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In memory of one of my favorite actresses, born on August 29, 1915 in Stockholm, Sweden: the ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 29, 2021:
I first knew who she was when she played Joan of Arc. I then learned all about Joan, I needed to understand how a 14 year old girl could lead a medieval army in a paternalistic time in a paternalistic country. A French mystic had predicted a “maid” would lead France to victory in a time of war some centuries before. The prophecy was popular considering the English had strongholds in France by Joans time, and English cultural domination had most believing the prophecy was from Merlin. When people believe a prophecy it becomes self fulfilling, it’s an ape thing. I still love Ingrid.
In case you ever wanted to know about the lifestyle of spiders on drugs.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 29, 2021:
I only think about spiders when I’m on drugs.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 29, 2021:
The best terrible English accent by an American actor award goes to Keanu Reeves for his role as Harker in Dracula.
We are a collection of atheists, agnostics and free thinkers many of us are humanitarian and pursue ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 28, 2021:
I’m sympathetic to it but I eat meat, chicken and fish mostly but even with that I eat it sparingly. I’m ill informed on how to maintain a healthy vegetarian or vegan diet and I know it. Plant based meat substitutes cost more than meat so it’s like getting punished for making the effort if money is any kind of consideration as it is for me. Besides that piece of chicken in my salad was dead way before I considered entering the restaurant, it would be a shame and the waste of an innocent chickens life to not eat it.
Harvard Has A New Chief Chaplain And He's An Atheist : NPR
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Good it sounds like he’ll apply more psychology than theology, as we can all see the nation has been in need of psychological help since Nixon.
So, Which Party Has the Pedophiles? WTF? 2, and PROJECTION!: []
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Just make a list of every single crime the Republicans claim the Democrats have committed and indite the Republicans for them, they won't accuse others of anything they aren't actively doing themselves. Just know a Republican accusation is their confession.
Vatican approved
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch.
Interesting sentiment.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Old ass meme. 4.49 million now.
Majority of Atheists Believe There May Be Intelligent Life on Other Planets A recent study ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Actually if we could fly around the galaxy like they do in sci-fi movies and shows there’s no doubt we would find life, but look at our only example of evolution, literally billions of years to develop a species capable of technology of the most rudimentary type. In almost every case we would arrive to early or to late, after all the jury is still out over whether we’ll extinct ourselves by mistake like runaway greenhouse effect or on purpose like nuclear or biological war. We can’t even be sure scientific and technological intelligence is useful enough evolution wise for it to arise eons later from an entirely different species a second time. However we’ll have tons of microscopic life to marvel at and learn from. It would rock being invited into the Galactic Federation of Spacefaring Civilizations, but it’s just as likely we’ll found it and be the senior member the second to join may be a million years after we’ve gone extinct, our machines our ambassadors from a distant past. Let’s find out.
From “The Sacred Depths of Nature” by Ursula Goodenough page 47 “William James: “At ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 28, 2021:
I think I’m in love with her. Yes I accept the world and the situation to be what it is. This causes me to look square in the face of the things that traumatized me. My problem with those traumas isn’t lack of acceptance. It’s about reminding myself that regardless of how I got here in this place and in these circumstances and at this time I can only do something about it “now” but temper my choices in the light of experience and I need to keep it real. It has kept me calm through a life of circumstantial disasters in areas of life I had little or no experience with under stressful conditions I had no reason to be prepared for.
After every flight, UPS pilots fill out a form, called a "gripe sheet" which tells mechanics about ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 28, 2021:
I have done so much with so little for so long that I’m now qualified to do anything with nothing. If God puts no more on a person then they can bare then that mother fucker thinks I’m Captain Marvel. I work tech, product development in Airport ground support equipment and I’m the company software engineer. So yes, I get it.
