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Enjoy your coffee/tea/hot chocolate or whatever else you might be drinking, and ....
azzow2 comments on Dec 4, 2018:
50. Nebraska - Deadliest states for drug overdoses - Pictures - CBS News
azzow2 comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Where a lot of jobs lost because of NAFTA in Nebraska?
Very true. Think about it for a second.
azzow2 comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Sure the first one is actually being progressive the second is like a factory of worthless bots.
Do you enjoy fixing things?
azzow2 comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Car breaks I take it apart and fix same for the computer. Rip a pair of pants I sew them back together. I can fix just about anything. I do get annoyed when I get stuff made in China that is below standards that have to be reinforced or repaired before it can be used.
Who is the “time being”? And why are we always doing things for this entity?
azzow2 comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Time is linear not controlled but consepulitized.
Looking for recommendations for pistols.
azzow2 comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Look at the Hi Point website they seem to have the most affordable.
It's almost 2019 and I still don't have a microwave with a button that just says "Cook Shit".
azzow2 comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Still waiting for my smart phone to prove it is smart.
Aquariums are overrated.
azzow2 comments on Dec 3, 2018:
That must be the kin of licorice pizza.
Love The Onion! []
azzow2 comments on Dec 3, 2018:
The empty words of a demigod. The should make a new bible and leave all the pages blank so everyone can write their own fairytale.
Let say we build a big friggin wall. Where would you put it?
azzow2 comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Around the bible belt.
This is what I remember about Bush SR.! No tears from me.
azzow2 comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Have no idea what that is. During Desert Storm, our tv info was very limited.
I feel like this sometimes! []
azzow2 comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Make a hole. That is military talk for get out of the way.
Good morning everyone! The weekend is over, grab some coffee or whatever and get up!!! Have a super...
azzow2 comments on Dec 3, 2018:
When somebody is a believer then he/she told you that he/she will pray for you.
azzow2 comments on Dec 3, 2018:
I say if you think that will work?
Leave your past in the past ?
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Change to a more positive moral. Learn from the past remember the mistakes and avoid making them again. Create a new idea.
I love Shakespeare, find a quote and fuck it up: " All the world’s a stage, And all the men and ...
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Part not the way but the hair.
Yes to this!
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
It's sort of ridiculous that they give me random drug tests at work.
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Tell them you refuse the random ones you want them to check for specific drugs.
Dick pic rant: []
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I only have cock pictures.
Relationship Status: Airplane Mode
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Mine must be on a rocket mission to Alpha Centauri.
How young is too young for a tattoo?
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
The thing that always comes to mind when I think of people that have tattoos is why would you want to give yourself ergot poisoning?
I'm always baffled by Christians who think just because we don't believe in God that we must worship...
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I was having a conversation with a gentleman a few weeks back about this very subject. I had told him that nonbelievers are not burdened by what will happen after death and focus more on what is happing in the present day. That I have found nonbelievers to be kinder than the religious type. Thay deities and demon belief are nonsequiturs and have no barring on the tilt toward good or evil in our personal lives.
Aloha! I'm new to the group and wanted to say hello.
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I'm not gonna lie. I'd touch all kinds of freaky shit with a ten foot pole.
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Like maggot covered road kill?
I love cuddling, long walks on the beach, deep conversations and, that thing you can do with your ...
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Just don't stick your tongue to a frozen post to see if it will stick.
It seems a lot of the people on this website especially the liberals have substituted their lack of ...
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I too have noticed the pattern. They seem to worship the Democratic leaders regardless of how degenerate the leaders acted .
Vine from my skull Did you drink vine from my skull I was dizzy for no apparent reason Your ...
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Dark. Good rhyming
Good Morning All...Happy Sunday to all, I woke up so I'm off to a good start...Enjoy your coffee!!!
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Hey guys, maybe women wouldn't be so cold all of the time if we didn't expect them to shave off all ...
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I have thought it is all about fashion.
I tried ballroom dancing last night.
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Happy Bday
This is why I am here looking ?
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I don't want a girl, I want a lady/woman. Have date the girl types they have no maturity.
Did you know that if you line up all of your exes in a row you can see a flow chart of your mental ...
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
I like to keep my menta! Illness at a distance.
A lot of men will give their penis a nickname.
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
The last concert Whitsnake had they burned down the building with some misplaced pyrotechnics.
Found this from back when Barack won his first presidential election.
