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How do you handle Christian co-workers?
Zster comments on Jan 7, 2018:
Reliosity is assumed where I work (pharma R&D company in the southern US). I keep my disbelief well hidden as my current boss has me convinced that he is not above using it as a firing offense. Anytime colleagues get going on a religious topic, I discreetly leave. I absolutely can not afford to be outed by engaging.
Is marriage too connected with religion?
Zster comments on Jan 7, 2018:
The concept of committing one's self to another is a very personal HUMAN concept that certain religions took in an attempt to control, much as they have tried to do with sexuality. Just my opinion, but sure seems like a gross overreach to me.
Do have friends to keep you entertained, or do you entertain yourself?
Zster comments on Jan 7, 2018:
I haven't been alone since 1986. Hubby and I were a tight couple with friends for ten years, then we became a couple with two kids. Since D passed in '06, it's just been the kids and I, together a LOT of the time. This fall, my nest will empty for a semester. Somehow, I suspect that the cats and I will do just fine. I might try to get out more and see if I can make some new friends or somehow keep the ones I made while the kids were in the local schools, but am fairly sure that I can keep happily busy if the friend thing fizzles. Time will tell, I guess.
Kids sometimes
Zster comments on Jan 6, 2018:
Every other weekend, or something like that?
This afternoon I was informed of my good friend’s death.
Zster comments on Jan 6, 2018:
Great friends are worth missing, and tears. I lost two unexpectedly in the last two years. They were my age. I greatly sympathize with you.
Was there a reason why you chose "Agnostic" for this site?
Zster comments on Jan 6, 2018:
The term atheist, for me, encompasses a degree of certainty. While I do not believe in a theistic deity, I am willing to consider different realities, which I cannot experience due to human limitations. Call it wishful thinking if you want, but I do not consider that aligned with staunch atheism. (note: used YOU in the generic sense, not personal)
Dating after 50
Zster comments on Jan 6, 2018:
I am right there with you! My young gay friend (an awesome set up, BTW) moved to Brazil! My attempts at dating lead to guys seeking: instant sex (I am not a by-the-third-date sort), instant marriage, instant bank account, or instant mom. The nonbeliever and left leaning thing further hurts my chances as does a general (at least with who I've encountered so far) male fear of widows (the whole cannot-compete-with-a-ghost thing). News flash! Late hubs ain't coming back, AND shall forever remain 42. I figure I will see how it goes once my nest empties. A change in geography might be in order...
Do you consider yourself an intellectual elite or just an intellectual?
Zster comments on Jan 6, 2018:
I don't care for labels myself as they are very dependent on the beholder's definition. If the amount of schooling helps set the bar, then I might get categorized as intellectual due to my dvm and grad degrees. From within my shoes, I feel pretty mainstream and average. At work, I feel less intelligent sometimes. It depends on where the measuring stick is.
What is your darkest, most difficult experience?
Zster comments on Jan 6, 2018:
Watching my husband breathe his last after an 89 day cancer battle. It was a Sunday night. Cancer in his spine had spread to the level of paralyzing his diaphragm. He could not breathe, felt like he was suffocating. The hospice nurse refused to come, thinking we were being hysterical. My mom, an RN with prior paralysis nursing experience, got to call that hospice nurse back with the announcrment when the battle was over. The nurse panicked and said we had to revive him (to cover HER ass, it seemed). I refused. Horrid as that was, it was NOTHING compared to walking to my kids' (ages 6 and 9) bedrooms at wake up time to tell them that he had passed. I would kill anyone who hurt my children so horribly. That I had to deliver such heartbreak broke a part of me that day. I had to be the one to do it as no one loves them more, but will be forever haunted by the memory.
How do you deal with anti-vaxxers?
Zster comments on Jan 6, 2018:
Call me cowardly, but I find trying to reason with antivaxxers easier than reasoning with rocks. I tend to walk away (shaking my head), much like I do with the religious. I might point out how quickly diseases that we'd had under good control (mumps, measles, whopping cough) came roaring back to relevance once vaccination rates dropped due to this (insert choice word here) movement.
