I'm a jack of all trades. I've been a chef, brewer, bartender, chemist and programmer. I played soccer until my knee gave out, about 30 years. I tinker with cars and art( been stained glass lately.). I like music ( funk, rock, blues, reggae) and beer. Father of four (16 to 23). And, I'm still trying to figure things out.
I know this is an awful read and depicts what I am rather than who I am. Also, I hate typing on a phone.
(2018-10-07) I've been separated for about three months, but waiting for the shoe to drop for four years. In those four years, I had a heart attack, put one kid through college and have two more going and one a HS junior. I wanted to work through the issues, but she said she no longer has the feelings required to make a marriage work. I'm loyal as a laborador, but I also know that I can't make someone love me.
I'm really cautious forming new relationships as I realize that I have baggage at this point in my life. I would really hate to have my insecurities and current issues mess up a potential relationship.
(1/22/2019) - Currently, I'm in a relationship with someone I met on Agnostic.. ??