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If you could quit your job and do whatever you wanted, what would you do?
davknight comments on Sep 23, 2019:
Go off the grid, high (both figuratively, and literally) in the Colorado Rockies!
davknight comments on Sep 23, 2019:
If a civilization was advanced enough for interstellar travel, we Earth creatures might seem too primitive to have anything to do with. Would you try to carry on an intelligent conversation with a termite, or a screeching macaque?
How many hobbies is too many?
davknight comments on Sep 23, 2019:
I once had a huge library, that visitors to my home were in awe of. I also was once into 'conflict simulation gaming', which people were surprised that I devoted an entire room to it.
It’s better in Texas. Lol
davknight comments on Sep 23, 2019:
Looks like Atlanta, or LA!
War is not something that just happens because democratic or republican politicians want it . . . .
davknight comments on Sep 21, 2019:
It never ceases to amaze me the number of television shows that glorify the police, or the military.
davknight comments on Sep 21, 2019:
So much of Human evolution is a '$64,000 Question'. But pieces of the puzzle are excavated daily, throughout the World.
An entire Manhattan village owned by black people was destroyed to build Central Park | Timeline - ...
davknight comments on Sep 20, 2019:
Elaine, Arkansas, lays on the site of a Black sharecropper's community, wiped out in 1919, by the US Army, and thousands of local White vigilantes. Estimates of the dead range from 150 to 700. (I'm surprised nobody's ever made a documentary about this massacre!).
Since it's Friday, here's a story for no reason at all.
davknight comments on Sep 20, 2019:
In high school, I knew this kid who worked in a pizza joint. He told me that any time he cut his finger with the pizza cutter, he'd squeeze the blood into the tomato sauce. And any time he had a stuffy nose, he'd blow it into the mushrooms, or the anchovies! I knew someone else who worked in a pizza joint. They told me that the employees periodically kick the stacked-up pizza boxes, to chase the cockroaches out.
davknight comments on Sep 20, 2019:
Most drones fly below radar-cover. And because they are relatively low-tech, they might make for a 'poor man's air force' to augment 'poor man's armies' with.
Brenda Lee singing Sweet Nothings. [] I would love to hear some too.
davknight comments on Sep 20, 2019:
They had clips of her on that Ken Burns PBS documentary on Country Music. Amazing how young she was when she first started performing on-stage!
Are there any of these around anymore?🤔
davknight comments on Sep 20, 2019:
Nowadays, mostly on EBay, for $400 to $2,500, depending on condition.
Priest found guilty of raping dozens of children and a sled dog | Michael Stone
davknight comments on Sep 19, 2019:
12 boys, 10 girls, and a SLED DOG????? This guy needs to be neutered, at the very least! Or maybe tossed in a cell with a horny Grizzly Bear!
davknight comments on Sep 19, 2019:
A Trumpian EPA's solution for homelessness would be to spray them with 'Roundup'. To a developer like Trump, the homeless are just a bunch of noxious 'weeds'!
davknight comments on Sep 19, 2019:
The ancestor of the elephant split into two branches--Wooly Mammoths, and Mastodons. The Mammoths migrated Eastwards, and eventually into North America, via the Bering Land Bridge.The Mastodons migrated Westwards, and eventually entered North America via ???
The Drum Beats of War Against Iran have Started.
davknight comments on Sep 19, 2019:
I think Trump is a bag of hot air, and that he will back down.
Wow!! have you ever used one of these? 😏
davknight comments on Sep 19, 2019:
When I was a little kid, parents would sometimes punish their children, by making them eat a teaspoon of castor oil. Usually, it was for 'bad language', or sassing. And I remember having to eat a few spoon-fulls of castor oil myself! I don't remember that other stuff, though.
You wpuld think The Grim Reaper Mitch would keep of lower profile if his wife was in pay to play ...
davknight comments on Sep 19, 2019:
They look like a pair of Turkeys!
I'm curious as to how people see the differences in the hippie period (60's) on the East and West ...
davknight comments on Sep 19, 2019:
In the Industrial Midwest, where I grew up, 'Hip' mixed with 'Grease', to produce in the early '70s the 'Greaser-Freaks'. We were more into black leather jackets, than tie-dye. And we liked to wash our weed down with beer. We didn't self-identify with 'Hippies', didn't wear bell-bottoms , but wore our hair long, smoked lots of dope, and dropped lots of acid. In retrospect, I think the Hells Angels must have had more of an influence on us than did the Hippy culture!
