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Unconscious learning underlies belief in God, study suggests. What do you think about this study?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 17, 2020:
I don't know yet, my unconscious is silent most of the time I'm awake.
What do you all think of Pascal's Wager?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 17, 2020:
It's right up there with being frozen in terror as a valid post death survival strategy.
The richest 1 percent
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 17, 2020:
Just a point here, the upper 1% is a term that annoys me. 350,000,000 Americans that would mean 3,500,000 were getting all the Tax breaks but it's more like less than 70,000 that get all the breaks so it's really the upper 0.02% that controls all the money. In realistic taxation proposals many in the 1% wouldn't even see much tax increase compared to the 0.02% who collectively control more money than Europe. They can certainly reinvest into the system that made them so powerful in the first place, filthy pigs.
She's not a christian - youtube
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 17, 2020:
She smells of a good quantity of mental illness as well. My Credo is: "Avoid crazy people"
How Atheist Eat Babies! []
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 17, 2020:
If you don't have a gag reflex you can swallow them feet first like a snake. Head first, if you find the crying annoying.
Atheist religion
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Yes, just as being bald is a hairstyle and not watching TV is a network.
Watching Religion Die Religion is fading more quickly in the United States than in any other ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 16, 2020:
The West coast is on fire, the gulf coast is flooding, our president is trying to force kids back into public schools during a pandemic. This is the kind of world prayers has built. Every management decision was in direct contradiction to all sound scientific recommendations and all known facts. The fundamentalist Christian party, aka the Conservative party, aka the incompetence party, aka the Racist fascism party, aka the Republicans live in a fake world of imagination that seems impervious to all demonstrable truth and common sense. Conservatives had just as wells call themselves Confederates as far as I'm concerned, praying for Jesus too come back as the world burns is no plan.
Since 2007, the U.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Look around, this is the kind of world that prayer delivers.
All I would have to post is I need an Inhofe and a Trump sign for my yard. Can anyone help?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 16, 2020:
My oldest daughter had just learned to write when I caught her holding a paper up to the car window as I was driving and she’s laughing and obviously up to mischief, at home I confiscated the paper “HELP ME” was written in crayon. I couldn’t help imagining what would have happened had a police officer saw it. I had a long talk with my daughter that evening.
When someone says they are spiritual and also agnostic-atheist, I always wonder, "Do they believe ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 15, 2020:
No, spiritual indicates to me that you have empathy and attempt to understand both yourself and others. Spiritual in this sense is just another way of saying "social" animal, I'm sure wolves and other social animals feel a sense of spiritualism. It's this sense of others that lends the dim to imagine a sky daddy, but that's taking crap WAY to far.
Why Can't We See God - A scientific explanation Frank Lee Easter, 2005 Physicists have ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 15, 2020:
This falls into the epic fail category.
Question for everyone. What is dignity to you? What takes away from ones dignity?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 15, 2020:
My dignity is self generated, I require no external validation because I only present my authentic self. I have been mocked, bullied, beat, abused, and neglected. None of it has much to do with who and what I am. But most people are superficial. I had to become anti-social to learn to be independent and then re socialized to pass on what I learned. Not an easy thing considering how we're biologically evolved to be social. Few walk my path, it requires to much strength for most.
Okay, we have religious nutters predicting all the time.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 15, 2020:
I predict that the fires on the West coast will add a "shit ton" of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere and help raise the temperatures even further. I'm guessing we have about 20 years or so before we're all extinct. Trump's trying to help by privately acknowledging that Covid doesn't only effect old people but young people too while publicly fighting tooth and nail to reopen the schools while claiming that that children are immune to the virus. It's his version of mercy, after all if your kids are already dead you won't have to suffer the sadness of watching them cook to death, and your fond memories of them will help you maintain as you roast to death yourself. The Evangelicals support this policy because they're special "Children of God" that won't have to suffer because the Jesus Bus is coming to take them all away before the rest of us get what we deserve. News flash, no one is coming to help, not Gods or aliens. We're pretty much doomed.
Is the end of the world happening this week?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around. And PLEASE don't try to shove it down my children's throats.
How are you managing feeling isolated during the pandemic?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
I like to fantasize about Biden winning the election and Trump being charged with 200,000 cases of negligent homicide and being found guilty.
