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"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
nogod4me comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Agnosticism is irrelevant. Everyone is agnostic, including theists. They, like everyone else, DO NOT KNOW definitively if a god exists, this is why Agnosticism is irrelevant. Theist: theist = belief in god Agnostic: a = without; gnostic = knowledge Atheist: a = without; theist = belief in god...
bbyrd009 replies on May 2, 2021:
Ps, some good observations in there btw, but i would suggest that most mythologies were developed to forward truths to posterity, and we are maybe taking “gods” a bit more literally than they would have; as you say, Yah does not “exist” and is not trying to, as an empty room for a holy-of-holies likely even indicates
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
praytothemilkjug comments on May 1, 2021:
disagree, I think there is a creator, but I could be wrong. I dunno. It is a tad insulting perhaps.
bbyrd009 replies on May 2, 2021:
i guess a whole lot of work is being done to dumb-down the definition of “agnostic” to “doesn’t know if there is a God or not,” and as “knowing” v not knowing is such a central theme to our walk and consequently the Bible—*tree of knowledge*, etc—i guess i can see why? Insulting was surely the whole point i bet
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
Alienbeing comments on Apr 29, 2021:
I prefer to say an Agnostic is an Atheist without conviction.
bbyrd009 replies on May 2, 2021:
@Alienbeing aw, i feel for you, ok Ab? Best of luck to you sir
But you will still need to keep airbags in your front pockets.
BDair comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Related content.
bbyrd009 replies on May 2, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz “ What this means is that when a significant portion of the population goes unvaccinated the chances of a variant of the virus that the vaccine won't protect people from and will kill even more readily than this one does appearing is pretty much a given.” Seems like common sense, huh? But with all due respect this is strictly from ignorance (no offense); it is those who swim in feces-infested rivers that tend to have the highest immunity, and those who disinfect and vaccinate that invariably have the worst. The current vaccine regimes actually just trick the system so that the virus cannot attach, and so the virus will mutate *because* of the vaccine, which the ama is perfectly well aware of, trust me. Now, would i recommend the vaccine to an immune-compromised person? As well as a mask? Possibly, but I tell you that if you are healthy, you are participating in your own demise by wearing a mask and vaccinating for a virus that has surely already mutated. Maybe we should revisit this when the superbugs y’all seem determined to manifest have done so; unfortunately nothing can be done for you at that point, and you are going to die, and gee who is down with population reduction? Well I’ll be, it’s the same bunch feeding you vaccines, huh! “Best of luck you both you and BDairhead in removing yourselves from the herd...” obviously those exposed to the virus are “the herd” Liz, nice try tho
But you will still need to keep airbags in your front pockets.
BDair comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Related content.
bbyrd009 replies on May 2, 2021:
@Pralina1, @Lizard_of_Ahaz guys, imo you are entitled to your Rockefeller opinion ok, but I expect that will change again, since it has already changed from “flatten the curve” which I’m sure the ama and ptb so quickly abandoned bc it was truth. A healthy immune system will have no problems with a coronavirus, as the numbers y’all are denying/ignoring make quite plain; nonetheless i respect your right to inject yourself with experimental medicines, thimerosal (mercury) and really whatever else you feel might best protect your health, ok? i’m 60, i smoke rips, and my sister got symptomatic COVID 19 already, with some lung damage even, *and* the government offers me $500 (of your money) to get the vaccine, to boot (i work for unca Sam); so, while i doubt either of you are even still reading this, and you have apparently already made up your minds, yes? You are experts on COVID now, know everything, for sure, do ya? I couldn’t talk for a month after my last “vaccine,” so wadr there may be factors that you haven’t considered We are in the midst of a “corona-” (all-encompassing) -virus “epidemic” even though the population is still rising, and the mortality from flu viruses has not risen any from historic levels, likely even *down* considerably over the last year, so for anyone still reading you might seek sources of information that are not scared of the ama, iow European or other doctors, that might at least give you a more rounded opinion; if “follow the money” isn’t making the truth plain enough for you. And i wish you the best of luck ok
But you will still need to keep airbags in your front pockets.
BDair comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Related content.
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz yikes, what is with the superiority complexes here lol Liz, imo one of the major drivers of species survival is diversity, and i got no prob with anyone wants to vaccinate, ok? But of course *you* have a prob with me *not* vaccinating, right? Now i ask you, who does that sound like, if not a “believer?” best of luck to you ok
But you will still need to keep airbags in your front pockets.
BDair comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Related content.
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz well Liz, not to put too fine a point on this, but it was orig “flatten the curve” precisely bc a “corona”virus cannot be escaped, and the very best thing one can do in defense is pump up their immunity. Of course no one could steal trillions of dollars from you with that advice, so there ya go I guess. The herd will *all* test positive for the virus eventually, iow
Is there truly any difference between a "cult" and a "religion".
bbyrd009 comments on May 1, 2021:
fwiw "cult" did not become a slur until quite recently, i guess; comesfrom the same root as "culture." And you better believe atheism is also often a cult belief!
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
@TimeOutForMe well ok, but I suggest that you might be avoiding “I believe there is no God” for a reason, although of course idk
Is there truly any difference between a "cult" and a "religion".
bbyrd009 comments on May 1, 2021:
fwiw "cult" did not become a slur until quite recently, i guess; comesfrom the same root as "culture." And you better believe atheism is also often a cult belief!
