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And elected politician who believes that the earth is flat. Amusement only! []
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
would you like to give us a clue so we know whether or not we want to click? g
Agnostic ladies, when all else fails to discourage that "dating stalker":
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
a long time ago, in a galaxy far away (los angeles), when i was young and shy and stupid, i was helping out a friend at a yard sale and a dorky guy came by and tried to chat us up. he asked for my number and... did i mention i was stupid? i was too dumb to give him a fake number and too shy just to tell him to fuck off. so of course he started to call me regularly and he was the boringest idiot you could imagine. naturally, he always wanted to turn the conversation to sex. one day he called and was nattering on and he said something about "gentilia." i said "what?" "gentilia." i couldn't understand what he was getting at. finally he explained: "sexual organs." "oh," i said, "you mean genitalia! i thought you were talking about christians!" he never called me back. i never even needed a blade. g
Hiding your lack of faith at work
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
i had many, many workplaces in my life. only once did i ever have to hide who i was, and it wasn't that i was an atheist. (at that job there was no coworker to talk to about any topic at all much less religion; i had a lonely reception/phone job.) i had just moved to l.a. and had been beating the street for a week, about five interviews a day, trying to get a job. finally, on friday, i was hired by a photographer's studio to book appointments for the photographer and greet anyone who miraculously turned up off the street. monday i reported for work and the boss took me into his office and mentioned my surame, adding, "that's an overtly jewish name, isn't it?" i admitted it was. "have you ever thought of changing it?" i confessed i never had. "WOULD you change it?" and i had a different surname for the long, torturous month i worked there, calling mostly jewish doctors to ask if they'd like to be in a yearbook, for free (the photographer would then try to sell them copies of the yearbook pictures). the boss, too, was jewish. he would introduce himself by his real name to anyone with dark hair, and to blondes he introduced himself with a less jewish-sounding name. self-hatred is the worst kind of hatred. it made me physically ill to work there (and that's not even taking into account his bitch of a wife who was abusive to the undocumented workers they underpaid because they could get away with it). if anyone had asked me if i was jewish, or an atheist, or anything else, i'd have been honest about it, but nobody ever asked. g
[] Stupid woman. Why doesn't stick to acting in crappy movies ?
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
you think that because she is an idiot, at least in this regard, and sells a potentially harmful product, that means her movies are crappy? what does one thing have to do with another? stick to the issue. g
Do you think you are genuinely seeking an intimate relationship?
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
neither. i live with my guy and we love each other. i spent most of my life unattached, though, because i was never looking for a "someone." i wanted one, but i wasn't going to decide that because i wanted one, any old one would do. so i didn't have a lot of lovers in my life -- a lot fewer (and farther between) than most people i know. guess what? i actually had other things to do and think about and didn't feel i wasn't a person unless i had some guy, ANY guy. g
My father died believing the catholic bible which we know is full of errors and evil.
genessa comments on Feb 6, 2019:
sorry about your dad but this is a question that depends on accepting a fantasy. it's like asking "if my father was a bird and flew away, where do you think he flew?" he was NOT a bird and did NOT fly away, so the question can't be answered. there is no life after death except the natural recycling of basic materials -- no afterlife, no heaven, no hell, no god, no reward or punishment for dead humans who believed crazy things, none for humans who didn't have those beliefs either. g
my cat golde just died.
genessa comments on Feb 5, 2019:
some pictures of golde including a baby picture of her with her brother tevye, who is slowing down but still okay. g
State of the Union addresses are just glorified political rallies.
genessa comments on Feb 5, 2019:
i will be watching nancy pelosi's face, behind him, and listening to stacy abrams afterwards. g
How US led coups work. Funny read but very accurate. []
genessa comments on Feb 5, 2019:
it would've been nice to tell us what this was about, even briefly, even with one line, so we'd know whether we were interested. not everyone likes to click some strange link to some site we've never heard of without the tiniest clue. g
Are any of you gonna watch the presidential address tonight or will you wait for the summary on the ...
genessa comments on Feb 5, 2019:
i will be watching on msnbc. those of you worried about trump taking some joy in ratings should note that he wouldn't be happy to know msnbc got those ratings. the commentary will be apt. i want to hear abrams' response. i know that they can't write a response that is precisely a commentary on the address, since they would not have heard that when the response was written, but i think the dems won't go around saying trump said things he didn't, like the republicans always did to obama. they would claim he said the opposite of what he did say. that's not a function of having to write the speech in advance. that's a function of deliberate lies and propaganda. we won't be having that in the response tonight. in the address.... if trump says it's tuesday i will have to adjust my calendar to say it's any day BUT tuesday, because i don't think he ever knows what day it is, and if he did know, he'd lie about it. g
Okay, so there ain't no God.
genessa comments on Feb 5, 2019:
what makes you think there has to be someone running things? what makes you think there has to be a reason why we're here? okay with WHOM is it okay to be a murderer and/or a rapist? do you REALLY think that if there is no big punisher in the sky, it's okay to hurt people? what a ridiculous and disgusting idea THAT is. you must think human beings have no inner resources and only behave well, if they do, because of some god or other (and look how well THAT proves out -- ever see the stats on who's in prison? those murderers and rapists are mostly christians!) no, there is no right or wrong to the universe, but there is right and wrong to humanity, and you'd have to be blind not to see it. g
What does it mean when a user is not available
genessa comments on Feb 5, 2019:
it means either they blocked you or they quit or they got banned. g
Star Wars is just Dune for kids.
