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Do you refuse to attend religious ceremonies of family and/or friends?
freedom41 comments on Jun 10, 2018:
Since i haven't been invited to any of that in years, it hasn't been a problem. I don't think I would go if i was invited.
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
freedom41 comments on Jun 10, 2018:
Flat out telling them your an atheist is the best way. You have the right to believe in whatever you like. If some people want to believe in fairy tales it's there right and rest of us who believe in non fairy tales that is our right to do so.
For 4 years I went to two different schools that did an individual pacing system.
freedom41 comments on Jun 10, 2018:
It sounds very odd and strict. I went to a christain high school and it was nothing like that. I hope that system didn't screw you up.
How have people came to their atheistic or agnostic or views
freedom41 comments on Jun 9, 2018:
Having religion shoved down your throat as a child by family. Then told only on sects beliefs are correct. It's our choice to believe in the bs or not. Religion is one reasons I'm still single. It's my choice on which gender I marry.
How has your life improved since leaving religion?
freedom41 comments on Jun 9, 2018:
Don't have worry about a deity(which doesn't exist) above watching my every move I make, sleeping in on Sundays, more money to work with, not feeling ashamed about my sexuality, and throwing the book of mormon in the trash felt pretty good as well.
Hello! I’m a 64-year old recently separated woman living in Richmond VA with my 24-year old son ...
freedom41 comments on Jun 9, 2018:
Welcome to our community of free thinkers. Feel free to ask me about the web site I will try to help the best I can.
Pride month keeps us more busy than usual and much warmer weather is here.
freedom41 comments on Jun 9, 2018:
I wish I could wake up to him every morning. That would be so great.
This guy thinks the reproductive organs of a woman are Satan! I can't wait to hear everyone's ...
freedom41 comments on Jun 8, 2018:
That boy is still a virgin. Nobody thinks sex is evil.
Suicidal Tendencies?
freedom41 comments on Jun 8, 2018:
Yes, I believe the suicide rate is going up in the country. There is a lot people of people that feel that there no hope for them in world. Religion is part of reason why the rate is up. They frown on certain people. I'm sure there number of people that have felt sucidal in some point in there life.
If you found out the Christian God of the bible was real, would you worship him?
freedom41 comments on Jun 8, 2018:
It would take a near death experience for me to consider believing in him again. God loves all his children is a lie. I'm living proof that he does not.
What is worst religion or sexism?
freedom41 comments on Jun 8, 2018:
It's pretty 50/50 with choices up there. You can't have one without the other. That's one of the reasons the world is so screwed up.
Wake Up America! Where Are Your Values?
freedom41 comments on Jun 7, 2018:
The values in this country have gone hill in recent years. Look at the ninny in the oval office. He claims to be religious. Which is the biggest lie he told to get elected. I can't be only one that thinks so. I hope he doesn't get a second term. I can't blame it all on one man. Part of the blame is on religious 2 faced people of this country.
Wow! After feeling so isolated in this crazy religious freedom shitstorm of a year, it sure feels ...
freedom41 comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Welcome to our community. I hope you find it as fulfilling as I have.
Atheists Are Sometimes More Religious Than Christians - The Atlantic
freedom41 comments on Jun 7, 2018:
We don't worship an deity that is why atheists are not a religion. There nothing wrong with us coming to socialize or start an atheist movement to get rid religion from the world or at least the country.
Meaning of existence
freedom41 comments on Jun 7, 2018:
We are free from the bs religion which brings meaning to our lives. That is what I believe at least.
This explains it all
freedom41 comments on Jun 7, 2018:
That's the bible in a nut shell. Along with the other lies written in it. It blows my mind that so many fools believe it to be full of the truth.
What's your favorite ridiculous Bible verse?
freedom41 comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Any verse that frowns on the gay community.
More harmful
freedom41 comments on Jun 5, 2018:
I think it is more harmful to women than children. God blames Eve for what Adam ate from that tree. Many religious cults believe women are a lower form of life. That is just wrong on so many levels. We are all equals.
freedom41 comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I think it can in the short term, but not in the long term. At some point one is going to change the others mind.