Find the Camel
davknight comments on Sep 18, 2019:
I had to Google it too! Yes, obvious, but rather innocuous double humper!
Church Leaders, Like Politicians, Must Shift the Dominant Narrative on Poverty | Sojourners
davknight comments on Sep 17, 2019:
The Poor will cease being poor, when the last Capitalist is hung with the guts of the last Priest!
One should not laugh but.
davknight comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Personally, I'd like to see the results of his last IQ test. That would be a real laugh! (Hey China, if you're listening...)
One should not laugh but.
davknight comments on Sep 17, 2019:
But will Trumpy's IRS turn them over?
Has anyone ever had this kind of mayonnaise?
davknight comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I used to know somebody who liked to eat mayonnaise and banana sandwiches. She'd have probably liked this stuff!
70 years ago, the first Road Runner cartoon was released on this date in 1949.
davknight comments on Sep 17, 2019:
And to think--Donald J Coyote would become President some day! Beep-beep!
Has anyone ever had this kind of mayonnaise?
davknight comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Never heard of it! And it sounds GROSS!
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
davknight comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Knockers don't worry me. It's the Walkers i worry about!
My name is Randy and I'm a mayhaw jellyholic. Are there others?
davknight comments on Sep 16, 2019:
What is mayhaw jelly? (Not jellied alligator I hope!).
Watched part 1 of Ken Burns Country Music on PBS.
davknight comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I watched it also, and am looking forward to Part Two!
Should the government ban the assault weapons of war and have a mandatory buy-back as Beto ...
davknight comments on Sep 16, 2019:
In 1966, Charles Whitman shot 14 people to death with a BOLT-ACTION rifle, and wounded 31 more, from atop the UT clock tower, in Austin, Texas.
Donald Trump confuses 9/11 with 7 Eleven - BBC News - YouTube
davknight comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Every time he opens his mouth, he sticks his foot in it!
Oldest know photograph of a tornado circa 1895
davknight comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Is that a wicked witch, after being blown off her broomstick, in the far left center?
Churchy Chicken: Why the Religious Right Won’t Stop Talking About Chick-fil-A There are 2 parts to...
davknight comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I don't think they'd be so enamored of Chick-fil-A (or KFC), if they saw how the chickens were raised and slaughtered!
Its a known fact that history is written by only the winners.
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2019:
If you've read as many GI memoirs of the war as I have, you'll know that practically none of them were interested in "making the World safe for Democracy". Most went off to war, out of peer pressure, youthful adventureism, or because they got drafted. And their principle driving motivation throughout, was self-preservation. All of which , understandably, seems to be the principle motivations of the common soldier in most wars. One is also struck by their seeming incessant hunts for "booze, food, and dames" (which also is a prevalent instinct in war). Bill Maudlin's "Willie n Joe" cartoons are more of an accurate depiction of the WWII GI, than are the characters in "Saving Private Ryan".
Trump at GOP retreat: 'Whether you like me or not' you 'have to elect me' | TheHill
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Ever notice Trump always looks like he has a quarter-pounder, and a whopper stuck in his throat?
Missouri senator says it’s a waste of time to study history because it was a long time ago – ...
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Hawley is a true Trumplerite. The GOP is the Party of the Extremely Stupid. And Trumpy couldn't have picked a better party for his purposes!
Trump at GOP retreat: 'Whether you like me or not' you 'have to elect me' | TheHill
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2019:
He just called himself a "stable genius" again too!
When a man has "golden showers" with women he's not married to, are those women called his ...
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2019:
When a man tweets non-stop, is that called a 'pissy-fit'?
“This world is dangerous Elsa, not because of those who do evil but because of those who look on ...
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2019:
"And so, for that reason, I'm going to let the Americans in on the Atomic Bomb!"--Al Einstein
Ivanka tells donors she got her moral compass from her dad - POLITICO
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2019:
What "moral compass" is that???
Vietnam vet found covered with ants in nursing home bed dies after being bitten more than 100 times ...
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2019:
I once parked, without realizing it, over a fire ant hill. After I left, I had to stop at a quarter car wash, to vacuum out my car, and myself! (They don't call em 'fire ants' for nothin!).
When a man has "golden showers" with women he's not married to, are those women called his ...
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2019:
You'd have to ask Trump!
Retro tins.🙂
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Actually, they turn up in antique shops nowadays!
