Born in the USA, 1947. Graduated from Philadelphia College of Art, 1968. Have been a Teacher, Poet, Photographer, Film maker, Singer-Songwriter-Solo performer, School Bus Driver.
Hobbies: writing, bicycling, wind surfing, painting and drawing, Trading on E-Bay. I could best be described as a Skeptic and my motto is "Question Authority".......I chose this quote from Robertson Davies (Canadian author) to clarify my belief: "The real skeptic lives in a constant atmosphere of carefully balanced dubiety about everything; he will not accept that there are satisfactory grounds for acquiescence in any statement or proposition whatever. Of course, if some fool tells him that it is a fine day he will probably nod because he hasn't time to haggle with the fool over what he means by a word like fine. But in all important issues he reserves his judgement." (The Rebel Angels)....This tends to make me somewhat unpopular with certain people. When someone asks me rhetorically, "How are you doing" I usually tell them, and am usually ignored.