Too Much Information
freedom41 comments on Jun 4, 2018:
At some point I let it go in one ear and right out the other. That way you don't upset the person speaking to you.
Jesus not only hated the Jewish religious leaders but also hated the gentiles.
freedom41 comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Your post is true and full of helpful info. Thank you for sharing it.
Is life meaningful without religion?
freedom41 comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Yes, I find it more meaningful. You value your life more, since you can't go imaginary place when you die. Despite what the religious fools may tell you.
Televangelist asking for $54 million jet []
freedom41 comments on Jun 4, 2018:
oh hell no. That old bastard doesn't need that.
Reasons to Remain Single
freedom41 comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I'm single by choice for the most part. I do enjoy it for most part. However, I do want find a special someone to spend the rest of life with. No matter what there gender might be. That one of the reasons I'm on this website.
How does one cope with being the only non religious person in their entire extended family and ...
freedom41 comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I know the feeling, because I'm in the same boat. I hope to come out one day about my beliefs,etc.
Tolerance and Celebration !
freedom41 comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Thank you for that nice post. It's nice that some people are open minded about sexual preference and idenity. I wish there more open minded people out in the world.
Does anyone think if we get serious that we will be able to save the earth from overheating?
freedom41 comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I think we can save the world from over heating, if enough of us pull our heads out of ass and do something. At the very least slow down the damage to planet. I would like to see the 22nd century.
I have been out as bisexual for years.
freedom41 comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Life is a journey full of discovery and acceptance for all people. I'm glad your parents were more open minded than mine. I know mine would react just the opposite of yours. Only one person knows off this web site that I'm gay.
Who or what?
freedom41 comments on Jun 3, 2018:
A family member telling what sect of faith I should believe in. It's a person choice to be an non believer or a religious fool. I prefer the term atheist for me.
When it will ends
freedom41 comments on Jun 3, 2018:
At least an 100 years or so.
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
freedom41 comments on Jun 3, 2018:
We might be able to change there minds about there brain washing. If they persist spewing there illogical bs, they should be banned from this web site.
How often do you say WTF!
freedom41 comments on Jun 3, 2018:
I started saying that a little since I became an atheist. It's just an expression.
A true liberal
freedom41 comments on Jun 3, 2018:
The bible is full of contradictions. That is one reasons I left the bs on religion/god.
Firebrand atheists
freedom41 comments on Jun 3, 2018:
I'm fairly new to our journey as well. Take it one day at a time and hope for the best.
Hypothetical: what r ur thoughts if atheists rule the world, would it b a utopia, would wars ...
freedom41 comments on Jun 3, 2018:
Your theory has merit. I would love to see what the world be like without religion.
Religious indoctrination is child abuse. Yes or no?
freedom41 comments on Jun 3, 2018:
My baptist sect wasn't as strict as yours, but I know where you are coming from. I was so blinded by the bs I couldn't see straight until I reached my early 30s and started to doubt my religious upbringing. I do wish I say the light earlier in life, like I say in many of my comments.
Yes "Roseanne" should have been cancelled.
freedom41 comments on Jun 1, 2018:
What's sad is that would have been tolarated back in the 90s. ABC would have move the show to different time slot and life would have gone on.
So today, the LDS church is celebrating 40 years of them not being racist.
freedom41 comments on Jun 1, 2018:
The closed minded need something to make feel better about themselves. Mormons still have hateful views of the gay community. They probably doing it to deflect there views on gay people. There was a time I considered the mormon cult. I'm glad I avoided that train wreck. They also deny they have a problem with pliligomy. Which we all know is a big lie.
Last Easter I posted the following photo on FB and apparently I offended some relatives.
freedom41 comments on Jun 1, 2018:
You should have left it up. I know Christains have heard of freedom of expression. That just shows how closed minded religious people are. I wish I had the courage to post that on my Facebook page. I know it would got a lot of attention.
What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)
freedom41 comments on Jun 1, 2018:
I just blow them off. You can't scared of a place with doesn't exist. Most religious are very insecure that is why they need god and religion. We are all proof that you need the bs to survive in this hateful, judgemental world of ours.All atheist are liberated from bs of religion/god.