I want to mention some hypocrisy I've noticed here.
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2019:
It's a PC issue, peculiar to bourgeois libertines, of which this site has an abundance. Don't let it get to you. Learn to be more tolerant of others' hypocrisy!
The Inequality in America.
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Good point. 14 days is a joke. But we all knew Huffman would get off light! "Liberty and justice for all" means "Just us Rich folks"!
Should the government ban the assault weapons of war and have a mandatory buy-back as Beto ...
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2019:
I'm glad we have a Second Amendment. I'm sorry if the rest of the World doesn't. But I'm gonna hang on to mine!
Ten thousand years from now we will be the subject being analyzed.
davknight comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Dad got large bottles and drank from a glass
davknight comments on Sep 13, 2019:
A hundred years ago, it was common for dads to send their kid up to the local tavern, to fetch a pail of beer.
Wanna join my gang?
davknight comments on Sep 13, 2019:
The "Shaggies"?
Should the government ban the assault weapons of war and have a mandatory buy-back as Beto ...
davknight comments on Sep 13, 2019:
If a government (any government) did that, then that government would have all the political power. No way! In the United States, that would trigger mass disobedience, and possibly civil war. It would go over about as big as the prohibition of alcohol did. It would also drive up the price of arms and ammunition, beyond the affordability of ordinary people. No thanks! If the Swiss government tried that, the whole population of Switzerland would fall over laughing at them! No thank you! Our Bill of Rights is the only thing standing between us, and total police-state tyranny!
davknight comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Did you read where Trumpy says that it's the energy-saving lightbulbs that make him look orange?
Good Morning My Hippies.
davknight comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Happy Birthday!
The "Walmartization" of Higher Education.
davknight comments on Sep 12, 2019:
With what they charge for tuition, books, parking and student fees? No way!
I'm troubled when I hear people say that we need to "respect" people's religious beliefs.
davknight comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Tolerant is all we can be.
davknight comments on Sep 12, 2019:
I think that alcohol is more to blame, than Florida, or Floridians. You can be beaten, or shot to death faster in Detroit, Chicago, or Cleveland. There are now about eighteen-million people living in Florida. Only twenty-five percent of whom were actually born here. Nearly one million Floridians come from New York City. At least eight million come from the Caribbean. Most of the rest are Yankee expats, Euro expats, or Asian expats. Twenty-five percent of Floridians are elderly retirees, such as myself, down here for the warm weather. So, you get a pretty good cross-section of the overall US population in this state. An old saying goes: "All the loose screws roll into Florida". But just remember, they are YOUR loose screws!
Who The Fuck Has Left The Trump Administration - General Discussion - WTF Community
davknight comments on Sep 12, 2019:
A house divided cannot stand. It cannot remain one half Trumpty, and one half Dumbty. It must become all one, or all the other. (Sorry, Abe!).
We so often learn far too late than the heroes of history were actually horrible people, and the ...
davknight comments on Sep 12, 2019:
The information is there. You just have to dive into it. Which means read, read, read!
NDE near death experience
davknight comments on Sep 12, 2019:
"Near death"? Or close call? If the latter, I've had several in my lifetime.
It’s Time to Cancel the Electoral College | Full Frontal []
davknight comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Sam Bee 2020!
How do you deal with muscle cramps?
davknight comments on Sep 12, 2019:
I had the same problem, and was told by my doctor to start taking magnesium supplements. It seems one of my diabetes medications depletes the magnesium in my body. So, I need the supplements to make up for it. I also take a leg cramp medication, before I go to bed. That, plus the magnesium has made me leg-cramp free for several years now. But, to be on the safe side, I keep a chair next to my bed. So, that if I get a leg cramp, I can support myself on the chair-back, with one foot on the floor. Then, I force the sole of the other foot squarely against the floor, and stand there a few minutes. That usually makes it go away.
Does anyone have a good recipe for holy water?
davknight comments on Sep 11, 2019:
Fill a glass with one-half brandy, and one-half champagne!
1962 cost of living🤔
davknight comments on Sep 11, 2019:
I can remember being given one dollar, riding my bike to the corner mom n pop grocery store, buying one qt of milk, a loaf of bread, and a can of tuna, and being permitted to keep the change.
Mississippi man pleads guilty to cross burning, sentenced to 11 years in federal prison.
davknight comments on Sep 11, 2019:
What should one be "sentenced" to for burning other symbols of things they don't like? Football effigies, for example? Or flags?
Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?
davknight comments on Sep 11, 2019:
Best solution? The US must immediately cease all military aid to Israel, and instead, offer it to the Palestinians. The Palestinians must be given anti-aircraft weapons, anti-tank weapons, and artillery. This would discourage the Zionists from making any more incursions into the Palestinian territories, by making it too expensive for them. Fat chance! I know! But that is actually the best solution!
I don't know why I'm ever even surprised anyone
davknight comments on Sep 11, 2019:
Somewhere. In a McDonalds freezer, is a bag of frozen French fries. And, in that bag, is Lee Harvey French fry!
Trump says he fired national security advisor John Bolton
davknight comments on Sep 10, 2019:
Will Sebastian Gorka be his replacement? The Trump Crime Family attracts a sinister cast of characters. I wonder if it's ultimately going to be made into a made-for-tv, multi-episodal movie?
Are you a collector?
davknight comments on Sep 10, 2019:
I was an antique dealer and flea marketeer for fifteen years. If I learned anything, it was that everybody collects something. Even if it's just bills!
Tennessee GOP Senator says getting rid of higher education would save America
davknight comments on Sep 10, 2019:
Sentiments such as this, are to be EXPECTED from the Party of Philistines!
You know its true.. We used that shit for damn near anything and everything.
davknight comments on Sep 10, 2019:
Yep! It sure seemed to clear out a stuffy nose!
How would you reply to a theist who says, "You send yourself to hell"?
davknight comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Sounds like a bunch of 'covfefe' to me!
Walmart suspending sales of some ammo. .223 and 5.56 ammo will be fazed out. []
davknight comments on Sep 9, 2019:
.223 Remington, and 5.56mm Colt are one and the same thing And they are no more "evil" than any other small arms cartridge. The cartridge is an inanimate object, that is only dangerous if you shoot yourself in the foot with it (or shoot someone you shouldn't).99.9999% of people who own weapons chambered for these cartridges do NOT shoot what they shouldn't. Just as 99.9999% of people who buy claw hammers do not beat themselves, or others with them. So, the whole thing is rather silly (done as a publicity ploy). Note, that Wally's has not banned the sale of shotgun ammunition,which they make too much money off of to ban; and which, round for round, is far more destructive than a .223!
Hickory man claims he spotted three Bigfoots |
davknight comments on Sep 9, 2019:
I've always wondered why no one ever discovers any Bigfoot road kill???
Sarah Huckabee Sanders humiliates herself in Fox News debut []
davknight comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Her and Ivanka would be better off opening up a cupcake shop in Brooklyn. They could call it "Two Dopey Girls".
Bank accidentally puts $120,000 in couple’s account.
davknight comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Forty years ago, a car insurance company sent me a refund check for $100. I thought maybe it was a reward for being a safe driver. So, I cashed the check, and spent it. Turned out they had another customer with the exact same name as mine, that the check was intended for. But they had mailed it to me, in error. Well, they tried for weeks to get me to return it. But I kept explaining to them that they had made it out to me, and the US Postal Service delivered it to my address (making it legally mine). Therefore, that was their tough luck. Eventually, they stopped calling me; and I never heard any more about it.
Would the discovery of living beings on other planets make earth's religions irrelevant?
davknight comments on Sep 9, 2019:
I suppose it would depend on the aliens' level of technological evolution. If they were Stone Age, or Early Bronze Age, Earth-bound religions would see them as potential converts. If Iron Age or later, Earth-bound religions would view them with greater caution, and suspicion.
They need to bring back some of these old stores again.
davknight comments on Sep 7, 2019:
Because of Trump's China tariffs, there will soon be Five and Ten DOLLAR stores!
I have never been a person who likes small talk much, I would much rather have a deeper, thought ...
davknight comments on Sep 7, 2019:
Does the left hand REALLY know what the right hand did/ does/ is about to do? What is the why,of the now, of the how,of the wow, of the inside, of the outside, of the internal, of the infernal, of the carnal depths? (How's that?).
Here’s who could lose food stamps under Trump’s proposed changes | PBS NewsHour
davknight comments on Sep 7, 2019:
You can expect to see more seniors dumpster-diving!
I remember my brother using this product.
davknight comments on Sep 7, 2019:
I think this was ordinary shaving foam, marketed as a toy.
