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Why would someone do this?
AstralSmoke comments on Jun 16, 2018:
That's just odd.
Zster replies on Jun 16, 2018:
Openness with kids
zeuser comments on Jun 15, 2018:
If you want your kids to be open with you, you have to teach them how it's done. Kids might not listen to what you say, but they watch everything you do, including being open and honest. Worked for me.
Zster replies on Jun 16, 2018:
Too true! My kids at 18 and 21 share a LOT more with me than I ever dreamed that they would! (:
What's your style?
SallyInStitches comments on Jun 14, 2018:
Neither...ketchup..blech. mustard on fries.
Zster replies on Jun 14, 2018:
Or sour creme! (:
Do you fear people at your kid's school, neighbors, coworkers will find out that you don't believe ...
Zster comments on Jun 10, 2018:
The social back lash where I live can be severe. I honestly don't care if people like me or not, but my kids got pretty heavily bullied by both other kids (whose parents were encouraging it) and certain teachers. It also can result in firings where I work. Religious mgmt gets away with it because HR...
Zster replies on Jun 14, 2018:
@egiggy18 Ugh! Awkward!!! I hope there was no backlash. Where I work, I would be socially ostracized and might find myself in HR defending myself against some bogus accusation from a boss...
Do you fear people at your kid's school, neighbors, coworkers will find out that you don't believe ...
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 10, 2018:
What would the penalties be if they found out? If people drop you, they would not be true friends anyway.
Zster replies on Jun 10, 2018:
Where I live, bullying of the kids by other kids and their teachers. For me, it would likely get me fired. These are not paranoid exaggerations. We've experienced two of the three already. I am keeping it quiet at work until I reach my retirement window next spring. People have been fired around me that way already.
My daughter always introduces me some new show or band when she comes home from college.
citronella comments on Jun 9, 2018:
What I want to know is, what the heck had just happened that caused three kittens to simultaneously go into "Halloween kitten" mode? So funny, but I wonder if some monster had left the room just before this. Or if someone had just switched the vacuum cleaner off.
Zster replies on Jun 9, 2018:
If you are referring to the vid link that I posted... That's their fist time out of their room. Big world? Bigger kittens! (:
My daughter always introduces me some new show or band when she comes home from college.
RavenCT comments on Jun 8, 2018:
OMG I'm so following this! Thank your daughter - I wish I'd had study breaks half so adorable!
Zster replies on Jun 9, 2018:
I've had the link as my default. (:
This is my son's cat, she is a Burmese.
Zster comments on Jun 8, 2018:
She looks like royalty. I adore Burmese!
Zster replies on Jun 9, 2018:
@Sheannutt Most excellent!
TV or not?
jlynn37 comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I rarely even watch TV, and by that I mean commercial OTA and I do not have cable or satellite. I do use my TV as a monitor for a computer so I can stream videos from the internet and watch YouTube videos.
Zster replies on Jun 4, 2018:
Same here.
The World Cup.
Zster comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I wonder if we have enough fans for a World Cup '18 group?
Zster replies on Jun 4, 2018:
@Coldo Are you up for hosting a group? I am not in a position to take on any more with my work schedule and all...
Shrimp Cerviche As I mentioned in my previous summer post, this is a definite MUST make during ...
GottaHaveCoffee comments on Jun 3, 2018:
This looks delicious! I want to try making ceviche with shrimp, octopus, and avocado! I had a lot of ceviche in Panama, because it’s available everywhere there. Recently, a friend from Peru taught me how to make Peruvian ceviche... which is all fish and not scary at all! :) I made this recipe ...
Zster replies on Jun 4, 2018:
The only bad thing about it is how darned addictive it is! (:
Sorry to be joining late.
matthew1954 comments on Jun 3, 2018:
I lost my Peggy Lou January 11th, 2016. She was diagnosed with lung cancer 28 December 2015. Exactly two weeks from diagnosis to death. She was only 66, an athlete, only smoked about 20 years, pack a day at most. I smoked for 40 years; when I went for my first lung cancer screening, they ...
Zster replies on Jun 4, 2018:
Wow Matthew, what a brutal disease progression! I am so sorry! I definitely remember feeling my future going up in smoke when D passed. I still face a mostly blank canvas, but have gained a different perspective about it after years of being on my own.