"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 28, 2021:
I hate it when there’s a huge problem like a pandemic and the priority of a politician is to find someone to blame something on and solving the problem isn’t addressed at all. Worthless and always politically expedient for fascist of either party that does it because it generates hate and divisions. Easier to hide crimes by generating chaff to get the public off the scent of a plan that solves the problem that the offending politician clearly benefits from in one way or another. Solutions first politician, your job is to find solutions. We have agencies that handle criminal investigations and the media is there to keep the public informed of what those agencies do. Like stay out of the CDC let them keep their science perception of the situation, we know they’ll present solutions, it’s why we pay them. Threatening Fauci demonstrates every principle I’ve discussed here.
Perplexus me too
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 27, 2021:
I keep calling my family in Alabama that I've stayed in contact with all through last year. "Who is it Mom?" I hear my MAGA half brother Michael ask, "It's just Willow" she responds, I here a rude homophobic slur as his response. I figure it's because I blocked him from drunk calling me at 3:00am to bitch about Obama back in the day. My step mother and I have been able to talk the entire time and she has apologized for her part in the horrors and abuse at the hand of my Dad in my childhood, most of which Michael was too young to remember. But since June no one picks up or calls back, ever. It's like being a cat that was raised by wolves, I don't like their opinions but they're the family I had and I love and worry about them. I fear they're dead or worse. It's a helpless feeling.
Some of y'all should be millionaires by now 🤣
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 27, 2021:
I doubt those authorities know me since I don't know them, if true then they owe me a LOT of money!
A burden we must bear
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Intellectual atrocities are committed daily in the name of "common sense", especially if said common sense is in revolt of academic and scientific opinion typically perceived as authority by ignorant people that have opinions in opposition. An example would be the minister in the church I was forced to attend as a child who frequently claimed that evolution is counter to common sense. If you want me to be intellectually on guard with you then speak up for common sense as if you're some kind of prophet over endowed to super hero levels with common sense and your common sense is better than decades of research and experimentation. In other words it's common sense to "look it up" not pick an opinion that feels good and lie about it by claiming your opinion is based on common sense. Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas pay more lip service to common sense then the rest of the world combined but just look at the evidence to know their common sense is purified ignorance.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 27, 2021:
I was a "Nerd" before it was cool.
I find it interesting that many atheists, including ones on this platform, give up their belief in a...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 26, 2021:
So much for being open minded. If Progressives are so prone to believing the government then why are we so skeptical of idiots like Reagan, Trump, and Bush? I think you're fooling yourself about who's buying government propaganda, there's far more idiots on the Conservative side. Let's take another type of situation, sex scandals, if Matt Gaetz weren't such an insufferable asshole he'd have 100% conservative approval, the liberal Matt Gaetz named Anthony Weiner we immediatly tossed out of office not to mention Governor Cuomo. But then again Conservative Government people have told you what liberals are like and you buy it hook line and sinker. All streamers are weird ass people and you using Jake is like me saying all Conservatives are exactly like Rush Limbaugh. So if I don't compare you to Manson because you're white like him but you compare me to Jake because he's an excellent example of everything you think you hate about liberals then you suffer from severe political bias. You can't be a humanist without being a feminist. The idea behind feminism is that women have every right a man has. The idea behind humanism is that every human has every right that every white man has. If you find that threatening then you're a misogynist, a racist or perhaps both. If however you disagree and try to tell me that feminism is something different then the definition I just gave you then you're ignorant and don't understand what words mean. As for Critical Race theory I'll argue that you have no idea of what that is. It's only taught in graduate level law schools but the common conservative like yourself insist they teach it in kindergarten because once again you're ignorant. Your notion of what critical race theory is, is based on conservative media, who gets it from conservative politicians, which equals government so again who's buying government propaganda hook line and sinker. As for tolerance and acceptance F you in the ass if you think for one moment I give a F about how tolerant you are, that's why we have laws to protect the public from people exactly like you. Please respond in an insulting way so I can see it before I permanently block your government brainwashed ass.
Families Fleeing Afghanistan Will Settle In Montana 😳😳 Montana Public Radio
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Moving to Montana to raise dental floss.
Dads have a funny sense of humor
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 26, 2021:
It's a weird sense of humor, not really funny at all.
