Chocolate and ice cream! YUM YUM!!! Ok, now that I have your attention here's a description of me, and, I hope, you. By reading my list of interests (Appendix 1) you can probably make a good guess at what I'm doing at the moment. However I seem to have contracted "too-many-hobby disease" a while ago, so I might be doing other activities as well, sometimes just to try them out.
The elusive goal is balance: balance between arts, technology and athletics - hence the variety of activities. Reading is important; I don't own a TV. Hackey-sack is a good way to take a break. My ancient family motto, when translated from the Gaelic, means "Fitter, not fatter". Accordingly, some kind of exercise is an almost daily activity. Also, doing this stuff means that I need to recharge my batteries, which means I have to build loafing into my routine. I like to nap!!
If I'm at a party, I probably won't be dancing around with a lampshade on my head. Look around, and you'll find me. Light conversation is fine, but you have to probe deeper to find out what I'm really like. It might take a little effort on your part. I have a sense of humour, and it is sometimes very ironic, and not always obvious unless you're tuned in to that sort of thing. Nonsensical discourse is funny too.
I like world travel, usually for extended periods of time, sometimes for months. The last trip was to Guinea in West Africa for five weeks to study West African drumming. The typical 3-day or 2-week holiday is something I need to work on more.
Trivia: I like all things lemon & all things lime. And I might be the last person left with no tats & no piercings.
The qualities I'm looking for in a girl are hard to list! Intelligence, good communication and a happy disposition count for a lot. Being sharp enough to know the difference between serious and silly is a must. This means that all communications (including this one) get run through your sense-of-humour filter.
I'm a critical thinker, so hopefully, you are too - we'll communicate well that way. I try to keep my thought processes on a logical, rational plane, although sometimes I'm distracted by feelings, mostly related to food. If you're hyper-emotional/superstitious/new-age fruitcake then heaven help us. Mmmmm... fruitcake.
If you set specific goals for yourself then we are probably on the same wavelength. Do you like dancing? Great ... I'll enjoy watching you. I like practising music and keeping fit; hopefully, you do too. You will get major bonus points if you are a fast walker with impeccable spelling & grammar. But negative points if you are a chronic gum-chewer with a non-existent attention span. If you write dates in the ISO 8601 format then you'll have an automatic advantage over any other women vying for my attention.
I'm not much of a 'stuff' person - ideas & doing things are more important. I'm not into activities that involve frivolous consumption of fossil fuels. I will burn fossil fuels, however, for non-frivolous purposes like carting drums around.
I am not just looking for 'Dating' matches, but friends and activity partners as well. You can find me on facebook. If you are e-Friendly then let's chat.
What would we do on a first date? Let's go mud-bogging!! YEEE-HAH!!! ... ... just kidding.
Let's just go for coffee, which could also include some kind of pastry (doughnut, danish pastry, cinnamon bun, etc.), either sitting at a coffee shop, or maybe whilst perambulating along the beach. If things go well we can try phooning.
Appendix 1 - Interests
• Swimming • Biking • Running • Triathlon
• African drumming • Japanese Taiko Drumming
• Reading • Travel • Art • Photography
• Logic puzzles • Grammar • French Language
• Mersenne prime search • Science • Hiking/Walking
• Facebook • Flickr • Critical Thinking
• Not watching TV • Ramen • Mountain biking
• Phooning • Degree confluence project