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I grew up attending a Disciples of Christ (fairly liberal) church, but always considered religion as mere lessons/mythology. I was quickly driven away from "real church" by the anti lgbtqa bigotry and misogyny that I encountered upon attending college.

I am an independent nature lover with a wicked, irreverent sense of humor, and am an unapologetic cat person, who is also drawn to less "popular" things like snakes, frogs, insects etc. I have retired so that I can spend more time enjoying what life has to offer. (“All work and no makes Jack a dull boy”, no?).

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I just notice people more often sound sort of like robots repeating whatever they just heard.
Zster comments on Jul 4, 2020:
I think more increased communication (internet, etc) has just lifted the veil on the gullibility that has likely always been present, but is now more exposed. I really thought we were smarter than this, and less intellectually lazy. The current situation is pretty depressing.
Gym owner rants about "debatable protection of masks" and losing business.
Zster comments on Jul 4, 2020:
My regular gym that I prepaid an 18 month membership to is not open, knowing the risks to patrons and staff. Therefore, I am now a member of a MEDICAL gym as, without proper lumbo-sacral exercise, my disc-related back pain returns. THAT particular gym is working by appointment only. Wont crowd, insists on distancing, masks, and disinfection of each piece of equipment after each use. They might not be breaking the bank with income, but I am VERY grateful they are open, hoping this pain goes back into remission SOON (5 weeks and counting…).
Zster comments on Jul 13, 2020:
It keeps those around me safer. This is why they are worn in operating rooms. I wore mask and gloves most days at work. They are not horrible.
Slinging plastic
Zster comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Love disc golf! I also enjoy regular frisbee, too. We tend to kill time that way when camping.
"If parents treated their children as evenhandedly as America treats its citizens, one child would ...
Zster comments on Jul 25, 2020:
You mean, like the christians’ heavenly father does? 😉
Happy Thursday Everyone! What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
Zster comments on Aug 20, 2020:
This has been pleasantly stuck in my head after hearing it used in Ep2S1 of The Umbrella Academy (Woodkid's "Run Boy Run"):
CDC was pressured 'from the top down' to change Covid-19 testing guidance, official says - ...
Zster comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Not with the current politicians in place.
I do with my kids do you
Zster comments on Aug 31, 2020:
My kids leaned that way naturally. When I asked about how kids of color were treated in elementary school, my kids said, “I like anyone who is willing to play with me.” Racism is taught.
Do you like singing funny songs?
Zster comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Definitely!! We bought every CD that Heywood Banks released. This is the first song of his that hooked me as I was driving through a white out snow storm:
My state is covid testing college students frequently this fall in Dover to track spread among ...
Zster comments on Sep 12, 2020:
The COVID numbers among college students here are rocketing while faculty and staff have almost no positives at all. Got to love a govt that insisted they all attend classes in person instead of online. Take care, Bob.
YouTube has gone beyond greed and hate!!! Now YouTube has commercials every four to five ...
Zster comments on Sep 17, 2020:
HATE the advertising farce that YouTube has become! I am constantly barraged with far right ads and Epoch Times bull shit. Unlike FaceBook, YT/Google don’t give me any way to influence the types of ads I am seeing. I wont bitch too loud about having to watch some, but PLEASE, not this GOP crap! Guess my only option is to stop watching YT until the election is over.
Happy Friday Everyone! A close friend of mine presented an opportunity recently to our group of ...
Zster comments on Sep 18, 2020:
My folks often bought meat that way, a side of beef +/- organ meats, tongue... I was not much of a kidney or tongue fan, but the rest was always good.
You'd think this was a religious website.
Zster comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Use the filters and block features. I have manipulated the viewing on my device to be largely free of both religion and politics. As new members are constantly joining, many of whom have recently deconverted from religion, I think it safe to assume the topic will be pretty prevalent. Alot of venting seems to be needed by the recently ex-religious.
Cast your votes 😉😅
Zster comments on Sep 24, 2020:
I abhor white meat, due to its dryness and rubbery, tooth gluing texture. I love the juiciness of dark meat. Chose leg over thigh due to less mess.
After responding to a comment from a member and a considered friend I would like to make this very ...
