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Will there always be a dominant person in any given relationship?
Gatovicolo comments on Dec 25, 2017:
Only if you want it to be.
Zster replies on Dec 25, 2017:
THIS is a great answer! You are a master of conciseness.
Has it ever occurred to you that people talk to you differently after you tell them about your ...
Meiliken comments on Dec 20, 2017:
I get derision from both sides. I usually don't talk about it.
Zster replies on Dec 20, 2017:
Me, too. It's why I avoid the topic like the plague where I live.
In your relationships, does someone usually "wear the pants?"
BucketlistBob comments on Dec 20, 2017:
Me...Watch "Milton singing "The Man Song" by Sean Morey" on YouTube
Zster replies on Dec 20, 2017:
Adefinite classic and a fave! Funny stuff!
New here and can't help but notic quite a few of the posts imply that some seem to be "closeted", ...
AnneWimsey comments on Dec 19, 2017:
Thanks for the replies. I guess I sounded pretty naive...........
Zster replies on Dec 19, 2017:
Nah. Count yourself fortunate to not have had that discriminatory experience. (:
Christian ‘prophet’ Mark Taylor: ‘Trump will reveal cures for cancer and Alzheimer’s if ...
SteveB comments on Dec 18, 2017:
You have got to be kidding me! Do you think people will actually believe this? Wow, just, wow.
Zster replies on Dec 19, 2017:
Around here, many believe that "big pharma" already has the cures, but make more profits by not releasing them. It's not much of a leap for them to think that tRump will force them to share.
For those that do a Xmas tree, what kind do you like best?
Zster comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Your list excludes almost every type of real tree available in my geography. Real trees = serious pain in the patootie, but smell like the holidays. We decorate it with fishing lures and led lights. My fave is a white pine, but down here, we almost always end up with a cedar type.
Zster replies on Dec 18, 2017:
We typically end up with what they call a sapphire, though Leyland cypress are also very common. Most places ship in pre-cut Frasier fir. I like fresh cut though, and usually prefer not to spend that much money.
From my experience, new athiest tend to be very angry.
Zster comments on Dec 16, 2017:
I seriously do not think it is any of our job to invalidate their anger. Be the example, sure, and support positively, but allow them to work through it and heal. I was angry as well, but time has mellowed it.
Zster replies on Dec 17, 2017:
Sorrow at the hurt that religion has caused many is something we definitely have in common. I wish there was no need for it.
Ever been a victim of proselytizing?
Zster comments on Dec 16, 2017:
It happens ALL the time here is the southeastern US! Maybe monthly or more. It happens at work, at school functions (mostly by other parents, not teachers so much), at the stores, in parking lots, at gas pumps, camp grounds, restaurants...
Zster replies on Dec 16, 2017:
Sure. For all that, folks are pretty decent. Of course, I don't wear my disbelief real openly, which might help. I don't lie, but manage to divert the question for the most part.
Creepy McCreeperson..
Zster comments on Dec 16, 2017:
If she's 21, I don't think his AGE is what constitutes creepiness, but more his manner. Does he act aggressive, will he not take no for an answer, does he otherwise cling or stalk her?
Zster replies on Dec 16, 2017:
I will add that age IS a factor if she is a minor, given the local law of consent. Don't get me started on the number of grown men who hit on my friends and/or I without any initiation or encouragement on OUR part when I was under age and mostly interested in boys close to the same age.
Zster comments on Dec 14, 2017:
Camping is near the very top of my favorite pastimes! I prefer driving in and pitching a tent to backpacking or RV, though would not turn any of those down. We started off in State Parks, but prefer Army Corps grounds, in Georgia anyway. I spent a ton of time on barrier isles of FL, esp west ...
Zster replies on Dec 14, 2017:
From my sailing days, Egmont Key, Desoyo Park, Caladesi Island, and Anclote (great Greek food in Tarpon Springs!). By land (as an adult): Bahia Honda (near Marathon), Ft Pickens (Santa Rosa). St George's (might have name wrong, Panhandle near Appalachicola) looks great, but I never camped there.
Eazyduzzit comments on Dec 14, 2017:
I’ve always been a tent camper, and I used to do a lot of backpacking. The older I get though, the harder the ground seems to get. It must have something to do with the aging Earth. I’ve been thinking about getting a small pull behind camper.