Sometimes life puts a fork in the road.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 26, 2021:
An obstinate fork with a bad attitude.
For the cutters here… Why do you cut?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 26, 2021:
I don't cut because there's always been a line of people more than happy to do it for me, the trick for me is keeping them at bay. There was this one time when I opened my left wrist and used grooming scissors to snip the veins open. Bleeding into a hotel trash can until I passed out then having room service bang on the door because it was checkout time the next day. Flushing the blood down the toilet seemed profoundly symbolic to me, but I couldn't allow myself to be taken into psych evaluation or something similar so I cleaned up, wrapped a towel around my wrist and went in search of a place to finish the job. At the river bank I ended up passing out again after reopening the wound and bleeding a lot into the grass I was hiding in. When I woke the fourth time I was so ravenously hungry I left to find food at a Hardee's and bumped into a bunch of acquaintances from High School I hadn't seen in years, I claimed to have injured myself in a motorcycle accident, then shock of shocks my idiot father who probably had never eaten at a Hardee's in his life walked in, he had seen my motorcycle when he drove by and came in to ask me to help him move a bunch of lumber. I feel like Bruce Banner, I did my best to off myself and failed. But yea, that was my only instance of cutting, it was 1983.
Interpreting the gender identity of the Suontaka Vesitorninmäki burial.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 26, 2021:
We all have knives.
For the socialists on here. Do you know where I can learn about socialism?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 26, 2021:
First of all Communism is every bit as socially conservative as Capitalism. Communism is an economic system where the means of production are owned by the state even if they say it’s owned by the people it’s still controlled by authoritarian politicians. Under socialism, all citizens share equally in economic resources as allocated by a democratically-elected government. So yes any country having a military is a socialist concept, but while serving in that military you are in an authoritarian Communist environment. Having freeways and fire departments and municipal trash service and police are all socialist types of concepts. It’s the authoritarian conservative politicians that cause the bulk of the problems, like dictating what women are allowed to do with their bodies, especially while actively opposing public health policy and claiming it takes away their rights by having mask or vaccine mandates or not allowing unvaccinated people to enter various events. Purified ideological concepts are as volatile as purified chemicals. Table salt is good, necessary even, but split it up and you have a poisonous green gas and an explosive metal. Just so pure Capitalism or pure Socialism is unhealthy for a nation. You can’t be so into capitalism that you privatize prisons or the military as we have privatized prisons and history shows how Blackwater was a crime against humanity. Here in the US everyone seems to be demanding one “simple” solution that will work on every problem and anyone suggesting there’s more to it because life is complex immediately get put on a shit list of some kind. I’m all for people owning their own business and even getting rich by doing so, however certain industries fail under such a model, like the insurance industry. Health care should be a right and if under government control it could be about the public welfare just as it is in every civilized country on Earth. Don’t tell me the US is civilized when Texas and Florida are two of your member states and people die of preventable diseases because they can’t afford health insurance. Risk should be illegal to gamble with. When the Mississippi flooded thousands of homes the flood insurance companies just declared bankruptcy and closed their doors without paying off any claims and those home owners were forced legally to buy that insurance because they lived on a flood plain. So the government took over for years and everyone’s flood insurance rates dropped to their lowest rates in history because the government didn’t do it for the profit, they did it for the public good and they paid out all those claims and still the government made money despite the fact they weren’t screwing the public. The same should apply to ALL insurance and yes that’s ...
This guy has balls of steel! He goes right in the belly of the beast to expose the Trumplicans for ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 26, 2021:
I wouldn’t put myself in the positions he gets himself into, yet all those people sign an agreement so they can air the show. It’s like MAGA is begging normal people to stop them. It’s like the 1/6 terrorist insurrectionist live streaming their own crimes then claiming Antifa did it kind of profound stupidity.
Tucker Carlson Warns Afghan Refugees Will Try to Enact Sharia Law Never straying far from his ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 26, 2021:
We know Tucker says stupid shit all the time, so I try not to repeat any of it. He's an attention whore, quit giving him thrills.
