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You were raped?
Wurlitzer comments on Mar 24, 2019:
I’ve never heard of a Hindu or Buddhist using karma prescriptively to justify atrocities, have you? That seems like abrahamic territory that eastern cosmologies don’t usually share. Western religions have a top down, prescriptive view of the universe. The church is designed like a court where ...
genessa replies on Mar 24, 2019:
i have never seen this attitude in judaism. in christianity and islam, yes. not everyone (in any religion) takes the bible (or quran or other holy book) as an operational manual. even if one did, the rapist is not excused and the rape is neither explained away nor blamed on the victim. there is a common misconception that in biblical judaism the rape victim is obligated to marry her rapist. as explains, the opposite is true. the rapist is obligated to marry -- and never divorce -- his victim, IF she consents. she has no such obligation. i will add that in modern judaism there is no such law (because as i said, the bible is NOT taken as an operational manual) and rapists are expected to go to jail, not to the chuppah! of course the state of justice in the united states is not predicated upon judaism. judges do not always act sanely. rapists get away with their crimes if they're young, white and rich. at any rate, my point is that "abrahamic" is too wide a net, because the original abrahamic religion is not by any means a rape apologizing religion. it has its problems; that's not one of them. g
Would you sleep here?
genessa comments on Mar 24, 2019:
what are the alternatives? the bed looks clean enough. the pipe is a bit worrisome. i love the skylight! g
genessa replies on Mar 24, 2019:
wait, my eyes are bad. is that a pipe or a branch? if that's a branch, no problem! branches don't burst and dump water on folks. is this a tree house? yep, in that case, i'd sleep there for sure! g
The regressive left is just as bad as the religious right.
genessa comments on Mar 21, 2019:
regressive liberal is an oxymoron, and i think if you have an actual point here it is buried in your prejudices and inaccuracies. there is no regressive left and no leftists are lashing out of harris or dawkins. criticizing islam for being a religion is one thing. criticizing it for being a ...
genessa replies on Mar 24, 2019:
@TheDarkNolanite congratulations for not understanding a word i've said. fortunately others reading this will understand. i do not need any longer to continue to engage with you. i will just point out (not for YOUR benefit) that you changed the subject a lot, never actually answering any points i make (such as that there is no such thing as "regressive liberals"). goodbye. g p.s. if anyone else responds to this person, i won't be able to see that response because he's the original poster and i am about to block him. that's okay with me if it's okay with you, but if you want to respond to me, or want me to see what you've said, feel free to message me. you do NOT have to message me what he says. i don't play that game. thanks.
Isn’t it interesting how someone can believe in god without any evidence while multiple sightings ...
Novelty comments on Mar 24, 2019:
I looked into those sightings for years. They are all better explained by a variety of simpler and much more eloquent mundane phenomina that just makes way more sense than aliens.
genessa replies on Mar 24, 2019:
@Marcel3405 "Yet, We know life forms exist on other planets and can develop the same way as they did here." no, we don't. we know they COULD exist on other planets and we can speculate about how likely that is. we do NOT know that life on other planets can develop the same way they did here; that we must realize is a lot less likely, since life's development here depended a lot on the hereness. thereness will promote and support development that could be very, very different from how its development here. none of it, though, is KNOWN. g
when i look at all the ppl here who believe every word from the global warming, now climate change, ...
flithyMONKEYmen comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Here’s some help distinguishing: zero evidence for the beliefs of religious “nut jobs,” mountains of evidence for global, human-influenced climate change. I’m sorry that you so badly don’t want it to be true— but that doesn’t change whether or not it’s true.
genessa replies on Mar 24, 2019:
@callmedubious oh yes and that automatically means all those folks are nasty and evil and lie all the time. yes, this is deep state crap. and by the way, your postperson works for the government too and doesn't lose his/her job every time there is a new administration but that doesn't mean evil is afoot. get a grip. g
This is fun. I like it here. Free speech rules! Well done
callmedubious comments on Mar 23, 2019:
i've heard there's no such word as free in the chinese language.
genessa replies on Mar 24, 2019:
自由 Zìyóu don't believe everything you hear. g
when i look at all the ppl here who believe every word from the global warming, now climate change, ...
flithyMONKEYmen comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Here’s some help distinguishing: zero evidence for the beliefs of religious “nut jobs,” mountains of evidence for global, human-influenced climate change. I’m sorry that you so badly don’t want it to be true— but that doesn’t change whether or not it’s true.
genessa replies on Mar 24, 2019:
@callmedubious oh yeah, the shadow government. my bad. i didn't look hard enough and managed to miss your tin foil hat. well, from here on in, if i answer, it is for the benefit of readers who might naively believe what you're spouting. nothing i say will ever lure you from your visions of black helicopters and fema death camps in disused walmarts. have a nice delusional life. g
when i look at all the ppl here who believe every word from the global warming, now climate change, ...
indirect76 comments on Mar 23, 2019:
I’m not a scientist, but the idea of human made climate change seems plausible to me and I accept it. If that’s the same thing as being a religious nut case, then... OK.
genessa replies on Mar 24, 2019:
@callmedubious there is no such thing as the greenhouse affect. there is a greenhouse effect of course. meanwhile, rays from the sun, incoming radiation, are about a tenth of the length of the earth's outgoing rays. incoming radiation passes through the co2. outgoing doesn't. so your assertion that co2 prevents hear from entering to begin with is false. this, @indirect76 , is why you haven't heard it. your education is not at fault. the thing with which you are not familiar is, in fact, fiction. g
when i look at all the ppl here who believe every word from the global warming, now climate change, ...
flithyMONKEYmen comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Here’s some help distinguishing: zero evidence for the beliefs of religious “nut jobs,” mountains of evidence for global, human-influenced climate change. I’m sorry that you so badly don’t want it to be true— but that doesn’t change whether or not it’s true.
genessa replies on Mar 24, 2019:
@callmedubious well, the current government tells us climate change is a hoax, so what the hell are you talking about? if the government lies, then climate change is real. meanwhile, as a meteorologist you know that weather and climate are not the same thing and therefore your credentials are not impressive with regard to climate change. as for your earlier remark that you don't trust the consensus view, and that the average person just isn't that bright, are you saying that scientists all over the world are average people and thus not that bright? that isn't very bright, you know. automatically distrusting consensus without considering (or apparently even knowing) whose consensus it is is not only not very bright; it's idiotic. g
The regressive left is just as bad as the religious right.
genessa comments on Mar 21, 2019:
regressive liberal is an oxymoron, and i think if you have an actual point here it is buried in your prejudices and inaccuracies. there is no regressive left and no leftists are lashing out of harris or dawkins. criticizing islam for being a religion is one thing. criticizing it for being a ...
genessa replies on Mar 23, 2019:
@TheDarkNolanite then you will never solve the problem because you are incorrectly naming the problem. that's your choice. don't expect me, or anyone who knows what's what, to buy it, especially when you make up the totally false concept of regressive liberalism and the totally false claim that hate speech (which you incorrectly label "criticism" doesn't lead to violence. g
The regressive left is just as bad as the religious right.