Venus is hell, but science is seriously for life in its skies Researchers float a hypothesis ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Blue Green alga was proposed for seeding the clouds of Venus way back in the 60's maybe as far back as the 50's by Isaac Asimov. He didn't know that a day was over 2 weeks on Venus due to the cloud layer. He proposed sending a seed probe, then showing up to claim the new Earth in a couple thousand years.
Why Are Right-Wing Conspiracies so Obsessed With Pedophilia? – Mother Jones
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
QAnon works off the same principle as the witch trials, except with less evidence.
A Happy Bill Maher Back In The Studio — “There’s Real People. Thank You Jesus!”
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Bill hasn't been relevant in a while, his angle on millennials and cancel culture is flawed and very old guyish. He should retire and let Sarah Silverman take over, she's much brighter and edgier.
Anyone else get their whole bio/description deleted?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
I didn't write a bio on my hole.
Recovering from a spiritual upbringing was tough but now I'm cured.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Yea, this is a deeply personal thing for me, no help required, actively opposed actually.
Pope Francis Says Having Sex And Eating Good Food Is 'Simply Divine'
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Considering Church history this sounds like a trap.
So,,,,,this "god" asshole has dropped covid on us, burned up a good chunk of the West Coast, put the...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
End times, it's why the fundamentalist will sabotage any attempt to fix it thinking they're bringing the Kingdom of God to Earth when all they're doing is simply attempted genocide of our species.
If you could only choose one, know when you will die or manner of death?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Ignorance can be bliss.
QAnon is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Remember when the Nazis burned down the Reichstag so they could blame it on their enemies. It's the same thing as red neck caravans traveling to BLM protest to start fires and commit hate crimes that Trump can blame on peaceful protesters. I'm happy as hell every time I hear about one of these goons dying, I honestly wish they all would.
Church Court Punishes Priest Found Guilty of Child Sexual Abuse With… Prayer | Hemant Mehta | ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
I'm tempted to say that being in a religion is punishment enough, then I realize the magnitude of the crime. Screw Church Court, they don't get a court, we have a REAL COURT SYSTEM to deal with this sort of thing.
Religion is fading more quickly in the United States than in any other nation, according to a ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
It's hard to have a religion backed president like Trump and people keep their faith. Trump is proof it's all about a right wing cultural war because they just hate everyone and everything that isn't them, and they don't like each other. With no SJW's or minorities, or women to piss on they turn on each other like cannibals.
This is the Goddess Kali (on the left) in all her terrible glory.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
I like her, but I suspect she's bitch slapped me all over Southern California a few times.
Suddenly finding this lunacy appearing in my neighbourhood.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Christians suck...
“Conrad Heyers, professor of comparative religion at Gustavus Adolphus College in St.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
All religions agree on one thing....
Just when you think that the lunacy can't get any worse: missing mass over Covid 19 is a "grave ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Every sin is grave, and every sin is imaginary. Having never once gone to mass I'll continue to pass, thank you very much.
When and how do you reveal past mistakes to new romantic interests?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
I just tend to blurt them out, I'm neither a Republican or a Christian so I have no fear of the truth.
Far from being anti-religious, faith and spirituality run deep in Black Lives Matter
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Well it does work against the "Biden will hurt God" narrative. Yet another failure for the primary source of failures in the Western World. He's obviously getting paid to kill Americans, and to spread lies.
Disbelieve it or not, ancient history suggests that atheism is as natural to humans as religion | ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 14, 2020:
We’ve always been around, it’s part of being human.
Here's an unresolved argument. Did Jesus really exist?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 12, 2020:
If there were a Yeshua as in the stories he probably would have been forgotten. His magic tricks are third rate at best. It takes a cultural gimmick to stick around like that. It seems the Gospels were all written after 70ce which is after the Romans tore down the temple. Yeshua had been around a couple of hundred years at that point but exclusively as a spiritual being. Paul was famously a follower in 40ad. Only seven of his letters are potentially authentic and of those seven only one passage lends itself to thinking Paul “might” have thought of Yeshua as a physical being, and of course that could have been added later. Gospel Yeshua seems to be a composite of a handful of real people including a character called “The Egyptian” who was an anti-Roman rebel leader. The main reason for the story is so God could forgive sin without blood sacrifices since blood sacrifices require the temple which had been destroyed. It’s pretty dry stuff really, and not the central issue that it's been made into. Weird how people that believe the end is near insist on making the world come to an end. Believers are famously into letting the world come to an end. They really believe it ends with them living in celestial Disneyland when all they’ll get is extinction for our species. Stupid
How Big Oil Misled The Public Into Believing Plastic Would Be Recycled []
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 12, 2020:
I still resent the bastard the came up with plastic wrap for cd cases, not a millimeter of waste but damn near impossible to open. This after not buying a cd in over 20 years, still pissed.