How to let a man down gently.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 26, 2021:
My guess is you’re over thinking it. You are absolutely correct, find your happiness before getting in a relationship. That’s why I’ve been entirely alone since 2007. Yes I went to lots of therapy. I guess I’ll either die alone or find happiness and then look for someone, but I insist on taking my sweet time because it’s the only healthy way. All five of the therapist I’ve seen tell me they agree. It’s part of a traumatic life, it’s ok to have a sad life if you can keep your sense of humor and not hide behind it like Robin Williams did. Keep people laughing, especially yourself, and have the courage to be vulnerable and honest. Don’t worry about letting men down easy, they’re too clingy as is. You don’t yank the wax off slowly, and your self absorbed boy friend needed a little character development.
Do you know how many devices run Linux ?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 25, 2021:
All my computers run Linux except one because some industrial software only runs on windows, but I have six computers that never turn off, all Linux. I even have a couple of PinePhones that I haven’t set up yet as the platform for a wireless human machine interface to our equipment. Free OS $65 PinePhone a little development time and we can sell them with our equipment for $300 each, and I’ll have a supply of burner phones JIC.
Antivaxxer date night....
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Did anyone see the mustache on the way in?
Poor Fifi!
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 25, 2021:
No one wondered why there wasn't any wings on that chicken? That's like eating chicken in Cancun, all drum sticks because iguanas don't have wings either.
No wonder I never signed up, never wanted less than an ounce lol
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 25, 2021:
You could just order 28 grams. But not from instagram.
I don't believe in heaven. Still, this is touching.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 25, 2021:
My grandmother had a chihuahua that was meaner than cat shit. He had a crooked tail and always acted as if I were Satan manifest when I was around. He'd snarl and growl and bark, all the while showing his dental work under the furthest piece of furniture from me. So when I was six I asked why the little bastard hated me so much. The explanation was that when I was three I had grabbed him up and he nipped me on the cheek, so in retribution I bit his tail so hard it broke in two places. I have no memory of that event, but he just couldn't let it go.
I know we have a lot of boomers and quite a few of the next gen on here.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 25, 2021:
As my ass likes to remind me, I'm a boomer 1959, but I'm a visionary born to a blind generation that doesn't trust the scientific method, mistrust academic authority, and can't find a way to be interested in any subject that doesn't either make them profit or provide a direct possibility of having sex. Most of my generation aren't concerned with the state of the world or the wellbeing of its inhabitants, and those that are, are called nerds, SJW's, Snowflakes, or worse. Frankly I'm rather happy the experience of life is almost over for me. I'd rather be myself and alone then to have a world of friends that will never know who I am.
This is a wonderful way to live as long as you take care of the necessities of providing for food ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 25, 2021:
I am burdened with glorious purpose! Which is to find my purpose. Fuck it, it doesn't matter.
Please welcome to the group @silverotter11.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Welcome @silverotter11
The GOP’s finest……..
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Where's Reagan? I know he's dead but he's the domino that started this love affair with ignorance.
The Sierra Madre Tattler!: Capitol riot select committee will look at cell phone records of ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 24, 2021:
I hope they all had their location data shared.
They should know.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 24, 2021:
I didn't even need NASA, one flight on a passenger jet clearly showed me the curvature of the Earth. People have known the world was round for thousands of years, they figured it out in Greece using sticks and shadows and they worked out the diameter at the time they discovered the nature of the world. Everyone knew, everyone studied it. Columbus studied it but got his math wrong and decided the world was ridiculously smaller than it is, and had a hard time convincing anyone he was correct until he met with Isabella and King Ferdinand II fundamentalist Catholic Christians that agreed with him. It's always the fundamentalist Christians getting it all wrong every time, these two also started the first Spanish Inquisition, so yea, fundamentalist. Columbus never knew he didn't make it to India, so he was very much like an alcoholic, he didn't know where he was going, when he got there he didn't know where he was, when he got back he didn't know where he had been. He was fortunate the New world was there, no one would have survived a voyage across an ocean that was bigger than the Atlantic and the Pacific and the Americas.