genessa comments on Mar 21, 2019:
regressive liberal is an oxymoron, and i think if you have an actual point here it is buried in your prejudices and inaccuracies. there is no regressive left and no leftists are lashing out of harris or dawkins. criticizing islam for being a religion is one thing. criticizing it for being a ...
genessa replies on Mar 23, 2019:
@TheDarkNolanite i do not deny that religion is a problem and i don't know how you managed to decide that i do. some iterations of some religions are worse than others. extreme christianity sends murderers into churches and nightclubs and movie theatres to kill people, and send bombs to people they don't like. islamists don't even follow islam, but let's call them extreme muslims anyway. they fly planes into buildings and shoot up newspaper offices. ordinary christians and muslims don't do these things. therefore it can't be the religion. and by the way, i am not defending any religion. i just happen to care about facts and truth. you can accuse religion of many bad things but that doesn't mean you can accuse religion of ALL bad things, whether they're true things or not. and how do you get off telling me what i deny when i have done no such thing, and telling me i defend a particular religion when in fact i don't? do you really not know how to read or are you deliberately lying about me? do you actually think i will believe you that i am doing these things or are you trying to convince other readers, who may not have read what i actually said? it's not a nice thing to do. stop. g
The regressive left is just as bad as the religious right.
genessa comments on Mar 21, 2019:
regressive liberal is an oxymoron, and i think if you have an actual point here it is buried in your prejudices and inaccuracies. there is no regressive left and no leftists are lashing out of harris or dawkins. criticizing islam for being a religion is one thing. criticizing it for being a ...
genessa replies on Mar 23, 2019:
@TheDarkNolanite you're still talking politics, not religion. (besides, name a christian country!) g
Getting a Real Education.
genessa comments on Oct 21, 2018:
evolution is a rather complicated concept; look how many people think it means we were descended from monkeys (that's not quite it) and don't realize evolution is ongoing. little kids don't have a good grasp, either, on the concept of chance, or the difference between chance, randomness and ...
genessa replies on Mar 23, 2019:
@2muchstupidity not all kids. only some christian kids. not even all christian kids. i would not be surprised at what children can grasp and understand because 1. i was once a kid, 2. i have been a teacher and 2. i know kids. i don't understand the "but" in your response; you appear to be expanding on what i said (and thus agreeing with me) except for that last sentence. g
The regressive left is just as bad as the religious right.
genessa comments on Mar 21, 2019:
regressive liberal is an oxymoron, and i think if you have an actual point here it is buried in your prejudices and inaccuracies. there is no regressive left and no leftists are lashing out of harris or dawkins. criticizing islam for being a religion is one thing. criticizing it for being a ...
genessa replies on Mar 22, 2019:
@TheDarkNolanite i will? when will i do that? i call out all religions for being based on the existence of a nonexistent deity. there are plenty of christian pastors who call for the execution of gays and i know muslims who do not. you think a literal reading of the bible is different in everyday practical life from a literal reading of quran? quran says this and therefore all muslims are murderers, and the bible says that, or a pastor says that, but all christians obviously are not murderers -- just muslims? i think you're just a bigot. this is a problem. g
The regressive left is just as bad as the religious right.
genessa comments on Mar 21, 2019:
regressive liberal is an oxymoron, and i think if you have an actual point here it is buried in your prejudices and inaccuracies. there is no regressive left and no leftists are lashing out of harris or dawkins. criticizing islam for being a religion is one thing. criticizing it for being a ...
genessa replies on Mar 22, 2019:
@TheDarkNolanite not all of islam stuff women in burqas; extremes are generally pretty bad but not all of islam is extreme. muslims don't kill people for speaking out or throw gays off of rooftops. islamist rulers who want to keep their power do. extremists who support and follow those power-hungry rulers do. don't confuse religion with politics. g
God does exist .
genessa comments on Feb 9, 2019:
you are most certainly not a fountain of infinite understanding and knowledge. you are a person who deliberately comes to a place where agnostics and atheists can feel comfortable not being harassed by believers and harasses us with your assertions that we're wrong. guess what? that is, at best, ...
genessa replies on Mar 21, 2019:
@HIGHIQ ah. my bad. i didn't realize you were a TOTAL idiot. g
zesty comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Why? She as a Native American Indian is pissed off?
genessa replies on Mar 20, 2019:
@zesty no, dear, that would be YOU. and it is spelled piece, not peace. by the way, calling her that isn't the same thing as, say, evidence, or facts. it's your opinion, and an ignorant on at that. it also does not address the actual issue, which is not who said what but the truth or reasonableness of what was said. what is obvious is that you are incapable of addressing that, or of doing anything beyond name-calling -- not a very convincing technique i might add. have a nice life. i am not writing this for you. i will be blocking you, likely before you can see it. i am writing for others reading this, in case they have any doubts about who and what you are. oh... and regarding your assertion elsewhere that guns don't kill people, people do, i have two comments i won't be able to make in the right place when i block you so i'll make them here: 1. if people kill people, then it is a good idea to keep GUNS out of the hands of such dangerous creatures as people, and 2. common sense gun legislation isn't about guns. it's about people. PEOPLE have to have background checks before getting their hands on guns. PEOPLE have to store their guns properly so their toddlers don't shoot themselves and each other. PEOPLE have to register their guns so if they happen to rob a bank or murder anyone using those guns, the cops can track them down and prevent them from robbing other banks and murdering other people. and you don't need an ar-15 to kill a deer or deter a home invader. the only people who need ar-15s are people who intend to kill lots of folks at once. do we actually want anyone but soldiers at war to do that? really? but as i say you won't be reading this, which is fine, because it uses big words you would not understand, such as "intend" and "register." g
zesty comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Why? She as a Native American Indian is pissed off?
genessa replies on Mar 20, 2019:
well, that's a pretty stupid remark, isn't it? she never said she was a tribal citizen, she never said she was a full-blooded native american and all she ever claimed was that her parents told her she had some native american blood, which as far as we know is true -- why would she say they said it otherwise? just to open herself up to ridicule from bigots? and wanting the confederate flag to be relegated to its proper historical place has nothing to do with being pissed off. the union won; we're not the ones who are pissed off! if the germans can relegate swastikas to museumland, we can do the same thing to the symbol of the treasonous secessors (note that i am not calling people who like the confederate flag treasonous; i am calling those who seceded and made war on the united states, of which they had until that moment been citizens, traitors. we d not celebrate traitors or treason.) g
What's your favorite atheist show/podcast?
genessa comments on Mar 19, 2019:
i don't listen to atheist podcasts or shows. i mean i might if one fell into my lap -- i have nothing against them -- but i don't seek them out. for one thing, i don't need validation. i've been an atheist for 52 years. for another thing, i don't define myself by my atheism. i am definitely an ...
genessa replies on Mar 20, 2019:
@Moravian lol i can imagine! g
What's your favorite atheist show/podcast?