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
@TimeOutForMe ok, works for me, but again you do seem very sure, and I would again suggest that we like to fool ourselves the most? But my guess is that we are just defining “culture” diff now prolly
100 years ago: Jaffa riots begin in Palestine On May 1, 1921, the Socialist Workers Party, a ...
bbyrd009 comments on May 1, 2021:
Really sad, what became of Jaffa. I guess before Anglo intervention there the Jews and Muslims got along fine, babysat each other’s kids, etc? And the orchards were pretty much all privately owned, by the community iow? Now it’s all fucking corporate, and everyone hates each other. Britain is a ...
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
@altschmerz ha and more broadly speaking, I think anything perceived as “good” gets commandeered by the evil? Seems like? Dunno But to your point, *you will cry for relief from this king that you have chosen, and I will not hear your prayers in that day* basically an anarchist manifesto, seems like anyway
Oh yes they can...
Fernapple comments on May 1, 2021:
Times change it seems. At first I did not get the joke, because I mistook the ink blot card, for the top of a laptop with a logo on it.
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
perspective is a weird thing, huh
But you will still need to keep airbags in your front pockets.
BDair comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Related content.
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
@FrayedBear ”imagine a vaccine so effective you have to be threatened to take it, for a virus so lethal you have to be tested to know if you have it” paraphrased. But I wish you the best in your isolating yourself from the herd too, ok
Is there truly any difference between a "cult" and a "religion".
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Interesting... I like playing with words, so I Googled Cult vs Religion and found this:,for%20example%2C%20Scientology%20and%20Mormonism. *Cult is a term that doesn’t refer to religion at all, ...
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
@Petter ok, ty
Is there truly any difference between a "cult" and a "religion".
Paul_Clamberer comments on May 1, 2021:
Like many words in the English language, they seem to be on a spectrum unless someone puts numbers to them for some reason, such as @LenHazell53, (see below). I think that at the difference is relative depending on your surroundings. So if you are surrounded by Xtians then Xtianity might be ...
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
Evabody speaks in tongues iow, although this is maybe somewhat hard to extract from the text
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
nogod4me comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Agnosticism is irrelevant. Everyone is agnostic, including theists. They, like everyone else, DO NOT KNOW definitively if a god exists, this is why Agnosticism is irrelevant. Theist: theist = belief in god Agnostic: a = without; gnostic = knowledge Atheist: a = without; theist = belief in god...
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
So, hopefully you get that there are other definitions for those up top, but I post to point out that whole populations were sacrificing their children to Molech, so whether he was “real” or not might be beside the point? As you kinda get into there in the middle I guess, nice imo
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
Alienbeing comments on Apr 29, 2021:
I prefer to say an Agnostic is an Atheist without conviction.
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
@Alienbeing sun rose straight out your anus this morning too, huh? I was hoping maybe I just caught you in a bad moment...bro, i could tolerate that if you were like 20 or 25, *and* contributing to the convo, but wadr you’re like 80 and you’re not? And fwiw we can only find like 5% or so of all of the universe that our maths tell us must exist; pls try to keep up k If my replies are hard to read, imagine how I feel lol, and fuck off maybe? Oh, and if you come up with any proof that there is no creator, by all means holla ok have a nice day
Is there truly any difference between a "cult" and a "religion".
bbyrd009 comments on May 1, 2021:
fwiw "cult" did not become a slur until quite recently, i guess; comesfrom the same root as "culture." And you better believe atheism is also often a cult belief!
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
@Petter I would agree that that sure *might* be true, but often is not true, also
Is there truly any difference between a "cult" and a "religion".
bbyrd009 comments on May 1, 2021:
fwiw "cult" did not become a slur until quite recently, i guess; comesfrom the same root as "culture." And you better believe atheism is also often a cult belief!
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
@ASTRALMAX " ‘And you better believe atheism is also often a cult belief!’ A fine example of a prescriptive command which may be uttered by the likes of a benevolent dictator.” this, from the guy insisting “ Atheism is not a cult and has no leader” in his previous post? Ok, but i will stick with “atheism is *often* a cult” for now if you don’t mind, since we might only differ on some term or other, or semantics, who knows. I have examples btw that you might even agree with
Is there truly any difference between a "cult" and a "religion".
bbyrd009 comments on May 1, 2021:
fwiw "cult" did not become a slur until quite recently, i guess; comesfrom the same root as "culture." And you better believe atheism is also often a cult belief!
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
@TimeOutForMe “ there is based on fear and follow processes. I raised my kids without any following of gods and sorts. That's hardly a cult” Well as i said, under the current definition of that, I agree, but it is prolly a “culture,” yeh? “ The only thing Atheists have in common is a non-belief of any god or gods.” Ok well you sound pretty sure? And i don’t know myself, but the language/syntax there strikes me as gratuitous, ok; great lengths are now being gone to to avoid using the word “believe” imo, when “i believe there is no God” might be more accurate, and less self-serving?
Is there truly any difference between a "cult" and a "religion".
bbyrd009 comments on May 1, 2021:
fwiw "cult" did not become a slur until quite recently, i guess; comesfrom the same root as "culture." And you better believe atheism is also often a cult belief!