Christian: My Daughter Was Sent Home from School Because of Her Anti-Gay Shirt | Hemant Mehta | ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 12, 2020:
I don’t understand the right wing fascination with sex in general and gay sex in particular. I don’t like clowns, clowns are wrong, I don’t wear a “God hates clowns” T shirt. I can’t talk to a conservative about being trans because they think it means sodomy 24/7. I despise projectile genetics, and sex is boring. Conservatives are sick and obsessed.
17 Bible Verses to Remind You of God's Constant Protection
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 11, 2020:
God was a useful concept before we invented condoms, we can protect ourselves now. No need for Vatican roulette or anything. I’m surprised that the people most into abstinence also claim that a virgin gave birth, so they lie when they say abstinence is 100% effective, if they believe their other stories.
My daughter's adopted child is 12 years old.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I always looked confused when people talk about God and associated concepts, to communicate “wtf is wrong with you” but I think it backfired, they thought I didn’t understand and kept talking. At least it felt like a long time.
One of the great mysteries to people who use the space between their ears for thinking is why do ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 11, 2020:
One hell of a theory, I’d keep it under my hat, otherwise every red neck racist ass hat might sign up. Just remember the most common bird in America was the passenger pigeon. They’re extinct now. Maybe things have worked out for alpha whites, but there’s no significant difference between them and any other minority other then a slight difference in pigment and the talent whites have for hating over long periods of time, I don’t know how racist do it.
I can't stand when the right says "EVERYONE should be responsible for their own health care.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 11, 2020:
I can’t count the ways tying health care to work is fascist. Just saying.
I recently purchased a hand-carved mahogany desk with a marble top and this fellow forms the front ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 10, 2020:
I think it’s Cernanos the "horned god" of Celtic polytheism.
Respecting ones choice
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Don’t put up with it.
Do you think it’s possible to still be able to empathize with someone even though you have NOT ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Sure, they could, they won’t.
From a talk on Forgiveness []
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 9, 2020:
My forgiveness is the result of exhaustion. I’m just too tired to keep carrying the resentment so I let it go. Not that I forget. Hate is too heavy for me to carry forever. I don’t understand how white supremacist do it.
Does the evidence for reincarnation prove (at least some kind of) 'god' exists?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 9, 2020:
No evidence. The stories are compelling and not verifiable.
Weirdest Passages You've Read?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 9, 2020:
The Bible has the worst legal advice ever. If a man files a lawsuit against you for your shirt give them your cloak as well. I tried to live by it during my divorce and lost everything. Epic bad legal advice.
Religious leader who blamed gay marriage for coronavirus now has Covid | Metro News
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 9, 2020:
I’m going to miss him 👋
What is the source of non-religious prudishness or disgust at nudity or sexuality?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Lack of interest on my part. Dysphoria doesn’t help.
Church Leader Who Blamed Coronavirus on Gay Marriage Contracts COVID-19
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 9, 2020:
It hurts that the infection is spreading. When people blame everything on the LGBT community ignoring all evidence to the contrary they should be ignored at this point. Sure it sounds like cancel cultural tactics but I’ve heard it all before and it doesn’t become less false hearing it more. What it does is annoy me and test my patience. The healthy thing for me is to cancel.
Do you think these people have the slightest clue what they're singing about in this "modern ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Omg so funny. Same show had Bobby & Sissy dancing in low quality Batman and Robin costumes to the bat man TV show music in elevator music format. My Stepmom is a huge Lawrence Welk fan. My life has always been cring.
The church should stay the HELL out of politics. [yahoo.]
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 9, 2020:
I agree, any infraction should revoke tax exempt status.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Incel tactics fail.
