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Humanist, secularist, intersectional feminist, demisexual, BLM and LGTBQ+ ally.

I am averse to controlling people or people that do not respect my boundaries. I may not have a profile picture up for personal reasons. I don't care if everyone in the world had a profile picture up, I'm not going to do something just because others do it! Just like I wouldn't jump off a bridge because everyone is doing it. So kindly do not demand I post a pic or ask me for a picture of myself. K thanks bye

"Could dress up to get love, But guess what?
I'm never gonna be that girl,
Who's living in a Barbie World

Could wake up and make up and dumb,
Pretending that I need a boy,
Who's gonna treat me like a toy...

But I don't wanna be the puppet that you're playing on a string..

Full Bio


Five people live in this house and not one of us noticed my dog (Meredith) was pregnant until 4 DAYS...
demifeministgal comments on Feb 6, 2020:
You MUST share puppy pictures! aaah :D
Speech to text technology will change the way people talk.
demifeministgal comments on Feb 12, 2020:
It needs to be improved to better be able to understand accents. IT often gets my friend's words wrong due to his hispanic accent and sometimes it does not understand what I am saying even though I am a native english speaker! >:/
Can sex overcome religion? You know what I mean!
demifeministgal comments on Feb 12, 2020:
I do not know what you meant. :s As in can one ignore one's religiosity to have sex with them? I guess others can. I currently cannot do so.
“Study: 80% of Americans Believe Political Correctness Is a Problem” [google.
demifeministgal comments on Feb 13, 2020:
Soo 80% of americans are morons that do not understand "identity politics" and "PC culture" then? Cool. Not surprising. One of the worst public educational systems (elementary and high school) in the developed world.
I want nothing, I feel nothing, and I don't care.
demifeministgal comments on Feb 18, 2020:
This sounds like a low of depression. Those traits of isolating yourself and seeing life as all dark and gloomy are tell-tale signs of a deep low. Do you think that you would be willing to try group support for people with depression/anxiety? Those are often offered for free and so you would not lose co-pay. I have found myself feeling the urge to get things done and energized after going to such meetings the same as I did after counselling sessions. The first step would be to research such services closeby to you when you are having less of a fatigue filled, hopeless-feeling, don't want to do anything for self-care day.
What it's like to describe porn for a blind audience.
demifeministgal comments on Feb 19, 2020:
what made you interested in this topic if you do not watch porn though? Was it recommended to you by someone or by a news agency? :S
I Went to a Nude Beach, and It Wasn't Weird | POPSUGAR Love & Sex
demifeministgal comments on Feb 21, 2020:
I suppose status symbols would not be a thing, unless people wear their fancy watches or jewelery to nudist beaches. I wonder if there is still inequality in regards to body size at nude beaches though.... where fat or obese people are looked down upon and judged harshly compared to slim, toned or muscley nudists.
I was fired from my job this morning.
demifeministgal comments on Feb 21, 2020:
ooh no! All of your hard work and progress for what?! I was really proud of and intrigued by your success story. I hope to read about more great things in your future!
Goodnight - Monday is coming... It has been a lazy weekend!
demifeministgal comments on Feb 24, 2020:
same here... was still sick and trying to recover... lazy weekends FTW
This is my dog.
demifeministgal comments on Feb 24, 2020:
dawww puppyyyy! :D <3
More like in the early twenties.🤣
demifeministgal comments on Feb 24, 2020:
Noooope. Fck that. No pain for this gal. :)
I have been struggling with my mental health lately and will be starting Intensive Outpatient ...
demifeministgal comments on Feb 24, 2020:
IF you don't mind, can you tell me what "intensive Outpatient therapy" actually is and what it entails? :S
Things NOT to put on your profile 3 times widow - WLTM guy into wild mushrooms - Object marriage...
demifeministgal comments on Feb 24, 2020:
Then there are those posts from men that lecture women how to act and how not to act. Literally nothing written about themselves, just telling the ladies to DO THIS! And DON'T DO THAT! Like are you trying to date or are you just a low budget, really crappy life coach?!!