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
star wars is just three bad men in a hidden fortress for americans. the original is better, too. g
Geez, I'm so confused navigating this site! All the Groups say you must join but aren't we already ...
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
you have joined and/or if you want to post to a group WITHIN that site, you have to join the group. this is partly a dating site. it is mostly a community, a social medium. the dating part is best experienced by contributing to the community part. and yes, we tend to be agnostics, atheists, etc., here, but just like everyone else, we don't want to talk about that one topic all day long. the only thing we have in common is a lack of belief in a god or gods. we vary wildly from that point on, and have many interests. if you were looking for a mate, would being a nonbeliever be enough? wouldn't you want her to have a whole slew of interests, with some of them matching your interests? g
A Christian friend of mine tried to justify to me several years ago why men should be the ...
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
i've never heard a good argument in favor of men, but i can think of a good one in favor of women: god made man, and then he tried again and got it right! g
So, you know how you can see all the folks who visit your profile page.
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
1. it's an international site. 2. ONLY 44? 3. the site is relatively new. 4. should people not look at your page unless they live around the corner? some people may be curious about who you are without specifically planning to visit you. 5. some people hover over your name by accident. g
How to shut people up when they bitch about black history month.
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
tell them every month is white history month and surely they can spare ONE for black history. g
Do you think that standing up for Freedom of Religion helps promote Freedom from Religion?
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
freedom of religion INCLUDES freedom from religion. g
So this is a Text I got from a young "Christian" woman I was friends with.
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
let her use religion as a shield. she obviously has some psychological problems and it's not your job to get her help. she'll work it out -- or she won't -- but without you, and that's your lucky break. g
Caesar’s Messiah: “the Roman conspiracy to invent Jesus” (YouTube) The gist is, the Romans...
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
there may have been a roman conspiracy to FURTHER deify the newly invented jesus, but if the apostle paul existed (never mind if jesus existed), he and the greeks started that up. (of course the romans copied everything greek!) jesus is even a greek name. thing is, there is an old (i mean OLD!) jewish expression that translates as "he's a real son of god!" it was said of someone who was pious and wasn't meant to be taken literally. when paul went to greece to get everyone there on board, he told them about judaism (they were really not interested in getting circumcized as adults, and they were loath to abandon their only real industries: raising pigs and fishing, including for shellfish. however, the idea of a "real son of god" was just the kind of thing they already believed. zeus was always coming down to earth and raping/impregnating human women. this concept they could dig. so paul had a choice to make: convert the greeks to judaism, which not only were they not going along with at all but which just isn't done (jews don't proselytize!) or get them to worship jesus (not, as i've mentioned, his real name, if he even existed, but that's a whole OTHER ball of wax). he chose the latter. christianity is born! anything the romans did after that is reinvention, not invention. g
25 Obscure English Words
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
i already knew aglet, tittle, defenestrate, bruxism and phosphene (though i wouldn't have remembered that those lights are called that, i knew what it meant when i saw it), and although i had not ever heard or seen preantepenultimate i could tell what it meant. ag dot com's spellcheck has not heard of four of those. g
Ok so now you all know how i feel bout punctuation well heres a question for ya all Do any of you...
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
if i don't think we have a creator, why would i believe in any theory about who the nonexistent creators were? you may have made some kind of an explanation after you asked your question but i am not going to wreck my eyes because you don't feel like punctuating. g
Do you remember having/using this?
genessa comments on Feb 4, 2019:
my mom had one of those! g
Hi world and make believe characters.
genessa comments on Feb 3, 2019:
i don't know about you, but i'm real. g
I suppose I’ve always been an Athiest, but for years I was happily non-religious and didn’t give...
genessa comments on Feb 3, 2019:
i don't care what nonsense people believe until it affects their behavior with regard to others. if they're not legislating, executing or adjudicating their religion, or either pressing it upon others or discriminating against those who don't share their delusion (or who maybe even do, but happen to be gay or whatever the deluded ones thing their god doesn't like) then let them be. when they start interfering with the real world, then it's time to say and do something. g
So, why are you an Atheist?
genessa comments on Feb 3, 2019:
because there aren't any gods and no one has any evidence, or a convincing argument, otherwise. we can't see dark matter but we can measure its effects. i can't say as much for any gods. g
I don't want to spark an outrage but what are your thoughts about Colin Kaepernick and the massive ...
genessa comments on Feb 3, 2019:
nonviolent protest of a terrible thing is not only fine, it's necessary. he's not hurting anyone; he's not disrespecting the (piece of cloth after all, known as) the flag (whereas what he is protesting is real live people being harassed and even killed for no reason). he's not hurting the racist national anthem (check out the fourth verse), which shouldn't even be SUNG at a damned football game; the pentagon asked the nfl to add that to promote enlistment, i forget during which war (the first ww maybe). football isn't a patriotic event; it's a game. a GAME. g
Am I the only one that's sick and fucking tired of post from sadistic assholes that express their ...