Has anybody else lost family members over their beliefs?
freedom41 comments on Jun 1, 2018:
I think I would have a similar result with my family. Some of them are super religious. That's why I'm still a closeted atheist for the most part. I'm afraid that mom and dad would take me out of the will if I told them I'm atheist. So, I hope one day come out at full one day with my new beliefs.
Do u think Christianity is bad ? What's your opinion on it
freedom41 comments on May 31, 2018:
Christainity destroys more lives than it helps. It was destroying my live, because of my sexaulity. There is nothing wrong for a man to be attract to another man. I'm glad I'm an atheist now. I don't feel ashamed of who I am now. I'm to be free of the religious bs. I wish the world would see the light like we have.
What does your book collection say about you?
freedom41 comments on May 31, 2018:
Mine says they are there for decoration and not much else.
Warning warning: white house sinking
freedom41 comments on May 31, 2018:
I hope there is not enough fools in this country to elect him for an 2nd term. No matter what there belief system might be.
Do our lives depend on facts or values the most?
freedom41 comments on May 31, 2018:
It all depends how you were raised. If you were raised non religious, it would be facts more than values. If you were raised with religious bs, it's just the opposite. Which is sad to some degree. Being a former fool, I believe facts more than values.
Posted to Facebook by a young lady I used to teach.
freedom41 comments on May 30, 2018:
I've saved a small fortune not going to the buildings of dogma. Some fools believe the more you give the better person you are.
So... it turns out I am bi.
freedom41 comments on May 22, 2018:
Good for you. Congratulations
A two part question.
freedom41 comments on May 18, 2018:
It's a toss up between all the religious cults of the world.
Six months on the site.
freedom41 comments on May 18, 2018:
I will be on this site for 3 mos. in a week. I do agree this good place to talk to others that have similiar beliefs. At least here we can be free to express a open minded ideas and not closed my minded fools who believe in bs of religion.
At what age did you know (or become) an atheist?
freedom41 comments on May 18, 2018:
I questioned the existence of god in my early to mid 30s. I became an atheist at 41. I'm an happier person now and glad to be free of the bs of religion/god. I know I have put this in a number of comments I have made on this web site, but I wish I became an atheist earlier in life. Like my early 30s for example.
50 percent off!
freedom41 comments on May 17, 2018:
Everyone would be best.
Hi, I’m not LGBT+ but I’m an alli!! Many friends and family that are.
freedom41 comments on May 17, 2018:
Thank you for those kind words of support. Welcome to the community.
Can anybody ever remember being told not to read the Old Testament of the Bible?
freedom41 comments on May 15, 2018:
Not that I recall. When believed in bs they pushed the new one.
Hello everyone.
freedom41 comments on May 14, 2018:
Try blocking all the negatve people from your phone.
freedom41 comments on May 13, 2018:
Since, I a closeted atheist it's a lot . I hope some day to openly express my beliefs to others.
What is the difference between bi-sexual, and pan-sexual?
freedom41 comments on May 11, 2018:
Don't know.
Hi everyone.
freedom41 comments on May 10, 2018:
Welcome to the community !!
My daughter has taken up Christianity, despite all the work I put into her and her sister early on, ...
freedom41 comments on May 10, 2018:
Only thing religion did was hold me down and make me a little of ashamed of who I am.
Are the people around you religious? Are you the oddball?
freedom41 comments on May 10, 2018:
Yes, I'm alone in my atheist beliefs. My only outlet is this web site. I'm happy to have found so I can talk people have the same beliefs and are open minded. I can't believe how closed minded I was, until I left the dark side of religion.
Lgbtq+ as a threshold?
freedom41 comments on May 10, 2018:
Yes, I have. However, not as early in life as you did. I noticed I was attracted to men in my early 20s. Shortly after a gay friend asked me for . I might have did it if he was attractive, but he was not. Religion kept me down for many years and I'm glad I'm free of it now. I know there no god.
Did anyone here go to the American Atheist convention in Oklahoma?
freedom41 comments on May 10, 2018:
No, I didn't go. I wish I could have gone to my first atheists convention.