Zster replies on Dec 14, 2017:
I am wanting to downsize once my kids leave home. I am thinking something just for sleep and clothes storage, like a teardop or pod. Love the trnt, but need AC for southern summer sleeping.
Family recipes
BeeHappy comments on Dec 9, 2017:
I only knew one grandparent, my dad's mother but I only ever remember her making one thing. Rice pudding using leftover rice. My mom and ex mother-in-law both had dishes that they made that included homemade noodles. They used no pasta makers or anything like that. Just put the ingredients on the...
Zster replies on Dec 13, 2017:
Similar experience here... those ladies were a whiz with a knife and some rolled dough!
Does anyone have religious stuff out in their house at this time of year?
Skyfacer comments on Dec 11, 2017:
Yep. The proverbial angelic accessory in it's place right at the top of a synthetic Xmas tree gorgeously lit up with a almost mystical bluish light. Our granddaughter and nieces love it.
Zster replies on Dec 12, 2017:
We top our (fishing themed) tree with a crocheted squid.
Roy Moore blames crime on teaching kids evolution ,because if you teach them they came from animals ...
ReadyforaChange comments on Dec 7, 2017:
He's the animal...sleeping with children makes his opinion worthless anyway.
Zster replies on Dec 7, 2017:
My thoughts exactly, but... it's actually unfair to the animals he's being fompared to.
What is the worst movie you've seen?
Sarahroo29 comments on Dec 5, 2017:
Zster replies on Dec 5, 2017:
Newer or older version? Or both?
What is the worst movie you've seen?
skado comments on Dec 5, 2017:
Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ". (2004)
Zster replies on Dec 5, 2017:
I avoided it until years later. It was quite awful.
Old question. What's your favorite classic song?
snytiger6 comments on Dec 5, 2017:
"Nights In White Satin" by the Moody Blues "Love, Reign On Me" by The Who "Ellenor Rigby" or "She's leaving Home" by the Beatles. "I Think We're Alone Now" by Tommy James & The Sahndels "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" by The Tokens There are so many.
Zster replies on Dec 5, 2017:
"Legend of a Mind"!!! (Moody Blues)
What Is Your Favorite X-mas Song?
sassygirl3869 comments on Dec 5, 2017:
The Channukah Song by Adam Sandler lol
Zster replies on Dec 5, 2017:
Good one!
Dick Pics, ok? yes or no?
TommyMeador comments on Dec 5, 2017:
The first image that came to my mind was a flasher in a rain coat.
Zster replies on Dec 5, 2017:
I thought this exact same thing. It's a crude thing to do (unsolicited).
What do atheists do when asked to swear on the Bible in court.
Eponymous comments on Dec 5, 2017:
I say nothing and abide by the convention of the court. To admit to any kind of theism might prejudice the judge.
Zster replies on Dec 5, 2017:
I wonder if to not could end up doing likewise where I live. Disbelief is highly suspect in the bible belt.
What do you think about Reality Shows on Television? How do you think they impact our culture?
resserts comments on Dec 3, 2017:
It's sensationalistic garbage that feeds our collective sickness to want to observe other people's dysfunction, and the impact on society can be seen playing out in politics today.
Zster replies on Dec 3, 2017:
Thanks. Now I don't need to type up a response. (;
Life's too short... (finish the line).
Alliegirl comments on Dec 3, 2017:
Life's too short, eat the chocolate!
Zster replies on Dec 3, 2017:
Yes, life's too short; EAT!
Please share one awesome thing about where you live. :)
Zster comments on Dec 3, 2017:
A wonderful geographic mix: an hour north to the Appalachian Mountains, yet here we are in forrested, rolling hills. Another hour south brings sandy coastal plain. Four hours southeast and you arrive at the Atlantic Ocean which, unlike most states, has not been developed, but is still mostly wild, ...
Zster replies on Dec 3, 2017:
Northeastern Georgia (in the US), near the city of Athens.
Do you dream out loud? Yikes!
Zster comments on Dec 3, 2017:
No, but I am plagued with near nightly hypnagogic hallucinations, most of which are terrifying, and many which get me out of bed to confirm that the household is safe (from fire or intruders).
Zster replies on Dec 3, 2017:
Good heavens! I am sorryvthat such seeds were sewn by your own family! Yikes! Mine result from meds for my migraines. To go without means severe head pain 24/7.