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
@Paul_Clamberer we tend to put ourselves in the classification that most appeals to us, I think? If we have become sensitized to the term “believe,” we might eschew the second definition, certainly, but what will that matter if there turns out to be some as yet undefined—and probably more likely never will be, even if real in some sense—Creator-Type Consciousness? Because in the same way that a “believer” cannot prove the reality of a God, an “unbeliever” must admit that they cannot prove the opposite; what they then can only have is by definition a belief, right? @TimeOutForMe And i would say that Atheism is a cult simply because it is a culture, Abraham came from a cult, *the oaks of mamre*, same root, so I’m not using “cult” in the contemporary definition Jesus praised pagans and atheists the most, and had nothing but diss for the “believers” anyway, but my guess is that one might be more or less involved/committed to their cult, basically on a bell-curve? So I guess certainly some atheists would actually hold no beliefs, with the caveat that those who claim to have “beliefs” usually mean “absolute truths, in my esteemed estimation, that you can only and must agree to” right? so that again highly prejudices the term, and if it is those kind of beliefs that are being rejected I’m down. But i still suspect it is naive to claim (you) “have no beliefs,” although imo that would be awesome, and quite likely even a um biblical mandate believe it or not, *test everything, and keep what is good he who says he knows anything, doesn’t* etc Anyway, you both would surely admit to some/many fellow “atheists” that hold different bel... “views” from yours, yes? Some atheists definitely have a *strong* “belief” that there is no God, i think it would be fair to say Plus i mean cmon you “believe” you are either pretty or plain, smart or dumb, right, and these beliefs either do or do not line up precisely with the truth...which might be different in a different location or time...yikes, a book
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
Cecilia2018 comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Well, Ask me if I care? I'm a human without gods or religious beliefs.
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
@Cecilia2018 and you as well
Is there truly any difference between a "cult" and a "religion".
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Interesting... I like playing with words, so I Googled Cult vs Religion and found this:,for%20example%2C%20Scientology%20and%20Mormonism. *Cult is a term that doesn’t refer to religion at all, ...
bbyrd009 replies on May 1, 2021:
@Petter isn't atheism, of itself, a social movement?
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
Cecilia2018 comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Well, Ask me if I care? I'm a human without gods or religious beliefs.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 30, 2021:
@Cecilia2018 "Ok first you mentioned about "penis" as "dick" or you mean "pennies" as coin?" dick "Without humans there is no god or religion that exists." hmm, i can't conclusively disagree, but how do you know? "There is no human who resists touching him, seducing him, to hold him in his hands and acclaim him." again, how do you know? None, zero? Are you sure? "I know this god of money was created by humans but Perhaps it could be said that it does exist because the world sees it, touches it, provides any need for a hungry human. The money god is with the human if he earns it in a job, robs in a bank or swindles people." yup, guess so "At least this god of money can defeat the invisible gods created by different cultures." well, or so you believe anyway, yes; i have a um diff perspective now, but it was quite hard-won, and i don't blame you your pov "If they exist, let me sit in the company of the god of money so that waiting for those invisible gods will not be boring." ah; well, existence used to infer that "objective evidence" was available? Now, i'm not so sure :)
What is "a night with ebon pinion" anyway?
Fernapple comments on Apr 30, 2021:
It is that which precedes. "Dawn placing her rose tinted fingers in the sky, over a wine dark sea."
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 30, 2021:
@Fernapple ha, me too :) maybe i'm using "narf" wrong? anyway, you might be amazed how central a concept your pov is to the bible, note that "Jesus Christ" appeared at the dawn of "Greek" thought, what we might now call "hegelian dialectic"
Unfortunately true
phxbillcee comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Didn't it always? I thought that was bachelor sanitation!
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 30, 2021:
Ha I think maybe that only works for feet?
Maybe, but worth it.
phxbillcee comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Say what you will about those brats, they're absolutely correct!
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 30, 2021:
ha being gnostic is easy huh
What is "a night with ebon pinion" anyway?
Donna_I comments on Apr 30, 2021:
literally "a night with wings of darkness." figuratively ummm... a song about the last supper...maybe... I've never heard of it. big long article came up from google search but.. meh.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 30, 2021:
ah ty, much better prolly
What is "a night with ebon pinion" anyway?
skado comments on Apr 30, 2021:
I too will never go back.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 30, 2021:
i three lol although i strongly suspect that there is a “kingdom,” and that there are some keys...
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
Cecilia2018 comments on Apr 30, 2021:
Well, Ask me if I care? I'm a human without gods or religious beliefs.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 30, 2021:
well, you *say* that, but may I suggest that the self is the easiest to fool, and that you have just chosen a syntax that makes you feel the best? You believe there is no God, right? And (you) might easily “worship” say money, or penis, whatever, regardless of any declarations about not having “religious” beliefs? Love the meme btw :)
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
snytiger6 comments on Apr 30, 2021:
I think most atheists are actually agnostic. Presented with convincing evidence, they'd consider changing their minds. Granted the odds of such evidence ever being found is so remote as to be considered (nearly) impossible. I refer to myself as an atheist. Although that is mostly because if ...