genessa comments on Mar 19, 2019:
i don't listen to atheist podcasts or shows. i mean i might if one fell into my lap -- i have nothing against them -- but i don't seek them out. for one thing, i don't need validation. i've been an atheist for 52 years. for another thing, i don't define myself by my atheism. i am definitely an ...
genessa replies on Mar 20, 2019:
@Moravian it's fine if they do. maybe they're new to atheism and/or had a deeply religious upbringing. i've been an atheist since i was 15, it wasn't the result of reading anything specific, it wasn't traumatic and there was no such thing as a podcast lol. not everyone is in the same situation. g
Ilhan Omar is not deserving of her seat in The House.
genessa comments on Mar 19, 2019:
this is total bullshit. she is not anti-jew. she is anti-aipac, which is a REPUBLICAN-oriented pro-likud lobby group. and the democratic party is not the bigoted party. this is total lie. the rumor is also untrue and beneath any nonliar to repeat. islam is a religion, and as such is no more or...
genessa replies on Mar 19, 2019:
@SidneyWinston more lies. blinded by liberalism, hahaha you're an idiot and you're about to be blocked. you have no idea what a fool you're making of yourself and you probably never will, but at least others will be able to see it. g
Does beleif in god justify how much should people be allowed to spend on end of life care?
genessa comments on Mar 16, 2019:
you say you think religion has something to do with "this" but you just throw it in, almost as an afterthought; we probably wouldn't even notice that throwaway if it were not for the question, and what you describe isn't even end of life care (you talk about survival, not end of life care). you ...
genessa replies on Mar 16, 2019:
@MarkiusMahamius well, it is not what those who spend the money CALL end of life care, and for that matter, everyone eventually dies, so even birth could be framed as end of life care, since everything we do from birth on is just prolonging life. i don't know what medical facilities you frequent but the ones i go to, including one with a religion in its name, do not hand out religion in lieu or, or even in addition to, medicine and medical treatment. so my experience and my observation outside of my experience do not back any of this. g
What are some things
genessa comments on Mar 10, 2019:
i didn't really have what a christian would call faith. i accepted that there was a personal god but didn't actually think he wanted anything from me. he was just a witness (i was an abused child). i was raised in a secular jewish family and at the age of 15 i examined everything i held to be ...
genessa replies on Mar 12, 2019:
@TonyAndrews lol i wish i could disagree with you! anyway no problem. i don't mind in the least. i appreciate your curiosity. there is no sin (haha strange language) in not knowing something. being willing to take in new information is a very good trait! (hmm, if everyone had that trait there would be a lot less religion altogether, wouldn't there?) g
What are some things
genessa comments on Mar 10, 2019:
i didn't really have what a christian would call faith. i accepted that there was a personal god but didn't actually think he wanted anything from me. he was just a witness (i was an abused child). i was raised in a secular jewish family and at the age of 15 i examined everything i held to be ...
genessa replies on Mar 12, 2019:
@TonyAndrews lol no problem. i'm not trying to be nitpicky but it's not a matter of two interpretations. savior is actually a mistranslation of messiah. there is literally no such concept as a savior in judaism. messiah means "anointed one" (apparently in ancient times, hebrew kings were anointed with oil) and in judaism is to be a human (FULLY human) king who brings about peace (in this world) in his lifetime. blame paul and the greeks. also, do not blame yourself because you're not by ANY means alone in the confusion here. this is what judaism 101 says (i looked it up just now, AFTER typing the preceding, to see if i could explain it more clearly, and now i'll let that site's words take over): "The word 'mashiach' does not mean 'savior.' The notion of an innocent, divine or semi-divine being who will sacrifice himself to save us from the consequences of our own sins is a purely Christian concept that has no basis in Jewish thought. Unfortunately, this Christian concept has become so deeply ingrained in the English word 'messiah' that this English word can no longer be used to refer to the Jewish concept. The word 'mashiach' will be used throughout this page." g
What are some things
genessa comments on Mar 10, 2019:
i didn't really have what a christian would call faith. i accepted that there was a personal god but didn't actually think he wanted anything from me. he was just a witness (i was an abused child). i was raised in a secular jewish family and at the age of 15 i examined everything i held to be ...
genessa replies on Mar 12, 2019:
@TonyAndrews oh yeah if you're going to celebrate the biblical story, emphasis on story, instead of what we take it to mean NOW. what it means NOW is to fight against slavery and other oppression. of course i could always convert and celebrate some poor shmuck's being forced to carry his own execution machine to where he gets nailed to it. THAT's worth celebrating, huh? because... presents? or bonnets? wait, i always mix up that story with the one about the homeless couple and all the mean innkeepers. g
Can we get rid of DST already!?
altschmerz comments on Mar 11, 2019:
Nobody likes DST. I wonder why we've kept at it.
genessa replies on Mar 11, 2019:
because of farmers, and kids walking to school in the dark. g
What are some things
genessa comments on Mar 10, 2019:
i didn't really have what a christian would call faith. i accepted that there was a personal god but didn't actually think he wanted anything from me. he was just a witness (i was an abused child). i was raised in a secular jewish family and at the age of 15 i examined everything i held to be ...
genessa replies on Mar 11, 2019:
@TonyAndrews more like culture but yeah, it is different :-)) besides, there's stuff in the religion i actually like. every passover (coming up soon) we remind ourselves that people all over the world still aren't free and that if one person isn't free, no one is. we remind ourselves on yom kippur what it feels like to be hungry. so we're reminded (not just by these holidays) to fight against slavery and hunger. i like that part. i also like that there is no fire and brimstone involved; we're not threatened into anything, or promised a nice spot in heaven, or anything like that. it's all for THIS world. the god bit... yeah, not so much lol. kashruth, observing the sabbath, all that, no thanks. but to me that's extraneous. the good stuff is trying to make the world a better place, and not by telling others what to do, either! g
Former Trump campaign staffer sues, alleging that Trump kissed her without consent - CNNPolitics
Emanuele comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Whenever a bloodsucker waits this long to make a claim it smells of bullshit.
genessa replies on Mar 10, 2019:
yeah it's not as if they go through hell or anything once they come forward, regardless of when they do it. g
When I make negative comments about a post this site removes them .
Emanuele comments on Aug 31, 2018:
It's probably because the liberals in charge found out you are a conservative
genessa replies on Mar 10, 2019:
well THAT's bullshit. there are conservative groups and tons of conservatives commenting all over the place and their comments and posts are not removed. but if you want to be paranoid, i can't stop you. g
Exactly what is imitating crab in imitation crab?
Allamanda comments on Mar 9, 2019:
the answer may be off-putting... ok you are warned. Factory-fishing boats have a machine on the deck into which goes nearly all the by-catch, scales, what fell on the deck, plus starch, etc. What is spits out is 'crab-sticks' also known as surimi.
genessa replies on Mar 10, 2019:
@UUNJ i do not have to make a special effort to avoid them. i've lived in many parts of the country and some foreign countries and have never seen them. g
Exactly what is imitating crab in imitation crab?