Are you a day person or a night person
Librophile13 comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Definitely night. Even when I have to be up early, I'm awake til at least midnight. Caffeine is my friend.
Zster replies on Jun 3, 2018:
Same, here.
Is your significant other "Too Flirty"?
Zster comments on Jun 2, 2018:
No SO for me now, but my late husband was my husband largely because he was loyal, as was I. Regarding your situation, I would let her know you are not intetested, citing that you like and respect her SO. If she is in a position of power over you, work wise, she is breaking the las (if in the ...
Zster replies on Jun 3, 2018:
@BearMcClure Umm ok, then I have no idea why you posted as you did, but whatever. The Dear Abby jab was uncalled for. I did not post the topic, you did.
Please wake to reality and stop believing in the lies of the medical establishment []
Ravenwolfcasey comments on Jun 2, 2018:
I am 100% convinced Aids and Hiv are a fictitious hoax for greed and crimes against hunanity by legal drug pushers...WAKE UP ....QUESTION EVERYTHING...
Zster replies on Jun 2, 2018:
I can disprove that easily enough. I've worked with immunodeficiency viruses. We can propagate them, see them (via electron microscopy), and prove that they satisfy Koch's postulate, causing AIDS when administered to healthy individuals. But, it's a free country, so believe what you wish. Truth has a way of winning in the long run.
How about some summer dishes?
MrLizard comments on Jun 1, 2018:
I sometimes make Tabouli from scratch, using more parsley than what's included in the packaged mixes. I also like to make gazpacho. It's great in the summer.
Zster replies on Jun 2, 2018:
Same here. I put an entire bunch of fresh parsley in mine. I might just have to make a batch real soon!
Coffee Large or Small
MissKathleen comments on Jun 1, 2018:
No coffee, thanks...did you make the mugs?
Zster replies on Jun 1, 2018:
@AmelieMatisse I can totally see why. It's a very interesting style!
Do you always wear deodorant or only when going out in public?
Marcie1974 comments on Jun 1, 2018:
If I’m wearing a dress I put some on my inner thighs as well. Only way I’ve found to keep these thick thighs from chafing. TMI?
Zster replies on Jun 1, 2018:
Does that work? Will any product do, or does it need to be the cakey white kind? (my thighs barely touch, but I walk a ton and it's near tropical hot and humid at this location).
Empty nest
Zster comments on Jun 1, 2018:
You might want to come over to the Empty Nester group. There are several of us here.
Zster replies on Jun 1, 2018:
@Jlad52 Browse groups, then do a search for "empty" and it will come up. Unless, you have to be at a certain level for groups to be visible...
What song was 1 on your 14th birthday?
Zster comments on May 31, 2018:
"With a Little Luck", Wings
Zster replies on Jun 1, 2018:
@chucklesIII Me, too! I was pleased... (;
Just a for anyone who might be messaging here.
ScienceBiker comments on May 30, 2018:
Moms, Aunts, Cousins and big sisters. Even little sisters. Talk to your men. Raise them right and they'll stop sending dick pics and writing things that look like chick flick movie flicks.
Zster replies on May 30, 2018:
Well... my 18 YO son is having WAY too much fun with THAT topic!
I am twice divorced and have lived alone now for 16 years.
Zster comments on May 29, 2018:
I am at twelve years of singlehood and wonder if I am getting too used to doing life my own way, without running things past anyone first. It might be a pretty huge adjustment to try to meld lives again. I am beginning to see how some older folks live in separate houses and never marry, but do ...
Zster replies on May 30, 2018:
@Petter Nice!
Is it just me??
KKGator comments on May 30, 2018:
It's not just you.
Zster replies on May 30, 2018:
Agree! I figure that people working on themselves (fitness, fashion, diet, etc) might "need" more external validation than others. OP, I bet you see a lot fewer selfies on THIS site. (;
No cuddling (which I prefer than real sex ), no ,no kisses in three years.
Zster comments on May 29, 2018:
Much longer. I miss it.
Zster replies on May 29, 2018:
@0752532706 Ten years plus...