A post by @Lorajay on her new promotion to the next level set me thinking.
demifeministgal comments on Feb 24, 2020:
I do not think mine will be accurate since I did not become active in the community until like half a year or a year later. And it works out to a ppd rate of 52
Ladies! Could you, would you, after being Seriously cheated on for decades by your ...
demifeministgal comments on Feb 25, 2020:
I cannot even imagine being cheated on for decades and for someone to be such a good liar that they leave no clues or red flags. But when an ex in the past confessed to cheating, and tried to downplay its seriousness by saying it wasn't sex (idiot) I dumped him. So idk if I'd give a self-proclaimed cheater a chance.
demifeministgal comments on Feb 25, 2020:
"Intellectually, I enjoyed that Ian was rejecting gender norms and expectations. But physically, my desire didn’t match." I think I suffer with this same issue. I support men that break traditional gender norms/roles, but I find myself uncomfy with feminine appearing straight, cis-men. I am wondering if it is baggage from being raised by very stereotypically gender conforming parents as well as being raised catholic. Hopefully with time, I will get over myself.
I highly recommend this. I did this, best thing I ever did.
demifeministgal comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Does this apply to city folk too? where we have more than 10 people or 2 bars on ONE street sometimes? ;) I jest. Ofc it does
It may be time for me to sign up for online dating again.
demifeministgal comments on Feb 26, 2020:
There is an important lesson in here. Once it was revealed that he was a liar, which was the case after he fessed up to you about the gf, when they "broke up" and he came running to ya, you shoulda refused him. Personally, I would not be able to date someone that had lied about something like that because I would feel like what else is he lying about. Such flaky two-faced guys do not deserve 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. how many chances women give them. Nope fck em. I am glad you had a good experience with her at least. When I found out about a secret relationship with an ex and told the woman who was in love with him, the psycho bich turned on me. In the end, they deserved each other and it has made me wary of helping any woman ever again in this type of situation as they will drown me with them! :/
😜Yes, no, maybe?
demifeministgal comments on Feb 26, 2020:
girl, you clearly have a thing for tattoos. cut that out missy! :p
Do you think your lack of God affects how you feel about the insults of aging?
demifeministgal comments on Feb 26, 2020:
I do not look back fondly at life 20 years prior not only because I was a religious but also because who was in my life at the time. I cannot say there is a time in my life where I look back and reflect positively on it.... yet. Who knows if I will live long enough for that to ever happen. That's my view. XD
FINALLY! Today is stage 2 of our move to West Richland – a process that we started almost 2 ...
demifeministgal comments on Feb 26, 2020:
aww this is like a romance movie/novel but in real life. How sweet! :) Now I wanna know, who's the lucky user?? ;)
Sometimes you just have to go with the "Real" you ladies.
demifeministgal comments on Feb 29, 2020:
lies.... it's all lies! :p
Such truth in a meme!
demifeministgal comments on Mar 2, 2020:
ughhh yes.... so sick of toxic fam members undoing any progress made... it is like I go 1 step forward and those fckers hurl me 2 steps back :/
So months ago a guy from an online dating site struck up a conversation with me.
demifeministgal comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Honestly there are way more people, particularily religious, that had kids because their faith prohibited them from having abortions, and then they end up resenting or neglecting the kid and parenthood. So this does not surprise me in the least.
Look deeply into my eyes.
demifeministgal comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Nope... would tell him to go shave his damn face and no doubt, his hairy chest XD
I work the night shift in a Sleep Disorders Clinic and I have done this for the past 28 years.
demifeministgal comments on Mar 11, 2020:
I was hoping that I had sleep apnea or some breathing issue. Sadly I do not and had 2 sleeping tests done cuz the first one was kind of short. I guess I am one of those "lucky ones" that has genuinely real insomnia that is untreatable :(
The WebMD article "10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex" makes me want to cry.
demifeministgal comments on Mar 13, 2020:
Also, a few decades ago makes me think you had these affairs when she was still willing to have sex with you. I think you should tell her and let her decide if she wants to remain with you. Seems like you want to have your cake and eat it too, aka be in a monogamous relationship and cheat on said partner behind their backs. :/ Cheaters suck and if you kept this information from her, that is unethical imo.
