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azzow2 comments on Jan 16, 2020:
I can confer about the schizophrenic part my kid's mother has that affliction and it the most terrifying obstacle. Schizophrenics are said to be nonviolent this could not be further from the fact.
You know this has happened multiple times
azzow2 comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Christian School Expels Girl Over Rainbow Sweater and Birthday Cake Whitefield Academy, a ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 15, 2020:
How do they know she was not celebrating Hawaiian day?
I know that this has nothing to do with "Singles/Mingle", but these photos of an osprey in hunting ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Now I have to wonder if NASA is considering this design.
Given the option, would you date yourself? Or rather, someone exactly like you?
azzow2 comments on Jan 15, 2020:
No way, I am way to sarcastic to date myself.
Decided to bail on trying to date again.
azzow2 comments on Jan 15, 2020:
This could be good because you can now sort out your thoughts learn to be alone then you will better and you will not do an act out of desperation.
Don't piss off the robot
azzow2 comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Sorry, this content isn't available right now
So true sad
azzow2 comments on Jan 15, 2020:
You found the commandant from the police academy movies.
Yup thats me
azzow2 comments on Jan 14, 2020:
Exactly, take me as I am if you can't handle my aspects keep it to yourself. Very good meme.
I’ve made several posts here about the scammers who always come back around.
azzow2 comments on Jan 14, 2020:
I usually mess with them so hard they call me a name, it works good I have no repeats.
Y'all are gonna burn!
azzow2 comments on Jan 14, 2020:
Can you draw a map for us to follow?
Chris Rock []
azzow2 comments on Jan 14, 2020:
Crazy as ever.
My friend Marilyn just posted this pic on FB of a 30 lb.
azzow2 comments on Jan 14, 2020:
Main Cooncat they actually have the letter M on their heads.
Ronny Chieng []
azzow2 comments on Jan 13, 2020:
If you’re not supposed to eat at night, why is there a light bulb in the refrigerator?
azzow2 comments on Jan 13, 2020:
How do you know the light is on? Have you climbed in there and closed the door?
I tried to capture a photo of the wolf moon through the trees like the first one (EDITED: not mine),...
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2020:
The Blair Witch must have inferred with the second one or perhaps you lycanthropy was kicking in lol.
A few morning pics from the over night ice storm. No power outage!!
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Cool photos and such a nice picture of a bending arrow too lol.
For a change of pace today I decided to visit a Unitarian Church this morning.
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2020:
I have never been to such a place. Ever since a church exploded once when I went into it several years back I am always leary about walking into those buildings.
How country are you?
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Redneck fishing gear.
Yup it sure does
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2020:
I have not heard that word in a very long time.
This Smells Like My Vagina Candle | Heretic - Goop Shop - Goop Shop
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2020:
I thought this might be a gag it is not.
OK, it did have me going for a second:
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Very wise pussy.
Some of us on here continue to complain that nobody responds to their profile or to their greeting -...
azzow2 comments on Jan 12, 2020:
If they don't accept what they see in a photo, why would anyone want to be fake to live up to unreasonable standards?
Warning - inbred redneck joke
azzow2 comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Incest is best when right after necrophilia.
Interesting evening .
azzow2 comments on Jan 11, 2020:
When our power goes off there is no ambient light. I do have battery backup and alternative power to assist in those cases.
azzow2 comments on Jan 11, 2020:
I think is a symbol to let the world know that the people that have them are severely brainwashed drones.
Very accurate. And perceptive of "The Boss":
azzow2 comments on Jan 10, 2020:
I often wonder what she was really trying to say through the slur.
When We Were New When we set out for the West laughing, ignorant, rolling along through ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 10, 2020:
The rollercoaster ride of a down a steep slope on the toboggan. Fronteer park in Eire Pennsylvania when I was just 7 or 8 years old we could not get enough.
Today's brain teaser
azzow2 comments on Jan 10, 2020:
The doorway to the treasure.