What is your take on having a "higher power"?
Zster comments on Jan 6, 2018:
I have participated in programs with a similar requirement which, up front, look pretty darned religious. The fact that I had success in such programs despite my personal disbelief proves that religiosity is not necessarily a requirement for success. In fact, I think that regularly circling up with similar folks and keeping the topic front and center was as key to my making it as anything. That said, MY nonbelieving take on "higher power" was to accept that success WAS possible, despite what my experience had been up to that point. My hope for a personal win, after witnessing its possibility in others, was MY higher power. Not some door knob or random deity.
How hard is it for you to openly be Atheist in your community?
Zster comments on Jan 6, 2018:
Very, if I want to be at all part of my community, rather than an ostracized pariah. Seriously, to be openly atheist would very likely cost me my job, though the hierarchy would be smart enough to avoid the lawsuit and claim it was something else. My kids face serious wrath from teachers, peers, and other parents, ALL of which happened to my more open eldest child.
Hello and Happy New Year! First post after finding out about this site on facebook.
Zster comments on Jan 6, 2018:
Welcome to the bright side... (;
Have You Ever Had A Sexual Relationship With A Co-Worker?
Zster comments on Jan 6, 2018:
Do you mean "just sex" or dating/relationship with sex? I dated a guy at my restaurant job back in college and ended up happily married to him for twenty years. A few years later, I got intimate with a close friend at my current scientific job. I got cold feet, asked him to slow things down (he wanted a committment of marriage after three months of dating). He went ballistic, had to be escorted off of company premises, I had to file a report with HR. It was both scary and humiliating. I wished I'd never gone out with him. So, my record for work sex: awesome vs nightmare is 50/50.
Do you serve a purpose or purposely serve?
Zster comments on Jan 4, 2018:
Purpose? I'm just along for the ride (and am loving it!).
Anyone ever get the feeling you're going to be forever alone?
Zster comments on Jan 4, 2018:
Some of the very best couples I know met and married for the first time in their late thirties or forties. In each case, they were living their individual lives really well AND were not tied to the wrong person when that special one finally came along. You are coming into a wonderful age for making such connections. Don't count yourself out.
I have to admit I'm a little disappointed with how many people are on here talking about religion.
Zster comments on Jan 2, 2018:
Start some nonreligious topics. We'll chine in on pretty much anything!
What’s one thing that a religious person has ever done to make you very angry?
Zster comments on Jan 2, 2018:
Left me on the hook for a $100,000.00 loan that the church failed to pay the measly $1000 interest payment on. I tithed many times that amount! As a widowed mom of two, the $ would have had to come from my kids' college fund. I was shocked that this was done to us by so-called church friends.
Got the news that a close friend has inoperable brain cancer.
Zster comments on Jan 2, 2018:
Man, that's a tough diagnosis! I am sorry for all involved.
What makes you break out your soapbox?
Zster comments on Jan 1, 2018:
Parents choosing religion OVER their own children! Grrrrr!
White Christianity is in big trouble. And it’s its own biggest threat. - The Washington Post
Zster comments on Jan 1, 2018:
I have bern rather shocked by how quickly, and effectively, religion and politics have taken each other (and themselves) down by getting together. The nonreligious could not have damaged religion more effectively if they tried. The religious are completely destroying themselves!
Are there any New Year traditions that you celebrate?
Zster comments on Jan 1, 2018:
I have usually made both, the corned beef and cabbage per family tradition AND peas and collards per the tradition of my residential region. However, that adds up to a lot of work on my last day off before returning to work. This year, we are thinking to start a new tradition of continuing the fingerfood feast that we've typically limited to New Year's Eve. Will see how it goes!
Let’s get real in this piece: what are your dealbreakers?