I'm an organ donor
Hugene2002 comments on Dec 3, 2017:
Everyone should be an organ donor. There is no reason not to be one.
Zster replies on Dec 3, 2017:
I've been told that I need to revoke my willingness to donate status (on my driver's license) due to my having had EppsteinBarr virus and HepA, that those coukd likely infect an immunosuppressed recipient.
If you have the choice to eat ORGANIC would you? Meaning all the time?
Zster comments on Dec 3, 2017:
Sure! If it was available, of good quality, and cost was not an impediment.
Zster replies on Dec 3, 2017:
You raise a valid point. Mine just went WAY up with our company changing our insurance.
What's your favorite comedy movie?
Skyfacer comments on Dec 3, 2017:
The Money Pit. Used Cars Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Snatch
Zster replies on Dec 3, 2017:
I've never heard anyone mention "Money Pit" before! Many articles about Tom Hanks fail to mention it! LOVE the flick myself, especially once I bought a house.
What are some of your favourite movie lines?
NerdyOkieDude comments on Dec 2, 2017:
- In no particular order: “What kind of sick bitch takes the ice cube trays out of the freezer?” “I got a little dick. It’s pathetic.” - True Lies “Son...fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.” - Animal House “There are snails on your plate!” ...
Zster replies on Dec 2, 2017:
If I could "like" multiple times, this would get a bunch! Classic lines!
silvereyes comments on Nov 30, 2017:
I'm not overly girly, not overly butch either... but if you ask me if I'm interested in smacking pancakes- the answer is no. ;)
Zster replies on Nov 30, 2017:
OMG, my belly aches from giggling! In enlightening myself, I just stumbled actoss THIS gem:
jim nabors died.
Paul628 comments on Nov 30, 2017:
For many years he sang 'Back Home Again In Indiana' at the start of The Indy 500. He was originally from Indiana.
Zster replies on Nov 30, 2017:
Yep. I heard him sing that since I was little. I am very saddened by his passing. He'll be missed.
I'm assuming at this point it is obvious Christianity is just a Political Instrument used to control...
SlytherinFox comments on Nov 30, 2017:
What we need is a figurative societal bowel movement by which the shit that is Christianity finally gets forever flushed into the annals of history never to constipate human progress again.
Zster replies on Nov 30, 2017:
Know of any good "figurative societal" laxative?
People who get offended over everything needs to learn that life is not always about them.
Zster comments on Nov 26, 2017:
Being offended is somewhat of a choice. I know people who seem to have made a hobby out of it. I steer clear of such types. Then, of course, they are offended that people seem to avoid them. Go figure.
Zster replies on Nov 26, 2017:
I once told soneone that I was not offended as I chose not to be. He then shot back with, "What if I MEANT to offend you?", to which I replied, "I still choose not to be!" Sure made him mad! (;
What Are Your Reading Preferences?
resserts comments on Nov 25, 2017:
What? No erotica? I guess that's a subset of "Fantasy." ;)
Zster replies on Nov 25, 2017:
I considered it a type of romance. (;
Here's the question of the day! Does anyone even use this site as a dating site?
Eazyduzzit comments on Nov 24, 2017:
Is this a dating site? I'm married, and just tired of religion. Especially this time of year. I like the format, but not looking to date. When I joined, I didn't see anything to suggest it was anything other than a community for agnostics.
Zster replies on Nov 24, 2017:
Dating is an option. So is just being here to connect with other non-religious people.
Is anyone else experiencing new site growing pains that are amusing?
69brrrd comments on Nov 24, 2017:
An alert deficit or negative can never be good as it shows a need for alert balance to counter and stabilize the obvious alert entropy. Perhaps you were too aggressive in your alert housecleaning and a slightly less aggressive elimination of them in the future could avoid this alert instability. Or...
Zster replies on Nov 24, 2017:
Lol, if I am overly aggressive in my alert housecleaning, it would the ONLY housecleaning arena with such a claim! (;
Got into a heated argument more than once about Hitler, Stalin and Mao Zedong killing millions of ...
SteveB comments on Nov 24, 2017:
They were motivated by power, greed, and politics. Human foibles regardless of their religious state. If you can blame their atrocities on their lack of religion, should we blame any war started by religious individuals as a result of their faith. If so, we have a long list. ...