MN terrorist bomber asks to have her gender identity recognized: []
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 24, 2021:
Someone needs to explain that transition isn't a witness relocation scam anymore then carpel tunnel syndrome is a health insurance scam. I didn't know either of these facts until I was diagnosed with carpel tunnel and later when I realized I was trans. I suspect this person is just trying to not serve the time the courts could give them. I know of another case where someone suspected of murder transitioned to avoid detection, but the story ends well they got caught anyway, so now they'll spend the rest of their life in prison without the "male" parts they were probably listening to when they committed murder. I have zero sympathy, they can find "sympathy" in the same place right-wingers find sympathy, in the dictionary between "shit" and "syphilis".
24th August 410 AD…Alaric I Sacks Rome: Rome overrun by Visigoths under Alaric I for the first ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 24, 2021:
That's what they get for hiring the Visigoths as mercenaries then forcing them to camp outside Rome and selling them dog meat while trying to short change them. The Visigoths warned Rome, Rome got scared and offered them the land now known as Bulgaria. After the Visigoths sacked Rome they traveled West and took the land now known as Spain instead. So one of my "What If" thoughts is like, what if the Visigoths had accepted Romes offer. Spanish would be an Eastern European language unrecognizable compared to modern Spanish and the people of Spain would probably be speaking a dialect of Basque unless the Moors stayed there even longer than they actually did in our time line.
Scientists claim...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 24, 2021:
I'm unaware of any science discovery that had immediate usefulness for the science uninitiated. That's why we have engineers, to turn those discoveries into technology and toys. There's people still arguing against relativity, as they use their GPS without a clue it wouldn't work if we didn't factor relativity into the equation.
I so want to see this
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 24, 2021:
Yes but I prefer he's bound like this. Maybe we can lock his stupid mouth closed this way.
Mystery solved
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Definitely a salient point
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Perhaps buggering wild life causes cross species viral infections, which means someone has to have a word with Batman.
"Why are we in this world?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Well Kurt I'm here because a 30 year old G.I. got horny for a 16 year old paraplegic and got her pregnant then divorced her when she was 19, I suppose she was too old for him by then.
Just like their beloved monuments
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Why not, they put up an unironic monument to an insect in Enterprise Alabama. The bowl weevil statue, when bowl weevils destroyed their cotton crops and forced them to plant a different cash crop, so they tried peanuts and made more money then they had on cotton. Local collage kids would steal the bug from time to time, pre-Internet and pre-video surveillance.
How about you, do you wear a mask? Why or why not?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 23, 2021:
I wear my mask because even though I've taken my horse dewormer, one can't be too cautious.
US Capitol Police - Officer Who Shot Capitol Rioter Ashli Babbitt Won't Face Disciplinary Action ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 23, 2021:
The terrorist that attacked the capital should have been mowed down like the animals they were. The moment something hit doors, glass, or police officers should have triggered continuous automatic fire until any bodies still in the vicinity were no longer moving.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Humans are stubborn this way, that's why we receive the gift of death, otherwise old stupid people wouldn't have ever gotten out of the way.
Finally got the job he truly deserves.. []
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 23, 2021:
I thought LeVar Burton got that job, how did this nobody get the position, was it because of race? I'm bored by Jeopardy so I only watch it when other people watch it when I visit, and I all but never visit anyone.
What kind of soap do you use?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 23, 2021:
It depends on availability and what I'm trying to clean. However for general washing hands before eating I tend to like this type. DIRTY HIPPIE BAR SOAP
Something to do with sailing
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Hopefully no one here is pushing Ivermectin, or has the poison control number handy after they OD.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 22, 2021:
They were also telling us to get over 2016 into 2019 while calling us snowflakes, by comparison the Liberals and Progressives have practically been Vulcans compared to the Conservatives that are emotionally at the same maturity level as a tree full of spider monkeys that just saw a snake. And just for the record, I was over 2016 in 2015 like every other serious minded Liberal or Progressive adult. It's been ten months since Biden won the election children, time to quit threatening to harm yourselves and others so we can teach you a little about dealing with reality.