Zster comments on Jan 1, 2018:
Keep in mind, this is my list based on first hand experience or lessons learned. I would not use this list to limit friends, as I generally love people. For anything particularly intimate, though, it applies. Meanness Narrow mindedness (whether from lack of understanding/intelligence or other causes) Selfishness/greed/narcissism Religiosity Laziness Rotten hygiene Drinks more than casually, drugs (incl tobacco)
Living single? Loneliness or freedom?
Zster comments on Jan 1, 2018:
Both. I've been cruising along in family mode for eleven years since my husband passed. Decision making is a breeze, and I don't have to compromise very much. On the other hand, I miss having someone to bounce my thoughts off of and to lean on when things get particularly tough. The complete absence of physicsl affection for so long has also probably made me pretty darned weird.
First thing you did this morning? January 1st
Zster comments on Jan 1, 2018:
Grabbed my aching head after waking up from a work nightmare. The sad part is that I DON'T drink alcohol. So, this is not a post revelry case. Any time my pharmacy changes lots of blood pressure or migraine medicine, I pay the price with a headache. I started a new bottle of bp meds yesterday, so this is pain is right on schedule. ):
Am I the only one who is super excited about the holidays being over?!
Zster comments on Jan 1, 2018:
I LOVE all of us being off from work or school at the same time and hate having to go back.
So what did you guys do for new years?
Zster comments on Jan 1, 2018:
Ate, a lot! I am a nondrinker and not much for crowds, so typically, I stay home with the kids and cats, eating finger foods. Just changed years. The kids went straight to bed. I cannot possibly sleep on a full stomach and not pay, so... perhaps a movie.
Should we be making plans for "when the shit hits the fan?
Zster comments on Dec 31, 2017:
I figure I would put my camping skills to good use and try to charm a few folks with skills that I lack to help increase safety and odds of survival.
Can you recommend a new hobby to me?
Zster comments on Dec 31, 2017:
Jewelry production: beading, wire work, metal or leather stamping, weaving, chain mail.
Agnostic/Ex-Religious: Was “hip” church even more boring?
Zster comments on Dec 31, 2017:
After a long hiatus from age 18 to 40, I started attending s hip little community church. The music rocked and was largely new to me, which I enjoyed. The messages were lively, even if I had to take them with a grain of salt. After attending for a few years, the music all started sounding the same and missed the mark with me. The messages boiled down to two: guilting the congregants into tithing and "bring a friend to church!", again, to increase revenue. The superficiality drove me out.
Life on other Planets? Yes or No?
Zster comments on Dec 31, 2017:
Yes, I would expect life to crop up elsewhere. It might be foreign enough for us to not even notice if we define it based on life here.
What are your plans for ringing in the New Year?
Zster comments on Dec 31, 2017:
Will stay in, eating finger foods throughout this evening and again tomorrow with the kids. Got any suggestions of what to watch , without cable or TV (we stream) to count down? In the past, we've not found much, and so have made do with out own countdown.
Single or Partnered, looking or not?
Zster comments on Dec 30, 2017:
I've been widowed for eleven years following a happy twenty year marriage. I found child rearing and dating did not mix, and so have not been actively seeking during that time. That's not to say that I would reject anyone who, despite my not looking, I might connect with during the course of living my life. Meanwhile, I am ALWAYS seeking interesting people to befriend or chat with, online or off.
I found out this morning that I lost a friend to suicide.
Zster comments on Dec 30, 2017:
Wow! What talent! It's a tremendous loss. I am sorry.
What are your thoughts about euthanasia?
Zster comments on Dec 29, 2017:
As a vet, I have witnessed agonizing ends with zero hope of survival suffered through to the bitter end. I will be forever haunted as I could have done something, but had my hands tied, legally. Regarding human euthanasia, I would be for for it IF we could somehow assure no abuse of it, which I am pretty certain can not be done. I watched my husband suffocate to death when the cancer ascended his spine to the point of paralyzing his diaphragm. We could legally do nothing to help this absolutely winless situation. Vets treat animals better.