Zster comments on Sep 24, 2020:
I was shocked by the public backlash when my husband was battling his cancer. All I can guess is when it's staring you in the face, it's tough to hang on to one's denial (that THEY could get it, that it happens to healthy, decent people, etc).
What form do your thoughts take?
Zster comments on Sep 29, 2020:
A lot of my thoughts are a like a movie, often moving images, but not dialogue per se.
Happy Friday Friends! I'm trying to make Resin dice for my gaming friends this holiday season, and ...
Zster comments on Oct 3, 2020:
It’s a toss up between growing and drying my own herbs, blending my own herb teas, and a whole bunch of new cooking. Last week I winter cut my bushier herbs and am drying by hanging in the basement (too much for my dehydrator). I also just made tamale pie. I love tamales, but am not willing to slave over them as traditional tamales require. Everything is turning out pretty good! I am hitting the mountain orchards Monday to dehydrate and sauce some apples. Not new skills, but ties in nicely with my current harvest and preserve theme.
Good morning, and Happy Tuesday! How much time do you spend in front of a screen each week?
Zster comments on Oct 6, 2020:
Hmm... depends. My living room TV is on any yime I am at home, awake, as I listen to music much of each day (Pandora, Spotify, Youtube). I don't sit in front of the screen though to listen. It provides background as I putz around the house. I check in with family, the weather, and hurricanes each morning, then don't get back online until my day's activities are done, typically after dinner at night. Then I read ebooks, catch up on social media and any Youtube vids that sound good. I often unwind with online puzzles. 1-3 nights per week, I might watch a movie or episode of a show on the main TV.
How many members were reared religious vs not religious?
Zster comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Was raised in a liberal christian church. Was taught that the bible is man written myth with lessons/messages. Upon heading to college, I encountered bible literalism, mostly used to pick on gays. I decided I did not want to be a member of such a dumb (talking snakes, really?) and mean club.
This will be interesting if nothing else.
Zster comments on Oct 25, 2020:
Very tough as I love a whole bunch of flicks! Off the cuff, if I base it on most frequently repeated viewings: Holy Grail Life of Brian Sleeper Take the Money and Run Blazing Saddles The Jerk (Honorable mentions: Star Wars (1st one released), The Abyss, 2010, Inception, Raising Arizona, Clerks, Chasing Amy, Close Encounters of the Third Kind)
When you finally catch the red dot...
Zster comments on Oct 26, 2020:
Victory is MINE!!! (there can be only one!)
Is this where i submit a cat post?
Zster comments on Oct 26, 2020:
Nicely done!
Anyone else feel this way?
Zster comments on Oct 31, 2020:
I did not think so, but more and more, friends, classmates, and family members of similar age (as me) are a lot older than me, if that makes sense... I guess now it's time to pay the piper for crappy genetic gifts and questionable life style choices. It's rather depressing, really, as it looks like I should expect to outlive many whom I love. ):
Sean Connery has died at age 90. A good age, a good life, a great actor!
Zster comments on Oct 31, 2020:
Oh, I am very sorry to hear that. He was an amazing artist during my entire life. He will be missed, but leaves behind a wonderful legacy!
Loved the music of 60s & 70s
Zster comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Me, too!
I know it hasn’t been certified yet, and all kinds of problems could still arise, but I can’t ...
Zster comments on Nov 7, 2020:
I know!! I really would love to join a celebratory crowd in the streets, but... I am trying to respect those around me who feel devastated right now. I remember being there myself, four years ago. I am giving in to some loud music and a bit of dance in the house. (;
Get involved with the DSCC if you want to help flip the Senate.
Zster comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Thank you!!
2020 strikes again.... fk this year!!!
Zster comments on Nov 8, 2020:
A wonderful man who lived a wonderful life. I am really going to miss him.
Listening to this great tune, i'm appreciating again how happy i've been travelling on this train ...
Zster comments on Nov 8, 2020:
A great classic!!
Happy Friday! What is the last thing you do before sleep?
Zster comments on Nov 14, 2020:
I read, and then switch on my colored light (choosing a different color each night) as I shut off my night stand lamp.
On wearing masks and the challenges of expressing and interpreting emotions.
Zster comments on Nov 15, 2020:
I worked where we wore masks a lot. It's funny how attached to certain eyes that can make one. An angry glare, a crinkled smile... eyes can be quite expressive!!