Why did you choose atheism?
freedom41 comments on May 9, 2018:
Having very religious family and having one of them telling me what dogma I should believe. My beliefs are no else's business.
Anyone have to hide their religious views or lack thereof, at work for fear of reprisal/judgement?
freedom41 comments on May 9, 2018:
Yes and I wish I didn't have to. Family is very religious.
Delusional theology
freedom41 comments on May 9, 2018:
Fairy tales come in variety of bs packages. Its all the same to me.
Hi everybody, just got recommend here by my good friend Emme and wanted to say hi.
freedom41 comments on May 9, 2018:
Welcome to the community.
Have you met someone and been on a date with them from Agnostic dot com?
freedom41 comments on May 8, 2018:
Not yet, but hope to some day. I have better chance here than on E Harmony, etc.
Should we try to shame God believers into changing their outdated belief system or patiently wait ...
freedom41 comments on May 8, 2018:
Religious people believe fairy tales and we do not.
Why do you think some people have such an aversion to homosexualtiy, trans etc.
freedom41 comments on May 8, 2018:
Religion runes peoples lives. Im gay atheist and proud of it.
Catholic Class
freedom41 comments on May 8, 2018:
Hang in there. You will free of the dogma soon.
Catholics call Met Gala outfits 'blasphemous'
freedom41 comments on May 8, 2018:
They never heard freedom of expression. Catholics are just as sexist as any other christain cult.
Has religion deprived society of being able to cope with death? True or false?
freedom41 comments on May 7, 2018:
What's the worst thing done to humanity in the name of religion?
freedom41 comments on May 7, 2018:
Limiting the rights of the gay community. We are people to.
What is your preferred method of accessing this site? Why?
freedom41 comments on May 7, 2018:
Its covinent for me.
Less on a religious note here, now my parents are getting onto me about spending too much time with ...
freedom41 comments on May 6, 2018:
I know the feeling about few outlets to express our beliefs. It just shows how screwed up this world is and we should do away with religion of all kinds. I'm very glad I did away a with christainiy. Only wish I did it earlier in life.
I don't miss church but I do miss the coming together the togetherness of worship.
freedom41 comments on May 6, 2018:
All the religious bs that you were tought will go away in time. I will some of it is still with me and wish I could rid of it. Hopefully it will some day in the very near future. I don't miss going to church or being a member of the baptist cult.
Allegedly God is everywhere.
freedom41 comments on May 6, 2018:
God is imaginary and can't be no wear. We are people not fairy tale deitys.
Hello guys! Just joined today. Sara from Louisiana. ?
freedom41 comments on May 6, 2018:
Hello Sara. Welcome to our community. I hope you find what your looking for , whatever it might be.
A research project: What caused your shift away from religion?
freedom41 comments on May 6, 2018:
I thought god was leading to be with catholic cult. A family member had a problem with that. I don't need anyone to tell me what to believe. She told me your a baptist and should now better. So, I left the baptist cult and became an atheist. It's hard to believe how closed minded I was. Well, I do come from a very religious family. I'm sure if I told them I'm an atheist, it wouldn't go well. I shouldn't be ashamed of my beliefs or sexaulity. I found being an atheist very liberating and wished I did this years ago.
Do your family and friends think you're going to hell?
freedom41 comments on May 6, 2018:
You are correct on all counts. We can't go to a imaginary place when we die. so live life to the fullest.
Jesus loves you? What does it mean to you?
freedom41 comments on May 5, 2018:
Imaginary people can't love you. Just ignore the fools.
Atheist switch
freedom41 comments on May 5, 2018:
When a family member told me " Your a baptist and you should know better" It's not her right to tell me what to believe. So, left the baptist cult and never looked back. I know there is no god, because my life should be better than this.
How did many of you first realize that a life free from religion was right for you?
freedom41 comments on May 5, 2018:
For me it's been less that 3 mouths. However, I wish i was closer to 3 years or better.
At what point should a believer admit they don't actually believe in their religion?
freedom41 comments on May 5, 2018:
He's practicualy an atheist. He just has to admit it to himself.