Testing out my map making skills
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Weird, I expect the area to be covered in water soon, it's as if the universe is responding to their climate denial.
IL Teacher Accused of Spouting Right-Wing Bigotry in Her Classroom for Years | Hemant Mehta | ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 22, 2021:
That sounds like at least 60% of all my teachers in Alabama in the 60’s and 70’s. Instead of Trump it was George Wallace and Nixon.
Biden asked audience members to "all" join him in prayer, when giving a press conference about ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 21, 2021:
This is why Biden should be the right wing leader with perhaps Sanders as the left wing leader if the nation wasn’t suffering from the widespread mental illness called MAGA, if you haven’t heard it’s the deadliest of the two known and publicly acknowledged pandemics.
Apple is releasing an update that will allow them to search your iPhone, JUST IN CASE you're storing...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 21, 2021:
It’s in the disclosure agreement, you could always say no and purchase a Samsung. I like my iPhone and have nothing to hide.
Bill loud mouth Maher shutdown on vaccines and booster shots.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 21, 2021:
He’s been talking himself into being a biased old codger boomer for over a decade now. I keep pissing people off pointing it out. I can’t even watch him anymore.
Yeah we would watch it
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Don't contaminate Star Trek with space opera. Trek might be mediocre science fiction but it isn't space opera fantasy.
Would you let a robot lawyer defend you? []
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 19, 2021:
There's lawyers that aren't robots? I thought they were all mechanical sharks with friggin lasers in their heads.
Doesn't always turn out like that
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Crazy is fine. If they're alcoholic then ghost them then and there.
Nice Christian pick up line...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 19, 2021:
That guy seems really excited about the other guys erection.
A star trek groaner
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 19, 2021:
When heterosexual humans are in a pair bond relationship one could argue that both have a penis.
Let's discuss doctors / nurses/ health professionals fed up with the unvaccinated.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Not to mention that they'll be responsible for the NEXT mutation of COVID-19 that vaccines may not work on. If everyone were vaccinated we would still be up shit creek, but now we're up shit creek with a significant portion of the population paddling as hard as possible to go even further up shit creek.
Satire from the Middle.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 18, 2021:
No Ello, the right attacked the Capital to point out the most obvious difference, the right wing and the left wing are NOT part of the same bird, not even a little.
Talking Heads : And She Was []
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 18, 2021:
My favorite song.
"FORCING Societies to embrace democratic...." []
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 18, 2021:
We can't even make Amerikkkans accept democracy when so many prefer fascism. Our fascism is based on corporate control though, which is not regular fascism it's the Nazi form of fascism.
Let's talk about Afghanistan.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Doesn't anyone remember Trump from 2020, the former president drew down forces in the area. While in office, Trump said he wanted all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by May 1 and praised the prospect as “a wonderful and positive thing to do.” He also claimed that he had set things up so Biden couldn't prevent the withdrawal even if he wanted to? Then there's all this...
I was about to give money to a homeless man when I realized that I only had a $50 bill.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Been there, done that, from both sides of the experience.
This is an attempt to deflect the bashing of Texas by offering a new target, but hey corruption is ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 18, 2021:
OK, now it makes sense, in a criminal greedy fucking capitalistic sort of way.
Renewable energy will never be 100% green, says expert []
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Well, CO2 is everywhere. Open a soda, more CO2 for the atmosphere. Light a match CO2. Mix concrete, CO2.
Cate Archer Cosplay
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
I don't know, her belt buckle is awfully small.
Amazing!!! Trump supporters are horrible creeps. Who knew?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
As if we couldn't tell from their accusations, everything they claim their political targets are guilty of we already know they do themselves, like stealing elections, still trying as we watch the fuckers still attempting to steal our election while accusing us of stealing the election. Republicans = Gaslighters and stupid fucks.
