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A Night At The Fair. The Great Allentown Fair 2018. All photos taken by me on Labor Day.
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
That atmosphere kind of takes your memory back to when you were young I am sure.
Pick your Superpower. If you could have any Superpower, what would it be?
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
I have pondered for years about what seems like a growing problem of Mental illness.
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Some food for thought, every day when people that take medication use the toilet they are sending drugs directly into the water supply system. The filters in the treatment plants can`t eliminate the drug residue from the water molecules. Everything uses water, the plants we eat the meat we ingest all of them inadvertently put medication into our bodies.
Another company to boycott, Levi Strauss & Co. []
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
When are the smarter businesses going to take the horns and support the real problem of proper safety and storage of firearms?
Solving the age gap dilemma. :-)
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
The department of weights and measures is going to have redefine the math on that one.
Yep. Just knock first lol
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Is she relying on peeping toms for some flirtation lol?
Ahem, Ladies and Gentlemen.
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
I had just revisited my profile did not realize I had an oversight with that category I amended it.
Yngwie Malmsteen - Icarus Dream Suite Opus 4 I think that I may work on this tonight though the ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
He had the second fastest hands in history when Stevie Ray Vaughan was alive.
Confucius say, check these out!
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
The only one I know off the top of my head is "Woman that flies upside down crack up"
Hello all.
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
The constitution is full of religious connotation until it is written with better wording we are screwed for the separation of church and state. They will have you sware on a bible about that lol.
Are you a nutter magnet?
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Do not know about having some ability to attract nuts. Strange people do seem to gravitate to me. I once had a guy try to convince me that he created the "idea" that was strange enough.
I AM DONALD TRUMP - Ask a Question or leave a Comment about my Presidency and I will respond ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Just like any person in governmental power regardless of political party, the naysayers come out to try and rain on the parade. So these people in power have no superhuman abilities they are not immortal. They get to where they are much as a used cars sales do to get you to buy a previously owned car. So if Trump is tried and prosecuted for some obscurity should the Congress be required to appoint a special committee to investigate all currently living past presidents to determine any discrepancies they left behind?
How would you handle this?
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
I had an Australian friend her and I would write each other every month just friend stuff. The woman I was dating at the time got so extremely jealous. I had to let my friend go to this day which is over 25 years I still regret losing my friend to such pettiness.
I don't think that people on either side of this argument want this to be true.
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
I often wonder why schools are not required to have panic rooms built in.
What are your thoughts on Nike's new poster boy?
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
I had heard that on the radio today and all I could do was think (WTF)
Have you ever used pick-up lines?
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
That kind of thing always seems too corny for me.
Are Two Hearts Meant to be Together?
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
If only, why is fate taking such a long time, did fate lose the car keys?
Also girl, woman and her.?
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Dancing is a way to get your soles close, well the ones on your feet anyway.
Ive been lurking around here for a while, reading everyone’s wonderful words.
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Well done
PUT A RING ON IT Several years in college, I had what was called a “Work-study” job.
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Very cool!
Today is my 48th.
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
May the coming year be adventurous and prosperous H/B.
One of The Best Feelings
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Think I would be so excited even get that point that sleep would be a non sequitur.
Just watched movie called 'Sordid .
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
What venue was it on?
If you had to sum up the whole human species in 3 words, what would those words be?
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Greed ignorance and aggression
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
What are the loopholes?
How can i enjoy sex again
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
To me, it sounds like a catch 22. He is flustered because he wants to be intimate with you and you don't want to be intimate because of psychological abuse. You either have to talk about it and come to reason or make a drastic choice.
What is your biggest fear?
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
That the world will remain ignorant religious oppression.
I lost a dear friend of mine tonight.
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Her energy will make a profound contribution to the universe.
All that ado over a tattoo... []
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Seem they all need to get fined enough to restore the statue and reimbursement the city for the wasted tax dollars.
Good morning! Back to the grindstone after a nice long weekend. UGH
azzow2 comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Got it, ground it my self Kona.
I'm feeling lonely tonight.
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
I don't want to say I am lonely outright. However feel like something is missing lately especially at dinner.
The most useful asset ??
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
I certainly have made many friends that way.
Wait... this is CNN? []
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Moving after hearing this makes me think he will be a 2 term.
So weird to see my ex-husband’s profile pop up on Match as a fit for me.
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Did he cater his profile so that it would be a match for you?
FooFoo and FiFi who are living on my porch because my garden ran out of milkweed and I had to drive ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Had a survival guide from the 1970's milkweed and cattail bread recipe was in it.
So what did everyone do for Labor Day?
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Kids had school. I worked some on the novel I am writing.
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Time to get the desalination plants running on the coast and in the Gulf get rid of those tobacco farms get some edible crops growing. Fish farming in the midwest. Get the fertilizer out of the ocean killing off the sea life.