Zster replies on Nov 24, 2017:
She requested help and received a thesis. Very nicely done!
Is anyone else experiencing new site growing pains that are amusing?
ErichZannIII comments on Nov 24, 2017:
I've had a situation where I have almost 100 alerts, and it was impossible to clear them fast enough that there would be 0 alerts. More alerts just kept coming.
Zster replies on Nov 24, 2017:
Lol. I am apparently not popular enough to have such a problem! (;
Sang Froid - Jokes
Zster comments on Nov 24, 2017:
Given the first two comments, I am totally going to read this one over cereal...
Zster replies on Nov 24, 2017:
Was totally worth it!!! Thanks!
How do humans perceive the world.
MsOliver comments on Nov 24, 2017:
I can't answer this poll with the choices given. I believe that we all live in the same reality and that it affects our view of the world, but that we all perceive reality differently, based largely on our own inherent motivations and life experiences, thus while I may live in the same reality as ...
Zster replies on Nov 24, 2017:
Spot on! I figure we are mostly subjected to the same happenings, but that our individual point of view/perspective, combined with each individual interpretation (bringing what we've previously experienced and/or learned along with our mood and sense at the moment) results in unique EXPERIENCES of what is happening. Which begs the question, which IS real? What happened or what we experience of that happening? Can what happened be reality if we are incapable of experiencing it? Yet, we can perceive distant events as really having happened despite NOT experiencing them. It's fun to think about (but better after coffee).
To you, what is the difference between being lonely and being alone. No platitudes, please.
annie1948 comments on Nov 24, 2017:
While I was waiting for a ride from Lyft, I saw many other people being picked up by their grown son or daughter. My daughter and her husband were too busy to pick me up. I was the last one there, and had a pleasant time but it was pretty superficial. Then, when everyone left, I stayed around ...
Zster replies on Nov 24, 2017:
I am sorry that you weren't made to feel more included, Annie. That sounds painful. Without much detail, it also sounds like a pretty rude way to host a gathering. (((((hugs))))).
How could you prevent your child from becoming brainwashed by religion?
wordywalt comments on Nov 23, 2017:
If it is important to you that your child be raised with independence of thought, you will have to do several things. First, you will have to model such independence. Second, you must always tell your child that he or she has choices as to what to believe and not everything he or she is told is ...
Zster replies on Nov 23, 2017:
A very excellent answer! My kids have religious relatives and nonreligious. They get to hear why each belives/doesn't believe as they do, but are not pressured by any one view. Their journey will be theirs to make. I also model/assure them that such matters are not cast in stone. Some of us have meandered through many beliefs.
This question cropped up on Quora today and I thought it would be appropriate to post it and my ...
wordywalt comments on Nov 23, 2017:
One can have feelings of gratitude in general, without directing them toward any one point of entity.
Zster replies on Nov 23, 2017:
This, exactly. Gratitude does not require a being to thank. Gratitude is being glad for what you have ir have experienced, etc...
If you could change one rule of your choice?
Betty comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Tax it! It is a business.
Zster replies on Nov 22, 2017:
A most excellent suggestion!
Do you support Trump?
NerdyOkieDude comments on Nov 20, 2017:
I’m not a bigoted moron. So . . . no. I don’t support the Tangerine Tyrant.
Zster replies on Nov 22, 2017:
Or Cheetolokov?
Why is religion obsessed with sex?
damonca comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Patriarchal religions are afraid of women's sexuality is my vastly over-generalized first thought.
Zster replies on Nov 22, 2017:
A man does not want to have raise any babies that are not his. Resources run a tad lean in the desert. Seems like that might make some religions fans of parterless sex, though. THAT, for me, was a big give away. What sort of supposedly superior being gives a rat's booty about where we touch our own bodies?
What do fellow members do for a living?
Zster comments on Nov 21, 2017:
Scientist (microbiology)
Zster replies on Nov 22, 2017:
Vaccine development.
It's nice having all these intellectual conversations with like-minded people (.
Zster comments on Nov 21, 2017:
Can we have at least ONE site that is religious zealot free? No offense, but many other sites already create an arena for full out religious debate. I hang out here to escape it.