Do you de-clutter or load-shed before a year ends?
Zster comments on Dec 29, 2017:
I used to, but lately, actually resting when off from work has been winning out.
Goals and Life plans
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
I've had both happen. Certain goals I set and reached, with many not being all that once I obtained them. Other events happened without any goal setting, and then life got in the way of other plans. It's been a rather mixed bag for me. I tend to set those goals that require setting, then grab on and enjoy the ride.
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
Love it! (and agree)
How Many Years or months have you been a Non Believer.
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
Stopped church attendance when my oldest child started high school. Being involved in marching band competitions, Sunday was our only day off. We needed the rest and family time a LOT more than church. That was in 2011. I considered myself nontheistic prior to then, but am hard pressed to come up with a date. It's probably been around ten years.
How Did you Discover Agnostic.Com?
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
Someone in a nonbeliever facebook group shared it, shortly after it went up. I joined immediately and have really liked it!
Which Parent Are, or Were You Closest To?
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
I am close to both, but in different ways. My mom has long been my confidante. We chat by phone multiple times per week and daily by email. My dad is a bit less warm and fuzzy, yet connects intellectually, career-wise, and over religious and philosophical matters. All three of us share a wicked sense of humor which keeps us all close (laughter being FUN!).
Religion is dangerous because it allows human beings who don't have all the answers to think that ...
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
Playing devil's advocate, I have heard the religious say similar things about science. I think there is danger in ever thinking we have all of the answers and ceasing the pursuit of new knowledge.
Virtual Sex
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
Voyeuristic sex vs actual touch would be no contest for me. Voyeuristic to enhance self play, maybe, but given a chance for actual touch? Give me a real flesh and blood partner, capable of surprising me, building up the anticipation ANY day.
What is your plan "B"?
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
My plan B has always been to live off of my primitive camping skills full time.
Would you buy 'Made in America' even when it would be more expensive than a comparable product?
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
Not necessarily. In some instances, made in America = lower quality, given how greedy some companies are. In cases where made here means superior quality, than I will gladly spend more, assuming I have the means to.
Do you find it difficult to date as a non believer ? Would you date a believer?
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
I find dating difficult, period, but particularly so as the vast majority of people that I meet are religious, even excessively so. I really would like to meet with someone who wants to know more about me than the church that I go to, and who can relish the moment, rather than looking forward to chucking this life away... At this stage in my life, I would avoid dating believers. As part of a couple, I think belief or not in the supernatural gods should be something to bond over, rather than to constantly debate. If there was some insanely intense connection from the get go, I would not knee jerk with rejection, but we would REALLY need to get clear on if or how such a pairing could work...
What is your technique to connect to the Universe?
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
To stop, quiet my mind, and reach, mentally. Solitude outdoors can help this, as can curling up with a lovely cup of coffee or tea...
Sometimes it's the simple things we tend to overlook everyday that are the most "spiritual".
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
I've long felt more open outdoors than in any church. I've toured cathedrals in Europe, and yet have seen nature's cathedrals: in a rewood forest of the Pacific northwest, or beneath the interlocking overhead mossy braches of kneed cypress in the Okeefenokee... Such can also be present in the faces of my kids as they interact over some new discovery, or in the easy breathing rhythm of my cats as they sleep...
Do you have a favorite season? Why?
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
Summer! I love the feel of the sun beating down on my skin, and a balmy breeze moving through my hair. I love to sail and swim. I enjoy fourth of July picnics and the comparably cool forest protected from the heat by a rich canopy of leaves. My senses are at their happiest during the warm season.
What is your personality type?
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
ENFP, strongly (like 90% in each category). Situations impact the E/I component though. When I was younger, and even now in my hostile work environment, I tend to behave less extrovertedly. I figure it's a survival thing, under unsafe conditions.
What is your favorite color/colors?