genessa comments on Feb 3, 2019:
i actually liked her. i still do. and yes, those assholes are sadistic, but then, you know, they're assholes. g
I really dont get the point of this site
genessa comments on Feb 3, 2019:
it's a social media site, with a dating component. the point is to communicate socially, and maybe find a date/lover/whatever. the thing that makes THIS site different is that you almost never get people praying at you lol g
Definition of Conservative Bad-tempered, ill-mannered and uncooperative
genessa comments on Feb 3, 2019:
actually that is the definition of a regressive. there are no more conservatives. the regressives continute to call themselves conservative but it's not true. they're not conserving a damned thing except the false memory of a fictional past where everyone was happy -- and white -- and women and minorities knew their places. that's not something we wish to conserve. g
So, I see everyone is well educated, either through education, life, or both.
genessa comments on Feb 3, 2019:
i don't take myself overly seriously. i take some things seriously. my own persona isn't one of them. but not everyone here or anywhere else is well education, by any definition. i encounter a lot of ignorance everywhere, and it is hard not to take that seriously. g
GLOSSARY Some terms you are likely to encounter here: A/S/L: Age/Sex/Location; originated in...
genessa comments on Feb 3, 2019:
gaslighting. a psychologically abusive technique, actually a collection of techniques, in which the gaslighter makes you doubt your own perceptions. in social media a gaslighter will tell you what you said when you know you didn't say it and can quote yourself saying something quite the opposite, and tell you s/he didn't say something you can quote him/her as saying. i've seen people make statements that say one thing, and when you challenge them, they say "i was only saying that...." and they never actually said (or even implied) that at all! g
Voter identification
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
every state requires identification. some states make you jump through so many hoops, and are so restrictive about what kind of i.d. they take that legitimate voters are disenfranchised. for example, texas won't let married women vote unless they can show their marriage certificates to explain why their names are not the same as they were on their birth certificates. many states will take a gun registration (without a picture!) but not a college student i.d. issued by that very state. why? because they think gun owners will vote republican and students will vote democratic. there is more, much more, but those are some examples. g
I saw this post in the list: I have always said that all Muslims are dangerous if they are given ...
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
lol slumming? nah, i know, we see what's on the list whether we want to or not. it's a strange setup in some ways, and refreshing in other ways (at least we can CHOOSE whether to see pictures of frozen puppies). anyway, good job hurting their tuchoses. they need to be poked mercilessly. people who say stupid shit like that aren't just naive and in need of education. they're dedicated haters and they treasure their ignorance. g
Court-appointed guardians, teen accused in death of 7-year-old Manitowoc County boy – FOX6Now.
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
let's even imagine for a wild second that it was REALLY IMPORTANT to know bible verses. i know, it's a stretch, but humor me. imagine it was. why wouldn't someone who really cared about that TEACH the boy some verses instead of murdering him? g
What do you do when a believer gets offended by your question?
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
nothing. why should i? it's not MY problem, is it? but are you talking about a question i make of a believer's belief? why should i question a believer's belief? people have a right to be stupid, or do stupid stuff, as long as it doesn't interfere with anyone else's rights. if they're not legislating, adjudicating or executing their religion, i don't care what they believe and i don't interfere with it, not for fear of offending someone but because i don't care. it's none of my damned business. g
How dare you talk about God's chosen ones! LOL!!! []
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
the word "chosen" isn't even IN this article. so whom are you addressing with your "how dare you"? there is no such expression as "god's chosen ones." jews are sometimes referred to as "the chosen people" because of the part of the hebrew bible in which god offers abraham the choice of entering into a covenant with him. this means that "choosing people" would be an equally accurate description. it has nothing to do with being better, superior, going to heaven instead of anyone else (judaism doesn't actually deal with heaven, at least not in the christian sense, although individual jews have sort of absorbed the christian vision without knowing it). judaism doesn't say jews are superior. it says jews have extra obligations. i am not defending religion or any kind of theism, but i am also not happy when people have false views about judaism and even about jews -- or any religion, or group, or people, for that matter. it is no less offensive, and no truer, than thinking all muslims are terrorists, or that all christians are westboro assholes (or that atheists eat babies). meanwhile, the article isn't about that! so that's your comment, something mocking about jews, instead of something about the actual issues involved in the israeli/palestinian conflict, or about the attitudes of various elected officials? g
When religious practice moved from the temples and the priests to the private homes and individual ...
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
i don't think so. we need to be careful not to be accused of brainwashing. just saying "there is no god, those other folks are crazy" over and over again, or making a useless ritual, will just breed rebellion, and we'll end up with kids in cults. what we need in the home is normal behavior, and be ready to have discussions -- planned, spontaneous and when asked -- about why people take refuge in religion, about how to be respectful of those people without having to respect the religions themselves, about how to tell when religious people are crossing the line and invading your lack of belief, and more. furthermore, i think it should not be announced and drilled that "we're atheists." that makes it sound as if atheism is our religion, or even our belief system (it's not a system!) instead, families should be given to know "we don't have any religion, because we know/believe/whatever there are no gods, and people like us are called atheists/agnostics/whatever, but that's not the name of a religion or anything. it's just a word that means we don't believe in any gods. so if someone asks you what religion you are, you say you have no religion, and if they ask you what god you believe in, then you say you're an atheist, which means you don't believe in any gods at all. i would hate to see families develop atheist rituals, such as repeating, before dinner, "this looks yummy, and there aren't any gods, amen!" rofl rofl! g
How do you quit smoking? My girl friend is dying from smoking and won't quit. Help! Anybody know?