Don't you just hate it when you wake up right before the good part
Sticks48 comments on May 29, 2018:
Another way mother nature likes to fuck with us. She's such a tease. ☺
Zster replies on May 29, 2018:
Did You Vote in 2016? Would you vote the same way today if you had a second chance?
snytiger6 comments on May 28, 2018:
In the primaries, i voted for Bernie Sanders, and would do so again. In the General election i voted for Hillary, because she was the better choice of the two major candidates.
Zster replies on May 28, 2018:
Same here. Dems lost in their own primary, far as I could tell.
My generation's sacrifice. Stop the wars.
Theskeptic comments on May 28, 2018:
The sacrifices are continuing, unfortunately! We need to make the old white bastards who start this shit face each other with rocks and sticks! That would at least cut the causality rate, they would all develop bone spurs! ?
Zster replies on May 28, 2018:
I wish...
Cats and Storm Alberto.
Sheannutt comments on May 28, 2018:
Oh how sweet they all look so peaceful.
Zster replies on May 28, 2018:
They stay right by me until breakfast happens. (:
Missed shot?
Sheannutt comments on May 28, 2018:
Oh my, bath time.
Zster replies on May 28, 2018:
All at the sudden, apparently. (:
Afternoon delight?
Rosh comments on May 28, 2018:
just enjoying the warm spell we are having here and listening to the waves
Zster replies on May 28, 2018:
I envy you!! It looks beautiful!
Why do some people say “no problem” instead of “you’re welcome” when someone thanks them?
ProudMerry comments on May 27, 2018:
I say that a lot. To me, it means that whatever I did wasn't an inconvenience.
Zster replies on May 27, 2018:
Who else loves Star Trek and the Atheist message it promoted?
Zster comments on May 25, 2018:
Count me in! I think many of the messages projected were fantastic lessons for living. A lot moreso than church sermons were.
Zster replies on May 26, 2018:
@Surfpirate I agree. If or when atheism becomes less taboo, perhaps we will more publicly acknowledge his contribution. I like to think so.
Do people become more bigoted as they age?
CaroleKay comments on May 22, 2018:
No, it's not an age thing. Could she be watching Fox News?
Zster replies on May 22, 2018:
This was my thought, too. To the OP: check out the documentary "The Brainwashing of my Father".
What was the reason your last romantic relationship ended?
Zster comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Cancer. (89 days from "something's wrong" to gone)
Zster replies on May 21, 2018:
Thanks. I try to just be grateful for what we got, though have my greedy moments...
How many of you atheist are pro-life? Just curious
Zster comments on May 20, 2018:
Trick question as the opposite of "prolife" could be anti-life, which I am NOT. I abhor abortion as much as I do neglecting unwanted children, that fact any child could be unwanted (why not prevent pregancy? we have the means), or of inviting strangers into such a private situation and decision ...
Zster replies on May 21, 2018:
@AdorkableMe I know that. The religious strangle hold where I live is a huge reason young folks wont use birth control; that's what I was getting at. Anti abortion but not up for preventing the need for one.
I live in a small city.
Zster comments on May 20, 2018:
You live in an urban area and complain about chimes, yet, loud music, noisy cars, barking dogs etc get a pass? If you treasure silence, how can you stand hearing ANYthing that is not by your own choice? I would seriously recommend a move to the country.
Zster replies on May 20, 2018:
Guess it's a matter of enforcement. Barking dogs and loud (stomping around as well as blasted music) neighbors are what drove us out of town. Now I get to listen to gun shots much of the time. I think people are rude no matter where.
Which sea creature creeps you out the most?
PerbeMayhaps comments on May 19, 2018:
The Mantis Shrimp
Zster replies on May 20, 2018:
OMG! I LOVE Ze Frank videos! That was GREAT! Personally, I'm not really creeped out by any sea creatures. I can do without the bites or stings of some, though.
Anything else dear...? Watch "The Husband Song" on YouTube []
Rugglesby comments on May 19, 2018:
Have to give equal time to the ladies.
Zster replies on May 19, 2018:
Loved the Bob and Tom show when I lived near Indy! Had not heard the Woman Song. It seems a pretty decent rebuttle, if you ask me!
Hey how do we not have a weather group?
