total fool to help Oliver spread this fake narrative dressed like a bird @ 44:42 This by the way is Abby Martin's producer debunking the Oliver show POS.
'You'll See Rebellion': Sanders Supporters Denounce Open Threats by Superdelegates to Steal ...
BitFlipper comments on Feb 27, 2020:
What's wrong with Elizabeth Warren? The media has already erased her and nobody here has complained.
William_Mary replies on Feb 29, 2020:
Well if you were to observe her Clinton light like actions as many do, you might understand why those of us who recognize this and know of the background noise of her and Clinton's collaborations don't support her. Her cheap shot at Sanders in one debate, then the next she played it off as nothing happened. As did Sanders :-( That was clearly a Clinton advised move that failed miserably. Along with reported regular communications with Clinton and Clinton's promise to Warren to provide her with her donors in high places. In which Warren then made a reversal in accepting certain types of donations she previously denounced, also admitting it was the only means for her to survive in the campaign. This isn't Warren's first rodeo with Clinton either. Warren and Clinton go back a while from approximately when Warren was still at Harvard, an episode where Clinton essentially betrayed over Warren over a bankruptcy reform agreement. I'll post a video of her on the Bill Moyer show below. In the leading writing to the video it explains the interview as follows. {Bill Moyers discusses Hillary Clinton's dramatic shift in policy regarding Bankruptcy reform with Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren in a 2004 interview. Listen to what Warren has to say about why she believes Clinton changed her views. } I will argue what this says and what she says in the video is what today Warren herself has become. This is what DC and really any sense of our political nature, local, state, and national, does to politicians. Even if they go into politics with a genuine sense to do righteous work for the people, the ruling class agenda always trumps their intentions. This has become the Warren strategy if you've followed her and politics properly. If you can't beat them, join them. And joining them means playing the same games as they play. Warren isn't in politics for you, she's in politics for herself. She lives in a power structure that she's come to depend and survive on. Her goal is to survive within it while the driven agenda of the ruling class controls how she does so. Obama made this so evident there shouldn't even be an argument to this anymore!!! But you have to be a serious player in this game as a citizen to be able to recognize the betrayal of our government today. You also have to tear yourself from the conditioning of the main stream media which is owned by the ruling class in which they manage the perceptions of the population still foolish enough to religiously follow them. Left or right. You have to understand that we are under a constant state of propaganda that engulfs us in a delusional reality! If you're not understanding what I'm attempting to tell you, you're not asking enough questions and not putting enough time in finding the real answers. ...
Socialism Without Anti-Imperialism: A Different Flavor of Tyranny
rogerbenham comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Well Sanders is the best choice that you are being given.
William_Mary replies on Feb 27, 2020:
He seems to be the best choice. All you have to do though is look at how he's going about it! As the post and comments here suggest, he's lip service. If Sanders was actually serious he would be doing 2 things. Exposing the establishment for what they really are. And strongly suggesting how he would need help as the president to get his policies through the floors of both congresses. Which Piece2YourPuzzle correctly observes above, it being a practiced manor for about 5 decades now to move this country to the right. Sanders will need a vast injection of like minded people to get anything done. He should also being explaining this and calling for his supporters to also look outside the party for help! His weakness is not rocking the boat enough. Which will drive those who are conditioned to the capitalist perception to vote for Trump. Sanders needs to do like Ross Perot did. Spend money on a half hour of prime time TV and fully expose the establishment history from approximately the Reagan era, also including a full explanation of how his policies can be paid for. And the rest of us could spread that on the internet also!
Much like Venezuela in support of Maduro, Cuba fills the streets to honor Fidel Castro.
silverotter11 comments on Feb 26, 2020:
This may sound weird to a lot of people so I'll comment here as I think you will understand what I say. To me it looks like the dems are not terribly interested in winning the WH in November. It is a show, far too many on the left are making way to much money for this gravy train to end. The ...
William_Mary replies on Feb 27, 2020:
No, it's just hard to face a day when you actually know the reality. And although you force yourself to face these days in hope for change it seems futile because of those around us living in a delusional conditioned reality.
The West Displays Its Insecurity Complex The only complaint the U.
Piece2YourPuzzle comments on Feb 23, 2020:
I believe it was with the founding fathers also. Just look at James Madison (who is known as being the "Father of the Constitution") and his Federalist Papers No. 10 where he talks about protecting the opulent minority against the majority. The entire writing is about the rich keeping their wealth, ...