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
i helped many of my students quit smoking. they asked for my help and i told them this: 1. count how many cigs a day you smoke. 2. divide that by 24. 3. smoke that many cigs per hour, without fail. do not miss a smoke. if you're sleeping, wake up and smoke. if you're in class, excuse yourself and smoke. if you're making love to someone, stop and get up and smoke. do not miss a smoke. 4. at the end of the week, or sooner if you can't take the sleep deprivation, the mockery and the inconvenience anymore, reduce that number by one. if it was one to begin with, cut the cig in half. 5. at the end of a predetermined period of time, perhaps a week, certainly not longer, cut by one cig again, or adjust as in #4 6. throw the cigs away. you will be so happy to be rid of them. it works! it worked for my students. they were so happy, they came and told me! g
Would you pay extra taxes so that all can get health care?
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
in what universe would that be considered extra? does anyone ask this about wars? road repair? is healthcare less important than road repair? it's not extra... and it would be cheaper per person than paying for health care out of pocket. by the way, america is not asking kamala harris how she would pay for health care. republicans who want more tax cuts for the super-rich (not for US, just THEM) are asking. they never ask this about, oh, the WALL, or a war, or their tax cuts. g
My landlord and I just had a discussion about Northam.
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
there is also another factor, unless your landlord went to med school or some other extended postgraduate entity. he was likely still a teen. that doesn't excuse it; that's not why i mention it. but northam was in medical school. he was an adult. and yes, being either in blackface or a kkk hood and robe is not the same as being in a confederate uniform -- or we have to condemn civil war reenactors as well, right? it depends on the intent. there is no mistaking the intent of northam's pose. i don't think they were learning about the medical risks and benefits of minstrel shows (or lynchings). g
Why don't we teach coping skills in schools?
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
it's a good idea but first we need to fund public schools, and that would include paying teachers enough that actual qualified educators could afford to BE teachers, and not have to choose between feeding their families and providing pencils for the students. this would also require having a secretary of education whose stated goal is NOT to bring everyone to christ, and whose apparent goal is NOT to kill her department, and all public schools along with it. i am not dismissing the importance of coping skills, or of teaching them. i was not being sarcastic when i said it was a good idea. but first we have to save schools, in order to teach ANYTHING in them. g
Governor in "clearly racist" photo; vows to serve out term amid calls for resignation | Virginia ...
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
al franken didn't even DO what he was accused of doing and he saw what his party would suffer if he stayed in office. he graciously backed out, even though he SHOULD have had an investiation (which he requested repeatedly and never got) and been exonerated. he didn't even have assurance his replacement would be a democrat, yet he did what he had to do. northam's position is clearer: he does not deny his bad behavior, he admits it WAS bad behavior, he makes (because he has) no excuse for it (to his credit, he doesn't claim that it's okay because he was young, which actually he wasn't), he has a good democrat waiting and ready to take the helm, and the ONLY thing standing in the way of his resignation is his concern for his own career. he has no reason not to resign; he has every reason to resign, and immediately. if franken, who was innocent, could make that sacrifice, northam should be doubly eager to make it. it must be awfully disappointing to have campaigned for him as you did, and trusted that he was the kind of man he presented himself to be. it has to be disappointing that on top of that, he won't do the right thing. g
On another post I had someone argue that Trump wasn't pro Russia with this line.
genessa comments on Feb 2, 2019:
this is a gift to putin. instead of insisting that they comply, trump says okay, well never mind, then. ridiculous! g
Virginia Gov.
genessa comments on Feb 1, 2019:
exactly! i just posted this, but will put it here to, as it agrees with what you said: there are headlines stating that republicans are calling for the resignation of the democratic governor of virginia because in his yearbook (from the 1980s) he posed in blackface (he's a white guy) standing next to a guy in a kkk hood and robe. that's bad. that's VERY bad. he definitely SHOULD resign. the thing is, though, that the headlines are wrong by omissions, because they don't mention that DEMOCRATS are calling for his resignation too, unlike the republicans who have stood by every disgusting republican that "dated" a young teen or put incel-like lines in THEIR yearbooks (before there was an incel) or stood silent while trump said that some kkkers and nazis were "fine people. they're wrong by omission because they defend congresspersons like steve scalise, who has kkk connections, not in costume, not in a yearbook (which i repeat is VERY bad), but for real. so those headlines are deceptive even though the facts in them are true enough. the implications (that democrats are NOT calling for his resignation, that maybe this is typical of democrats, that democrats protect their bad'uns the same way republicans do) are not. g
It has come to my attention that some people think bernie sanders wants to tax rich people at 99 ...
genessa comments on Feb 1, 2019:
for any bill, all info about it: very useful nonpartisan site, part of the library of congress. g
What are you working on
genessa comments on Feb 1, 2019:
why is this in love and relationships? (by the way, that is not a stupid question.) if you mean what are we working on with regard to relationships, please note that no one seems to be understanding your question that way. since i don't either, but will take it on face value and ignore the category. i will answer accordingly: i am trying to find out why i was denied payment by my health insurance provider for a service they didn't even provide; trying to find out why the furnace is making a noise like a running toilet the size of peru so that if my guy and i can't fix it ourselves the company that sold it to us not long ago will come fix it without charging us; playing three or four games; poking around here; trying to get my dying cat to eat; getting ready to go out or to change that plan and stay home so the furnace people can come and fix the furnace for free after we've used up their suggestions; trying to explain it all to my alzheimer's-stricken guy; cleaning the occasional dog poo; trying to keep records of some of that (not the dog poo). g
Transgender has always confused me.