Allamanda comments on Mar 9, 2019:
the answer may be off-putting... ok you are warned. Factory-fishing boats have a machine on the deck into which goes nearly all the by-catch, scales, what fell on the deck, plus starch, etc. What is spits out is 'crab-sticks' also known as surimi.
genessa replies on Mar 10, 2019:
@UUNJ i am glad not to have encountered crab sticks. g
Exactly what is imitating crab in imitation crab?
Allamanda comments on Mar 9, 2019:
the answer may be off-putting... ok you are warned. Factory-fishing boats have a machine on the deck into which goes nearly all the by-catch, scales, what fell on the deck, plus starch, etc. What is spits out is 'crab-sticks' also known as surimi.
genessa replies on Mar 9, 2019:
@Allamanda you may have had enough but for those who are reading this, i repeat, imitation crab is not ersatz food. it is real pollack, which is a real fish. it's not real crab but it doesn't pretend to be. real food it still is. g
Exactly what is imitating crab in imitation crab?
Allamanda comments on Mar 9, 2019:
the answer may be off-putting... ok you are warned. Factory-fishing boats have a machine on the deck into which goes nearly all the by-catch, scales, what fell on the deck, plus starch, etc. What is spits out is 'crab-sticks' also known as surimi.
genessa replies on Mar 9, 2019:
@Allamanda lol pollack isn't ersatz food. it's a real fish. and yes, i eat pollack, and i do not eat stuff that has ingredients in it i can't identify, or that i can and don't want. i don't eat ersatz food. coca cola, twinkies, those are not food. i don't eat them. g
Exactly what is imitating crab in imitation crab?
Allamanda comments on Mar 9, 2019:
the answer may be off-putting... ok you are warned. Factory-fishing boats have a machine on the deck into which goes nearly all the by-catch, scales, what fell on the deck, plus starch, etc. What is spits out is 'crab-sticks' also known as surimi.
genessa replies on Mar 9, 2019:
@Allamanda and did you follow the resulting material to its destination? i am not saying that what you've seen doesn't exist. i am saying that every package of imitation crab i've seen says pollack and i have not seen a product called crab sticks. g
Exactly what is imitating crab in imitation crab?
Allamanda comments on Mar 9, 2019:
the answer may be off-putting... ok you are warned. Factory-fishing boats have a machine on the deck into which goes nearly all the by-catch, scales, what fell on the deck, plus starch, etc. What is spits out is 'crab-sticks' also known as surimi.
genessa replies on Mar 9, 2019:
@Allamanda in the united states. the package clearly identifies the ingredient as pollack; it doesn't just leave it at "imitation crab" and make us guess. also i have not seen something called "crab sticks." that may be something different. there IS imitation crab, and it's pollack. surimi is often made of pollack, as it turns out. what you describe isn't pollack. i have had pollack without its being disguised as crab. it's good. it's not salmon, but it's good lol g
Why are people so quick to judge?
genessa comments on Mar 8, 2019:
the thing is, most people will not call you fascist for not liking obama's policies. (it depends on the policies and how you express your dislike and what you want done about them, too.) you may get called racist if you don't like obama's skin tone. not everyone judges the way you describe. g
genessa replies on Mar 9, 2019:
@SwampBatman because of old stupid laws about quadroons and octaroons and all that. also his lovely tan. it's foolish but it's not unusual. g
Exactly what is imitating crab in imitation crab?
Allamanda comments on Mar 9, 2019:
the answer may be off-putting... ok you are warned. Factory-fishing boats have a machine on the deck into which goes nearly all the by-catch, scales, what fell on the deck, plus starch, etc. What is spits out is 'crab-sticks' also known as surimi.
genessa replies on Mar 9, 2019:
actually, "imitation crab" is pollack, a perfectly reasonable and delicious fish in its own right. g
wonder how much time Trebek's fortune will buy him.
PalacinkyPDX comments on Mar 9, 2019:
My sister-in-law's husband recently died from this, and it was a short time (several months) from diagnosis to his passing. I feel for his family and friends as I would anyone going through this situation regardless of how well known they were or how much money they have.
genessa replies on Mar 9, 2019:
@PalacinkyPDX i agree totally and can also identify as i also knew little -- i had to look him up because another poster elsewhere had called him "privileged" and i wanted to see if it was so. i knew nothing about him except his jeopardy hostship and that stupid ad (and his mustache). so i found out about his philanthropy that way, and that he was born to a ukrainian immigrant and worked his way through college, studying in the morning and working at night, or the other way around -- i forget which. so... if he is privileged now, he worked for it. NONE of that matters one way or the other; he's sick and dying and doesn't deserve to have stones thrown at him. g
True or false. Being a stepfather is a sure fire ticket to a divorce.
LILRICO37 comments on Mar 9, 2019:
It's hard to avoid the fact that you are raising another man's child.
genessa replies on Mar 9, 2019:
it may be hard for some. it may be easy for others, who see not MY child or HIS child but A child. g
wonder how much time Trebek's fortune will buy him.
PalacinkyPDX comments on Mar 9, 2019:
My sister-in-law's husband recently died from this, and it was a short time (several months) from diagnosis to his passing. I feel for his family and friends as I would anyone going through this situation regardless of how well known they were or how much money they have.
genessa replies on Mar 9, 2019:
yep, and speaking of his money, it's not as if he's hoarded it. he is quite the philanthropist, and not just with money but with acres and acres of land he's given away too. also bis time, of which he now has little. and i'm not even a fan! i hate those life insurance ads. that has nothing to do with anything. the man is dying; if one's religious neighbor was dying and asking for prayers, would that be something to mock? do we want religious freedom only for ourselves? g
Is there anybody out there?
genessa comments on Mar 6, 2019:
life, sure. life as we know it? we have to expand our definition of life. intelligent life? not as likely as all that but no one really knows. it certainly isn't impossible. g
genessa replies on Mar 9, 2019:
@Triphid wait... a mermaid didn't win the cup? i'm shattered! g
I got into a fb discussion with someone and this is his argument.
think-beyond comments on Mar 7, 2019:
Assuming there is a God, I don't think he would care one fig whether people "believe in him" or think that He exists or does not exist. I do think He would care that some people use (misuse) him to abuse and use other people. I do think he would care that some people use and abuse this marvelous ...
genessa replies on Mar 9, 2019:
@think-beyond okay you didn't understand what i said... twice. i am not talking about preconceived ideas. but twice is enough. if you didn't get it the first two times, you won't get it a third. and by the way, i taught my students to find things out for themselves and not accept what they were told without questioning. i didn't tell them to blindly accept the unknowable, which is the only way to accept it. g
I got into a fb discussion with someone and this is his argument.
think-beyond comments on Mar 7, 2019:
Assuming there is a God, I don't think he would care one fig whether people "believe in him" or think that He exists or does not exist. I do think He would care that some people use (misuse) him to abuse and use other people. I do think he would care that some people use and abuse this marvelous ...