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 30, 2021:
I’m not in love with the contrast of atheist to either gnostic or agnostic, as they orig addressed two completely diff concepts, but then I am not the arbiter of definitions, either. What I would say is that now that the definition of “agnostic” has been dumbed-down to “doesn’t know if there is a God or not” (since absolutely no one knows, nor can know, right), an essential concept has been lost, that is only poorly replaced (imo, mostly bc it is a put-down) by the term “dunning-Kruger” or something similar And I only persist here as the concept is so central to self-knowing (and the Bible), *...tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil* etc love the advice though, think I’ll use it myself! :D
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
Alienbeing comments on Apr 29, 2021:
I prefer to say an Agnostic is an Atheist without conviction.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 30, 2021:
“There is NO reason to believe or even suspect there is a superatural power” said the guy who cannot find 95% of creation, even with the help of every scientist on the planet? “Supernatural” what does that even mean? What if Yah is totally “natural?” So, a point being that you must first *define* God before you can reject Him, right? Fwiw I reject that god too ok
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
Alienbeing comments on Apr 29, 2021:
I prefer to say an Agnostic is an Atheist without conviction.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 30, 2021:
@Alienbeing ah, got it really bad, do ya? My condolences, ok, but you have not addressed your likely gratuitous definition of “agnostic,” which as I said makes no sense, practically speaking; absolutely no one, believer, atheist, or in between, “knows” or “doesn’t know” if there is a God or not, regardless of the noises coming out of their mouth, wouldn’t you agree and the comp to green horses on Jupiter is a wadr a pretty miserable fail, unless you know of any horses that do not need oxygen?
What is "a night with ebon pinion" anyway?
Fernapple comments on Apr 30, 2021:
It is that which precedes. "Dawn placing her rose tinted fingers in the sky, over a wine dark sea."
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 30, 2021:
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
PBuck0145 comments on Apr 29, 2021:
Not so. There are may agnostic theists.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 29, 2021:
or for that matter gnostic atheists eh? But we are laboring under a difference of definitions i guess
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
Alienbeing comments on Apr 29, 2021:
I prefer to say an Agnostic is an Atheist without conviction.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 29, 2021:
ah so an atheist *does* actually have beliefs, huh? fwiw "agnostic" might also be an admission of an ignorance that has no remedy? Iow you do not know, for a fact, that there is no "God," right? If you say that you do, that would make you a "gnostic," but of course God might be real, a diff definition of "agnostic/gnostic" maybe, but wadr the current, more accepted usage is kinda ridic on it's face; an atheist *believes* there is no God, but equally (v a "believer") has no proof
Logic puzzle
Tejas comments on Apr 28, 2021:
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 29, 2021:
how did you decide that mary was married?
Talk to a devout Christian and they'll tell you theirs is a religion of brotherly love and ...
MrDragon comments on Apr 26, 2021:
It's funny, that they all proclaim forgiveness and love and peace to get you into the fold, and then they heap a shit load of rules and condemnations on you once they have you in. Always made me wonder what happened to all that love and forgiveness they told me about. They spend a lot of time ...
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 27, 2021:
The Bible calls that *seething a kid in its mother’s milk* fwiw
As Godlessness Grows in America, Secular Charities Are on the Rise | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist...
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 25, 2021:
tks sny, i currently give to a local catholic charities bc i know the ladies there, but the conflicts are multiplying lol
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 26, 2021:
@barjoe ha well to each their own I guess, never noticed too many actual Catholics @ catholic charities tbh
As Godlessness Grows in America, Secular Charities Are on the Rise | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist...
Larimar comments on Apr 25, 2021:
I just try to check to see if the majority actually goes to helping others instead of "administration"
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 26, 2021:
another reason I picked Catholic Charities, ya and they don’t discriminate, I sent some “wiccans” in once
As Godlessness Grows in America, Secular Charities Are on the Rise | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist...
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 25, 2021:
tks sny, i currently give to a local catholic charities bc i know the ladies there, but the conflicts are multiplying lol
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 26, 2021:
@barjoe I picked them bc they give to anyone in need, and choices are pretty limited here; we don’t really have broke ppl
Talk to a devout Christian and they'll tell you theirs is a religion of brotherly love and ...
AmyTheBruce comments on Apr 26, 2021:
What you're missing here is that both believe that God cannot be judged by human values. "Human rights" and "human dignity" are concepts that are only valuable to humans. In the same way that the "lower" animals are thought to be below such concepts, so too is God thought to be above them. But ...
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 26, 2021:
ah like what, exactly? I’m not able to come up with even a “bad” example for that, in my head Ty
Every time I see an antivaxxer post I know it was something like this....
OldGoat43 comments on Apr 25, 2021:
It's so much easier to follow blindly than to have to think about every decision.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 25, 2021:
i suspect that "sheep" was never really meant as a compliment :)
Happy Sunday....
Surfpirate comments on Apr 25, 2021:
Completely but the Covidiots will rise out of the ashes of our civilization like a retarded phoenix.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 25, 2021:
ah is that ashes or asses :)
Happy Sunday....
phxbillcee comments on Apr 25, 2021:
When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream & shout...