Zster comments on May 15, 2018:
I'm supposed to be moderating? Oops!
Zster replies on May 15, 2018:
Seriously, I would LOVE a weather group! I could set it up, but, with my commitments, I might not always able to be attentive...
For those of you who believe in scientific theory.
Zster comments on May 12, 2018:
Scientists DO draw wrong conclusions, often. We're human. That is why we publish and encourage others to confirm or refute the work. Mistaken conclusions should get shaken out.
Zster replies on May 15, 2018:
@VAL3941 Lol, good heavens! I suspect that they would be. Tough to even see them!
What are your three favorite movies of all time
Zster comments on May 12, 2018:
Off the cuff... 2010 Take the Money and Run Life of Brian The Jerk (hon mention)
Zster replies on May 14, 2018:
Anyone ever done an Escape Room?
Zster comments on May 14, 2018:
We've done a few, with some being operated better than others. I think it works best with a large group of friends. We did an escape once involving a mutant virus and the CDC. (;
Zster replies on May 14, 2018:
@SherryMartin I don't recall the specifics as it's been over a year. The venues were in Atlanta and Athens, GA.
What memory instantly makes you smile?
Zster comments on May 13, 2018:
Stretching out on the deck of the sailboat after cutting the motor beyond Clearwater Pass. Nothing but wind in the sails, sun on the shoulders, and sea whisking past the hull.
Zster replies on May 14, 2018:
@kensmile4u I agree that this dong definitely goes with the experience... Good call! (;
For those of you who believe in scientific theory.
Zster comments on May 12, 2018:
Scientists DO draw wrong conclusions, often. We're human. That is why we publish and encourage others to confirm or refute the work. Mistaken conclusions should get shaken out.
Zster replies on May 14, 2018:
@VAL3941 Funny, I might actually get an opportunity in the not too distant future...
Sailing away
nicknotes comments on May 13, 2018:
The joy of sailing is all an illusion. In reality I doubt you will like it. I hope you don't get sea sick or drown.
Zster replies on May 13, 2018:
For some people maybe, but certainly not all.
Does anyone else find it a bit condescending that some people can have no interest in you because ...
marmot84 comments on May 13, 2018:
Ha! I will say that there is an experience gap. Not necessarily an intellectual gap but it is possible. Sorry if it sounds condescending but there is a difference in background. I've found that I am more able to communicate with those with whom I share a common background.
Zster replies on May 13, 2018:
Agreed. Not that what education makes anyone superior or inferior. I just find that odds are higher that I'll have more in common with someone who's had the dorm experience, dealt with the agony of mid terms etc. Read the hateful responses to this question, and you'll see why I don't tell others of my education. I attended the required school to get a rather specific job, but the minute my neighbors find out, they brand me a snob.
I love movies and I especially love movies with great dialogue.
LiterateHiker comments on May 11, 2018:
Movies written by Nora Ephron are filled with witty dialogue: You've Got Mail Sleepless in Seattle When Harry Met Sally Julie & Julia
Zster replies on May 12, 2018:
So many great lines from those!
What are your three favorite movies of all time
Davidthinks comments on May 11, 2018:
The Life of Brian Dr.Strangelove The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Honourable mentions: There Will Be Blood, No Country for Old Men
Zster replies on May 12, 2018:
"Life of Brian" is definitely in my top three as well...
What are your three favorite movies of all time
Donna_I comments on May 11, 2018:
Three movies not just three... I like many of the ones listed here so I am going to go for the slightly odd: Willow Lady Hawke Revenger's Tragedy
Zster replies on May 12, 2018:
Lady Hawke was fantastic!
I am going to see Dweezil Zappa at the Vogue in Indianapolis this week.
Zster comments on Apr 30, 2018:
I had no idea that dweezil still performed. The Vogue will be a terrific place to catch him!
Zster replies on May 12, 2018:
@JK666 I grew up on the west side. The Vogue was THE place to view bands. I have great memories and would love to get back there!
Not vaccinating your children is ill-advised.
Qualia comments on May 9, 2018:
Polio is one infants 20+ vax before their 1st birthday and their immune systems are developed is quite another. False equivalency. This smear campaign on parents of children who've suffered is brought to you by Big Pharma & dark moneyed "science". Another thing to consider is ...