OK So who is hiding at home from Covid19?
demifeministgal comments on Mar 13, 2020:
I'm not. That would be like a prison sentence or torture for me. And yea grocery stores are full of damn people and shelves are getting pretty empty here.
I feel so down on my luck.
demifeministgal comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Perhaps it is not just church based. Perhaps you are just a demisexual like me and you should not try to be something you are not, namely, one that engages in casual sex.
🐯 Rawr! Dark chocolate anyone?
demifeministgal comments on Mar 16, 2020:
yeaaa but we'd need to shave that face first... then perfect ;)
Hot doctors - Part 1 - I chose 9.. Which number is your favorite?
demifeministgal comments on Mar 24, 2020:
I like number 8 need to see more like him in such lists ;)
demifeministgal comments on Mar 24, 2020:
It is a fact that this epidemic has lead to increases in abuse since the abuser is at home and the abused gets no relief or time away from their abuser.
Trump is the most dangerous man in the world! [m.
demifeministgal comments on Mar 25, 2020:
capitalistic, corporatist sleaze bag. I do not buy in to the conspiracies that claim covid-19 was developed by govts to kill off the population... but DAMN if anyone was trying to kill off segments of his population in the name of profits, it would be Drumpf.
Guy on here "Just a warning, I frequently will bash the modern western woman and feminist stupidity.
demifeministgal comments on Mar 25, 2020:
He's probably one of those "alpha" males that only will date asians because he thinks they will be submissive to him and cannot tolerate a woman that will not put up with or tolerate his crap. Also, odds are he knows absolutely nothing about feminism and how it has helped women and men throughout history. The loudest ignoramuses online try to present themselves as super logical.... but if you've ever bothered to engage them in a logical debate (I have) they are incapable of being logical themselves and end up being hypocrites.
The world squandered its first opportunity to stop the COVID-19.
demifeministgal comments on Mar 26, 2020:
With a dumbass president overly concerned with profits over human lives, I would put my money on yes. He will fck things up
Summary of my Dating Life
demifeministgal comments on Mar 27, 2020:
But what if you found an out of shape man that was an "intelligent man with a great sense of humor who treats me with respect and kindness." Is it possible that your overemphasis on a trim and toned body is leading to so many relationship failures?? Like the attraction is prioritized over the quality of the man?
Goodnight - we're getting 'out of the house' with movie night tonight.
demifeministgal comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I went grocery shopping to various stores to take advantage of various sales and avoided the subways and buses because the homeless are sleeping there now and I am paranoid. I got Subway for dinner. Tried to call purolator to deal with a package delivery problem-- as usual, cuz FCK puralotor-- but they were closed. Sent em an email but will try again tomorrow. Netflix binging ensues :D
Hoarders gonna hoard
demifeministgal comments on Mar 29, 2020:
If we are gonna hoard, do they offer this in caramel or milk chocolate flavour ;) Or am I stuck with plain vanilla? :( XD
Just broke off an 11 year friendship (with a self proclaimed Christian of course) over this.
demifeministgal comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I think her bf was being disrespectful because he should not be getting in on making those kinds of "jokes" against his gf. ESPECIALLY if she asked him to stop that because it is hurting her feelings. Basically he has demonstrated to her FCK YO FEELINGS! This shit makes me laugh! And that is a toxic trait and red flag. As a social worker I do hope you learn to acknowledge peoples' feelings and lived experiences. Just because you think something is no big deal, does not mean your clients will not. Particularily if it is a trigger for your client, as it may have been with your ex friend. I know some things that bother me many would dismiss as no big deal. But if it is linked to my trauma and triggers it IS A DAMN BIG DEAL TO ME.
