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Care for my home, tiny RV, yard, pool and dog unassisted, still, including remodeling the kitchen after The Flood....and proud of it.
Became wary of religion after reading Bertrand Russell at age 11, and Horrified after reading the Babble!!!!!! Nothing I have seen in all these 76 years has convinced me that religion offers anything more than friendship to worshippers, which could be satisfied by a barn dance or whatever.
Favorite things: karaoke (i'm pretty good!), travel in the RV, dogs, something Improved with my array of power tools and imagination, board/card games, visiting waterfalls.


Very soon, my shitty!
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 16, 2024:
My Birthday is the very next day........may it be a magnificent day!!!!
CEOs at Trump meeting: Ex-president ‘meandering’ and ‘doesn’t know what he’s talking ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 16, 2024:
This is news? To whom, exactly........
If we kept in mind that ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 16, 2024:
Do you suffer from this condition? It happens a few times a day to me!
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 16, 2024:
I have a large cat in a dog suit....since I got her this old house, which had a mouse or two every year for 40+ years, has not had one mouse...she finds the nests and eats the babies and therefore the population stays looooow. Several cats I had didn't help at all. She also has many other cat-like characteristics, like going crazy chasing tiny moving objects ( moths are a Huge fav) and resisting being moved from a warm comfy spot. Plus she does tricks...take that, cat lovers!!!!
Brrr! Happy father's day, dads!
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 16, 2024:
Herring Impaired. I resemble that!
They finally released the cognitive test that trump aced…
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 16, 2024:
Once a year (under Medicare) a visiting nurse comes to my house and assesses me...usually you get a $25 gift card and a gift (coaster set, folding umbrella, etc.) for allowing it, so why not. Aside from advising against throw rugs, and checking for balance, there are extremely simple cognitive tests such as remembering 3 words after a few minutes, drawing a clock face with a specified time on it, all exactly what he passed with flying colors, AS IF any competent almost-3-year old couldn' is interesting, amusing ( 99% of the nurses are just lovely!) and oddly reassuring but certainly nothing I would hold a press conference to crow about. I therefore conclude that the act of doing so reveals Serious cognitive problems, that manifestly have not improved in the 4-ish years since he did just that.
Yet another outrageous act from Trump: (Misplaced revenge for his own botched Covid response.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 16, 2024:
Well, that is absolutely DISGUSTING.
FIBROMALGIA is a medical syndrome which causes chronic widespread pain, accompanied by fatigue, ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 15, 2024:
He had me when he quoted Frank Zappa!!!!!🤩 Thanks for posting.
FIBROMALGIA is a medical syndrome which causes chronic widespread pain, accompanied by fatigue, ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 15, 2024:
Video will not play, and I sure wish it would.
There is no trouble with living alone.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 15, 2024:
I have a cleaning gal come in 2x a month and I would get a job to pay for it if I ever needed to!!!!!! Maybe I should add I do my dishes, I would need to own A Lot of dishes to wait 2 weeks for them to be done by her!!!!
In recent talks with my GOP insurance lady she informed me that the Dems are going to draft Michelle...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 15, 2024:
Can you request a new agent? Because this one is beyond stupid....
Trump on LGBTQ Rights: Rolling Back Protections and Criminalizing Gender Nonconformity | ACLU
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 15, 2024:
On this alone he should be massively voted down....once you start coming for one group, no other group is safe. Hmmmmm, where have we all seen That before..........
If you must use chemicals, like spot-ons, to treat fleas and ticks for your pets, please, please ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 14, 2024:
I remember sitting on the edge of my bathtub at least every single week, soaking my legs in flea dip as I soaked 3 big dogs in succession, who had all begun to look worried whenever I you think that letting a big tub full of that stuff drain into the sewer system was good for anything? They were hunting retrievers and came home every time (3-4 times a week) with maybe 100 ticks each on dogs crawling literally with ticks, have fun trying to pick them off every day or 2.
Why is it that when Christians want to eat shrimp ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 14, 2024:
Alex Jones assets liquidated to pay Sandy Hook debt: []
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 14, 2024:
Gee, that's just terrible......🤬
Arizona man planned a mass shooting targeting African Americans at an Atlanta concert to incite a ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 14, 2024:
He thinks he's Manson......