A rare photo of Jasper NOT getting in trouble, for once...
Zster comments on Nov 17, 2020:
This has been, by far, the most destructive animal I have ever known. Looks can be QUITE deceiving, though he is super sweet and very funny.
Little cutie. Beep beep beep.
Zster comments on Nov 22, 2020:
The scrapbook sounds positively amazing!
This pisses me off.
Zster comments on Dec 13, 2020:
“The department is aware that a former adjunct lecturer…”. Therein lies the gist of it. Easy to cast stones when one has sour grapes. 🙄
Don Lemon eviscerates Kalie as she departs White House podium
Zster comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Can you blame him. It’s called having to sleep in the bed that you made...
There is an unspoken rule...
Zster comments on Dec 19, 2020:
Led Zeppelin- The Battle of Evermore (Lyrics) []
Zster comments on Dec 21, 2020:
One of my favorites by them! Thx!
I'm not a fan of Roger Moore as 007 but I love the theme to The Spy Who Loved Me by Carly Simon.
Zster comments on Jan 9, 2021:
I agree. This gets cranked up whenever it comes on!
Cicadas - the big one is coming this year in many US areas.
Zster comments on Jan 25, 2021:
Thank you!!! Definitely something to look forward to!
Is anyone planning on any big summer camping vacations?
Zster comments on Jan 25, 2021:
Too hot here for summer camping without some cooling at night. I am cautiously hoping maybe in the fall. We like to camp along the Savannah River valley Army Corps of Engineer properties, either in GA or SC...
1.. just one.
Zster comments on Jan 26, 2021:
6 points. I was a bit young for a van or the disco...
What do you think when you hear an extremely loud car or truck?
Zster comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Small dick, or no $ to fix his car.
Which one of these sayings makes you crack up?
Zster comments on Mar 11, 2021:
I LOVE 10! 11 is often true for me. I am cursed with 17. Fun list, thanks!!!
Wednesday morning cuteness
Zster comments on Mar 17, 2021:
Fuckla Fucky.
Zster comments on Mar 23, 2021:
Fucklie Fuckyard
7, maybe 8...
Zster comments on Mar 24, 2021:
Number 8, though... 😆
What are you trying to say, Amazon?
Zster comments on Mar 27, 2021:
Lolol! Was that an actual recommendation? 😁
What album would you choose? I pick Moody Blues - Days of Future Past.
Zster comments on May 20, 2021:
Pink Floyd’s “Meddle”
20.. oh ya, I'm a risk taker
Zster comments on May 24, 2021:
Employee of the month
Zster comments on May 27, 2021:
And the runner up: tape that has an edge, but splits every mm you try to peel it back...
A good Christian man walked into Walmart and was offered a mask by the store greeter.
Zster comments on Jul 18, 2021:
That last line (quarantine in hell) was a nice touch. 😁
I won't eat 3 items. How about you?
Zster comments on Aug 3, 2021:
Monday morning cuteness...I seez a bugie
Zster comments on Aug 23, 2021:
What a beauty!
Update on yesterday's brush fire. Amazing how fast fire swept uphill.
Zster comments on Aug 30, 2021:
Unbelievably scary to have it at all close to the house, even if only for a short while! I am glad it’s headed the other direction.
Another reason I hate washing dishes! Lol
Zster comments on Sep 23, 2021:
They get even!
A year and a half...
Zster comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Lol… I was panic cleaning last Sunday. My guest showed up a day early and caught me!
Finally, a way to get the anti-vaxxers to get a shot.
Zster comments on Oct 14, 2021:
Makes as much sense as ivermectin…
I cry when I watch movies and I hate I phones
Zster comments on Nov 4, 2021:
Neither was the tool box that Dad gave to my mom. I have it now and LOVE it!
Meet The Amazing Acro-Cats, an all-cat circus troupe []
Zster comments on Nov 9, 2021:
I've seen them! They put on a very entertaining, cute show! All reward motivated.
Meet The Amazing Acro-Cats, an all-cat circus troupe []
Zster comments on Nov 9, 2021:
Episode 2 of NetFlix’s “Cat People” is all about Samantha and her cats (The Show Must Go On). COVID really put them in a rough spot, but shows seem to be popping up again, around here.