Just broke off an 11 year friendship (with a self proclaimed Christian of course) over this.
demifeministgal comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I would say ya should have delayed replying to her until you were calm and collected. Your anxiety got you in a bad mood and then you both lashed out at one another. You were not in the head space to be supportive. That is fine. Better to have just said hey I'll talk to you tomorrow okay? Instead of the 1-liner replies. I have been on both ends of this due to my own anxiety and try to let close friends know to talk later or in a bit or tell them when I am anxious so they know I am not gonna be a good shoulder to lean on atm. I have also gotten mad at others for not being there for me as I felt they should have when they had their own drama. Luckily, they told me what was going on in their lives and we were able to resolve once both of us had calmed and discussed things. But these types of convos are best done over the phone or in person. So much gets lost in text and you both seemed aggressive and passive aggressive in the texts here.
[] Why women 60 and over cope with a crisis and emerge stronger than ever?
demifeministgal comments on Mar 30, 2020:
That is good for the women over 60 crowd :)
I made the decision to delete all my dating app accounts.
demifeministgal comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Congrats on being introspective enough to make this discovery about yourself. In the interim, you can try and work on your self-esteem and self-worth alongside talking to one man at a time. It does not have to be either/or. Check out this article with some good tips and an EXCELLENT ted talk that I may share with the site.
I surely hate to see families break up because DNA tests reveal that mama had an indiscretion years ...
demifeministgal comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Considering that divorce rates have declined and that boomer have the largest divorce rates, while millenials have the lowest divorce or marriage rates, I would say it is the old(er) giddy newly weds that cannot make things last. XD
Madeline is 4 months old now.
demifeministgal comments on Apr 5, 2020:
LOL we all still have to tell kirby to LEEEAVE IT! And NO BITING! and give him doggy time outs. He's a perpetual rebel of a dog.
Is a Spanish Covid_19 vaccine just 5 weeks away? []
demifeministgal comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Probably not 5 weeks because rigorous testing and trials are required. Does not mean it cannot be discovered in spain though. Any country is fair play at this moment in time.
Does anyone have experience with adult ADHD?
demifeministgal comments on Apr 6, 2020:
I think it is for sure a disorder. And if it severely effects your ability to lead a normal life or care for yourself, can be classified as a disability. But that would be more in regards to severe forms of ADD/ADHD I think. Like you said it's a spectrum. Just like there are high functioning and low functioning people with autism, the same may apply to your disorder.
I love outdoor sex.
demifeministgal comments on Apr 6, 2020:
sounds like an exhibitionist fetish. Though you should get consent from your watcher for that not force people not interested in seeing you have sex to happen to see you doing it.
Goodnight - phew people don't understand social distancing yet.
demifeministgal comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Some people are bloody obtuse with personal space. When I was grocery shopping on saturday I kept distancing from an east asian couple and they kept moving closer and closer to me. They didn't take the hint and so I went to another aisle in frustration and decided to come back when they were gone.
I wonder.
demifeministgal comments on Apr 9, 2020:
No. In the case of catholicism is just gives many women hangups and repression issues cuz all of the sex shame is targetted at women instead of at men. Even what I am in to many would consider vanilla or a mild kink versus how in my mind they are these terrible, non-normal deviances. coming to terms with things was a very slow process thanks to the shaming and fear-mongering "sex ed" catholic schools provided me with in addition to my stpd parents.
Goodnight - and now for something entirely different: []
demifeministgal comments on Apr 9, 2020:
It's like a creepy underwater chameleon :S
Today was a good mental day.
demifeministgal comments on Apr 10, 2020:
You drew that from your imagination or memory? That's quite the talent.
“The wise man regulates his conduct by the theories both of religion and science.
demifeministgal comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Nope. A scientific theory differs significantly from layman's theory. Nice sentiment but wrong. and science is not an art form it is about evidence and data and repeatable research. Religion is like fictional stories or narratives.