Its shocking to see the decline and fall of the American intellect.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2020:
We're learning to become a global community. Mistakes are being made. The world gets smaller every day.
I constantly watch/listen to this at least once a week.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Damn woman get it together show some self respect. Key word "self" respect. Try being a transgender atheist from rural Alabama. I had to be honest with me, and I had to slam the door on family after they turned their backs on me over and over. I am alone, but I am not sad, nor do I give in to morbid self reflection. I have a brother that's alive that I keep blocked, he got a new phone and called me, so I blocked him again.
I was listening on the radio to a bit of a philosophy last evening where the person being ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2020:
This sounds like Terry Pratchett's Discworld. There's an infinite number of deities that can swell up to full power if given attention but mostly they start out as a bit of ego hungry for attention.
Why isn't there a better word for "miracle" that doesn't have religious connotations?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Because miracle's don't happen, just extraordinary circumstances, none of which ever violate the laws of nature. Perhaps the word you're looking for is "synchronicity." syn·chro·nic·i·ty /ˌsiNGkrəˈnisədē/ noun 1. the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
Is religious belief fueled in part by class prejudice and snobbery ?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Let it go. Japanese bouncers didn't let me in Japanese club's in Japan because I wasn't Japanese. I don't think about it except when reminded of the problem category I call "trivial."
As a disabled veteran, I feel that the people who continue to support Trump after his disparaging ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 6, 2020:
I'm a veteran as well, the Atlantic piece isn't anything new with this orange fascist, everything they talk about was already in the news over and over. I didn't agree with McCain's politics but was offended by Trumps comments on behalf of veterans and the military before the American people proved so gullible they elected this insane president.
If I can vote absentee
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
I had a medical procedure done recently, I asked to be kept sedated until after the election and they said it wasn't covered by my insurance. Those bastards!
Sudan Ends 30 Years of Islamic Law by Separating Religion, State []
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
You can't have a functional government that's sustainable for any length of time that isn't secular without apocalyptic suffering of its population.
President Trump went after a Fox News reporter who backed up key details of a bombshell story from ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
LOL, I love it when fascist cannibalize their minions for being honest.
"Orgasm on a plate." Laughing at the Farmer's Market.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
The secret is 30 seconds in the microwave and then yes, that cantaloupe is a candidate for orgasm on a plate. Thirty seconds! No more no less. I learned that on A Late Show with Stephen Colbert.
Catholic Man Sues to Overturn No-Fault Divorce Law After Wife Requests Divorce | Hemant Mehta | ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
He'll loose. Good thing too.
Coining of the word “agnosticism”: []
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
The reason agnostics are so rare is because humans are only just now learning to embrace the concept of "I don't know." Look Egyptian and Babylonian math would have been a lot easier if they had a "0" place holder but they weren't that intellectually developed. "I don't know" is a life place holder just as "0" is the math place holder. I however claim to be an atheist, not because I know there's no God, I just find the prospect preposterous at face value. It's not a knowledge claim, it's a belief claim, I am convinced there are no anthropomorphic immortals of any kind. Don't call it faith, Christians would deny "faith" was their reason for not believing in Zeus, so same thing.
Is it logically possible for someone to support Trump and the theocratic Republican agenda and still...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
If you're pro Trump you are anti American by action, especially if you refuse to believe it..
"Socialism is a word they have hurled at every advance that people have made in the last 20 years...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Look it's just the manifestation of the human need to have "A" answer of some kind. It doesn't matter if it's inaccurate. Consider all the anal bleeding caused by the recategorization of the "planet" Pluto to "dwarf planet", like why would anyone care? Pluto is what Pluto is regardless of what we call it and no one is going in the foreseeable future, so why all the emotion? It's really simple, humans don't like the rules to change, EVER. As it turns out the only actual authority any of us accepts is our own, and Pluto not being a planet challenges that concept for people that feel they already know "enough" about the planets and would prefer not to ever give it a second thought again, so now they're pissy about it. Socialism = Bad is as true as Pluto = planet.