Any former Mormons here?
freedom41 comments on May 5, 2018:
A few years ago I considered becoming a mormon. I thought that is what god was leading me. I started to abstain from caffine,cigs, tatoos,piercings,etc. It seemed like the right thing to do, until they were insistent on 10 % of my income thing. That was a deal breaker. I had enough money problems with working with all my income. One first things I did when I became an atheist was throw the book of moron in the trash. I considered burning the damn thing.
Do u think Christianity is bad ? What's your opinion on it
freedom41 comments on May 5, 2018:
Christianity is the biggest group of hypocrites, liars, and 2 faced people you will ever meet. I'm so glad I saw the light finally. I didn't realize how closed minded I was until about 3 mouths ago. I'm free from the dogma and never going back.
What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)
freedom41 comments on May 5, 2018:
I blow them off. They're empty threats based on fairy tales and other bs.
Is it 'wrong' to love more than one person at the same time?
freedom41 comments on May 4, 2018:
No I don't. I see nothing wrong with pligomy. I would like 2 wived and a husband.
Are atheist as racist as religious people?
freedom41 comments on May 4, 2018:
Look how they treat gay people. Of course the fools are racist than we are.
Today I said goodbye to my friend.
freedom41 comments on May 4, 2018:
I'm going to have mine planned out. There is no need to bring religion into my funeral. I'm going to leave this world the same way I entered it alone.
A friend sent me this.
freedom41 comments on May 4, 2018:
He is still a fool since he still believes the bs.
My dads entire life he was an Atheist.
freedom41 comments on May 3, 2018:
She was wrong and have seen in some point there marraige. You did the right thing and don't feel guilty about it.
Must see in DC?
freedom41 comments on May 3, 2018:
Who would with that dumb ass in office.
O.M.G. guys!
freedom41 comments on May 3, 2018:
No i don't use those expressions. I use god damn it more since I became atheist.
Biblical Believers Hypocrisy and Ignorance
freedom41 comments on May 3, 2018:
Yes it does. The only reasons I have bible in my house are for decoration & sentimental.
Hello friends! Just joined the group.
freedom41 comments on May 3, 2018:
I would love to be nude in public. I'm sure everyone in here would agree.
Religious upbringing
freedom41 comments on May 3, 2018:
When I was growing up I bought in the religious bs and very briefly thought about becoming a pastor. it was positive until I started to doubt there is a god in my early 30s. I wish I had the courage back when I 31 to do away with religion/bs as I do today. I to doubt based on why I'm still single and having a hard time finding a date. Why was my friends lives better than mine. I followed bs with no question. How christains treated gay people was one of reasons I left the bs of religion/god. The final straw was a family member what to believe and what cult of christanity I should belong to. I thought god was leading to be catholic, but this family member told me it was wrong. Your baptist you should know better. It wasn't her right to tell me what to believe. So, I saw no point in believing in god and fairy tales of religion. You know what's sad for a brief time in my mid 30s I considered becoming a jw. if, I told my closed minded family, I would be disowned by all of them. Which might not be a bad thing. I shouldn't be frowned on because I"m bi sexual. I have the right spend my life whoever I want. No matter there gender. If I marry a man, it's my choice and not my family. One day I might get off the fence and be a gay man. I'm considering taking my fam out the picture and living my life as a open minded person. I've been happier in last 2.5 months as an atheist, than all the decades of religious bs. The people in here are nicer and open minded and I can be myself.
How Muslims, Often Misunderstood, Are Thriving in America
freedom41 comments on May 2, 2018:
We should be nice to everyone no matter there beliefs. Also, muslims are fools just like the christains and jews, because they believe in deity that doesn't exist. This is why I think we should do away with all religion.
Was wondering
freedom41 comments on May 2, 2018:
No, I don't believe they can, based on there cult dogma. JW seem sexist, along with narrow minded.
Why it’s as hard to escape an echo chamber as it is to flee a cult | Aeon Essays
freedom41 comments on May 2, 2018:
I think you summed up religion very well with your post. All religious sects are cults. It's the matter of exceptence by society. I belonged to the baptist cult for long time and finally broke free 2.5 months ago.
If you could...?
freedom41 comments on May 2, 2018:
Anywhere, but here in the U.S.A.
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