President Biden doesn’t have the legal authority to fire Louise DeJoy however,he does have the ...
Zster comments on Nov 22, 2021:
Hoping… the system really needs fixed.
Happy Thanksgiving:.
Zster comments on Nov 25, 2021:
Ha! I was RIGHT!
Not many posts last night. I guess everyone went to church.
Zster comments on Nov 25, 2021:
Carl Sagan from 1995 Carl Sagan “I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or ...
Zster comments on Nov 25, 2021:
Sadly accurate.
I think they got it just fine!
Zster comments on Nov 25, 2021:
In our local small town holiday parade, there was a float with a Santa suit wearing guy on a cross. I was speechless! Will see if I can pull the photo off of the archive drive.
Yes it started there
Zster comments on Dec 3, 2021:
Heck, the bare shelves and tripled prices at our grocery will pretty well assure my LOSING weight this holiday season…
There are Celtic Rock bands in Scotland and Ireland…but not confined to there, in many other parts...
Zster comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Thoroughly entertained! Thank You!
Do you shop at WalMart and if so does it bother you or do you think it is just capitalism at work?
Zster comments on Feb 16, 2022:
I had not shopped WalMart in years, but they have handled the pandemic better than most, which matters with me on a fixed income supporting three households. They offered curbside first here, when four of five groceries never did. Also, they are not price gouging/dropping quality yet like the others. I have really tightened my belt to avoid having to buy, but it makes sense to get essentials where my $ go farthest, right now.
I heard this song on satellite radio in the car and said now there is one I have not heard for long,...
Zster comments on Mar 24, 2022:
A personal fave. It smolders…
I’m really too late now for a teatime treat…as I’ve been out all day and only got home…but ...
Zster comments on Mar 30, 2022:
My dad used to put this song on when I was a kid. Simply Red’s version is beautiful. Thank you for the treat!
Good morning….
Zster comments on Apr 12, 2022:
I love this entire album! A great one for today, thx!
Vanity Fare : Hitchin' a Ride []
Zster comments on May 10, 2022:
I SO loved this as a kid!!! ❤️
1974 and this was so edgy but years later it showed up again in the movie Guardians of the Galaxy.
Zster comments on May 15, 2022:
This song is ageless, great no matter when it's listened to! (still love it).
I'm thinking of looking into a French press for myself.
Zster comments on Jul 24, 2022:
If I want the best cup of coffee, I use my steel Melitta French press. I don’t have any issues with it at all, cleaning or otherwise. I bought a plastic Bodum for travel. It does not hold the grounds down well at all, letting them leak around into the coffee poured into my cup.
King Crimson.
Zster comments on Aug 2, 2022:
EVERY song off of Discipline was phenomenal! Thanks for a most excellent flash back! 😁
Favorite music genre
Zster comments on Aug 31, 2022:
Rock, preferably alternative or new wave.
Respect! Japan fans clean up the stadium again after shock World Cup win over Germany Japan ...
Zster comments on Nov 23, 2022:
SO many others could learn from this playbook… Nicely done.
Dropped 40° from afternoon high, it's supposed to get colder overnight.
Zster comments on Dec 23, 2022:
Was 42 much of yesterday. Plunging to wind driven -7F tonight. Crazy!
My daughter died yesterday.
Zster comments on Dec 24, 2022:
This is too sad for words… my heart goes out to you and to all who lost her yesterday.
Do you have emergency equipment?
Zster comments on Dec 26, 2022:
No generator, yet, though that sort of peace of mind IS attractive. Otherwise, I am pretty well decked out with camping gear, so cooking, heating water as well as very insulated beds are easy. I just bought battery powered holiday lights to create ambiance if the lights go out, and hot water bottles to fill w water heated from the camp stove to keep my reptile pets warm. Have fire wood and city water, so… should be good!
Gotta love The Kinks! Scattered…. []
Zster comments on Dec 29, 2022:
LOVE it!! One of THE best concerts that I attended in the 1980s!
A little funk for Saturday night blues. Jungle Boogie by Kool and the Gang. []
Zster comments on Jan 22, 2023:
I am still a complete, unapologetic funk junkie. So… thanks for the track!