genessa replies on Mar 9, 2019:
@think-beyond sorry, but my statement stands. accepting the concept of the unknowable does what you say. accepting the unknowable itself does not. it leads to belief in tooth fairies and deities. g
As a nonbeliever, do you fear death?
genessa comments on Mar 6, 2019:
as a human i fear death. i don't think it has anything to do with being or not being a believer. when i believed in a personal god (until the age of 15) i had no thoughts of an afterlife; it's not really relevant to judaism, which focuses on the here and now. therefore it's not something i ...
genessa replies on Mar 9, 2019:
@Carin i kind of like it -- at least the reform part. if i'd been raised as any kind of christian i might not have been able to kick god without also kicking the whole religion, but there is so much good in judaism, and some nonsense too of course. well, one doesn't even have to be jewish to do the good bits! but i do like the fact that the emphasis is on THIS world. g
As a nonbeliever, do you fear death?
genessa comments on Mar 6, 2019:
as a human i fear death. i don't think it has anything to do with being or not being a believer. when i believed in a personal god (until the age of 15) i had no thoughts of an afterlife; it's not really relevant to judaism, which focuses on the here and now. therefore it's not something i ...
genessa replies on Mar 9, 2019:
@Carin oh i forgot t address the fear of death being the reason for religion thing. i don't know. maybe. it's possible. g
As a nonbeliever, do you fear death?
genessa comments on Mar 6, 2019:
as a human i fear death. i don't think it has anything to do with being or not being a believer. when i believed in a personal god (until the age of 15) i had no thoughts of an afterlife; it's not really relevant to judaism, which focuses on the here and now. therefore it's not something i ...
genessa replies on Mar 9, 2019:
@Carin there is a jewish afterlife called sheol; it's neither heaven nor hell. someone described it as being at a concert and hell is being in the back row and heaven is being in the front row lol. and individual jews may have all kinds of afterlife-related beliefs and/or wishes that are not written in; there is jewish folklore on top of torah and talmud, after all. but as for why follow the rules.... two reasons spring to mind. one, for those who believe in god, do it because god wants it done, not for the reward of an afterlife but for the reward of god's approval. the other is that these are good things to do, for the most part. people who don't know judaism think it's all about, say, not eating bacon, but it's actually about charity and fairness. the thing is, whether or not a jew is religious, whether or not one actually even believes in a god (i don't), judaism focuses on making the world a better place, not aiming to leave it behind for somewhere better. we tend to speak of how we live on after our deaths as how we live on in the memories of those who knew us, or whose lives we changed. it sounds as if i'm touting judaism, or that judaism is perfect. nah! just explaining how that works is all. g
I got into a fb discussion with someone and this is his argument.
think-beyond comments on Mar 7, 2019:
Assuming there is a God, I don't think he would care one fig whether people "believe in him" or think that He exists or does not exist. I do think He would care that some people use (misuse) him to abuse and use other people. I do think he would care that some people use and abuse this marvelous ...
genessa replies on Mar 8, 2019:
accepting that there are some things that are unknowable is one thing. accepting the unknowable, as you put it, is another. i agree we must accept that some things are unknowable, even while encouraging those who seek that knowledge to go for it; what i may not know, a scientist with talent in that direction may discover. but to just accept the unknowable? that's like "god works in mysterious ways." that i will never do. g
Is there anybody out there?
genessa comments on Mar 6, 2019:
life, sure. life as we know it? we have to expand our definition of life. intelligent life? not as likely as all that but no one really knows. it certainly isn't impossible. g
genessa replies on Mar 8, 2019:
@Triphid i would rather think so too, and i agree about our own species. usually when people ask if there is intelligent life out there i counter by asking if we have it in here! but preferring to think something is so... well, we know how that works with religion, right? it doesn't make something so. anyway, we probably won't ever know. g
Is there anybody out there?
genessa comments on Mar 6, 2019:
life, sure. life as we know it? we have to expand our definition of life. intelligent life? not as likely as all that but no one really knows. it certainly isn't impossible. g
genessa replies on Mar 8, 2019:
@Triphid no, not really. well, it depends on the "they" you mean lol. and it's different. one is about our capability, which we worked hard to expand. the other is about something that could be true right now and we wouldn't know. we can't work hard and MAKE their be intelligent life elsewhere. g
Alex Trebek requests prayers from viewers .
genessa comments on Mar 7, 2019:
i don't care. let him. he's dying. you wanna write him a mean letter telling him to cut it out, even if it's the only thing that makes him feel better? what if millions of starving kids are also praying, or asking for prayer? wanna write them a mean letter too? if it makes you feel better to ...
genessa replies on Mar 7, 2019:
@Emanuele i'm sorry, did you actually think i didn't get your point? i was dismissing your point. there is no god so who is being mistreated here by the request for prayers? he is asking on his own behalf because he is dying. it's ridiculous but it's not actually hurting anyone. it's not as if he is diverting real help from hungry children by asking people to ask a mythical god for help. and did he specify that he wanted prayers for god to cure him, which isn't going to happen, or for him to go to an equally impossible heaven? ugh, it's a weird thing to be upset about. g
Here is the list i know of: young, child, offspring, children, white, british, high, christian.
genessa comments on Mar 7, 2019:
p.s. my eyes are bad so i, who reread what i have written all the time, reread what YOU wrote and have another little thing to say, which is that it is not vain to reread what you've written. it's called proofreading and it's a good thing.
genessa replies on Mar 7, 2019:
@larsatrg i saw it at the bottom of one, not the one you seemed to be referring to. i sometimes see it when i edit and other times don't. it seems inconsistent! g
Here is the list i know of: young, child, offspring, children, white, british, high, christian.
dare2dream comments on Mar 7, 2019:
Is this really being done here? Or have you made a typing error leaving those words out? There is nothing wrong or offensive with those words. If administrators have a problem with your posts, they should show ~~your original~~ with their *distinctive editing* so we can make our own judgment. Or,...
genessa replies on Mar 7, 2019:
@larsatrg it is a site glitch. the space where the word was is what happened to me. the word in my case was most often the word "to." the glitch did cease eventually. g
Here is the list i know of: young, child, offspring, children, white, british, high, christian.
genessa comments on Mar 7, 2019:
i see all of those words here all the time so they are NOT being censored. there are even tags for them. look at other people's posts. you can see clearly that those words are not being censored. however, for a while, every time i made a post, the word "to" was gone, with a space where it had ...
genessa replies on Mar 7, 2019:
@larsatrg no. no one suggested a path to remedy the glitch i described above either. it just stopped. but it wasn't context in my case and i have no way of knowing if it was context in your case but it seems unlikely unless you were saying "let's kill all the white offspring of christian children...." g
Here is the list i know of: young, child, offspring, children, white, british, high, christian.
genessa comments on Mar 7, 2019:
p.s. my eyes are bad so i, who reread what i have written all the time, reread what YOU wrote and have another little thing to say, which is that it is not vain to reread what you've written. it's called proofreading and it's a good thing.
genessa replies on Mar 7, 2019:
@larsatrg no, i cannot note the use of the edit button because i did not memorize your post. g
Is there anybody out there?