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 25, 2021:
@phxbillcee been hearing that for at least sixty years, with all due respect
I'm bummed that this show is getting canceled.
MichelleGar1 comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Sorry to hear it's getting cancelled!
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 25, 2021:
@altschmerz yeh, AS is what came to mind actually, and i gotta say it was pretty poorly teased or whatever, i cant recall a single funny teaser type scene?
"Nature bears long with those who wrong her.
MsDemeanour comments on Apr 24, 2021:
One day the world we be replenished and it will again thrive. There will of course be no humans left to witness it.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 25, 2021:
ha better hedge your bets there maybe, and may i suggest that the earth is really pretty much fine, despite any advertising we might be coerced into accepting? Remember when Fukushima was going to kill us all? A point being to maybe understand a little better how it enriches someone to have the general population "feeling" just like you do (which is imo a pretty good synopsis of all our feelings) i mean look at your avatar even, eh? Great effort has been expended--and not for nothing imo--to put us in that place
"Nature bears long with those who wrong her.
MsDemeanour comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Off topic here I was thinking how irritated I am with being coerced to accept a 100 different genders. What I find more irritating is when inanimate objects like cars, boats are gendered as 'she'. I suppose a man chose this to show his love for his toys. Likewise 'Mother' nature. Nature is not ...
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 25, 2021:
not sure how deserved it is, but women tend to be associated with emotions i guess
I'm bummed that this show is getting canceled.
MichelleGar1 comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Sorry to hear it's getting cancelled!
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 25, 2021:
well dang i'll hafta check it out! ps nowdays a series like that often gets picked up by another producer, y'all might fish around for a "bless the harts" forum or whatever in the coming months, or maybe even a venue for voting to keep it on, like that
One more Earth Day Meme...
Killtheskyfairy comments on Apr 22, 2021:
Sad that people still believe this crap. I blame the bible for the idea that earth is here to be exploited.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 23, 2021:
*Time to destroy those who destroy the earth* nice try tho i guess
It's all so clear now...
Robecology comments on Apr 23, 2021:
Meh...all I know...once I'm gone...that's it.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 23, 2021:
how do you know tho
The History of Religion, From Magic Rocks to the Modern Day | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | ...
redhog comments on Apr 11, 2021:
"Magic is just science that nobody understands" -cant remember who said it. Just another useless quote that rattles around in my brain
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 22, 2021:
Quote by Arthur C. Clarke: "Magic's just science that we ... Search domain Quote by Arthur C. Clarke: "Magic's just science that we don't understand yet." Arthur C. Clarke > Quotes > Quotable Quote "Magic's just science that we don't understand yet." ― Arthur C. Clarke
There was a video that was removed soon before a lot had seen it.
Fernapple comments on Apr 22, 2021:
Pity the video was not downloaded and stored.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 22, 2021:
@Basem ha, who knew?
You can keep your experimental genomic therapy.
BDair comments on Apr 21, 2021:
Safe and effective.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 22, 2021:
@Moravian um, that is from the WHO? link below anyway i'll pass, already been exposed and asymptomatic, but i get someone in a diff position taking a diff path too. As to the "facts," with all due respect i dont think they are working in your favor here, but i don't think there's anything wrong with diff approaches to an unknown, either?
A few days ago I bought some bitcoin.
mischl comments on Apr 18, 2021:
UPDATE: My $100 in bitcoin is now worth $88.62 as of 4/18/21.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 22, 2021:
@mischl so, what seemed a high commish has become irrelevant...and i would more or less ignore the dailies anyway with btc? Tho i would buy dips i guess
You can keep your experimental genomic therapy.
BDair comments on Apr 21, 2021:
Safe and effective.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 21, 2021:
"Their safety and efficacy trials have not concluded."
You can keep your experimental genomic therapy.
BDair comments on Apr 21, 2021:
The Covid vaccines have not been 'approved' however. Their safety and efficacy trials have not concluded.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 21, 2021:
i guess thats what all the guinea pigs are for, right now?
You can keep your experimental genomic therapy.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 21, 2021:
. Not against anything. Yet I'm not for covid vaccines and all the bullies who stopped the economy and travel. Its about a collapsed system not about a virus.. One could make a better cause out of 10 other greater ways to die than covid. I got a 99.98 chance if I catch covid. Lot better than being ...
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 21, 2021:
ha or suicide? i guess teen suicides are through the roof right now, according to a friend who works the hotline
Sore arm or genocide?
Dyl1983 comments on Apr 18, 2021:
This guy's an idiot.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 19, 2021:
@AnneWimsey i mean you might come up with 99.97%? But "pandemic" seems to pretty unavoidably involve population decline; can you say how much population has declined in the last year? Imo follow the money Anne, isnt too hard to figure out "scared shitless" is prolly how the ptb *want* us, eh? i bet *not* getting exposed to a coronavirus is a great way to isolate oneself from the herd
Sore arm or genocide?
Charles1971 comments on Apr 18, 2021:
So, your argument against getting the covid vaccine is that most everyone else will get it so that you don't have to. Sure, why worry about it? Let the burdon of getting the pandemic under control fall on everyone else. How selfish of you. You can't be bothered to give up a couple hours of your ...