Zster replies on May 9, 2018:
Wrong. It's not over vaccination. The new shots contain less antigen load than the fewer but cruder old vaccines did. The young immune system is more than capable of handling the immunogens as given. I can give you the journal articles, NOT sponsored by big pharma explaining it. I also vaccinate my pets EVERY YEAR for rabies because it's the law. Guess what? No ill effects, and NO RABIES (which is endemic here - outdoor pets ARE exposed). If a pet develops neuro signs, gets bitten, or bites someone and is not vaccinated, the health dept takes their head to test for rabies. That is not a risk I am willing to take. I can only speak for myself, though. Are there concerns about some vaccine ingredients? Yes. Removal of adjuvants means it takes more antigen per shot and/or more shots to get the same clinical efficacy. It's a tough game to win. Beats the diseases though, IMO. You are welcome to yours, of course.
Does anyone remember Mad Cow Disaease (BSE)?
VAL3941 comments on May 7, 2018:
Yeah ! I married one !
Zster replies on May 7, 2018:
You married a mad cow?
Are you a competitive person or the opposite?
Connolly42 comments on May 5, 2018:
No. You can win. I'm the absolute best at losing. No one can lose better than me.
Zster replies on May 5, 2018:
This was fabulous!
Does anyone suffer from tinnitus? If so have you found any help for it?
Ohub comments on Apr 30, 2018:
I have it. I sleep with a hepa filter running at night which helps. It is noticeable but I live with it. As long as enough noise is around to keep me from concentrating on it I am ok.
Zster replies on May 3, 2018:
My story, exactly.
So why are women disgusted by men with...uuuhh, platinum (silver?
Stacey48 comments on May 2, 2018:
From the comments I've read here, and agree with, it would seem a majority of women do not find silvering hair disgusting. On the contrary, many find it attractive.
Zster replies on May 2, 2018:
VERY true! It seemed unfair that silver on men is "distinguished", while on ladies, it's ugly or old. ): I consider silver hair a badge of honor. Dying before you get any is a terrible alternative.
Ear infection.
Zster comments on May 1, 2018:
If already under a doctor's care, I would not add to the treatment myself (adding ANYthing by ear if your eardrum is not intact can be dangerous). If you've had a few doses or days of antibiotics without improvement, your bug could be resistant. I would get a message to the doc or nurse right away.
Zster replies on May 2, 2018:
Man, that sounds bad. I hope you get a successful treatment soon!
Is There A Singles Group Here?
Zster comments on Apr 30, 2018:
You know, it might seem obvious, but creating specific groups for "seeking relationship", "seeking hook up" etc, using the group function is actually a good idea...
Zster replies on May 1, 2018:
@Chippie Meeting for sex, from what I understand.
This is the front of my fridge. Anyone else got an archeological site like this?!
Zster comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Will THIS do?
Zster replies on May 1, 2018:
@CarolinaGirl60 The small white strips contain words or phrases from various "naughty" fridge poetry packages, one biblical pack, and, strangely, a free pack advertising shampoo. The potential combos are hysterical, esp bible + naughty... (;
Zster comments on Apr 28, 2018:
I got bullied a lot growing up. What I've never understood is, if you've ever BEEN bullied, why would you ever turn around and do it to anyone else? I've never wanted to bully anyone. I know how painful it can be to receive it.
Zster replies on Apr 30, 2018:
Some of my being bullied involved property damage and police reports. If the bully does not remember, we could probably pull up the police file to refresh their memory. (; I get what you mean, though... Brusies can take longer to fade for those who received them.
It's been a terrific spring for rare bird sightings in the SE US.
Insectra comments on Apr 29, 2018:
I've been waiting for them to show up at our feeders! I haven't seen any yet, but I bet they're on the way. :)
Zster replies on Apr 29, 2018:
I bet you're right! I think we'veseen so many more than usual because many are holed up here waiting on northern snows to cease. I had an Indigo Bunting the previous week. Happy dance!!!!
Good morning.
Zster comments on Apr 29, 2018:
Or... maybe this is?
Zster replies on Apr 29, 2018:
@ArdentAtheist Wow! Looks like you need a few more! (;
Bubble bath!