UN Probe Finds Israel Guilty of 'Extermination,' Torture, and Other War Crimes in Gaza.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 14, 2024:
Sooooo, name one conflict, never mind war, where that didn't happen. Not of course that it was ever right, but what exactly did you expect, singing Koombya around campfires?
Dad joke!
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 14, 2024:
The Door: Find it and use it.
In anger we should refrain ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 14, 2024:
Bah Humbug! Some of my witty-est stuff and major impact!
Southern Baptists formally oppose in vitro fertilization -- NBC News
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 14, 2024:
Again meddling in what is none of Anybody's business, ever......
Fascist tactics employed by His Felonious Royal Malignancy, Dementia J.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 14, 2024:
Absolutely spot on and absolutely disgusting!
Let's make sure both these assholes are unemployed after November
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 14, 2024:
Not enough people (using the word loosely!) In this pic.
Little Johnny meets Donald Trump Donald Trump was visiting a primary school in Orlando and visited ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 14, 2024:
Damn smart kid!!!!
Do people in this illustrious group FEAR DEATH?
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 14, 2024:
I have died twice, once from strangulation ( darling first hubby) and once from a stroke caused by a chiropractor damaging my left vertebral artery, which is now missing in MRI's. There is Nothing to fear, it is peaceful and if you are in distress, as of course I was both times, pretty welcoming in an odd way. Many times when in pain ( and i have a lot of pain and getting older is Not helping!!!!)I have longed for that place of dark calm.
The way Israel has become a Mecca of electronic dance music points clearly to an aching cultural ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 13, 2024:
These fools!!! 🤬🤬😅😅
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 13, 2024:
Oh, that just occurred to them?
"The supply of Humalog-brand insulin made by Eli Lilly has practically run out in Russia, the ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 13, 2024:
"Practically run out"according to that rag? Which notice does not say anyone is suffering or even affected by the supposed shortage. Except fools like you.
Trump veep material? A weasel suckup with overtones of horseshit? So yes, yes he is.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 12, 2024:
Because ignorance ( as in barefoot and pregnant) is and always has been bliss?
The Orange Buffoon's teleprompter fails in Las Vegas heat as he rants insanely about sharks 🦈😂
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 12, 2024:
He thinks boats other than rowboats I guess do not have batteries?
Okay, I think I fucked up this dude that I was talking to.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 12, 2024:
Michelle, you? Sweet forbearing Lil ol' you?
Trump Issues Shark Warning at Las Vegas Rally In the middle of his recent Las Vegas speech, ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 11, 2024:
Well Done Again! And parts are Hilarious with a Capitol H!
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 10, 2024:
I never liked cupcakes.
There's always that ONE GUY who ruins it for everybody!
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 10, 2024:
I need a 3'x5' poster of the smart, lovely lady in red, plus one in my phone too!!!!
This is amazing.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 10, 2024:
Geebus they couldn't do better than a double-edged razor blade??????
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 10, 2024:
He already has a gold toilet he can bring with him....although he Diaper Genie will no doubt be more helpful. Do they make golden bidets?
It would only be fair.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 10, 2024:
And they can vote too......
Makes sense to me…
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 10, 2024:
Pretty much why they put Martha away......
Alex Jones Is Liquidating His Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families – Mother Jones
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 10, 2024:
Awwwwwwww, tooo bad, soooooo sad.........
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 9, 2024:
Very enjoyable! Shades of my first HS dance!
No reproductive rights for you!
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 9, 2024:
If a person has no control over their own body, what exactly Do they men think they will be left alone?
Dear Trump Supporters ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 9, 2024:
Sadly, perfect in every way.
Ginny Thomas is a MAGA insider, and was at the rally where Trump launched a violent mob at the ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 9, 2024:
Mrs. THOMAS also paid for busses to bring in rabble/-human vermin on that day, I heard 6 busfuls.
Want to drastically reduce the flow of drugs and people from across the southern border?
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 9, 2024:
One of our greatest problems, and getting worse by the moment, is a lack of workers at every level of employment. I think a bunch if people with the gumption to uproot themselves from the place of their birth in search of a better future for themselves and their families (Hey! Just like those who came through Ellis Island!) will be excellent and much-needed additions to our country. The corruption you so carefully point out comes from a similar source as what drove lawlessness in the Prohibition era, apparently nobody but me learned anything from that???
I'm never dusting again
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 9, 2024:
In my case it would be dog ashes...I cannot bring myself to scatter them so there is a cabinet with assorted urns in the corner.