What were your best and worst birthday gifts?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Best birthday gift was a telescope when I was 10 in 1969. The worst was brought on by a card my ex wife insisted I send to my brother who was a civilian contractor in Afghanistan. It was ornate and elaborate and had a music box in it, etc. One day three weeks after my birthday I received a piece of brown paper about the size of post card obviously torn from a grocery bag. On it in black sharpie with the address and postage was a message. "Money's tight and times are hard so here's your f@cking Birthday card." We haven't spoke more than three minutes in over five years.
Nearly $1 million has been raised for Kenosha shooting suspect Kyle Rittenhouse, according to a ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
I'm never shocked at how low Christians are willing to go to ensure suffering for the species. After all from my experience in white Southern churches they're all just a thin veneer over White Supremacist, and anti American government hate.
Michigan Christian School Rejects Science, Warns Mask Mandate Means ‘Satan Wins’ | Michael Stone
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
If they didn't mingle with everyone else I'd just laugh at them, but they're vectors and should be controlled, like mosquitoes.
7 Steps to Grooming Your Young Christian Wife | Biblical Gender Roles
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
I just can't bring myself to read about gender roles at the moment. It's a trans woman thing.
Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
The shock would have been if he wasn't doing that. We all know how criminal televangelism is, heartless bastards.
Drive-In Movie Ad: Take Your Problems To Church! [youtube.]
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Screw authority. Especially this administration.
At least 42 cases pertaining to blasphemy were registered across Pakistan in a single month, ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
It sucks to live where religion calls the shots, which is why I fled Alabama and immigrated to the United States.
Can a God Create Itself?
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
A God can do anything you imagine it can do since God's are built of imagination to begin with. I'm such a trans, you have no idea, trans gender, trans human. :)
"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Whatever, I didn't need Marx to know religion was a lie. You don't need a validating authority to see how useless it all is.
Going to kinda free write this, and none of this will qualify as "required reading" so if anybody ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 5, 2020:
My introduction to Christianity was as a toddler boy that wanted to be Tinkerbell not Peter Pan, so in good Mississippi tradition my Grandmother and father had a series of protestant exorcisms to drive out the "unclean" spirits. Between religion, shame, and humiliation I stuffed my transgender nature so far back into the closet I found the Christmas presents. The problem with Christianity is their inability to accept reality as it is. Our problem has been not standing up to their BS.
Oh, FFS. New MS flag features "IN GOD WE TRUST" []
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 3, 2020:
When you say FFS to a trans woman we expect facial feminization surgery, so I had to look. I'm disappointed. I wish they'd put the old Proctor & Gamble logo on their flag.
Raised By Wolves
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 3, 2020:
What a bitch.
In Act of Heresy, N.R.A.’s Former No. 2 Calls for Gun Control
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 3, 2020:
The NRA was fine as an organization for ages, they actually wrote the legislation that outlawed Tommy Guns. Then they were infiltrated by conservatives and it became a cult. They have outgrown their usefulness and the State of New York will shut them down once and for all.
“Qanon” has moved from the internet to Congress! We used to consider these fringe types ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 3, 2020:
Weird that the people all upset and into QAnon also approved of children being taken from their mothers at the border. Hey dumb asses, your Republican party is the child grabbers, not the Democrats.
Researchers Say Atheists Are Better Sleepers Than Catholics and Baptists | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Sep 1, 2020:
It’s hard to sleep with a guilty conscience. That’s what you get with religion, guilt, otherwise the sin they warn about doesn’t actually stick. Your insecurities magnify fear, fear readily converts to guilt, guilt is perceived as sin, sin brings on hell, hell brings on fear and around and around it goes.
[] Sharon Stone on covid
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 31, 2020:
I’m not going to follow this link, this ditzy chick is the same one that claimed to have breast cancer and cured herself by giving up coffee. She’s too toxic to give audience to.
Can an atheist and an Evangelical be friends?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 31, 2020:
There's danger involved for the atheist.
Polish bishops call for "clinics to help LGBT people regain natural sexual orientation"
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Tell him a trans woman says to stop living up to bigotry against the Polish.
So, for all the people going around saying that black people commit more violent crime than white ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 31, 2020:
There’s no significant difference in the behaviors of different races that come from the same culture. Behaviorally each race would be identical. We don’t live in the same cultures though. The difference is in how we decide to perceive other people. Start by exercising some empathy.