Wuhon, Chinese, Covid-19, Corona? Think the globe would be on board naming it Covfefe-45?
demifeministgal comments on Apr 13, 2020:
It is not a chinese virus. Only racists with agendas have called it that. It has never been nor will it ever be a "Chinese Flu". Just sayin'. Fck Drumpf
What would your rock say?
demifeministgal comments on Apr 13, 2020:
You are sure? I have not seen said rocks in my area. Maybe a country thing? Or an American thing? :S
💡 Agree or disagree? Any comments?
demifeministgal comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Not necessarily. I cannot tell you the amount of old and stupid I personally know and encounter on a daily basis. Sadly, old is not a guarantee of wisdom! On the other hand, not everyone was young and "Stupid". There are wise "old souls" amongst the young. Not to mention, some young are just inexperienced or misinformed/uninformed, and not necessarily dumb. I prefer a more nuanced look at things than this cliche offers.
I have a tendency to delete any post I make that hasn't gotten any replies within a few hours.
demifeministgal comments on Apr 14, 2020:
My posts tend to be me ranting or asking for advice or about some controversial topic. And then I get messages of advice or support or I get people debating and arguing with me on and on. That's my secret to lots of replies. :p ;)
Searching for a soulmate is futile. Your thoughts?
demifeministgal comments on Apr 15, 2020:
I can't recall ever believing in soul mates, even as a young teen. Although perhaps I was not a romantic and what I saw around me in terms of "relationships" made me jaded from a young age? hehe! idk. I think there are multiple people out there who we have shared values with and there is that shared attraction and willingness to have open and honest communication with. Whatever the odds are of finding said persons I do not know, but I think our mentality, our health, our life circumstances (ie whether we are in survival mode or thriving mode), and many other variables impact whether we find or date or bond with said compatible people.
My favorite sex position is called a lot of people in the middle of the day
demifeministgal comments on Apr 15, 2020:
"My favorite sex position is called.... potential energy." How symbolic. ;) Though I would think it'd be something along the lines of depleting energy.... if it's any good ;) heh
Hello Canadian friends! As a Dutchie I had a question because i don't get allot of news about ...
demifeministgal comments on Apr 16, 2020:
For starters, we have PRIME MINISTERS, not presidents. And things are going okay. I think we have reached the peak or will reach the peak and our state of emergency in various provinces has been extended until May 14. Trudeau is finally out of his voluntary home isolation--- his wife contracted covid-19 and he stayed home for a few weeks just in case.
demifeministgal comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Which is why couples need to be doubling up on their birth control methods (aka use 2 or more forms of birth control) during this epidemic. Try not to produce a fetus during a viral epidemic, of all times!
Hey y'all, Some douche is going around messaging women a stpd message.
demifeministgal comments on Apr 17, 2020:
replied with a combination of things and reported/blocked him. Thanks everyone :D
I don't understand why dating has to be so hard for me.
demifeministgal comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Yea. There are too many man-childs that play games and act like they hate games and dishonesty but all they do is lie and play games. I keep hoping as men age they do less of this shit and outgrow it. But from stories from older ladies here, my odds are not going to get any better! heh
Are one through nine spelled out?
demifeministgal comments on Apr 23, 2020:
Okay. Maybe useful for current students. Not useful for me anymore. heh
I don't mean to be a downer, but I kind of need to just .
demifeministgal comments on Apr 23, 2020:
I think the messiness is a red flag because it may be seen as a sign of not being grown up enough to clean up after yourself. The majority of household labour is still being done by women and women do not want to be picking up after a man and their kids. I sense it is not appealing to be your caretaker or maid, and that is what a woman may see when she sees a messy adult man. Especially if the woman is a neat freak or super neat, you two would be incompatible lifestyle match.
demifeministgal comments on Apr 24, 2020:
It must be difficult being a doggy in isolation for over 3 years.... was this self isolation or doctor's orders type of isolation?