Zster comments on Apr 29, 2018:
If that's a jacuzzi, you MUST turn on the jets... (;
Zster replies on Apr 29, 2018:
Sounds fun as well as humorous!
It's been a terrific spring for rare bird sightings in the SE US.
Mooolah comments on Apr 29, 2018:
That feeder needs filling. They are hungry & waiting.
Zster replies on Apr 29, 2018:
I can barely keep up due to work and the short hours my local store has! I got everything full shortly after the photo. No worries. (:
Do you find that people don't get your humor?
Zster comments on Apr 29, 2018:
Mostly family gets my humor. We readily relate to the same obscure movie lines and sarcastic blurbs. People further out don't get half of the references. Some think it makes us look clique-ish. I'm just glad that SOMEBODY gets it because it was damned funny!
Zster replies on Apr 29, 2018:
I am familiar with that kind of wacky awesomeness! We are fortunate, indeed!
My friend has a band in Paris, France called the Fuckheads.
Zster comments on Apr 29, 2018:
Awesome name for a band! What genre? I wont be near Paris any time soon, but was curious.
Zster replies on Apr 29, 2018:
Funny thing is, I do occasionally get sent to Lyon for work, by way of Paris. So, I might have been, even if it's a long shot. I need to give them a listen online. Sounds like my kind of stuff! (:
I came here for the community.
carlyhorton comments on Apr 29, 2018:
I'm not in a red state, but most of upstate NY is red. I'm in a red county. I'm not open about my beliefs around here. This site is the only place where I can really be "me."
Zster replies on Apr 29, 2018:
I know the red state pain very well... Welcome!
Good morning.
Zster comments on Apr 29, 2018:
Or... maybe this is?
Zster replies on Apr 29, 2018:
I've worked with numerous brew methods and have currently settled on French press with a coarse grind (by hand) as best for flavor, if not exactly speedy or convenient.
Do you find that people don't get your humor?
CuriousCreature comments on Apr 29, 2018:
All the time, lol. Their loss!
Zster replies on Apr 29, 2018:
There! You saved ME from having to type exactly that. Thank you!
Do you find that people don't get your humor?
Tomfoolery33 comments on Apr 29, 2018:
It's like any humor. Some people get it and some don't. I've also found that the less people are online, the less they are aware of the formats and memes that help to convey the humor. And some people are just stupid.
Zster replies on Apr 29, 2018:
Lol... I wondered if instead of "And some people", you nearly typed "And the rest". (;
Cat watching horror movie: []
RavenCT comments on Apr 29, 2018:
They think this one will win for this year. Also that's "Psycho" kitty is watching....
Zster replies on Apr 29, 2018:
Mine watch TV, but not in SUCH an involved fashion!
Plant carnivores
Zster comments on Apr 28, 2018:
Pitcher plant and a Venus flytrap, with a volunteer sundew that just popped up in the fly trap terrarium after a few years...
Zster replies on Apr 28, 2018:
@Nickbeee I think they were selling them at the grocery once. Mine grows in a rather uncontrolled fashion. We are coming up on the time of year when new pitchers will form (see little dot at tip of the broad leaf in the foreground, second photo).
Dating after 50
Zster comments on Jan 6, 2018:
I am right there with you! My young gay friend (an awesome set up, BTW) moved to Brazil! My attempts at dating lead to guys seeking: instant sex (I am not a by-the-third-date sort), instant marriage, instant bank account, or instant mom. The nonbeliever and left leaning thing further hurts my ...
Zster replies on Apr 28, 2018:
@DevraisA1 Very. There is significant subset of the male population, possibly a very insecure set, who claim it's not worth trying to compete with a beloved ghost. I figure they are doing me a huge favor by not wasting my time.
What was the reason your last romantic relationship ended?
Zster comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Cancer. (89 days from "something's wrong" to gone)
Zster replies on Apr 28, 2018:
@vita Yep.
Does the weather affect your mood?
Zster comments on Apr 25, 2018:
Grey or rainy days tend to make me sleepy. The potential for severe excites me.
Zster replies on Apr 25, 2018:
@SACatWalker Exactly!!! Cozy up and read a book when it rains... Nose against the window? You must not live too close to trees. I watch through my windows, just at a respectful distance. My home lot is rather heavily wooded.