William_Mary replies on Feb 23, 2020:
I get the argument often when I mention this that the US Constitution is like some glorified book of the Bible. But when you look at where the founding fathers came from and the secret societies some of them belonged to, it just might give one reason to think they weren't running from but expanding the empire. That the ruling arm was making sure it was guarding its new resource. Which is why, as you mention, the seats in the senate were placed by state representatives to protect wealth and property until 1913. One of the very reasons, main reason, for guarding this new resource was the new abundance of lumber. Where Europe had drastically eradicated their lumber resources the new world provided them a means to keep their naval power. Democracy has always been at odds with wealth and power here for a reason. We just need to get people to read between the lines!
Juan Guaido Stars Venezuela's Biggest Corruption Case Ever The U.
rogerbenham comments on Feb 17, 2020:
The USA has been responsible for an incredible amount of exploitation, undermining, stealing and killing and somehow the rest of the world has to stop them.
William_Mary replies on Feb 22, 2020:
Unfortunately, I strongly believe we do it for the benefit of the rest of the world, as for ourselves. We are being used as all fingers are pointed our way because of our military might. In collaboration within the CIA and Israel intelligence. We just learned this week that the world's largest cryptologic firm is a Swiss-based front for the CIA. And as I've been posting for a few weeks now, Israel intelligence has a strangle hold on our country in basically every aspect, local, state, and nationally. World's leading crypto firm EXPOSED as CIA front
New York Times falsifies history to claim Sanders is “transforming” the Democratic Party On ...
Lorajay comments on Feb 21, 2020:
Bernie has energized our youth and they have many economic reasons to stay engaged.
William_Mary replies on Feb 22, 2020:
I only worry he leads them towards disenchantment. As he did with his supporters in 2016. I was one of them.
Sanders tells New York Times he would consider a preemptive strike against Iran or North Korea No...
rogerbenham comments on Feb 14, 2020:
OK that is just great. Now who is left to vote for? Clearly none of the Republican nor Democrat senators nor presidential candidates. USA you must wake up bloody quickly or you will drown in your own quagmire.
William_Mary replies on Feb 15, 2020:
@rogerbenham I fear you are right. But hopefully we can wake up those who remain after the ultimate damage is done to unite behind a world coalition of new governance.
Kobe, Impeachment and the Coronavirus: A Study on the Dangers of White Liberal Fragility White ...
rogerbenham comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Racism is not a political opinion but it is an opinion expressing ignorance and in-built bias.
William_Mary replies on Feb 15, 2020:
@rogerbenham yes, that's one aspect. As I posted to Lorajay above I'll share with you. Teodrose Fikremariam wrote an article much like the one above a year ago. His target however was geared more towards black politicians and also both parties. A version of racism against their own. But Teodrose Fikremariam also wrote a better article that really delved into what I'm attempting to explain as far as how racism being propagandized against us. But with 135 pages of his work I could spend all day looking for it. Mind you, Teodrose Fikremariam wrote part of Obama's victory speech of his 2008 presidential win to later feel the betrayal much as I see in Sanders. He later came to referring to Obama as the first bank president in denouncing his presidency after spending his time working on and in Obama's campaign. Needless to say he found himself quite dissatisfied with Obama's continence of establishment policies over the change he falsely spoke of. You can find a link to all his post in the upper left corner near his picture. It's a golden wealth of great writing in my opinion. He has stepped back from political writing after taking a position of the chair of Ethiopians for Constitutional Monarchy. You can find a great story in Teodrose from a heritage of Ethiopian ruling descent to homelessness and back to where he is today. I know you often question my denouncing of the squad of 4 here, within his articles you'll find much of my reasoning that have helped me develop those opinions.
Sanders tells New York Times he would consider a preemptive strike against Iran or North Korea No...
rogerbenham comments on Feb 14, 2020:
OK that is just great. Now who is left to vote for? Clearly none of the Republican nor Democrat senators nor presidential candidates. USA you must wake up bloody quickly or you will drown in your own quagmire.
William_Mary replies on Feb 15, 2020:
@rogerbenham unfortunately I have a louder voice with a vast amount of money and potentially more avenues to fool that electorate as an opposition. And breaking them from their conditioned perception management that they are trapped in from those resources seems to be quite impossible as it is a very slow process. Another problem is that even many of the younger generation who are wise to my/our dissenting views, are also being corralled in a fake socialist movement behind the DSA (Democratic Socialist of America). Entrapping them inside a misguided narrative of thinking they can change the democratic party. Between the elder generations stuck in cognitive dissonance and the younger generations with a genuine desire for change stuck in that illusion, I don't know which is worse.