US lab stands on threshold of key nuclear fusion goal []
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
I found this technology very promising about 20 years ago. The glass bead now seems to be a good bit larger than it originally was. Still after the initial explosion loading the next bead into place for the next explosion is troublesome. It's good competition for tokamaks which are more of a continuous process but troubled by magnetic field containment. I don't care which technology matures first just so long as we eventually get controllable fusion power. We thought we were so much closer so many times in the past that I'm still in favor of investing in thorium MSR breader reactors, if for no other reason to feed our nuclear waste to it and to make more Uranium 233 for nuclear spacecraft like the Voyagers. The last time we needed some we had to buy it from Russia, since there's none available on Earth in nature, the half life is too short, but it's an astonishingly useful form of nuclear power where space and weight are at a premium.
This is a photo my father took 78 years ago of my first two pets.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
They need to make cats and dogs live longer.
For fuck's sake... Is unvaccinated sperm really the next Bitcoin? []
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
I don't want a sperm vaccination. I'm fine with the Covid-19 Phizer vaccination.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Success is living a happy life. You can be rich and miserable. However most of us live quiet lives of desperation where we're not rich and we're still miserable.
New picture needed
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Changes happen.
Texas Gov.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
I hope it kills him. I've been sending him terror thoughts ever since he became a public nuisance.
Oh yeah!!! Today's "National Tell-A-Joke" Day!!! So, here goes.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
I was kidnapped by mimes once. They did unspeakable things to me.
Not a lot of difference is it
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
That's why Tucker Carlson has been going on about nothing else.
Ken got even
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
That has to be from the Barbie trailer park.
Talk about frustration
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Poor T, alone on a Saturday night and kind of horny but can't reach, no wonder they were so pissed off.
Scientists Calculate Pi to 62.8 Trillion Digits []
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Print them for us. I'll start 3.14159265358979, then next number is 3 but not sure if it's rounded up or not, and I don't give enough of a damn to look it up.
The next time they decide to march on the capitol we should welcome them with a daisy cutter.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
No shit, he's from the terrorist/war criminal party. Fucking fascist bastard.
What (if any) consequence would you propose ? Why ?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
I'll be concerned about this issue the day after the Facebook monopoly is broken up like Ma Bell back in the day.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Sen. John Cornyn is a fucking moron and Sen. Cory Booker is absolutely right and I've supported this position since before Cory Booker was born. I wanted marijuana legalized in 1968 when I was 9 years old.
A three-question yes/no poll.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
1. Biden is to the best of his ability honest, but who's 100% honest even when I try it's just not practical all the time. "How are you?", honest answer would be thirty pages of complaints and grievances, no time so I say "I'm fine, and I hope you're Ok too." when I don't give a shit about them, and I tend to be more honest than many people I know. 2. Of course Kamala Harris is acceptable as commander in chief. What kind of demented bullshit would someone be about to argue otherwise other than just pure misogynistic hate and racism? 3. No almost everyone is responsible for Afghanistan, we never should have been there in the first place, but we let a war criminal named Reagan pretend the fundamentalist Islamic forces were a group of American style freedom fighters then we let the second stupidest President in history G.W. Bush, also a war criminal, convince us that they somehow had something to do with 9/11 so we could go steal their mineral resources. Barbara Lee Rep from California was the only person in Congress that didn't vote to invade, but there were many of us that knew it was wrong from day one.
A possible answer to the question of what killed the dinosaurs. []
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
What a behind the times article, we've known this for decades.
Baffled and full of questions he is being shown around by God. "Why am I here?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
If there's a God, and I seriously don't believe there is, and if this God has a place for us after we're dead that we would categorize as heaven, then when I face God for my final judgment I'll have no fear even though I'm convinced there's no God because at one time as a child I made the mistake of believing my parents and it created enough doubt for me to ask questions and seek God for decades and I found nothing, not a scrap of evidence to justify such a belief, but if such a God exist I'll still be unafraid because according to theory God knows my mind, and my heart and if he can't see where my opinion comes from then he isn't worthy of the worship of someone as dedicated and pure of heart as myself and he'd fucking know it.