genessa comments on Feb 1, 2019:
trans people are not, by virtue of being trans, gay. some trans people ARE gay, just as some nontrans people are gay, and most are not, just as most nontrans people are not. many other people have responded here with good resources and good explanations, so i don't feel the need to do that myself, but i didn't see anyone answer that portion of your post so i thought i would jump in and do that. i will iterate a couple of important points, which are 1. transgenderedness is not a mental illness, 2. sex, sexual orientation and gender and three different things, and 3. trans people are not just people who like to dress up as the "opposite" sex. read on. g
I'm pretty sure I've encountered some of the Russian trolls from the troll farms on this site.
genessa comments on Feb 1, 2019:
absolutely. i don't block them immediately. first i call them out in order to identify them for the unwary. this generally goads them into being even more ridiculous than ever. then i block them. g
What do Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump have in common?
genessa comments on Feb 1, 2019:
putin HATED obama. you have a picture of them shaking hands and that's supposed to PROVE something? gimme a break. the four men do have something in common though: each has a penis. wait. not so sure about trump. must ask stormy. g
What do you think life would be like if religion and spirituality did not exist in our world??
genessa comments on Jan 31, 2019:
we'd be squabbling over something else. g
If your united states representative to the house is a republican, please call him or her and tell ...
genessa comments on Jan 31, 2019:
UPDATE: the appointments have finally been made! the soonest they can get those transcripts to mueller is, i am given to understand, next tuesday. it took them a MONTH to make the appointments and they're basically the same guys who were already on that committee, minus those who got voted out of office, so even though they have fewer seats on the committee, it's the same guys, among the remaining still in office. so what the hell took a MONTH? it was just a failed attempt to keep the transcripts from mueller. what may have succeeded about that ploy was the delay of a month. it may or may not turn out to be significant. at any rate, it was just more monkey business from the republicans, and another reason (as if we needed another) not to respect them at all. g
How the dems will lose the 2020 election./
genessa comments on Jan 31, 2019:
they're going to loosen it up, are they? the only way the dems will lose the 2020 is if the republicans pay that starbucks guy or someone else to run indie. the dems are not going to screw it up. but of course if everyone is convinced the dems will screw it up, and thus vote indie, THAT would screw it up, so propaganda could do the trick: propaganda like suggesting that it's inevitable that the dems screw it up. g
Just curious. Does anyone believe in spontaneous human combustion?
genessa comments on Jan 31, 2019:
i have not witnessed it. dickens believed in it and wrote it into at least one of his books. for me, the verdict is out. g
Republicans FREAK over a proposal to make "So help me God" optional []
genessa comments on Jan 31, 2019:
so help me god aleady IS optional. all one has to do is affirm. why are the gop so stuck in the past? i don't even think it's a real past, for the most part; they're stuck in a fictional (usually very white, very male) past. g
Anybody else reject Valentine's Day? total bullshit
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
what, you don't celebrate gangsters killing other gangsters in 1929? g
Are these profiles real?
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
well, i'm not looking, myself, but i can't help noticing some scammers who use someone else's picture as their own (once a picture of princess di's niece, several times various porn stars), use bios they lifted from other dating sites, and make posts like "do you believe in true love?" and "i'm looking for a man who [fill in ridiculous ideal here]. they also tend to check all the boxes, so they're simultaneously believers and antitheists, and sometimes they even believe in a few major gods just to be sure to get everyone in there. as for access, sometimes people give up, probably when they realize that this isn't an ordinary dating site. g
Magical thinking: the belief that one's ideas, thoughts, actions, words, or use of symbols can ...
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
i love magical thinking. it can be dangerous when you don't know that's what it is, but when you use it to amuse yourself it's a lot of fun. because of this, i sing to my toilet. no really, i do! in fact, i sing a religious song. isn't that a kick? an atheist who knows that magical thinking is just magical thinking sings a religious song to a toilet! but sometimes the toilet doesn't flush. it's an old toilet. it's not as old as i am, but it's old, as toilets go, and sometimes it just doesn't flush. when it doesn't flush, i sing, to the tune of "go down moses," "go down... poopoo... way down in toilet land.... tell old... plumbing... 'let my poopoo go'"! and the strange thing is, i know it can't work, but it works. thinking it works is magical thinking and it can't be real and i KNOW that... but when i sing to my toilet, it flushes. g
GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
this is not news. it is from december 2016. at that time, the republicans controlled congress. they no longer control the house, and all budgetary bills must originate in the house. a bill like that is NOT going to be coming along any time soon. furthermore, they had two years to push that through and it didn't happen, did it? why are we posting old, irrelevant articles? if you want to talk about how bad the house was when the repugs controlled it, that's one thing, but posting it as if it's current news and we're in danger from this two-year-dead plan that went nowhere.... no. please don't. thanks. g
I have had a chronic yo yo obesity disorder.
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
i can't read that. no paragraph breaks at ALL? have mercy on my eyes. g
This is just some food for thought.
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
i do no foresee that we will ever do that. g
People are =/= to their religion I am most definitely an infidel in that I have no belief in any ...