Sanders tells New York Times he would consider a preemptive strike against Iran or North Korea No...
altschmerz comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Somebody posted this article in the Progressives and Socialists group. It didn't get a good reception.
William_Mary replies on Feb 15, 2020:
@altschmerz a lot of infighting there! oye
Sanders tells New York Times he would consider a preemptive strike against Iran or North Korea No...
altschmerz comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Somebody posted this article in the Progressives and Socialists group. It didn't get a good reception.
William_Mary replies on Feb 15, 2020:
@altschmerz right on the Jill Stein! Which is why I hope Sanders pulls this out somehow. Then I can watch every move he makes and expose him for what he is. See this is another difference between us and them. We know we aren't going to win voting for who we know might actually begin to bring change. But they don't recognize they aren't winning even if their preferred candidate wins. Nothing of substantial importance will change to bring the change they seek. They don't seem to be able to reflect on the past 5 decades to recognize that nothing has really changed for the good of the country. It just keeps getting worse no matter who's been the president, no matter which party has had control of the congressional houses, even when they've held control of both or all 3.
[] Vladimir Pozner: How the United States Created Vladimir Putin
rogerbenham comments on Feb 13, 2020:
Sorry it is very long but I think that this guy really knows what he talks about. I found the prospect of Hillary getting elected highly alarming because of her attitude towards Russia. She was open about her desire to move missiles up to the Russian border. Were I Russian and I was aware of the ...
William_Mary replies on Feb 15, 2020:
Bill Clinton was working to get Putin in place as the capitalist were moving into Russia to reap the rewards of the falling Soviet Union. The Ukraine issue of today is all about placing a check on Russia. That's why we are supporting and funding a fascist state there now who wants to commit genocide of the Russian speaking Eastern Ukrainians. They just can't get close enough to Russia so they want to kill off those who side with Russia to get those few more miles in. The entire quagmire of over throwing Ukraine was built over getting a westernized president into power by kicking a president out who was willing to work with Russia. I'm still not convinced though that any of this is legitimate. It serves both capitalist nations to keep this war fear going? Russia never really puts up much of a fight when it comes to supposed backing in nations like Syria and Venezuela. Despite such much of Syria was turned into rubble under attacks by outside forces and still today is bombed by Turkey and Israel without recourse or protective defense. I often wonder just what role Russia is actually playing here! It really seems to me to be a role of inside CIA operative.
Collective household debt has surpassed $14 trillion for the first time.
rogerbenham comments on Feb 14, 2020:
So does that mean that every man, woman and child owes some banking conglomerate about $40,000.00? And that maybe $2000.00 is being pulled from them every year in interest on that debt. Money that otherwise could have been used for schooling or road maintenance?
William_Mary replies on Feb 15, 2020:
@Piece2YourPuzzle actually I'm seeing on about a weekly basis of people being arrested and jailed for bills they can't pay. If what little I'm seeing, what aren't we seeing?
Sanders tells New York Times he would consider a preemptive strike against Iran or North Korea No...
rogerbenham comments on Feb 14, 2020:
OK that is just great. Now who is left to vote for? Clearly none of the Republican nor Democrat senators nor presidential candidates. USA you must wake up bloody quickly or you will drown in your own quagmire.
William_Mary replies on Feb 15, 2020:
Green-SEP We Have More Than One Party!
Kobe, Impeachment and the Coronavirus: A Study on the Dangers of White Liberal Fragility White ...
rogerbenham comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Racism is not a political opinion but it is an opinion expressing ignorance and in-built bias.
William_Mary replies on Feb 15, 2020:
It becomes a political opinion when it is used as a tool against society towards an agenda? Racism has been effectively structured by the ruling class to be viewed by society via the media to construct a never ending war like scenario to keep the ugliness of it alive. I give you the border issue as an example. It was being widely used as Trump was coming into power, yet today we hear very little about it. I guarantee you the same ugly conditions and issues are still there today! They wait in the wings of hell to be used again when they find it of use.
Kobe, Impeachment and the Coronavirus: A Study on the Dangers of White Liberal Fragility White ...
Lorajay comments on Feb 14, 2020:
I hope for I am prejudice but not racist. Very few of us are without prejudice.