Birth Control for men is on the way. How will this change society?
Zster comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I have a lot of hope for this. My son should have a reliable option if he does not want to become a father while enjoying a healthy sex life. Some girls in our rural high school DO lie in hopes of forcing a marriage. Also, it gives couples a backup option if one misses a pill, gets a leak in the ...
Zster replies on Apr 21, 2018:
I witnessed it happening three times while my daughter was in high school. One resulted in marriage. Two are raising babies on their own. This is somewhat linked to religious fundamentalism in the area, I suspect. Using contraception is a sin and all that.
Birth Control for men is on the way. How will this change society?
cmadler comments on Apr 21, 2018:
This has been "on the way" for years. I'll believe it when I see it.
Zster replies on Apr 21, 2018:
True. "Final stages" does not necessarily equate with imminent launch. Registration of new products can mean a bitch in regulatory hurdles.
Birth Control for men is on the way. How will this change society?
wirenutt comments on Apr 21, 2018:
There will be fewer men trapped into being a father when they don't want to be by girlfriends who "swore" they were on some kind of BC, when they were not. Yes, I know condoms are a thing, but they suck.
Zster replies on Apr 21, 2018:
As the mother of a son, I share this sentiment. Anyone who does not wish to become a parent, but be sexually active needs access to safe effective birth control of their own. I hope that it proves safe.
Birth Control for men is on the way. How will this change society?
FrayedBear comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Boys use your brains!
Zster replies on Apr 21, 2018:
Thankfully, some are well above average... (;
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Tecolote comments on Apr 20, 2018:
They showed it at the Vortex Theatre in Albuquerque every Friday night at midnight for years. I went in the 70's and the people I went with told me nothing about it. Some people were dressed as the characters, later everybody threw bread, then sprayed water, and at one point several people got on ...
Zster replies on Apr 20, 2018:
GREAT answer! I similarly sprung it on my mom and an Argentine exchange student who'd lived with my folks while I was at college. Both LOVED it!
Star Trek - Star Wars -Doc Who - SG1 - Space 1999
paul1967 comments on Apr 14, 2018:
My first, exposure to Sci-Fi was Space1999. Many of you will have no idea what that is but it was a great show for the 70s.
Zster replies on Apr 14, 2018:
I LOVED Space 1999! I have not had the chance to see it in decades!
Game of Thrones Fans?
Bierbasstard comments on Apr 9, 2018:
The final season is coming.
Zster replies on Apr 9, 2018:
As is winter...
What movie did you watch and the ending of the movie totally shocked you.
SpikeTalon comments on Apr 3, 2018:
The ending of the movie The Mist shocked me.
Zster replies on Apr 3, 2018:
A horrible ending! I KNEW there awas a reason I disliked the story in the book!
My feline sons. Can’t imagine life without them.
birdingnut comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Wow. Beautiful. They resemble purebred Abyssinian, and Himalayan cats.
Zster replies on Apr 2, 2018:
I'd bet $ that IS an Abyssinian. Gorgeous babies!!
Did I screw up?
Zster comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Umm, no. Are we obligated to teach our kids about all of the holidays in ALL religions? I did not teach mine the Jewish holidays or Muslim ones as I don't know enough about those holidays to teach them. How would teaching easter be any different?
Zster replies on Apr 2, 2018:
I exposed my kids to several and they attended with friends and family. So, they wont be unfamiliar. I just did not delve deep into the various dogmas. I figure they will do their own research. (:
Did I screw up?
Zster comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Umm, no. Are we obligated to teach our kids about all of the holidays in ALL religions? I did not teach mine the Jewish holidays or Muslim ones as I don't know enough about those holidays to teach them. How would teaching easter be any different?
Zster replies on Apr 1, 2018:
Lol... I completely agree.
Zoe keeps testing the law of gravity.
Zster comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I adopted a blood donor cat after graduating from vet school. To say she had ZERO fucks to give would be a gross understatement. I tried to break her of counter surfing by placing armed mousetraps, upside down (so they make a loud noise and pop 2-3 feet into the air, NOT risking catching on the ...