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 18, 2021:
@Beowulfsfriend man, if you are symptomatic from a coronavirus then you are in pretty bad shape anyway i guess
Sore arm or genocide?
Dyl1983 comments on Apr 18, 2021:
This guy's an idiot.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 18, 2021:
seems kinda harsh, his math seems right? Maybe when y'all are tripping on superbugs your tune will change eh
Sore arm or genocide?
Charles1971 comments on Apr 18, 2021:
So, your argument against getting the covid vaccine is that most everyone else will get it so that you don't have to. Sure, why worry about it? Let the burdon of getting the pandemic under control fall on everyone else. How selfish of you. You can't be bothered to give up a couple hours of your ...
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 18, 2021:
i dunno, you gotta wonder at what point is *not* getting exposed separating oneself from the herd?
A few days ago I bought some bitcoin.
mischl comments on Apr 18, 2021:
UPDATE: My $100 in bitcoin is now worth $88.62 as of 4/18/21.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 18, 2021:
@mischl ah, i was wondering about that? what commish? ty
For all the theists out there posing as agnostics and calling me a Gnostic Atheist.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 16, 2021:
I agree with all of that meme. The problem is getting everyone else to agree with it. I remain an agnostic atheist and that viewpoint is not a religion.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 18, 2021:
@barjoe oh ha guess it depends upon the context? let's just say it's often a clue-word imo
Ok so I can relate to this, in fact, I would just burn the house down...
Theresa_N comments on Apr 18, 2021:
I had an enormous spider in a house I lived in. It had set itself up in a kitchen corner. Sometimes I watched it. Never bothered me.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 18, 2021:
i guess it cant really even *see* you? their focal length is something like two inches
For all the theists out there posing as agnostics and calling me a Gnostic Atheist.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 16, 2021:
I agree with all of that meme. The problem is getting everyone else to agree with it. I remain an agnostic atheist and that viewpoint is not a religion.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 18, 2021:
@barjoe ah, rights yeh
For all the theists out there posing as agnostics and calling me a Gnostic Atheist.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 16, 2021:
I agree with all of that meme. The problem is getting everyone else to agree with it. I remain an agnostic atheist and that viewpoint is not a religion.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 18, 2021:
@barjoe funny thing about definitions, i guess we tend to pick the one most comfortable for us?
A few days ago I bought some bitcoin.
mischl comments on Apr 18, 2021:
UPDATE: My $100 in bitcoin is now worth $88.62 as of 4/18/21.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 18, 2021:
ah well you kinda bought on a high? but a look at historic charts for btc/usd for the last five years, i mean which would anyone rather be in?
For all the theists out there posing as agnostics and calling me a Gnostic Atheist.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 16, 2021:
I agree with all of that meme. The problem is getting everyone else to agree with it. I remain an agnostic atheist and that viewpoint is not a religion.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 18, 2021:
@barjoe "Non-Believer... It's my belief." i guess we're all a bit conflicted prolly :)
For all the theists out there posing as agnostics and calling me a Gnostic Atheist.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 16, 2021:
I agree with all of that meme. The problem is getting everyone else to agree with it. I remain an agnostic atheist and that viewpoint is not a religion.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 16, 2021:
so, i'm not really interested in debating it, but there are apparently (at least) two definitions of "agnostic," one being "the opposite of gnostic," and the other being...some derivation or dilution of that, so accordingly, saying stuff like "I remain an agnostic atheist and that viewpoint is not a religion" will have you being perceived as "gnostic" by some, since you speak as if you know. And believing there is no God might easily become a religion i guess, just like "Science" or most any other concept, so no offense meant but the meme is mostly gratuitous shit, imo; atheism is just the opposite of theism, right? Both believers, iow?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 15, 2021:
When you use a ridiculously multisyllabic modality, i immediately expect obfuscation! By which i mean, BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 16, 2021:
@AnneWimsey ah well ive actually used the lemon thing on a former boss, worked great. dunno if that would be true in every case though, but his #s--whatever numbers it is cancer patients track? psa's?--went from over 700 to under 70 like overnight! maybe 48 hours-ish guess i could call him for an update, been a couple years...
I have to agree with Patton on this...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 15, 2021:
Comedian are often all the way in or all the way out. To acknowledge someone belief is a lower degree of respect. Can go as far as to accept their belief. To understand a religion like Muslim or Christians, that is a whole other deal. Too many cons vs the pros for me, to invest for it ...
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 16, 2021:
@Castlepaloma ah ok
The Bible Makes Way More Sense as a Series of “Florida Man” Stories | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
barjoe comments on Apr 16, 2021:
Bible stories are as ridiculous as the Weekly World News.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 16, 2021:
@barjoe alrighty then :)
I have to agree with Patton on this...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 15, 2021:
Comedian are often all the way in or all the way out. To acknowledge someone belief is a lower degree of respect. Can go as far as to accept their belief. To understand a religion like Muslim or Christians, that is a whole other deal. Too many cons vs the pros for me, to invest for it ...