William_Mary replies on Feb 15, 2020:
I agree totally Lorajay. I seldom get anyone who agrees with me. I think we all have a degree of racism in us. I relate it to our nature instincts of tribalism that can be found in many aspects of our lives. Politics, the work force, the way we drive, etc. It's the ability in us as individuals to recognize when these instincts are attempting to play a part in our actions and thoughts. Racism as been used against us in a propagandized agenda to view it as the ruling class wants us to react by the media they own. As long as it's used as a tool against us we will struggle with it. Teodrose Fikremariam wrote an article much like the one above a year ago. His target however was geared more towards black politicians and also both parties.
Sanders tells New York Times he would consider a preemptive strike against Iran or North Korea No...
altschmerz comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Somebody posted this article in the Progressives and Socialists group. It didn't get a good reception.
William_Mary replies on Feb 15, 2020:
Because they are supporters of Sanders, and or like what they see in him? Some people can't get past the lip service, or don't have enough historic information to develop a worthy opinion. When Sanders came out in 2016 very few people actually knew much about Sanders. Hell, I'd been following him for over a decade at that time and still didn't have all the information I needed to make a worthy right to advocate for him. But I put my heart, soul, time, and reputation into it. As I have explained here on occasion, his questionable voting record, support for and funding middle east wars, pushing hard to move Vermont's nuclear waste to a small town in Texas of a lower income community, impoverished brown people, which I didn't hear about until late in that primary cycle, yet I accepted his excuses to make a bad decision. This article exposes some of the same things I now understand that his supporters today can't face. Most likely they don't know ALL of his history and still believe in Russiagate. A large part is also based on beat Trump at all cost as Sanders is expected to be the one to them. They haven't figured out that Trump isn't the system that brought us Trump. Or that Sanders is part of the system. How he handled himself in the debates on 2016 and ended his campaign proved that. And he's weakish in the debates this time also as he refuses to rock the boat exposing 2016 and many other historic facts he could use. Sometimes I wish there was a test before people would be allowed to vote. But then the establishment would algorithm that also. This is how Obama came out of nowhere and went everywhere. Who the fuck knew anything about Obama? Slick looking with all the right talking. Yes we can became no we can't. 8 years later after GWB policies on steroids people wonder why another trickster lips servicing asswipe con artist was able to use a fair amount of truths to move the country towards fascism. It's never ending it seems :-( The difference between me and most Trump supporters. I see the con I was served. They don't and want more.
Collective household debt has surpassed $14 trillion for the first time.
rogerbenham comments on Feb 14, 2020:
So does that mean that every man, woman and child owes some banking conglomerate about $40,000.00? And that maybe $2000.00 is being pulled from them every year in interest on that debt. Money that otherwise could have been used for schooling or road maintenance?
William_Mary replies on Feb 14, 2020:
@rogerbenham exactly. I've been covering this for several months now. It's a large part of the reason I encourage the members here to watch the RT programs I have listed on the Welcoming Page, and other for this following reason. For a few months now the programs I watch there have been talking about repo loans in which the FED is dumping billions into the banking system each night. The main stream media just last week has now finally started to talk about it also. Although they aren't really putting out the full scale of what's going on as they still spew out how well the economy is. We are currently, via the FED, blowing up another bubble to cover these banking loans. How long can we possibly continue to just print money out of thin air to cover these loans before the pyramid scheme comes crashing down from to much weight? If you remember they raised the interest rate? For a short period, then dropped it again. Well that's because they figured out the economy wasn't so well off as it created a drop in the market. Now talk is to drop it more, possibly going into negative interest. In Europe a few months ago a collapse of a bank sent interest loans into the negative in some places. These aren't good signs! I need to get ready for work. Love chatting with you though!
Collective household debt has surpassed $14 trillion for the first time.
rogerbenham comments on Feb 14, 2020:
So does that mean that every man, woman and child owes some banking conglomerate about $40,000.00? And that maybe $2000.00 is being pulled from them every year in interest on that debt. Money that otherwise could have been used for schooling or road maintenance?
William_Mary replies on Feb 14, 2020:
It means that the next recession will gobble a lot of people up into a free fall who managed to avoid that in the last one. Most barely now hanging on while continuing to borrow that which they really can't cover. You really need to watch the show. It's a short time during the first segment that an economist and Rick cover. But yes, of course, we will pay, not the elite, they will benefit as always.