Trump introduction by Grand Rapids GQP chairman.... []
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 9, 2024:
Hilarious! And, just wondering, do they share the same personal trainer?
No news is good news?
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 8, 2024:
What pigpen state is that mess in?????!!?
Any good mail today?
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 8, 2024:
Yes indeed!
Andrews Sisters Redux []
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 8, 2024:
VERY enjoyable on multiple levels! TFP!
The 2024 Presidential Debates
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 8, 2024:
Why does this depict Biden in a wheelchair with oxygen? WTF and SHAME on You!!!!
A lie only works if you can get someone to believe it.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 8, 2024:
Excellent observation!!!!
Nothing is more terrible than ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 8, 2024:
Ain't we all finding This out firsthand nowadays??!!!!!
By 2050, 61 percent of Americans will have some kind of cardiovascular disease: Report -- The ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 8, 2024:
Just like 80-90% of the population right now is diabetic or pre-diabetic. Did you know that when all we had was Lard and real butter, pre-1910, heart disease was so rare a case would be written up in medical journals? Crisco was invented in 1911 margarine/veg. oils circa then also. In 1923 an unprecedented "epidemic" of heart disease was noted from many sources in the medical journals of the time. In 1800, the consumption of sugar per person was about 22 lbs a year, in 2019, it was 180 lbs a year. Coincidence?
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 8, 2024:
Facts: he used money earmarked for something else by law to try to hush up his moral lapse. Period. His defense was "ludicrously bad" because he/his lawyers had nothing to say, the Facts spoke for themselves.
It’s funny because it’s true
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
Looks like a bunch of BS to me...look at the OP's name
That poor woman is going to lose her microphone.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
Ooooohhh the high-quality one in a pretty new color.......I saw it advertised on QVC, that's all I know about it......
...getting old happens.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
I am not sure if I should blame Time or Gravity........
He was a pioneer. Thank you Jesus.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
Wait, isn't that exactly like Elvis? (except he did get married once)
So sorry! I'll try and do better next time!
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
Me either......I stand corrected.
Something is not right here.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
Sooo you would prefer it seep into the groundwater and contaminate many miles around for decades, or forever? Sometimes there is no Good Choice, only the lesser of 2 weevils.
When politics and a love of nature come together into something we can all get behind...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
I kinda like really Really big squid, a la Capt. Nemo, myself......
“The Jewish problem is as old as history, and in each age assumes a new form.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
IMO saying, writing or thinking,"the Jewish problem" IS the problem. If there were no Jews some other group would do.......and that puts me in mind of: They came for the jews/priests/gays/disabled/deformed [and so forth] and then they came for me." that pretty much summed up Nazis' outlook on things.
Trump’s Obsession With Revenge: A Big Post-Verdict Danger – Mother Jones
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
All scarily sickening true.
aggravating the folks who understand I'm hopeless.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
Exhausting being near you, it is......
Just posting while waiting to go to breakfast before the Texas Democratic Convention in El Paso
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
Perfect stuff! TFP!
[] Todd Snider / Conserative, Christian, Rightwing Republicans Straight Males
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
Repug Closeted/In Denial males, to be accurate.
balance is an illusion.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
I lost a bunch of my balance after a chiropractor damaged my left vertebral artery ( it vanished less than 2 weeks later) and there were, and are, numerous effects. I used to fall over 3-4 times a week, (a slight head tilt or lean would be all it took, i would just keep going ,Timber! Now t only happens about once a month or even only took hard work since 1987........
A polling do-over finds Trump’s lead shrank after guilty verdict -- Politico
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
Do we believe what his campaign people say about how much money he raised? Because I do not believe much, if any, of what he/they say as a matter of common sense and experience.......
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
If you get a TracPhone from Walmart, <$200, (no contracts, no monthly fees, about $100/year for unlimited talk and text and does Everything my brother's Apple does including GPS) you will never be in a dead spot as they legally use Any tower anytime. You people that spend big bucks on phones Astound me, and not in a good way.
Veterans hit Trump as ‘draft dodger’ in Biden ad released on D-Day -- The Hill
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
He was "unable to visit due to weather"...there was a huge earthquake and the entire place sunk 500 feet into an abyss? A giant tsunami rolled through? A huge tornado reduced the place to rubble? Yeah, okay..........
Regarding ret.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 6, 2024:
Oh Horsemanure.