Zster replies on Nov 21, 2017:
I've seen that tried elsewhere. It draws the religious like a plague of locusts. They wont be content with just one area. Check out They started with just "the lion's den". The infestation spread throughout the site from there.
How open are you about debate?
NerdyOkieDude comments on Nov 19, 2017:
"I'd like an argument please." - Michael Palin
Zster replies on Nov 19, 2017:
I could be arguing on my own time.
Likelihood of meeting in person
Marine comments on Nov 17, 2017:
Not looking to meet rather looking for some intelligent conversation.
Zster replies on Nov 17, 2017:
Me too!
Will these "religious freedom" bills reverse the rise of Atheism in the U.S?.
NerdyOkieDude comments on Nov 17, 2017:
No. If anything it will accelerate the demise of toxic piety as all but the most contemptuous primitives will set their faith aside in disgust.
Zster replies on Nov 17, 2017:
We can hope!
Almost 40% of evangelicals more likely to vote for Roy Moore after pedophilia allegations – ...
Hugene2002 comments on Nov 13, 2017:
It is disgraceful. It makes me proud to be an atheist and embarrassed to be an American.
Zster replies on Nov 13, 2017:
Well said, sir! I share your sentiment, sadly.
When vegans try to explain how dogs and cats can be vegan too what is your reaction?
Chorusofone1984 comments on Nov 13, 2017:
I'm a veterinarian. Dogs are omnivorous, but cats are true carnivores. Don't project your shit onto your animals.
Zster replies on Nov 13, 2017:
I am, too. Thank you for beating me to it! (;
I’ve started to call myself a non-theist.
Gatovicolo comments on Nov 12, 2017:
Cavalloscuro-dark horse-a monicker taken from the late George Harrison.
Zster replies on Nov 12, 2017:
Love the song!
If you could name 1 decision you have made that has greatly improved your life what would you ...
Zster comments on Nov 12, 2017:
As an ENFP, I simply cannot give just one answer... In chrono order: 1. Said yes to marrying my late husband 2. Applied and attended vet school 3. Agreed to "try" having kids who we agreed we were not going to have when we got married 4. Sought recovery support for quitting alcohol
Zster replies on Nov 12, 2017:
11 year anniversary just passed. The first year was rough enough for me to never want to repeat it, but the sober life has been well worth it!
The struggle to find a partner...
MsOliver comments on Nov 12, 2017:
I gave up looking for a partner. I am open to finding someone to spend time with, but I find that my own company is not unpleasant and learning to accept that literature can be a companion and that I can have friends without having to choose a single person to be intimate with had been both a ...
Zster replies on Nov 12, 2017:
I could not have said this better myself. It's as if you were in MY shoes as you typed it! Perhaps we will become friends... (:
If you could name 1 decision you have made that has greatly improved your life what would you ...
AMGT comments on Nov 12, 2017:
Getting and staying sober, 34 years now.
Zster replies on Nov 12, 2017:
Congrats everyone! 11 years for me, and loving it!
Science is taught as 'verbatim' in schools when by it's very nature it should be open to constant ...
Allan comments on Nov 12, 2017:
I was taught science as something to question. Even whether the sun or the wind dried clothing you put out on a washing line.
Zster replies on Nov 12, 2017:
Me, too! We were taught that science and knowledge is generally dynamic, being challenged, ever evolving. My son, who is in public school now, says he is being taught the same way.
General Profanity for Non-Believers
ThomasMeador comments on Nov 5, 2017:
I love irreverence, blasphemy and cussin'. I think they are art forms.
Zster replies on Nov 12, 2017:
You sir, are awesome, godfuckingchristonaspikeddildodammit!
I love quotes.
rainmanjr comments on Nov 12, 2017:
Many great things have been said and written but one of my favorites is an anonymous quote. "There may not be justice in this Universe but, thankfully, there's irony."
Zster replies on Nov 12, 2017:
THAT is fabulous!
Are Theist In Your Face In The Bible Belt?
silvereyes comments on Nov 4, 2017:
Yes. They are all up my @. Prayer at work. The first words out of their mouth "what church do you go to?" They bless me in the stores. Talk about the Bible- the TV show. Religious paraphernalia everywhere. Protesters outside of the abortion clinics. At the stop sign near my house, a local church...