'Never Trump' Republican Operative Known for Anti-Semitic Attacks on George Soros Now Working to ...
rogerbenham comments on Feb 13, 2020:
Why is it so difficult for people to understand this? Are they willfully ignorant? Are their heads filled with TV propaganda? Do they really have no understanding of what is going on? How can Trump supporters not see that instead of draining the swamp he embraced it? Do they really think he is ...
William_Mary replies on Feb 14, 2020:
@rogerbenham people have been getting elected under the same pretense within the democratic party for at least 4 decades to combat what we see as an attack starting from the Reagan era. They come and go like the seasons because we have an electorate that often switches party when they become dissatisfied with the results from one representative. Which with each time one of these squad members make the headlines in main stream media, that media plants that very seed into the minds of viewers to question what they are actually getting done within their districts. So they tend to either get quickly voted out or reach media silence orchestrated by the establishment. However, AOC having been moved to the popular front gets paraded back out to the front ironically, seemingly, when they need a distraction. I occasionally made my case exposing her as a possible plant in the past to allow Joe to move into the lobbying field. While often being represented in the media as a new comer I have listed a number of aspects to her life that would suggest she's spent her life for this moment. When that electorate, seemingly, either remains uneducated due to perception management, or feels the need for change, it's due to that representatives motivation to remain timid towards rocking the establishment line. At what point to you draw a conclusion it's done within collaboration or incompetence? You're really left with no other considerations?
'Never Trump' Republican Operative Known for Anti-Semitic Attacks on George Soros Now Working to ...
rogerbenham comments on Feb 13, 2020:
Why is it so difficult for people to understand this? Are they willfully ignorant? Are their heads filled with TV propaganda? Do they really have no understanding of what is going on? How can Trump supporters not see that instead of draining the swamp he embraced it? Do they really think he is ...
William_Mary replies on Feb 14, 2020:
@rogerbenham you lost me in the last sentence. I see the squad to be the exact way I see Sanders. Tools to keep people trapped in a false hope of saving a failed party within a failed system. Their history is the same as Sanders. Never really exposing the degree of crimes an unethical practices of the establishment parties. Actually participating in a number of ways when it comes to many of the establishments false narratives. Especially when it comes to regime change and cold war issues! Presently avoiding election tampering at a time it matters most. Both in 2016 and 2020. Caving in on issues of importance over speaking out with substance to provide necessary examples of reason to create mistrust. The border issue and unethical use of appropriating funds from the military budget to build a wall to skirt the lack of support from representatives for an example. These are real matters to consider impeachment over the manufactured Ukrainegate. When they are attacked by other representatives and the media they basically allow it to happen never using that moment to expose real unethical practices within the same issue they are being attacked over. If they refuse to use the history provided by the practices of their attackers then they aren't really representing us are they? In all her time speaking out about the border issue and ICE, have you ever once heard AOC spell out the flight of all those people coming here and what drives them to come here? How the policies of Clinton and Biden created the newest wave of them presently being held in detention camps and horrid conditions in Mexico. Of course not, it would go against her own party and her past support of Clinton right after she was elected. And tying them to a collaborate failed system that Trump now uses to inflame the far right would not be tolerated. Just as Biden has managed to escape responsibility for and the rest of the democrats under a democratic administration run by Obama.
Interstate cross check, that handed him (Donald Trump) the election more than anything.
BitFlipper comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Democrats have traditionally avoided talking about things that would suppress voter turnout, and this is one of those things. They could do something about it if they were in the majority, but a lot of people would rather complain than vote.
William_Mary replies on Feb 10, 2020:
@BitFlipper I don't need to spin anything, the flavor is in the pudding. It's the people with no taste buds who for what ever reason miss the facts provided. When people like you claim to see rage from the screen of what ever device they are using are simply making my case as using the conditioned rhetoric the establishment and their media tool use of perception management have installed in them to base unsubstantial attacks from. If I was wrong you would have attacked the information from the substance I provided over attacking me in such a manor, conducting a useful debate. So that leaves options open. You either didn't watch much if any of the discussion leaving you out there talking shit and attacking without knowledge which you can't base a decent debate over because you've been conditioned to react a certain way. Or you simply can't raise any amount of substance within fact to base a debate on that which goes against what you believe. The last one can be the result of a couple of issues. But I'll give you more respect than you give me being that one or more reason would be negative factors which would be disrespectful for me to assume on a public forum. Like you did in at least one occasion above if not two. As you often do, or do not I should say, is provide any sense of substance on these forums towards helping solve the issues of today's politics. You really only hamper the issues more. So I must then ask, who then holds the rage? I think that one who attacks people, opinions on substance, rather than provide civil discussions with substance is the one who holds that rage.