Glass Armonica (spinning glass bowls... that break) []
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 6, 2024:
Love how he sits on the thing while discussing it's fragility.......
Ladies. Mansplaining is short for "Man explaining" (I'm running for cover right now)
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 6, 2024:
Nooooo, I did not know that, thanks for 'splainin'.....
Following Donald Trump’s conviction, key House Republican leaders are on board with cutting ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 6, 2024:
And they have Zero shame about it!
I want a refund!!!
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 6, 2024:
Becuz they all picked the winning lottery numbers and no longer need to work....
If anyone from the site is nearby and would like to join @Redheadedgammy and @glennlab tomorrow for ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 5, 2024:
Geez Louise, give the gal in CT just a tad more notice on the luncheon, could ya?
Study indicates excess deaths may be related to Covid "vaccines".
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 5, 2024:
ROFLMAO, and only sorry for those who buy your BS to their detriment. SHAME ON YOU!!!!! Oh, and a question for you: since many if not most cancers are of unknown/uncertain origin, who, exactly drew this parallel, and How?
Favorite Atheist??
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 5, 2024:
Bertrand Russell, I found one of his books in the attic (we had a Great 2-generation attic!)at age 11-ish and it was an awakening for me in many areas,
Once again, not a drag queen or a librarian.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 5, 2024:
Oh, I am Sooooooooo
The O’Jays perform at their induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2005. []
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 5, 2024:
Still Wonderful!!!!
Tell her Dorothy!!! 🤣🤣🤣
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 5, 2024:
Or ever have known, or ever will, No doubt......
Natural hair waves
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 4, 2024:
Very Nice, I hope you tipped well!!!!
Local News Pope Francis Says Divorce Can Be 'Morally Necessary' For Some Couples -- CBS News
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 4, 2024:
You mean, like being tied to the first husband forever? No Doubt in my mind I would have been dead soon, he had taken up putting me and the baby in the car with a shovel and taking us for long drives to nowhere, where he would not acknowledge my presence. Alabama waived the automatic 6-month waiting period for me.....thank you George Wallace's brother, the Barbour County Judge at the time.
The breakup ended badly…
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 4, 2024:
She didn't go to waste however
I cannot say no
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 4, 2024:
Who The Hell doesn't know how to spell Kryptonite????!!!!!!????
Look what i got in the mail.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 4, 2024:
Jeebus H what a shitshow!!!!!!
Tumble dryers use a lot of power.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 4, 2024:
If you turn the heat to LO, yes it will take awhile longer to dry the load BUT the motor that rturns the drum uses very little energy, it is the heaters that suck it down so the reduction in energy use is Huge. In addition, no shrinkage, easier on the clothes overall, and very little if any static electricity so I do not need to use softeners or other additives, a big savings for the environment and my wallet. Just turn the thing to LO, people!!!!
Phil is definitely a liar.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 3, 2024:
I wonder if she knows my ex, also now in Florida.......
TFG may have a point, probably under that ferret on his head
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 3, 2024:
Yeah, whatta put-up job......
I have an update patriots
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 3, 2024:
One can only hope.....
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 3, 2024:
Enchanting and different!
[] Somewhere over the rainbow /
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 3, 2024:
Beautiful in every way!
Now available! New technology.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 3, 2024:
Looks like a sure-fire money maker to me!
Neanderthals and modern humans made babies 47,000 years ago -- Science
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 3, 2024:
Cool stuff!
I think he should get at least 10 years if he would live that long…
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 3, 2024:
If he dies in prison maybe he can get special dispensation to be buried on that golf course next to wife #1.
I will pray for the poor ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 2, 2024:
Yup, and where do we think the majority of that gold came from......
White people being a minority in several states including California Hawaii and New Mexico with a ...
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 2, 2024:
What a sneakily nasty racist question to pose. I have spent my entire life striving to be seen as a Person, period. You?
My far distant cousin whom I have never met posted this on FB.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 2, 2024:
Blasphemy for sure!!!! Stock up on throwing-sized stones!!!!!!!!
Don the con (vict) is not the only thing in the news lately.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 2, 2024:
Well, well, well, ewwww!!!
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 2, 2024:
Well, def passing on lunch........
Today is my late husband Peter’s birthday…he’d have been 77 had he still been here with me.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 2, 2024:
So Beautiful!
Open to meeting men
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