What determines whether a person is a Christian or not?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 31, 2020:
I reserve the right to define myself. Honestly I’m profoundly boring anyway. I must be into monogamy because I’ve only been with one partner since 1993, and we divorced in 2007. I’ve known holy rollers that cheated while on their honeymoon.
Chew on this for a while, then tell us what you think. []
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 30, 2020:
The president has an army of people committing violence in support of his administration. It’s all volunteer and their orders are just assumed based on a lot of conspiracy indirectly reinforced by Fox News and AM radio Christian culture fascist like Rush. Their entire motivation is to get us to overreact, they’re dying for a civil wet culture war.
Here’s a question.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Why exactly do I have to believe anything? Your proposal is strange and counter to my nature. If frogs had wings they wouldn’t bump their ass so much, and they wouldn’t be frogs either.
What is something (besides religion) commonly believed to be true that is actually not?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 30, 2020:
It’s commonly believed that in the time of Columbus everyone thought the Earth was flat. Everyone knew it was round and had even worked out how big some two thousand years by the time Columbus came along. He did the math himself and came up with a smaller diameter that would have placed India about a thousand miles closer to Spain then Maine. Columbus was a typical alcoholic, didn’t know where he was going, once there didn’t know where he was, when he came back he didn’t know where he’d been. Columbus was crappy at math and navigation. He had to turn to religious fanatics for money to finance the voyage for two reasons, first they always have the money and second they aren’t great intelligences. The same year Isabella financed Columbus she also started the first Spanish Inquisition, no one ever suspects the Spanish Inquisition.
Please say hello to @ward1221 who’s just joined the group. Feel free to post your thoughts.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Trump plan to scrap payroll tax would reduce benefits by 2021, top Social Security actuary says.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Trump’s a Russian cluster f*ck weapon. He put someone in charge of education that’s on a mission to privatize it. He put someone in charge of energy that campaigned on dismantling the department. This is actually a really long list ... He sabotaged the post office and his solution is to sacrifice social security.
The choices this time are so depressing, I might just sit this one out. 🙄🍷
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Then you lack anything like perspective.
OOPS - George Floyd Died of Health Complications from a Fentanyl Overdose.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 30, 2020:
That’s like saying he died of natural causes, a police knelt down on his neck for over 8 minutes so naturally he died. Don’t pee on us and tell us it’s raining.
Love this bumper sticker 😁
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 28, 2020:
Time to take out the dirty laundry it seems there's an orange stain in the offal office.
This from my fundie sister .
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 28, 2020:
My sister was similar, and she hated my guts all my life and I never knew why. She died of colon cancer at 48. I had long since given up on our relationship, but I was able to speak with her the week before she died where she forgave me, for what exactly I still don't know. However she was defiantly a Jesus freak, but I hadn't told anyone I was transgender, I'm not sure I was entirely sure of it then. I've lived a clean sober life, now I'll really never know what kind of bug she had up her ass.
3-Year-Old Clinging to Unicorn Float is Rescued from Sea in Greece
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 28, 2020:
Try not to dwell on it, she's OK.
Why do Atheist like to talk about God so much?
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 27, 2020:
For the same reason Gun Control advocates talk about guns. Why is this complicated for you?
Identities, mainly race, gender and sexual orientation, are today's substitute for religion.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 27, 2020:
That's one of the dumbest comments I've heard in a year of profoundly stupid comments. I for one need no substitution for religion, that's the point the entire enterprise is unnecessary. If LGBT people or minority people work toward better representation that in no way indicates they're substituting if for religion it just means they're busy. While white supremacist just count their hobby in as part of Christianity since Christianity is anything the person professing it says it is.
I’m Convinced Satan Deserves Bonus Points for Creating the Fossil Record | Hemant Mehta | Friendly...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 26, 2020:
My step mother is convinced scientist are just sculpting fossils from the rock, she's also afraid of nuclear power because the electricity coming into the house might be "radioactive", and of course Jesus might show up any minute now. LOL
Liberty professor says students are questioning their faith in the wake of Falwell Jr. scandal
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 26, 2020:
I don't see that he did anything wrong, sexually anyway. The problem is the hypocrisy and the disappointing proof again that an erect penis has no conscious.


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Me in my Vampire Costume for Halloween 2020 before the big election.
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