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
good statement with one caveat: i do not believe the a person's individual godview is the most basic right. some don't even HAVE a godview (i don't mean believing there are no gods, but not even thinking about it one way or the other). but everyone needs to breathe, and have food and water, and shelter is important... no, the godview isn't even on my radar unless it's the basis for some injustice against a person. g
First encounter
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
i have never had to defend my nonbelief to a theist. why should i? i am an atheist, and a theist can natter on all s/he wants but i don't owe him/her/anyone any explanations. g
Is it possible to be an Agnostic/Athiest and also a conservative?
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
of course it's possible. atheist doesn't even guarantee you can spell atheist! (sorry, could not resist. no offense.) the ONLY thing we have in common is a lack of belief in any gods. everything else is... well, as diverse as humans can be. i am a liberal progressive democrat social free enterprisist (there is no such thing but that is what i am -- i'll be damned if i ever turn into a capitalist). there are whole gangs of trumpkins on this site. 'sigh g
Howard Schutz just announced he's running for president.
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
i have no direct evidence but i do have legitimate reason, based on recent republican behavior, to think that the republicans have paid this joker to announce his candidacy. they paid to put third- (mostly green) party candidates on the ballot in the recent midterm elections, for the purpose of splitting the liberal vote and keeping congress red. (they succeeded in the senate but failed in the house.) it's a nasty tactic and i think this is an example of it. so yeah, he's a dick, and like some other purported businessman we all know, he's a puppet dick. g
Upset for something it didnt turned well as what you expected.
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
there is no what if, and that's too general to answer. all sorts of thing don't turn out as well as expected. some are important and some are not. some can be shrugged off with an "oh well" and others require immediate and drastic action. there is no one answer suitable for all such situations. so i will make the situation specific: what if you saw a profile of someone who said she was an antitheist and a believer, believing in buddha and jesus, and ended her bio on a site for agnostics and atheists by saying "god bless"? what if? g
The State of the Union is coming up, what's the chances that he'll use this opportunity to resign?
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
approximately zero. he's too stupid and too vain... he's so vain, i bet he thinks this post is about him. g
Do you remember Sesame Street?
genessa comments on Jan 30, 2019:
it's still on! g
I often see people posting critical comments about various religious or political groups, "pushing" ...
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
i am not averse to people expressing their beliefs/agendas. when they LEGISLATE them that's another story. also, sometimes "no" doesn't work; it does not work every time. some people really ARE pushy! i did manage to deter a couple of (nonjapanese) mormons who approached me in a kinko's in japan, though. one of them asked me if i knew the story of joseph smith. i responded, yes, i do! do you know the one about the rabbi who defied god? and i proceeded to tell him that story. i made sure it was a long a story as i could make it, with lots of embellishments, and i spoke as quickly as i could in order for him not to be able to back out. i was never approached there again. i DID have two mormons knock on my door (on the ninth floor of a condo building, yet!) and refuse to answer the door. instead of taking "no" for an answer, they started calling me names, using obscenities and all. i called their church and reported them. g
Insane Things People Used To Believe About Women
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
some things i know some men believe about women: 1. i know one guy who thought/maybe still thinks women pee through their vaginas. 2. women are too emotional to hold public office (actually i've heard a woman say this -- and that woman was, at the time, holding or running for public office!) 3. women who have abortions are at increased risk for getting breast cancer or committing suicide (unfortunately, some states have actually legislated that doctors must tell these lies to women who are considering having abortions). 4. women habitually lie about being sexually assaulted, implication inevitably being that women who report rapes are almost always lying. 5. women who are raped cannot be impregnated from the rape (remember that guy who ran against claire mccaskill in missouri a couple elections ago? he said that! other men around the same time said pregnancy resulting from rape was god's will!) 6. only attractive women get raped. 7. men who are aggressive are powerful but women who are aggressive should smile more and are not likable (does anyone worry about whether men are likable?) 8. women who use contraception to prevent their eggs from being fertilized are "killing babies" and contraception is the same thing as abortion. 9. miscarriages are the same thing as abortion and women should be imprisoned for having miscarriages (some states have legislated various versions of this!) 10. if you are a woman and a man asks you for sex and you decline, that means you are a lesbian.' 11. feminism means hating men. 12. lesbians hate men. 13. women who do not have children are not complete women, are not fulfilled or are otherwise defective/deficient. 14. women should not be hired for important jobs because they might get married and quit. 15. there is such a thing as "what women want," as if all women want the same thing! g
Insane Things People Used To Believe About Women
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
i like the giant spider idea. if men are going to be ignorant about women, at least let them be respectful and fearful. BETTER, though, they should be educated and give women the same respect they theoretically give men. g
I don't know how to sleep anymore.
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
i am an insomniac too, and suffer from sleep deprivation. when i do sleep, i don't get delta sleep, so it's as if i never slept. i do occasionally achieve unconsciousness. this is how: i play the initial game. i pick a set of initials and think of as many famous people as i can with those initials. sometimes i vary it by thinking of famous people with a certain first name, or first name with a certain initial, or even all the countries beginning with a certain letter. you can improvise. it's engaging enough to keep sleep-preventing real-life thoughts out of your head, but boring enough to put you to sleep. g
How many of you eat white bread?
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
not if i can help it! i don't buy it, that's for sure. does french or italian bread count? a really good one of those will occasionally tempt me. but wonder crap? i think it's called that because we have to wonder why anyone would eat it. g
Did anybody ever have one of these?