I don't care who you are, that there is funny.
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Who is the Alfred E Newman look alike in the middle?
Live from the Allentown Fair.
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Have not seen that place in many years. Do they still do the farmers market on the weekends? Strohs had closed in 2001 I had moved away in 2003.
Oh noooooo the entire internet is down in my entire town!!!! HOW AM I TO LIVE!?
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
I have thought about getting HughesNet because we still have DSL out here in the boondocks and it has a lot of drops. I then had heard HughesNet is not all that good either. They want 400$ up front for the equipment as well.
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
When I was in Pennsylvania I had known 2 different lesbians both from different jobs. I can not say how the topic of sex ever came up. The knew I had a permanent g/f at the time. They would get right down to the XXX sex talk they were something else.
What's your favorite burger place?
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Have not been there in years in Quakertown Pennsylvania there is a place called Bubbas burgers they only use black Angus meat. if you get cheese they put Boursin cheese on it.
Dog days are over Picking every four leaf clover Gonna break out of every box they put me in This...
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
As the hawk with ice on its wing crest the sky, the creatures on the pine needle crusted forest floor begin to scurry. Good write
Another poem from when I was in Oregon.
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
As the warmth buttons down. Good rune
Advice! It’s been a loooong time since I’ve been, uh.
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Scars are reminders of battles that were won.
Have You Ever Wanted To Have Sex With a FB Friend?
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
The are a few very good looking ladies. They are mostly are young which is not a problem where the trouble comes in is maturity and commonality is missing so sex would be clinical, no intimacy to me it would be a waste of time.
A guy with “good Christian values” who is “a child of God” looking for a calm, feminine ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Sounds like he wanted to put you in a coffin.
You deserve the best?
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
If they can't tough the bad as well as enjoy the good, investing memories has no value.
Marry Her Yesterday
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Now that just teasing.
Am I over reacting?
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
It was a great try, you never know how a plan like that will play out.
Ridiculous Rumors
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
My kid's mother wrote this letter. It was filled with things like I was gay and was running a brothel and I was some drug overload. She put it on every one of my neighbor's homes. I was fortunate that at least one neighbor knew nothing was true and gave me a copy of the letter. I have it on file if I need it for future use.
sigh this brings back so many memories of my Stripping days . . . . ?
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
One of the girls in college owner a bar that had strippers. So one night she invited a friend of mine and I to the bar after hours to help her close. We had just enough alcohol in us to get up and start dancing on the pole all the strippers were cheering us on was many years ago we kept our clothing on for the record.
Halloween is my favorite holiday! Every Halloween I make jello shots.
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
I don't drink anymore however some once told me Frangelico would make a good jello shot.
How much does it bother you when a person on the internet corrects your spelling, grammar, or misuse...
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
If they were my editor I would have to pay for them to correct my errors. This is a social setting not as if your going to be grade on your typing skills to pass to the next grade. I do hover appreciate when someone politely brings an error to my attention.
She's right.
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
Fiction is her business after all.
I will never look at KFC the []
azzow2 comments on Sep 3, 2018:
The only thing missing is Toby Keith and some obscure vehicle.
Why am I always the friend… Found out a guy I liked who I thought liked me decided to ask ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Is a hard thing to digest, rejection is one of those morbid emotions that creates anger and sadness all at the same time there is no cure for it just like grief in time it will lessons.
Could god microwave a burrito that is so hot that he himself couldn't eat it?
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
This is a trick question because he/she/it are fictional.
I hope you all fall in love ❤❤❤?
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
That is the best.
The sun danced a waltz on your eyelashes While my hair went flying Drawing a wild form of ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Love the meteoric picture you painted with words.
I'm so tired of mixed signals.
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Could be he wants it slow.
I have Anisocoria.
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
So are you one who is fashionably early or fashionably late to places?
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
The rule I go by is better an hour early than a minute late. Have hear not confirmed, people that run perpetually late tend to be control freaks.
Went to church this morning with my family.
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Think I would be so boarding that I would just start counting thing to pass the time. I have sat in a church mass, I have wonder if they ever really listen to the jibber jabber they are spewing.
Would you prefer it if there WAS a Creator of some sort? If yes, why? And if no, why?
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
What would he/she/it create a planet of greedy people always waring over some inane religious issue? Oh, wait we already have that scenario. No creator: The mental anguish that silliness spreads is so full of mental illness. When archeologist from far in the future uncover our remains they are going to echo WTF was this civilization doped up on.
Sons of their fathers
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Takes a bigger man to save a life than take one.
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Flashes of Mad Max in my brain for the ones that remain. Gang justice until it gets so bad they just nuke it off the map.
“Revenge is a confession of pain.”