Zster replies on Nov 4, 2017:
Jodyfine summed it up VERY well. I think your Dallas experience might reflect the difference in religiosity of major metros vs small rural towns. Fundamental xstianity and rabid republicanism are constantly in our faces in small town Georgia. I largely hide my disbelief. It has caused repercussions for me at work and for my kids in the schools.
Any non-conformists out there?
RundioII comments on Oct 27, 2017:
"We are all individuals!" From the back, "I'm not."
Zster replies on Oct 28, 2017:
"Only the real messiah would deny his own divinity". ????
Avoiding the Friend Zone
AMGT comments on Oct 21, 2017:
When I’ve put guys in the friend zone, it’s usually due to a simple lack of chemistry/attraction. The chemistry is usually either there or it isn’t. Attraction is rarely a thing that gets cultivated, in my experience.
Zster replies on Oct 22, 2017:
This. There is nothing "done" to land one in the friend zone. I am either attracted that way or not.
Have you ever been fired for being an atheist?
Linden comments on Oct 21, 2017:
Could I ask everyone who's commenting to say where they're from if they're comfortable with that? And also if that's fairly typical for where you live. I live in the UK and I've never experienced discrimination like this and I'm quite outspoken against religion.
Zster replies on Oct 21, 2017:
Southeastern US. Bible Grand Central.
Anyone take the Myers-Briggs?
vertrauen comments on Oct 21, 2017:
I took it 30 years ago and was assessed to be ENFP. The E (extraversion) is only slightly this side of the extravert/introvert divide. I need my alone time, too. I've heard more recently that there is absolutely no scientific basis to Myers-Briggs and that people's personality types are known ...
Zster replies on Oct 21, 2017:
I almost always have tested as very (>90% E,N,F, and P) enfp, so... have to wonder about that counter statement. The exception is I am much more cautious at work and can test less extroverted and more structured there. It's an act, though, that I cannot maintain too long.
Would you call yourself a sci-fi/fantasy fan?
Zster comments on Oct 19, 2017:
LOVE Sci Fi!! Raised on Star Trek (original series) and was a huge TNG fan. Love all of the movies, too. I am also a Star Wars geek. Others: Blade Runner (original), Logan's Run, Planet of the Apes (original), Sleeper etc... and the series Space 1999.
Zster replies on Oct 20, 2017:
It definitely influenced my humanist ways. (:
Would you date someone you met online?
Zster comments on Oct 7, 2017:
Sure! A casual coffee date to see if we click offline as well as on seems a good idea. I have met several online friends in person. Am still friends with several, though have never formed romantic connections that way.
Zster replies on Oct 9, 2017:
The main difference between strong platonic and romantic bonding is largely physical for me, and that gets left out online. It's more complex than a looks thing as photos do not replace the personal contact enough online. I do (and have) formed strong friendships online, but my more intense romances have resulted from a combo of intense physical attraction at the time of meeting and getting to know each other.
Is there such thing as a soul mate?
luckytobealive comments on Oct 4, 2017:
there could be many soulmates...
Zster replies on Oct 8, 2017:
That would be nice...
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
Zster comments on Oct 8, 2017:
I came here to circle up with NONbelievers, specifically. ALL other aspects of my life are overrun with the religious. I just want a place to be myself and not have to worry about them. If this site chooses to go fully open, an understandable preference despite my not sharing it, I would likely drop...
Zster replies on Oct 8, 2017:
Clarification: nonbeliever might have been a poor word choice. Perhaps I should have stated religious or those of a belief that would draw them here to bash or convert those of dissimilar mind.
QUOTE: 'I hope, for His sake, that God does not exist - because if He does He has an awful lot to ...
Zster comments on Oct 7, 2017:
I thought Woody Allen stated that. "If God exists, I hope he has a good excuse." -Woody Allen
Zster replies on Oct 7, 2017:
Quite possibly. The whole "great minds think alike" thing?
QUOTE: 'I hope, for His sake, that God does not exist - because if He does He has an awful lot to ...
Zster comments on Oct 7, 2017:
I thought Woody Allen stated that. "If God exists, I hope he has a good excuse." -Woody Allen
Zster replies on Oct 7, 2017:
Sry, hit send too fast. FWIW, I agree with either quote 100%. (:


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Agnostic, Humanist, Secularist, Freethinker
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