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
Any on the visible light spectrum from violet to deep forest green. I am particularly drawn to the shades of turquoise cast by the sunlight hitting the gulf waters as they pass over snow white Floridian sand.
Ok, say you meet someone here and the two of you really click.
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
I could consider a move as soon I wont be tied to my current geography (kids graduating, retirement). I know from prior experience that an excellent match is well worth uprooting for.
What would it be like to be married to you?
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
I listen to music almost constantly. I eat three healthy, usually home made squares per day (breakfast is a must!). My most hated chore is cleaning the dishes, though I do it promptly because I abhor bad smells. I am an unapologetic cat person. I love comedies, romance, fragrances, and modern art. I can live without TV or sports, though can compromise. I am straight edged - avoiding all intoxicants. I find most things funny, even things that I probably aught not. I look the same upon rising as I did going to bed (wear minimal make-up). I am a night owl, not a morning person. I am quite addicted to my full wave waterbed. I will totally try to sell you on the idea of sharing it with me. I am fiercely loyal. I will be your best friend as well as mate. I will always have your back. I will be open and honest with you and will genuinely want to hear what's on your mind. I was previously happily married for 20 years, ending it when cancer took my husband. I love marriage and know that it can work very well between the right people.
Has anyone had a nutritional plan that has worked particularly well for them?
Zster comments on Dec 28, 2017:
No alcohol, no soft drinks or commercial juices, minimize processed foods in favor of fresh whole foods made from scratch. I dropped most low value carbs including bread, pasta, potatoes. When I do have a carb dish, I aim for whole, nonbleached grains. I otherwise round things out with fresh veggies, fruit, seeds, nuts, and lean meats. I take in some cheese and eggs. So far, this has been the only way of dining (combined with weight training) that keeps my ultra high blood triglycerides in a healthy range.
Are you more cynical about life today than yesterday?
Zster comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Yes. MUCH more cynical given the current state of the US government. I honestly don't know that any politician can commit a travesty horrible enough to cost him (or her) re-election. We seem to have lost our principles as human beings.
World's First Sex Robot: A good or a bad idea?
Zster comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Well dang! I had an answer all formulated and then you turned the tables by asking if I would use one... My initial instinct was to answer it's a good idea if it reduces rapes or assuages loneliness for those so plagued. Would I use one? With no sex in ten years and no prospects (don't do casual hook ups - for my own nonjudgemental reasons), who am I to say never to that? It sort of weirds me out to think about, but I have no hangups about using other hardware to scratch the itch, so... maybe?
Do you believe that we have souls? If so, can you answer why?
Zster comments on Dec 27, 2017:
I have longed for the consciousness to live on. You know, energy being neither created or destroyed sort of thing... BUT, a recent first experience with surgical anesthesia has me considering that to be more of a pipe dream than anything.
Guilty pleasure
Zster comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Quisp cereal. Loved it as a kid. I still sneak a box into the shopping basket for special occasions as an adult. My kids wont touch it, so I cannot pass it off as if I got it for THEM.
FAVORITE SOUNDS One of mine is a contented cat purring in my ear.
Zster comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Hands down, my fave is my kids (ages 17 and 20) giggling together over darned near anything. It's very contagious and just seems to settle my world.
Is there a difference between spiritual and religious?
Zster comments on Dec 27, 2017:
I used to think that this meant belief in something spiritual of your own understanding, while rejecting any formal religion's teachings.
Has your trust in humanity been destroyed?
Zster comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Largely, yes. With the 2016 election in the US, we might argue that the current pres was not actually elected by the people, BUT most of the already proven corrupt incumbants were, which shows that there is nothing so terrible that current politicians can do to actually cost them their jobs. People wont do what's best for the country, just what either benefits them or sticks it to who they hate. Such a lovely basis for a form of government.
Innate “need for” or curiousity about a “god” or “creator
Zster comments on Dec 27, 2017:
The last church that we attended preached this a LOT. It honestly rings false to me, at least for a percentage of the population.