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
My kid's mother has schizophrenia, because of this CPS took the kids away. I stood up for the kids and cut through miles of red tape to get custody of them. She believed I did not deserve to have the kids because I did not believe in her deity or demigod. So after I got sole custody she tried everything from calling the police and making accusations of all different crimes I had committed not one bit of truth to any of the allegations. Then every week a social worker would show up at my door with anonymous reports for anything from abuse to neglect. Was more than a nightmare.
Today is the first day of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
The suicide for veterans was at 22% have not check if the stats have changed.
Do nice guys/gals finish last?
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Nice people last longer, make better friends, will actually help when you need it, elevate the mood, have less stressful lives, are thoughtful, and make great lovers.
I am trying to live a minimalist life.
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Are you going to get a tiny house as well?
I have morals and not into just sex or a hook up as some have put it.
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
There are a lot of people that still have primal thought their brains have not evolved and they relate to sex as an emotional state. So when you find people that primal urges they do not suit your desired relationship criteria.
Does society owe lazy or stupid a living?
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
You earn what you get. To just get something given to you it is not apricated. Personal responsibility to take credit for your actions if the be favorable or detrimental.
What I should be doing and what I want to do are in fierce opposition. Ugh.
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
I have that dilemma daily.
The best things in life ❤❤❤
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Like a souvenir for your mind.
Did you ever notice about history?
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Have not seen a book with that point of view. If you watch The history of beer it reveals the other perspective.
Don't Give Up On Your Dreams
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
That is correct anything worth having requires you to earn it.
Hi all just a food for thought just been reading some other people posts and they have a really good...
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
I can tell you tips on how to trip them up. Asking about their school experience they will not be able to give a chronological time of events. Ask about the town they live in, again they can only provide veg details. If you get a photo put it in google images, if it is a scammer photo will come back as a porn star or celebrity I have even gotten photos of ones on the scammer's list. They are not very smart with their conversations either complex vocabulary messes them up as well.
So I've been a passenger on the struggle bus for awhile now.
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Playing with her hair is a great sign that she was into it. Could be she is still digesting the info.
Do you say coo-pahn or q-pahn? Milk or melk? Pillow or pellow?
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
I might use some slang words or even have an accent. Who could guess what it is though I have explored so many places.
I’m a really awesome friend.
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
Think that they would tell you something meaningful like the name of their dog. All got to do to be called friend is go to 7 11 and confuse the middle easterner running the joint.
Ok ladies.
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
And all this time I was under the impression women wanted the bad boy
Most of us have seen you tube videos about accidental gun shot , instructor accidentally shooting ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
I have a lot of backwoods Dutch friend from when I lived in Pennsylvania they might be a tad crazy but they do practice safety. They ingrained it into me.
The Bad and the Ugly
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Physical patriarch bony elbow personality some arrogance. Matriarchal physical can be clumsy occasionally personality can make unwise emotional decisions.
I heard some folks on this site were "worried" about this group I started.
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Rule 4 take the cap off or turn on the laser sight.
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
What is up with the hot Russian ladies add on this video?
Does any one else do this?
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
I am always in that rabbit hole. Only it is like every thing the bizarre questions just seem to leak into my brain.
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
I will have to check it out later on the pc the kindle is no so friendly to look at this kind of thing.
Mind on display
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Have not met her yet one day that could happen.
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
That was great!!!
How Your Tax Dollars Subsidize Outrageous CEO Pay - From Senator Bernie Sanders, YouTube
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
The thing that popped in my head with this was major job cuts if this is pushed.
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
What did the obomb call it when he gave Syrian farmers (Tala ban) firearms. The liberal are such hypocrites.
Looks like it's slammer time for this guy, good- []
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
That is grate to hear. What this kind of behavior showed it violating the kids expressiveness and the people that try to repress this will have repercussion.
"Familiarity breeds a certain lack of consideration", not contempt not quiet. What do you think?
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
I once put a suggestion into management when I did factory work. It read when you repeat the same task over and over complacency sets in.
If we don't valu ourselves and what we bring to the table...
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
can say I respect an artist can also say the example she set as a human drug user is the worst thing she could have done for art.
I have a date tonight.
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Hope that works out for you.
this is a poem which I wrote about my mother .
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Reminds me of (sleeping with the enemy)
Love doesn't hurt? thoughts...
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
Love is another word for trust so when someone disses you it is like you lose trust in everything.
Commandments and missed opportunities.
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
The 8th deadly sin should be thou shalt not force religion on me.
You know it's been too long when you're watching kid videos with your grandson and the host starts ...
azzow2 comments on Sep 1, 2018:
The lack thereof has been on my mind lately. Just sex is not enough. The fact that I believe in being the responsible parent factor plays a big role in any whim decisions I would make.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Skeptic, Freethinker, Spiritual
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