My wife is from a very conservative religious background, and she isn't able to admit to me (if not ...
demifeministgal comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Soo are you just upset because of the hypocrisy and her being jealous and ruining her good time? Or, on your end, are you a bit jealous as well when she checks out guys in front of you?
I had a fun afternoon today.
demifeministgal comments on Apr 25, 2020:
How creative and fun... your gf is a lucky gal that you'd put so much time and effort in to celebrating her day during a pandemic... hope she knows how lucky she is ;)
I had coronavirus! It is caught very easily and is transmitted by mucous secretions (coughing and ...
demifeministgal comments on Apr 26, 2020:
I disagree with always respecting our elders as some are toxic and abusive and deserve no respect. Glad to hear you've gotten better.
demifeministgal comments on May 5, 2020:
No you are not wrong for wanting to get away and go NC (no contact) with a narcissist. I am sorry that he manipulated you with his love bombing and lured you in to living with him. Do not take shame looking for someone else to fulfill your emotional and psychological needs. Have you tried using the grey rock method with him? I used that with a parent (when I didn't snap) and it helped a bit. The narc goes to another target to get their drama needs filled. I will provide a link to an article about it. It is basically freezing the narc out and giving them the silent treatment or one word replies to stop drama. It is about picking your battles and choosing which mountain you want to die on, so to speak. People tend not to understand how terrible and debilitating life with a narc can be unless they have experienced it. This stupid positivity culture or forgiveness culture is toxic to survivors of narcissistic abuse.
I wrote this in response to a post by someone who was annoyd by a mom thanking god for her beautiful...
demifeministgal comments on May 10, 2020:
I think they are not hating against all moms. It is a very specific type of sanctimommy (be honest you've seen them) that act like child bearing and pregnancy is some miracle or gift (if almost anyone can do it, it's not a damn miracle) and DO behave like kids made them better people. And talk about others like the ONLY way they could be good people, is if or once they have kid(s) themselves. And then that BS line of it is the most important job out there. pffft. If you are not one of those on your high horse, your kid(s) are the most special gift to the world, types of moms, it is not about you. No point in getting offended on behalf of self righteous moms, imo.
Have you ever been a victim of sexual assault?
demifeministgal comments on May 15, 2020:
I would have instinctively slapped him. And if I had a bf with friends like this he'd be in trouble just as much as the guy was, cuz he didn't do anything in my defense. Most of my sexual assaults have happened in clubs and when I was smacked in the rear in a club I slapped one guy and pushed another one hard back in to his friends. pricks.
My Grandma is Racist. She Hates Exactly Half of Me- the Latina Half.
demifeministgal comments on May 21, 2020:
She would have been popular in my high school. The latina figure was popular in my school that consisted of mainly african, carribean and latino/a students. But I lived in a diverse neighbourhood, if she grew up in white suburbia that must have been tough for her. Glad she has come to accept herself. :) And as a pale ghost :p , I cannot recall anyone asking me who I look more like.
Goodnight - I think I need a project.
demifeministgal comments on May 22, 2020:
Still better than binge watching tv series, which is what I often end up doing! :$ At least you had social engagement and human communication... keep those social skills sharp during the pandemic ;)
Goodnight - has anyone heard from Bob?
demifeministgal comments on May 24, 2020:
I thought that he had just blocked me as a member. heh I was also unfriended on fbook haha But he is making jokey posts on his facebook (fb allows you to follow people even after they unfriend you) so I guess he is okay. idk though
Texas Mayor Claims His Religious Beliefs Bar Women From Leading Public Prayer
demifeministgal comments on May 24, 2020:
Aren't y'all supposed to have separate of church and state?? Or can individual states do whatever the fck they want in that respect? If I lived there I'd tell them to keep their damn religion out of my politics!