Anyone else of the opinion that our country was founded on the premise of freedom of religion, but ...
Zster comments on Dec 27, 2017:
While atheism might or might not have been in mind as these conditions were put to paper, to interpret freedom of religion, to mean so long as you choose one sounds pretty ludicrous!
Atheist pick up lines?
Zster comments on Dec 27, 2017:
It's too early to get my creative funny on, but... I will say that I am pretty likely to chat with ANY one who I might encounter out and about before noon on a Sunday (heathen hour) in MY neighborhood. (;
camping and backpacking
Zster comments on Dec 27, 2017:
I LOVE to camp! (I am camera shy, and seldom take selfies). I do not yet own any back packing gear, and probably should not compress my lower back, BUT am strongly considering getting some and kayaking it in. I went on one back packing trip with an outfitter (provided gear, guide, and meals). I learned four things on that trip: 1. take a small inflatable bed pad, 2. take an inflatable seat pad or compact stool, 3. use filtration for water purification (iodine + drink instantly = montezuma's revenge), and 4. back packing in gets one to natural beauty unheard of any other way.
Is dating, long-terming, or marrying out of the question for you with a religious person or persons?
Zster comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Absolutely too far of a compatibility difference for me. I tend to pity those indoctrinated from childhood and am flabbergasted by any adult who would voluntarily choose such a delusion. Friendship is a possibility, but the respect needed to underpine anything romantic would simply not be there.
Why did you choose your username/avatar?
Zster comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Name: is a nickname based on the spelling of my first name, which has a Z in the middle of it. The avatar was chosen for three reasons: 1. I expected this to be a thinking site, rather than your typical check-your-brain-at-the-door religious site, 2. It's from a somewhat obscure movie that I like. Others who recognize it might share my sense of humor and 3. I avoid tossing my real likeness out there due to my being camera shy and being creeped by the whole shopping-for-looks tinder/meat market thing. (For those who are suspicious of aliases, I have actual photos on my profile page. Using the avatar quickly weeds out those who would use it to automatically jump to a negative conclusion about my looks)
Opinions wanted: my now ex has suddenly converted to Christianity??
Zster comments on Dec 27, 2017:
I am so sorry! No, it is tremendously irrational and unfair. The sudden change and depth of it sounds crazy, possibly even scary. It's bad enough that I would not even try to encourage you to salvage this, which is rare for me. I CAN sympathize with how hurtful and deluded this is, and get stomping mad with or for you. As much as this hurts, you have dodged a bullet. There are a LOT of sad stories when one does this and there is a marriage or kids involved. Religion of love? Yeah, right...
if you had a 4 year old girl who on Christmas eve pried the head off her toy pig, made a tower, put ...
Zster comments on Dec 26, 2017:
Honestly, given the time of year and my attitude toward religion, I would be real hard-pressed not to laugh in delight. I would ask how she got the idea and what outcome she hopes for. Kudos for her nonconformity and creativity! (;
This article should be shared far and wide.
Zster comments on Dec 26, 2017:
No one HAS to conform now. We put a gift limit (we enjoy SOME gift giving, often using this as the time to buy things we need or put off from earlier), and work from a menu that all can live with. Family comes if they can, but, being winter, we can put that off to a better day. To say that people are forced to do the holiday is rubbish unless one is tremendously weak willed and prone to blaming others. To argue that churches pressure congregants into over-celebrating possibly holds more credence, but only slightly more.
Egypt Reportedly Set to Pass Law Criminalizing Atheism – Friendly Atheist
Zster comments on Dec 26, 2017:
Terroristic atheists?
Has someone else’s strong religious belief ever had a major effect on your life?
Zster comments on Dec 26, 2017:
Two people come to mind. One, a buddhist, is quite simply one of the kindest, most accepting and open minded people that I know. Also, a beloved mentor, with a huge heart and razor sharp wit, is atheist. I had to rejuggle some loosely held preconceptions about other religions or the absence of one after meeting those two wonderful people.