genessa comments on Mar 6, 2019:
life, sure. life as we know it? we have to expand our definition of life. intelligent life? not as likely as all that but no one really knows. it certainly isn't impossible. g
genessa replies on Mar 7, 2019:
@Triphid yes of course it may. but i didn't comment on whether or not it was possible. i commented on whether or not it was likely. i don't see its being likely. anything is possible! well, almost anything lol me in a parachute jumping out of a plane, yeah, not happening. but almost anything is possible. i quote myself in toto: "life, sure. life as we know it? we have to expand our definition of life. intelligent life? not as likely as all that but no one really knows. it certainly isn't impossible." see? not likely. g
Is there anybody out there?
genessa comments on Mar 6, 2019:
life, sure. life as we know it? we have to expand our definition of life. intelligent life? not as likely as all that but no one really knows. it certainly isn't impossible. g
genessa replies on Mar 7, 2019:
@Triphid evolution can go in many directions. what we call intelligence appears not to be the most necessary element for survival, and survival is toward what evolution leans. (our intelligence may be our downfall, in fact.) so it is not a matter of speed. it's a matter of necessity. i STILL stand by what i said. g
Here is the list i know of: young, child, offspring, children, white, british, high, christian.
Knitfreak comments on Mar 7, 2019:
I hope that is not happening :(
genessa replies on Mar 7, 2019:
it is not happening. g
He actually has a soul??!! That's news!
genessa comments on Mar 7, 2019:
self-hatred is the worst kind. g
genessa replies on Mar 7, 2019:
@Redheadedgammy well that probably doesn't help, but i think he hates being jewish and that's at the root of it. g
one of these days i'll have documentary evidence.
kmdskit3 comments on Mar 6, 2019:
Do you have some pictures of these loves?
genessa replies on Mar 6, 2019:
@kmdskit3 lol thanks! they're about the same size. i think ramona has grown to her full size now that she is almost two and a half. she was slightly smaller than tevye and now they appear to be the same size. g
one of these days i'll have documentary evidence.
kmdskit3 comments on Mar 6, 2019:
Do you have some pictures of these loves?
genessa replies on Mar 6, 2019:
oh wait, maybe you mean pictures of them, not necessarily in the described behavior? sure. i even have one of them together (in which tevye's face is obscured by the pedal of an exercise machine). g
one of these days i'll have documentary evidence.
kmdskit3 comments on Mar 6, 2019:
Do you have some pictures of these loves?
genessa replies on Mar 6, 2019:
one day... but i didn't have my phone in my hand; i had breakfast in my hand instead! g
Is there anybody out there?
genessa comments on Mar 6, 2019:
life, sure. life as we know it? we have to expand our definition of life. intelligent life? not as likely as all that but no one really knows. it certainly isn't impossible. g
genessa replies on Mar 6, 2019:
@Triphid so i said "life, sure." but i do not think it is arrogance to recognize the extremely special circumstances that brought on the extremely slow evolution of what we call intelligent life. i am not sure we should even call ourselves that, but given that caveat, i nonetheless stand by every word i said, without fear of being arrogant. g
I take care of my mom who has some dementia.
mzbehavin comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Yes, fooling a demented person is no success.
genessa replies on Mar 6, 2019:
in what way is switching from fox to msnbc fooling someone? doing it the other way around might be.... g
[] 7 Jewish Things to look for when Mueller wraps up his investigation?
genessa comments on Mar 5, 2019:
well... i don't buy the good news bad news thing with regard to jared. their points may be correct but they do not seem to be distinguishing between what's good news for him and what's good news for america. maybe they meant good news for him and not us, or maybe they think those two things are ...
genessa replies on Mar 5, 2019:
@jerry99 he's an embarrassment to the human species. g
[] 7 Jewish Things to look for when Mueller wraps up his investigation?
genessa comments on Mar 5, 2019:
well... i don't buy the good news bad news thing with regard to jared. their points may be correct but they do not seem to be distinguishing between what's good news for him and what's good news for america. maybe they meant good news for him and not us, or maybe they think those two things are ...
genessa replies on Mar 5, 2019:
@jerry99 oh trust me, most of us are against trump. you hear about the jews with money -- well, you hear about everyone with money but only the jews get noticed AS jews. you never hear "the koch brothers did this and that, and by the way they're not jewish" or "sinclair broadcasting is doing this and by the way it's not jewish." you hear about adelson and somehow because he's jewish, the jews are behind trump, everyone thinks. well, worry not -- that is an illusion! g
So has anyone else run into this?
genessa comments on Mar 2, 2019:
not much, no. more often i run into nonatheists who think that as an atheist i would be more interesting if i were some sort of pagan, or who claim that they can tell i am "spiritual" because i try my best to be a good person, not to mention the occasional insister that atheism is itself a ...
genessa replies on Mar 5, 2019:
@Metahuman or you could just look it up. or you could drop it. g
So has anyone else run into this?
Metahuman comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Do you think, in the end, there is no Essential Whattness of the Universe, of any kind? Are you then a robot ? Please understand, I am not speaking of anything Supernatural. Spiritual yes. Spiritual, to me, is the word I use to describe the feeling of relationship between my individual self and all ...
genessa replies on Mar 4, 2019:
@Metahuman no, i am not telling you what you think, but i can tell you how well you read (not as well as could be) and i can tell you no more. i am tired of explaining and i have stopped caring whether you understand, especially if you can't bother to be sober while you presumably attempt to understand. you have no obligation to remain sober on my account, but i also have no obligation to try to explain things to people who are drunk. so that's it for me. think what you will. i do not care. g
So has anyone else run into this?
genessa comments on Mar 2, 2019:
not much, no. more often i run into nonatheists who think that as an atheist i would be more interesting if i were some sort of pagan, or who claim that they can tell i am "spiritual" because i try my best to be a good person, not to mention the occasional insister that atheism is itself a ...
genessa replies on Mar 4, 2019:
@Metahuman i am not sure what lucid dreaming is, but if it's what i THINK it is, i've DONE it, so i guess not. if i'm wrong about what it is, then i can't say one way or the other. are you going to give me a litany of things that you want to know the wooness of, one by one? that certainly would be tedious. g
So has anyone else run into this?
Tommy19 comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Good point. Some say Atheism is a religion.
genessa replies on Mar 4, 2019:
@Elganned hush now. i'm sleeping. g
Trump Lays Groundwork To Ban Mandatory Vaccinations Across U.S.
genessa comments on Mar 3, 2019:
putin's work. he wants us in distress, to put it mildly. g
genessa replies on Mar 4, 2019:
@heavenhug it's amazing how ignorant people can be. it's like all the folks screaming about cutting federal funding for abortion. there IS no federal funding for abortion. g
So has anyone else run into this?