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 16, 2021:
i dont even get "beliefs" used in that context, wonder what is wrong with me lol
The Bible Makes Way More Sense as a Series of “Florida Man” Stories | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
barjoe comments on Apr 16, 2021:
Bible stories are as ridiculous as the Weekly World News.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 16, 2021:
i think they are meant to be, to a gnostic? a world where everyone agreed about everything would prolly be pretty boring though eh
DenoPenno comments on Apr 15, 2021:
I see some of what he is talking about. My take on it all is that in the beginning people thought they were going to make money on the vaccine. As a Covid survivor myself I was not treated for this disease. I was simply diagnosed and sent home to isolation, being told that it would run its course in...
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 16, 2021:
id def be following the money to learn the truth and imo the treatment for a coronavirus hasnt changed any; if you are symptomatic, just what you got? At least absent some exotic palliative for cytokines, which i bet is possible. Ergo take steps to not be symptomatic
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 15, 2021:
When you use a ridiculously multisyllabic modality, i immediately expect obfuscation! By which i mean, BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 16, 2021:
@AnneWimsey well, i could provide cases, but only meant to report really. One pop theory has it that cancer cannot exist in an alkaline state, and curing someone who is acidic with a lemon (which causes an alkaline reaction) would be viewed rather dimly by those seeking to sell chemo i guess and i said "cases" but i guess there are entire books, plural
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 15, 2021:
When you use a ridiculously multisyllabic modality, i immediately expect obfuscation! By which i mean, BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 15, 2021:
@AnneWimsey um, i really dunno bc i dont do allopathy; something about the Rockefeller Complex or whatever? Basically rich scumbags, doing what rich scumbags do, ruining doctors for curing cancer, stuff like that; prolly what we get for expecting anyone else to have our best interests at heart, "We need a good, moderated nutrimedicomorality" whatever tf that means
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 15, 2021:
When you use a ridiculously multisyllabic modality, i immediately expect obfuscation! By which i mean, BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 15, 2021:
well the AMA is pretty messed up though i think
The Legal Oppression Of Nonbelievers Will Escalate The More Religion Declines | Above the Law
CuddyCruiser comments on Apr 15, 2021:
I just LOVE these articles. It’s just proof that the religious asswads days are coming to an end. I just can’t wait to retire to move to North Carolina and busting some of these will drive them nuts.......
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 15, 2021:
ha whole lotta forest in NC, might wanna rethink that one
The Legal Oppression Of Nonbelievers Will Escalate The More Religion Declines | Above the Law
wordywalt comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Unfortunately. that is correct. the more that religious belief among Americans declines, the more desperate and devious that evangelicals will become in trying to depress and denounce non-belief.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 15, 2021:
@CuddyCruiser well so was the assassination of JFK then, and by the same bunch prolly
A stranger called me on my company phone and didn't readily identify herself, so I was polite and ...
BitFlipper comments on Apr 14, 2021:
If somebody calls my phone, and I haven't already registered the number, I almost never answer. Sometimes, I just answer and don't say anything. Just to hear what happens on the other end. Sometimes they call back a couple of times.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 15, 2021:
@Gwendolyn2018 yikes, how are you not getting them lol, i dont even own a car and i get like 2 a day?
A stranger called me on my company phone and didn't readily identify herself, so I was polite and ...
mischl comments on Apr 14, 2021:
You are to be admired for your kindness. I'm usually a bit more blunt with the Believers who try to "save my soul."
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 14, 2021:
*He who seeks to save his life/soul shall lose it*?
A stranger called me on my company phone and didn't readily identify herself, so I was polite and ...
BitFlipper comments on Apr 14, 2021:
If somebody calls my phone, and I haven't already registered the number, I almost never answer. Sometimes, I just answer and don't say anything. Just to hear what happens on the other end. Sometimes they call back a couple of times.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 14, 2021:
we've been trying to get in touch with you about your car warranty...
Christian Defends Name of Robert E.
RussRAB comments on Mar 26, 2021:
The fact that Jesus never condemned slavery and said things implying an endorsement of it is one of the problems with Christianity.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 14, 2021:
@RussRAB ah well wadr you have inferred “endorsement” that is almost surely meant to be a first attempt at *limiting* slavery, “brutal” is also a characterization that may not always or even usually obtain, right, I mean suicide nets under iPhone manufacture windows is hardly less brutal, and slaves who did not want to be released were not limited to Jews I guess, either? And the Trinitarian argument I’ll leave to you and the other believers, personally I’m not a buyer, but in the right context—which I suspect most Xtians lack—I guess it’s possible? The “genocide of canaanites” is known as Conquest Genre, and wadr every contemporary knew better than to read that literally, the same way you would know how to read “The White Sox *annihilated* the Yankees today”
No that's possible
Theresa_N comments on Apr 14, 2021:
Cold pressed coffee.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 14, 2021:
huge difference huh
A Polish Town That Declared Itself “Free of L.
OldMetalHead comments on Apr 13, 2021:
At least the mayor feels some remorse. Not as much could be said for the governors in the bible belt states who have been signing all of the anti-LGBTQ legislation.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 14, 2021:
i imagine the same thing will happen there tho?
Christian Defends Name of Robert E.