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
oh yeah, looked exactly like that. there was no such thing as videotape for consumers, so when i went off to college i made my poor sister tape-record the monkees for me every monday so i could listen to them, even if i couldn't see them! g
Can someone clear this up for me.
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
when you believe something, it might be based on facts (i believe my guy washed the dishes because 1. he said he did and 2. the dishes that were dirty are now clean and the cats haven't got opposable thumbs) or it might be based on faith (1. i believe the mets will win the series, for no particular reason, but i have observed that they're capable of doing it, 2. i believe there is a tooth fairy because my mom told me there was one). faith is when you trust, with or without cause. in religion, it is without cause. in relationships, it might be with cause. i have faith my guy isn't going to kill me in my sleep. that's reasonable. if my guy was a serial killer i could be dead wrong, or just dead, about that, but i have reason to believe i'm right. that's a kind of faith. faith in something with NO justification is... well, religion is a good example of that. g
Is it OK if someone tells a mutual friend to unfriend you on social media?
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
it depends on what you mean by okay. it's legal. it's not nice. did the mutual friend DO it? that's important to know in answering the question. g
Hi just starting out,looking for a bit of fun too start with
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
well, it depends on what's fun for you! we have lots of categories. browse them and find one that looks like fun, comment on what someone said, say something fun and interesting yourself. that is the kind of fun we have here. it's a dating site too but it's not the usual kind. the best way to find someone is to do what i just said and make friends. someone may turn out to be more than a friend. instant intimacy? not likely here. g
Has this site stopped givign fee T-Shirts to the people whoi reach level 8?
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
i got mine, and it wasn't all that long ago. g
Marriage in society today
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
marriage was traditionally a contract for that merged powerful families, kept peace (it didn't work so well) between city-states and nations, and (theoretically) ensured economic stability for the participants. only since the industrial revolution or a little before has it been thought to be about love. surely love was often involved (romeo and juliet didn't spring out of nowhere) but society and religion, as you suppose, were not concerned with love. what keeps one couple together is not always what keeps another couple together, and not everyone needs the piece of paper. my guy and i are living together without that paper. g
How do I get too level 2
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
1. find a topic that interests you. 2. read what people have posted. 3. comment when you have something to say. 4. make a post of your own in a category that interests you. 5. read the comments that people make on your post. g
Does your tyke watch too much tube? []
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
all my tykes are furbabies. none of my current ones will watch tv, even when noisy animals are featured, but i have had cats who were entranced by specific things on tv. i had one cat who only liked birds... and lassie. she loved lassie. she didn't like real dogs but lassie she adored. i had another who got excited watching crows and tried to fly into the tv to catch them. another cat i had loved the lion on an old buddweiser commercial, plus anything with any animal whatsoever, plus certain humans. g
"Politics has become so focused on economics that we’ve lost sight of humanity.
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
i am not so sure i agree. there is an awful lot of politics focusing on controlling women's bodies, preventing people from marrying whomever they love, limiting freedom of assembly and more, and while there is always an underlying economic reason for such things, that doesn't represent a focus on economics. those who oppose such ridiculousness are not focusing on economics in doing so. meanwhile, humanity needs to eat, and focusing on stuff like a living wage, progressive taxes and affordable housing, while economic in nature, is also humanity-focused. g
[] Game of Thrones actress says anti-Semitic abuse changed her online habits.
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
i am impressed that she realizes and admits that she is not equipped, for whatever reason, to engage in political discussions. a lot of people are not so equipped but jump right in lol. g
So another person leaves the Trump administration and writes another tell-all book about what a ...
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
tuesday already? but... but... trump is behind schedule. shouldn't he have arranged for a major u.s. city to have been nuked by now? g
Luv this bag! Do you have a favorite accessory?
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
that's a pretty bag. i carry a nasty old cloth shopping bag because my laptop fits in it, and i carry it with me to adult daycare, where i vj with my youtube playlists, thrice a week (except this week because it's COOOOOLD!) i carry my cellphone in my pocket. i don't really accessorize much. g
Dumb question.
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
i thin that's the dating part, and it means meet to date, not to befriend. the community part will let you meet people of all genders but if you put all genders in your bio, all genders are being encouraged to contact you for more than friendship. g
Virginia Senate approves guns-in-church bill
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
the governor's a dem. he'll veto it. unfortunately they can override the veto if they're determined enough. the nra must be feeding them REALLY well. g
I got drunker than I intended to ? how do I minimize the hangover effect? ?
genessa comments on Jan 29, 2019:
vitamin c. best taken not as a pill but as food. eat radishes. drink oj. i heard it's best done before drinking but it couldn't hurt after. the previous suggestion of water is good too, but do the c too. g
Spiritual people. What does spiritual mean?
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
to me it means religion light. i personally do not care whether someone worships a skydaddy or a tree or his/her own emotions, as long as there is separation of church and state, and separation of their spirituality and my lack thereof. g
I want honest opinions and no fighting.