Couldn't sleep last night.
demifeministgal comments on May 27, 2020:
Damn. That sucks. I am sensitive to external sounds and am a night owl. I use white noise sounds but you can also purchase a white noise machine if preferred. I also use ear plugs, but I know many people cannot as they bother their ears. Those are my strategies. Since I started using a heater as a teenager, the sound of a heater does not bother me. But you can also use the sound of a fan or dryer or any neutral sound to block out other sounds. This is the video I use if you are interested:
Once in a while my former partner would fall asleep while we were having sex - - hopefully from ...
demifeministgal comments on May 27, 2020:
My ex was the same. I was a night owl and he had to get up early for work. So sometimes during foreplay if things were not progressing fast enough, he'd fall asleep. I'd typical nudge or push him awake. But I would not continue anything on him if he fell asleep because, it would be a mood killer for one and secondly that is a form of rape.
When you have sexy time, is it : 1. Wildly animalistic?
demifeministgal comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Depending on time constraints and whether or not either of us has to go home or to sleep (usually him, early morning shift) we use 2 or 3.
So how to do you react to a person's Facebook and other social media posts?
demifeministgal comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Most young(er) people are still about flaunting their good looks, nice car/house, delicious foods they've cooked or eaten and countless vacation pictures. I would say the best facebook friendships with strangers (aka people I did not previously meet in person) has been with people that have some posts about equality, justice, social/political content, latest news, etc. I mean they don't have to be as serious on their profiles as me, but if it is ALL about their vanity and ego and appearances, I tend to unfollow.
Prompted by calls to 'give grace' to cop who killed George Floyd, black activists question the rush ...
demifeministgal comments on Jun 3, 2020:
BULLSHIT. You do not have to forgive someone that is not remorseful, has not made ammends and is, quite frankly, not deserving of forgiveness. I dislike this toxic positivity culture that would have us believe you NEED to forgive to heal or move on and that forgiveness is for yourself. BULL. Sometimes you do not forgive but you still heal and move on nonetheless. This religious teaching is internalized and practiced/recommended by TOO MANY non-believers too. It is frustrating.
Goodnight - phew a humid one here.
demifeministgal comments on Jun 4, 2020:
humid here too and our damn building AC broke... so I had to go out and buy a fan. And they are boarding up all the stores here. :( Like a war. Crazy times. Alot of grocery shopping done today. Tomorrow laundry :)
Goodnight - Well I had my annual physical today - the Dr looked down at his notes "I see you've ...
demifeministgal comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Sometimes doctors are not careful with their wording. My former doctor always remarked on my paleness and how I look sickly. I mean we are both frign polish, of course we are a pale as fck people! He should have known better. I always had to convince him no I am not sick this is my natural colour (or lack thereof)
Life insurance saved my daughter's sanity and life.
demifeministgal comments on Jun 6, 2020:
ughh what a POS. And you always spoke so fondly of them and their marriage/relationship. I guess he was one of those behind closed doors abuser types. fckng asswipe. I despise abuser(s) and I'd kick him myself for her. XD Hope she recovers and regains her former self. :)
If you had a Trump supporter walk through your door, with a MAGA hat on what would you do?
demifeministgal comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Tell him to go back to Murica... we don't want his kind here! :p jking
Goodnight - So I decided I'd run a fever for a few days and turn my life upside down.
demifeministgal comments on Jun 15, 2020:
Be sure to practice self-care during these stressful times. Get well soon! :)
Hi, I'm new to the group.
demifeministgal comments on Jun 15, 2020:
Have you considered seeking counselling/therapy or a support group of fellow estranged fathers to help you cope with and process the anguish you feel? It may prove to be beneficial, especially knowing you are not alone and others can relate and understand you. There are free support groups and sliding scale (ie based on income) counselling in my region. I suggest researching if such options are available where you live.
Our law enforcement has killed one white person who was a mass murderer and eight indigenous people ...
demifeministgal comments on Jun 17, 2020:
Yup. I've told americans that our Indigenous are treated as poorly as African Americans in the states. They make up the majority of people in our prisons, they make up a huge portion of the street homeless in cities (like mine) and they have terrible rates of poverty and poor access to health or food when they live in food deserts or on reserves up north. This is all backed by criminal justice and homelessness and poverty data by the way. I learned about this in my criminology and sociology courses.