Army Veteran Has Prosthetic Legs Repossessed After VA Refuses to Pay for Them: 'Medicare Did Not ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 9, 2020:
This is where the CEO of the prosthetic company should have stepped up to the plate and have done the right thing and donated it to the patient the free positive publicity would have been way better than dishonouring one of our own.
If you are male and single then enjoy the perk.
azzow2 comments on Jan 9, 2020:
True, my kindle remotes, lottery tickets, remotes money phones, chips, pens. If I could fit a sink there that could be useful.
They are pleasing to the Lord.
azzow2 comments on Jan 9, 2020:
Drop a few hundred thousand off over there in the Iran Iraq region.
Oh yeah 👍 that would be wonderful🎃
azzow2 comments on Jan 9, 2020:
Just replace Valentines with Vampire and pass out silk scarfs.
I’m too damn sensitive for dating apps.
azzow2 comments on Jan 9, 2020:
I had read a few years back that the dad look was desirable. Perhaps it is just an urban myth?
Ostrich mating dance hilarious
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2020:
So that is how Mata Hari was reincarnated lol.
Arizona Republican Accused of Selling Babies in Illegal Adoption Scheme Arizona’s Maricopa ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2020:
Who was he selling babies to the Chinese?
Was just noticing , I have 1308 fans , but only 928 who have viewed my bio . That seems strange .
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2020:
Why do you need a fan is it hot there?
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2020:
Makes me wonder how the attorneys are getting around the "for entertainment only clause" ?
This is entertaining. []
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2020:
If only.
Funny foursome
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2020:
Tata must be a steam pump art mobil.
Emily Heller []
azzow2 comments on Jan 8, 2020:
She found the new level lol.
It looks like you can do a large load of laundry as you roll to your destination.
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2020:
Looks like the grill and headlights make a face.
Welcome new member Axlefoley from England!
azzow2 comments on Jan 7, 2020:
Daily duo .
azzow2 comments on Jan 6, 2020:
He Shirley is a Frank steed.
You must be this tall to ride this ride
azzow2 comments on Jan 6, 2020:
They are in hillbilly prison for losing their fashion sense.
Sounds good to me. Not looking good so far
azzow2 comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Just get rid of January February March September October November and December make it a 6month year who needs those cold wintery months anyway.
If you need me, I'll be visiting the 50th state.
azzow2 comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Someone send that to the JellyBelly corporation they have a machine that can reproduce any smell or taste.
Yes I do, how about you?🎃
azzow2 comments on Jan 6, 2020:
You have a cupboard in your heart?
I started to post this in Politics, but figured you folks would enjoy it more here.
azzow2 comments on Jan 6, 2020:
That would be if Satan was not just fiction though.
Obama ordered the assassination of an American citizen without consulting congress so why are the ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 5, 2020:
If you remember the look on Hillary Clinton's face when they were in the ready room and the S.E.A.L team shot Bin Laden made me think who in their right mind would ever endorse that coward. The same thing goes for the droves of liberals that would condemn a consecutive for the exact same thing they would praise a liberal for doing. It is like it always trial by media they have no idea what brought about the decision to stop a threat.
A good example of the lunacy of the gun control nuts.
azzow2 comments on Jan 5, 2020:
That is about the size of it, lunacy laws.
“”Consider how different the world would be without white people.
azzow2 comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Our number system is a combination of Roman and Arabic.
Dating Advice - Encourage a woman to talk otherwise she might be thinking.
azzow2 comments on Jan 5, 2020:
You mean to tell me silence is not golden anymore?
Less than 9 months 'til October.....
azzow2 comments on Jan 5, 2020:
That orange sky is incredible, what a cool catch for you.
The peace of thunder Gloomy prediction darkens frying skies You know this heat was gonna have to...
azzow2 comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Weathering a storm be it mother nature father time or just daily emotional turmoil can be challenging.