RussRAB comments on Mar 26, 2021:
The fact that Jesus never condemned slavery and said things implying an endorsement of it is one of the problems with Christianity.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 14, 2021:
@RussRAB well, many like to call *an eye for an eye* an endorsement, too, i guess, but that doesn’t mean it is, for sure seems like a pretty clear violation of *love your neighbor as yourself* to me, but i know better than to argue with a believer, and tbh thats about all i know. I guess some ppl buy slaves just to free them, too Jesus is God? I thought you were an atheist? And anyone can *call* themselves "Christian" if they want, right; so seems to me that they have been outed as hypocrites, regardless of our differing opinions otherwise? We operate under a “wage slave” system now, you think that’s any better?
Christian Defends Name of Robert E.
RussRAB comments on Mar 26, 2021:
The fact that Jesus never condemned slavery and said things implying an endorsement of it is one of the problems with Christianity.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 14, 2021:
@RussRAB i say different mostly bc of the context in which those are taken, as one of condoning slavery, when they might also be viewed as putting *limitations* on what was then an entrenched institution, ppl even selling themselves into slavery, yeh so, not disagreeing with you, but i think like the whole rest of the world had a pretty bad slavery "problem" then? but also, provision is made for a slave who didnt *want* to be freed, eh so its just never as one-dimensional as one might imagine
Living in a conservative community one finds themselves surrounded by Christianity.
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 11, 2021:
you could move maybe?
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 14, 2021:
@LaDizdeOdd been to Oregon lately? Plenty of places like that though, anarchists, etc
Christian Defends Name of Robert E.
RussRAB comments on Mar 26, 2021:
The fact that Jesus never condemned slavery and said things implying an endorsement of it is one of the problems with Christianity.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 14, 2021:
@RussRAB "No, not of any significance." yeh, pretty much major significance, i'm pretty sure anyway
Is not telling the whole truth, morally the same as lying ?
xenoview comments on Apr 9, 2021:
The con never stops being one just because it's very old. Some people will lie when the truth would be better. They lie because it benefits them.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 14, 2021:
@Deb57 well, to be relevant to the point here i guess it would involve someone, some pastor, who has basically been lied to all through seminary, coming to the realization himself, only maybe not having the same conviction we do yet, tried telling the truth once and lost a bunch, etc, something like that
Is not telling the whole truth, morally the same as lying ?
xenoview comments on Apr 9, 2021:
The con never stops being one just because it's very old. Some people will lie when the truth would be better. They lie because it benefits them.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 13, 2021:
@Deb57 oh, i dunno; im pretty sure i could imagine a scenario in which you would agree the deception was totally ok?
if god knows the beginning and the end then why are we here?
girlwithsmiles comments on Apr 11, 2021:
God? He left my life with Santa and the tooth fairy, this dong makes more sense than the bible to me:
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 11, 2021:
@girlwithsmiles well, Christians mostly hate the Bible with a passion, in my experience anyway; so, two diff subjects prolly
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 11, 2021:
must be french humor? maybe i'll get it right before i fall asleep lol
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 11, 2021:
@QuidamOutrepont ah, ok i would already be dead there, i guess is *not* getting exposed to a coronavirus tantamount to isolating yourself from the herd? i wonder
Christian Defends Name of Robert E.
RussRAB comments on Mar 26, 2021:
The fact that Jesus never condemned slavery and said things implying an endorsement of it is one of the problems with Christianity.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 11, 2021:
slavery was diff then, i guess? Ppl sold *themselves* into slavery, at least also? Plus, what is often taken as "endorsement" now might arguably be attempts to limit abuse of slaves; *an eye for an eye* might make the whole world blind, but thats better than dead maybe?
Now if someone can tell me why The Bear went over the mountain my life will be complete.
Theresa_N comments on Apr 11, 2021:
What bear? What mountain? I guess the link is missing.
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 11, 2021:
ha i guess you arent really having a convo there lol the bear went over the mountain to see what he could see?
phxbillcee comments on Apr 11, 2021:
A good varied group!
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 11, 2021:
@Rudy1962 some serious gems in there lol, ty
Religion is responsible for the deaths of billions of people.
bbyrd009 comments on Apr 11, 2021:
meh, so is politics though, i guess? how do 30 million (or whatever) "atheist" russians decide to sacrifice everything defending themselves from tiny little germany, i often wonder
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 11, 2021:
@barjoe ha well i admit there were tech differences, but if they had a 30million strong army (actually more, that is just fatalities) lemme say i suspect they had options they didnt consider, at the very least lol
Is not telling the whole truth, morally the same as lying ?
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Apr 9, 2021:
I was recently told, quite vehemently, that there are no "lies of omission." But does this not apply here?
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 11, 2021:
@Gwendolyn2018 thot about this for a couple of days, seems to me that they went to quite some lengths to portray anyone behind the curtain as a charlatan? Jesus did nothing but dis the religious, and gave all the credit to atheists (samaritans) and pagans (roman centurions)? Plus the NT is basically a record of the *implosion *of a theocracy? wouldn't "baptizing ppl in the jordan river" be tantamount to *sedition* in a theocracy? (also, just for you, the Jordan river is about two inches deep in all the spots said to have been baptismal; the Aramean general Naaman called it a "ridiculous trickle")
I spend 12 hours in (the) surgery room.. The patient thanks Jesus!
oldFloyd comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Triple the bill, then they will wish Jesus did the work. 😤
bbyrd009 replies on Apr 11, 2021:
prolly already wishing that eh lol


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