What has led you to be atheist or agnostic?
Zster comments on Dec 26, 2017:
Honestly, the bible is not believable, at least literally. Even as a child, I saw it as counter to what science already explained. How could a truly higher being be so like a petulant toddler? Jealous? Insecure? Vindictive? That makes zero sense! As an adult, I've seen many christians behave horribly, BECAUSE of their religion, using it as their reason to be bigoted, hateful, and greedy. Why would I ever want to belong to such a club?
What are you doing New Year's Eve?
Zster comments on Dec 26, 2017:
Celebrating at home with the kids, eating nearly endless finger foods, staying off the drunk driver clogged roadways.
In your opinion, what habit is most annoying about other people?
Zster comments on Dec 26, 2017:
Greed. Especially when it takes from others, even hurting them. Texting and driving, along with generating offensive odors rank a close second and third.
So, I haven't been on here very long, but have seen some interesting posts.
Zster comments on Dec 26, 2017:
VERY difficult as being religious is the in thing here. I've met a few nonbelievers through Quaker meeting when I attended, sort of bridging my belief phase with non. I also met some nonbelievers when a local secular meetup formed here. There is an atheist assembly in Atlanta, though, like church, that starts on Sunday morning, which is an issue for me being two hours away.
What's your weather like right now?
Zster comments on Dec 26, 2017:
47degF and partly cloudy. It's a pretty, brisk day here.
Closed-mindedness... not just religions
Zster comments on Dec 25, 2017:
I echo the same sentiments as already voiced before me in this thread. Human limitations may be a bitch, but we've only got what we've got - at least for now.
"So this is Christmas.
Zster comments on Dec 25, 2017:
Love that one!
If your deeply held religious beliefs stop you from baking a cake for a gay couple, or selling them ...
Zster comments on Dec 25, 2017:
Here here! EXCELLENTLY said! Can I quote it?
What does December 25th look like for you this year?
Zster comments on Dec 25, 2017:
Just the kids and I tucked away in our wilderness abode in Georgia. We opened gifts this morning and indulged on assorted home made cookies and mac-n-cheese. Tonight we'll watch "A Christmas Story" and enjoy a decadent standing rib roast. I cannot recall the last time I felt so content and relaxed.
Hello guys, well, my friend Shana told me that I should not be so open minded, in telling people ...
Zster comments on Dec 25, 2017:
This reminds of my younger brother asking me to not allow just ANYONE to hang out with me in high school as it was causing trouble for him with HIS friends... Your friend is grossly overstepping her boundaries and tipping her hand regarding HER discomfort with you (or your beliefs). The request is shameful in a whole lot of ways.
Tonight is Chirstmas Eve and this is my first post on this site.
Zster comments on Dec 25, 2017:
I celebrate given any excuse to because I enjoy it. For me, year end celebrating is special as I usually get time off from work, coinciding with others in my family also being off. I relish getting to be with my favorite people for quality time.
Anyone watching 'Life of Brian' this Christmas. []
Zster comments on Dec 25, 2017:
We don't necessarily watch it for christmas, BUT do watch it pretty regularly as it is a family fave.
Do any of you have holiday traditions?
Zster comments on Dec 25, 2017:
Tons of them! We cut our own tree and decorated with fishing tackle. We ate our traditional from scratch mac-n-cheese tonight followed by a drive to see the lights while listening to our favorite Celtic holiday music. Tomorrow we will awaken to our own recipe of honey-raisin bread baking (set the machine), and will end the day with our annual standing rib roast dinner.
Will there always be a dominant person in any given relationship?
Zster comments on Dec 25, 2017:
In many couples, yes, but not all. My husband and I operated on fairly equal footing. He was expert at some aspects and I was at others. We traded off who was in charge.
I am new to this site, so I will have to learn how it goes.