Anyone remember whose first movie this song comes from? []
davknight comments on Sep 7, 2019:
Liza Minelli, in "The Sterile Cuckoo"?
davknight comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Meteorologist? No. But he might be able to open up a cupcake shop, with Ivanka, after she gets out of Federal prison, and her Daddy gets out of the asylum!
davknight comments on Sep 5, 2019:
One of his aides used the sharpie. Trump is too dumb to locate Alabama on a map!
Well I never, anybody here ever had a lucky bird? 🤔
davknight comments on Sep 5, 2019:
What happens when its bladder gets full?
Well I never, anybody here ever had a lucky bird? 🤔
davknight comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Did atheism somehow cause - or contribute to - the rise of science?
davknight comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Cynicism is the origin of good science.
Will You Still Love You When You're No Longer Young and Beautiful?
davknight comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Being able to still "love" as you get older, is not a problem. But the older you get, the harder it is to find someone to love you back.
Can anyone tell me how 3 can be half of 8?
davknight comments on Sep 4, 2019:
By adding a decimal, and a bunch of 9' s after the decimal!
College Care Package
davknight comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Ramen noodles!
Gun control seems impossible in the states, but ammunition control could be beneficial.
davknight comments on Sep 4, 2019:
I once saw a documentary about black market gun makers in Pakistan, who, without any power-tools at all, can manufacture working replicas of most any modern firearm. In urban-industrial countries, where there is no shortage of metal-removing machines, machine tools, or raw materials, so much more is possible. During the CIA-sponsored war in Nicaragua, CIA set up small-arms manufacturing shops on a Southern California Indian reservation, and produced rifles, pistols, and machineguns, to ship to the Contras. (They had to make their own, to get around Congress cutting off the arms supply). And all of them were free of any identifying marks, or serial numbers.So far as ammunition goes, spent brass for reloading, is in practically endless supply. So, if the modern-day "redcoats" try to steal our guns, we can always manufacture them. That goes for Australians, and Britons too, where there probably already are underground small arms workshops in existence. There was an author named Bill Holmes, who wrote a slew of books on how to manufacture your own guns, out of scrap metal. His books are probably still available on Amazon. You can outlaw anything you want. But you can't outlaw Knowledge! One question: Since you are in Australia, why are you so eager to see the American working class disarmed?
While I love the irony that the meme implies, I'm also struck by a more personal story.
davknight comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Modern solar-powered yard lights would make wicked-ass darts!
First night back in Canada.
davknight comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Be glad you're not dyslexic. After my first flight, someone asked me what was wrong; and I blurted out "Let Jag"!
For The First Time, Physicists Have Observed a Giant Magnetic 'Bridge' Between Galaxies
davknight comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Hmmm. Kind of like Trans-Atlantic cable, in its day!
National Weather Service scrambles after Trump wrongly tells millions in Alabama to brace for ...
davknight comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Trumpy says the Weather Service is wrong! And that it could very well have hit Alabama, because it is just one state over from the Bahamas!
I am curious what is the general consensus in this community on the notion of death and then the ...
davknight comments on Sep 3, 2019:
We need public Cryogenics storage facilities. That way, we could send our precious bodily essences to be frozen for posterity, and we could all enjoy 'eternal life'.
Lisa @Livinlife and I spent the day in Tawas today.
davknight comments on Sep 3, 2019:
This was once the site of an Ottawa town. English traders referred to it as the 'Tawas town'.Hence, it's name.
Beto O’Rourke says AK-47 and AR-15 owners will ‘have to sell them to the government’ if he ...
davknight comments on Sep 3, 2019:
If they tried that in Switzerland, the whole country would fall over laughing at them!
Beto O’Rourke says AK-47 and AR-15 owners will ‘have to sell them to the government’ if he ...
davknight comments on Sep 3, 2019:
They tried that in Vancouver, B.C. once. I think they got THREE respondents. They also tried it in Los Angeles, where all they got were stolen, or broken guns Most gun owners are too smart for that trick!
What's the most "poetic" line or two of poetry that you can remember?
davknight comments on Sep 3, 2019:
My heart's in the Highlands My heart is not here My heart's in the Highlands A chasin the deer. (Robert Burns)
My anti Trump sign in my front yard trashed. Custom sign I designed and bought from CafePress.
davknight comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Cover it in barbed wire, and hire a neighborhood dog to go pooh all around it!
Step inside this abandoned old house untouched for 40 years
davknight comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Looks spooky!
more Israeli war crimes []
davknight comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Notice nobody complains about Israel's 60-100 nukes?