I got the munchies.
azzow2 comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Did Yoda get a gremlin pregnant and have a child?
No. Just no!
azzow2 comments on Jan 4, 2020:
I need an explanation to comment on this one.
Welcome new member Jamesd!
azzow2 comments on Jan 4, 2020:
any singles mingling today?
azzow2 comments on Jan 4, 2020:
It mostly depends on the emotional foundation that has to lead up to that rather delicate conversion. Some see it as a warning sign some view it as a welcoming acceptance.
If this is accurate.... "IF" is the pivotal word here, we could be in for a hell of a year: 😳
azzow2 comments on Jan 3, 2020:
He has to be tough on them heavy handiness is the only thing they understand anything less and they will take it as a weakness.
Just for kicks, cut your mind loose....
azzow2 comments on Jan 3, 2020:
The beginning of a mini bolt Stonehenge. The nut might be one of the wheels of a really tiny Flintstones family car.
I did not know 'rumble seats' were still popular.
azzow2 comments on Jan 2, 2020:
🎃 already getting excited🎃
azzow2 comments on Jan 2, 2020:
If you hook up with someone that enjoys costuming you can have Halloween 3 or 4 times a week.
Love this
azzow2 comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Only if I had a base jumpsuit on and the landing would not destroy my back.
Happy New years to all and Happy birthday to me woohoo! I'm 30 years old, an official adult ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Happy BDay! 🍵🥇🔮🍰
Welcome new member Psilovybin!
azzow2 comments on Jan 1, 2020:
May you have sufficient strength courage and desire to overcome all such bumps in all of 2020
azzow2 comments on Jan 1, 2020:
Oh so much curvage or courage how ever you look at it.
Today I put together my first major project all by myself.
azzow2 comments on Jan 1, 2020:
Just do it a few more times and you won't even need the directions written in Chinese.
Well here I go again.
azzow2 comments on Jan 1, 2020:
There is no answer. The world is basically backwards. Before I had my house and all my responsibilities women would come out of the woodwork to chase after me. Now that I have stability and a level life it is almost like I have the pleague.
:( .sseltniop era stnelat ym ,yakO
azzow2 comments on Jan 1, 2020:
Great now I am going to have my dyslexia medicine refilled.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot?
azzow2 comments on Dec 31, 2019:
Lyrics Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my jo, for auld lang syne, we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, for auld lang syne. And surely ye'll be your pint-stowp! and surely I'll be mine! And we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, for auld lang syne. We twa hae run about the braes, and pu'd the gowans fine; But we've wander'd mony a weary foot, sin auld lang syne. We twa hae paidl'd i' the burn, frae morning sun till dine; But seas between us braid hae roar'd sin auld lang syne. And there's a hand, my trusty fiere! and gie's a hand o' thine! And we'll tak a right gude-willy waught, for auld lang syne. For auld lang syne, my jo, for auld lang syne, we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, for auld lang syne. And surely ye'll be your pint-stowp! and surely I'll be mine! And we'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, for auld lang syne.
I read an article today that hit me between the eyes.
azzow2 comments on Dec 31, 2019:
If communication is not a two-way superhighway any relationship will crash and burn.
azzow2 comments on Dec 31, 2019:
GL hope to see you back soon, your feedback is always genuine.
Seems like everyone's out of control:
azzow2 comments on Dec 31, 2019:
What a way of professionalism they display (NOT) The youth take examples from this idiotic behavior.
What are your New Year’s Eve plans?
azzow2 comments on Dec 31, 2019:
Work on my home projects. I doubt I will even be awake at midnight.
The latest church shooting just didn’t meet with the radical left wing media’s agenda.
azzow2 comments on Dec 31, 2019:
The story did not fit into their fear-mongering of firearms campaign.
What’s your dream first date (real or imagined)?
azzow2 comments on Dec 31, 2019:
A met up in a park or a coffee shop an honest (I say honest because so many people want to sell themselves and they forget how to be themselves) conversation, then a stroll through a museum some other intelligent venue. Depending on the mood food a meal can reveal many psychological clues.