Zster comments on Dec 24, 2017:
Welcome, Mike! You should find plenty in common with this group. Feel free to chat away! So sorry about your wife. You will find others here who walk the widow road. It's been 11 for me.
I recently posted about losing one of my cat family,and,got very little response.
Zster comments on Dec 23, 2017:
This is the first that I have heard of this topic. I am on this site throughout most days, since I am currently on vacation. I most certainly would have replied as my cats are precious to me. I am not sure that your message got posted where most would see it. Such loss is excruciating. Please feel free to send me a message if you could use a sympathetic ear.
What are you doing this Christmas Eve?
Zster comments on Dec 23, 2017:
Just the kids and I doing our usual traditions: home made mac and cheese, a country drive'at night to enjoy the lights, then all watch the movie "A Christmas Story" together.
Education or Indoctrination?
Zster comments on Dec 21, 2017:
Both of my kids have been educated, not indoctrinated. I have quite a lot of input and stay in touch with the teachers who know what we hope to get out of each course. My kids take a rigorous course load, which is taught by teachers who encourage independent thinking. That said. Kids taking the less rigorous classes seem to be being groomed to be docile followers. It's strange that such can be a product of the same school system. It's almost like two schools within one.
I love this web site! No money and no baloney.
Zster comments on Dec 21, 2017:
Feels pretty liberating, doesn't it? So far, I really love this community and site.
How do you deal with god/jesus chain message?
Zster comments on Dec 21, 2017:
Ignore/delete. However, once I asked the person to please take me off of their chain mail list. Cost me the friendship! Insane.
Cutting the cord on “insociable” media.
Zster comments on Dec 20, 2017:
I've got my FB set to block certain content, to NOT follow certain "friends", and TO follow certain comedians. The result is a surprisingly light hearted experience. Without the blocks and comedy, I likely would have pulled the plug on it. So much negativity, religion, and politics have GOT to be toxic!
9 Deadly words used by a women
Zster comments on Dec 20, 2017:
Actually, some men I have known use those same phrases the exact same way, just saying...
Are you an Empath?
Zster comments on Dec 20, 2017:
Strongly so. It comes in handy during social interactions, but can also be painful as it loads me with the pain that others feel which can be unhealthy for me.
In your relationships, does someone usually "wear the pants?"
Zster comments on Dec 20, 2017:
No. I strongly prefer an equal partnership, which might involve one partner leading, but who that is depends on the time and circumstance. I'll hand the reins over or hold them myself sometimes.
Favorite Animals?
Zster comments on Dec 20, 2017:
1. fave pet: cats, as farback as I can recall 2. my pets: three cats, 5 snakes, one hedgehog, fish 3. fave non-pet: cannot limit myself to one. Love large/wild cats, snakes, lizards, frogs, corvids (crows, jays, magpies), raptors (hawks and eagles), many sea creatures, and a lot of insects. 4. reflects my personality: caracal. Nocturnal, solitary, independent
Hey.... Who else is disgusted by the yearly murder of trees every December? I hate this.
Zster comments on Dec 20, 2017:
In the states that I've lived, the christmas trees are a CROP. What does not sell gets cut and trashed (or composted) and replaced with a sapling when the field gets replanted. That = murder about as much as harvesting grain or vegetables does.
New here and can't help but notic quite a few of the posts imply that some seem to be "closeted", ...
Zster comments on Dec 19, 2017:
Of course it is illegal. The non-believer gets fired, but the official "reason" is usually some contrived wrongdoing, though the timing is almost always right after word got out about their atheism. If they do not fire you, the bullying an ostracism at the workplace and around town can still be severe. I also have to be very careful because of the backlash to my kids by teachers and other parents.
It would seem from the link below that religious groups are breeding like rabbits in their ...
Zster comments on Dec 18, 2017:
Isn't the Quiverfull movement protestant christianity? They try to birth as many kids as they can.


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Agnostic, Humanist, Secularist, Freethinker
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