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
That about sums it up.
Been there!
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
George H.W. Bush, the 41st President of the USA, passes away at age 94- []
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
He was a very smart man was an honor to serve under him. I had figured he would not last much longer after Barba died. Hope his energy has a positive influence on the universe.
What's next?
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
We exist here in the 3rd dimension scientist know and can theorize about other dimensions and universes the energy is osmosed into other uses beyond conceptualize ideas.
More proof the climate alarmists are liars. []
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
The planets all go through thermal changes regardless if is hot/cold. Global warming is a political word used to hype the masses and distracts from more important issues.
Went over to Target to get a gift and some groceries.
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Was in zoo Costco yesterday I confer.
Hairdo Question, when I joined I had my hair up for work. What would make the best impression?
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
You have that eye catcher look any way you ware it.
Give a man a fish... and I'm gonna say you suck at giving gifts.
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
If you leave it under the tree wrapped up for a few weeks the appreciation just goes out the window.
we're putting together the heated cat house for the garage so this fur baby and the other 8 strays ...
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
You mean a house for the cat`s a cat house has an entirely different meaning.
First thought? I thought all Xmas Decorations cause nightmares!
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
There might be some in your local bar on December 24th.
Hello members! This’s Ramon.
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Could someone tell me how I block a person?
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
In the upper right-hand corner of the message in your inbox is a report feature.
Hey all! I'm going to be in Greenville, SC this evening, and West Palm Beach, FL, Sunday through ...
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
My best friend is a constable in Greenville I can't get there to visit right now.
I like my women like my ancient staircases. Curvy and can lead me straight to Hell.
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Not sure where hell is can you draw a map with arrows?
Hi All.
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Was Proud to serve under him.
Congratulations to Suki Sue for obtaining her patent on Crystal Clear Scoopable Cat Litter.
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Hope her neighbors are not going to smoke it.
It’s taken me a while but, I think I’m finally ready to accept that it’s not butter.
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Grey Poupon
So Sweet ❤?
azzow2 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
That seems like a mane reason.
Maybe it needs some polishing but I can't wait that long :) Cats love Cats cannot be tamed ...
azzow2 comments on Nov 30, 2018:
The loving tripping is never ending. Bouncing off walls a few times a day is never belaied. Good rhyming
I am pro statistics on guns.
azzow2 comments on Nov 30, 2018:
More people have purposefully driven their car into people then shooters they need to make it harder to get a driver's license.
Merry something.
azzow2 comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Fido you have a tumor.
What are the biggest/most effective turn ons for you in a person?
azzow2 comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Someone that can volley a conversation and that the use of curse word was not necessary to get their point across.
Especially Venezuela & Honduras:
azzow2 comments on Nov 30, 2018:
The liberals think it was the protest in Boston. Ever since that they think signs will deter the enemy.
I had 2 Monster energy drinks this morning. I just started my car by screaming at it.
azzow2 comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Sam Kenison style
Hi, newbie here How are you today guys?
azzow2 comments on Nov 30, 2018:
[] CNN and their agenda.
azzow2 comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Where are the protesters in favor of border patrol agents?
Anyone else following this? []
azzow2 comments on Nov 30, 2018:
This almost seem like a tit for tat swap items. Like a stupid law something like you can only make a left on red going on a one-way street on Sunday during the ful moon.
Yup, I know one when I see one!
azzow2 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Well at least Kligon can be verified there are modern photos and even video lol.
Whistleblowers: Veterans cheated out of benefits []
azzow2 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
I had lived in California during this time. Took many years to get them to listen rejection after rejection including lost medical jacket. Still have not got medical records. Recently I had gotten the idea to request pharmacists records. I just got a lost records letter from the national archives.
As an adult how can you develop a sense of belonging?
azzow2 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
If I knew I would tell you. Unfortunately when you think deep not a lot of people can relate.
Why do LPs sound so good? - CNET
azzow2 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Arthur C. Clarke had an excellent documentary about ghost and he had explained how that technology of the spinning recordable disk record not only the intended sound they capture the entire environment.
Is anybody doing anything fun?
azzow2 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
My kids are excited. Have told them, grandmas, Santa is fake and that dad buys the gifts. Not sure they can digest the idea. I throw in there with the statement that deities are make-believe too.
From another dating very Christian
azzow2 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Have to wonder why such a small minded person like this guy would think he would persuade any one with such vulgarity.