Zster replies on Apr 1, 2018:
I deduced that SHE saw it that way! We laughed SO hard listening to it from the bedroom!
Fly Fishing Would rhat be an acceptable activity for this group?
Zster comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Works for me! I used to flyfish gentle streams and lakes in Indiana. My first attempt in an actual mountain stream, after moving to GA, was spent trying to avoid falling into ice cold water as I fought to remain firmly on my feet. Mountain streams have both CURRENT and slick bottoms! It was a ...
Zster replies on Apr 1, 2018:
I learned real quick to felt my wading boots! I excel at catching low hanging rhododendron MUCH more than fish, but still enjoy it.
Starfucker // STRFKR - Atlantis - YouTube
273kelvin comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I much prefer this starfucker
Zster replies on Apr 1, 2018:
Me too. I clicked expecting to hear a version of this.
So this happened in my hometown today. That's an 11 foot gator. Florida life, yo.
Zster comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Looks like an INdoor pool. How the heck did it get in there?
Zster replies on Apr 1, 2018:
If it's weak, that makes more sense. It must have really wanted in there!
Ever Heard Jesus Christ Superstar?
Meep70 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Good stuff! Have you heard of "Book Of Mormon"? Here's one from that show:
Zster replies on Mar 31, 2018:
I SO want to see this! The sound track makes it sound pretty hilarious...
What's your favorite insult?
Paul628 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Zster replies on Mar 29, 2018:
I KNEW someone would say that! My all time fave!
Why are dog lovers so hateful???
WileEQuixote comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Because they need sycophantic devotion in their pets, and cats represent all that they fear.
Zster replies on Mar 29, 2018:
That sums things up beautifully.
Who has played Dungeons and Dragons
SoloSentient comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I’m 65 years old and just started playing a month ago and I love it. My son is the DM and it’s a great thing we share.
Zster replies on Mar 25, 2018:
Awesome! My daughter is our DM. My younger son is learning the ropes (of DMing). I love it!
How do we ?
kmdskit3 comments on Mar 24, 2018:
They'll figure it out. We just need to be supportive and when necessary get the hell out of the way.
Zster replies on Mar 25, 2018:
My thinking exactly.
How old were you when you got married for the first time?
Zster comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I was 23, he was 24. We had twenty great years, but cancer ended it. I did not feel young or immature. I now look at my 21 YO daughter and wonder how things changed so much. She's at 21 like I was at 19.
Zster replies on Mar 25, 2018:
Me, too. Cancer is a monster.
Who goes camping?
Zster comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Tent camping, cooking meals over fire, is one of my most favorite pastimes! The campground selection in my area is fantastic: forrest, mountains, lakes, streams, or sandy coastal beaches. You shoukd check out the camping group on this site.
Zster replies on Mar 24, 2018:
Funny, I JUST arrived in Savannah! I wish I was camping, but am having to move my child into a dorm.
Recently had a guy tell me that women who are too independent aren’t attractive because men ...
AMGT comments on Mar 21, 2018:
That guy sounds like he’s insecure and lost without someone giving him direction.. doesn’t sound like an independent man, at all. I’d pass on that immediately. A negative view on independence sounds codependent. Red flag.
Zster replies on Mar 22, 2018:
Well said, thanks!
She was cleaning the gunk from my claw vestiges.
OpposingOpposum comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Now you'll bee much cleaner.
Zster replies on Mar 22, 2018:
THAT was fabulous!
Stereotypes What good or bad stereotypes have you experienced in your life?
MarvelAnn comments on Mar 21, 2018:
I'm a natural blonde, so people often assume I'm an idiot. I am not at all stupid or airheaded. I'm a teacher so I must not be able to do a real job. Oh and this also means I'd love to babysit everyone's kids. I actually hate babysitting. Bell rings, I'm done. I'm a single mom who has never ...
Zster replies on Mar 21, 2018:
You beat me to it! They assume I'm dumb and/or easy to get into bed. Sigh.
Just something random to amuse.
Zster comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Does he ever "get" you? Or is he content with creepy lurking?
Zster replies on Mar 21, 2018:
Whew! I was going to say.. a nervous cat pouncing from above sounds painful.


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Agnostic, Humanist, Secularist, Freethinker
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