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
to me it is simple. it's a matter of consent. an animal cannot choose to be vegan, and a human who chooses something unnatural for the animal, as being vegan would be, the animal cannot say "hey wait a minute; i'm a carnivore!" it is as if the humans are trading the suffering of a cow for the suffering of a cat. quite frankly, i think making a human child eat strictly vegan is abusive. if an adult wants to make that decision for him/herself, that's one thing. making it for someone who has no choice is quite another thing, and i wouldn't be concerned about it if the decision were, say, only to serve organic food, or not to serve twinkies. but i have known vegans. well, i still know them. they're not vegans anymore. i'm not talking about just one couple or a friend or two. i mean it seemed to be all the rage among people i knew for a while. every single one of them got sick and had to go back to eating some kind of animal products. they didn't have to eat a steak a day, just some whole protein, fish or at least cheese and milk. they could not sustain their health being vegan. not a single one of them. by the way, not one of them made their kids eat vegan while they did. the kids ate normally. the kids stayed healthy. g
Is Matter Conscious? - Nautilus - Pocket
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
um... no. not by itself. g
Atheists Are Sometimes More Religious Than Christians - The Atlantic
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
the problem is that the author identifies :"nones" and atheists as the same thing. sometimes they are, but the concepts are not the same. nones do not identify with a particular religion but might or might not believe in a god or gods. atheists pointedly do not believe in any gods. the article mentions the rise of atheist churches. i have never seen one. i've seen some people sort of longing for one, but have not actually seen evidence of one. that doesn't mean there are no atheist churches, but... well, the concept seems stupid to me. why can't atheists have gathering places that are called something else? why churches? community can be had in places that are not called churches! you wanna sing? join a choir! anyway, thinking nones and atheists are identical can lead to the conclusion this author reached. it's a false conclusion, though. g
Why are any women Republicans?
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
masochism. g
Indiana requires citizenship test before being allowed to graduate high school [msn.
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
what good is a citizenship test if it is NOT preceded by a civics class? that would be like testing someone on algebra but not offering a class in it beforehand. g
The Internet... savior to the homebound or enabler to the social misfits?
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
i think it is both and there is nothing inherently wrong with either. i don't spend less time with people irl than i did before the internet; it is possible i spend more. in fact, i go to an adult daycare center with my alzheimer's-afflicted guy, thrice a week, and that's more social contact than i had before. i found that center online! when i was able to go to poetry readings, i found those online. the internet is a blessing for me. g
I’ve posted about “Toxic masculinity”, and I’ve asked for your input about similar ...
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
there is no such thing as toxic any of those other things you mentioned. there really isn't. there is toxic homophobia but that's redundant, as homophobia is already toxic. those are not real derivatives. not everything rides on a pendulum. g
Only 2 I have never seen before or just too young to remember them.
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
the owl is not ringing a bell but i know the others. g
CENSORSHIP Wins! This Round As YouTube Now Deems Conspiracy Videos “BORDERLINE CONTENT” By...
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
getting rid of lies is not censorship. that's responsibility. youtube, a private entity, may allow or disallow whatever it likes. no one is being arrested for trying to spread lies on youtube. youtube is weeding out the liars. that's not censorship. if someone goes on television every day and shouts that you have killed your neighbor, even though 1. you have killed no one and 2. your neighbor is still alive and 3. the person doing the shouting has been shouting the same crap about others for a while, and the tv station decides not to run that shouting anymore, is that censorship? no, it is not. g
This CNN story made me uncomfortable.
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
chabad dot org, completely versed in orthodox judaism, says (and takes a long time to say it -- google "pilpul" to see why) that unless there is some medical circumstance that makes a vaccination dangerous, jews should vaccinate. jewish anti-vaxxers do not know their own religion, and do not represent judaism. out of all the groups that have members that won't vaccinate, whether or not they represent the group itself, and out of all the groups that do as a group object to vaccinations, why should cnn pick on orthodox jews, among whom there are anti-vaxxers who do not represent orthodox judaism or all (or even most) orthodox jews? any group can have ignorant people, even ignorant people who are stubborn in their ignorance. jews are not by any means leading the anti-vax movement! if this was a group of some other sort, would the same distinction be made? if they were catholics, wouldn't cnn be asking the church before making generalizations? did they bother to find out anything about judaism or did they just say "oh look, men in funny hats don't want to vaccinate their kids"? g
American Heart Association Is Silent On Heart Cancer And Irregular Heart Rate Risks From Cell ...
genessa comments on Jan 28, 2019:
the tests (two studies) were done on rats. RATS. two years to a rat is not the same as two years to a human. the average lifespan of a rat IS two years. has anyone studied cell phone exposure for a human's whole life? according to scientific american, which i think has a WEE bit more credibility than your source, "Taken together, the findings 'confirm that RF radiation exposure has biological effects' in rats, some of them 'relevant to carcinogenesis,' says Jon Samet, a professor of preventive medicine and dean of the Colorado School of Public Health, who did not participate in either study. Samet, however, cautioned the jury is still out as to whether wireless technology is similarly risky to people. Indeed, heart schwannomas are exceedingly rare in humans; only a handful of cases have ever been documented in the medical literature." that rarity would be with or without cell phones. of one of the tests, scientific american says "The exposures began when the rats were fetuses and continued for 19 hours a day until the animals died from natural causes." oh.. i see. they died from natural causes. hmm. from the same source: "A few epidemiology studies have reported higher rates of tumors inside the skull among people who use cell phones heavily for 10 years or more. Of particular concern are benign Schwann cell tumors called acoustic neuromas, which affect nerve cells connecting the inner ear with structures inside the brain. These growths can in some instances progress to malignant cancer with time. But other studies have found no evidence of acoustic neuromas or brain tumors in heavy cell phone users." g


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