There are a lot of folks on this website who believe Obama was better for the US economy than Trump ...
azzow2 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
I had heard where the obomb was trying to take credit for anything that is going on now.
This site has really turned out to be a very nice group of people.
azzow2 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
This group is definitely outstanding and unique.
Great Scott!
azzow2 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Where the statue of Christopher Lloyd?
The River winds down from its mysterious many places in the steep hills among the trees, ...
azzow2 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Love to fish an angler poem was just the thing to brighten the day. Good write
I am only hoining this group to tell you all about Gila monsters.
azzow2 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Those are apparently in the habitat near my home. I have not spotted one as of yet. They are poisonous, they have to chew to get the poison in though.
Hmmm... Maybe, they should:
azzow2 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
Right combat ready against enemies foreign and domestic.
Good morning all! ?
azzow2 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
What a screwy idea- []
azzow2 comments on Nov 29, 2018:
The one good thing it is making people aware that precautions is necessary.
Greg must learn to shut up.
azzow2 comments on Nov 28, 2018:
Looking for the air valve.
I should have posted this here, it didn't come up in my choices.
azzow2 comments on Nov 28, 2018:
Other side of what?
Tee hee ?
azzow2 comments on Nov 28, 2018:
That is an oldie.
Untitled When will I hit my stride?
azzow2 comments on Nov 28, 2018:
Descriptively rifling.
Can you survive?
azzow2 comments on Nov 28, 2018:
Would start a pile to bring bugs we are squeamish about bugs in this country bugs are the best source of protein. Lots forget about roots most roost are edible take a potato it is a root yet it's plant is deadly nightshade. Even though wood is not the best form of nourishment it can sustain you until better food can be located. Even in the driest condition water can be pulled out of the air with a proper still.
Some of you lovely heathens have taken me up on my offer of free, confidential sex ed.
azzow2 comments on Nov 28, 2018:
I knew that I listened to Doctor Ruth in my youth.
Now we know!?
azzow2 comments on Nov 28, 2018:
That is escalating!!!
Good Morning everyone.
azzow2 comments on Nov 28, 2018:
G/M Hope they get better give you a break.
Good morning everyone! ?
azzow2 comments on Nov 28, 2018:
Good morning Girls and Boys.
azzow2 comments on Nov 28, 2018:
Karma will get you...
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
You make your own luck and karma is as simple as paying attention to detail. It is not some universal norm some times you have to help the the process along.
The handyman wants $500 to do odd jobs like hanging two curtain rods, attaching a 12-outlet strip to...
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
Those are easy jobs youtube them.
Just to antagonize my Haters, My Blockers, and all of those who rail about my shameless promotion of...
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
Looks like a kinky sexual fetish straightjacketornamentisim.
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
This is a question for both sexes.
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
Have never gone there. My reason is sound when I was about 1 year old my mother cheated on my dad causing a divorce. My brother's father then later killed a different boyfriend my mom was dating. My mother then got pregnant by another man. My mother then married that guy he was very abusive to us as children. I never wanted that kind of drama in my own life.
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
I only want to wrestle.
Hello, all! Just the group I've been looking for. Sapio me, ladies! ;)
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
Hello, all! Just arrived here today and hope to be able to share in the great community.
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
3,570 points until Level 8!!!!!
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
Climbing that point hill.
My apologies.
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
Bus driver is ?
Idiot Xstian pastor gets bitten by rattlesnake because he thought Dog would protect him even though ...
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
Who would play with a poisonous snake like a toy? A fool with a passion for pain and no reverence for life.
In the Field In some dream I saw the ragged field stretching to the blackened tracks that cut...
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
Reminded me of an Einstein quote. "All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual."
Them: What kind of guy do you want to marry? Me: this man []
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
A woman lol. Although not quite sure if a contract is necessary.
Hola! from Mexico.
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
Happy Bday! Have not been south for some time. I do enjoy the culture. Have a grand adventure.
An old man reached his 100th birthday and went to a brothel.
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
When I had lived in Allentown PA they print criminal offenders in the newspaper. They had this guy 85 years old arrested for solicitation of a prostitute. Was thinking he should get an award, not an arrest.
Wait, he says he is a leftist?? []
azzow2 comments on Nov 27, 2018:
He seems statuesque while waiting his turn. Would love to see this guy speak.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Skeptic, Freethinker, Spiritual
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