Afghanistan "Women to have rights 'within Islamic law'. [] Which ones?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
I like the right to be stoned, but not the way they do it.
Mississippi's Governor Tate Reeves says that when kids get COVID it's nothing more than "the ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
I wonder if he'll continue to think this if his grandkids or nieces or nephews dies of Covid. Or if a parent that looses a young child show up at his door step to explain their second amendment rights to him for his policy that took their beautiful beloved child from them.
It's time to vaccinate kids. []
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
If we don't then we're sending the kids into government sponsored petri dishes that will infect everyone regardless of whether they go to school or not.
@Lorajay Posted a very funny Johnny Cash reference.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
I can't play it, even though there's nothing technically wrong with it, I just can't bring myself to do so. Growing up we had every album Johnny ever made. My Father, an abusive monster that defined everything about the South that I hate, died in 2001, and I never listened to Johnny Case at all by that point. Then suddenly in 2004 his "Hurt" video came on TV unannounced, written by NIN, but Johnny made it his own. It wasn't Johnny that was singing, it was a message from the grave that my Dad knew he was a fucking monster and it reduced me to a squalling, quivering trauma victim experiencing an emotional breakdown. I can't explain it, but it was like an overdose of morphine if morphine ripped your heart out and stomped it flat before pissing on it. Jesus! the hair is standing up on my neck and my arms are covered in goosebumps just responding to this post.
This one took me a while but my smart friends on agnostic will get it immediately.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
That was my Fathers favorite musical artist Johnny Cash's song, My Dads first name was "Billie" because his sharecropping parents 1) didn't know that Billy was a nick name for William, and 2) thought Billy was a name reserved for goats. So he had a girls name, and I guess a "Boy named Sue" spoke to him. Our last name is "Westbrook", and I loved it that in the TV Series "Oz" the Wicked Witch of the West had a secret mundane name "Billie Westbrook" which I thought was fitting as hell. So once I gave up my dead name I picked "Willow" from another famous witch from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" but before that I had the nerd nickname of "Willow" from the Ron Howard movie "Willow" since I was dating someone that made me look like a dwarf at the time, yes, she was 6' 7" and left me for a college basketball player, I wished them well because the height difference has problems I never complained about out loud. So in my fantasy world I'm the daughter of the Wicked Witch of the West because it's fun.
Should've looked at Yelp first...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
I was showing my daughter Orion one evening by our pool, "See the three stars, that's his belt, and see the stars hanging under his belt that's his..." then I was interrupted by my now Ex who apparently thought I was going to tell my daughter it was his dick. Now you know part of the reason for my divorce.
Pastor Holds Campaign Event for GOP Candidate Larry Elder During Church Service | Hemant Mehta | ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
I was just going to comment about our flagrant lack of use of the tax laws to shut this political Jesus death cult down. WTF is wrong with the IRS?
MAGA Pastor: If You Accept Climate Change, “You’re Deceived by Satan” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Well someone is deceived, but this fool is a victim of his own delusional BS.
Please Do Not Forget: Apropos of just what I've commented here, recently. []
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Yes we all know Bush is an unindicted war criminal and everyone everywhere damn well knows it. You're preaching to the choir.
Trumpanzees are too dumb to realize this.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
This meme is misleading, he doesn't actually give a fuck about any of these issues one way or another. When he seems like he's interested it's because he's trying to harness popularism or alternatively if his enemies really strongly disagree he'll do it because he's small minded and of petty vindictive immaturity. Remember, power is the currency, and cruelty is the friend with benefits for this narcissist, like any other petty common tyrant.
The many criticisms I hear about our pull out from Afghanistan remind me of the many I received when...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 17, 2021:
I am the queen of walking away, then I feel sorry for myself because there's never any possibility of walking back, which is probably the only reason I'm still alive. I loved everyone I've ever been intimate with but the stars were crossed in every case and I had to go. Just like the US and its relationships with Afghanistan and Iraq. We should have the same relationship with Florida and Texas frankly.


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