Cats in trouble now
azzow2 comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Coq au vin feline.
Remind me to not visit San Diego (just kidding). Anyone want to adopt a rat for a pet?
azzow2 comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Rats are very good pets. Contrary to urban lore rats are relatively clean animals. I have had several as pets. When I was much younger we had a rat that would come if you call his name. This rat was so well trained it almost never had the cage door closed, he would wait for a treat of human food to be given he was never had a greedy eating habit.
But but but ??????.... where is the fun in that?????? :)
azzow2 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
It is better to be human and embellish than just a pool of unexciting goo.
Before and after photos of Mom’s table.
azzow2 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Looking good, I always if I can go with the woody look. That looks stylish for what you had to work with.
By Americans Defending the Constitution Them's fighting words.
azzow2 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Our Congress needs an intervention or a Coup d'état.
My cousin is an artist on Cape Cod.
azzow2 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Kind of a Grandma Moses Vincent van Gogh style mix.
Hmmmmm.... Has anyone taken the Myers-Briggs personality test?
azzow2 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
To me, those questions seem loaded there are many situations where the answer applies to a specific goal. Having an eclectic personality and the ability to adapt to situations the results are not a good description of myself.
Another example of how those in charge of Communist China are not playing with a full deck.
azzow2 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
They just don't learn from past mistakes.
Conspirators Claim Burger King's Impossible Whopper Giving Men Breasts Burger King’s ...
azzow2 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
This could be a result of smoking marijuana that reduces testosterone and promotes estrogens' growth. As I remember cannabis causes you thalamus to require stimulation making people get the munchies.
I wonder the advancements in store in 100 years. If mankind makes it that far.
azzow2 comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Tommy guns, brothels and speakeasies on my.
I really haven't been following the crazy bs going on over there much, but I certainly do feel sorry...
azzow2 comments on Dec 28, 2019:
It sounds like something a liberal congress would do. Like tax the revenue to pay for funding the government-run programs causing companies to close ultimately making more people in need of government programs.
"As part of Congress" writes the anonymous person... pffft... What a joke. []
azzow2 comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Mess with the people's rites and now the government can wonder why not leave sleeping dogs lay.
Hey smell this....🤣😂
azzow2 comments on Dec 28, 2019:
I can just imagine where platypus might go.
The Beauty in Mystery, never far from my thoughts......
azzow2 comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Beautiful patterns.
It's cold and flu season people.
azzow2 comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Smart water is loaded with electrolytes, sex promotes healthy chemicals for the skeptics Watch what you touch doorknobs, atm keypads, money, and pens are the biggest contaminants. The flu shot won't stop the flu however in the event you get sick because you were inoculated for the flu symptoms are less and recovery time is quicker.
As a new member I find it hard to believe how the majority of liberals on the main site are so ...
azzow2 comments on Dec 28, 2019:
A lot of us veterans haven traveled to many countries where it is expected of us to follow the laws of other lands, our country deserves the same lawful respect.
Welcome new member leelou!
azzow2 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
If Trump wins in 2020 it may cause the liberal idiots to go nuts. []
azzow2 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Perhaps the box factories will be making extra cardboard coffins to supply for all the extra suicides.
Good evening. How was everyones Christmas?
azzow2 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
To me it would be just another day to my kids however it is the best day ever.
When God is your Co Pilot.
azzow2 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Did that happen for a reason? Was the reason the driver was distracted?
I am definitely behind the times!
azzow2 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
That gives time share an entirely new meaning.
In my advancing years I have been asking myself this.
azzow2 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
No point it is a random chance of chaos.
Not going there.
azzow2 comments on Dec 26, 2019:
I don't drink any longer, I would not have used Anheuser-Busch products to put out a fire in an outhouse let alone drink that swill when I was drinking.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Skeptic, Freethinker, Spiritual
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