I’m still running on an iPhone 10! Anyone else out there a tight assed mfer like me!? 🤠
Zster comments on Apr 13, 2023:
My iPhone 7 is still chugging along just fine. I just replaced the original battery after 6 years and it helped the performance immensely!
At teatime I’m posting a song in memory of my son Graeme who would’ve been 46 today…he was a ...
Zster comments on Apr 13, 2023:
I love this song! My heart goes out to you as you remember.
It’s a relaxing hobby…
Zster comments on Apr 13, 2023:
That’s fantastic! I wonder if the artist was inspired by the sport of Extreme Ironing.
What type of area and housing do you prefer to live in?
Zster comments on Mar 20, 2018:
I live on three wooded acres, four miles ftom a college town and1 mile from rolling farmland. I would love to live on a coastal island, with warm climate and gentle sea breezes.
Do you think Fasting is a good or bad thing?
Zster comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Given MY experience (might be a personal quirk), I have to assume bad as missing just one meal typically triggers a severe, debilitating migraine. I've never figured out why, but know that it's a very consistent consequence.
Coffee, coffee,coffee! After all these years I'm still drinking the cafe au lait of my childhood, ...
Zster comments on Mar 22, 2018:
My preferred taste has not changed in 30 years, but how I attempt to achieve it has. The goal: a full bodied, robust, dark, strong coffee, +/- a smokey flavor. The hows that I have tried, in order from 20s to now: instant (nope), auto drip commercial (nope), espresso, electric ground beans (ok), Senseo, commercial pods or machine ground beans (ok), and now burr ground beans in a French Press = the bomb! I prefer light sugar and creme added, always have.
Do you offset a sedentary lifestyle filled with PCs, TVs, and other technological indulgences?
Zster comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Gym, work with a trainer, try to walk at least 3 miles each day.
Are you more a cat or dog lover?
Zster comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Cats. Am crazy about them!
Mixed feelings on new company holiday
Zster comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Our company is careful to avoid religious preferences. Years ago, Good Friday was dropped in favor of a more secular President's Day (in February).
These are my boys, Rick James and Biggie.
Zster comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Phenomenal names!!!!
Q: What is your favorite starch/complex carb
Zster comments on Mar 28, 2018:
It's a tie between breads and noodles. Pretty much anything made from dough.
My buddy Mikha.
Zster comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Living art...
Did I screw up?
Zster comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Umm, no. Are we obligated to teach our kids about all of the holidays in ALL religions? I did not teach mine the Jewish holidays or Muslim ones as I don't know enough about those holidays to teach them. How would teaching easter be any different?
I know I'm not the only person that has trouble with family members that don't accept me but ...
Zster comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I positively hate this casualty of religion! Why can't family members see the cutting out of other family members over an institution as the cultish behavior that it is? I would try a combination of the suggestions provided. Define and communicate your boundaries. Show them as much love and patience as you can. Distance yourself when you need to. Find new people to include in your life where the family has been letting you down. I hope for the best for you and am sorry that you are being treated this way. You can hang here in the mean time. Many members have suffered similarly.
Selfies and pics
Zster comments on Apr 17, 2018:
I have always detested pictures of myself. I cannot say why... That said, I just sent some to my mom. They were taken at a fair and caught me looking very happy. She will likely love them. (;
Yesterday I cut the umbilical cord that tethered me to cable TV.
Zster comments on Apr 18, 2018:
I told my cable company the they would have to provide QUALITY content in order to get me back. They stopped calling. Welcome to the stream team!
Am I the only atheist that doesn’t smoke pot?
Zster comments on Apr 21, 2018:
You are certainly not alone, but I get where you are coming from. I toked a few times in my late teens. The stuff gave me severe nausea to the point of puking. No thanks!
How were you punished as a child by your parents?
Zster comments on Apr 25, 2018:
As we got older and spanking no longer worked, Mom got more creative with the punishments. Her most ingenious was, when my brother and I got caught arguing, to make us sit across from each other at the dining room table, looking at each other until we smiled. Have you any idea how goofy that feels? At first I was mad, but the absurdity would always get the better of us and make us laugh. It was my favorite punishment!


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Agnostic, Humanist, Secularist, Freethinker
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  • Joined Oct 7th, 2017
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