Goodnight - I am over my Covid scare (Negative) - and now trying to figure out what kind of bug I ...
demifeministgal comments on Jun 20, 2020:
yaay! good for you! congrats *virtual high five*
Gay couple is hot []
demifeministgal comments on Jun 20, 2020:
the inclusion of the spawn ruins it for me! blegh... keep kids out of pics meant to turn people on xD
Who is the "i" that hates the self. Who is the "i" that loves the self?
demifeministgal comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Thought and feelings are manifestations of the brain and sometimes a chemical or hormonal reaction (ie mood disorders, menstruation, pregnancy, etc.). while these buddhist-type musings are nice, they are ignorant of neurobiology and neurochemistry.
What’s your geographic range for dating?
demifeministgal comments on Jun 30, 2020:
I don't even drive and I'd be okay with dating someone an hour or more (I live in a huge city) so long as we'd meet in halfway points, or, if he drove, he'd come closer to where I live. So far it has not been an issue since my city and its surrounding cities have a large enough dating population that I do not have to venture outwards.
Goodnight - not sure if I'll sleep tonight I seriously overdid at the store today.
demifeministgal comments on Jul 6, 2020:
I visited with my furry nephew kirby to celebrate his birthday with him. He got bone treats and running between us at the park and to see his best human friend FINALLY.... had not seen him since before the emergency lockdown in march. He was soo happy and jumpy
I'm returning to this after a few years so technically not a newbie, i engaged for a whole week last...
demifeministgal comments on Jul 6, 2020:
WTF?! This is what I have to look forward to?? extended testes and nose hairs?! goddam it this birthday will be a difficult transition indeed! :p ;) *that's the joke* But according to your post, I've been 30 in spirit for a long time already, was never a drinker (only for social occasions) and have been sleeping my life away since my teen years. heh Conclusion I should be just fine this new year of life. :D yay me?
Who likes spanking, giving or receiving... ?
demifeministgal comments on Jul 7, 2020:
nah. My ex used to like it. He'd playfully do so outside of the context of sex. He finally outgrew not respecting my boundaries when he got a swat at his testes for it >: D and when I told him not respecting such boundaries makes me wary of if he would be capable of rape. Then, when I got high and told him he could do so gently, he wasn't into it anymore. Makes me think he just liked doing it cuz I was saying no. Then when he got the green light to do so, it lost its appeal.
Florida Teen Dies After Mother Took Her to Church Coronavirus Party, Then Treated Her With ...
demifeministgal comments on Jul 7, 2020:
I hope she gets charged with murder or manslaughter or neglect or some sort of crime!
Goodnight - What a day! I'm glad there are chances for better ones this week.
demifeministgal comments on Jul 14, 2020:
Yesss. preach it! Edibles are everything! I had a terribly stressful week last week and only with the help of an edible over the weekend did my anxiety FINALLY reduce and I finally was free of the fight or flight response after 7 whole days of it!
I recently began watching and/or listening to ASMR videos on YouTube.
demifeministgal comments on Jul 14, 2020:
My friend has asked me if I've ever watched those. I have not. Do you find it is helpful for anxiety? Particularily the negative thought loops one's mind can create?
I wanna know
demifeministgal comments on Jul 14, 2020:
No. A religious or conservative upbringing may try to convince you otherwise. But sex is about so much more than procreation. It is about bonding and intimacy (for me) and for others it is a stress reliever or a release of sorts.
Goodnight- Sleeping standing up.
demifeministgal comments on Jul 18, 2020:
it's sooo cute... my sis and her bf have chinchilla's they are soo soft... though their hair falls out lol
In loving memory of my daughter, Lorrae Kathleen, ( aka 'Wild Thing/Sasquatch,' You'd be 36 years ...
demifeministgal comments on Jul 18, 2020:
I am sorry for your loss... you seem like an incredible father and any kid would be blessed to have a parent like you... she was super lucky while she had you in her life. :)


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