Lee Camp: They’re Going to Try to Steal California From Sanders (Again) Californians should ...
altschmerz comments on Feb 9, 2020:
"If Voting Could Change Anything It Would Be Made Illegal!" 🤔 Bernie isn't the challenge to the establishment these people seem to think he is, but they're not taking any chances.
William_Mary replies on Feb 9, 2020:
Another measure on floor votes is the amount of times when representatives vote for a favored bill but then go on to never fund it. They get to march out in front of the cameras to boast how good it is while you never are told when/if it wasn't funded. You only find this out when some journalist digs deep enough to inform us. Or when some one manages to get funding in which the project went incomplete, sometime never started, yet walked away with millions of our tax dollars. Charter, online, and private schools are quite notorious for this. Many of these also embedded in fraud. In which is a large reason our public school systems are falling apart. I can't count the times that Sanders has walked out in front of cameras after voting for a bill he supported that had questionable ear marks attached to it and other questionable aspects, to claim it had some good things in it. It is one of the very things I ignorantly overlooked when supporting him thinking he was attempting to do good. I call them blackmail bills. But as I look back now I realize these were the only times Sanders was really permitted much time in front of cameras back them. Which indicates it was only a facade to support the establishment politicians and capitalist. I would like to see a record of how many of these times of what he voted for were actually fully funded and worked out for the better of society.
Interstate cross check, that handed him (Donald Trump) the election more than anything.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Here in Connecticut an equal number of Dems & Repugs Must man the polling stations, so they can keep an eye on things. I believe this is the Federal Law everywhere... check the facts by calling your local party (either one) headquarters or your Town Clerk.
William_Mary replies on Feb 9, 2020:
@AnneWimsey that may be the case and I understand what you're saying. But interstate cross check takes place before you vote. The suppression is occurring behind the scenes without those effected knowing until they go to vote. In Iowa last week, if the one precinct hadn't posted their numbers publicly then they wouldn't have known headquarters fudged their numbers when they recorded them in the official count. Where was that check and balance at there? And how many precincts where they didn't post publicly went undetected and went in the official count wrong. Information coming out has been stopped, which is was the case in 2016. Discrepancies were reported, ballots were left uncounted, law suits were filed, then no information came out. ! million votes as Palast reported were not counted. Do you remember the California quagmire? He wasn't talking nation wide, that's 1 million in California alone! It was a state Sanders was expected to win and reports were that some 3 million ballots were never counted. So Palast even gives us a quite lower number. And that type of ballot issue went nationwide with no information after complaints were filed. I really don't mean to harp on you! I just want to get the idea out that our elections are not realistically democratic and flawed in a number of aspects. And the point the discussion rises is that both parties are involved in suppressing our rights to vote in a democratic nature for a reason. And neither of them have any intent to change that for a reason. If we were to have a real sense of a voting democracy the country would become a different place that they don't want to take us.
Jacobin’s Bhaskar Sunkara on the Iowa caucuses: Don’t lose faith in the Democrats [wsws.
rogerbenham comments on Feb 8, 2020:
No I do not agree with you there as I do not think Sanders is a con artist. I think he lacks the guts and imagination to admit that his life long membership of the Democrats was a mistake. He lives too close to Canada to be unable to see that democracy is not in any way the purpose of the Democratic...
William_Mary replies on Feb 9, 2020:
We'll have to agree to disagree then. But his history tells a different story. One I had to come to terms with myself having once been on his side. To your point though. If he can't do the walk he shouldn't do the talk. If we aren't worth the fight he should just stay on the floor and shout some more. I've stated my case against him for over 3 years now. And within that time he has proven me right time after time with his actions, leaving his talk behind him in an empty vessel of a facade. Many have come before him and many afterwards.
Interstate cross check, that handed him (Donald Trump) the election more than anything.
BitFlipper comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Democrats have traditionally avoided talking about things that would suppress voter turnout, and this is one of those things. They could do something about it if they were in the majority, but a lot of people would rather complain than vote.
William_Mary replies on Feb 9, 2020:
Obviously you didn't watch the discussion or didn't even watch the point of the video I highlighted if any at all. And seem to have missed the national disgrace the democratic party made of democracy in 2016. Maybe you feel it went just fine? Palast statement in the time frame I highlighted nulls and voids your comment. Being from New York I find it hard to believe you missed all the discrepancies that came out of your state in 2016 during the democratic primary.


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