Metahuman comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Do you think, in the end, there is no Essential Whattness of the Universe, of any kind? Are you then a robot ? Please understand, I am not speaking of anything Supernatural. Spiritual yes. Spiritual, to me, is the word I use to describe the feeling of relationship between my individual self and all ...
genessa replies on Mar 4, 2019:
@Metahuman yes that is evident, and not just grammatically, for which i forgive you. you think my examples don't count because no one said them, exactly? i just said them, and that counts. sorry, your literal-mindedness doesn't work for me. g
So has anyone else run into this?
genessa comments on Mar 2, 2019:
not much, no. more often i run into nonatheists who think that as an atheist i would be more interesting if i were some sort of pagan, or who claim that they can tell i am "spiritual" because i try my best to be a good person, not to mention the occasional insister that atheism is itself a ...
genessa replies on Mar 4, 2019:
@Metahuman "... some other kind of Woo: Gaia worship, or mysticism, or paganism, or just some vague "spirituality" consisting of connecting with the Essential Whatness of the Universe, or something." i think that makes woo clear enough. i don't feel it needs further definition. g
I've been considering the Cohen hearing and watching bits of it over, he basically gives Trump a ...
genessa comments on Mar 3, 2019:
trump says cohen gave him a pass on russia but i didn't see that. i saw him say he didn't KNOW about any collusion, not that he knew there was none. however, i have also thought that cohen might be in danger from the russians (as would be manafort if his lawyers were not fighting, seemingly ...
genessa replies on Mar 3, 2019:
@Mortal lol i have noticed that, which is weird because it's as if they're copying trump! but cohen didn't actually say it! g
So yesterday I woke late scrambled to get ready for work and grabbed my agnostic.
genessa comments on Mar 2, 2019:
i don't work but i do leave home on occasion, mostly to adult daycare, because my alzheimer's-stricken guy would quit going if i didn't go with him, and to clinics, or food-shopping. in the house i wear my birthday suit. once in a while i wear my ag dot com shirt to adult daycare, which is ...
genessa replies on Mar 3, 2019:
@GreatNani thanks! (as for why attack -- some people are only happy when attacking. sad but true!) g
Trump Say's He'll Issue Order Protecting Campus Free Speech WTF is the First Amendment for?
genessa comments on Mar 3, 2019:
i have not heard this but i can guess what it's about; maybe i'll find out later if i'm right. here is my guess: trump is not talking about the students. he is talking about guest speakers who are not hired to speak on campus due to student objections. he is mistaking a college's right to choose...
genessa replies on Mar 3, 2019:
@Redheadedgammy i wonder if he remembers that colleges even HAVE students? g
Which group of people would be more likely to help those in need... theists, agnostics or atheists?
BestWithoutGods comments on Mar 3, 2019:
Theists would readily help people of their own religion. They are less likely to help people who disagree with them. Agnostics ... see atheists. Atheists are thinking people and are more likely to have a good understanding of ethics than religious people. Therefore, I believe atheists would be...
genessa replies on Mar 3, 2019:
@BestWithoutGods that was not my experience of religion, but then, i was raised a secular jew, and my understanding of my inherited religion is that ethics are a HUGE part of it, and we are not threatened with hell, tempted with heaven or crushed into obedience while being told that our raison d'être was to help others, and that as long as one person isn't free, no one is free. i understand that this is not necessarily true of christianity, though, and everything i hear here reinforces that understanding. g
So has anyone else run into this?
Xuande comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Guys, healing crystals really work and I wish you would respect my beliefs and buy them from me for just $87.99 per crystal. You need at least four to align your chakra, preferably more. Dont' forgot to browse the premium crystal collection, which work twice as good as a regular crystals for only ...
genessa replies on Mar 3, 2019:
@Xuande i owe it all to phrenology. g
So has anyone else run into this?
Tommy19 comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Good point. Some say Atheism is a religion.
genessa replies on Mar 3, 2019:
those folks also think bald is a hair color and asleep is a sexual position. g
So has anyone else run into this?
genessa comments on Mar 2, 2019:
not much, no. more often i run into nonatheists who think that as an atheist i would be more interesting if i were some sort of pagan, or who claim that they can tell i am "spiritual" because i try my best to be a good person, not to mention the occasional insister that atheism is itself a ...
genessa replies on Mar 3, 2019:
@Metahuman as clearly and specifically defined in the original post. why do i have to redefine it? g
So has anyone else run into this?
Xuande comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Guys, healing crystals really work and I wish you would respect my beliefs and buy them from me for just $87.99 per crystal. You need at least four to align your chakra, preferably more. Dont' forgot to browse the premium crystal collection, which work twice as good as a regular crystals for only ...
genessa replies on Mar 3, 2019:
@Xuande think of the troll we could hire to live under it! g
So yesterday I woke late scrambled to get ready for work and grabbed my agnostic.
genessa comments on Mar 2, 2019:
i don't work but i do leave home on occasion, mostly to adult daycare, because my alzheimer's-stricken guy would quit going if i didn't go with him, and to clinics, or food-shopping. in the house i wear my birthday suit. once in a while i wear my ag dot com shirt to adult daycare, which is ...
genessa replies on Mar 3, 2019:
@GreatNani 'tis love indeed! i don't know if you witnessed this but there was, now long ago (in the relative timespan of this site and my presence on it) a legitimate post asking (as so many here do) about the potential relationship between a believer and a nonbeliever. i answered describing my relationship with my guy (not mentioning the alzheimer's, not hiding it, just not feeling it relevant at the moment) and got attacked as a hypocrite (i'd still be trying to figure out the basis for that description if i gave half a shit), told i had better dump my guy immediately, he was going to turn mean and delusional and, i forget what all else but it was pretty dreadful. i can't look it up because i quickly blocked the asshole who attacked me that way. love is love -- and religion or lack thereof is not the main substance of our being or our relationship, so it does not affect our love. g
So has anyone else run into this?
Xuande comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Guys, healing crystals really work and I wish you would respect my beliefs and buy them from me for just $87.99 per crystal. You need at least four to align your chakra, preferably more. Dont' forgot to browse the premium crystal collection, which work twice as good as a regular crystals for only ...
genessa replies on Mar 3, 2019:
nonsense. everyone knows that buying dislocated bridges is the ultimate cure for, well, name it and that cures it, and i have a bridge in arizona i'd like to sell everyone, over and over again (you wanna join forces? it might sell better encrusted with crystals!) g
So has anyone else run into this?
Metahuman comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Do you think, in the end, there is no Essential Whattness of the Universe, of any kind? Are you then a robot ? Please understand, I am not speaking of anything Supernatural. Spiritual yes. Spiritual, to me, is the word I use to describe the feeling of relationship between my individual self and all ...
genessa replies on Mar 3, 2019:
there is a lot of whatness. i am awed but not in the sense of wanting to worship anything, or in the sense of thinking there is something or someone in control. the sheer vastness of the universe is awesome, but i don't need to go all woowoo over it. i like learning about it. i don't like speculating about silly things like whether aliens seeded us or maybe we're swimming in some god's teardrop. why isn't the big ol' awesome universe awesome ENOUGH? why do we have to add extra whatness? g
So has anyone else run into this?
WilliamFleming comments on Mar 2, 2019:
One person’s wu is another person’s profound insight. If you are mired in materialism and scientism it is only because you are wearing a blindfold. Study the ideas of the founders of modern physics and you might change your outlook for the better. Sir Arthur Eddington: The universe is of ...
genessa replies on Mar 3, 2019:
@Metahuman i think he said it very clearly, but maybe that's just me (i don't think so but... i'm not an expert, right? or AM i?) g
So has anyone else run into this?
WilliamFleming comments on Mar 2, 2019:
One person’s wu is another person’s profound insight. If you are mired in materialism and scientism it is only because you are wearing a blindfold. Study the ideas of the founders of modern physics and you might change your outlook for the better. Sir Arthur Eddington: The universe is of ...
genessa replies on Mar 3, 2019:
@WilliamFleming sure, go ahead, make stuff up about me. i never said nor implied humdrum, and if you think i did, you're the one with the blindfold -- and if you DON'T think i did you're deliberately lying. is that too personal? yeah, that is how i respond when people get personal for no good reason. you don't know me and i don't want to know you. i'm through with you, not because we don't agree on an issue but because you have decided that i said what i never said, and you have decided that your delusion means something about me personally. there is no reason in this great, big, not-humdrum, inexplicable but woo-free universe that i should ever have to deal with you again. g
So has anyone else run into this?
WilliamFleming comments on Mar 2, 2019:
One person’s wu is another person’s profound insight. If you are mired in materialism and scientism it is only because you are wearing a blindfold. Study the ideas of the founders of modern physics and you might change your outlook for the better. Sir Arthur Eddington: The universe is of ...
genessa replies on Mar 3, 2019:
@Metahuman i neither said nor implied that all opinions on all topics are equal. i did imply that saying NOBODY's opinions count at all except the people that one poster chooses as his experts is ridiculous. there is a difference. g
So has anyone else run into this?
WilliamFleming comments on Mar 2, 2019:
One person’s wu is another person’s profound insight. If you are mired in materialism and scientism it is only because you are wearing a blindfold. Study the ideas of the founders of modern physics and you might change your outlook for the better. Sir Arthur Eddington: The universe is of ...
genessa replies on Mar 2, 2019:
@WilliamFleming why should any of us worry about how our opinion RANKS? if i should worry about how my opinions rank next to the known geniuses, assuming (incorrectly, by mere numbers) that i am not also a genius (albeit an unknown one), then i should have to give up having any opinions at all (and you also not being any of the people you mentioned, would also have to give up having any opinions at all -- including opinions about the people you mentioned and about those of us who respond here!) by the way, nature hasn't got implications. we may infer things from nature but nature isn't doing any implying. it also has no gender. g
So has anyone else run into this?
Metahuman comments on Mar 2, 2019:
“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light‐years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty, and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and ...
genessa replies on Mar 2, 2019:
i adore sagan but in this case we diverge, at least in terms of vocabulary. g
Cohen's testimony has been released []
genessa comments on Feb 27, 2019:
how can his testimony be released when he hasn't testified yet? this is just the written statement he has submitted prior to the testimony, which as i say has not yet happened as of this posting, 2/27/2019 1:22 am central/2:22 am eastern. g
genessa replies on Feb 27, 2019:
@glennlab today's seven or eight hours were not chopped liver, and we saw it all. g
Paedophile priests are irrevocable living proof that there is no God.
genessa comments on Feb 27, 2019:
that's silly. that only proves there is no good god, or that there is no god who gets involved in human affairs. it doesn't prove there is no god of any kind. it is impossible to prove that negative. of course there are no gods; it is as silly to try to prove that as it would be to prove there ...
genessa replies on Feb 27, 2019:
@Emile she still owes me money! g
Cohen's testimony has been released []
genessa comments on Feb 27, 2019:
how can his testimony be released when he hasn't testified yet? this is just the written statement he has submitted prior to the testimony, which as i say has not yet happened as of this posting, 2/27/2019 1:22 am central/2:22 am eastern. g
genessa replies on Feb 27, 2019:
@glennlab yes i know. but it is not the testimony itself. i just wanted to be clear! g
Why do so many southern and central American countries yell go home yankee but then try to migrate ...
GreatNani comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Because we cause so much trouble in their countries. That's why.
genessa replies on Feb 25, 2019:
@Marine they don't. maybe the dictators we illegally installed do. the people don't. g
Somebody's been forging Nobel Peace Prize nominations for Donald Trump. No, really
Marine comments on Feb 25, 2019:
They must be fake requests who would nominate this pig.
genessa replies on Feb 25, 2019:
apparently abe's was real, but another one from this year and yet another from the past are faked, apparently by the same person, and being investigated. g
Just a suggestion to you "posty linky" people.
SeaGreenEyez comments on Feb 24, 2019:
I have only posted some benign links, but when I did ... the article/link address posted it's own header line. We should post more than that? ,?
genessa replies on Feb 25, 2019:
@Marcie1974 yep. don't worry about it. lol g
Somebody's been forging Nobel Peace Prize nominations for Donald Trump. No, really
TheGreatShadow comments on Feb 25, 2019:
They were forged in crayon. We know who it was...
genessa replies on Feb 25, 2019:
wait... he can tell the colors apart, other than brown and orange? g
Just a suggestion to you "posty linky" people.
SeaGreenEyez comments on Feb 24, 2019:
I have only posted some benign links, but when I did ... the article/link address posted it's own header line. We should post more than that? ,?
genessa replies on Feb 25, 2019:
@Marcie1974 rofl rofl anyone who would say that either is wearing rose-colored glasses or is just the kind of person who would do that! g
Just a suggestion to you "posty linky" people.
Janiesuper comments on Feb 25, 2019:
i agree but its all personal choice.
genessa replies on Feb 25, 2019:
@Janiesuper no, but if one wants people to look at the link one is posting, it's a good idea not to make it seem suspicious and instead to make it seem attractive. it's not a matter of pleasing everyone. it's a matter of being considerate, and a bit of self-interest too, since what's the point of posting a link that no one wants to click? g
Just a suggestion to you "posty linky" people.
SeaGreenEyez comments on Feb 24, 2019:
I have only posted some benign links, but when I did ... the article/link address posted it's own header line. We should post more than that? ,?
genessa replies on Feb 25, 2019:
@Marcie1974 or looking at whatever but being envirused! g
Just a suggestion to you "posty linky" people.
SeaGreenEyez comments on Feb 24, 2019:
I have only posted some benign links, but when I did ... the article/link address posted it's own header line. We should post more than that? ,?
genessa replies on Feb 25, 2019:
the headline, if not misleading, helps a lot, but i see an awful lot of links that don't have that, or anything -- and ag dot com shortens the link that shows so that you can't even judge by the actual url. those are not just blind; they're offputting! g
Just a suggestion to you "posty linky" people.
Janiesuper comments on Feb 25, 2019:
i agree but its all personal choice.
genessa replies on Feb 25, 2019:
it's personal choice but it leads to other people making the personal choice not to click the link, so what good did that personal choice do, then? g


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